For Loop Code
int counts = 0;
List<int> count = new List<int>();
List<int> goodnumber = new List<int>();
for (int i = lower; i <= upper; i++)
if (!badNumbers.Contains(i)) {
} else {
goodnumber = new List<int>();
if (i == upper) {
counts = count.Max();
return counts;
is there a way to optimize my code above? because the running time for the code above is exceeding in 3 secs. how can I make it 2 or below?
There's a few improvements you can make.
badNumbers should probably be a HashSet<int> which will provide you close to O(1) lookup.
You don't actually care about storing the "good numbers" (you don't use that data), so it would be more efficient to just store how many good numbers you encounter.
Now you just want the max streak size (i.e. max number of consecutive good numbers) you encounter, and you can use Math.Max to compare the last "good" count with the current "good" count and choose the largest.
The code looks like this:
HashSet<int> badNumbers = new HashSet<int>() { 5, 4, 2, 15 };
int counts = 0;
int goodNumberCount = 0;
for (int i = lower; i <= upper; i++)
if (!badNumbers.Contains(i)) {
} else {
counts = Math.Max(counts, goodNumberCount);
goodNumberCount = 0;
counts = Math.Max(counts, goodNumberCount);
return counts;
Call List.Clear() instead of creating new List inside the loop
Call count.Max() outside the loop
Remove the last if and add this line after the loop count.Add(goodnumber.Count)
int counts = 0;
List<int> count = new List<int>();
List<int> goodnumber = new List<int>();
for (int i = lower; i <= upper; i++)
if (!badNumbers.Contains(i)) {
} else {
counts = count.Max();
return counts;
BTW, I don't know what are you trying to achieve with this code.
The correct way to "optimize" your code is to rewrite it. You need to think differently. The problem you have has various different solutions and you are complicating it too much.
You don't need to process the input in one long cycle only. You can pre-process the list somehow, in a way, that would help you. For example sort it.
Another thing that could help you is to have a variable (or variables) in which you are storing some intermediate result. For example running max, min, sum, or previous value of something
Think about how you could solve the problem mathematically. Isn't it just the difference of numbers you are trying to find?
You could sort the list, calculate the difference between each element, bound it by your lower and upper borders. You can either update the running maximum difference during the loop or find the maximum difference from the list of differences.
Here is a general solution:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var lower = 1;
var upper = 10;
var elementCount = upper - lower + 1;
var numbers = Enumerable.Range(1, elementCount);
var badNumbers = new HashSet<int> { 5, 4, 2, 15 };
var maxCount = CalculateCounts(numbers, badNumbers).Max();
private static IEnumerable<int> CalculateCounts<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, ISet<T> splitOn)
var count = 0;
foreach (var item in items)
if (!splitOn.Contains(item)) count++;
yield return count;
count = 0;
yield return count;
I'm making a basic Deal or No Deal game, in doing so I have to pick 10 finalists from an array, at random, without repeats.
I have my structure and arrays set out like this
public struct People
public string firstname;
public string lastname;
public int age;
class Program
public static People[] People1 = new People[40];
public static People[] Finalists1 = new People[10];
public static People[] Finalist1 = new People[1];
And my finalists method set out like this
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < Finalists1.Length; i++)
num = rand.Next(0, People1.Length);
Finalists1[i].lastname = People1[num].lastname;
Finalists1[i].firstname = People1[num].firstname;
Finalists1[i].age = People1[num].age;
How can I eliminate duplicate entries, while maintaining 10 people in the array?
Since initial array doesn't contain duplicates, you can sort it in random order and pick up 10 top items:
Finalists1 = People1
.OrderByDescending(item => 1) // if people have some points, bonuses etc.
.ThenBy(item => Guid.NewGuid()) // shuffle among peers
.Take(10) // Take top 10
.ToArray(); // materialize as an array
If people are selected to the final are not completely random (e.g. contestant can earn points, bonuses etc.) change .OrderByDescending(item => 1), e.g.
.OrderByDescending(item => item.Bonuses)
If you don't want to use Linq, you can just draw Peoples from urn without returning:
private static Random random = new Random();
List<People> urn = new List<People>(People1);
for (int i = 0; i < Finalists1.Length; ++i) {
int index = random.Next(0, urn.Count);
Finalists1[i] = urn[index];
You can hold a list or hash set of numbers you have already drawn. Then just roll the dice again to get another random number.
Random rand = new Random();
HashSet<int> drawnNumbers = new HashSet<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < Finalists1.Length; i++)
num = rand.Next(0, People1.Length);
while (drawnNumbers.Contains(num));
Finalists1[i] = People1[num];
You can change the type of Finalists1 to a HashSet, that does not allow duplicates.
Then change your loop to
while(Finalists1.Length < 10)
// random pick from array People1 (you don't need to create a new one)
num = rand.Next(0, People1.Length);
var toAdd = People1[num];
// add to hash-set. Object won't be added, if already existing in the set
You probably need to override the Equals method of class People, if you really need to create a new object to add to the hash-set.
You can group people array and select distinct that way.
If you use List you can remove person from the list
`var peopleArray = new People[40];
var peopleCollection = peopleArray.GroupBy(p => new { p.age, p.firstname, p.lastname }).Select(grp => grp.FirstOrDefault()).ToList();
var finalists = new People[10];
var rand = new Random();
for (var i = 0; i < finalists.Length; i++)
var index = rand.Next(0, peopleCollection.Count);
var person = peopleCollection[index];
finalists[i].lastname = person.lastname;
finalists[i].firstname = person.firstname;
finalists[i].age = person.age;
shuffle and take the first 10, for example
Finalists1= People1.Take(10).ToArray();
you can find shuffle code from StackOverflow or search for "Fisher-Yates shuffle C#" Below methods are taken from This SO Post. Read the answers for more information on why GUID is not used etc..
public static class ThreadSafeRandom
[ThreadStatic] private static Random Local;
public static Random ThisThreadsRandom
get { return Local ?? (Local = new Random(unchecked(Environment.TickCount * 31 + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId))); }
static class MyExtensions
public static void Shuffle<T>(this IList<T> list)
int n = list.Count;
while (n > 1)
int k = ThreadSafeRandom.ThisThreadsRandom.Next(n + 1);
T value = list[k];
list[k] = list[n];
list[n] = value;
Swap each selected element in People1 to with the end of the array, and decrement an end-of-array index so that you're only selecting from what's left on the next iteration.
People tempPerson = new People;
int lastElem = People1.length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < Finalists1.Length; i++)
num = rand.Next(0, lastElem + 1);
Finalists1[i] = People1[num];
//swap last entry in People1 with People1[num]
tempPerson = People1[num];
People1[num] = People1[lastElem];
People1[lastElem] = tempPerson;
Sorry if there's a syntax error, I'm mostly using Java and C# these days.
BTW You don't have to set the fields individually since each array stores objects of type Person.
I can't seem to figure out how to fix my code so that it works. I need the user to be able to input their first name then space then the what they scored. Then I need to split the array into two different arrays and pass them to the four different methods to display to the user what they scored, etc. Can anyone help me figure this problem out?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace proj09LEA
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// declare and array of integers
int[] array = new int[10];
Console.WriteLine("\nSaturday Coder's Bowling Team");
Console.WriteLine("Enter in a name and score for each person on the team.");
Console.WriteLine("For example, Mary 143. Just hit Enter when you are done.\n");
// fill an array with user input
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Enter in a name and score: ");
string userInput;
string[] parsedInput;
parsedInput = userInput.Split();
string name = parsedInput[0];
int score = int.Parse(parsedInput[1]);
Console.WriteLine("------------ Input Complete ------------\n");
Console.WriteLine("Here are the scores for this game:");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue. . .");
static void DisplayScore(int[] array)
foreach (int n in array)
Console.WriteLine("{0}'s score was {0}.\n", array);
static void HighScore(int[] array)
int max = array.Max();
Console.WriteLine("Congratulations {0}, your score of {0} was the highest.", max);
static void LowScore(int[] array)
int min = array.Min();
Console.WriteLine("{0}, your score of {0} was the lowest. Better get some practice.", min);
static void AverageScore(int[] array)
int sum = array.Sum();
int average = sum / array.Length;
Console.WriteLine("The average score for this game was {0:d}.", average);
If you absolutely have to use simple primitive arrays, you would need two distinct arrays of the same size, to hold the names as strings and scores as ints:
class Program
const int MaxScores = 10; // .. Use a constant to ensure the sizes remain in sync
static void Main(string[] args)
{ ///
string[] names = new int[MaxScores];
int[] scores = new int[MaxScores];
// ... parse names into names[] and scores into scores[]
DisplayScore(names, scores);
You would then need to pass both arrays to the various methods:
static void DisplayScore(string[] names, int[] scores)
for(int i=0; i < MaxScores; i++)
Console.WriteLine("{0}'s score was {1}.\n", names[i], scores[i]);
// etc
However, there are better ways to do this, e.g. by defining a custom class for the tuple of Name, Score:
class PersonScore
public string Name {get; set;}
public int Score {get; set;}
You can then declare and pass the single array of PersonScore[] around.
PersonScore[] personScores = new PersonScore[MaxScores];
for (... prompting the user for data)
... parsing user input
personScores[i] = new PersonScore{Name = name, Score = score};
DisplayScore(personScores); // Pass around the single array
static void DisplayScore(IEnumerable personScores)
foreach(var personScore in personScores)
Console.WriteLine("{0}'s score was {1}.\n", personScore.Name, personScores.Score);
// etc - other methods
As others have mentioned, other collections are also possible alternatives to an array, most commonly List.
You can do like this. Just use Console.ReadLine() to get user input. This is what you do in your code. There are better ways to do this but following will solve your problem.Also you need to perform validation as well.
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Enter in a name and score: ");
string userInput = Console.ReadLine();
string[] parsedInput;
parsedInput = userInput.Split(' ');
string name = parsedInput[0];
int score = int.Parse(parsedInput[1]);
array[i] = score;
Why you need to split array in to two arrays on containing names and other containing score. Its better to create a structure having String field for name and integer field for score and write Comparator for sorting the Array containing elements of this Data structure type and sort them.
It will solve all your problems and that too efficiently.
Not many data integrity checks in the methods you are using, but here are the extensions I use to split arrays or any type of enumerable. I have not tested these all that much, so I cannot guarantee that they will work. I have removed all my input validation, but I suggest you add those back your own way.
public static List<List<T>> Split<T>(this IEnumerable<T> collection, Int32 groupSize)
var collectionList = collection.ToList();
if (groupSize > collectionList.Count)
groupSize = collectionList.Count;
var chunks = new List<List<T>>();
while (collectionList.Any())
var chunk = collectionList.Take(groupSize);
collectionList = collectionList.Skip(groupSize).ToList();
return chunks;
public static List<List<T>> Split<T>(this IEnumerable<T> collection, Func<T, Boolean> splitFunction)
var collectionList = collection.ToList();
if (collectionList.IsNullOrEmpty())
return new List<List<T>>();
var indices = collectionList.FindIndices(splitFunction); // Custom method that searches for the indices that satisfy the predicate and returns the index of each matching item in the list.
if (indices.IsNullOrEmpty()) // equivalent to indices == null || !indices.Any()
return new List<List<T>> { collectionList };
var chunks = new List<List<T>>();
var lastIndex = 0;
if (indices[0] > 0)
lastIndex = indices[0];
for (var i = 1; i < indices.Count; i++)
var chunkSize = indices[i] - lastIndex;
var chunk = collectionList.Skip(lastIndex).Take(chunkSize).ToList();
if (chunk.IsNullOrEmpty())
lastIndex = indices[i];
if (collectionList.Count - lastIndex > 0)
var lastChunk = collectionList.Skip(lastIndex).ToList();
return chunks;
I have been stumped on this one for a while. I want to take a List and order the list such that the Products with the largest Price end up in the middle of the list. And I also want to do the opposite, i.e. make sure that the items with the largest price end up on the outer boundaries of the list.
Imagine a data structure like this.. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
In the first scenario I need to get back 1,3,5,7,9,10,8,6,4,2
In the second scenario I need to get back 10,8,6,4,2,1,3,5,7,9
The list may have upwards of 250 items, the numbers will not be evenly distributed, and they will not be sequential, and I wanted to minimize copying. The numbers will be contained in Product objects, and not simple primitive integers.
Is there a simple solution that I am not seeing?
Any thoughts.
So for those of you wondering what I am up to, I am ordering items based on calculated font size. Here is the code that I went with...
The Implementation...
private void Reorder()
var tempList = new LinkedList<DisplayTag>();
bool even = true;
foreach (var tag in this) {
if (even)
even = !even;
The Test...
[TestCase(DisplayTagOrder.SmallestToLargest, Result=new[]{10,14,18,22,26,30})]
[TestCase(DisplayTagOrder.LargestToSmallest, Result=new[]{30,26,22,18,14,10})]
[TestCase(DisplayTagOrder.LargestInTheMiddle, Result = new[] { 10, 18, 26, 30, 22, 14 })]
[TestCase(DisplayTagOrder.LargestOnTheEnds, Result = new[] { 30, 22, 14, 10, 18, 26 })]
public int[] CalculateFontSize_Orders_Tags_Appropriately(DisplayTagOrder sortOrder)
list.CloudOrder = sortOrder;
var result = (from displayTag in list select displayTag.FontSize).ToArray();
return result;
The Usage...
public void CalculateFontSize()
this.ForEach((displayTag) => CalculateFontSize(displayTag));
private void OrderByFontSize()
switch (CloudOrder) {
case DisplayTagOrder.SmallestToLargest:
this.Sort((arg1, arg2) => arg1.FontSize.CompareTo(arg2.FontSize));
case DisplayTagOrder.LargestToSmallest:
this.Sort(new LargestFirstComparer());
case DisplayTagOrder.LargestInTheMiddle:
this.Sort(new LargestFirstComparer());
case DisplayTagOrder.LargestOnTheEnds:
The appropriate data structure is a LinkedList because it allows you to efficiently add to either end:
LinkedList<int> result = new LinkedList<int>();
int[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
bool odd = true;
foreach (var x in array)
if (odd)
odd = !odd;
foreach (int item in result)
Console.Write("{0} ", item);
No extra copying steps, no reversing steps, ... just a small overhead per node for storage.
C# Iterator version
(Very simple code to satisfy all conditions.)
One function to rule them all! Doesn't use intermediate storage collection (see yield keyword). Orders the large numbers either to the middle, or to the sides depending on the argument. It's implemented as a C# iterator
// Pass forward sorted array for large middle numbers,
// or reverse sorted array for large side numbers.
public static IEnumerable<long> CurveOrder(long[] nums) {
if (nums == null || nums.Length == 0)
yield break; // Nothing to do.
// Move forward every two.
for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; i+=2)
yield return nums[i];
// Move backward every other two. Note: Length%2 makes sure we're on the correct offset.
for (int i = nums.Length-1 - nums.Length%2; i >= 0; i-=2)
yield return nums[i];
Example Usage
For example with array long[] nums = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 };
Start with forward sort order, to bump high numbers into the middle.
Array.Sort(nums); //forward sort
// Array argument will be: { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 };
long[] arrLargeMiddle = CurveOrder(nums).ToArray();
Produces: 1 3 5 7 9 11 10 8 6 4 2
Or, Start with reverse sort order, to push high numbers to sides.
Array.Reverse(nums); //reverse sort
// Array argument will be: { 11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 };
long[] arrLargeSides = CurveOrder(nums).ToArray();
Produces: 11 9 7 5 3 1 2 4 6 8 10
Significant namespaces are:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
Note: The iterator leaves the decision up to the caller about whether or not to use intermediate storage. The caller might simply be issuing a foreach loop over the results instead.
Extension Method Option
Optionally change the static method header to use the this modifier public static IEnumerable<long> CurveOrder(this long[] nums) { and put it inside a static class in your namespace;
Then call the order method directly on any long[ ] array instance like so:
Array.Reverse(nums); //reverse sort
// Array argument will be: { 11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 };
long[] arrLargeSides = nums.CurveOrder().ToArray();
Just some (unneeded) syntactic sugar to mix things up a bit for fun. This can be applied to any answers to your question that take an array argument.
I might go for something like this
static T[] SortFromMiddleOut<T, U>(IList<T> list, Func<T, U> orderSelector, bool largestInside) where U : IComparable<U>
T[] sortedArray = new T[list.Count];
bool add = false;
int index = (list.Count / 2);
int iterations = 0;
IOrderedEnumerable<T> orderedList;
if (largestInside)
orderedList = list.OrderByDescending(orderSelector);
orderedList = list.OrderBy(orderSelector);
foreach (T item in orderedList)
sortedArray[index] = item;
if (add)
index += ++iterations;
index -= ++iterations;
add = !add;
return sortedArray;
Sample invocations:
int[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
int[] sortedArray = SortFromMiddleOut(array, i => i, false);
foreach (int item in sortedArray)
Console.Write("{0} ", item);
sortedArray = SortFromMiddleOut(array, i => i, true);
foreach (int item in sortedArray)
Console.Write("{0} ", item);
With it being generic, it could be a list of Foo and the order selector could be f => f.Name or whatever you want to throw at it.
The fastest (but not the clearest) solution is probably to simply calculate the new index for each element:
int length = array.Length;
int middle = length / 2;
int[] result2 = new int[length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
result2[middle + (1 - 2 * (i % 2)) * ((i + 1) / 2)] = array[i];
Something like this?
public IEnumerable<int> SortToMiddle(IEnumerable<int> input)
var sorted = new List<int>(input);
var firstHalf = new List<int>();
var secondHalf = new List<int>();
var sendToFirst = true;
foreach (var current in sorted)
if (sendToFirst)
sendToFirst = !sendToFirst;
//to get the highest values on the outside just reverse
//the first list instead of the second
return firstHalf.Concat(secondHalf);
For your specific (general) case (assuming unique keys):
public static IEnumerable<T> SortToMiddle<T, TU>(IEnumerable<T> input, Func<T, TU> getSortKey)
var sorted = new List<TU>(input.Select(getSortKey));
var firstHalf = new List<TU>();
var secondHalf = new List<TU>();
var sendToFirst = true;
foreach (var current in sorted)
if (sendToFirst)
sendToFirst = !sendToFirst;
//to get the highest values on the outside just reverse
//the first list instead of the second
sorted = new List<TU>(firstHalf.Concat(secondHalf));
//This assumes the sort keys are unique - if not, the implementation
//needs to use a SortedList<TU, T>
return sorted.Select(s => input.First(t => s.Equals(getSortKey(t))));
And assuming non-unique keys:
public static IEnumerable<T> SortToMiddle<T, TU>(IEnumerable<T> input, Func<T, TU> getSortKey)
var sendToFirst = true;
var sorted = new SortedList<TU, T>(input.ToDictionary(getSortKey, t => t));
var firstHalf = new SortedList<TU, T>();
var secondHalf = new SortedList<TU, T>();
foreach (var current in sorted)
if (sendToFirst)
firstHalf.Add(current.Key, current.Value);
secondHalf.Add(current.Key, current.Value);
sendToFirst = !sendToFirst;
//to get the highest values on the outside just reverse
//the first list instead of the second
return(firstHalf.Concat(secondHalf)).Select(kvp => kvp.Value);
Simplest solution - order the list descending, create two new lists, into the first place every odd-indexed item, into the other every even indexed item. Reverse the first list then append the second to the first.
Okay, I'm not going to question your sanity here since I'm sure you wouldn't be asking the question if there weren't a good reason :-)
Here's how I'd approach it. Create a sorted list, then simply create another list by processing the keys in order, alternately inserting before and appending, something like:
sortedlist = list.sort (descending)
biginmiddle = new list()
state = append
foreach item in sortedlist:
if state == append:
biginmiddle.append (item)
state = prepend
biginmiddle.insert (0, item)
state = append
This will give you a list where the big items are in the middle. Other items will fan out from the middle (in alternating directions) as needed:
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
To get a list where the larger elements are at the ends, just replace the initial sort with an ascending one.
The sorted and final lists can just be pointers to the actual items (since you state they're not simple integers) - this will minimise both extra storage requirements and copying.
Maybe its not the best solution, but here's a nifty way...
Let Product[] parr be your array.
Disclaimer It's java, my C# is rusty.
Untested code, but you get the idea.
int plen = parr.length
int [] indices = new int[plen];
for(int i = 0; i < (plen/2); i ++)
indices[i] = 2*i + 1; // Line1
for(int i = (plen/2); i < plen; i++)
indices[i] = 2*(plen-i); // Line2
for(int i = 0; i < plen; i++)
if(i != indices[i])
swap(parr[i], parr[indices[i]]);
The second case, Something like this?
int plen = parr.length
int [] indices = new int[plen];
for(int i = 0; i <= (plen/2); i ++)
indices[i] = (plen^1) - 2*i;
for(int i = 0; i < (plen/2); i++)
indices[i+(plen/2)+1] = 2*i + 1;
for(int i = 0; i < plen; i++)
if(i != indices[i])
swap(parr[i], parr[indices[i]]);