Implementing search in mvc 4 - c#

I have a textbox where user types the string he needs to search. If the user enters only a single word string, then I am able to retrieve the correct data from database but if the user enters a multi-word string then my code fails.
I am using EntityFramework to get the data.
Here is my code to get the data using a single word string.
public ActionResult SearchResult(string search)
var j = objCon.Mobiles.Where(oh => oh.MobileName.Contains(search) || oh.Description.Contains(search));
List<Mobiles> prod = new List<Mobiles>();
foreach (var p in j)
Mobiles Mob = new Mobiles();
Mob.Description = p.Description;
Mob.ImgUrl = p.Url;
Mob.MobileName = p.MobileName;
Mob.Price = Convert.ToString(p.Price);
Mob.SlNo = p.SlNo;
return View("~/Views/Product/Index.cshtml", prod);
I tried breaking the string into single word using split but could not get the correct data.
string str = null;
string[] strArr = null;
int count = 0;
str = //UserInput;
char[] splitchar = { ' ' };
strArr = str.Split(splitchar);

string str = null;
string[] strArr = null;
int count = 0;
str = search;
char[] splitchar = { ' ' };
strArr = str.Split(splitchar);
for (count = 0; count <= strArr.Length - 1; count++)
string i = strArr[count];
var j = objCon.Mobiles.Where(oh => oh.MobileName.Contains(i) || oh.Description.Contains(i));
foreach (var p in j)
Mobiles Mob = new Mobiles();
Mob.Description = p.Description;
Mob.ImgUrl = p.Url;
Mob.MobileName = p.MobileName;
Mob.Price = Convert.ToString(p.Price);
Mob.SlNo = p.SlNo;
as I help you fix the problem - this is the final code

I Wrote an Example to Solve your Problem. Hope That You will Be Benefited From The Code.
First Create Mobile Class:
public class Mobile
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
Next Create Extension method To Check If there is Value:
public static bool ContainsAny(this string haystack, params string[] needles)
foreach (var needle in needles)
if (haystack.Contains(needle))
return true;
return false;
Finally Create Main Body Along with Test Data:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace StackOverFlow
static class Program
static void Main()
List<Mobile> mobiles = new List<Mobile>
new Mobile{Id = 1,Name = "samsung galaxy s3",Description = "model"},
new Mobile{Id = 2,Name = "nokia N67",Description = "nokia n96 time"},
new Mobile{Id = 3,Name = "iphone 5s",Description = "test"},
new Mobile{Id = 4,Name = "samsung galaxy packet",Description = "this time"},
new Mobile{Id = 5,Name = "iphone ipad",Description = "now"},
new Mobile{Id = 6,Name = "glx c5",Description = "time"},
string[] search = "galaxy time 5s".Split(' ');
var result = mobiles.Where(c => c.Name.ContainsAny(search) ||
foreach (var item in result)
Console.WriteLine(item.Id + "-" + item.Name + "-" + item.Description);


Get duplicate Realtime Database Firebase results in Xamarin

I'm trying to build realtime chat through Realtime Database Firebase and Xamarin. However there is a problem like this, hope someone can help:
protected async void LoadChat()
string userid = "123456789";
var getroom = (await fc.Child("RecordsChat").OnceAsync<GetRoomChats>()).Select(x =>
new GetRoomChats
RoomID = x.Key
List<GetRoomChats> listroomuser = new List<GetRoomChats>();
foreach (var room in getroom)
string str = null;
string[] strArr = null;
string roomget = room.RoomID;
str = roomget + "_";
char[] splitchar = { '_' };
strArr = str.Split(splitchar);
var getroomuser = strArr.Distinct().ToList();
foreach (var item in getroomuser)
if (item == userid)
var roomgetuser = new GetRoomChats()
RoomID = roomget
if (listroomuser.Count() > 0)
var FirebaseClient = fc
.Subscribe(async(dbevent) =>
foreach (var room in listroomuser)
if (dbevent.Key == room.RoomID)
var lst = (await fc.Child("RecordsChat").Child(dbevent.Key).OrderByKey().LimitToLast(1).OnceAsync<MyDatabaseRecord>()).Select(x =>
new MyDatabaseRecord
NameUser = x.Object.NameUser,
Content = x.Object.Content,
RoomID = x.Object.RoomID,
DayCreate = x.Object.DayCreate,
AvatarUser = x.Object.AvatarUser,
sender_uid = x.Object.sender_uid,
receiver_uid = x.Object.receiver_uid,
receiver_read = x.Object.receiver_read
bool unread = false;
foreach (var i in lst)
if(i.sender_uid == userid)
i.Content = "You: " + i.Content;
var customerList = await apiServiceUserinfo.GetCustomersInfo(i.receiver_uid);
string nameget = customerList.NameStore;
string avatarget = customerList.AvatarStore;
i.NameUser = nameget;
i.AvatarUser = avatarget;
if (i.sender_read == true)
unread = false;
if (i.receiver_read == false)
i.BackgroundUser = "#f5f4f4";
unread = true;
var last = new GetRoomChats()
NameLast = i.NameUser,
ContentLast = i.Content,
RoomID = i.RoomID,
DayCreateLast = i.DayCreate,
AvatarLast = i.AvatarUser,
BackgroundUnread = i.BackgroundUser,
DotUnread = unread
BindingContext = this;
In my example above, it actually gets the data. I try to check in the loop, to get the last content of the message. However, the displayed results are duplicated
Looking forward to everyone's help. Thank you!

C# string array.length error when calling from a CSV file

I'm fairly new to C# and im writing a rental vehicle management system. I'm trying to retrieve all lines from a CSV file that is set up like this:
and then iterate it through a for loop before it's sent to another method.
In the following method beyond the one shown, it's being put into an ArrayList so that the values retrieved can be searched for by the user in the program.
I'm stuck on the for loop as it gives me an error on the vehicles1.Length; saying that vehicles1 is a use of an unassigned local variable. I don't know if initializing the array is my problem, because I've tried that and it gives me no errors but the program just breaks.
void setUpVehicles(out Fleet fleetVehicles)
const char DELIM = ',';
Vehicle veh = new Vehicle();
FileStream inFile = new FileStream(FILENAME3, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(inFile);
string recordIn;
string[] vehicles1;
recordIn = reader.ReadLine();
while (recordIn != null)
string year = veh.Year.ToString();
string seats = veh.NumSeats.ToString();
string gps = veh.GPS.ToString();
string sunRoof = veh.SunRoof.ToString();
string dailyRate = veh.DailyRate.ToString();
vehicles1 = recordIn.Split(DELIM);
veh.Registration = vehicles1[0];
veh.Grade = vehicles1[1];
veh.Make = vehicles1[2];
veh.Model = vehicles1[3];
year = vehicles1[4];
seats = vehicles1[5];
veh.Transmission = vehicles1[6];
veh.Fuel = vehicles1[7];
gps = vehicles1[8];
sunRoof = vehicles1[9];
dailyRate = vehicles1[10];
veh.Colour = vehicles1[11];
fleetVehicles = new Fleet();
for (int i = 0; i < vehicles1.Length; i++)
IEnumerable<Vehicle> setUpVehicles(string fileName)
using(var reader = new StreamReader(fileName))
using(var parser = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.TextFieldParser(reader))
parser.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.Delimited;
parser.Delimiters = new string[] {","};
string[] row;
row = parser.ReadFields();
var vehicle = new Vehicle {
Registration = row[0],
Grade = row[1],
Make = row[2],
Model = row[3],
Year = row[4],
NumSeats = row[5],
Transmission = row[6],
Fuel = row[7],
GPS = row[8],
SunRoo = row[9],
DailyRate = row[10],
Colour = row[11]
yield return vehicle;
Then you would call it to make a fleet like this:
var fleetVehicles = new Fleet();
foreach(var vehicle in setUpVehicles(FILENAME3))

Compare two lists of same type

I need to compare two lists of same type. Assume I have CurrentSC List(Current modified data by user) and PreviousSC List(Saved data from database) of below class.
public class SoftClose
private int AID = -1;
private bool _softCloseInd;
private bool _softCloseEditInd;
private string _softClosedBy;
private DateTime _softClosedDate;
private ReferenceEnums.ActionStatus _status = ReferenceEnums.ActionStatus.NO_CHANGE;
public static void TPostProcessAddRemoveSoftCloseStopPaymentPrefixes(IFPMServiceInternal fpmService, AgreementRevision revision)
List<SoftClose> psc = null;
List<SoftClose> csc = null;
string fanValue = revision.Agreement.FAN;
psc = fpmService.GetSoftCloseByFAN(fanValue);
if (psc != null)
//var currentprefixes = revision.Details.Where(x => x.Prefix != null).Select(y => y.Prefix).Distinct();
//Create current SoftClose object using revision object
foreach (var prefix in revision.Details.Where(x => x.Prefix != null).Select(y => y.Prefix).Distinct())
var newSF =
new SoftClose
Id = -1,
Status = ReferenceEnums.ActionStatus.NO_CHANGE,
AgreementRevId = revision.Id,
AgreementId = revision.Agreement.Id,
WorkflowStatus = revision.WorkflowStatus,
FAN = revision.Agreement.FAN,
PID = (int)revision.Agreement.PID,
Prefix = prefix
//Now you have previous and current softcloses to compare prefixes...
psc.OrderBy(x => x.Prefix.Id);
csc.OrderBy(x => x.Prefix.Id);
for(int i = 0; i < csc.Count; i++)
Lets say I have changed D3 value in PreviousSC to D2 in CurrentSC. Now i need to delete D3 value from database(As D2 value already there in database i don't need to insert) and chnage _status to DELETE and I added D4 value in CurrentSC which is not there is PreviousSC. Now I need to add D4 value in database and assign _softCloseInd and _softCloseEditInd to Y and change _status to ADD.
How to achieve this in best way?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<SoftClose> psc = new List<SoftClose>(){
new SoftClose(){ID=1, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID=19, Prefix = "D1"},
new SoftClose(){ID=2, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID=20, Prefix = "D2"},
new SoftClose(){ID=3, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID=21, Prefix = "D3"},
new SoftClose(){ID=3, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID=22, Prefix = "D9"}
List<SoftClose> csc = new List<SoftClose>(){
new SoftClose(){ID=-1, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID=19, Prefix = "D2"},
new SoftClose(){ID=-1, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID=20, Prefix = "D2"},
new SoftClose(){ID=-1, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID=21, Prefix = "D6"},
new SoftClose(){ID=-1, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID=22, Prefix = "D4"},
new SoftClose(){ID=-1, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID=23, Prefix = "D5"},
new SoftClose(){ID=-1, Status = "NO_CHANGE",AID=24, Prefix = "D3"}
List<SoftClose> esc = new List<SoftClose>();
Console.WriteLine("---------Previous List----------");
foreach (var item in psc)
Console.WriteLine($"Id:{item.ID}, Desc1:{item.Prefix}, Status:{item.Status}");
Console.WriteLine("---------Current List----------");
foreach (var item in csc)
Console.WriteLine($"Id:{item.ID}, Desc1:{item.Prefix}, Status:{item.Status}");
var addlist = csc.Where(c => psc.All(p => !p.Prefix.Equals(c.Prefix)));
foreach (var n in addlist)
var index = csc.FindIndex(p => p.Prefix.Equals(n.Prefix));
csc[index].Status = "ADD";
var deletelist = psc.Where(p => p.Status.Equals("NO_CHANGE") && !csc.Exists(c => c.Prefix.Equals(p.Prefix)));
foreach (var n in deletelist)
var index = psc.FindIndex(c => c.Prefix.Equals(n.Prefix));
if (psc.FindIndex(c => c.Prefix.Equals(n.Prefix)) >= 0)
psc[index].Status = "REMOVE";
Console.WriteLine("---------Effective List----------");
foreach (var item in esc)
Console.WriteLine($"Id:{item.ID}, Prefix:{item.Prefix}, Status:{item.Status}");
public class SoftClose
public int ID = -1;
public int AID = -1;
public int WFID = -1;
public string Prefix;
public DateTime SCDATE;
public string Status;

How to return variable which in declared with in loop c#

private XElement AuthorSeparate(List<string> authorName)
string surName = string.Empty;
string initalName = string.Empty;
string givenName = string.Empty;
int j = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < authorName.Count; i++)
XElement Author = new XElement("author");
Author.Add(new XAttribute("Seq", j));
char[] initalArray = splitedName[0].ToCharArray();
initalName = initalArray[0] + '.'.ToString();
surName = splitedName.LastOrDefault();
splitedName = splitedName.Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse().ToArray();
givenName = string.Join(" ", splitedName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(initalName))
XElement InitalElement = new XElement("initials", initalName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(surName))
XElement SurnameElement = new XElement("surname", surName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(givenName))
XElement GivenNameElement = new XElement("given-name", givenName);
return Author;
This is my method.. Form this method i need to return xelement. in this method i declared xelement in for loop. after for loop completed i need to return that xelement named as author. how to return that xelement?
If you declare the variable in the loop, you can use it only inside the loop. So in your case, you should declare it outside of the loop because you can't put the return statement inside for loop.
private ArrayList AuthorSeparate(List<string> authorName)
string surName = string.Empty;
string initalName = string.Empty;
string givenName = string.Empty;
int j = 1;
ArrayList authors = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < authorName.Count; i++)
XElement Author = new XElement("author");
Author.Add(new XAttribute("Seq", j));
char[] initalArray = splitedName[0].ToCharArray();
initalName = initalArray[0] + '.'.ToString();
surName = splitedName.LastOrDefault();
splitedName = splitedName.Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse().ToArray();
givenName = string.Join(" ", splitedName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(initalName))
XElement InitalElement = new XElement("initials", initalName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(surName))
XElement SurnameElement = new XElement("surname", surName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(givenName))
XElement GivenNameElement = new XElement("given-name", givenName);
return authors;
If you want to create an XElement in each round, you can put them all in an ArrayList then return it.
I believe instead of returning XElement from function you should return List of XElement.
So you can write something like this:
private List<XElement> AuthorSeparate(List<string> authorName)
string surName = string.Empty;
string initalName = string.Empty;
string givenName = string.Empty;
int j = 1;
var AuthorList = new List<XElement>();
for (int i = 0; i < authorName.Count; i++)
XElement Author = new XElement("author");
Author.Add(new XAttribute("Seq", j));
char[] initalArray = splitedName[0].ToCharArray();
initalName = initalArray[0] + '.'.ToString();
surName = splitedName.LastOrDefault();
splitedName = splitedName.Reverse().Skip(1).Reverse().ToArray();
givenName = string.Join(" ", splitedName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(initalName))
XElement InitalElement = new XElement("initials", initalName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(surName))
XElement SurnameElement = new XElement("surname", surName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(givenName))
XElement GivenNameElement = new XElement("given-name", givenName);
return AuthorList;
It will be better to return the list in the way above because here you will get a new XElement for every iteration of the loop.

Dynamics NAV Webservice Fails on 2nd Loop

I have created a C# program to read a pipe ("|") delimited file and create purchase invoices and lines. Essentially, I have it loop through each line, if the "Report ID" has not been used, it creates a header, then the line, if the header has been created, it skips the header creation and is supposed to add the subsequent line. However, when I reach my object assignment for the line, it errors with:
"ArgumentException was unhandled"
"Must specify valid information for parsing the string."
The PIheader function works fine, so I have not included here. Please advise if more information/code is needed.
//Parse selected SAE File
SAEline[] sae = ParseSAE.Parse(file);
//Begin Analyzing Data
int saesize = sae.Length;
int i = 0;
List<string> cashIDs = new List<string>();
string paymentterms = "";
string invno = "";
string company = "";
string[] getcompany = new string[2];
string reportid = sae[i].ReportID;
int lineno = 0;
while(i < 10) //limit the loop for testing
//while (i < saesize)
if (sae[i].ReportEntryPaymentCodeCode != "CBCP")
if (!cashIDs.Contains(reportid))
getcompany = WebServices.GetCompany(sae[i].EmployeeID.ToUpper());
paymentterms = sae[i].ReportEntryPaymentCodeCode;
invno = WebServices.PIheader(getcompany[0], getcompany[1], 0, sae[i]);
lineno = 0;
lineno = lineno + 10000;
company = getcompany[0];
lineno = WebServices.PIlines(invno, lineno, company, sae[i]);
The WebService.cs contains:
//Web Service Client
PurchLines.PurchLines_PortClient piClient =
new PurchLines_PortClient((System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding)basicHttpBindingNTLM,
new EndpointAddress("URL" + company + "/Page/PurchLines"));
//Conditional variables
string joblinetype = "";
string qty = "";
if (sae.ReportEntryCustom1 == "Billable")
joblinetype = "3";
if (sae.BusinessDistance == "")
if (sae.ReportCustom2 == "")
qty = "1";
qty = sae.ReportCustom2;
qty = sae.BusinessDistance;
string unitcost = (Convert.ToDecimal(sae.ReportEntryApprovedAmount)/Convert.ToDecimal(qty)).ToString();
//Line Creation
PurchLines.PurchLines line = new PurchLines.PurchLines()
No = sae.JournalAccountCode,
Line_No = Convert.ToInt16(lineno),
Line_NoSpecified = true,
Job_Line_TypeSpecified = true,
Job_Line_Type = (PurchLines.Job_Line_Type) (Enum.Parse(typeof (PurchLines.Job_Line_Type), joblinetype)),
QuantitySpecified = true,
Quantity = Convert.ToDecimal(qty),
TypeSpecified = true,
Type = (PurchLines.Type) (Enum.Parse(typeof (PurchLines.Type), "1")),
Direct_Unit_CostSpecified = true,
Direct_Unit_Cost = Convert.ToDecimal(unitcost),
Job_Unit_PriceSpecified = true,
Job_Unit_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(unitcost),
Job_No = sae.ReportEntryCustom5,
Job_Task_No = sae.ReportEntryCustom6,
Document_TypeSpecified = true,
Document_Type = (PurchLines.Document_Type)(Enum.Parse(typeof(PurchLines.Document_Type),"2")),
Document_No = invno
piClient.Create(ref line);
PurchLines.Create_Result result = new PurchLines.Create_Result(line);
int lin = result.PurchLines.Line_No;
return lin;
I realized that I didn't assign a value to joblinetype in the event that it is not "Billable", so the webservice was unable to Parse the blank string
Job_Line_Type = (PurchLines.Job_Line_Type) (Enum.Parse(typeof (PurchLines.Job_Line_Type), joblinetype)),

