Move object in fixed Bezier curve using mouse or touch (unity3d) - c#

I am trying to move an object with mouse or touch but on particular fixed curve path after selecting an object.
I created a fixed path using bezier curve, and movement of object in path is working fine if i am using keyboard inputs using Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), but i want to based on mouse drag or touch.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
public class Collector : MonoBehaviour
public Transform startPoint;
public Transform middlePoint;
public Transform endPoint;
public float curveSpeed = 0.5f;
//public float speed = 0f;
private int _direction = 1;
private bool _isObjectSelected;
private Vector3 _mouseLastPosition;
private float _journeyLength;
private Vector3 _offsetPos;
private float _currentTime = 0;
private void Start()
_journeyLength = Vector3.Distance(startPoint.position,
private void OnMouseDown()
if (_isObjectSelected)
_offsetPos =;
_mouseLastPosition = Input.mousePosition;
_isObjectSelected = true;
private void OnMouseUp()
_isObjectSelected = false;
private void OnMouseExit()
_isObjectSelected = false;
private void OnMouseDrag()
if (_isObjectSelected)
Debug.LogError("Mouse drag");
Vector3 currentPosition = Input.mousePosition;
_offsetPos += currentPosition - _mouseLastPosition;
float distCovered = _offsetPos.y / _journeyLength;
_mouseLastPosition = currentPosition;
private void UpdateJourney(float time)
if (time < 0)
time = 0;
else if (time > 1)
time = 1;
_currentTime = time;
transform.position =
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(
new Vector3(0, 0,
QuadraticCurve(0, 45, 90, _currentTime)));
private void Update()
// moving on path using keyboard input
float direction = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
if (Math.Abs(direction) > 0.1f)
_currentTime += Time.deltaTime * curveSpeed * direction;
private static Vector3 Lerp(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, float time)
return start + (end - start) * time;
private static Vector3 QuadraticCurve(Vector3 start, Vector3 middle, Vector3 end, float time)
Vector3 point0 = Lerp(start, middle, time);
Vector3 point1 = Lerp(middle, end, time);
return Lerp(point0, point1, time);
private static float QuadraticCurve(float start, float middle, float end, float time)
float point0 = Mathf.Lerp(start, middle, time);
float point1 = Mathf.Lerp(middle, end, time);
return Mathf.Lerp(point0, point1, time);

There are a few issues:
You have a Debug.LogError. You shouldn't do this since usually this interrupts the execution. By default the ErrorPause option in the Unity console is enabled. You should either remove this entirely (since Debug.Log in Update in general are very perfomance intense).
One of the main issues here will be that the dragged object does not stay under the mouse but ruther follows the given curve. Therefore, OnMouseExit will get called and OnMouseDrag is interrupted.
You can also simply keep track of the traveled distance using the mouse start position and compare it to the current one. No need for additionally increase a third variable.
I would therefore rather change the code and use
private Vector3 _mouseStartPosition;
// remove OnMouseExit
// remove OnMouseUp
// remove OnMouseDrag
private void OnMouseDown()
if (_isObjectSelected) return;
_mouseStartPosition = Input.mousePosition;
_isObjectSelected = true;
private void WhileDragging()
if (!_isObjectSelected) return;
//Debug.LogError("Mouse drag");
var currentPosition = Input.mousePosition;
var offsetPos = currentPosition - _mouseStartPosition;
// You might want to use the curveSpeed here as well
// like kind of sensitivity
var distCovered = offsetPos.y * curveSpeed / _journeyLength;
// instead of using OnMouseExit, OnMouseUp and OnMouseDrag rather
// do it in Update
private void Update()
if (_isObjectSelected)
// use this to detect mouse up instead
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
_isObjectSelected = false;
// call it here instead of using OnMouseDrag
Note: This of course still only uses the traveled distance in Y direction. If you rather wanted to get the closest point on the bezier curves this gets a lot more complex and you might want to look it up (Nearest point on cubic bezier curve to a given point, Nearest point on a quadratic bezier curve, Closest point on Bezier spline, etc ...)

Thanks #derHugo,
I will try to resolve the problem with this (Nearest point on cubic bezier curve to a given point, Nearest point on a quadratic bezier curve, Closest point on Bezier spline, etc ...)
although i want a simple solution instead of complex code.
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
RaycastHit hit;
Ray ray = _mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity))
if (hit.transform.gameObject == this.gameObject)
_mouseStartPosition = _mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
_isObjectSelected = true;
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
if (_isObjectSelected)
_isObjectSelected = false;
//Debug.LogError("Gettting false");
if (_isObjectSelected)
Vector3 mousePosition = _mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
mousePosition.z = 0f;
//Debug.LogError(mousePosition + " , " + transform.position);
Vector3 distanceVector = mousePosition - _mouseStartPosition;
float distance = distanceVector.magnitude;
Vector3 normalDistance = distanceVector.normalized;
//Debug.LogError(distance + " " + normalDistance);
if (distance > 0.1f)
if (normalDistance.y > 0.1f)
_currentTime -= Time.deltaTime * distance * 3f;
else if (normalDistance.x > 0.1f)
_currentTime += Time.deltaTime * distance * 3f;
_mouseStartPosition = mousePosition;
so far, i did this in update method, its not perfect but working ok.


rb.AddForce() is launching my player in the opposite direction of the vector 2 value I assigned

Im making a game where you click and drag with the mouse then release to launch the player. But sometimes the player gets launched in the opposite direction of where it should go. I made a debug output to show you the different values. Here is the output
In that image for example you can see that the Vector2 of force * power is positive on the y axis, but the player launched downwards, and the same happens Viceversa. I think its also worth to note that this happens inconsistantly for some reason. Here is my code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Movement : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject player;
public float power = 10f;
public Rigidbody2D rb;
public float maxSpeed;
public Vector2 minPower;
public Vector2 maxPower;
TragectoryLine tl;
Camera cam;
public Vector2 force;
public Vector3 startPoint;
public Vector3 endPoint;
public Vector3 currentPoint;
public Vector3 startPointMouse;
public bool isPulling = false;
float distance;
private void Start()
cam = Camera.main;
tl = GetComponent<TragectoryLine>();
private void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
startPointMouse = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
startPointMouse.z = 15;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
startPoint = player.transform.position;
startPoint.z = 15;
isPulling = true;
Vector3 currentPoint = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
currentPoint.z = 15;
tl.RenderLine(startPoint, currentPoint);
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
endPoint = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
endPoint.z = 15;
isPulling = false;
distance = startPointMouse.magnitude - endPoint.magnitude;
if (distance < 0)
distance = -distance;
if (distance >= 1)
rb.AddForce(force * power, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
force = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(startPoint.x - endPoint.x, minPower.x, maxPower.x), Mathf.Clamp(startPoint.y - endPoint.y, minPower.y, maxPower.y));
Debug.Log("distance" + distance);
Debug.Log("start" + startPoint);
Debug.Log("end" + endPoint);
Debug.Log("force" +force);
Debug.Log("force * power" + force * power);
private void FixedUpdate()
rb.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(rb.velocity, maxSpeed);
Here I added the force using rb.AddForce(force * power, ForceMode2D.Impulse); when the force * power value was positive on the y axis. So why did it go to the opposite direction???
This was working perfectly fine before i tried implementing a feature where the player has to move the mouse a certain distance or else it wont launch. I have tried removing it but it doesnt seem to make a difference. I think I changed something in the code that ruined it but I cant figure out what! Please help!

Unity grappling more like Tarzan

I am trying to make a grappling hook more fluent but as of right now it is very choppy and does not have the right feel. It currently makes a line and pulls the player there. I have not tried anything yet because I am not even sure we're to start on fixing this. Here is all the grappling code below. `using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
[RequireComponent(typeof(SFPSC_PlayerMovement))] // PlayerMovement also requires Rigidbody
public class SFPSC_GrapplingHook : MonoBehaviour
public bool IsGrappling
get { return isGrappling; }
private SFPSC_PlayerMovement pm;
private Rigidbody rb;
private int segments;
private void Start()
segments = rope.segments;
pm = this.GetComponent<SFPSC_PlayerMovement>();
rb = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
private bool isGrappling = false;
private void Update()
if (crossHairSpinningPart != null)
// we need 2 raycasts bc w/ 1 you can grapple through colliders which isn't good
if (Physics.Raycast(,, out hitInfo, maxGrappleDistance, layerMask))
hitName =;
if (Physics.Raycast(,, out hitInfo, maxGrappleDistance))
if (hitName !=
goto _else;
crossHairSpinningPart.Rotate(Vector3.forward * crossHairSpinSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
goto _out;
if (!isGrappling)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(SFPSC_KeyManager.Grapple))
if (!Input.GetKey(SFPSC_KeyManager.Grapple))
public float maxGrappleDistance = 100.0f;
public SFPSC_Rope rope;
public float maximumSpeed = 100.0f;
public float deceleration = 2500.0f; // This is how much the player is going to decelerate after stopped grappling
public float deceleratingTime = 1.4f; // This is the time the decelerating is going to act on the player after stopped grappling
public RectTransform crossHairSpinningPart;
public float crossHairSpinSpeed = 200.0f;
public float distanceToStop = 2.0f;
public LayerMask layerMask;
public float grappleCooldown = 1.0f;
private bool isBlocked = false;
private Transform location; // the grappled location
private RaycastHit hitInfo;
private string hitName;
public void Grapple()
if (isBlocked)
// we need 2 raycasts bc w/ 1 you can grapple through colliders which isn't good
if (Physics.Raycast(,, out hitInfo, maxGrappleDistance, layerMask))
hitName =;
if (Physics.Raycast(,, out hitInfo, maxGrappleDistance))
if (hitName !=
// We create a GameObject and we parent it to the grappled object.
// If we don't parent it to the object and the object moves the player is stuck only on one location instead of the moving object.
location = new GameObject().transform;//Instantiate(new GameObject(), hitInfo.point, Quaternion.identity).transform;
location.position = hitInfo.point;
location.parent = hitInfo.collider.transform;
if (decelerateTimer != 0.0f)
// Rope attaching
rope.segments = (int)((hitInfo.distance / maxGrappleDistance) * segments);
rope.Grapple(transform.position, hitInfo.point);
rb.useGravity = false;
isGrappling = true;
private Vector3 grappleForce;
public void UnGrapple()
if (!isGrappling)
if (location != null)
if (decelerateTimer == 0.0f)
decelerateTimer = 0.0f;
// Rope detaching
Invoke("UnblockGrapple", grappleCooldown);
rb.useGravity = true;
isGrappling = false;
private void UnblockGrapple()
isBlocked = false;
private float decelerateTimer = 0.0f, max;
private IEnumerator Decelerate()
WaitForEndOfFrame wfeof = new WaitForEndOfFrame();
max = deceleratingTime * Mathf.Clamp01(targetDistance / 10.0f) * Mathf.Clamp01(rb.velocity.magnitude / 30.0f);
for (; decelerateTimer < max; decelerateTimer += Time.deltaTime)
rb.AddForce(-rb.velocity.normalized * deceleration * (1.0f - decelerateTimer / max) * Mathf.Clamp01(rb.velocity.sqrMagnitude / 400.0f) * Time.deltaTime, ForceMode.Acceleration);
yield return wfeof;
decelerateTimer = 0.0f;
private Vector3 dir;
private float speed = 0.0f, targetDistance;
private void GrappleUpdate()
if (location == null)
targetDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, location.position);
rope.segments = (int)((targetDistance / maxGrappleDistance) * segments);
dir = (location.position - transform.position).normalized;
rb.velocity = Vector3.Lerp(rb.velocity, dir * maximumSpeed * Mathf.Clamp01(targetDistance / (4.0f * distanceToStop)), Time.deltaTime);
// Rope updating
private Vector3 ClampMag(Vector3 vec, float maxMag)
if (vec.sqrMagnitude > maxMag * maxMag)
vec = vec.normalized * maxMag;
return vec;
Try using FixedUpdate instead of Update for physics based work (basically all of your code in Update right now). Update is dependent on your computer's clock speed and refresh rate (more or less), and gets called at fairly irregular intervals, because the next update is called in the next frame, after the present frame has finished processing. FixedUpdate makes it frame-rate independent.
Also, you can cap your framerate using Application.targetFrameRate and cap it to a decent FPS.
You could also multiply your movement with Time.deltaTime for smoother movement, although this is a standard practice and yet debatable for use as a smoothing value.

Moving from one place to another over time (or rotating) in Unity

I have a problem with moving from one place to another in Unity over time. I would like my character to move from current position to current + 1 on Y. Unfortunately, looks like it does not get the current position properly or something, since if I debug what I wrote, it says that the magnitude is always 1, so the point is moving with me. Shouldn't it just check the current position and add 1 to Y, move to that position and then check again? I have no idea what's wrong with this code, or if it's strictly connected with how Unity checks positions and things in real time?
public bool moving = false;
private Vector3 dir;
void FrontMovement()
Vector3 movement = new Vector3(-Mathf.Sin(transform.eulerAngles.z * Mathf.PI / 180), Mathf.Cos(transform.eulerAngles.z * Mathf.PI / 180), 0f); // always moving front, even after rotation
if (moving == false)
dir = movement - transform.position;
moving = true;
transform.Translate(dir.normalized * Time.deltaTime);
if(dir.magnitude <= Time.deltaTime)
Debug.Log("Finished movement");
moving = false;
void FixedUpdate()
I would also like to know how to do rotations over time.
lerp also works for rotations
// Movement speed in units per second.
public float speed = 1.0F;
// Time when the movement started.
private float startTime;
// Total distance between the markers.
private float journeyLength;
void StartMoving() {
// Keep a note of the time the movement started.
startTime = Time.time;
Vector3 modifiedPosition = transform.position;
transform.position.y += 1.0f;
// Calculate the journey length.
journeyLength = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, modifiedPosition.position);
moving = true;
// Move to the target end position.
void Update()
if (moving) {
// Distance moved equals elapsed time times speed..
float distCovered = (Time.time - startTime) * speed;
// Fraction of journey completed equals current distance divided by total distance.
float fractionOfJourney = distCovered / journeyLength;
// Set our position as a fraction of the distance between the markers.
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startMarker.position, endMarker.position, fractionOfJourney);
if (fractionOfJourney >= 1.0f) {
moving = false;
You could use Coroutine + Vector3.Lerp to move with a specified amount of time:
public IEnumerator MoveToPosition(Transform transform, Vector3 position, float timeToMove)
var currentPos = transform.position;
var t = 0f;
while(t <= 1f)
t += Time.deltaTime / timeToMove;
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(currentPos, position, t);
yield return null;
transform.position = position;
you call the coroutine in Start Method
StartCoroutine(MoveToPosition(transform, newposition, timeToMove))
You could use the same logic for Rotating, with Quaternion.Lerp or Slerp and Quaternion.LookRotation, of course you have lot of sample with rotation over time on WEB!! google is your friend...
public IEnumerator RotateToDirection(Transform transform, Vector3 position, float timeToRotate)
var startRotation = transform.rotation;
var direction = position - transform.position;
var finalRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction);
var t = 0f;
while (t <= 1f)
t += Time.deltaTime / timeToRotate;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(startRotation, finalRotation, t);
yield return null;
transform.rotation = finalRotation;

How to limit the angle rotation for thirdperson controller

Hi i have a scenario in which i need to limit the angle rotation for 3rd person controller.Present when i press left and right input keys it is turning 90degrees. I wish to rotate 45degrees. Could someone help me,at which line that angle rotation is happening.
Here my code :
public class ThirdPersonShooter : MonoBehaviour
public AnimationClip idleAnimation;
public AnimationClip walkAnimation;
public AnimationClip runAnimation;
public AnimationClip jumpPoseAnimation;
public float walkMaxAnimationSpeed = 0.75F;
public float trotMaxAnimationSpeed = 1F;
public float runMaxAnimationSpeed = 1F;
public float jumpAnimationSpeed = 1F;
public float landAnimationSpeed = 1F;
private Animation _animation;
enum CharacterState
Idle = 0,
Walking = 1,
Trotting = 2,
Running = 3,
Jumping = 4,
private CharacterState _characterState;
// The speed when walking
public float walkSpeed = 2.0F;
// after trotAfterSeconds of walking we trot with trotSpeed
public float trotSpeed = 4.0F;
// when pressing "Fire3" button (cmd) we start running
public float runSpeed = 6.0F;
public float inAirControlAcceleration = 3.0F;
// How high do we jump when pressing jump and letting go immediately
public float jumpHeight = 0.5F;
// The gravity for the character
public float gravity = 20.0F;
// The gravity in controlled descent mode
public float speedSmoothing = 10.0F;
public float rotateSpeed = 500.0F;
public float trotAfterSeconds = 3.0F;
public bool canJump = true;
private float jumpRepeatTime = 0.05F;
private float jumpTimeout = 0.15F;
private float groundedTimeout = 0.25F;
// The camera doesnt start following the target immediately but waits for a split second to avoid too much waving around.
private float lockCameraTimer = 0.0F;
// The current move direction in x-z
private Vector3 moveDirection =;
// The current vertical speed
private float verticalSpeed = 0.0F;
// The current x-z move speed
private float moveSpeed = 0.0F;
// The last collision flags returned from controller.Move
private CollisionFlags collisionFlags;
// Are we jumping? (Initiated with jump button and not grounded yet)
private bool jumping = false;
private bool jumpingReachedApex = false;
// Are we moving backwards (This locks the camera to not do a 180 degree spin)
private bool movingBack = false;
// Is the user pressing any keys?
private bool isMoving = false;
// When did the user start walking (Used for going into trot after a while)
private float walkTimeStart = 0.0F;
// Last time the jump button was clicked down
private float lastJumpButtonTime = -10.0F;
// Last time we performed a jump
private float lastJumpTime = -1.0F;
// the height we jumped from (Used to determine for how long to apply extra jump power after jumping.)
private float lastJumpStartHeight = 0.0F;
private Vector3 inAirVelocity =;
private float lastGroundedTime = 0.0F;
private bool isControllable = true;
// Use this for initialization
void Awake()
moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
_animation = GetComponent<Animation>();
if (!_animation)
Debug.Log("The character you would like to control doesn't have animations. Moving her might look weird.");
public AnimationClip idleAnimation;
public AnimationClip walkAnimation;
public AnimationClip runAnimation;
public AnimationClip jumpPoseAnimation;
if (!idleAnimation)
_animation = null;
Debug.Log("No idle animation found. Turning off animations.");
if (!walkAnimation)
_animation = null;
Debug.Log("No walk animation found. Turning off animations.");
if (!runAnimation)
_animation = null;
Debug.Log("No run animation found. Turning off animations.");
if (!jumpPoseAnimation && canJump) {
_animation = null;
Debug.Log("No jump animation found and the character has canJump enabled. Turning off animations.");
void UpdateSmoothedMovementDirection()
Transform cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform;
bool grounded = IsGrounded();
// Forward vector relative to the camera along the x-z plane
Vector3 forward = cameraTransform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
forward.y = 0;
forward = forward.normalized;
// Right vector relative to the camera
// Always orthogonal to the forward vector
Vector3 right = new Vector3(forward.z, 0, -forward.x);
float v = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
float h = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
// Are we moving backwards or looking backwards
if (v < -0.2f)
movingBack = true;
movingBack = false;
bool wasMoving = isMoving;
isMoving = Mathf.Abs(h) > 0.1f || Mathf.Abs(v) > 0.1f;
// Target direction relative to the camera
Vector3 targetDirection = h * right + v * forward;
// Grounded controls
if (grounded)
// Lock camera for short period when transitioning moving standing still
lockCameraTimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (isMoving != wasMoving)
lockCameraTimer = 0.0f;
// We store speed and direction seperately,
// so that when the character stands still we still have a valid forward direction
// moveDirection is always normalized, and we only update it if there is user input.
if (targetDirection !=
// If we are really slow, just snap to the target direction
if (moveSpeed < walkSpeed * 0.9f && grounded)
moveDirection = targetDirection.normalized;
// Otherwise smoothly turn towards it
moveDirection = Vector3.RotateTowards(moveDirection, targetDirection, rotateSpeed * Mathf.Deg2Rad * Time.deltaTime, 1000);
moveDirection = moveDirection.normalized;
// Smooth the speed based on the current target direction
float curSmooth = speedSmoothing * Time.deltaTime;
// Choose target speed
//* We want to support analog input but make sure you cant walk faster diagonally than just forward or sideways
float targetSpeed = Mathf.Min(targetDirection.magnitude, 1.0f);
_characterState = CharacterState.Idle;
// Pick speed modifier
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift))
targetSpeed *= runSpeed;
_characterState = CharacterState.Running;
else if (Time.time - trotAfterSeconds > walkTimeStart)
targetSpeed *= trotSpeed;
_characterState = CharacterState.Trotting;
targetSpeed *= walkSpeed;
_characterState = CharacterState.Walking;
moveSpeed = Mathf.Lerp(moveSpeed, targetSpeed, curSmooth);
// Reset walk time start when we slow down
if (moveSpeed < walkSpeed * 0.3f)
walkTimeStart = Time.time;
// In air controls
// Lock camera while in air
if (jumping)
lockCameraTimer = 0.0f;
if (isMoving)
inAirVelocity += targetDirection.normalized * Time.deltaTime * inAirControlAcceleration;
void ApplyJumping()
// Prevent jumping too fast after each other
if (lastJumpTime + jumpRepeatTime > Time.time)
if (IsGrounded())
// Jump
// - Only when pressing the button down
// - With a timeout so you can press the button slightly before landing
if (canJump && Time.time < lastJumpButtonTime + jumpTimeout) {
verticalSpeed = CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed(jumpHeight);
SendMessage("DidJump", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
void ApplyGravity()
if (isControllable) // don't move player at all if not controllable.
// Apply gravity
bool jumpButton = Input.GetButton("Jump");
// When we reach the apex of the jump we send out a message
if (jumping && !jumpingReachedApex && verticalSpeed <= 0.0f)
jumpingReachedApex = true;
SendMessage("DidJumpReachApex", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
if (IsGrounded())
verticalSpeed = 0.0f;
verticalSpeed -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
float CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed(float targetJumpHeight)
// From the jump height and gravity we deduce the upwards speed
// for the character to reach at the apex.
return Mathf.Sqrt(2 * targetJumpHeight * gravity);
void DidJump()
jumping = true;
jumpingReachedApex = false;
lastJumpTime = Time.time;
//lastJumpStartHeight = transform.position.y;
lastJumpButtonTime = -10;
_characterState = CharacterState.Jumping;
void Update()
if (!isControllable)
// kill all inputs if not controllable.
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
lastJumpButtonTime = Time.time;
// Apply gravity
// - extra power jump modifies gravity
// - controlledDescent mode modifies gravity
// Apply jumping logic
// Calculate actual motion
Vector3 movement = moveDirection * moveSpeed + new Vector3(0, verticalSpeed, 0) + inAirVelocity;
movement *= Time.deltaTime;
// Move the controller
CharacterController controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
collisionFlags = controller.Move(movement);
// ANIMATION sector
if (_animation)
if (_characterState == CharacterState.Jumping)
if (!jumpingReachedApex)
_animation[].speed = jumpAnimationSpeed;
_animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
_animation[].speed = -landAnimationSpeed;
_animation[].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;
if (controller.velocity.sqrMagnitude < 0.1f)
if (_characterState == CharacterState.Running)
_animation[].speed = Mathf.Clamp(controller.velocity.magnitude, 0.0f, runMaxAnimationSpeed);
else if (_characterState == CharacterState.Trotting)
_animation[].speed = Mathf.Clamp(controller.velocity.magnitude, 0.0f, trotMaxAnimationSpeed);
else if (_characterState == CharacterState.Walking)
_animation[].speed = Mathf.Clamp(controller.velocity.magnitude, 0.0f, walkMaxAnimationSpeed);
// ANIMATION sector
// Set rotation to the move direction
if (IsGrounded())
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(moveDirection);
Vector3 xzMove = movement;
xzMove.y = 0;
if (xzMove.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f)
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(xzMove);
// We are in jump mode but just became grounded
if (IsGrounded())
lastGroundedTime = Time.time;
inAirVelocity =;
if (jumping)
jumping = false;
SendMessage("DidLand", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit)
// Debug.DrawRay(hit.point, hit.normal);
if (hit.moveDirection.y > 0.01f)
float GetSpeed()
return moveSpeed;
public bool IsJumping()
return jumping;
bool IsGrounded()
return (collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.CollidedBelow) != 0;
Vector3 GetDirection()
return moveDirection;
public bool IsMovingBackwards()
return movingBack;
public float GetLockCameraTimer()
return lockCameraTimer;
bool IsMoving()
return Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical")) + Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal")) > 0.5f;
bool HasJumpReachedApex()
return jumpingReachedApex;
bool IsGroundedWithTimeout()
return lastGroundedTime + groundedTimeout > Time.time;
void Reset()
gameObject.tag = "Player";
There are two lines under Update() that handle rotation:
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(moveDirection);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(xzMove);
Follow the variables moveDirection and xzMove to see how the values are actually determined. It should be pretty straight forward. Hint: moveDirection located in the function UpdateSmoothedMovementDirection(). moveDirection is also used to calculate xzMove using movement. The rest I leave up to you.
Edit: The section of code that actually processes movement is inside UpdateSmoothedMovementDirection(). Look down to if (grounded) --> if (targetDirection != It is this area that processes movement. It is the if (targetDirection < walkSpeed * 0.9f && grounded) where movement snaps at 90 degrees. This is the intended function.
I swapped that code out with the code in the else statement, and at slow speeds the avatar moved more naturally. The avatar will only walk at 45 degrees when either both horizontal and vertical are toggled simultaneously. In other words, pressing up + left, or down + right, etc.
If you don't want the snap behavior, just use the code in the else statement and delete the conditional statements. Then your avatar will always turn smoothly.

Unity ios drag with easing

Using the Touch inputs I know how to drag a gameobject. But what I need to do is to (upon release of drag) check the speed of the drag and have the object move a bit further. So if I drag the object fast and release it it will move a bit in the dragged direction after releasing it. As it is now it simply stops at the position where I remove my finger. Anyone know how this is done?
What I have now is:
private Vector3 dist, distEnd;
float posX;
float posY;
void OnMouseDown() {
dist = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (transform.position);
posX = Input.mousePosition.x - dist.x;
posY = Input.mousePosition.y - dist.y;
void OnMouseDrag()
Vector3 curPos = new Vector3 (Input.mousePosition.x - posX, Input.mousePosition.y - posY, dist.z);
Vector3 worldPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (curPos);
transform.position = worldPos;
void OnMouseUp() {
distEnd = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint (transform.position);
Then I added a RigidBody2d to the object - trying to add force to it - but I suppose I need to calculate the speed and direction of drag/mouse - before I can add directional force to the object??
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ().AddForce (Vector2 (FORCE_DIRECTION_X, FORCE_DIRECTION_Y));
But I'm having difficulties calculating direction and speed of drag.
Any help is appreciated!
Right, I finally found an answer :-) I have included a script for others to use (I did not come up with the solution though).
Maybe someone could use it as well - alter variable "SmoothTime" so set time before drag-speed is 0.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class dragMap : MonoBehaviour {
private Vector3 _screenPoint;
private Vector3 _offset;
private Vector3 _curScreenPoint;
private Vector3 _curPosition;
private Vector3 _velocity;
private bool _underInertia;
private float _time = 0.0f;
public float SmoothTime = 2;
void Update()
if(_underInertia && _time <= SmoothTime)
transform.position += _velocity;
_velocity = Vector3.Lerp(_velocity,, _time);
_time += Time.smoothDeltaTime;
_underInertia = false;
_time = 0.0f;
void OnMouseDown()
_screenPoint = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(gameObject.transform.position);
_offset = gameObject.transform.position - Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, _screenPoint.z));
//Screen.showCursor = false;
_underInertia = false;
void OnMouseDrag()
Vector3 _prevPosition = _curPosition;
_curScreenPoint = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, _screenPoint.z);
_curPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(_curScreenPoint) + _offset;
_velocity = _curPosition - _prevPosition;
transform.position = _curPosition;
void OnMouseUp()
_underInertia = true;
//Screen.showCursor = true;

