Consider the following simple test:
public void Should_Test_Something()
using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
using (var workflow = mock.Create<IWorkflow>())
var result = workflow.DoSomething();
// ...
When setting a breakpoint inside of DoSomething() Visual Studio will never break upon it. Why is that? I can step through the test without any issues.
public interface IWorkflow
bool DoSomething();
public class Workflow : IWorkflow
public Workflow( // Some long list of dependencies...)
public bool DoSomething()
// I do something, a breakpoint set here does never get hit
When setting a breakpoint inside of DoSomething() Visual Studio will never break upon it. Why is that? I can step through the test without any issues.
Because the interface is being mock and used. not the actual class implementation.
That is the whole point of mocking the interface to begin with. So that the actual class is not used. But rather the mock of the interface.
how can I test my method DoSomething() in an isolated way, without having to supply all the dependencies?
You will need to mock all the dependencies and initialize the actual class with those dependencies.
public void Should_Test_Something() {
using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose()) {
IWorkflow workflow = mock.Create<Workflow>(); //<-- note asking for actual class
var result = workflow.DoSomething();
// ...assert expected behavior
Provided all the dependencies can be created with out undesirable behavior the auto mock with create mocks of the dependencies and pass that to the class.
It is my understanding that I can test that a method call will occur if I call a higher level method, i.e.:
public abstract class SomeClass()
public void SomeMehod()
internal abstract void SomeOtherMethod();
I want to test that if I call SomeMethod() then I expect that SomeOtherMethod() will be called.
Am I right in thinking this sort of test is available in a mocking framework?
You can see if a method in something you have mocked has been called by using Verify, e.g.:
static void Main(string[] args)
Mock<ITest> mock = new Mock<ITest>();
ClassBeingTested testedClass = new ClassBeingTested();
mock.Verify(m => m.MethodToCheckIfCalled());
class ClassBeingTested
public void WorkMethod(ITest test)
public interface ITest
void MethodToCheckIfCalled();
If the line is left commented it will throw a MockException when you call Verify. If it is uncommented it will pass.
No, mock testing assumes you are using certain testable design patterns, one of which is injection. In your case you would be testing SomeClass.SomeMethod and SomeOtherMethod must be implemented in another entity which needs to be interfaced.
Your Someclass constructor would look like New(ISomeOtherClass). Then you would mock the ISomeOtherClass and set expectation on its SomeOtherMethod to be called and verify the expectation.
Even though I agree that the #Paul's answer is the recommended way to go I just want to add one alternative way which is provided by moq off the self.
Since SomeClass is abstract it is indeed mockable, but public void SomeMehod() isn't. The point is to find the way to mock and somehow invoke that method and then using CallBase propagate the call to the SomeOtherMethod(). It might sound as a hack but it is simple in essence. It could be used in the case if the proposed refactoring is not possible.
// This class is used only for test and purpose is make SomeMethod mockable
public abstract class DummyClass : SomeClass
public virtual void DummyMethod() => base.SomeMethod();
Then you could setup DummyMethod() to propagate the call by setting CallBase flag.
var mock = new Mock<DummyClass>();
mock.Setup(m => m.DummyMethod()).CallBase();
mock.Verify(m => m.SomeOtherMethod(), Times.Once);
Let's assume we have the following setup:
public interface IBase
void Foo();
public class Base : IBase
public virtual void Foo()
Console.WriteLine("Called Base.Foo()");
public interface IChild : IBase
void Bar();
public class Child : Base, IChild
public virtual void Bar()
Console.WriteLine("Called Child.Bar()");
When mocking the Child object everything works fine:
var child = new Mock<Child> { CallBase = true };
Output is:
Called Child.Bar()
Called Base.Foo()
But when mocking the IChild interface nothing is printed to the console:
var child = new Mock<IChild> { CallBase = true };
Let's assume I can't mock the Child object because there is no parameterless constructor (dependency injection).
I know that I could just do the following:
child.Setup(c => c.Bar()).Callback(() =>
// Copy paste bar-method body
child.Setup(c => c.Foo()).Callback(() =>
// Copy paste foo-method body
But that would be very ugly.
Is there a clean solution using Mock<IChild>?
As long as you are mocking the interface, you have no access or information about the real classes which explains why you don't get any output (but I guess you understood that).
Unfortunately if you choose to mock an interface (which by definition have no behavior), the only way to make things happen is to Setup the method the way you did.
Another "dirty" way would be to use method extension to your child and base class if the content of the method is only using public attributes and method.
public static class ChildExtension
public static void Bar(this Child child)
Console.WriteLine("Called Child.Bar()");
You are going to the wrong direction
Mock exists to help in unit testing. For example if you want to test the method Save() of a class which uses a wrapper over a DbContext like the following:
interface IRepository
void PersistData(object dataToBeSaved);
class DataSaver
private IRepository _repository;//this object's method PersistData makes a call to a database
public DataSaver(IRepository repository)
_repository = repository;
public void Save(object dataToBeSaved)
In this case, in order to test the method Save of the DataSaver you will do a call to it in a unit test, but the problem you will face when doing this is that the method will actually try to save the data using the repository objet. Unless you send a fake repository your unit test will save data every time you run it, and this is not what a unit test should be doing. It should not run a method from a concrete IRepository object, but it should still call it's method.
What you could do in this case to avoid saving of an object is to make another class which implements IRepository only for testing:
class DummyRepository : IRepository
public object DataJustSaved { get; set; }
public void PersistData(object dataToBeSaved)
DataJustSaved = dataToBeSaved;
Now in your unit test you will do something like this:
var dummyRepository = new DummyRepository();
var dataSaver = new DataSaver(dummyRepository);
var savedObject = new Object();
var expectedObject = savedObject;
dataSaver.Save(savedObject);//test the save method
var actualObject = dummyRepository.DataJustSaved;
Assert.AreEqual(expectedObject, actualObject);//verify that the data was passed to the PersistData method
Here the Mock helps
It would be quite difficult to make a fake class for each unit test, that is what alternative mock offers:
var dummyRepository = new Mock<IRepository>();
var dataSaver = new DataSaver(dummyRepository.Object);
var savedObject = new Object();
dataSaver.Verify(x => x.PersistData(savedObject), Times.Once());// just make sure the method PersistData was invoked with the expected data and only once.
The reason Mock exists is to make pretty smart dummies for you, to write unit tests without a great impact but which can reveal bugs, and keep the code doing what only it's supposed to do.
In your case, if you really want to call the actual method of the concrete object:
child.Setup(c => c.Bar()).Callback(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Called Child.Bar()");
Then it means that you should not even try to use the mock to reproduce the exact same implementation of the object you mock. What would be the use of the mock if it is doing the same thing as the actual object?
In this case you should remove the mock and create a concrete Child object, as you do not want to simulate the behavior of a child, you are trying to achieve it using a mock which removes the functionality of the mock itself.
The simple answer is to use the concrete object in the unit test:
var child = new Child();
I currently have a base service class that all my services extend. This is what one of the methods look like:
protected internal virtual T PerformServiceOperationWithExceptionHandling<T>(Func<T> func)
return func.Invoke();
In the derived classes I call the method like this:
public AddGuestResponse AddGuest(AddGuestRequest addGuestRequest)
return PerformServiceOperationWithExceptionHandling(() => AddGuestLogic(addGuestRequest));
I want to test AddGuest and ensure "AddGuestLogic" is being passed as a parameter in the base method? How do I achieve this with nSubstitute and nUnit. I don't think its possible?
I ended up using the following code:
public void AddGuest_WhenCalled_PerformsAddGuestLogicWithExceptionHandling()
Func<AddGuestResponse> addGuestLogic = null;
_guestService.PerformServiceOperationWithExceptionHandling(Arg.Do<Func<AddGuestResponse>>(arg => addGuestLogic = arg));
var addGuestRequest = new AddGuestRequest();
The _guestService is created in my setup method as follows: Substitute.ForPartsOf();
I second Sunny Milenov's answer, but would go one step further by advising you to change your design. I have learned the hard way that many of these headaches with testing base class behavior go away when you follow the principle of composition over inheritance.
I.e., if you refactor your base class to a collaborator, which you inject into your services' constructor, you can test that in isolation and mock it in your services' tests. No worrying about testing an abstract base class or testing the same exception handling in all of your services' tests.
You would test that the collaborator correctly invokes the func in the collaborator's tests.
In the services' tests you can just mock the collaborator to return the Func's result right away:
public void ServiceLogicIsExecuted()
var collaborator = Substitute.For<ICollaborator>();
//Tell the test double to return the Func's result. You'd probably want to do this in the setup method.
collaborator.PerformServiceOperation(Arg.Any<Func<int>>()).Returns(x => ((Func<int>)x[0]).Invoke());
var sut = new Service(collaborator);
var result = sut.CalculateSomething();
Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(99));
public class Service
private readonly ICollaborator _collaborator;
public Service(ICollaborator collaborator)
_collaborator = collaborator;
public int CalculateSomething()
return _collaborator.PerformServiceOperation(ExecuteLogic);
private static int ExecuteLogic()
return 99;
public interface ICollaborator
T PerformServiceOperation<T>(Func<T> func);
Short answer - you shouldn't. Unit testing is about testing the behavior of the tested method, not the implementation details.
Long answer:
It doesn't matter how the class internally works, as far as it produces the expected results.
You need to test your public method on the final class and see if this works as expected. Testing a base/abstract class in isolation proves nothing.
Typically when I need to mock out a class for testing, I'll use a library such as Rhino Mocks. Here I have a class called MyService that expects a IEmailSender.
public class MyService
private readonly IEmailSender sender;
public MyService(IEmailSender sender)
this.sender = sender;
public void Start()
If I needed to test the interaction between these two objects, my test would look something like this:
public void Start_Test_Using_Rhino_Mocks()
IEmailSender emailSender = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IEmailSender>();
MyService service = new MyService(emailSender);
x => x.SendEmail(),
c => c.Repeat.Once()
In the test above, I'm using Rhino Mocks to generate the mock and assert that the SendEmail() method was called once.
But what if I could not use Rhino Mocks and had to create manual mocks?
public class MockEmailSender : IEmailSender
public void SendEmail()
public void Start_Test_Using_Manual_Mocks()
MockEmailSender emailSender = new MockEmailSender();
MyService service = new MyService(emailSender);
// How do I test the interaction?
With the mock that I created manually, how would I verify that the SendEmail() method was called? I could put my assertions in the SendEmail() method of the mock, but that would make the test hard to understand since I don't immediately see what's going on when I look at the test.
A very simple solution would have your manual mock just be a stateholder, with counters for the calls to each method. But it's fragile ...
public class MockEmailSender : IEmailSender
public int SendCount = 0;
public void SendMail(...)
// ... other IEmailSender methods ...
Then just query SendCount after making your method call, and making sure that it's == 1.
Remember, Rhino Mocks is creating this dynamically for you -- if you do it manually you have to react to interface changes before compile time, by hand.
I think that you have no other option than setting a flag in "SendEmail()", and checking that flag from the test throgh a new method of MockEmailSender like "sendMailWasInvoked()" or something like this (which is in fact a kind of "verify").
You can extend this to count the number of invokations, parameters...
well i would advise against creating any manual Mocks (because if you add new method to interface, it gets broken).
if you really have to do it, when expose some counter/bool in your MockEmailSender and you can Assert it later on.
I am trying to test the logic from some existing classes. It is not possible to re-factor the classes at present as they are very complex and in production.
What I want to do is create a mock object and test a method that internally calls another method that is very hard to mock.
So I want to just set a behaviour for the secondary method call.
But when I setup the behaviour for the method, the code of the method is invoked and fails.
Am I missing something or is this just not possible to test without re-factoring the class?
I have tried all the different mock types (Strick,Stub,Dynamic,Partial ect.) but they all end up calling the method when I try to set up the behaviour.
using System;
using MbUnit.Framework;
using Rhino.Mocks;
namespace MMBusinessObjects.Tests
public class PartialMockExampleFixture
public void Simple_Partial_Mock_Test()
const string param = "anything";
//setup mocks
MockRepository mocks = new MockRepository();
var mockTestClass = mocks.StrictMock<TestClass>();
//record beahviour *** actualy call into the real method stub ***
//never get to here
//this is what i want to test
public class TestClass
public bool MethodToMock(string param)
//some logic that is very hard to mock
throw new NotImplementedException();
public bool MethodIWantToTest(string param)
//this method calls the
if( MethodToMock(param) )
//some logic i want to test
return true;
MethodToMock is not virtual and therefore can't be mocked. What you want to do is possible with a partial mock (I've done it in cases similar to yours), but the method you want to mock out must be either part of an interface implementation or be marked virtual. Otherwise, you can't mock it with Rhino.Mocks.
I recommend not mocking methods in the class under test, but your situation may be unique in that you can't refactor the class to make it easier to test at present. You might try explicitly making a delegate to prevent the method from being invoked when setting up the call.
Expect.Call( delegate { mockTestClass.MethodToMock(param) } ).Return(true);
Or, switch to using the AAA syntax, omitting the deprecated constructs.
public void Simple_Partial_Mock_Test()
const string param = "anything";
var mockTestClass = MockRepository.GenerateMock<TestClass>();
mockTestClass.Expect( m => m.MethodToMock(param) ).Return( true );
//this is what i want to test