There are No examples to work with Microsoft.Graph in .NET core C# the API is all JSON.
I was able to create a choice site column but the default value did not work
Microsoft.Graph.ColumnDefinition column = new Microsoft.Graph.ColumnDefinition
ColumnGroup = "ECGmc",
DisplayName = "Document Stage",
Name = "DocumentStage",
Choice = new ChoiceColumn { ODataType= "microsoft.graph.choiceColumn", AllowTextEntry = false,
Choices = new List<string>() { "Working Draft", "Discussion Draft", "Final" }, DisplayAs = "dropDownMenu" },
DefaultValue = new DefaultColumnValue { Value = "Working Draft", ODataType= "microsoft.graph.defaultColumnValue" },
Description = "Will differ the stages the Document changes",
Required = true
Microsoft.Graph.ColumnDefinition newColumn = await graphClient.Groups[project.GroupID].Sites["root"].Columns.Request().AddAsync(column);
Works but the DefaultValue is empty.
Does anyone know how to set the DefaultValue?
Does anyone know where I can find C# examples for Microsoft.Graph?
I test it in my local environment but I got the "DefaultValue" successfully. I didn't add "ODataType". Below I post the screenshot of my code and "Console.WriteLine" result:
Here the "DefaultValue" is not empty. Hope it would be helpful to you.
I know this is an old issue, but at this moment I am having the same issue for a ColumnDefinition.
I can set all settings for the Column except DefaultValue as described in the initial post by Ofer.
As I can see
I have tried in:
C# project (as in the post above when creating the Column)
Graph Explorer with a PATCH for the created column:
Using both v1.0 and Beta, but none of the versions could update DefaultValue:
"defaultValue": {
"value": "cba"
I also traced the Graph API traffic using Fiddler and I can see that the DefaultValue is included in the calls, but ignored.
Could others confirm the error or provide a working solution for updating the DefaultValue.
EDIT: After investigating, then I can attach the DefaultValue if I set it when creating the List - however it does not solve the issue regarding Adding/Editing a List Column.
Best Regards,
When running the new MongDB Server, version 3.6, and trying to add a Change Stream watch to a collection to get notifications of new inserts and updates of documents, I only receive notifications for updates, not for inserts.
This is the default way I have tried to add the watch:
IMongoDatabase mongoDatabase = mongoClient.GetDatabase("Sandbox");
IMongoCollection<BsonDocument> collection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("TestCollection");
var changeStream = collection.Watch().ToEnumerable().GetEnumerator();
var next = changeStream.Current;
Then I downloaded the C# source code from MongoDB to see how they did this. Looking at their test code for change stream watches, they create a new document(Insert) and then change that document right away(Update) and THEN set up the Change Stream watch to receive an 'update' notification.
No example is given on how to watch for 'insert' notifications.
I have looked at the Java and NodeJS examples, both on MongoDB website and SO, which seems to be straight forward and defines a way to see both Inserts and Updates:
var changeStream ={ '$match': { $or: [ { 'operationType': 'insert' }, { 'operationType': 'update' } ] } });
The API for the C# driver is vastly different, I would have assumed they would have kept the same API for C# as Java and NodeJS. I found no or very few examples for C# to do the same thing.
The closest I have come is with the following attempt but still fails and the documentation for the C# version is very limited (or I have not found the right location). Setup is as follows:
String json = "{ '$match': { 'operationType': { '$in': ['insert', 'update'] } } }";
var options = new ChangeStreamOptions { FullDocument = ChangeStreamFullDocumentOption.UpdateLookup };
PipelineDefinition<ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>, ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>> pipeline = new EmptyPipelineDefinition<ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>>().Match(Builders<ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>>.Filter.Text(json,"json"));
Then running the statement below throws an Exception:
{"Command aggregate failed: $match with $text is only allowed as the
first pipeline stage."}
No other Filter options has worked either, and I have not found a way to just enter the JSON as a string to set the 'operationType'.
var changeStream = collection.Watch(pipeline, options).ToEnumerable().GetEnumerator();
var next = changeStream.Current;
My only goal here is to be able to set the 'operationType' using the C# driver. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or have tried this using the C# driver and had success?
After reading though a large number of webpages, with very little info on the C# version of the MongoDB driver, I am very stuck!
Any help would be much appreciated.
Here is a sample of code I've used to update the collection Watch to retrieve "events" other than just document updates.
IMongoDatabase sandboxDB = mongoClient.GetDatabase("Sandbox");
IMongoCollection<BsonDocument> collection = sandboxDB.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("TestCollection");
//Get the whole document instead of just the changed portion
ChangeStreamOptions options = new ChangeStreamOptions() { FullDocument = ChangeStreamFullDocumentOption.UpdateLookup };
//The operationType can be one of the following: insert, update, replace, delete, invalidate
var pipeline = new EmptyPipelineDefinition<ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>>().Match("{ operationType: { $in: [ 'replace', 'insert', 'update' ] } }");
var changeStream = collection.Watch(pipeline, options).ToEnumerable().GetEnumerator();
changeStream.MoveNext(); //Blocks until a document is replaced, inserted or updated in the TestCollection
ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument> next = changeStream.Current;
The EmptyPiplineDefinition...Match() argument could also be:
"{ $or: [ {operationType: 'replace' }, { operationType: 'insert' }, { operationType: 'update' } ] }"
If you wanted to use the $or command, or
"{ operationType: /^[^d]/ }"
to throw a little regex in there. This last one is saying, I want all operationTypes unless they start with the letter 'd'.
I am trying to run code from the Autodesk help
private void CreateViewFilter(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document doc, View view)
List<ElementId> categories = new List<ElementId>();
categories.Add(new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls));
ParameterFilterElement parameterFilterElement =
ParameterFilterElement.Create(doc, "Comments = foo", categories);
FilteredElementCollector parameterCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);
Parameter parameter = parameterCollector.OfClass(typeof(Wall)).FirstElement().get_Parameter("Comments");
List<FilterRule> filterRules = new List<FilterRule>();
filterRules.Add(ParameterFilterRuleFactory.CreateEqualsRule(parameter.Id, "foo", true));
OverrideGraphicSettings filterSettings = new OverrideGraphicSettings();
// outline walls in red
filterSettings.SetProjectionLineColor(new Color(255, 0, 0));
view.SetFilterOverrides(parameterFilterElement.Id, filterSettings);
When I open a view and run the code more than once, I get the following error
Revit encounterd a argumentException. The given value for name is already in use as a filter element name parmeter name: name at ParameterFilterElement parameterFilterElement = ParameterFilterElement.Create(doc, "Comments= foo", categories). I can't see where this happened in the code.(OBS I change the get_parameter to lookupparameter in the original code above because the first is deprecated)
According to the docs, the second parameter to the Create method is name. The error message states that you are already using the name "Comments = Foo". So I think your best bet is to dynamically generate the name or provide a way for a user to specify the name.
After a little bit thinking I get it. Actually I should do that from the beginging. Anyway the prgram create filter and It is now in the view so when I run the command again there is already one. Thank you.
I am trying to run the code that on the Autodesk help
but it seem not to work. The code "FirstElement
don't work. No such function.
I got the following error:
Revit encoutered a System.MissingMethodException; Method not found:'AutoDesk.Revit.DB.Parameter Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element.get_Parameter(System.String)
What is the wrong with this code?
private void CreateViewFilter(Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document doc, View view)
List<ElementId> categories = new List<ElementId>();
categories.Add(new ElementId(BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls));
ParameterFilterElement parameterFilterElement =
ParameterFilterElement.Create(doc, "Comments = foo", categories);
FilteredElementCollector parameterCollector = new FilteredElementCollector
Parameter parameter = parameterCollector.OfClass(typeof(Wall)).FirstElement
List<FilterRule> filterRules = new List<FilterRule>();
(parameter.Id, "foo", true));
OverrideGraphicSettings filterSettings = new OverrideGraphicSettings();
// outline walls in red
filterSettings.SetProjectionLineColor(new Color(255, 0, 0));
view.SetFilterOverrides(parameterFilterElement.Id, filterSettings);
I guess you are using a version of Revit different from the help version (2014) ?
I think get_Parameter is deprecated since a couple of versions.
You can try with LookupParameter :
or eventually GetParameters, but careful, this one returns a collections :
(The links refer to the last version but you can easily check for another one on the same site, and the 2 methods looks unchanged since Revit 2015.)
I am working with an SDK that can query a set of data as well as update data with a restful web service called VersionOne. We use the web service to document QA testing. Each test has attributes such as "Name", "Status", etc. Most of the attributes have been successfully updating except for "Status".
Here is the method I am calling, when I step through the code I can get the old value but cannot change the attribute value as expected. An error stating "Cannot assign new value to a read-only attribute".
public bool TestInProgress()
var testId = Oid.FromToken("Test:26017", _context.MetaModel);
var query = new Query(testId);
var assetType = _context.MetaModel.GetAssetType("Test");
var testStatus = assetType.GetAttributeDefinition("Status.Name");
var result = _context.Services.Retrieve(query);
var test = result.Assets[0];
var oldResult = GetValue(test.GetAttribute(testStatus).Value);
test.SetAttributeValue(testStatus, "Failed");
LogResult(test.Oid.Token, oldResult, GetValue(test.GetAttribute(testStatus).Value));
Console.WriteLine(test.Oid.Token, oldResult, GetValue(test.GetAttribute(testStatus).Value));
return true;
According to the VersionOne SDK documentation it appears as though "read-only" and is an attribute. I've looked though the different attribute from several different tests and testsets and do not see it. I am authenticated properly and have successfully updated other attributes with many different tests. However, when I attempt to programmatically change the "Status" attribute it says it is read-only.
How do you change the attribute for an asset in VersionOne programmatically that is currently read-only so you can update the attribute using the restful web service?
Because the Attribute is read-only, you will not be able to change its value. Instead, consider creating a 'new' Asset, set its Attributes, and then save it.
Review the example below and attempt to utilize the idea within your project:
var TestId = Oid.FromToken("Test:26017", _context.MetaModel);
var TestAsset = _context.MetaModel.GetAssetType("Test");
var newTestAsset = _context.Services.New(TestAsset, TestId);
var TestStatusAttr = newTestAsset.GetAttributeDefinition("Status.Name");
newTestAsset.SetAttributeValue(TestStatusAttr, "Failed");
I am attempting to load document files into a document library in SharePoint using the CopyIntoItems method of the SharePoint Copy web service.
The code below executes and returns 0 (success). Also, the CopyResult[] array returns 1 value with a "Success" result. However, I cannot find the document anywhere in the library.
I have two questions:
Can anyone see anything wrong with my code or suggest changes?
Can anyone suggest how I could debug this on the server side. I don't have a tremendous amount of experience with SharePoint. If I can track what is going on through logging or some other method on the server side it may help me figure out what is going on.
Code Sample:
string[] destinationUrls = { Uri.EscapeDataString("") };
SPCopyWebService.FieldInformation i1 = new SPCopyWebService.FieldInformation { DisplayName = "Name", InternalName = "Name", Type = SPListTransferSpike1.SPCopyWebService.FieldType.Text, Value = "Test1Name" };
SPCopyWebService.FieldInformation i2 = new SPCopyWebService.FieldInformation { DisplayName = "Title", InternalName = "Title", Type = SPListTransferSpike1.SPCopyWebService.FieldType.Text, Value = "Test1Title" };
SPCopyWebService.FieldInformation[] info = { i1, i2 };
SPCopyWebService.CopyResult[] result;
byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes("C:\\SomePath\\Test1Data.txt");
uint ret = SPCopyNew.CopyIntoItems("", destinationUrls, info, data, out result);
Edit that got things working:
I got my code working by adding "http://null" to the SourceUrl field. Nat's answer below would probably work for that reason. Here is the line I changed to get it working.
// Change
uint ret = SPCopyNew.CopyIntoItems("http://null", destinationUrls, info, data, out result);
I think the issue may be in trying to set the "Name" property using the webservice. I have had some fail doing that.
Given the "Name" is the name of the document, you may have some success with
string targetDocName = "Test1Name.txt";
string destinationUrl = Uri.EscapeDataString("" + targetDocName);
string[] destinationUrls = { destinationUrl };
SPCopyWebService.FieldInformation i1 = new SPCopyWebService.FieldInformation { DisplayName = "Title", InternalName = "Title", Type = SPListTransferSpike1.SPCopyWebService.FieldType.Text, Value = "Test1Title" };
SPCopyWebService.FieldInformation[] info = { i1};
SPCopyWebService.CopyResult[] result;
byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes("C:\\SomePath\\Test1Data.txt");
uint ret = SPCopyNew.CopyIntoItems(destinationUrl, destinationUrls, info, data, out result);
Note: I have used the "target" as the "source" property. Don't quite know why, but it does the trick.
I didn't understand very well what you're tying to do, but if you're trying to upload a file from a local directory into a sharepoint library, i would suggest you create a webclient and use uploadata:
Example (VB.NET):
dim webclient as Webclient
webClient.UploadData("http://srvasddress/library/filenameexample.doc", "PUT", filebytes)
Then you just have to check in the file using the lists web service, something like:
listService.CheckInFile("http://srvasddress/library/filenameexample.doc", "description", "1")
Hope it was of some help.
EDIT: Don't forget to set credentials for the web client, etc.
EDIT 2: Update metada fields using this:
listService.UpdateListItems("Name of the Library, batchquery)
You can find info on building batch query's in here: link
The sourceurl is used in Sharepoint. It is a link back to the "Source Document." When in your document library, hover over the item, to the right appears a down pointing triangle. Clicking on it, brings up a menu. Click on the "View Properties" Option. On this page you will see the following "This item is a copy of http://null ( Go To Source Item | Unlink )"
Because we are using the Copy function Sharepoint is keeping track of the "Source item" as part of the Document Management feature.