RabbitMQ Verify Message Was Sent - c#

This question is already exists and answered. But there is a dark side in answers. My channel already supports BasicAcks and BasicNacks handlers (in a poor way):
Channel.BasicAcks += (sender, eventArgs) =>
Console.WriteLine("Basic Ack!");
Channel.BasicNacks += (sender, eventArgs) =>
Console.WriteLine("Basic Nack!");
I have a message that published to a queue. so I use this code to do that:
Channel.BasicPublish("ExchangeName", "QueueName", messageProperties, payload);
As long as WaitForConfirmOrDie is a void function, how can I know if message received by a queue? Or more precise, how can I implement Ack handlers to give me a clear state of published message in order to not send it again to queue or in the case of BasicNack send it again?

Using the BasicAcks and BasicNacks event handlers is independent of calling Channel.WaitForConfirmOrDie.
Channel.WaitForConfirmOrDie is a convenience method that synchronously waits for message acknowledgements. So, if you publish messages one-by-one, you will wait for these acks one-by-one. As you can imagine, that is pretty inefficient.
What you should do is register for BasicAcks and BasicNacks like you have done. You should have an "acceptable number of outstanding confirms" defined. Here's one way to implement this -
Publish up to N messages without an ack/nack (N is up to you). If the next message would exceed N do not continue to publish messages.
While a message is outstanding, save it locally (in RAM or local disk). Remember that you can't be 100% sure a message is queued until you get an ack for it.
If the message is acked, remove it from local storage and decrease the count of outstanding messages, which allows publishing to continue (if publishing is blocked). Please remember that messages can be acked in batches.
If the message is nacked, you could re-try it up to a certain number of times, maybe with backoff. Once the re-try limit is exceeded, raise an application exception.


Deferring and re-receiving a deferred message in an IHostBuilder hosted service

If the processing of an Azure Service Bus message depends on another resource, e.g. an API or a database service, and this resource is not available, not calling CompleteMessageAsync() is not an option, because the message will be immediately received again until the Max Delivery Count is reached, and then put into the DLQ. If an API is down for maintenance, we want to wait a bit before retrying.
One of the answers to this question has the general steps for deferring and receiving deferred messages. This is a little better than Microsoft's documentation, but not enough for me to understand the intent of the API, and how it is to be implemented in a hosted service that basically sits in ServiceBusProcessor.StartProcessingAsync all day long.
This is the basic structure of my service:
public class ServiceBusWatcher : IHostedService, IDisposable
public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
return Task.CompletedTask;
private async void ReceiveMessagesAsync()
ServiceBusClient client = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
processor = client.CreateProcessor(queueName, new ServiceBusProcessorOptions());
processor.ProcessMessageAsync += MessageHandler;
await processor.StartProcessingAsync();
async Task MessageHandler(ProcessMessageEventArgs args)
// a dependency is not available that allows me to process a message. so:
await args.DeferMessageAsync(args.Message);
Once the message is deferred, it is my understanding that the processor will not get to it anymore (or will it?). Instead, I have to use ReceiveDeferredMessageAsync() to receive it, along with the sequence number of the originally received message.
In my case, it will make sense to wait minutes or hours before trying again.
This could be done with a separate service that uses a timer and an explicit call to ReceiveDeferredMessageAsync(), as opposed to using a ServiceBusProcessor. I also suppose that the deferred message sequence numbers will have to be persisted in non-volatile storage so that they don't get lost.
Does this sound like a viable approach? I don't like having to remember its sequence numbers so that I can get to a message later. It goes against everything that using a message queue brings to the table in the first place.
Or, instead of deferring, I could just post a new "internal" message with the sequence number and use the ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc property to delay receiving it. Once I receive this message, I could call ReceiveDeferredMessageAsync() with that sequence number to get to the original message. This seems elegant at the surface, but messages could quickly multiply if there is a longer outage of a dependency.
Another idea that could work without another service: I could complete and repost the payload of the message and set ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc to a time in the future, as described in another answer to the question I mentioned earlier. Assuming that this works (Microsoft's documentation does not mention what this property is for), it seems simple and clean, and I like simple.
How have you solved this? Is there a better/preferred way that balances low complexity with high robustness without requiring a large amount of code?
Deferring a message works when you know what message you want to retrieve later and your receiver will have the message sequence number saved to retrieve the deferred message. If the receiver has no ability to save message sequence number, the delaying the message is a better option. Delaying a message will mean to copy the original message data into a newly scheduled one and completing the original message. That way the consumer doesn't have to neither hold on to the message sequence number nor initiate the retrieval of a specific message.

NMS ActiveMQ Ignores Prefetch Limit set in Code

I'm using the current Apache.NMS 1.7.1 and Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ 1.7.2.
I'm using IndividualAcknowledge, so I'm trying to keep the number of loaded messages quite low, because it get's really slow if I have >>1000 messages loaded without Acking them (It's searching a linked list of all messages each time).
I have the following codesnippets:
BlockingCollection<IMessage> _collection = new BlockingCollection<IMessage>();
var factory = new ConnectionFactory("activemq:tcp://localhost:61616");
var _connection = (Connection) factory.CreateConnection();
_connection.PrefetchPolicy.All = 1000;
var session = (Session) _connection.CreateSession(AcknowledgementMode.IndividualAcknowledge);
var destination = SessionUtil.GetDestination(session, "queue://testQueue");
var messageConsumer = (MessageConsumer)session.CreateConsumer(destination);
messageConsumer.Listener += message => _collection.Add(message);
The queue testQueue contains >>20_000 messages. After waiting some seconds, _collection contains all the messages, without me acknowledging any of them.
If I understand the dokumentation right, I should get at most 1000 until I start acknowledging them.
Once the broker has dispatched a prefetch limit number of messages to a consumer it will not dispatch any more messages to that consumer until the consumer has acknowledged at least 50% of the prefetched messages, e.g., prefetch/2, that it received. When the broker has received said acknowledgements it will dispatch a further prefetch/2 number of messages to the consumer to 'top-up', as it were, its prefetch buffer.
I also tried some variations like only setting QueuePrefetch or setting the policy in the url:
or in the queue:
Regarding the slowness of the IndividualAcknowledge, I already tried several other options without much luck:
messageConsumer.OptimizeAcknowledge = true;
messageConsumer.OptimizeAcknowledgeTimeOut = 1000;
messageConsumer.OptimizedAckScheduledAckInterval = 500;
Though I'm not completely clear about the differences of the last to options.
Because you are using an asynchronous listener the broker will be given sending you everything as the client continues to grant credit to the broker on delivery of each message to your asynchronous event listener. To truly limit the amount of messages deliver to the client at any given time the client needs to use synchronous receive calls. Individual acknowledge is best paired with synchronous consumption such that you can control how many messages are read and acknowledge them at some point in time when ready.
The optimized acknowledge settings don't apply in individual acknowledge mode so that won't help with performance.

.NET IBM MQ Listener unacknowledged message and reading from the beginning of the queue

I have a C# application that sets up numerous MQ listeners (multiple threads and potentially multiple servers each with their own listeners). There are some messages that will come off the queue that I will want to leave on the queue, move on to the next message on the MQ, but then under some circumstances I will want to go back to re-read those messages...
var connectionFactory = XMSFactoryFactory.GetInstance(XMSC.CT_WMQ).CreateConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory.SetStringProperty(XMSC.WMQ_HOST_NAME, origination.Server);
connectionFactory.SetIntProperty(XMSC.WMQ_PORT, int.Parse(origination.Port));
connectionFactory.SetStringProperty(XMSC.WMQ_QUEUE_MANAGER, origination.QueueManager);
connectionFactory.SetStringProperty(XMSC.WMQ_CHANNEL, origination.Channel);
var connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection(null, null);
var session = connection.CreateSession(false, AcknowledgeMode.ClientAcknowledge); //changed to use ClientAcknowledge so that we will leave the message on the MQ until we're sure we're processing it
var destination = session.CreateQueue(origination.Queue);
var consumer = session.CreateConsumer(destination);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => Receive(forOrigination, consumer));
Then I have...
if (OnMQMessageReceived != null)
var message = consumer.Receive();
var identifier = string.Empty;
if (message is ITextMessage)
//do stuff with the message here
//populates identifier from the message
//do stuff with the message here
//populates identifier from the message
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(identifier)&& OnMQMessageReceived != null)
if( some check to see if we should process the message now)
//process message here
message.Acknowledge(); //this really pulls it off of the MQ
//here is where I want to trigger the next read to be from the beginning of the MQ
//We actually want to do nothing here. As in do not do Acknowledge
//This leaves the message on the MQ and we'll pick it up again later
//But we want to move on to the next message in the MQ
message.Acknowledge(); //this really pulls it off of the MQ...its useless to us anyways
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => Receive(forOrigination, consumer));
So a couple of questions:
If I do not acknowledge the message it stays on the MQ, right?
If the message is not acknowledged then by default when I read from the MQ again with the same listener it reads the next one and does not go to the beginning, right?
How do I change the listener so that the next time I read I start at the beginning of the queue?
Leaving messages on a queue is an anti-pattern. If you don't want to or cannot process the message at a certain point of your logic, then you have a number of choices:
Get it off the queue and put to another queue/topic for a delayed/different processing.
Get it off the queue and dump to a database, flat file - whatever, if you want to process it outside of messaging flow, or don't want to process at all.
If it is feasible, you may want to change the message producer so it doesn't mix the messages with different processing requirements in the same queue/topic.
In any case, do not leave a message on the queue, and always move forward to the next message. This will make the application way more predictable and easier to reason about. You will also avoid all kinds of performance problems. If your application is or may ever become sensitive to the sequence of message delivery, then manual acknowledgement of selected messages will be at odds with it too.
To your questions:
The JMS spec is vague regarding the behavior of unacknowledged messages - they may be delivered out of order, and it is undefined when exactly when they will be delivered. Also, the acknowledge method call will acknowledge all previously received and unacknowledged messages - probably not what you had in mind.
If you leave messages behind, the listener may or may not go back immediately. If you restart it, it of course will start afresh, but while it is sitting there waiting for messages it is implementation dependent.
So if you try to make your design work, you may get it kind of work under certain circumstances, but it will not be predictable or reliable.

Handling poison messages in MSMQ

Current Setup includes a windows service which picks up a message from the local queue and extracts the information and puts in to my SQL database.According to my design
Service picks up the message from the queue.(I am using Peek() here).
Sends it to the database.
If for some reason i get an exception while saving it to the database the message is back into the queue,which to me is reliable.
I am logging the errors so that a user can know what's the issue and fix it.
Exception example:If the DBconnection is lost during saving process of the messages to the database then the messages are not lost as they are in the queue.I don't comit untill i get an acknowledgement from the DB that the message is inserted .So a user can see the logs and make sure that the DBconnection exists and every thing would be normal and we dont lose any messages in the queue.
But looking into another scenario:The messages I would be getting in the queue are from a 3rd party according a standard schema.The schema would remain same and there is no change in that.But i have seen some where i get some format exceptions and since its not committed the message is back to the queue.At this point this message would be a bottle neck for me as the same messages is picked up again and tries to process the message.Every time the service would pick up the same message and gets the same exception.So this loops infinitely unless that message is removed or put that message last in the queue.
Looking at removing the message:As of now if i go based on the format exception...then i might be wrong since i might encounter some other exceptions in the future .
Is there a way i can put this messages back to the queue last in the list instead beginning of the queue.
Need some advice on how to proceed further.
Note:Queue is Transactional .
As far as I'm aware, MSMQ doesn't automatically dump messages to fail queues. Either way you handle it, it's only a few lines of code (Bill, Michael, and I recommend a fail queue). As far as a fail queue goes, you could simple create one named .\private$\queuename_fail.
Surviving poison messages in MSMQ is a a decent article over this exact topic, which has an example app and source code at the end.
private readonly MessageQueue _failQueue;
private readonly MessageQueue _messageQueue;
/* Other code here (cursor, peek action, run method, initialization etc) */
private void dumpToFailQueue(Message message)
var oldId = message.Id;
_failQueue.Send(message, MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);
// Remove the poisoned message
private void moveToEnd(Message message)
var oldId = message.Id;
_messageQueue.Send(message, MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);
// Remove the poisoned message

RabbitMQ C# API Event based Message Consumption

while (true)
BasicDeliverEventArgs e = (BasicDeliverEventArgs)Consumer.Queue.Dequeue();
IBasicProperties properties = e.BasicProperties;
byte[] body = e.Body;
Console.WriteLine("Recieved Message : " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body));
ch.BasicAck(e.DeliveryTag, false);
This is what we do when we Retrieve Message by subscription..We use While Loop because we want Consumer to listen Continously..what if i want to make this even based..that is when a new message arrives in the queue at that time only Consumer should Consume the message..or on any such similar event..
use the RabbitMQ.Client.Events.EventingBasicConsumer for a eventing consumer instead of a blocking one.
You're currently blocking on the Consumer.Queue.Dequeue(). If I understand your question correctly, you want to asynchronously consume messages.
The standard way of doing this would be to write your own IBasicConsumer (probably by subclassing DefaultBasicConsumer) and set it as the consumer for the channel.
The trouble with this is that you have to be very careful about what you do in IBasicConsumer.HandleBasicDelivery. If you use any synchronous AMQP methods, such as basic.publish, you'll get a dead-lock. If you do anything that takes a long time, you'll run into some other problems.
If you do need synchronous methods or long-running actions, what you're doing is about the right way to do it. Have a look at Subscription; it's an IBasicConsumer that consumes messages and puts them on a queue for you.
If you need any more help, a great place to ask is the rabbitmq-discuss mailing list.
I had this problem and could not find an answer so created a demonstration project to have the RabbitMQ subscription raise .Net events when a message is received. The subscription runs on its own thread leaving the UI (in mycase) free to do it thing.
I amusing call my project RabbitEar as it listens out for messages from the mighty RabbitMQ
I intend to share this with the RabbitMQ site so if they think its of value they can include a link / code in there examples.
Check it out at http://rabbitears.codeplex.com/

