Auto-generate constructor from fields - c#

We used to be able to highlight a field and click Ctrl+. And we would get an option to create a constructor with an argument that would then be assigned to the field. See here.
Now in Visual Studio 2019 it's gone.
Is there a setting for that somewhere, or did Microsoft deem it unuseful for some reason?

It seems to have changed a bit in functionality from VS 2017 and later. Set the cursor on the class body (or declaration, i.e. public class MyClass...) and execute the same key strokes and you'll get "Generate Constructor" from the Quick Actions menu. Sometimes though it doesn't work and you have to press search Quick Actions and find it manually.


Visual Studio 2015, any way to use Enter to accept Intellisense completion suggestion?

The default to accept a suggested auto-completion from Intellisense is the Tab key. Is there a way to either change this key-binding or at least to add the option to use the Enter key as well for the same purpose?
The language is C# though I don't know how relevant that is to the question.

Stop default Autocomplete behavior when hitting spacebar

NOTE The keyword here is "default". I know I can hit escape and the default behavior gets aborted. I don't want to hit the escape key every time the IDE thinks it knows what I want. I didn't have to do this in 2013.
ADDENDUM 2 It seems I'm still having difficulty communicating what I'm after here. What I want to happen is nothing when I press the space bar... I just want a space character to show up on my screen. The only time I want the IDE to actually insert a suggestion is when I hit the tab bar. I hope that's clearer?
This is driving me nuts. 2013 and before allowed you to set completion characters (maybe that was resharper?) But in 2015 I see no way to stop the default behavior of autocomplete.
For example, say I have a class Foo, but I don't have the namespace specified already, yet I have a class FooBar in one of the specified namespaces, if I type:
public void DoSomething(Foo// <-- then a space) automatically puts FooBar. How the heck do I turn off this behavior?
I should mention that I still want Autocomplete, just on tab though.
Edit -> Intellisense -> Toggle Completion Mode
From :
"You can also change to suggestion mode, in which only the text you type is inserted into the code. For example, if you enter an identifier that is not in the list and press TAB, in completion mode the entry would replace the typed identifier. To toggle between completion mode and suggestion mode, press CTRL+ALT+SPACEBAR or click Edit/IntelliSense/Toggle Completion Mode."
For all who have the same problem in Visual Studio Code, add this line to the User Settings:
"editor.acceptSuggestionOnCommitCharacter": false
change the setting for Editor: Accept Suggestion On Enter to off
If you're using Resharper and Visual studio 2017, you may need to use a combination of the existing answers to stop getting the autocomplete behaviour when pressing space. This is too long for a comment so added an answer.
Make sure in Visual studio that intellisense Toggle Complete Mode is off/unselected (as noted in other answers). Note: If you turn on the "Text editor" icons in the VS toolbar at the top, you'll see an extra icon that gets highlighted on and off showing you whether intellisense is toggled on or off.
In the resharper dropdown on the toolbar (Resharper > Options...), Go to IntelliSense > Completing Charactes > and then uncheck the "Complete on space" box for C#.
Now autocomplete doesn't occur when pressing space (can still use tab, etc to autocomplete).
(Related aside: This autocomplete on space is really bad if you use VSVim, because you can't by default use the typically vim ESC key to 'get out' of the autocomplete mode. e.g. it's very difficult to even type in the static modifier for a variable/function without it changing to some other autocomplete choice.)
If you use Vs2017 and the setting resets everytime you launch Vs, i created a small script that automatically disables space completion at launch using Visual Commander Extension:
enter link description here
Visual Studio 2019 Pro -> Options -> Text Editor -> Advanced -> disable "Responsive code completion"
This disables Completion Mode, but doesn't take effect when VS is restarted.
You have to enable & disable it again after each restart, which is worse than using the Toggle Completion Mode menu option.
Since it is in Options, it is probably supposed to be a permanent setting.
Since Visual Studio is constantly changing, I imagine there will constantly be new answers for this. None of the other answers worked for me on Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition. What did work (as of January 2022) was:
Edit > IntelliSense > Switch between automatic and tab-only
IntelliSense completion
Alternatively, you can just toggle it with Ctrl+Alt+Space. Hopefully this helps someone else. Also, I've noticed Visual Studio doesn't seem to remember this setting, and I've had to toggle it again the next time I used VS.
For those looking for the same thing in VSCode (2022)
File -> Preferences -> Settings and search for Accept Suggestion On Commit Character.
Make sure this setting is unchecked:
For the current version of Visual Studio Code (2020), you can change to suggestion mode by going to File > Preferences > Settings and then going to Extensions > TypeScript and then checking TypeScript: Disable Automatic Type Acquisition. Or, after going to Settings, you can search for "Type Acquisition" in "Search Settings" and then check TypeScript: Disable Automatic Type Acquisition.
Default IntelliSense completion mode
Another option for VS19 Enterprise:
Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise -> Options -> Text Editor -> Advanced -> Default IntelliSense completion mode -> Dropdown -> Tab-only
I just did this in Visual Studio by going to:
File > Preferences > Settings > toggle "Suggest on Trigger Characters"
I also toggled off "Auto Suggestion on Commit Character" and "Accept Suggestion on Enter"
- however you may want those settings.

How to add a button to the Main Window Frame Control pane in visual studio 2013?

I want to add a button for my Isolated shell application to the Main Frame Control pane in Visual Studio 2013. I am not sure the whether pane is called "Main Window Frame Control", but it is the menu where VS 2013 has the Notifications, Quick Launch and Feedback buttons.
How to add a button to that menu with my extension?
The registry key that contains the control registrations is at [ver]_Config\MainWindowFrameControls.
Searching VS's DLLs (using Telerik's JustDecompile, which has mostly functional full-text search) for "MainWindowFrameControls" turns up the FrameControlManager (in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.UI.Internal assembly and the Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI namespace). That iterates the registry keys, creating a FrameControl for each populated by calling its Read method. The Read method populates a few properties from the registry key, including its _factoryBundle field. This contains the GUID of the view factory, view ID, and data source IDs as well (read from the registry key) that will be used to create the control.
The FrameControl's FrameworkElement property (which is almost certainly the part that actually gets displayed on the frame) lazily calls UIFactoryHelper.CreateElementAndDataSource(), passing it the _factoryBundle. This eventually calls WindowHelper.CreateUIElement, which hands it off in turn to the IVsUiFactory. Finally, we've reached a (lightly) documented part of VS -- this is part of the public interface.
It turns out that the view GUID of the frame control refers to one of the "UI Providers" registered by a package. (These can also be seen in the registry, under the _Config\UIProviders key.)
So in short, you'll need to implement the IVsUiFactory interface and register it with the IVsRegisterUIFactories service, then expose (with, say, a .pkgdef or more cleanly with a C# custom attribute that does the registry manipulation for you) the corresponding values under a registry key for your control in MainWindowFrameControls. This will let you create a custom WPF framework element that gets placed in the main window frame.
I didn't look into databinding, but apparently that's possible too -- just trace the FrameControl code until you find out how it works (using a good decompiler -- I like a combination of JustDecompile for its full-text search, and dotPeek for its interface).
P.S. Hey, another isolated shell developer! Hi & good luck :-)

Visual studio shows endless messages "Code generation for property 'valueMember' failed."

After several days of happily hacking away on this C# app using Visual Studio 2008, I get struck by a barrage of error dialogs showing:
Code generation for property 'valueMember' failed.
Error was: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
This happens now often when I make a tiny change in the designer, e.g. shift a control a few pixels, and then try to save. Several such error dialogs appear each second, keeping me busy cancelling all those by hammering the Enter key while trying to get alt-F4 to get VS to close.
Eventually I do get VS to close and to save the changes I made. After restarting VS, I do "clean" on the entire project, then "build" and everything works fine, the app runs fine, no problems.
Until I make another slight change in the form designer.
I don't know about any property valueMember in my app.
This makes me crazy, it is a real showstopper for my project. Any help is appreciated.
Try to Close and reopen the Visual Studio. maybe it seem silly, but it works!!
You can debug the designer using another visual studio and attach to process. If you got exception it should be easy to find it that way.
In general when openning the designer the constructor and of course initializeComponent is running.
As this is happening at design time, it is likely that you have a custom control which requires a parameter or other value which does not have a default.
When in design view in Visual Studio; a control instance is created to render it on the visual editor, but if the control requires a property to be set before it can be rendered, it will result in an error.
Can you check that all custom controls have default values, and anything referenced in the constructor that cannot have a default is wrapped by DesignMode property - see
Similiar to #Chanipoz's answer (close/re-open) my component-rich/user-controls-everywhere forms app started to compile happily after I closed down the main form designer window.
I've had this code stack for years and have never seen the error until today. Not sure where it's coming from. But, something today about having the form open in the designer made everything unhappy. Simply closing it off of the screen made it all go smooth.
Use another instance of Visual Studio to attach to the first instance of visual studio.
Go to Debug-> Attach To Process and look for the devenv.exe process. Since you'll have two devenv.exe processes running you'll probably want to pick the one with the lower ID, that's usually the first instance of visual studio that was run.
I had to face this problem. As I have found the solution below
I am facing this issue in my customized control.
we need to implement like this
public MyCustomclass _Prperty { get; set; }
I had to face this problem. As I have not found the solution (much inheritance), I can tell:
.SuspendLayout() and .ResumeLayout() may be missing in code or one of them. The same is with .BeginInit() and .EndInit(). It is expected between them, that there will be = new ... and some settings for properties. Maybe someone facing this problem would find the solution with this information.
The problem is missing initialization code for a public property on the control. This will be added for you when you add the control to the designer, but if you replace a control with a derived control, or update the component, then the designer does not know how to deal with this.
If you have a control (wincontrol) with a public property PropertyA, and you add it to a form (myForm), then the designer will add all the necessary initialization for properties into myForm.Designer.cs. Something like;
Wincontrol1.PropertyA = new List<widget>();
It is not uncommon to need to modify a control slightly, lets say we have a new control MyWinControl
public partial class MyWinControl : WinControl
public List<wodget> PropertyDer1;
protected List<wodget> PropertyDer2;
If you sub this new control for the old control in myForm.Designer.cs, then you may well encounter this issue. The reason is that PropertyDer1 has no initialization in the winforms designer. PropertyDer2 won't cause any issues because it is protected. Similarly if you had a custom component and you add a new public property after the component has been added to a form.
If however, you deleted the instance of WinControl on the form, and dragged an instance of the MyWinControl onto the form instead, the proper initialization would occur and you would not see the error. The designer will have created the new control like this
Wincontrol1.PropertyA = new List<widget>();
Wincontrol1.PropertyDer1= new List<wodget>();
There are two easy solutions that do not require hiding the property from the designer.
1. If the property doesn't need to be public, give it the right modifier
2. If the property does need to be public, then just edit the code in the myForm.Designer.cs as in the code above to add the missing initializer
If could be of help I just detected a case that brings that same error message, impossible to take away :
I am developing an application in French, and I had to create a ToolStripMenuItem with an accented word in it like "annulées".
The system generated a menu item like "annuléesToolStripMenuItem" and the accent is the culprit.
Enough to delete the item, create it again in English and the just change the Text property of the menu item.
Hope it will be of some help.

Why does my class suddenly have a 'designer'?

I just finished adding and removing different database models (I was trying to figure out which one I should be using for this project) then after playing around for a while I noticed one of my classes's icon changed from what is shows beside my Calculations.cs class in the first image to the Balance.cs icon.
The Balance.cs now has this Designer component so when I double click on it I see my second screen shot. This seems to be allowing me to add components from the toolbox to my class. There are actually two classes within my Balance.cs. This Designer thing is only affecting/interacting with one of them (it inherits from SerialPort).
I don't really know what changed or what I did to make this happen and ctrl+z is not being my friend here. How do I change Balance.cs back to a regular class with no designer component?
If any of the classes in a source file inherit - either directly or indirectly - from System.ComponentModel.Component (such as SerialPort), Visual Studio will provide design-time support to you. This is sometimes unwanted behaviour, and you can safely ignore it in most cases.
If it really bothers you, you can decorate your class with the [DesignerCategory] attribute (set the category to an empty string).

