I want to make a robot on unity3D. I want to make the gripper of the robot when collide with object attach the gripper. So the object will follow the gripper.
What will be added to this script in order to make some thing like this?
private Rigidbody gripper;
void Start()
gripper_part01 = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
void Update()
if (Input.GetKey("a"))
gripper.AddForce(transform.forward * 100);
void OnCollisionEnter(Collider obj1)
// how to make obj1 follow the gripper
It can be done by various methods. But the simplest would be making the obj1 child of gripper as soon it collides.
code will look some thing like this
void OnCollisionEnter(Collider obj1)
// how to make obj1 follow the gripper
obj1.transform.parent = gripper.transform;
Look into the state machine pattern
You'll want to create 2 states:
Not Following(Default)
When the player enters the collider, switch the state to following. I'm not going to write you an entire state machine/state switching architecture for you to copy & paste, but I can tell you that you're going to want to make the states themselves a MonoBehavior class, and the actual StateMachine will not have any parent classes and will be attached to the object's controllers.
Then, you'll want to keep track of the player's coordinates like so
Vector3 playerPosition;
void OnCollisionEnter(Collider obj1)
if(obj1.gameObject.tag == "Player"){
playerPosition = obj1.transform.position;
myStateMachine.switchState("Follow"); //obviously replace this with your own state machine code
Make sure the player's gameObject actually has the "Player" tag in the Unity editor.
now, I know the title sounds confusing but let me explain my problem. I have some code that makes a gameobject trigger its animation when it collides with a gameobject with a certain name. is there a way to make it so when my PLAYER collides with a game object, it will trigger a specific gameobjects animation without that specific gameopject having to collide? I want a wall to flip up when my player steps on a cube that acts as my pressure plate. Here is my current code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class WallFlip : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
if (collision.gameObject.name == "FlipPlate")
I think something like this would work if you attach it to the player.
//SerializeField makes it visible in inspector. This is better than making it public bc of encapsulation
private GameObject wallThatWillFlip = null;
void OnCollisionEnter(Collider collider)
//do note that checking for the name will work but is not generally best practice.
if(collider.gameObject.name == "FlipPlate")
However, I would put a script like this on the "FlipPlate" that would check for the player instead. This would be a bit neater and would allow you to assign different walls to different FlipPlates if you wanted to do that.
I'm developing an AbstractAliveEntity, which have basically three functions:
Sight: Detect interactable objects. (Collider + Raycast)
Detection: Detect anothers AbstractAliveEntities (Collider + Raycast)
Hearing: Hear noises (Collider)
Currently i'm creating via script empty gameObjects with these colliders.
What i want
I want to know which collider was trigger in OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerExit
Creating the Sphere collider
private void Start() {
// Creating empty gameObject
sightGameObject = new GameObject("Sight");
sightGameObject.transform.parent = transform;
sightGameObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
// Add Component Sphere
_sightInteractable = sightGameObject.AddComponent<SphereCollider>();
// _sightInteractable = gameObject.AddComponent<SphereCollider>();
_sightInteractable.radius = radiusInteractableDetection;
_sightInteractable.isTrigger = true;
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {
// How can i detect which collider was?? this.gameObject = "Player" (i want "Sight")
Since Unity is originally designed around a component based approach my approach would be to split up the three separate "detection" systems into separate GameObjects with their own collider and script.
Then you can use the OnTrigger in each separate script to fire a notification to the main AbstractAliveEntity which then handles them on a case by case basis.
Main Script
OnSight(Collider other) {
// Do sight related actions here
OnDetection(Collider other) {
// Do detetction related actions here
OnHearing(Collider other) {
// Do hearing related actions here
Then for each respetive detector:
// reference to master script
public AbstractAliveEntity aae;
OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {
// replace function with whatever you want to use
The Added advantage here is that you are now also free to design 'blind' or 'deaf' Entities without all too much hassle. (You simply do not add the respective components)
other.gameObject to get the gameObject the other collider is attached to.
Check unity documentation about collider here for more info.
I have a script that is a attached to a box, the box has two colliders on for physics and one (slightly bigger) for detecting OntriggerEnters when my player walks over it. I have a script attached to the box that does the following:
public class ColorChangeCollision : MonoBehaviour {
private GameObject Element;
private Color32 BaseColor, CollisionColor;
private Material ElementMaterial;
void Start () {
Element = this.gameObject;
BaseColor = new Color32(255,255,255,255);
CollisionColor = new Color32((byte)Random.Range(0, 255),(byte)Random.Range(0, 255),(byte)Random.Range(0, 255), 255);
ElementMaterial = Element.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
private void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit other)
ElementMaterial.color = CollisionColor;
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
ElementMaterial.color = BaseColor;
Main problem OnTriggerEnter or OnControllerColliderHit is never called nor are the other trigger events..
See below for an image of the setup of the box, and its components:
See here for my player who should be calling the OntriggerEnter or OnControllerColliderHit function of the box:
EDIT I modified all the elements to the suggestions of #Programmer. But the OnControllerColliderHit event is still not being called.. (note this function is attachted on the box )
There are 3 issues on how you setup your scene and your code:
1. You are missing a Rigidbody. This should be attached to the "Cube" GameObject since it's not ok to attach Rigidbody to GameObject with a CharacterController.
2. You have two BoxColliders attached to one GameObject ("Cube"). Do not do this. This can cause many issues including a callback function being called multiple times or non at-all.
What to do when you need both trigger and non trigger collider?
Create an empty child GameObject put the trigger there. You can do that.
3. You are using CharacterController so you should remove the OnTriggerXXX callback functions. When using CharacterController, it recommended to use it's callback function OnControllerColliderHit.
void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit)
Rigidbody body = hit.collider.attachedRigidbody;
4. CharacterController is not mean to be used as triggers. They are used to detect collisions.
You have two options to make it detect triggers:
A. Remove the isTrigger from the "Cube" Object
B. Add a child empty GameObject under the CharacterController then add the CapsuleCollider or any other collider to it. You don't have to mark it as isTrigger since the "Cube" is already marked as so. You also shouldn't have Rigidbody attached to this child collider.
Create a new layer named "CC" and make the CharacterController and the new child GameObject to be in the "CC" layer. Go to your physics collision matrix settings and make it so that "CC" layer cannot collide with "CC" layer. This will make sure that the CharacterController doesn't detect collsion from tis child object.
You can now use your OnTriggerXXX callback functions to detect collision between the CharacterController and the "Cube" object.
One of them needs to have rigidbody to detect collisions.
I am having an issue respawning a prefab after it has been destroyed. I can't seem to get it to respawn back at its original start position after a second of being destroyed. I have created an empty game object and attached the SpawnTargets.cs script to it. I'm not sure of what the best methodology to approach this situation. Another object with a script attached to it does the actual destroy of the prefab. BulletCollisionHandler.cs works fine though. Thanks for any help. Code is below:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class SpawnTargets : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject targetCircle;
public GameObject targetSquare;
public GameObject targetStar;
private Vector3 circleSpawnPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.227389f, -7.5f);
private Vector3 squareSpawnPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.027975f, -7.993299f);
private Vector3 starSpawnPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.8f, -7f);
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
SpawnTarget ();
void SpawnTarget()
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class BulletCollisionHandler : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject targetCircle;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
Destroy (gameObject, 2);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)
if(other.gameObject.name == "TargetSquare")
other.gameObject.rigidbody.isKinematic = false;
((TargetMovementHorizontal)other.gameObject.GetComponent<TargetMovementHorizontal>()).enabled = false;
Destroy (other.gameObject, 1);
Debug.Log("Hit square");
else if(other.gameObject.name == "TargetCircle")
other.gameObject.rigidbody.isKinematic = false;
((TargetMovementHorizontal)other.gameObject.GetComponent<TargetMovementHorizontal>()).enabled = false;
Destroy (other.gameObject, 1);
Debug.Log("Hit circle");
else if(other.gameObject.name == "TargetStar")
other.gameObject.rigidbody.isKinematic = false;
((TargetMovementHorizontal)other.gameObject.GetComponent<TargetMovementHorizontal>()).enabled = false;
((TargetMovementVertical)other.gameObject.GetComponent<TargetMovementVertical>()).enabled = false;
Destroy (other.gameObject, 1);
Debug.Log("Hit star");
You're not calling Instantiate() anywhere, so it's hard to see where the new object would come from in the code you've supplied.
In any case, it might be better not to use Destroy. If you want to immediately reset the object, why not simply recycle it back to the start position? It's a good idea to avoid instantiating and destroying lots of objects, it's better to hide/disable the ones your don't need and unhide/re-enable them.
Here's a tutorial on the general idea. The tutorial is about groups of objects but the same trick would work for recycling single objects too.
You are better of using gameObject.SetActive( true/false ); for activating / deactivating the gameObject instead of just using Destroy.
Then if you are using Destroy you have 3 options that comes to mind for getting it into the desire position before the Player sees it.
1) You enable the game object after disabling its Renderer component. Then you equalize the transform's position / rotation the one you need. After this you re-enable the Renderer component. It should be placed where you want it.
2) You Instantiate the gameObject, but first making sure the Renderer component is disabled on its Prefab, by default, so you can re-assign its Transform values then - re-enable the Renderer again.
3) You make an invisible gameObject (an Empty gameObject) and Instantiate the wanted gameObject, you then make the Empty to be the parent of the newly created gameObject.. Provided that the parent Empty is exactly where you want it to be, when you instantiate and reset the child's position it should jump off right on top the the Empty parent.
I'm not giving code since you haven't and I don't have no idea of which method you might end up liking more. In terms of performance the Enable/Disable are the best option.
And as theodox says Object Pooling is your best friend for things like bullets, although it might be applied to many other gameObjects that might work as 'collections of objects' on your game's logic. It's totally worth learning.
I need to have an object in my scene change between two different materials at run time, when ever a button is pressed in my Unity project. However, I have never done this before and I'm having an issue getting my head around how to do this.
In my scene I have one game object I've called my controller. This script holds my material switching class and is looking like this:
public GameObject cupMesh;
bool isOn = true;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
cupMesh = GameObject.Find("CupMesh");
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
void OnGUI()
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(10,10, 100, 40), "Show mesh"))
renderer.enabled = false;
I know this doesn't change the material, but the above code does nothing. I've never modified anything on the mesh renderer before but I know there is a list of materials on it.
How can I access that list so I can have my program switch between the two materials found there?
To show or hide a gameObject, rather than using render.enabled property, you should use this:
// Unactivates the game object.
gameObject.SetActive (false);
However it's not clear from the code if you want to adjust the material of the object the script is attached to, or the cupMesh game object.
If you wanted to make the cupMesh disappear, you would use:
cupMesh.SetActive (false);
Or if you wanted to access the material component of the cupMesh, this is