Is JWT more secure in a Reactjs SSR? - c#

After hours reading about JWT I am more confused than before starting. Why are jwt being so used if they are not secure within a stateless application? I understand that if a hacker stoles the JWT from a valid user, then that's it, game over.
I am currently starting building an e-commerce with reactjs , and I am struggling with many things. What I want to achieve is two have multiple apis ( web api projects) working (ProductsApi,PaymentsApi, etc..), kind of a reduced version of microservices (without struggling with the communication, api gateway and others things from the beginning ). So, in order to accomplish this I need that a user after putting its username and password, be authorized to use the correct apis. So far I am able to generate jwt that can be validated by all the api projects ( So, what I understand is that I have two options:
Stateless application: Get the jwt from the authentication server and save on localstorage, so it can be used when accessing the apis. (insecure as hell)
Reactjs inside a MVC(Server side rendering): Use cookies (httpcookieonly) to access the apis.
The way I see it, the best approach is #2, so I was planning to still use the jwt thing, BUT adding a claim to it with the sessionid generated by MVC. Would that make the jwt "secure"? Can it still be stolen and used from another person?
I know I am talking about many things at the same time. It's just I am so confused right now, and I dont find any good post on internet that can suit my needs.


Implement custom token-based authorization/authentication system

I am trying to migrate one of our solution from a Laravel/PHP system to a .Net Core 2-based system. My main problem is regarding Authorization and Authentication.
I have 5 different apps that send REST queries to the Api (e.g. Web Browser, iOS Apps, Android Apps, etc.) and the way I currently handle authentication/authorization is as follows:
A user sends a Username/Password, as well as an App Id (e.g. 'Browser', 'iOS', etc.) and an App description (e.g. 'Chrome-Jacob', 'iPhone-7-Jacob').
If a Token already exists for the pair of App Id / App Description, it is returned. Otherwise, a new token is generated and saved in a Database table named 'Tokens'.
Each token can have a different matrix of permission, which is very granular (e.g. 'Users/ViewAll', 'Users/Create', 'Users/ViewOne', 'Users/ViewMe', etc.)
When a REST query is received with the token in the header, we look for the token's permission matrice in the database and try to see whether the intended feature to be accessed is authorised or not.
It seems that in Core 2, the intended use of token is through JWT. I'm not 100% comfortable with this approach, because I want the user to be able to see all tokens that were generated for his access, all associated permissions and the ability to simply revoke access to a token; whereas with a JWT, it is impossible to know who has what token, until they send it in a request.
My current implementation can generate any random token as long as it's unique in database; it doesn't necessitate any encryption algorithm.
What would be the best approach to replicate the system above in Core 2 ?
I find Microsoft's approach very good for simple applications but I am struggling to override the Authorize Attribute and get the granularity that I wish for.
I find Microsoft's approach very good for simple applications but I am struggling to override the Authorize Attribute and get the granularity that I wish for.
That's quite the opposite. Microsoft did not invent nor were close to the first to start using JWTs. You have taken something that is very common and made your own version of it, something that's not considered secure nor a good practice.
There are two ways to solve the problem at hand:
Using Identity Server 4, a free, open-source system made for ASP.NET Core, made by highly experienced security people, which provides you a customizable OAuth 2.0 / OpenID Connect system. With this, you would need to rework, some parts of the security of the applications, but you would be using industry standards.
Note: this might not be too easy, but scales extremely well
Identity server already gives you all the information about each application and which tokens are valid for which.
While you could do this by hand without too much trouble, I would suggest you to look at ASP.NET Core Identity, the official framework for Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core. Notice that, regarding how to know which tokens/logins are active, Identity recently adopted two interesting tables:
IdentityUserLogin: tells you what users logged in where/how
IdentityUserToken: gives you the tokens that have been provided for a given user.
All this said, it's common to add ASP.NET Core Identity to an Identity Server 4 application, given that the later is not for handling authorization.

Issuing JWT token myself versus using IdentityServer4(OIDC) for Web API
I currently issue tokens myself in my web api with JwtSecurityToken and I use standard ASP.NET Core middleware calling AddJwtBearer to verify the tokens. It works fine.
What advantage will give me using OpenID Connect (through IdentityServer4) over the approach described above? How to answer myself question "Do I need OpenID Connect?"
From my basic understanding about OpenID Connect, it is used to allow third parties to access your API. But I make API for myself and not for third parties and I don't know why should I favor IdentityServer/OpenIddict over my simple approach.
I read that if I want Single sign-on I should use this, but JWTs itself aren't bound to any specific domain and I can use single sign-on with just pure JWTs(they're self-contained)
I understand it implements some kind of standard for issuing tokens. (protocol). It might be good if I ever wish to expose some API to third parties. But for internal APIs? Is it worth using it?
This is my current auth flow (from
What I really want to implement to secure my Web API:
Logout (invalidate token?)
No consent screen (want to have API only for myself), auth happens in the background in my native desktop, mobile, web app (no redirection)
Remember me feature (refresh tokens?)
Could someone clear out the fuzzy picture of OIDC/OAuth2 for me? i.e. give me some disadvantages going my own way (implementing my own flow) and advantages of using OIDC in place of my own flow.
What will it save me from doing later on (on the client-side for example), and what will not. And most particularly, is it good to start every project using standard flows like OIDC? Will it somehow benefit me in the future?
In any case you will implement OAuth2. Think of Oidc as an extension of OAuth2. The most important thing to keep in mind is seperation of concerns.
Forget Oidc, Identity Server 4 is all about authentication: "who is the user"? Consider Google login. When a user logs in for the first time, the application doesn't know the user, it only knows that Google does.
Authorization takes place on a different level and isn't really a concern of IdentityServer. For that you could take a look at PolicyServer.
So you'll need to keep the user database seperated from the application database. This doesn't mean you need another database, just don't mix contexts. If you have a relation from the "business context" to e.g. the user table in the "Identity context" then you are going to have a problem eventually.
In your setup your web api is both the resource and the identity provider. This means that every new web api you create has to be implemented as both resource and identity provider. For maintainability you could create a seperate web api that acts as an identity provider, while the web api is a resource only. You can implement something like that as long as all apps can read the token.
The same counts for the front. Why should the front have anything to do with the user? All it needs to do is pass the token in order to get the user authorized. In case of IdentityServer, the app contacts it to verify the user and receives a token. It knows nothing about credentials. This is more secure. The client app can be compromised. The credentials can be intercepted.
Having single apps with a specific concern makes things more maintainable. And it is quite easy to add a new resource without having to code when you use IdentityServer. Just add the configuration. It also allows you to add other flows in the future that are not needed at this time. And as a side note, the consent screen is optional.
The bonus is that you can implement SSO, where in your setup that could be harder, if not impossible.
So you don't have to use IdentityServer, nor Oidc. Your setup may be just fine. But if you build something, keep seperation of concerns in mind.

Securing access to .NET Web API from both MVC client app and mobile applications

I have created a Web API application, an MVC application, and a mobile application.
The Web API should be decoupled from the other two applications as much as possible. I'm using the Password Grant flow here: clients using the Web API needs to send a POST to /Token with username and password. The returned access token is then used for further calls to the API using standard Authorization: Bearer <access_token>.
The MVC application is only accessible for a select few users, and it has its own database which contains the information and roles of these users. Some parts of the MVC application should be restricted to only one or two users (for example), while other parts should be accessible for all registered users. This can be done by using Authorize attributes on the specific controllers within the MVC application - all good. Furthermore, the MVC application should be able to interact with the Web API.
Secondly, I want to have a mobile application to be able to interact with the Web API. A key point here is that I won't require users to register in the app. So essentially, (how it's in my head right now) the only thing the API would see is "this token belongs to the "AndroidApp" user and has password X - sure thing, you're known to me, I'll grant you access". This seems to me a bit 'insecure', meaning that all users of the mobile app will share the same auth credentials.
User A is one of the users who are allowed to access the MVC application - I want him to be recognized by both the MVC app, and thereafter the Web API. Is there an easy way to synchronize data between two databases, or should I just register him in both databases (one for MVC, one for API)? There is probably a better third option I haven't thought about.
User B is a user of the mobile application, and he should not be able to access the MVC application. How can this be ensured? Obviously, the MVC user database won't have any info about mobile app users. I'm just wondering about the security aspect of just having one single pair of auth credentials embedded in the app - doesn't sound good to me.
I stumbled upon this question, which basically is the same as mine. But I don't really see the need for Authorization Code Grant flow for the web app (MVC application in my case) as the accepted answer suggests.
I hope my questions make sense, otherwise please let me know :)
My answer doesn't directly answer your question but rather offers an alternative.
In the past when developing similar solutions I've used a specialist third party identity service Auth0.
With Auth0 you can have different application keys, profiles and also create rules (webhooks) which are executed as part of the authentication pipeline. They offer a range of social login as well as AD integration. They offer free and paid pricing.
I am not affiliated with Auth0 in any way, but will use their service as the starting point for any projects going forward - Yes it's a really impressive service!

Authentication & Authorization with WPF Client to MVC 4 Web Api

I have created a MVC 4 Web Api using Entity Framework Code-First and a WPF-Application as a client in VS 2012.
The problem I'm struggling with at the moment is that I have to enable Authentication from the client and authorize users for access to the Api (for example: Every authenticated user can access GET methods but only admins can use POST or DELETE). I used MVC 4 Internet Application because of Forms Authentication already being included, which worked fine until I tried to login from my client application. After spending some time researching my problem about I realised that Forms Authentication is mainly supposed to work with webbrowsers. I even found some possible solutions to get it working with HttpClient using CookieContainers (e.g.: How do I set a cookie on HttpClient's HttpRequestMessage), but nothing works for me.
After spending some hours researching ways to accomplish what I'm trying to do I feel completly stuck..
I've read about SimpleMembershipprovider, BasicAuthentication, OAuth and someone mentioned Thinktecture.Identitymodel, but wasn't really able to decide which would work best.
If there is really no way to use Forms Authentication when connecting with a client other than a webbrowser then what is the best Authentication/Authorization method to take?
I would be very happy if anyone could provide me with a hint on what works best in this case, because after researching for hours I only get more and more confused.
Thanks in advance for any help!
You should be able to do this easily enough, but you haven't said what your problem actually is. Are you
unable to get access to your web api actions because you aren't logged in; or
unable to make it enforce authorisation (i.e. you can get anonymous access to actions)
For the second scenario:
There is a very good overview of using Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Web API on the server side, and the various ways you can enforce different roles on Actions.
There is also another approach that is appropriate for machine-to-machine (i.e. where you don't have a user who will type their login details into an appliation dialog box) in Making your ASP.NET Web API’s secure, but it doesn't focus on using SimpleMembershipProvider. Instead of using the framework auth&auth components it uses tokens (take care with this approach - rolling your own security is very very hard to get right).
For the first scenario:
From the client side, it sounds like you have some a C# application that user's interact with. If this is the case (rather than the machine-to-machine scenario) then your Forms-based approach is still suitable, and you are doing the right thing with your cookies. The approach would be:
Ask the client to type their username and password in to your application
Send a request to your LogIn action on your AccountsController, this will return your authentication cookie, session cookie etc.
Store the cookies that are returned from this (successful) login (or notify the client if the response was "login failed"
Then use those cookies in the request to the web api
As you are already talking about using HttpClient, I'm guessing you know what you are doing for this, so haven't provided code samples. I wouldn't use HttpClient, for what it's worth, but HttpWebRequest which allows you to keep a common CookieContainer through the HttpWebRequest.CookieContainer property.

REST service authentication

What are the best practice for implementing authentication for REST apis?
Using BASIC auth + SSL or something like
Are there any existing solutions available (for .NET / WebApi)?
The answer on this depends on the audience for your Web API and what you want to authenticate exactly.
Do you want to authenticate a client application that uses your Api?
Do you want to authenticate a user from your application to retrieve their data within a client application (using your Api)?
Or do you want to authenticate both the client application and the user using the client application.
Depending on what you want to authenticate you have multiple options. But always keep in mind that it is better to go with a solid solution where many client libraries are available than reinvent you own. Never do a little off this, but in your own way, chose one way of authentication, stick to it and don't break the client libraries.
Basic authentication: Is very easy to implement, but you authenticate a client app with it, not a user. This kind of authentication is nice when business trust relation needed and authentication and safety is not your very first concern. But there is no way to track a call in your API back to a certain user, just a client application. Of course you could save your user's username and password in a client application but this is a bad practice in more then a single way.
Token based authentication: Their are many ways of token authentication but the one i'm talking about here is a single token for a user which the user copies to the client application to get access to your Api. This way you can authenticate a user (who made this call in my Api?) And it is fairly easy to make and use. The withdrawal is that it is not the most secure way, requires user interaction and that a user possibly uses his Api token in more then one application. You could extend this way of authentication with basic authentication to authenticate a client. So a clientid + clientsecret + token to identify the user. But I think if you want to accomplish this it would be better to take a look at Oauth2.
OAuth2: If you want to have full access over your authentication you can go this way. It is possibly the most future proof way to go, but also requires the most work (at least at the identity provider/resource provider side. The client application has a fairly easy time implementing this with a lot available client libraries. If you go with this way of authentication (also token based) you can authenticate the client and the user, without the need to share your users username and password.
My recommendation: would be to go with Basic Authentication if this fits your case, it is easy and together with HTTPS is fairly safe. If it doesn't fit I would go with Oauth2 because it is the most solid and used standard (Instagram/Google/Facebook), gives you a lot off freedom and with a growing ecosystem gets easier and easier to implement. After all for someone implementing your API it is way more interesting to learn something about Oauth 2.0, then learn about the jgauffin way of doing things.
Reference: I would also like to invite you to have a look at Apigee's website. Api's are their business and they have quite some interesting reads. One of them is is a free ebook - Oauth the big picture which also has a interesting paragraph where they ask if you really need Oauth. (From page 16 - Is OAuth all you need for API security?)
For server-to-server APIs - APIs designed to be used only by a small number of servers –
OAuth is overkill. Having a separate set of authentication credentials for each app is a nice
feature of OAuth, but for server-to-server use, the need to log in securely using a browser,
or to implement other steps in the OAuth “dance,” gets in the way.
Instead, using a simple security standard like HTTP Basic authentication and assigning a
unique password to each app is sufficient. Two-way SSL is another good, albeit
cumbersome approach that has the advantage of stronger, more traceable authentication.
However, think ahead! Are those APIs really only going to be used by servers forever?
Exisisting Solutions: Whatever way you go leastprivilege - Dominick Baier and his nuget packages can give you a nice headstart. Implementing basic authentication using his Identitymodel is really easy. Also if you want a ready-to-go identityserver to provide you with tokens look at his identity server which does all you can think off. However if you decide to go for Oauth2 I would also have a look at DotnetOpenAuth since it is (imho) a bit more configurable and easier to tweak to your own like, but it also takes more work.
You should look into Security Token Service or STS.
Check out these links for more information:
Off-the-shelf Security Token Service (STS) that uses ASP.NET membership provider?
You could have a look here, IdentityModel has Web API support:

