xUnit test asp net core Mapper not initialized - c#

I am testing this method that in the end does mapping to my DTO
public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
var currencies = await _repository.GetCurrencies().ToListAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (currencies.Count == 0)
return NoContent();
return Ok(currencies.ToDto());
In return of this method I get the following error:
Message: System.InvalidOperationException : Mapper not initialized.
Call Initialize with appropriate configuration. If you are trying to
use mapper instances through a container or otherwise, make sure you
do not have any calls to the static Mapper.Map methods, and if you're
using ProjectTo or UseAsDataSource extension methods, make sure you
pass in the appropriate IConfigurationProvider instance.
I use a static method to do auto mapper
public static List<CurrencyDTO> ToDto(this List<Currency> model)
return Mapper.Map<List<Currency>, List<CurrencyDTO>>(model);
When I run only this test it passes but when I squeeze everyone it speaks
I tried already make a builder initialize mapper but continue error, test only passes if it is run individually
public class CurrenciesControllerTest
public CurrenciesControllerTest()
private Mock<IReimbursementRepository> _repository = new Mock<IReimbursementRepository>();
public async Task Should_return_all_currencies()
var mock = Currencyfactory().AsQueryable().BuildMock();
_repository.Setup(x => x.GetCurrencies()).Returns(mock.Object);
var controller = new CurrenciesController(_repository.Object);
var response = await controller.Get().ConfigureAwait(false) as OkObjectResult;`enter code here`
Assert.Equal(response.StatusCode, (int)HttpStatusCode.OK);

my solution, configure AutoMapperConfig
public class AutoMapperConfig
public static object thisLock = new object();
public static void Initialize()
lock (thisLock)
AutoMapper.Mapper.Initialize(cfg => { });


How to seed data only once before running all tests using MSTest

I have bunch of tests class such as CustomerTest, ProductTest, VendorTest and so on. I'm using in-memory Database and I would like to seed all data that I need to ONLY ONCE before running all these Tests above but have no idea how to do it.
I have CustomWebApplicationFactory class
public class CustomWebApplicationFactory<TProgram> : WebApplicationFactory<Program>
public ApplicationContext context { get; set; }
protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
builder.ConfigureTestServices(services => {
var descriptor = services.SingleOrDefault(d => d.ServiceType == typeof(DbContextOptions<ApplicationContext>));
if (descriptor != null)
services.AddDbContext<ApplicationContext>(options => options
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
using (var scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope())
var scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider;
var db = scopedServices.GetRequiredService<ApplicationContext>();
SeedData(db); //seeding all data to all table
My Tests class
public class VendorTest : BaseTest
public async Task AddVendor()
var content = JsonSerializer.Serialize(
var response = await _httpClient.PostAsync(
new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
public async Task GetVendor()
var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync("vendors");
string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Base Test
public class BaseTest
protected static CustomWebApplicationFactory<Program> _webAppFactory = new CustomWebApplicationFactory<Program>();
protected static HttpClient _httpClient = _webAppFactory.CreateDefaultClient();
public void Initialize()
//not sure if BaseClass is the way to do it
//_httpClient = _webAppFactory.CreateDefaultClient();
Everytime a TestMethod is running, it will reseed all of the data due to CustomWebApplicationFactory. Any idea how to do it only once?
First of all: I dislike your idea so much, that I hesitated to show you a possible approach. I'll explain that after the code.
If you need something, that runs only once, static things come to mind. So, you could use a static/singleton factory to create your in-memory database like this:
public class TestDbFactory
private static TestDbFactory instance;
private readonly ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private TestDbFactory()
var databaseName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var inMemoryContextOptions = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationContext>()
this.applicationContext = new ApplicationContext(inMemoryContextOptions);
public static TestDbFactory Instance => CreateOrReuseInstance();
public ApplicationContext ApplicationContext => this.applicationContext;
private static TestDbFactory CreateOrReuseInstance()
if (instance != null) return instance;
var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
instance = instance ?? new TestDbFactory();
return instance;
private void InitDatabase()
// ensure deleted & created & seeded for this.applicationContext
Now you can either use TestDbFactory.Instance.ApplicationContext to pass the database to the systems under test or you can use the factory pattern of the dependency injection setup to provide the context:
services.AddScoped(_ => TestDbFactory.Instance.ApplicationContext);
What I don't like about your idea:
Even for a single test you have to seed the whole database.
You can't do write test, because then tests don't have a predictable setup (it might be or not, that the db contents have changed before a test runs).
To me a test also serves as documentation. This is not possible, if the database content relevant for a specific test can't be determined from the test.
Adding new tests and updating the seeding will become a nightmare as you (let alone a whole team) have to verify the new data vs. all existing tests.
You won't save much typing as you still have to data for every test.
So, to me a better approach would be to use an in-memory database in every test class (a test class contains all tests for a single method). It would be ok to provide a basic seeding common to all tests in the test class, but specific data setup for a test should go with the test.
I hope that this post helps in one way or the other.

Moq: setup a generic method with mocked parameters

I've been trying to write a few tests in NUnit for my generic methods, without success. I hope I can make my situation clear, since I had to heavily paraphrase my code.
DoBusinessLogic() is the method I want to test. It calls two other methods from the base class:
public class MySvc : BaseSvc, IMySvc
private readonly IMyRepo _repo;
private readonly IMyConnectorClass _connector
public MySvc(IMyRepo repo) : base(repo)
_repo = repo;
_connector = _repo.GetConnector();
public async Task DoBusinessLogic(int id1, int id2){
bool doesFirstObjectExist = await CheckMainObjExists<Foo>(id1, _connector);
await CheckSubObjExists<Bar>(id2, _connector);
// further business logic
Those methods, in turn, call the same repository method, but have different logic after it:
public abstract class BaseSvc : IBaseSvc
private readonly IBaseRepo _repo
protected BaseSvc(IBaseRepo repo)
_repo = repo;
protected async Task<bool> CheckMainObjExists<T>(int? id, IMyConnectorClass connector)
return await _repo.GetObjectByIdAsync<T>(Id, connector) != null;
protected async Task CheckSubObjExists<T>(int? id, IMyConnectorClass connector)
if (await _repo.GetObjectByIdAsync<T>(Id, connector) == null)
{ throw new Exception("Object not found!"); }
Next, I want to write unit a test for DoBusinessLogic() in the MySvc class. Unfortunately, it seems I can't mock the responses from the repository.
public class MySvcTests
private MySvc _svc;
private Mock<IMyRepo> _repoMock;
private Mock<IMyConnectorClass> _connectorMock;
public void SetUp()
_repoMock = new Mock<IMyRepo>() {};
_connectorMock = new Mock<IMyConnectorClass>();
_repo.SetUp(r => r.GetConnector()).Return(_connectorMock.Object);
_svc = new MySvc(_repoMock);
My intent in this test, is to make CheckMainObjExists() pass,
but make CheckSubObjExist() fail.
public async Task DoBusinessLogic_If2ndObjectNotExist_ThrowException()
// This should return an object
_repoMock.Setup(r => r.GetObjectByIdAsync<Foo>(It.IsAny<int>(), _connectorMock.Object))
.ReturnsAsync(new Foo());
// This should return null
_repoMock.Setup(r => r.GetObjectByIdAsync<Bar>(It.IsAny<int>(), _connectorMock.Object))
.ReturnsAsync((Bar) null);
Assert.Throws<Exception>(await _svc.DoBusinessLogic());
However, when I run the test, both methods that I set up for my mock repo return null, whereas I expect a "true" from the first.
I do not know where the problem is situated, but I have my suspicions:
Is it possible to setup a method, using a mocked object as a parameter? In this case, is it possible to use _connectorMock.Object as a setup parameter?
Is it possible to setup the same generic method multiple times, but for a different type each time? It's first setup for Foo, then for Bar.
I just tested this code and it runs as expected. Now I had to make a lot of assumptions just to get the code to compile and run which would mean that my test of your code is flawed as I may have fixed something that was omitted in your example.
I made no changes to your test setup code, which worked.
public class MySvcTests {
public async Task DoBusinessLogic_If2ndObjectNotExist_ThrowException() {
var _repoMock = new Mock<IMyRepo>() { };
var _connectorMock = new Mock<IMyConnectorClass>();
_repoMock.Setup(r => r.GetConnector()).Returns(_connectorMock.Object);
var _svc = new MySvc(_repoMock.Object);
// This should return an object
_repoMock.Setup(r => r.GetObjectByIdAsync<Foo>(It.IsAny<int>(), _connectorMock.Object))
.ReturnsAsync(new Foo());
// This should return null
_repoMock.Setup(r => r.GetObjectByIdAsync<Bar>(It.IsAny<int>(), _connectorMock.Object))
await _svc.DoBusinessLogic(0, 0);

C# webapi async context issue

I got two console applications which calls my webapi the same time and I get back in the console application the follow response from my api:
A second operation started on this context before a previous asynchronous operation completed. Use 'await' to ensure that any asynchronous operations have completed before calling another method on this context. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
So they call at the same time my webapi and then something inside the webapi cannot handle those 2 async calls so this error is returned.
I checked all my code on the webapi project and all methods are async and got await so I cannot see why I get this.
Here is the code of the webapi.
public class FederationsController : ApiController
private readonly IFederationRepository _federationRepository;
public FederationsController(IFederationRepository federationRepository)
_federationRepository = federationRepository;
[Route("federations", Name = "GetFederations")]
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetFederations()
var federations = await _federationRepository.GetAllAsync();
return Ok(federations.ToModel());
public class FederationRepository : IFederationRepository, IDisposable
private Models.DataAccessLayer.CompetitionContext _db = new CompetitionContext();
#region IQueryable
private IQueryable<Models.Entities.Federation> FederationWithEntities()
return _db.Federations.Include(x => x.Clubs)
.Where(x => !x.DeletedAt.HasValue && x.Clubs.Any(y => !y.DeletedAt.HasValue));
#endregion IQueryable
public async Task<IEnumerable<Models.Entities.Federation>> GetAllAsync()
return await FederationWithEntities().ToListAsync();
public static class FederationMapper
public static List<Federation> ToModel(this IEnumerable<Models.Entities.Federation> federations)
if (federations == null) return new List<Federation>();
return federations.Select(federation => federation.ToModel()).ToList();
public static Federation ToModel(this Models.Entities.Federation federation)
return new Federation()
Name = federation.Name,
FederationCode = federation.FederationCode,
CreatedAt = federation.CreatedAt,
UpdatedAt = federation.UpdatedAt
public class CompetitionContext : DbContext
public CompetitionContext() : base("ContextName")
public DbSet<Federation> Federations { get; set; }
public static class UnityConfig
public static void RegisterComponents()
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IFederationRepository, FederationRepository>();
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(container);
Thank you for all the advices/help.
In your repository you are creating a single CompetitionContext and reusing it. I'm assuming that IoC setup is registring the repository as some kind of single instance, so the same repository is getting used every time. If that's the case you should create a new CompetitionContext for each method call.
Also, probably should make sure it's closed with a using statement.
I'm also not clear from your code snippets why you are returning an IQueryable from that FederationWithEntities, method, do you have other things that are using it?
Anyway, I'd probably change that GetAllMethod to be something like this:
public async Task<IEnumerable<Models.Entities.Federation>> GetAllAsync()
using (Models.DataAccessLayer.CompetitionContext _db = new CompetitionContext())
return _db.Federations.Include(x => x.Clubs)
.Where(x => !x.DeletedAt.HasValue && x.Clubs.Any(y => !y.DeletedAt.HasValue))

TableControllers Unit test

So I'm trying to write a simple tablecontroller Unit test for my backend??
I havent been able to do so, all I've achieve is writing unit testing for ApiControllers but is there a way to write a Unit test for TableControllers?
What I'll like to do is this:
public class AuctionController : TableController<Auction>
protected override void Initialize(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
MobileServiceContext context = new MobileServiceContext();
DomainManager = new EntityDomainManager<Auction>(context, Request);
// GET tables/Auction
public IQueryable<Auction> GetAllAuction()
return Query();
// GET tables/Auction/48D68C86-6EA6-4C25-AA33-223FC9A27959
public SingleResult<Auction> GetAuction(string id)
return Lookup(id);
// PATCH tables/Auction/48D68C86-6EA6-4C25-AA33-223FC9A27959
public Task<Auction> PatchAuction(string id, Delta<Auction> patch)
return UpdateAsync(id, patch);
// POST tables/Auction
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostAuction(Auction item)
Auction current = await InsertAsync(item);
return CreatedAtRoute("Tables", new { id = current.Id }, current);
// DELETE tables/Auction/48D68C86-6EA6-4C25-AA33-223FC9A27959
public Task DeleteAuction(string id)
return DeleteAsync(id);
and i wish to make a test controller like this one:
public class AuctionControllerTests
private readonly AuctionController _controller;
public AuctionControllerTests()
_controller = new AuctionController();
public void Fetch_all_existing_items()
Assert.Equal(2, _controller.GetAllTodoItems().ToList().Count);
how can I possibly be able to get this to work??? Please I would appreciate your help a lot.
Yes. it is possible but you code is not unit testable. Here are the steps for you
Find a way inject your depedencies MobileServiceContext and DomainManager
You need to set up contexts and requests etc as in shown in the following code.
(Code assumes you are using Moq)
public class ControllerUnitTestBase<T> where T: Controller
private Action<RouteCollection> _routeRegistrar;
private Mock<HttpRequestBase> _mockRequest;
protected virtual Action<RouteCollection> RouteRegistrar
get { return _routeRegistrar ?? DefaultRouteRegistrar; }
set { _routeRegistrar = value; }
protected Mock<HttpRequestBase> MockRequest
if (_mockRequest == null)
_mockRequest = new Mock<HttpRequestBase>();
return _mockRequest;
public abstract T TargetController { get; }
protected void TargetSetup()
var routes = new RouteCollection();
var responseMock = new Mock<HttpResponseBase>();
responseMock.Setup(x => x.ApplyAppPathModifier(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns((string url) => url);
var contextMock = new Mock<HttpContextBase>();
contextMock.SetupGet(x => x.Request).Returns(MockRequest.Object);
contextMock.SetupGet(x => x.Response).Returns(responseMock.Object);
contextMock.SetupGet(x => x.Session).Returns(Mock<HttpSessionStateBase>().Object);
TargetController.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(contextMock.Object, new RouteData(), TargetController);
TargetController.Url = new UrlHelper(new RequestContext(contextMock.Object, new RouteData()), routes);
protected void DefaultRouteRegistrar(RouteCollection routes)
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional });
Inherit from this code and make sure you call TargetSetup() before test execution ( maybe in test initialization (setup). And you are good to go as in:
public class AuctionControllerTests: TestControllerBase<AuctionController>
public AuctionController TargetController {
get {return new AuctionController();//inject your mocked dependencies}}
public void SetUp()
So Thanks for the mocking solution, It worked but I wrote a generic better solution without using mocking framework, I'll apply mocking framework later, right now I'll stick with fakes and real dbs for integration tests.
but firstable I wrote a Generic TableController in order to apply multiple EntityData and DbContext for those who had more than one Context, also you could apply a FakeContext thanks to the abstraction of interfaces but i havent applied to this example.
First This is my BaseController:
//This is an abstract class so we can apply inheritance to scalfolded tablecontrollers<T>.
public abstract class BaseController<TModel, TDbContext> : TableController<TModel> where TModel : class, ITableData
where TDbContext:DbContext, new()
protected override void Initialize(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
var context = new TDbContext();
SetDomainManager(new EntityDomainManager<TModel>(context, Request));
public void SetDomainManager(EntityDomainManager<TModel> domainManager)
DomainManager = domainManager;
this is my scalfolded controller with my basecontroller applied!!!
public class AuctionController : BaseController<Auction, MobileServiceContext>
public IQueryable<Auction> GetAllAuction()
return Query();
// GET tables/Auction/48D68C86-6EA6-4C25-AA33-223FC9A27959
public SingleResult<Auction> GetAuction(string id)
return Lookup(id);
// PATCH tables/Auction/48D68C86-6EA6-4C25-AA33-223FC9A27959
public Task<Auction> PatchAuction(string id, Delta<Auction> patch)
return UpdateAsync(id, patch);
// POST tables/Auction
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostAuction(Auction item)
Auction current = await InsertAsync(item);
return CreatedAtRoute("Tables", new { id = current.Id }, current);
// DELETE tables/Auction/48D68C86-6EA6-4C25-AA33-223FC9A27959
public Task DeleteAuction(string id)
return DeleteAsync(id);
With my generic application I can apply any DbContext that way you could even apply FakeDbContexts in order to avoid SqlConnection or Cloud connection such as Azure which is the one I used in this example.
UPDATED MARCH 14th, 2018
All this two library are on my Backend project, now I'll show you my test project in order to Unit Test a TableController
public abstract class ControllerTestBase<TController, TModel, TDbContext> where TController : BaseController<TModel, TDbContext>, new()
where TModel : class, ITableData
where TDbContext: DbContext, new()
protected readonly TController Controller;
protected ControllerTestBase()
Controller = new TController();
Controller.Configuration = new HttpConfiguration();
Controller.Request = new HttpRequestMessage();
var context = new TDbContext();
Controller.SetDomainManager(new EntityDomainManager<TModel>(context, Controller.Request));
Ok thanks to this abstract class you can supress the initialize setup from the testing library because each time you run a test it will call the generic test constructor, setting up all the necessary requierements and thus avoid ArgumentNullExceptions and InvalidOperationExceptions such common problem for unit testing tablecontroller since isnt quite intuitive to initialize as an ApiController.
Finally if you modify this then you can run a test like this:
public class AuctionControllerTest : ControllerTestBase<AuctionController, Auction, MobileServiceContext>
public void Fetch_All_Existing_Items()
Assert.AreEqual(1, Controller.GetAllAuction().ToList().Count);
thanks to my generic application you can now use this code as an example to be apply to your TableControllers and also if you follow the Interface Segregation Principle you could apply FakeDbContext to your Controllers.
For those who helped me thanks you opened my mind into coming with this solution!!!

ASP.NET MVC WebAPI create ViewModel from async tasks

I write web application using ASP.NET MVC WebAPI and I want to transform current synchronous code to asynchronous for optimization. Problem is that I fill ViewModel with multiple objects taken from repository. These calls from repository should be async.
Let's asume I have signature for repository calls respecting this interface
public interface ICompanyRepository
IEnumerable<Company> GetCompanies();
IEnumerable<Address> GetAddresses();
ViewModels definition
public class CompaniesFullViewModel
public IEnumerable<Company> Companies { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Address> Addresses { get; set; }
And controller:
public class CompanyController
public readonly ICompanyRepository Repository { get; private set; }
public CompanyController(IRepository repository)
Repository = repository;
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
var companies = Repository.GetCompanies();
var addresses = Repository.GetAddresses();
HttpStatusCode statusCode = companies.Any()
? HttpStatusCode.OK
: HttpStatusCode.PartialContent;
new CompaniesFullViewModel
Companies = companies,
Addresses = addresses
Furthermore I have tests implemented to the controller:
public sealed class CompanyTestController : BaseTestController
#region Fields
private static Mock<ICompanyRepository> _repositoryMock;
private static CompanyController _controller;
public static void Initialize(TestContext testContext)
// Mock repository
_repositoryMock = new Mock<ICompanyRepository>();
// Create controller
_controller =
// Init request
_controller.Request = new HttpRequestMessage();
_controller.Request.SetConfiguration(new HttpConfiguration());
public static void Cleanup()
public void Get_ActionExecutes_ReturnsEmptyCompaniesViewModel()
var companies = new List<Company>();
var addresses = new List<Address>();
// Setup fake method
.Setup(c => c.GetCompanies())
.Setup(c => c.GetAddresses())
// Execute action
var response = _controller.Get();
// Check the response
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.PartialContent, response.StatusCode);
How can I convert the controller to async, if the repository is async and the signature looks like this:
public interface ICompanyRepository
Task<IEnumerable<Company>> GetCompaniesAsync();
Task<IEnumerable<Address>> GetAddressesAsync();
What you need to do is change the Controller action to be async as well, and change the return type to Task<>. You can then await your asynchronous repository calls:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Get() // async keyword.
var companies = await Repository.GetCompaniesAsync(); // await
var addresses = await Repository.GetAddressesAsync(); // await
HttpStatusCode statusCode = companies.Any()
? HttpStatusCode.OK
: HttpStatusCode.PartialContent;
new CompaniesFullViewModel
Companies = companies,
Addresses = addresses
By convention, you can also change the name of the controller action to end in Async as well, although if you are using RESTful conventions and / or Routing attributes, the actual name of the controller action isn't really important.
I use XUnit and NUnit, but it seems MSTest also supports testing of asynchronous methods, and Moq also provides Async versions of the setups:
public async Task Get_ActionExecutes_ReturnsEmptyCompaniesViewModel() // async Task
var companies = new List<Company>();
var addresses = new List<Address>();
// Setup fake method
.Setup(c => c.GetCompaniesAsync())
.ReturnsAsync(companies); // Async
.Setup(c => c.GetAddressesAsync())
.ReturnsAsync(addresses); // Async
// Execute action
var response = await _controller.Get(); // Await
// Check the response
Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.PartialContent, response.StatusCode);
_repositoryMock.Verify(m => m.GetAddressesAsync(), Times.Once);
_repositoryMock.Verify(m => m.GetCompaniesAsync(), Times.Once);
As an aside, it seems you are using Setter Dependency injection. An alternative is to use Constructor injection, which has the benefit of ensuring that the class is always in a valid state (i.e. there is no transient state while it is waiting for the dependencies to be set). This also allows the dependencies (your repository in this case) to be made readonly.

