when my objects spawn into world they can move around each other. The only problem is that they can overlap when they move, i.e the sprite of one object moves onto the sprite of the other as show below:
How would I be able to avoid this?
Check if colliders are trigger or remove all components from gameobject and just leave only rigidbody and colliders. Rigidbody and colliders should be of the same type rigidbody 2d collider2d. Hope it helps!
I was making a game about stacking objects on top of eachother but when I spawn a new object above it falls inside in other object and behaves like elastic material.
I didn't specify any Physics Material to the Rigidbody, It's just a vanilla Rigidbody component.
Here is a gif about my problem
You might have forgotten to add a Box collider to the cube prefab.
Make sure that the collision detection method on the rigidbody is set to either continuous or continuous dynamic. Make sure there's a collider as well.
I have 2 colliders, its a game where I have a ball, and a Labyritnh. The ball should pass through the labyrinth and collides with the labyrinth's walls.
But I have a problem, the physic aren't working that well, the collider don't work.
I have a rigidbody and a collider in both of these objects.
Also, I have a problem with choosing box or edge colliders.
Because it is a labyrinth, I need to design the colliders with some complex shapes.
I have used edges colliders and box colliders but the ball is passing through all these colliders like nothing, It seems like its not working.
Can someone help me?
you need a rigid body object attached to at least one of them for the colloders to work.
make each wall individually and use rectangel colliders. add a rigidbody component, and set that rigid body to kinematic. should work then.
Currently I am working on a networked 2d platform game.
My player is an empty object which serves as a parent to my actual graphics etc. The empty object has a rigidbody (3d) attached to it as it needs to have one in order to use the configurable joint component ( note: I move my player around using this 3d rigid body).The player body however, a child to the graphics, has a box collider 2d attached to it as it after all it is a 2d game and has to collide with other 2d objects.
My platforms have polygon collider 2ds attached to them (which is connected to a platform effector if that is worth mentioning).
Now, even though both my player body (which is a child to graphics which is a child to my player object) and my platforms have 2d colliders on them they do not collide and can simply go inside each other (neither of them is marked as isTrigger).
In order to solve this I thought I would add a rigidbody 2D to the player body and see if that would do anything. Now upon adding the rigidbody 2D collisions did work but as soon as I made the rigidbody 2D have all position and rotation constraints ticked or as soon as I made it kinematic or static it would cease to collide with my platforms. The problem is I need to have the rigidbody 2D be static or not be able to move as I am currently moving my player object using the rigidbody (3d) attached to it and do not want any additional movement of the player body upon colliding with objects.
I know this is quite a lot of information, so if you have any questions or would like further information just comment and I will be quick to respond. Thank you :-)!
2d ray casts are also unable to hit the player body box collider 2D
Edit 2:
So to recap:
If either the player body or the platform has a rigidbody 2d that is not static (dynamic) and can move collisions work. However currently I only have a rigidbody 2D on my player body which has to be static though (as explained earlier) as well as a box collider 2d. My platform(s) on the other hand currently only has a polygon collider 2d as I do not see why it would need a rigidbody 2D.
A static collider won't detect the collision with another collider if it doesn't have a rigidbody, if it is static or if it has a kinematic rigidbody. At least one of your two objects needs to not be static and to have a rigidbody which is not kinematic to be correctly detected. So you do need to add a Rigidbody2D to your platform.
When you have a doubt about why a collider wouldn't collide with another one, always refer to this page of Unity's documentation which sums up which kind of collider will collide with another one.
Rigidbody2D can't collide with Rigidbody3D, here's a workaround though
I´m making a simple CAD application on Unity 3D using C# to configure closets. I'm trying to limit the movement of the shelves so you can move them only on the hole, so I have a dragger attached to every piece of the closet I want to move, but obviously they can cross with each other.
I thought I could use the collider system that Unity has to limit this movement but since I never worked with Unity before I´m kinda lost. This is my dragger so far:
mousePosition = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, cubo_tmp.transform.position.y, distance);
objPosition = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePosition);
objPosition.Set(objPosition.x, cubo_tmp.transform.position.y, cubo_tmp.transform.position.z);
I keep y and z components so it can move only in one direction.
Box Colliders are best for cuboid shaped objects.
In the editor, if you click GameObject > 3d Object > Cube, Unity will add a cube with a Box Collider to your scene:
If you want to add a Box Collider to a GameObject that doesn't have one, click Add Component in the Inspector panel and type in "Box Collider" to find it. It looks like this:
Note: If the IsTrigger box is checked, the Collider acts as a Trigger rather than a Collider.
A GameObject with a Collider will "collide" with any other GameObject that also has a Collider, with a small exception involving 2 Mesh Colliders that are both set to Convex.
EDIT: I think you are able to intersect the objects because you are modifying Transform.position directly in your code. This might override the collision behaviour.
Also Go to Edit > Project Settings > Physics and make sure your layer collision matrix allows collisions for the layers on which your objects are placed.
I have a cube tagged "player", which needs to jump at certain locations, represented by Empty GameObjects.
I want to make a point system and that why I put on some of the places other game objects tagged "Coin"
The cube has an animation which plays each time it moves to another point recognized by clicking with the mouse on it.
When I jump on the coin location I want the Coin object to get destroyed.
I use this function:
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col){
if (col.gameObject.tag == "Coin") {
Debug.Log ("Plm");
stroy (col.gameObject);
The problem is that when I'm jumping at the Coin location nothing happens.
I have box colliders on both objects and OnTrigger checked on both.
1) Make sure one gameobject has a rigidbody
To have the OnTriggerEnter happen you need at least one of the two object to have a RigidBody attached to it.
2) Static Trigger Collider
An object that has a collider and isTrigger checked but no rigibBody is considered a Static Trigger Collider which are From Unity Documentation:
This is a GameObject that has a Collider but no Rigidbody. Static colliders are used for level geometry which always stays at the same place and never moves around. Incoming rigidbody objects will collide with the static collider but will not move it.
This type of collider interactions is perfect for your coins because they do not move and stay static.
3) Rigidbody Trigger Collider
The next type of collider interactions is a Rigidbody Trigger Collider which are :
This is a GameObject with a Collider and a normal, non-kinematic Rigidbody attached. Rigidbody colliders are fully simulated by the physics engine and can react to collisions and forces applied from a script. They can collide with other objects (including static colliders)
This type of collider is what you need on your player and as it says in the Unity Documentation it will be able to collide with the Static trigger collider.
Important observation:
Having IsTrigger set to true on your player collider will cause your player to not respond as a solid object
A collider configured as a Trigger (using the Is Trigger property) does not behave as a solid object and will simply allow other colliders to pass through.
which might not be the most optimal solution for you because most of the time you want your player to be able to collide with other things like the ground. So you can set the isTrigger to false and just have a rigidbody on you player and it will react to the coins if they're set as Static Trigger Collider.
If you want an easy way to know what can collide with what Read the colliders documentation and take a look at this chart that shows it in a more simpler way.