Get time between reaching target (above) and exiting target (below) on chart - c#

The following chart updates its values using a winforms Timer every second. The red line represents a constant target testing pressure, the blue line is the actual pressure read from a PLC object.
Y Axis = Testing Pressure, X Axis = Current Time, chart is updated with winforms timer at Interval = 1000 (every second)
The requirement is showing how many seconds have passed between the blue line reaching the constant required testing pressure (red line) and falling below the
constant required testing pressure.
The block that sets the constant required testing pressure:
chart1.ChartAreas[0].CursorY.Position = d;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].CursorY.LineWidth = 1;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].CursorY.LineColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
The part where I am stuck (this block is inside the method which updates the chart every second):
double plcTestpressure = ((uint)plc.Read("MD220")).ConvertToDouble();
double reqTestPressure = Convert.ToDouble(txtTestingPressure.Text);
if (plcTestpressure > reqTestPressure && !isAboveReq)
DateTime aboveReq = new DateTime();
aboveReq = DateTime.Now;
isAboveReq = true;
//this is for checking the plc read pressure
string currentpressure = ((uint)plc.Read("MD220")).ConvertToDouble().ToString();
//check if current pressure is below required and that pressure WAS above required a second ago...
if(plcTestpressure < reqTestPressure && isAboveReq)
DateTime belowReq = new DateTime();
belowReq = DateTime.Now;
tickCounter = (belowReq - aboveReq).TotalSeconds;
isAboveReq = false;
I have tried and stepped through this block, but it gives me a misleading answer in tickCounter (33 seconds when you can visually see on the graph 5 seconds have passed) and after the first time the tickCounter is assigned to, the aboveReq datetime stamp does not want to change.
Is there a better way to accomplish this goal? Am I going about it wrong? Should I provide more detail?

I would have to assume you have multiple variables named "aboveReq" since variables declared in an "if" block are local to the block. That means that when you access the "aboveReq" variable in the second "if" block, you aren't accessing the same variable.
Also does string currentpressure = ((uint)plc.Read("MD220")).ConvertToDouble().ToString(); really need to be within the if block (only tracking current pressure while above target)?
//Outside of method, top of class
private DateTime? _startTime = null;
private DateTime? _endTime = null;
//In method
string currentpressure = ((uint)plc.Read("MD220")).ConvertToDouble().ToString();
bool breachPressure = plcTestpressure > reqTestPressure;
if (breachPressure && _startTime == null)
_startTime = DateTime.Now;
else if(!breachPressure && _startTime != null)
_endTime = new DateTime();
var tickCounter = _endTime.Value.Subtract(_startTime.Value).TotalSeconds;
Am I going about it wrong?
It would be considered cleaner if you moved the pressure monitoring logic to a separate class, thus keeping true to the single responsibility principle.
You can do that by implementing a pressure monitoring class that would raise events when the threshold is breached - something along the lines of -
public class PressureObserver
public event EventHandler<double> OnRaisedAboveThreshhold;
public event EventHandler<double> OnFellBelowThreshhold;
public double ThresholdPressure{ get; }
private double _lastMeasured = 0; //Initial Pressure
public PressureObserver(double thresholdPressure)
ThresholdPressure = thresholdPressure;
public void Observe(double plcTestpressure)
double pressureDelta = plcTestpressure - _lastMeasured;
if (pressureDelta > 0) //Pressure climbed
if(_lastMeasured < ThresholdPressure && //Last measurement was below threshold
plcTestpressure > ThresholdPressure) //This one is above, cross made
OnRaisedAboveThreshhold?.Invoke(this, plcTestpressure);
else if(pressureDelta < 0) //Pressure declined
if (_lastMeasured > ThresholdPressure && //Last measurement was above threshold
plcTestpressure < ThresholdPressure) //This one is below, cross made
OnFellBelowThreshhold?.Invoke(this, plcTestpressure);
_lastMeasured = plcTestpressure;
Then in your main class you would have fields
private PressureObserver _pressureObserver;
private DateTime _raisedAboveTime;
private DateTime _fellBelowTime;
private double _overpressureDuration;
you would define two methods to react to threshold changes
private void Obs_OnRaisedAboveTreshhold(object sender, double e)
//Code to do on raised above
_raisedAboveTime = DateTime.Now;
private void Obs_OnFellBelowTreshhold(object sender, double e)
//Code to do on fell below
_fellBelowTime = DateTime.Now;
_overpressureDuration = _fellBelowTime.Subtract(_raisedAboveTime).TotalSeconds;
and in the constructor you would subscribe to the observer class
_pressureObserver = new PressureObserver(60); //replace 60 with threshold
_pressureObserver.OnRaisedAboveThreshhold += Obs_OnRaisedAboveTreshhold;
_pressureObserver.OnFellBelowThreshhold += Obs_OnFellBelowTreshhold;
and in your tick timer you would just add


Molecular MC simulation is not equilibrating

Suppose, a polymer has N monomers in its chain. I want to simulate its movement using the bead-spring model. However, there was no periodic boundary condition applied. Coz, points were generated such that they never cross the boundary.
So, I wrote the following program.
Polymer chain simulation with Monte Carlo method
I am using 1 million steps. The energy is not fluctuating as expected. After several thousand steps the curve goes totally flat.
The X-axis is steps. Y-axis is total energy.
Can anyone check the source code and tell me what I should change?
N.B. I am especially concerned with the function that calculates the total energy of the polymer.
Probably, the algorithm is incorrect.
public double GetTotalPotential()
double totalBeadPotential = 0.0;
double totalSpringPotential = 0.0;
// calculate total bead-energy
for (int i = 0; i < beadsList.Count; i++)
Bead item_i = beadsList[i];
Bead item_i_plus_1 = null;
item_i_plus_1 = beadsList[i + 1];
if (i != beadsList.Count - 1)
// calculate total spring energy.
totalSpringPotential += item_i.GetHarmonicPotential(item_i_plus_1);
catch { }
for (int j = 0; j < beadsList.Count; j++)
if (i != j)
Bead item_j = beadsList[j];
totalBeadPotential += item_i.GetPairPotential(item_j);
//Console.Write(totalBeadPotential + "\n");
return totalBeadPotential + totalSpringPotential;
Problem of this application is that simulations (Simulation.SimulateMotion) are run in separate thread in parallel to the draw timer (SimulationGuiForm.timer1_Tick) and share the same state (polymerChain) without any sync/signaling, so some mutations of polymerChain are skipped completely (not drawn) and when the simulation is finished (far before the finish of the drawing) the timer1_Tick will redraw the same polymerChain. You can easily check that by adding counter to Simulation and increasing it in the SimulateMotion:
public class Simulation
public static int Simulations = 0; // counter
public static void SimulateMotion(PolymerChain polymerChain, int iterations)
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
Simulations++; // bump the counter
// rest of the code
// ...
And checking it in timer1_Tick:
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ...
// previous code
if (Simulation.Simulations == totalIterations)
// breakpoint or Console.Writeline() ...
// will be hit as soon as "the curve goes totally flat"
You need to rewrite your application in such way that SimulateMotion either stores iterations in some collection which is consumed by timer1_Tick (basically implementing producer-consumer pattern, for example you can try using BlockingCollection, like I do in the pull request) or performs it's actions only when the current state is rendered.

Trying to implement timer and perform tasks every x seconds but the tasks seem to get delayed

I'm writing an app where a user specifies a length of time, length of an interval and a length of time in between intervals. I want to have a timer label showing the user the total time but then I also want to have a label showing the work status (recording if in the interval, break if between interval time and break end).
Heres an Example: Total time = 2 min, Interval = 20 seconds, Break = 10 seconds
In this example there will be 4 intervals. So from 0:00-0:19 I want to display "Recording" and then from 0:20-0:29 I want to display break and then from 0:30-0:49 I display "Recording" and 0:50-0:59 I display "Break" and so on. All while the timer counts the time.
So I thought this would be pretty straightforward but what seems to happen is the timer increments properly but after the 1st interval the label doesnt switch from break to recording until 0:31 or 0:32 so it looks a little delayed.
Here is the code I am using currently (Note obs is an object Im passing in that has data from user input).
int TotalInterval = obs.Interval + obs.Break;
int WorkingInterval = obs.Interval;
int NumberOfIntervals = (obs.Duration*60) / TotalInterval;
DateTime ObservationEnd = obs.DateCreated.AddMinutes(obs.Duration);
Timer.Text = "Starting Timer";
int minutes = 0;
int seconds = 0;
int InIntervalCounter = 0;
Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), () =>
// called every 1 second
Timer.Text = "Started";
if (ObservationEnd < DateTime.UtcNow)
Timer.Text = "Time Over";
Results.IsVisible = true;
return false;
if (InIntervalCounter > WorkingInterval)
IntervalOrBreak.Text = "Break";
if (InIntervalCounter > TotalInterval)
IntervalOrBreak.Text = "Recording";
InIntervalCounter = 0;
Timer.Text = "Time: " + minutes + ":" + seconds.ToString("D2");
return true;
I'm pretty new to app development/xamarin so any help is greatly appreciated.
Try using simple Threads with Thead.sleep() like this:
final long delay_millis = 100;
Thread thread_something;
thread_something = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
try {
long start_time = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
// Do some task
long time_need_for_delay = (start_time + delay_millis) - SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
if(time_need_for_delay > 0)
} catch (Exception e) { }
after the 1st interval the label doesnt switch from break to recording
until 0:31 or 0:32 so it looks a little delayed.
If you want to display break from 0:20-0:29 and display "Recording" from 0:30-0:49, I think the if statement should change to InIntervalCounter >= WorkingInterval and InIntervalCounter >= TotalInterval, InIntervalCounter > WorkingInterval may cause the 1 second delay.

Create a class/method for a time (start, reset, stop, get istant, get timerun)

I'm building a racing game and I'm working on race times.
I try to build a system to start an instance of a timer with various options.
My little experience is putting me in crisis ... would some good soul want to help me?
This was the idea:
public class Timer {
public float counter;
public bool reset;
public string runtime = "--:--:--";
public string istant = "not istant";
public void startTimer()
/* inupdatealternative: counter += Time.deltaTime; */
if(reset == true)
counter = 0;
counter = Time.time;
var minutes = counter/60; // divide guitime by sixty (minutes)
var seconds = counter%60; // euclidean division (seconds)
var fraction = (counter * 100) % 100; // get fraction of seconds
runtime = string.Format ( "{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:000}", minutes, seconds, fraction);
Debug.Log("in Start: "+runtime);
public void resetTimer()
reset = true;
public string getTimerRuntime()
return runtime;
public string getTimerIstant()
istant = runtime;
return istant;
in update, for exemple:
var lapTimer = new Timer(); // create a new timer
if(Lap < Pilot.pilotlap )
else if(Lap==Pilot.pilotlap)
timerLabel.text = lapTimer.getTimerIstant();
in my head I'm sure someone has already dealt with it ... surely there will be something that manages the times and returns values ​​in various ways: does it exist? or is there anyway how to make or build such a thing?
There is, it's called Stopwatch, it's THE class used in C# to use precise timers, and it's located in the System.Diagnostics namespace.
Using your Update() example, you can use it like this:
// Create a new stopwatch instance
// If the timer is used repeatedly, just instantiate one at start and re-use the same,
// to avoid garbage generation
Stopwatch lapTimer = new Stopwatch();
if(Lap < Pilot.pilotlap )
else if(Lap==Pilot.pilotlap)
// ElapsedMilliseconds returns exactly what it says, so you may need to format the value
// before passing it to the timerLabel.text
timerLabel.text = lapTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
You can read about the class (its methods, fields and properties) here:
Stopwatch Class Documentation
You are doing a lot of unnecessary bool and local fields copiing and setting there. I would simply use something like
public class Timer
private float _startTime;
public bool IsRunning;
// you don't need an extra reset method
// simply pass it as a parameter
public void Start(bool reset = false)
if(IsRunning && !reset)
Debug.LogWarning("Timer is already running! If you wanted to restart consider passing true as parameter.");
_startTime = Time.time;
Debug.Log("in Start: " + GetFormattedTime(_startTime));
IsRunning = true;
// depending what stop should do
// since this doesn't use any resources while running you could also simply
// only stick to the Start method and pass in true .. does basically the same
public void Stop()
IsRunning = false;
// I didn't see any difference between you two methods so I would simply use
public string GetCurrentTime()
Debug.LogWarning("Trying to get a time from a Timer that isn't running!");
return "--:--:---";
var timeDifference = Time.time - _startTime;
return GetFormattedTime(timeDifference);
private static string GetFormattedTime(float time)
// e.g. time = 74.6753
var minutes = Mathf.FloorToInt(time / 60f); // e.g. 1 (rounded down)
var seconds = Mathf.FloorToInt(time - 60f * minutes); // e.g. 14 (rounded down)
var fraction = Mathf.RoundToInt((time - seconds) * 1000f); // e.g. 676 (rounded down or up)
// Use a string interpolation for better readability
return $"{minutes:00}:{seconds:00}:{fraction:000}";
then in your Update you don't want to use
var lapTimer = new Timer(); // create a new timer
all the time since it would create a new timer and you wouldn't get any tracked time ... you rather would use it only once like
private Timer timer;
// just in case you want to keep track of needed times per lap
public List<string> lapTimes = new List<string>();
private void Awake()
timer = new Timer();
private void Update()
if(Lap < Pilot.pilotlap)
else if(Lap == Pilot.pilotlap)
var currentTime = timer.GetCurrentTime();
timerLabel.text = currentTime;
Note that I don't know if this is all you have in Update or how you use it but you probably also do not want to (re)start the timer and count up the Lap every frame your conditions are true ... there should be more checks involved to make sure this can only be called once per lap ...

Timer once a minute on the minute

I can't get the timer to fire once a minute on the minue, 1:00, 1:01, 1:02 etc. Instead, when the timer executes drifts by a couple of seconds each iteration
internal void StartTimer()
DateTime nowEastern = CalendarEntity.Calendar.GetEasternTime();
int secondsInterval = 5;
double additionalSeconds = secondsInterval - nowEastern.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds % secondsInterval;
if (additionalSeconds == 0)
additionalSeconds = 1;
var nearestOnOneMinutes = new DateTime(
TimeSpan timeToStart = nearestOnOneMinutes.Subtract(nowEastern);
TimeSpan tolerance = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);
if (timeToStart < tolerance)
timeToStart = TimeSpan.Zero;
timer_onem = new System.Threading.Timer(OnTimedEvent, null,
(int)timeToStart.TotalMilliseconds, Timeout.Infinite);
private static void OnTimedEvent(object o)
var minute = DateTime.Now.Minute;
var second = DateTime.Now.Second;
if (minute != lastMinute && second % 60 < 2)
lastMinute = minute;
static void CodeToExecute()
double tms = 60000;
// code here
int wait = 60 - System.DateTime.Now.Second;
timer_onem.Change(Convert.ToInt64(tms) - wait, Timeout.Infinite);
I changed the interval so that it fires once a second and then check that the minute has changed. Still drifts
timer_onem = new System.Threading.Timer(OnTimedEvent, null,
(int)timeToStart.TotalMilliseconds, 1000);
private static void OnTimedEvent(object o)
var minute = DateTime.Now.Minute;
if (minute != lastMinute)
lastMinute = minute;
private static void CodeToExecute()
if (bGenerate)
double tms = 1000;
// code
timer_onem.Change(Convert.ToInt64(tms), 1000);
A Timer is only guaranteed to be no faster than Interval.
So you need to call it, say every second and check for the full minute.
For even better precision you would have to check every 1/2 second or better.
It is a basic rule of information theory that says that to measure with a given resolution (1 second in your case) you need to sample with better than twice that resolution. Hence to measure 20kHz you need a smpling rate better than 2x20kHz, say 44.1kHz. (Recognize the numbers?)
If you don't want to call it so often for simply getting one precise point in time, you could write a little more involved code that on each Tick resets the Timer.Interval to a little under half of the remaining time until the next full minute until it is under say 500ms..
There are rather complex things going on in your code wrt to setting up the expected time, though; do make sure they are not the real problem. There should not be a growing drift from the timer's lack of precision, unless you 'collect' the errors..

Count Parallel port input frequency - C#

I have to count the input frequency of the parallel port at Pin no.13, comming from a 555 timer IC, the real frequency should be around 3-4 Hz (ON Pulse). I have tried several codes, several times but every time those are giving different values. I have tried the following code:
[DllImport("inpout32.dll", EntryPoint = "Inp32")]
public static extern int Input(int adress);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int currentState = Input(889);
int LastState;
while (true)
int State = Input(889);
if (State != currentState)
if (Input(889) == 120)
LastState = 0;
LastState = 1;
void GetFreq(int LastPulse)
int highPulseFreq = 0;
int lowPulseFreq = 0;
if (LastPulse == 1)
if (LastPulse == 0)
int startTime = DateTime.Now.Second;
while (true)
if (startTime == DateTime.Now.Second)
if (Input(889) != 120)// ON
if (LastPulse == 0)
LastPulse = 1;
if (LastPulse == 1)
LastPulse = 0;
MessageBox.Show("ON Pulses: " + highPulseFreq.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + "OFF Pulses: " + lowPulseFreq.ToString());
What should I do, to get accurate frequency? Is any thing wrong in my code?
I am using the inpout32.dll to control parallel port.
You're doing all sorts of things a bit wrong. First, you're counting pulses for an entire second, you're counting pulses for up to a second (depends on where in the second GetFreq is called).
Second, you're counting up and down pulses, although I think the frequency should be the number of up (or down) pulses each second, not both of them (that would be double the frequency).
And finally, if you want to measure 3 or 4 Hz, measuring for one second is going to introduce rounding errors. Try measuring for 5 seconds. Use a Stopwatch to measure those 5 seconds.
Try using the following function instead:
double GetFreq(long time, out int highCount, out int lowCount)
const int ADDRESS = 0x378 + 1, MASK = 0x10;
highCount = lowCount = 0;
bool LastState = (Input(ADDRESS) & MASK) == MASK;
if (LastState)
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
while (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds <= time)
if ((Input(ADDRESS) & MASK) == MASK) // High
if (!LastState)
LastState = true;
if (!LastState)
LastState = false;
return ((double)(highCount + lowCount)) / time * 500
And when you need to call the function, just do the following:
int highCount, lowCount;
double frequenct = GetFreq(1000, out highCount, out lowCount);
In my code, I used bitwise operator AND to mask out unnecessary bits, which should be better than directly comparing against 120. Remember when the results are bitwise, never compare directly using == or != operators.
I used System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch which is a lot more precise than using DateTime.Now.Second.
You need to sample your signal at rate that is at least twice the highest frequency in your signal. If your expected highest frequency is about 4Hz, then sampling the signal anywhere from 15 - 20Hz should give good results.
Fortunately, sampling at this rate is something that can be done without too much futzing around with high precision timers on Windows (if you don't require a lot of accuracy). A 20Hz sample rate corresponds to a sample period of 50ms, so you can use a loop where you sleep for about 50ms between recording sample values. You won't get a super precise delta-T between samples (you may see variations of up to 15-30ms in the time between each sample, depending on your system), but it should be good enough for the frequencies you're dealing with.
You can record several seconds worth of samples (and associated timestamps), and then export the data to a spreadsheet. Once in the spreadsheet, you can do some analysis and graphing. Or you can find some time series analysis code to analyze the list of samples, such as using a Fourier transform (FFT) to convert a signal from the time domain to the frequency domain.
Here is an example of creating the samples. You can replace the use of DateTime.Now with a StopWatch in GetInputSamples if you really need more accuracy in the timestamps.
[DllImport("inpout32.dll", EntryPoint = "Inp32")]
public static extern int Input(int adress);
struct Sample
public int Value;
public int Milliseconds;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TimeSpan duration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
TimeSpan samplePeriod = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50);
var samples = GetInputSamples(889, duration, samplePeriod);
SaveSamplesCSV(samples, "test.csv");
private static List<Sample> GetInputSamples(int inputPort, TimeSpan duration, TimeSpan samplePeriod)
List<Sample> samples = new List<Sample>();
var oldPriority = Thread.CurrentThread.Priority;
Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
while (DateTime.Now - start < duration)
int value = Input(inputPort);
TimeSpan timestamp = DateTime.Now - start;
samples.Add(new Sample() { Value = value, Milliseconds = (int)timestamp.TotalMilliseconds });
Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = oldPriority;
return samples;
private static void SaveSamplesCSV(List<Sample> samples, string fileName)
using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(fileName))
writer.WriteLine("Sample, Time (ms)");
foreach (var sample in samples)
writer.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", sample.Value, sample.Milliseconds);

