I have an expensive method to call for creating a batch of source items:
private Task<List<SourceItem>> GetUnprocessedBatch(int batchSize)
I want to populate new items only when there is no item to process(or it falls below a certain threshold). I couldn't figure out which Source method to use so far.
I have implemented a crude stream that would keep returning new items:
public class Stream
private readonly Queue<SourceItem> scrapeAttempts;
private int batchSize = 100;
private int minItemCount = 10;
public Stream()
scrapeAttempts = new Queue<SourceItem>();
public async Task<SourceItem> Next()
if (scrapeAttempts.Count < minItemCount)
var entryScrapeAttempts = await GetUnprocessedBatch(batchSize);
entryScrapeAttempts.ForEach(attempt => scrapeAttempts.Enqueue(attempt));
return scrapeAttempts.Dequeue();
I expected Source.Task would work but it looks like it calls it only once. How can I create a source for this scenario?
So, conceptually what you want is a Source stage, that fetches elements asynchronously in batches, buffers the batch and propagates events downstream one by one. When the buffer is close to being empty, we want to eagerly call the next fetch on the side thread (but not more than once), so it could complete while we're emptying current batch.
This sort of behavior will require building a custom GraphStage. One that could look like this:
sealed class PreFetch<T> : GraphStage<SourceShape<T>>
private readonly int threshold;
private readonly Func<Task<IEnumerable<T>>> fetch;
private readonly Outlet<T> outlet = new Outlet<T>("prefetch");
public PreFetch(int threshold, Func<Task<IEnumerable<T>>> fetch)
this.threshold = threshold;
this.fetch = fetch;
this.Shape = new SourceShape<T>(this.outlet);
public override SourceShape<T> Shape { get; }
protected override GraphStageLogic CreateLogic(Attributes inheritedAttributes) => new Logic(this);
private sealed class Logic : GraphStageLogic
public Logic(PreFetch<T> stage) : base(stage.Shape)
// queue for batched elements
var queue = new Queue<T>();
// flag which indicates, that pull from downstream was made,
// but we didn't have any elements at that moment
var wasPulled = false;
// determines if fetch was already called
var fetchInProgress = false;
// in order to cooperate with async calls without data races,
// we need to register async callbacks for success and failure scenarios
var onSuccess = this.GetAsyncCallback<IEnumerable<T>>(batch =>
foreach (var item in batch) queue.Enqueue(item);
if (wasPulled)
// if pull was requested but not fulfilled, we need to push now, as we have elements
// it assumes that fetch returned non-empty batch
Push(stage.outlet, queue.Dequeue());
wasPulled = false;
fetchInProgress = false;
var onFailure = this.GetAsyncCallback<Exception>(this.FailStage);
SetHandler(stage.outlet, onPull: () => {
if (queue.Count < stage.threshold && !fetchInProgress)
// if queue occupation reached bellow expected capacity
// call fetch on a side thread and handle its result asynchronously
stage.fetch().ContinueWith(task =>
// depending on if task was failed or not, we call corresponding callback
if (task.IsFaulted || task.IsCanceled)
onFailure(task.Exception as Exception ?? new TaskCanceledException(task));
else onSuccess(task.Result);
fetchInProgress = true;
// if queue is empty, we cannot push immediatelly, so we only mark
// that pull request has been made but not fulfilled
if (queue.Count == 0)
wasPulled = true;
Push(stage.outlet, queue.Dequeue());
wasPulled = false;
I want to use IAsyncEnumerable like a Source for akka streams. But I not found, how do it.
No sutiable method in Source class for this code.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Akka.Streams.Dsl;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
Source.From(await AsyncEnumerable())
.Via(/*some action*/)
private static async IAsyncEnumerable<int> AsyncEnumerable()
//some async enumerable
How use IAsyncEnumerbale for Source?
This has been done in the past as a part of Akka.NET Streams contrib package, but since I don't see it there anymore, let's go through on how to implement such source. The topic can be quite long, as:
Akka.NET Streams is really about graph processing - we're talking about many-inputs/many-outputs configurations (in Akka.NET they're called inlets and outlets) with support for cycles in graphs.
Akka.NET is not build on top of .NET async/await or even on top of .NET standard thread pool library - they're both pluggable, which means that the lowest barier is basically using callbacks and encoding what C# compiler sometimes does for us.
Akka.NET streams is capable of both pushing and pulling values between stages/operators. IAsyncEnumerable<T> can only pull data while IObservable<T> can only push it, so we get more expressive power here, but this comes at a cost.
The basics of low level API used to implement custom stages can be found in the docs.
The starter boilerplate looks like this:
public static class AsyncEnumerableExtensions {
// Helper method to change IAsyncEnumerable into Akka.NET Source.
public static Source<T, NotUsed> AsSource<T>(this IAsyncEnumerable<T> source) =>
Source.FromGraph(new AsyncEnumerableSource<T>(source));
// Source stage is description of a part of the graph that doesn't consume
// any data, only produce it using a single output channel.
public sealed class AsyncEnumerableSource<T> : GraphStage<SourceShape<T>>
private readonly IAsyncEnumerable<T> _enumerable;
public AsyncEnumerableSource(IAsyncEnumerable<T> enumerable)
_enumerable = enumerable;
Outlet = new Outlet<T>("asyncenumerable.out");
Shape = new SourceShape<T>(Outlet);
public Outlet<T> Outlet { get; }
public override SourceShape<T> Shape { get; }
/// Logic if to a graph stage, what enumerator is to enumerable.
protected override GraphStageLogic CreateLogic(Attributes inheritedAttributes) =>
new Logic(this);
sealed class Logic: OutGraphStageLogic
public override void OnPull()
// method called whenever a consumer asks for new data
public override void OnDownstreamFinish()
// method called whenever a consumer stage finishes,used for disposals
As mentioned, we don't use async/await straight away here: even more, calling Logic methods in asynchronous context is unsafe. To make it safe we need to register out methods that may be called from other threads using GetAsyncCallback<T> and call them via returned wrappers. This will ensure, that not data races will happen when executing asynchronous code.
sealed class Logic : OutGraphStageLogic
private readonly Outlet<T> _outlet;
// enumerator we'll call for MoveNextAsync, and eventually dispose
private readonly IAsyncEnumerator<T> _enumerator;
// callback called whenever _enumerator.MoveNextAsync completes asynchronously
private readonly Action<Task<bool>> _onMoveNext;
// callback called whenever _enumerator.DisposeAsync completes asynchronously
private readonly Action<Task> _onDisposed;
// cache used for errors thrown by _enumerator.MoveNextAsync, that
// should be rethrown after _enumerator.DisposeAsync
private Exception? _failReason = null;
public Logic(AsyncEnumerableSource<T> source) : base(source.Shape)
_outlet = source.Outlet;
_enumerator = source._enumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator();
_onMoveNext = GetAsyncCallback<Task<bool>>(OnMoveNext);
_onDisposed = GetAsyncCallback<Task>(OnDisposed);
// ... other methods
The last part to do are methods overriden on `Logic:
OnPull used whenever the downstream stage calls for new data. Here we need to call for next element of async enumerator sequence.
OnDownstreamFinish called whenever the downstream stage has finished and will not ask for any new data. It's the place for us to dispose our enumerator.
Thing is these methods are not async/await, while their enumerator's equivalent are. What we basically need to do there is to:
Call corresponding async methods of underlying enumerator (OnPull → MoveNextAsync and OnDownstreamFinish → DisposeAsync).
See, if we can take their results immediately - it's important part that usually is done for us as part of C# compiler in async/await calls.
If not, and we need to wait for the results - call ContinueWith to register our callback wrappers to be called once async methods are done.
sealed class Logic : OutGraphStageLogic
// ... constructor and fields
public override void OnPull()
var hasNext = _enumerator.MoveNextAsync();
if (hasNext.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
// first try short-path: values is returned immediately
if (hasNext.Result)
// check if there was next value and push it downstream
Push(_outlet, _enumerator.Current);
// if there was none, we reached end of async enumerable
// and we can dispose it
// we need to wait for the result
// This method is called when another stage downstream has been completed
public override void OnDownstreamFinish() =>
// dispose enumerator on downstream finish
private void DisposeAndComplete()
var disposed = _enumerator.DisposeAsync();
if (disposed.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
// enumerator disposal completed immediately
if (_failReason is not null)
// if we close this stream in result of error in MoveNextAsync,
// fail the stage
// we can close the stage with no issues
// we need to await for enumerator to be disposed
private void OnMoveNext(Task<bool> task)
// since this is callback, it will always be completed, we just need
// to check for exceptions
if (task.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
if (task.Result)
// if task returns true, it means we read a value
Push(_outlet, _enumerator.Current);
// otherwise there are no more values to read and we can close the source
// task either failed or has been cancelled
_failReason = task.Exception as Exception ?? new TaskCanceledException(task);
private void OnDisposed(Task task)
if (task.IsCompletedSuccessfully) CompleteStage();
else {
var reason = task.Exception as Exception
?? _failReason
?? new TaskCanceledException(task);
As of Akka.NET v1.4.30 this is now natively supported inside Akka.Streams via the RunAsAsyncEnumerable method:
var input = Enumerable.Range(1, 6).ToList();
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var token = cts.Token;
var asyncEnumerable = Source.From(input).RunAsAsyncEnumerable(Materializer);
var output = input.ToArray();
bool caught = false;
await foreach (var a in asyncEnumerable.WithCancellation(token))
catch (OperationCanceledException e)
caught = true;
I copied that sample from the Akka.NET test suite, in case you're wondering.
You can also use an existing primitive for streaming large collections of data. Here is an example of using Source.unfoldAsync to stream pages of data - in this case github repositories using Octokit - until there is no more.
var source = Source.UnfoldAsync<int, RepositoryPage>(startPage, page =>
var pageTask = client.GetRepositoriesAsync(page, pageSize);
var next = pageTask.ContinueWith(task =>
var page = task.Result;
if (page.PageNumber * pageSize > page.Total) return Option<(int, RepositoryPage)>.None;
else return new Option<(int, RepositoryPage)>((page.PageNumber + 1, page));
return next;
To run
using var sys = ActorSystem.Create("system");
using var mat = sys.Materializer();
int startPage = 1;
int pageSize = 50;
var client = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("github-search-app"));
var source = ...
var sink = Sink.ForEach<RepositoryPage>(Console.WriteLine);
var result = source.RunWith(sink, mat);
await result.ContinueWith(_ => sys.Terminate());
class Page<T>
public Page(IReadOnlyList<T> contents, int page, long total)
Contents = contents;
PageNumber = page;
Total = total;
public IReadOnlyList<T> Contents { get; set; } = new List<T>();
public int PageNumber { get; set; }
public long Total { get; set; }
class RepositoryPage : Page<Repository>
public RepositoryPage(IReadOnlyList<Repository> contents, int page, long total)
: base(contents, page, total)
public override string ToString() =>
$"Page {PageNumber}\n{string.Join("", Contents.Select(x => x.Name + "\n"))}";
static class GitHubClientExtensions
public static async Task<RepositoryPage> GetRepositoriesAsync(this GitHubClient client, int page, int size)
// specify a search term here
var request = new SearchRepositoriesRequest("bootstrap")
Page = page,
PerPage = size
var result = await client.Search.SearchRepo(request);
return new RepositoryPage(result.Items, page, result.TotalCount);
I have a below requirement in my C# Windows Service.
At the starting of Service, it fetches a collection of data from db
and keeps it in memory.
Have a business logic to be executed periodically from 3 different threads.
Each thread will execute same bussiness logic with different subset of data from the data collection mentioned in step 1. Each thread will produce different result sets.
All 3 threads will run periodically if any change happened to the data collection.
When any client makes call to the service, service should be able to return the status of the thread execution.
I know C# has different mechanisms to implement periodic thread execution.
Timers, Threads with Sleep, Event eventwaithandle ect.,
I am trying to understand Which threading mechanism or design pattern will be best fit for this requirement?
A more modern approach would be using tasks but have a look at the principles
namespace Test {
public class Program {
public static void Main() {
System.Threading.Thread main = new System.Threading.Thread(() => new Processor().Startup());
main.IsBackground = false;
public class ProcessResult { /* add your result state */ }
public class ProcessState {
public ProcessResult ProcessResult1 { get; set; }
public ProcessResult ProcessResult2 { get; set; }
public ProcessResult ProcessResult3 { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public class Processor {
private readonly object _Lock = new object();
private readonly DataFetcher _DataFetcher;
private ProcessState _ProcessState;
public Processor() {
_DataFetcher = new DataFetcher();
_ProcessState = null;
public void Startup() {
_DataFetcher.DataChanged += DataFetcher_DataChanged;
private void DataFetcher_DataChanged(object sender, DataEventArgs args) => StartProcessingThreads(args.Data);
private void StartProcessingThreads(string data) {
lock (_Lock) {
_ProcessState = new ProcessState() { State = "Starting", ProcessResult1 = null, ProcessResult2 = null, ProcessResult3 = null };
System.Threading.Thread one = new System.Threading.Thread(() => DoProcess1(data)); // manipulate the data toa subset
one.IsBackground = true;
System.Threading.Thread two = new System.Threading.Thread(() => DoProcess2(data)); // manipulate the data toa subset
two.IsBackground = true;
System.Threading.Thread three = new System.Threading.Thread(() => DoProcess3(data)); // manipulate the data toa subset
three.IsBackground = true;
public ProcessState GetState() => _ProcessState;
private void DoProcess1(string dataSubset) {
// do work
ProcessResult result = new ProcessResult(); // this object contains the result
// on completion
lock (_Lock) {
_ProcessState = new ProcessState() { State = (_ProcessState.State ?? string.Empty) + ", 1 done", ProcessResult1 = result, ProcessResult2 = _ProcessState?.ProcessResult2, ProcessResult3 = _ProcessState?.ProcessResult3 };
private void DoProcess2(string dataSubset) {
// do work
ProcessResult result = new ProcessResult(); // this object contains the result
// on completion
lock (_Lock) {
_ProcessState = new ProcessState() { State = (_ProcessState.State ?? string.Empty) + ", 2 done", ProcessResult1 = _ProcessState?.ProcessResult1 , ProcessResult2 = result, ProcessResult3 = _ProcessState?.ProcessResult3 };
private void DoProcess3(string dataSubset) {
// do work
ProcessResult result = new ProcessResult(); // this object contains the result
// on completion
lock (_Lock) {
_ProcessState = new ProcessState() { State = (_ProcessState.State ?? string.Empty) + ", 3 done", ProcessResult1 = _ProcessState?.ProcessResult1, ProcessResult2 = _ProcessState?.ProcessResult2, ProcessResult3 = result };
public class DataEventArgs : System.EventArgs {
// data here is string, but could be anything -- just think of thread safety when accessing from the 3 processors
private readonly string _Data;
public DataEventArgs(string data) {
_Data = data;
public string Data => _Data;
public class DataFetcher {
// watch for data changes and fire when data has changed
public event System.EventHandler<DataEventArgs> DataChanged;
The simplest solution would be to define the scheduled logic in Task Method() style, and execute them using Task.Run(), while in the main thread just wait for the execution to finish using Task.WaitAny(). If a task is finished, you could Call Task.WaitAny again, but instead of the finished task, you'd pass Task.Delay(timeUntilNextSchedule).
This way the tasks are not blocking the main thread, and you can avoid spinning the CPU just to wait. In general, you can avoid managing directly in modern .NET
Depending on other requirements, like standardized error handling, monitoring capability, management of these scheduled task, you could also rely on a more robust solution, like HangFire.
I have the following class which basically subscribes to an int observable and multiplies the value by 2. For reality purposes I added a Thread.Sleep to simulate a heavy processing.
public class WorkingClass
private BlockingCollection<int> _collection = new BlockingCollection<int>(1);
public WorkingClass(IObservable<int> rawValues)
rawValues.Subscribe(x => _collection.Add(x));
public IObservable<int> ProcessedValues()
return Observable.Create<int>(observer =>
while (true)
int value;
value = _collection.Take();
catch (Exception ex)
Thread.Sleep(1000); //Simulate long work
observer.OnNext(value * 2);
return Disposable.Empty;
I'm having trouble testing it, in the following test I just want to assert that if the source stream emits the value 1 the SUT will emit the value 2:
public void SimpleTest()
var sourceValuesScheduler = new TestScheduler();
var newThreadScheduler = new TestScheduler();
var source = sourceValuesScheduler.CreateHotObservable(
new Recorded<Notification<int>>(1000, Notification.CreateOnNext(1)));
var sut = new WorkingClass(source);
var observer = sourceValuesScheduler.CreateObserver<int>();
.SubscribeOn(newThreadScheduler) //The cold part (i.e, the while loop) of the ProcessedValues Observable should run in a different thread
observer.Messages.AssertEqual(new Recorded<Notification<int>>(1000, Notification.CreateOnNext(2)));
If I run this test the assert fails because the newThreadScheduler was never started and consequently the ProcessedValues observable was never created. If I do this:
It doesn't work either because the newThreadScheduler uses the same Thread of the sourceValuesScheduler so the test will be hanging right after the processed value is emmited, at the line:
value = _collection.Take();
Is there a way we can have multiple TestSchedulers running on different threads? Otherwise how can I test classes like this?
Take() blocks until there is an item to remove from the BlockingCollection<int> or you call CompleteAdding() on it.
Given your current implementation, the thread on which you subscribe to ProcessedValues() and execute the while loop will never finish.
You are supposed to consume the BlockingCollection<int> on a separate thread. You may for example create a consume Task when ProcessedValues() is called. Consider the following implementation which also disposes the BlockingCollection<int>:
public sealed class WorkingClass : IDisposable
private BlockingCollection<int> _collection = new BlockingCollection<int>(1);
private List<Task> _consumerTasks = new List<Task>();
public WorkingClass(IObservable<int> rawValues)
rawValues.Subscribe(x => _collection.Add(x));
public IObservable<int> ProcessedValues()
return Observable.Create<int>(observer =>
_consumerTasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Consume(observer), TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning));
return Disposable.Empty;
private void Consume(IObserver<int> observer)
foreach (int value in _collection.GetConsumingEnumerable())
Thread.Sleep(1000); //Simulate long work
observer.OnNext(value * 2);
catch (Exception ex)
public void Dispose()
It can be tested like using the following code:
var sourceValuesScheduler = new TestScheduler();
var source = sourceValuesScheduler.CreateHotObservable(
new Recorded<Notification<int>>(1000, Notification.CreateOnNext(1)));
var observer = sourceValuesScheduler.CreateObserver<int>();
using (var sut = new WorkingClass(source))
sourceValuesScheduler.AdvanceTo(1000); //add to collection
sut.ProcessedValues().Subscribe(observer); //consume
} //...and wait until the loop exists
observer.Messages.AssertEqual(new Recorded<Notification<int>>(1000, Notification.CreateOnNext(2)));
I Have an application , in a nutshell it creates objects of type "WebPage".
These objecsts are then inserted into a SQL database.
I want to retrive these records from the database , and then load them into some files.
I create a While loop to read the results of the query , and for each row returned a Webpage object is created and added to a static ConcurrentQueue.
Here is where my problem is :
I want to have a seperate thread , that when something new appears on the ConcurrentQueue - it responds and writes the object out to my file. I already have this code working in a single threaded and serial fashion , but I want to speed it up.
I currently have a piece of code inside the reader from the SQL database , when the ConcurrentQueue reaches a certain amount of objects - it sends an autoreset event (see below)
if(flow.CheckEngineCapacity >= 2000 || (Convert.ToInt32(totalRows) - numberOfRecords) < 2000)
Thread fileProcessor = new Thread(delegate () { flow.ProcessExportEngineFlow(waitHandle); });
what ends up happening is some sort of context switch where the main thread seems to sleep until that one completes - I did attempt to try work with await and async but suspect that is not what I need.
How would I go about getting it work in the following pattern
New object is added to ConcurrentQueue
When a certain amount of objects on the ConcurrentQueue is reached , start to Dequeue the objects and load them into the files while still adding objects to the concurrent queue
NOTE that if the concurrentqueue hits a certain amount of objects it should block until the thread doing Dequeue can free up some space.
The reason I am doing this is to make the solution as performant as possible - the bottlenecks should be write to files and read from database.
The below is the example of the class I have been trying to put together :
public class EngineFlow
private static ConcurrentQueue<WebPages> _concurrentWebPageList = new ConcurrentQueue<WebPages>();
public bool IncreaseEngineFlow(WebPages page)
bool sucessfullyadded = false;
if (_concurrentWebPageList.Count <= 2000)
sucessfullyadded = true;
return sucessfullyadded;
return sucessfullyadded;
public int CheckEngineCapacity { get { return _concurrentWebPageList.Count; } }
private WebPages DecreaseEngineFlow()
WebPages page;
_concurrentWebPageList.TryDequeue(out page);
return page;
public void ProcessExportEngineFlow(AutoResetEvent waitHandle)
if (waitHandle.WaitOne() == false)
while (!_concurrentWebPageList.IsEmpty)
Originally this was meant to be a producer and consumer but I feel like I may be overthinking it.
Thank you #Henk Holterman
The new class used a BlockingCollection - which solved all the problems :
Task.Run(() =>
Task.Run(() =>
while (reader.Read())
Class Definition :
private BlockingCollection<WebPages> _concurrentWebPageList = new BlockingCollection<WebPages>(new ConcurrentQueue<WebPages>(), 1000);
//private static ConcurrentQueue<WebPages> _concurrentWebPageList = new ConcurrentQueue<WebPages>();
public void IncreaseEngineFlow(WebPages page)
public WebPages DecreaseEngineFlow()
return _concurrentWebPageList.Take();
public void ProcessExportEngineFlow()
WebPages page = null;
page = _concurrentWebPageList.Take();
catch (InvalidOperationException) { }
if(page != null)
public bool GetEngineState()
return _concurrentWebPageList.IsCompleted;
public void SetEngineCompleted()
Here's what I'm trying to do:
Keep a queue in memory of items that need processed (i.e. IsProcessed = 0)
Every 5 seconds, get unprocessed items from the db, and if they're not already in the queue, add them
Continuous pull items from the queue, process them, and each time an item is processed, update it in the db (IsProcessed = 1)
Do this all "as parallel as possible"
I have a constructor for my service like
public MyService()
Ticker.Elapsed += FillQueue;
and I start that timer when the service starts like
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
Ticker.Enabled = true;
Task.Run(() => { ConsumeWork(); });
and my FillQueue is like
private static async void FillQueue(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
var items = GetUnprocessedItemsFromDb();
foreach(var item in items)
and my ConsumeWork is like
private static void ConsumeWork()
if(Work.Count > 0)
var item = Work.Peek();
However this is probably a naive implementation and I'm wondering whether .NET has any type of class that is exactly what I need for this type of situation.
Though #JSteward' answer is a good start, you can improve it with mixing up the TPL-Dataflow and Rx.NET extensions, as a dataflow block may easily become an observer for your data, and with Rx Timer it will be much less effort for you (Rx.Timer explanation).
We can adjust MSDN article for your needs, like this:
private const int EventIntervalInSeconds = 5;
private const int DueIntervalInSeconds = 60;
var source =
// sequence of Int64 numbers, starting from 0
// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh229435.aspx
// fire first event after 1 minute waiting
// fire all next events each 5 seconds
// each number will have a timestamp
// each time we select some items to process
// filter already added
.Where(i => !_processedItemIds.Contains(i.Id));
var action = new ActionBlock<Item>(ProcessItem, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
// we can start as many item processing as processor count
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount,
IDisposable subscription = source.Subscribe(action.AsObserver());
Also, your check for item being already processed isn't quite accurate, as there is a possibility to item get selected as unprocessed from db right at the time you've finished it's processing, yet didn't update it in database. In this case item will be removed from Queue<T>, and after that added there again by producer, this is why I've added the ConcurrentBag<T> to this solution (HashSet<T> isn't thread-safe):
private static async Task ProcessItem(Item item)
if (_processedItemIds.Contains(item.Id))
// actual work here
// save item as processed in database
// we need to wait to ensure item not to appear in queue again
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(EventIntervalInSeconds * 2));
// clear the processed cache to reduce memory usage
public class Item
public Guid Id { get; set; }
// temporary cache for items in process
private static ConcurrentBag<Guid> _processedItemIds = new ConcurrentBag<Guid>();
private static IEnumerable<Item> GetItemsFromDB(Timestamped<long> time)
// log event timing
Console.WriteLine($"Event # {time.Value} at {time.Timestamp}");
// return items from DB
return new[] { new Item { Id = Guid.NewGuid() } };
You can implement cache clean up in other way, for example, start a "GC" timer, which will remove processed items from cache on regular basis.
To stop events and processing items you should Dispose the subscription and, maybe, Complete the ActionBlock:
You can find more information about Rx.Net in their guidelines on github.
You could use an ActionBlock to do your processing, it has a built in queue that you can post work to. You can read up on tpl-dataflow here: Intro to TPL-Dataflow also Introduction to Dataflow, Part 1. Finally, this is a quick sample to get you going. I've left out a lot but it should at least get you started.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow;
namespace MyWorkProcessor {
public class WorkProcessor {
public WorkProcessor() {
Processor = CreatePipeline();
public async Task StartProcessing() {
try {
await Task.Run(() => GetWorkFromDatabase());
} catch (OperationCanceledException) {
//handle cancel
private CancellationTokenSource cts {
private ITargetBlock<WorkItem> Processor {
private TimeSpan DatabasePollingFrequency {
} = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
private ITargetBlock<WorkItem> CreatePipeline() {
var options = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions() {
BoundedCapacity = 100,
CancellationToken = cts.Token
return new ActionBlock<WorkItem>(item => ProcessWork(item), options);
private async Task GetWorkFromDatabase() {
while (!cts.IsCancellationRequested) {
var work = await GetWork();
await Processor.SendAsync(work);
await Task.Delay(DatabasePollingFrequency);
private async Task<WorkItem> GetWork() {
return await Context.GetWork();
private void ProcessWork(WorkItem item) {
//do processing