I have built a server and client which communicate via sockets.
When i run both the server and the client on the same machine both the server and the client receive the messages which are expected.
when i run the server on a VM or a different physical machine and the client on my main machine the server receives messages fine, but the client never receives the reply's
I have made sure to dissable windows firewall and my anti virus on all 3 machines (the 2 physical and one virtual one) to ensure its not a security issue.
The relevant code is as follows
public class SynchronousSocketListener
// Incoming data from the client.
public static string data = null;
public void StartListening()
InstructionProcessor instructionProcessor = new InstructionProcessor();
// Data buffer for incoming data.
byte[] bytes = new Byte[1024];
// Establish the local endpoint for the socket.
// Dns.GetHostName returns the name of the
// host running the application.
IPHostEntry ipHostInfo = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
IPAddress ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[0];
IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 11000);
// Create a TCP/IP socket.
Socket listener = new Socket(ipAddress.AddressFamily,
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
// Bind the socket to the local endpoint and
// listen for incoming connections.
// Start listening for connections.
while (true)
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for a connection...");
// Program is suspended while waiting for an incoming connection.
Socket handler = listener.Accept();
data = null;
// An incoming connection needs to be processed.
while (true)
int bytesRec = handler.Receive(bytes);
data += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, bytesRec);
if (data.IndexOf("<EOF>") > -1)
data = data.Substring(0, data.Length - 5);
// Show the data on the console.
string response = instructionProcessor.doSomething(data);
// Echo the data back to the client.
byte[] msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(response);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to continue...");
public static string StartClient(string message, string ip)
// Data buffer for incoming data.
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
//Declare this at class scope level so it can be returned outside of try/catch blocks
string response = null;
// Connect to a remote device.
// Establish the remote endpoint for the socket.
// This example uses port 11000 on the local computer.
IPHostEntry ipHostInfo = Dns.GetHostEntry(ip);
IPAddress ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[0];
IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 11000);
//string hostName = Dns.GetHostName();
//string myIP = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName).AddressList[0].ToString(); ;
//Debug.WriteLine( ipAddress );
// Create a TCP/IP socket.
Socket sender = new Socket(ipAddress.AddressFamily,
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
// Connect the socket to the remote endpoint. Catch any errors.
Console.WriteLine("Socket connected to {0}",
// Encode the data string into a byte array.
byte[] msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message + "<EOF>");
// Send the data through the socket.
int bytesSent = sender.Send(msg);
// Receive the response from the remote device.
int bytesRec = sender.Receive(bytes);
Console.WriteLine("Echoed test = {0}",
Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, bytesRec));
response = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, bytesRec);
// Release the socket.
catch (ArgumentNullException ane)
Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException : {0}", ane.ToString());
catch (SocketException se)
Console.WriteLine("SocketException : {0}", se.ToString());
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception : {0}", e.ToString());
catch (Exception e)
return response;
Maybe because client is receiving more than 1024 byte. Try to increase the size of the received buffer.
Also add if (data.IndexOf("") > -1) into the client project.
So I have the code listed below for server client communication It works fine as long as you start both programms on the same PC but if I try to connect two seperate Pcs it doesn't work does anyone know where I have to put in the ip? I added some Console.Writelines to getter with there outputs as a comment
// ExecuteClient() Method
static void ExecuteClient(string message)
// Establish the remote endpoint
// for the socket. This example
// uses port 11111 on the local
// computer.
IPHostEntry ipHost = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
Console.WriteLine(ipHost); //System.Net.IPHostEntry
IPAddress ipAddr = ipHost.AddressList[0];
Console.WriteLine(ipHost.AddressList.ToString()); //System.Net.IPAddress[]
Console.WriteLine(ipAddr); //gives back an ip v6 address
IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddr, 11111);
// Creation TCP/IP Socket using
// Socket Class Costructor
Console.WriteLine("AddressFamily: " + ipAddr.AddressFamily.ToString()); //InterNetworkV6
Socket sender = new Socket(ipAddr.AddressFamily,
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
// Connect Socket to the remote
// endpoint using method Connect()
// We print EndPoint information
// that we are connected
Console.WriteLine("Socket connected to -> {0} ",
// Creation of messagge that
// we will send to Server
byte[] messageSent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("<EOF> " + message);
int byteSent = sender.Send(messageSent);
// Data buffer
byte[] messageReceived = new byte[1024];
// We receive the messagge using
// the method Receive(). This
// method returns number of bytes
// received, that we'll use to
// convert them to string
int byteRecv = sender.Receive(messageReceived);
Console.WriteLine("Message from Server -> {0}",
0, byteRecv));
// Close Socket using
// the method Close()
// Manage of Socket's Exceptions
catch (ArgumentNullException ane)
Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException : {0}", ane.ToString());
catch (SocketException se)
Console.WriteLine("SocketException : {0}", se.ToString());
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception : {0}", e.ToString());
catch (Exception e)
//ExecuteServer method
public static void ExecuteServer()
// Establish the local endpoint
// for the socket. Dns.GetHostName
// returns the name of the host
// running the application.
IPHostEntry ipHost = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
IPAddress ipAddr = ipHost.AddressList[0];
IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddr, 11111);
// Creation TCP/IP Socket using
// Socket Class Costructor
Socket listener = new Socket(ipAddr.AddressFamily,
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
// Using Bind() method we associate a
// network address to the Server Socket
// All client that will connect to this
// Server Socket must know this network
// Address
// Using Listen() method we create
// the Client list that will want
// to connect to Server
while (true)
//Console.WriteLine("Waiting connection ... ");
// Suspend while waiting for
// incoming connection Using
// Accept() method the server
// will accept connection of client
Socket clientSocket = listener.Accept();
// Data buffer
byte[] bytes = new Byte[1024];
string data = null;
while (true)
int numByte = clientSocket.Receive(bytes);
data += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes,
0, numByte);
if (data.IndexOf("<EOF>") > -1)
Console.WriteLine("Text received -> {0} ", data);
if(data == "<EOF> " + "kill")
} else if (data == "<EOF> " + "test")
Console.Writeline("It works!");
} else
byte[] message = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Error 404 message not found!");
// Send a message to Client
// using Send() method
// Close client Socket using the
// Close() method. After closing,
// we can use the closed Socket
// for a new Client Connection
catch (Exception e)
you can use something like this:
this.clientSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
this.clientSocket.Connect(new IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(ip), int.Parse(port)));
and pass the ip address to the "ip" variable.
so I have been trying out socket programming in C# using code found online. When looking at this code from https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/socket-programming-in-c-sharp/
public static void ExecuteServer()
// Establish the local endpoint
// for the socket. Dns.GetHostName
// returns the name of the host
// running the application.
IPHostEntry ipHost = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
IPAddress ipAddr = ipHost.AddressList[0];
IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddr, 11111);
// Creation TCP/IP Socket using
// Socket Class Costructor
Socket listener = new Socket(ipAddr.AddressFamily,
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
try {
// Using Bind() method we associate a
// network address to the Server Socket
// All client that will connect to this
// Server Socket must know this network
// Address
// Using Listen() method we create
// the Client list that will want
// to connect to Server
while (true) {
Console.WriteLine("Waiting connection ... ");
// Suspend while waiting for
// incoming connection Using
// Accept() method the server
// will accept connection of client
Socket clientSocket = listener.Accept();
// Data buffer
byte[] bytes = new Byte[1024];
string data = null;
while (true) {
int numByte = clientSocket.Receive(bytes);
data += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes,
0, numByte);
if (data.IndexOf("<EOF>") > -1)
Console.WriteLine("Text received -> {0} ", data);
byte[] message = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Test Server");
// Send a message to Client
// using Send() method
// Close client Socket using the
// Close() method. After closing,
// we can use the closed Socket
// for a new Client Connection
catch (Exception e) {
I was wondering if the portion
while (true) {
int numByte = clientSocket.Receive(bytes);
data += Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, numByte);
if (data.IndexOf("<EOF>") > -1)
is considered a polling method and also reason why we do not simply use
int numByte = clientSocket.Receive(bytes);
data = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, numByte);
I have tried the above and it seems to work just as fine. So is there a reason why we use a infinite while loop that depends on the text to stop reading? I have found many sources which seems to use this method. Why is this so?
I am trying to send data to Python via C# client. My code works when both the server and the client is either Python or C# but when I run the same code with C# client and Python server I get the following error:
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
This is my C# client. I got this code from msdn
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Text;
// State object for receiving data from remote device.
public class StateObject
// Client socket.
public Socket workSocket = null;
// Size of receive buffer.
public const int BufferSize = 1024;
// Receive buffer.
public byte[] buffer = new byte[BufferSize];
// Received data string.
public StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
public class AsynchronousClient
// The port number for the remote device.
private const int port = 11000;
// ManualResetEvent instances signal completion.
private static ManualResetEvent connectDone =
new ManualResetEvent(false);
private static ManualResetEvent sendDone =
new ManualResetEvent(false);
private static ManualResetEvent receiveDone =
new ManualResetEvent(false);
// The response from the remote device.
private static String response = String.Empty;
private static void StartClient()
// Connect to a remote device.
// Establish the remote endpoint for the socket.
// The name of the
IPHostEntry ipHostInfo = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
IPAddress ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[0];
IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, port);
// Create a TCP/IP socket.
Socket client = new Socket(ipAddress.AddressFamily,
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
// Connect to the remote endpoint.
new AsyncCallback(ConnectCallback), client);
// Send test data to the remote device.
Send(client, "This is a test<EOF>");
// Receive the response from the remote device.
// Write the response to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Response received : {0}", response);
// Release the socket.
catch (Exception e)
private static void ConnectCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
// Retrieve the socket from the state object.
Socket client = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
// Complete the connection.
Console.WriteLine("Socket connected to {0}",
// Signal that the connection has been made.
catch (Exception e)
private static void Receive(Socket client)
// Create the state object.
StateObject state = new StateObject();
state.workSocket = client;
// Begin receiving the data from the remote device.
client.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, StateObject.BufferSize, 0,
new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallback), state);
catch (Exception e)
private static void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
// Retrieve the state object and the client socket
// from the asynchronous state object.
StateObject state = (StateObject)ar.AsyncState;
Socket client = state.workSocket;
// Read data from the remote device.
int bytesRead = client.EndReceive(ar);
if (bytesRead > 0)
// There might be more data, so store the data received so far.
state.sb.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(state.buffer, 0, bytesRead));
// Get the rest of the data.
client.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, StateObject.BufferSize, 0,
new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallback), state);
// All the data has arrived; put it in response.
if (state.sb.Length > 1)
response = state.sb.ToString();
// Signal that all bytes have been received.
catch (Exception e)
private static void Send(Socket client, String data)
// Convert the string data to byte data using ASCII encoding.
byte[] byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
// Begin sending the data to the remote device.
client.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, 0,
new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), client);
private static void SendCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
// Retrieve the socket from the state object.
Socket client = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
// Complete sending the data to the remote device.
int bytesSent = client.EndSend(ar);
Console.WriteLine("Sent {0} bytes to server.", bytesSent);
// Signal that all bytes have been sent.
catch (Exception e)
public static int Main(String[] args)
return 0;
Here is my Python server. I got this code from python docs
import SocketServer
import socket
class MyTCPHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
self.data = self.request.recv(1024).strip()
print "{} wrote:".format(self.client_address[0])
print self.data
if __name__ == "__main__":
HOST, PORT = socket.gethostname(), 11000
server = SocketServer.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), MyTCPHandler)
I was able to resolve this issue by changing
IPAddress ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[0];
IPAddress ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[2];
It turns out AddressList[0] returns IPv6 Address and in Python socket.gethostname() returns IPv4 address.
IPAddress ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[1];
works for me.
server trying to read 1024 byte from client when message received.
client message size is not 1024 byte, try use public byte[] buffer of StateObject in Send Method.
I am trying to make a simple client-server program to help with learning network programming. I aim to build an online chess game but right now Im just trying to do the basics. I have pieced together some code from online sources (MSDN), and I thought it would all work ok. Here is the scenario:
Client sends test message to server
Server echos response
Client reads response and displays test message.
Client sends new message to server
Server echos response
Client displays test message
The correct output should be as follows:
Client sends test message to server
Server echos response
Client reads response and displays test message.
Client sends new message to server
Server echos response
Client displays new message
Any and all assistance is appreciated!
Here is the relevant portion of the client:
private void OnlineButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Connect to a remote device.
// Create a TCP/IP socket.
client = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
// Connect to the remote endpoint.
client.BeginConnect(remoteEP, new AsyncCallback(ConnectCallback), client);
// Send test data to the remote device.
Send(client, "This is a test<EOF>");
// Receive the response from the remote device.
msg("Response received: " + response);
catch (Exception ex)
msg("Client started, connected to: " + client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString());
public void msg(string mesg)
ServerMessages.Text = ServerMessages.Text + Environment.NewLine + " >> " + mesg;
public void sessionHandler(Int32 mode)
switch (mode)
case 1:
msg("Starting AI program...");
case 2:
// Create a TCP/IP socket.
client = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
// Connect to the remote endpoint.
client.BeginConnect(remoteEP, new AsyncCallback(ConnectCallback), client);
Send(client, "Play Online<EOF>");
msg("Response received: " + response);
msg("Pairing with another player...");
case 3:
msg("Replaying selected game...");
msg("Error handling request...");
Here is the server:
// State object for reading client data asynchronously
public class StateObject
// Client socket.
public Socket workSocket = null;
// Size of receive buffer.
public const int BufferSize = 1024;
// Receive buffer.
public byte[] buffer = new byte[BufferSize];
// Received data string.
public StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
public class AsynchronousSocketListener
// Thread signal.
public static ManualResetEvent allDone = new ManualResetEvent(false);
public AsynchronousSocketListener()
public static void StartListening()
// Data buffer for incoming data.
byte[] bytes = new Byte[1024];
IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8888);
// Create a TCP/IP socket.
Socket listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
// Bind the socket to the local endpoint and listen for incoming connections.
while (true)
// Set the event to nonsignaled state.
// Start an asynchronous socket to listen for connections.
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for a connection...");
listener.BeginAccept(new AsyncCallback(AcceptCallback), listener);
// Wait until a connection is made before continuing.
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("\nPress ENTER to continue...");
public static void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
// Signal the main thread to continue.
// Get the socket that handles the client request.
Socket listener = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
Socket handler = listener.EndAccept(ar);
// Create the state object.
StateObject state = new StateObject();
state.workSocket = handler;
handler.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, StateObject.BufferSize, 0, new AsyncCallback(ReadCallback), state);
public static void ReadCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
String content = String.Empty;
// Retrieve the state object and the handler socket
// from the asynchronous state object.
StateObject state = (StateObject)ar.AsyncState;
Socket handler = state.workSocket;
// Read data from the client socket.
int bytesRead = handler.EndReceive(ar);
if (bytesRead > 0)
// There might be more data, so store the data received so far.
state.sb.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(state.buffer, 0, bytesRead));
// Check for end-of-file tag. If it is not there, read
// more data.
content = state.sb.ToString();
if (content.IndexOf("<EOF>") > -1)
// All the data has been read from the
// client. Display it on the console.
Console.WriteLine("Read {0} bytes from socket. \n Data : {1}", content.Length, content);
// Echo the data back to the client.
Send(handler, content);
// Not all data received. Get more.
handler.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, StateObject.BufferSize, 0, new AsyncCallback(ReadCallback), state);
private static void Send(Socket handler, String data)
// Convert the string data to byte data using ASCII encoding.
byte[] byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
// Begin sending the data to the remote device.
handler.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), handler);
private static void SendCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
// Retrieve the socket from the state object.
Socket handler = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
// Complete sending the data to the remote device.
int bytesSent = handler.EndSend(ar);
Console.WriteLine("Sent {0} bytes to client.", bytesSent);
catch (Exception e)
public static int Main(String[] args)
return 0;
Clarification on the problem:
The client only seems to read the first response the server gives. Example:
Client sends "Hello"
Server echos "Hello"
Client displays "Hello"
Client sends "World"
Server echos "World"
Client displays "Hello" (this should be World)
I figured out the problem. I needed a Thread.sleep(3) after each receive. Fixed it right up :)
I used to write socket programs in C and can't understand why the above is happening.
My server blocks at a Receive call, when it returns 0, I break out of the while loop and shutdown the thread.
public class MyServer {
public MyServer() {
public void Init() {
while (true) {
public void StartListening(Object state) {
// Establish the local endpoint for the socket.
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 11000);
Socket listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
try {
// Bind the socket to the local endpoint and listen for incoming connections.
while (true) {
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for a connection...");
// get connection
Socket client = listener.Accept();
// push client to another thread
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(HandleClient, client);
} catch (Exception e) {
private void HandleClient(Object obj) {
// Get the socket that handles the client request.
Socket client = (Socket)obj;
// Create the state object.
StateObject state = new StateObject();
state.workSocket = client;
try {
while (true) {
int bytesRead = client.Receive(state.buffer);
Console.WriteLine("bytesRead=" + bytesRead);
// remote dc.
if (bytesRead == 0)
String content = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(state.buffer, 0, bytesRead);
Console.WriteLine("Read {0} bytes from socket. \n Data : {1}", content.Length, content);
client.Send(state.buffer, 0, state.buffer.Length, 0);
} catch (SocketException e) {
Console.WriteLine("SocketException : {0}", e.ToString());
private void Send(Socket handler, String data) {
byte[] byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
// Begin sending the data to the remote device.
//handler.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), handler);
However, when I click on the close button ("x") of the client, server's Receive call throws a SocketException. According to MSDN's Remarks section, this shouldn't happen because I've satisfied both the connection-oriented part (see above) and client shutdown part(see below) conditions.
Client.cs (pseudo):
public class MyClient {
public void Init() {
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
Socket sender = null;
try {
IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse("");
IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 11000);
sender = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
Console.WriteLine("Socket connected to {0}",
while (true) {
// Encode the data string into a byte array.
String input = Console.ReadLine();
byte[] msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);
// Send the data through the socket.
int bytesSent = sender.Send(msg);
// Receive the response from the remote device.
int bytesRec = sender.Receive(bytes);
Console.WriteLine("Echoed test = {0}",
Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes, 0, bytesRec));
} catch (ArgumentNullException ane) {
Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException : {0}", ane.ToString());
} catch (SocketException se) {
Console.WriteLine("SocketException : {0}", se.ToString());
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine("Unexpected exception : {0}", e.ToString());
} finally {
My shallow understanding of finally blocks is that it will always execute. But it doesn't seem to be the case here.
SO, what did I do wrong here? Should I just catch the exception, close the client socket on the server side and just move on, ignoring it? But I would prefer if an exception were not thrown at all.