Auto calculate property within class - c#

I have these two classes:
public class LeadPerformanceItem
public string name { get; set; }
public int visitors { get; set; }
public decimal visitorspercentoftotal
// ?
public class LeadPerformanceItemCollection
public List<LeadPerformanceItem> items {get;set;}
public int totalvisitors
return items.Sum(x => x.visitors);
Is there anyway my visitorspercentoftotal property could be automatically calculated as items are added and removed from the collection?

public class LeadPerformanceItem
public string name { get; set; }
public int Visitors { get; set; }
private int _totalVisitors = 0;
public void UpdateTotalVisitors(int total)
this._totalVisitors = total;
public decimal Visitorspercentoftotal => _totalVisitors != 0
? Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Round(((double) (Visitors * 100)) / _totalVisitors))
: 0;
public class LeadPerformanceItemCollection
public List<LeadPerformanceItem> Items { get; set; }
public void AddToItems(LeadPerformanceItem item)
var total = Items.Sum(x => x.Visitors);
Items.AsParallel().ForAll(i => i.UpdateTotalVisitors(total));
public int totalvisitors
get { return Items.Sum(x => x.Visitors); }
public class Class1
public void Test()
var leadPerformanceItemCollection = new LeadPerformanceItemCollection();
leadPerformanceItemCollection.Items=new List<LeadPerformanceItem>();
leadPerformanceItemCollection.AddToItems(new LeadPerformanceItem()
name = "test",
Visitors = 10
leadPerformanceItemCollection.AddToItems(new LeadPerformanceItem()
name = "test2",
Visitors = 25

One way would be to inherit from List and hide the Add method and create your own and do the calculation there.
public class LeadPerformanceItemCollection : List<LeadPerformanceItem>
public new void Add(LeadPerformanceItem item)
//calculate percent of total here


Adding custom logics to Mapster's mapping, possibly with AfterMapping?

After mapping Input to Output, the returned Input must have an incrementing number in its Entries[i].Id, (i.e. Entries[0].Id = 1, Entries[1].Id = 2, Entries[2].Id = 3, ...). So I tried to put it in AfterMapping:
public interface IMyMapper {
Output Map(Input userTableTemplate);
public class RegisterMyMapper : IRegister {
public void Register(TypeAdapterConfig config) {
config.NewConfig<Input, Output>()
.Map(output => output.OutputName, input => input.Name)
.AfterMapping(output => {
foreach (var pair in output.Entries.Select((value, index) => new {value = value, index = index})) {
pair.value.Id = pair.index + 1;
public class Output {
public string OutputName { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Entry> Entries { get; set; }
public class Entry { public int Id { get; set; } }
public class Input { public string Name { get; set; } }
But when running _myMapper.Map(myInput) I'm getting a null reference exception, because the private Action<Output> Action1 member of the generated code (public partial class MyMapper : IIMyMapper) is null:
public partial class MyMapper : IMyMapper
private Action<Output> Action1;
public Output Map(Input p1)
if (p1 == null)
return null;
Output result = new Output();
result.OutputName = p1.Name;
return result;

Automapper 8 Ignore Attribute doesn't work on child descendant

I use AutoMapper 8.1.0 in a core project. I have an Automapper mapping that doesn't work as I expected. I reproduced the configuration so you can test it by yourself. So I have an ExpenseReport with a collection of ExpenseReportItem and this one with another collection. I have to keep the data of eTaxCollection after the mapping, but they are lost in the process.
So the question is why values of eTaxCollections are lost after calling _mapper.Map(vmodel, model) and how can I keep them?
The ignore attribute don't work. I also tried UseDestinationValue(). I lost 2 days trying to figure it out and I'm exhausted.
public void WeatherForecasts()
int[] excludeTaxes = new int[] { 2 };
var vmodel = new ExpenseReportCreateEditModel();
vmodel.Expenses.Add(new ExpenseReportItemModel()
ExcludeTaxIds = excludeTaxes,
Total = 12,
Id = 1
// fetch from bd
var model = new ExpenseReport();
// values will be lost after _mapper.Map...
var eTaxCollections = new HashSet<ExcludeExpenseReportItemTax>();
eTaxCollections.Add(new ExcludeExpenseReportItemTax()
TaxId = 1,
ExpenseReportItemId = 1
model.Items.Add(new ExpenseReportItem()
ExcludeTaxes = eTaxCollections,
ExpenseReportId = 1,
Id = 9
_mapper.Map(vmodel, model);
public class ExpenseReportCreateEditModelProfile : Profile
public ExpenseReportCreateEditModelProfile()
CreateMap<ExpenseReportCreateEditModel, ExpenseReport>()
.ForMember(d => d.Items, s => s.MapFrom(m => m.Expenses));
public class ExpenseReportItemModelProfile : Profile
public ExpenseReportItemModelProfile()
CreateMap<ExpenseReportItemModel, ExpenseReportItem>()
.ForMember(d => d.ExcludeTaxes, s => s.Ignore()); // <<<==== data are lost
public class ExpenseReportCreateEditModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public ICollection<ExpenseReportItemModel> Expenses { get; set; }
public ExpenseReportCreateEditModel()
Expenses = new HashSet<ExpenseReportItemModel>();
public class ExpenseReportItemModel
public int Id { get; set; }
public ICollection<int> ExcludeTaxIds { get; set; }
public decimal Total { get; set; }
public ExpenseReportItemModel()
ExcludeTaxIds = new HashSet<int>();
public class ExpenseReport
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<ExpenseReportItem> Items { get; set; }
public ExpenseReport()
Items = new HashSet<ExpenseReportItem>();
public class ExpenseReportItem
public int Id { get; set; }
public int ExpenseReportId { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<ExcludeExpenseReportItemTax> ExcludeTaxes { get; set; }
public ExpenseReportItem()
ExcludeTaxes = new HashSet<ExcludeExpenseReportItemTax>();
public class ExcludeExpenseReportItemTax
public int ExpenseReportItemId { get; set; }
public virtual ExpenseReportItem ExpenseReportItem { get; set; }
public int TaxId { get; set; }
Thank you for any help
I execute the execution plan and perhaps this is the problem:
$typeMapDestination = ($dest ?? .New WebApplication1.Controllers.SampleDataController+ExpenseReportItem());
This is only way I can lost the values.
I have to find a solution now
Here the complete execution plan :
.If ($src == null) {
} .Else {
.Block() {
$typeMapDestination = ($dest ?? .New WebApplication1.Controllers.SampleDataController+ExpenseReportItem());
.Try {
.Block(System.Int32 $resolvedValue) {
.Block() {
$resolvedValue = .If (
$src == null || False
) {
} .Else {
$typeMapDestination.Id = $resolvedValue
} .Catch (System.Exception $ex) {
.Block() {
.Throw .New AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException(
"Error mapping types.",

Get the typed object with pattern factory

see my code :
public interface IStructureType
int Longueur { get; set; }
int Position { get; set; }
int CompleterCodeBy { get; set; }
public abstract class StructureTypeFactory
public abstract IStructureType GetStructureType(string type);
public class ConcreteStructureTypeFactory : StructureTypeFactory
public override IStructureType GetStructureType(string type)
case "StructureCodeMagasin":
return new StructureCodeMagasin();
case "StructureChrono":
return new StructureChrono();
case "StructureLotSimple":
return new StructureLotSimple();
throw new ApplicationException("");
public class StructureCodeMagasin : IStructureType
public int Longueur { get ; set; }
public int Position { get; set; }
public int CompleterCodeBy { get { return 2; } set { CompleterCodeBy = value; } }
public void GetCodeMagasin()
//some code
I try to use Factory pattern, but how I can access to method GetCodeMagasin in this example :
public MainWindow()
StructureTypeFactory st = new ConcreteStructureTypeFactory();
var structure = st.GetStructureType("StructureCodeMagasin");
int longueur = structure.CompleterCodeBy;
I can access properties but no method, I would like structure variable will typed StructureCodeMagasin.
Thanks for help

Create a fixture for recursive data structure with AutoFixture

I'm working on a project where I have some recursive data structure and I want to create a fixture for it.
The data structure is XmlCommandElement, it has a single method ToCommand that converts XmlCommandElement to Command.
Each node on the tree can be a XmlCommandElement and/or XmlCommandPropertyElement.
Now, in order to test the behaviour of the method ToCommand I want to fetch XmlCommandElement with some arbitrary data.
I want to control the depth of the tree and the amount of instances of XmlCommandElement and/or XmlCommandPropertyElement per node.
So here is the code I'm using for the fixture:
public class XmlCommandElementFixture : ICustomization
private static readonly Fixture _fixture = new Fixture();
private XmlCommandElement _xmlCommandElement;
public int MaxCommandsPerDepth { get; set; }
public int MaxDepth { get; set; }
public int MaxPropertiesPerCommand { get; set; }
public XmlCommandElementFixture BuildCommandTree()
_xmlCommandElement = new XmlCommandElement();
var tree = new Stack<XmlCommandElementNode>();
tree.Push(new XmlCommandElementNode(0, _xmlCommandElement));
while (tree.Count > 0) {
var node = tree.Pop();
node.Command.Key = CreateRandomString();
node.Command.Properties = CreateProperties();
if (MaxDepth > node.Depth) {
var commands = new List<XmlCommandElement>();
for (var i = 0; i < MaxCommandsPerDepth; i++) {
var command = new XmlCommandElement();
tree.Push(new XmlCommandElementNode(node.Depth + 1, command));
node.Command.Commands = commands.ToArray();
return this;
public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
fixture.Customize<XmlCommandElement>(c => c.FromFactory(() => _xmlCommandElement)
private static string CreateRandomString()
return _fixture.Create<Generator<string>>().First();
private XmlCommandPropertyElement[] CreateProperties()
var properties = new List<XmlCommandPropertyElement>();
for (var i = 0; i < MaxPropertiesPerCommand; i++) {
properties.Add(new XmlCommandPropertyElement {
Key = CreateRandomString(),
Value = CreateRandomString()
return properties.ToArray();
private struct XmlCommandElementNode
public XmlCommandElementNode(int depth, XmlCommandElement xmlCommandElement)
Depth = depth;
Command = xmlCommandElement;
public XmlCommandElement Command { get; }
public int Depth { get; }
And this is how I'm using it:
xmlCommandElement = new Fixture().Customize(new XmlCommandElementFixture {
MaxDepth = 2,
MaxCommandsPerDepth = 3,
MaxPropertiesPerCommand = 4
This works perfectly fine! but the issue I have with it is it isn't generic, the whole point of AutoFixture at least as far as I know is to avoid making specific fixtures.
So what I would really like to do is something like this (found it here but it doesn't work for me.):
var fixture = new Fixture();
.ForEach(b => fixture.Behaviors.Remove(b));
fixture.Behaviors.Add(new DepthThrowingRecursionBehavior(2));
fixture.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionForRequestBehavior(typeof(XmlCommandElement), 3));
fixture.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionForRequestBehavior(typeof(XmlCommandPropertyElement), 4));
xmlCommandElement = fixture.Create<XmlCommandElement>();
Here is all the code for reference:
public interface ICommandCollection : IEnumerable<ICommand>
ICommand this[string commandName] { get; }
void Add(ICommand command);
public interface ICommandPropertyCollection : IEnumerable<ICommandProperty>
string this[string key] { get; }
void Add(ICommandProperty property);
public interface ICommandProperty
string Key { get; }
string Value { get; }
public interface ICommand
ICommandCollection Children { get; set; }
string Key { get; }
ICommandPropertyCollection Properties { get; }
public interface ICommandConvertible
ICommand ToCommand();
public sealed class CommandPropertyCollection : ICommandPropertyCollection
private readonly IDictionary<string, ICommandProperty> _properties;
public CommandPropertyCollection()
_properties = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ICommandProperty>();
public string this[string key]
ICommandProperty property = null;
_properties.TryGetValue(key, out property);
return property.Value;
public void Add(ICommandProperty property)
_properties.Add(property.Key, property);
public IEnumerator<ICommandProperty> GetEnumerator()
return _properties.Values.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
public sealed class CommandProperty : ICommandProperty
public CommandProperty(string key, string value)
Key = key;
Value = value;
public string Key { get; }
public string Value { get; }
public sealed class Command : ICommand
public Command(string key, ICommandPropertyCollection properties)
Key = key;
Properties = properties;
public ICommandCollection Children { get; set; }
public string Key { get; }
public ICommandPropertyCollection Properties { get; }
public class XmlCommandPropertyElement : ICommandPropertyConvertible
public string Key { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public ICommandProperty ToCommandProperty()
return new CommandProperty(Key, Value);
Finally, the class I'm trying to test is as follow:
public class XmlCommandElement : ICommandConvertible
[XmlArrayItem("Command", typeof(XmlCommandElement))]
public XmlCommandElement[] Commands { get; set; }
public string Key { get; set; }
[XmlArrayItem("Property", typeof(XmlCommandPropertyElement))]
public XmlCommandPropertyElement[] Properties { get; set; }
public ICommand ToCommand()
ICommandPropertyCollection properties = new CommandPropertyCollection();
foreach (var property in Properties) {
ICommand command = new Command(Key, properties);
return command;
The test itself looks like this:
namespace Yalla.Tests.Commands
using Fixtures;
using FluentAssertions;
using Ploeh.AutoFixture;
using Xbehave;
using Yalla.Commands;
using Yalla.Commands.Xml;
public class XmlCommandElementTests
public void ConvertToCommand(XmlCommandElement xmlCommandElement, ICommand command)
$"Given an {nameof(XmlCommandElement)}"
.x(() =>
xmlCommandElement = new Fixture().Customize(new XmlCommandElementFixture {
MaxDepth = 2,
MaxCommandsPerDepth = 3,
MaxPropertiesPerCommand = 4
$"When the object is converted into {nameof(ICommand)}"
.x(() => command = xmlCommandElement.ToCommand());
"Then we need to have a root object with a key"
.x(() => command.Key.Should().NotBeNullOrEmpty());
"And 4 properties as its children"
.x(() => command.Properties.Should().HaveCount(4));
Thanks to Mark Seemann! the final solution looks like this:
public class RecursiveCustomization : ICustomization
public int MaxDepth { get; set; }
public int MaxElements { get; set; }
public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
.ForEach(b => fixture.Behaviors.Remove(b));
fixture.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionBehavior(MaxDepth));
fixture.RepeatCount = MaxElements;
And can be used like this:
xmlCommandElement = new Fixture().Customize(new RecursiveCustomization {
MaxDepth = 2,
MaxElements = 3
You can fairly easily create a small tree by changing the Fixture's recursion behaviour:
public void CreateSmallTree()
var fixture = new Fixture();
.ForEach(b => fixture.Behaviors.Remove(b));
fixture.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionBehavior(recursionDepth: 2));
var xce = fixture.Create<XmlCommandElement>();
The above test passes.

Dynamic class based on string parameter

I have this:
public class Blah
public int id { get; set; }
public string blahh { get; set; }
public class Doh
public int id { get; set; }
public string dohh { get; set; }
public string mahh { get; set; }
public List<???prpClass???> Whatever(string prpClass)
where string prpClass can be "Blah" or "Doh".
I would like the List type to be class Blah or Doh based on what the string prpClass holds.
How can I achieve this?
public List<prpClass??> Whatever(string prpClass)
using (var ctx = new ApplicationDbContext())
if (prpClass == "Blah")
string queryBlah = #"SELECT ... ";
var result = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<Blah>(queryBlah).ToList();
return result;
if (prpClass == "Doh")
string queryDoh = #"SELECT ... ";
var result = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<Doh>(queryDoh).ToList();
return result;
return null
you have to have a common supertype:
public interface IHaveAnId
int id { get;set; }
public class Blah : IHaveAnId
public int id { get; set; }
public string blahh { get; set; }
public class Doh : IHaveAnId
public int id {get;set;}
public string dohh { get; set; }
public string mahh { get; set; }
then you can do:
public List<IHaveAnId> TheList = new List<IHaveAnId>();
and in some method:
TheList.Add(new Blah{id=1,blahh = "someValue"});
TheList.Add(new Doh{id =2, dohh = "someValue", mahh = "someotherValue"});
to iterate through the list:
foreach(IHaveAnId item in TheList)
Console.WriteLine("TheList contains an item with id {0}",;
// is allowed since you access the property of the class over the interface
or to iterate through all Blahs:
foreach(Blah item in TheList.OfType<Blah>())
Console.WriteLine("TheList contains a Blah with id {0} and blahh ='{1}'",, item.blahh);
the 2 methods and a int field holding the autovalue:
private int autoValue = 0;
public void AddBlah(string blahh)
TheList.Add(new Blah{id = autovalue++, blahh = blahh});
public void AddDoh(string dohh, string mahh)
TheList.Add(new Doh{id = autovalue++, dohh = dohh, mahh = mahh});
Another Edit
public List<object> Whatever(string prpClass)
using (var ctx = new ApplicationDbContext())
if (prpClass == "Blah")
string queryBlah = #"SELECT ... ";
var result = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<Blah>(queryBlah).ToList();
return result.Cast<object>().ToList();
if (prpClass == "Doh")
string queryDoh = #"SELECT ... ";
var result = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<Doh>(queryDoh).ToList();
return result.Cast<object>.ToList();
return null;
in the view you then have to decide what type it is. In MVC you can use a display template and use reflection to get a good design. But then i still don't know what technology you are using.
Yet another Edit
public class SomeClass
public string Property { get; set; }
public static class Repository
public static List<object> Whatever(string prpClass)
switch (prpClass)
case "SomeClass":
return new List<SomeClass>()
new SomeClass{Property = "somestring"},
new SomeClass{Property = "someOtherString"}
return null;
And a controller action in mvc:
public JsonResult Test(string className)
return Json(Repository.Whatever("SomeClass"),JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
then i called it with: http://localhost:56619/Home/Test?className=SomeClass
And got the result:
Is this what you are trying to do?
public class Blah
public int id { get; set; }
public string blahh { get; set; }
public class Doh
public int id { get; set; }
public string dohh { get; set; }
public string mahh { get; set; }
class Program
public static List<T> Whatever<T>(int count) where T: new()
return Enumerable.Range(0, count).Select((i) => new T()).ToList();
static void Main(string[] args)
var list=Whatever<Doh>(100);
// list containts 100 of "Doh"

