I know there are similar questions but somehow I am not able to figure out the situation in my case. I am getting Paramater count mismatch exception.
Here is how I am registering my Mock,
var couponService =
couponService.Setup(a =>
.Returns((couponDetail[] request) =>
var coupon = new couponDetail
description = "75% off the original price",
value = 50
var coupon1 = new couponDetail
description = "500 off the original price",
value = 20
var coupondetails = new couponDetail[] { coupon, coupon1 };
return coupondetails;
the checkCouponAvailability is returning couponDetail[]
What am I doing wrong? I tried putting my return as IQueryable
It appears that inside of the Returns method you are specifying a parameter called request of type couponDetail[], yet the method itself takes the parameters of (orderLine[], orderHeader). The method that is passed into Returns gets invoked with the actual parameters that are passed into your mocked method which will cause the ParameterCountMismatchException you are getting.
You can pass in the literal object you want by mocking your return before mocking the function. Example below:
var coupondetails = new couponDetail[] {
new couponDetail
description = "75% off the original price",
value = 50
new couponDetail
description = "500 off the original price",
value = 20
var couponService = DependencyResolver.Resolve<Mock<ICouponWebServiceAdapter>>();
.Setup(a => a.checkCouponAvailability(It.IsAny<orderLine[]>(), It.IsAny<orderHeader>()))
You can pass a method to returns which MUST take all of the arguments passed into the original method. Example below:
var couponService = DependencyResolver.Resolve<Mock<ICouponWebServiceAdapter>>();
.Setup(a => a.checkCouponAvailability(It.IsAny<orderLine[]>(), It.IsAny<orderHeader>()))
.Returns((orderLine[] arg1, orderHeader arg2) => {
return new couponDetail[] {
new couponDetail
description = "75% off the original price",
value = 50
new couponDetail
description = "500 off the original price",
value = 20
while interface mocking I am trying to send with actual inputs in model object, but getting failure with
Moq.MockException : ISearchRepo.GetEsDataWithBoolByAggregation<IndexVM>(BoolMustMatchAggregationIM) invocation failed with mock behavior Strict.
All invocations on the mock must have a corresponding setup.
error message.
Mock method for interface input object (which is sending same like in manual)
private BoolMustMatchAggregationIM GetBoolMustMatchAggregationIMMockData()
var objInputs = GetTopologyTabularApplyFilterMockData();
var studentFieldValue = objInputs.StudentId != null ? string.Join(',', objInputs.StudentId) : string.Empty;
BoolMustMatchAggregationIM topoplogyApplyFilter = new BoolMustMatchAggregationIM()
From = objInputs.From,
Size = objInputs.Size,
IndexName = ElasticSearchIndexConstant.Index,
FirstField = DataConstant.MarketField,
FirstFieldValue = objInputs.Market,
SecondField = DataConstant.StudentField,
SecondFieldValue = studentFieldValue,
ThirdField = DataConstant.SubjectField,
ThirdFieldValue = objInputs.SubjectId != null ? objInputs.SubjectId : null,
FourthField = DataConstant.SiteIdFieldName,
FourthFieldValue = objInputs.SiteId != null ? objInputs.SiteId[0] : null,
OperatorType = DataConstant.NestAndOperator,
CardinalField = DataConstant.CardinalField,
SumName = DataConstant.SumName,
MinimumMatch = DataConstant.One
return topoplogyApplyFilter;
Mock method for output object from interface
private IEnumerable<SiteSubjectIndexVM> GetSiteSubjectIndexClassMockData()
List<SiteSubjectDetails> objListSiteSubject = new List<SiteSubjectDetails>();
SiteSubjectDetails objSiteSubject = new SiteSubjectDetails { SubjectId = 4002453 };
List<SiteSubjectIndexVM> objListSiteSubjectIndexClass = new List<SiteSubjectIndexVM>();
SiteSubjectIndexVM objSiteSubjectIndexClass = new SiteSubjectIndexVM()
Id = 123,
StudentId = "SE123",
Longitude = -122.51m,
Latitude = 47.66m,
Region = "Selected",
SiteId = "SE03D123",
HasSubjectSites = 1,
Market = "HNK",
TimeStamp = new DateTime(2022, 08, 07, 11, 02, 51, 167),
AAVStatus = "Selected"
objSiteSubjectIndexClass = new SiteSubjectIndexVM()
Id = 456,
SiteId = "SE04D456",
Subjects = objListSiteSubject,
StudentId = "SE456",
Latitude = 47.74m,
Longitude = -122.15m,
Market = "WGL",
TimeStamp = new DateTime(2022, 08, 07, 11, 02, 51, 167),
Region = "WEST",
HasSubjectSites = 1
return objListSiteSubjectIndexClass;
Test Case
public async Task GetTabularApplyFilterAsync_WhenMarketIsNotNull_ReturnsSiteSubjectsIndexFromES()
var objRepoIM = GetBoolMustMatchAggregationIMMockData();
var objRepoVM = GetSiteSubjectIndexClassMockData().Where(x=>x.Id== 72337696).ToList();
var objIMapperVM = GetSiteSubjectIndexMockData().Where(x => x.Id == 72337696).ToList();
var objServiceIM = GetTabularApplyFilterMockData();
objServiceIM.StudentId = null; objServiceIM.SubjectId = null; objServiceIM.SiteId = null;
_mockISearchRepo.Setup(x => x.GetEsDataWithBoolByAggregationAsync<SiteSubjectIndexVM>(objRepoIM)).ReturnsAsync(objRepoVM);
_mockMapper.Setup(x => x.Map<IEnumerable<SiteSubjectIndex>>(objRepoVM)).Returns(objIMapperVM);
var subjectService = this.CreateSearchService();
var result = await subjectService.GetTabularApplyFilterAsync(objServiceIM).ConfigureAwait(false);
Assert.Equal(result, objIMapperVM);
by _mockIElasticSearchRepo.Setup(x => x.GetEsDataWithBoolByAggregationAsync<SiteLinkIndexVM>(It.IsAny<BoolMustMatchAggregationIM>())).ReturnsAsync(objRepoVM);
error get resolved, but why? where I have given correct input model with correct values.
The error message signals that there is no setup for the call. The following setup will be met, if the parameter is equal to the object that you created:
_mockISearchRepo.Setup(x => x.GetEsDataWithBoolByAggregationAsync<SiteSubjectIndexVM>(objRepoIM)).ReturnsAsync(objRepoVM);
Most likely, the call to GetEsDataWithBoolByAggregationAsync in the code under test does not use the exact same instance that you created in your test, but creates an instance of its own. Hence check will fail because it is not the same object and the setup is not matched.
You can work around this by defining the setup so that you check the parameters dynamically, e.g.
.Setup(x => x.GetEsDataWithBoolByAggregationAsync<SiteSubjectIndexVM>(It.Is<BoolMustMatchAggregationIM>(y => y.IndexName == ElasticSearchIndexConstant.Index))
In above sample, I have only included a very simple check for the index name. You can extend the expression to check the input more thoroughly.
By using this approach, the setup will be matched as soon as the expression returns true so this also works if the code under test creates the instance that is used as the parameter.
I have a function in which i am getting data(array of objects) from db and then adding those objects of array one by one into a lit of type ExpandoObject
public async Task<List<ExpandoObject>> GetGroupWithMaxTickets(){
List<ExpandoObject> topGroupsWithMaxTickets = new List<ExpandoObject>();
dynamic ticketDetails = new ExpandoObject();
var pipeline_tickets = new BsonDocument[]{
new BsonDocument("$match",
new BsonDocument
{ "nsp", "/sbtjapan.com" },
{ "datetime",
new BsonDocument
{ "$gte", "2019-12-03T00:00:34.417Z" },
{ "$lte", "2019-12-03T24:00:34.417Z" }
} }
new BsonDocument("$group",
new BsonDocument
{ "_id", "$group" },
{ "totalTIckets",
new BsonDocument("$sum", 1) }
new BsonDocument("$project",
new BsonDocument
{ "_id", 0 },
{ "group", "$_id" },
{ "totalTIckets", 1 }
new BsonDocument("$sort",
new BsonDocument("totalTIckets", -1)),
new BsonDocument("$limit", 5)
var collection = await DbService.tickets.AggregateAsync<RawBsonDocument>(pipeline_tickets, new AggregateOptions {UseCursor = true, BatchSize = 500});
await collection.MoveNextAsync();
if(collection.Current.ToList().Count > 0){
// ticketDetails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(collection.Current.ToJson());
// ticketDetails.group = collection.Current.ToList()[0]["group"];
// ticketDetails.totalTickets = collection.Current.ToList()[0]["totalTIckets"];
Parallel.ForEach(collection.Current.ToList(), (ticket) => {
dynamic groupWithTickets = new ExpandoObject();
groupWithTickets = ticket;
return topGroupsWithMaxTickets;
But it throws an error like this
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject>.Add(System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject)' has some invalid arguments)
I want that my function must return array of objects of type List<ExpandoObject>
How can i do this in c#?
Since you have changed the question, following is the answer that should resolve your matters.
How to NOT work with ExpandoObjects
I tested this on my system and got it to reproduce the same results as you are getting. Following is the failed try:
dynamic employee = new ExpandoObject();
List<ExpandoObject> listOfEmployees = new List<ExpandoObject>();
employee = "someStrangeString";
listOfEmployees.Add(employee); // ERROR !!!!
and just as expected, i get the following error on Add.
Message=The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.Generic.List.Add(System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject)' has some invalid arguments
Corrected way of ExpandoObject use
Following is the method that will take care of the issues with Adding it to the list.
Parallel.ForEach(collection.Current.ToList(), (ticket) =>
Console.WriteLine("Ticket----" + ticket);
dynamic groupWithTickets = new ExpandoObject();
groupWithTickets.users = ticket; //<---- Assign ticket to users element.
What was done to fix it?
When you are working with ExpandoObjects, you have to think of dictionary type of a deal. When you declare ExpandoObject, you have to dynamically assign the value to an element (that you define).
Example from MS site: shows the proper use of ExpandoObject
dynamic employee, manager;
employee = new ExpandoObject();
employee.Name = "John Smith";
employee.Age = 33;
manager = new ExpandoObject();
manager.Name = "Allison Brown";
manager.Age = 42;
manager.TeamSize = 10;
Hopefully this resolves your issue.
It should be like this;
dynamic ticketDetails = new ExpandoObject();
ticketDetails.user = collection;
string json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ticketDetails);
You can simply do this:
dynamic ticketDetails = new ExpandoObject();
ticketDetails = Json(new users = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(collection.Current.ToJson()));
For testing purposes, i used an array arr that holds one of the elements. If you need that array to be part of ExtendoObject with first element being users, you can create a Json object and set the array as value to the "users" element.
dynamic ticketDetails = new ExpandoObject();
JArray arr = new JArray();
arr.Add(#"[{""name"": ""Alex"", ""age"": 21}]");
JObject o = new JObject();
o["users"] = arr.ToString();
ticketDetails = o;
// output: { "users" : [{"name" : "Alex", "age" : 21}]}
I'm new to Unit Testing, and Moq, so if I'm completely wrong in my method or understanding, please assist me.
I have a logic method I am testing. I've commented out the logic, but all it does is check a few values in the 'model' and returns if there's a problem. In the case we're looking at, there's no problem.
public ReplyDto SaveSettings(SnowballDto model)
// Some logic here that reads from the model.
var result = _data.SaveSettings(model);
return result;
My test, using NUnit and MOQ, looks like this:
_logic = new SnowballLogic(mockSnowballData.Object, mockLog.Object);
.Setup(x => x.SaveSettings(SnowballDto_Good))
.Returns(new ReplyDto {
IsSuccess = true,
Message = "Saved",
ReplyKeyID = 1
In each test, I call a private setup function that sets up the things I'll be using.
private void SetupData()
SnowballDto_Good = new SnowballDto {
FirstPaymentDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
ID = 1,
OrderedIDPriority = new List<int>(),
SnowballTypeID = 1,
TargetPayment = 1000
DebtDtoList_ThreeDebt.Add(new DebtDto { ID = 1, Description = "Debt 1", ManualSnowballPriority = 1, MinimumMonthlyPaymentAmount = 140, OpeningBalance = 5000, RunningData = new DebtRunningDto { Balance = 5000 }, OpeningDate = DateTime.UtcNow, SnowballID = 1, StandardRate = 10 });
DebtDtoList_ThreeDebt.Add(new DebtDto { ID = 2, Description = "Debt 2", ManualSnowballPriority = 2, MinimumMonthlyPaymentAmount = 90, OpeningBalance = 1600, RunningData = new DebtRunningDto { Balance = 1600 }, OpeningDate = DateTime.UtcNow, SnowballID = 1, StandardRate = 15 });
DebtDtoList_ThreeDebt.Add(new DebtDto { ID = 3, Description = "Debt 3", ManualSnowballPriority = 3, MinimumMonthlyPaymentAmount = 300, OpeningBalance = 9000, RunningData = new DebtRunningDto { Balance = 9000 }, OpeningDate = DateTime.UtcNow, SnowballID = 1, StandardRate = 20 });
So, my understanding of MOQ is that I am saying "When the SnowballData class's "SaveSettings" methid is called, and a "SnowballDto_Good" object is passed in, always return a new ReplyDto with IsSuccess = true.
Therefore, when I make the call:
var result = _data.SaveSettings(model);
It should return ReplyDto with IsSuccess = true
However, when I put a breakpoint in when I call 'SaveSettings', it returns null all the time.
If I change my setup to:
.Setup(x => x.SaveSettings(It.IsAny<SnowballDto>()))
The test passes. Why is it returning null when I give it a real SnowballDto?
well, it seems you are passing an instance of SnowballDto named model in the "act" part of your test
var result = _data.SaveSettings(model);
In the setup of moq, however, you configure it to return a new ReplyDto only when the instance SnowballDto_Good is specified to SaveSettings. In all other cases, the method's mock is not configured, and - in case of a loose mocking strategy (the default) - it will return the default value for SaveSettings return type. In this case: null.
When you're using It.IsAny<SnowballDto> you are basically telling moq to configure SaveSettings to return a new instance not only then the instance SnowballDto_Good is passed to it, but any instance of that type.
What you need to do is to change your "act" part of your test as follows:
var result = _data.SaveSettings(SnowballDto_Good);
then it will work with your original mock setup, because the correct instance will be passed to SaveSettings.
This is precisely why I like to instantiate my mocks using MockBehavior.Strict.
Instead of returning null, it will throw an exception that will tell you that you didn't configure your mock correctly.
Hope this helps.
I am trying to get CPU percentage of a particular amazon EC2 instance using CloudWatch
I am facing this error when executing the code (see below)
The requested version (2010-08-01) of service AmazonEC2 does not exist"
I could not change the ServiceVersion in AmazonCloudWatchClient because it has Read Only property
The default set is 2010-08-01
I need to change the ServiceVersion to 2014-10-01
Please find the configuration below
And the config in text here
var client = new AmazonCloudWatchClient(clientkey,secretkey,new AmazonCloudWatchConfig{ServiceURL="url"})
var dimension = new Dimension
Name = "instanceName",
Value = "instanceID"
var request = new GetMetricStatisticsRequest
Dimensions = new List<Dimension>() { dimension },
EndTime = DateTime.Today,
MetricName = "CPUUtilization",
Namespace = "AWS/EC2",
// Get statistics by day.
Period = (int)TimeSpan.FromDays(1).TotalSeconds,
// Get statistics for the past month.
StartTime = DateTime.Today.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(30)),
Statistics = new List<string>() { "Minimum" },
Unit = StandardUnit.Percent
var response = client.GetMetricStatistics(request);
if (response.Datapoints.Count > 0)
foreach (var point in response.Datapoints)
Console.WriteLine(point.Timestamp.ToShortDateString() +
" " + point.Minimum + "%");
why do you think you'd need to change the date ?
The property has indeed no setter (see code) so you'll not be able to defined a config with such property.
I understand you dont want to reveal your information but what do you have under
var dimension = new Dimension
Name = "instanceName",
Value = "instanceID"
The Name should be InstanceName and if you use you instance id as you indicate in the Value it should be InstanceId something like
var dimension = new Dimension
Name = "InstanceId"
Value = "i-54cfb999"
might seem really simple however I can't get my json to be correctly formatted from my MVC 5 controller.
My output is showing as;
"account_desc":"Welcome to XYZ",
"account_desc":"Test Company",
So as you can see the level above result does not show any text so it seems like the 'result' section is getting added to a blank node
My controller is;
public IEnumerable<dynamic> Get()
return db.tblAccounts.Select(o => new
result = new
account_name = o.account_name,
account_desc = o.account_desc,
// account_image = Url.Content("~/images/") + String.Format("account_{0}.png", o.id),
account_color = o.account_color,
My json formatter is;
//config.Formatters.Add(new XmlMediaTypeFormatter());
var json = new JsonMediaTypeFormatter();
json.SerializerSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.None;
so it just appears that the 'result' is at a sub level it needs to be a level higher, any help would be great.
Try changing your code to look like this:
public IEnumerable<dynamic> Get()
return db.tblAccounts.Select(o =>
account_name = o.account_name,
account_desc = o.account_desc,
// account_image = Url.Content("~/images/") + String.Format("account_{0}.png", o.id),
account_color = o.account_color,
This will produce an array of results instead of the nested JSON that you provided. you don't actually need the result node label do you?
based on your response is this what you are looking for?
public dynamic Get()
var accountsNode = new {
accounts = db.tblAccounts.Select(o =>
account_name = o.account_name,
account_desc = o.account_desc,
// account_image = Url.Content("~/images/") + String.Format("account_{0}.png", o.id),
account_color = o.account_color,
return accountsNode;