I'm trying to add sound to my pushable object and just have a simple if statement for checking if the pushable object is moving. The concept is quite simple, if the object is moving the sound should play and when it's not moving it shouldn't. The problem however is, that when I debug the value there is a 0 every 5 frames or so. This causes the sound to work inconsistently. The script I have is really simple, and I have tried changing to fixedupdate, but it didn't work. I had read somewhere that physics calculations are done in fixedUpdate.
public class PushableObject : MonoBehaviour
Rigidbody rb;
AudioSource audioS;
bool rbIsMoving = false;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
audioS = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate()
if (rb.velocity == Vector3.zero)
Debug.Log("Not moving");
audioS.volume = 0f;
audioS.volume = 0.1f;
Edit: I have just figured out that if the player pushes the pushable object into the wall the sound is still playing, for this reason I think I have to change the way too determine if the object is moving or not.
This happens due to single precision floating point.
You never (should) compare two float values directly since they might logically be equal (e.g. 1 = 5*0.2) but for the computer they might be different by a small "epsilon"
So Unity decides that Vector3 simply uses only a precision of 0.00001 for equality for ==
Rather use Mathf.Approximately which uses a very small Epsilon instead.
Than easier than comparing each component of the rb.velocity against 0 what you actually want is the rb.velocity.magnitude which is actually the overall speed.
if (Mathf.Approximately(rb.velocity.magnitude, 0))
Alternatively store the last position and compare it to the current one using Vector3.Distance either again with Mathf.Approximately
private Vector3 lastPosition;
private void LateUpdate()
if(Mathf.Approximately(Vector3.Distance(lastPosition, transform.position), 0))
lastPosition = transform.positiom;
Or with a custom threshold
if(Vector3.Distance(lastPosition, transform.position) <= someThreshold)
or this time you actually can use == if a threshold of 0.00001 is what you want
if(lastPosition == transform.position)
You can check if the RigidBody is sleeping:
if (!rb.IsSleeping()
//it's moving
//it's not
Or check if the transform position has moved since last frame:
Vector3 lastposition;
Gameobject go = somegameobject;
function Update()
if (lastposition == go.transform.position)
//not moving
lastposition = go.transform.position;
You can use Transform.hasChanged to check if the player position has changed on the last update
if (!this.transform.hasChanged)
print("Player is not moving");
transform.hasChanged = false;
I'm new to Unity and C# in general, so excuse my terminology(or lack thereof)...
I have succeeded -with the help of a friend, to credit where its due- in making a platform go up a certain amount after one frame of collision with the player! The only problem is that, now, I can't seem to get it moving down again... Said friend challenged me to make it go up, stay airborne for a certain amount of time, then go back down.
Here is a snippet of my working code that makes it go up.
bool HaveCollided = false; //Collision checker boolean
void Update()
Vector3 up = lifter * Time.deltaTime;
if (HaveCollided != true || transform.position.y >= 5)
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) //Makes HaveCollided true at collision event
if (collision.gameObject.GetComponent<Playertag>() != null) //don't use GetComponent in Update()
HaveCollided = true;
So if my logic is right, I'd need to nest another if statement inside the one where the condition is: HaveCollided != true || transform.position.y >= 5 which should be:
if (newTime == Time.deltaTime * CertainAmount && transform.position.y >= 1) //make platform go down until y position is equal to 1
//make platform go down
transform.position = transform.position - up;
But it's not working. It doesn't even seem to reach the part that would make the platform descend. I literally do not know where to go from here...
Based on your comment I made a few revisions to make the platform movement a bit smoother. I also made it so the same function can be used for both the upward and downward motion.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
[SerializeField] private float timeToMovePlatform = 0.0f; // time it takes the platform to get from 1 point to another
[SerializeField] private float timeToRestAtPeak = 0.0f; // time that the platform rests at the top of its movement
[SerializeField] private float platformYOffset = 0.0f; // offset the platform moves from its origin point to float upward
private Coroutine movingPlatform = null; // determines if the platform is currently moving or not
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
// add a tag to your player object as checking a tag at runtime vs. a GetComponent is faster
if(col.gameObject.tag == "Player")
// only trigger when we are not currently moving
if(movingPlatform == null)
// start our coroutine so the platform can move
movingPlatform = StartCoroutine(MovePlatform(true));
/// <summary>
/// Moves this object up or down depending on the parameter passed in
/// </summary>
/// <param name="moveUpward">Determines if this object is currently moving upward or not</param>
private IEnumerator MovePlatform(bool moveUpward)
// store our start position
Vector3 startPos = transform.position;
// build our goal position based on which direction we are moving
Vector3 goalPos = new Vector3(startPos.x, startPos + (moveUpward ? platformYOffset : -platformYOffset), startPos.z);
// set our current time
float currentTime = 0.0f;
while(currentTime <= timeToMovePlatform)
// lerp the position over the current time compared to our total duration
transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, goalPos, currentTime / timeToMovePlatform);
// update our timer
currentTime += Time.deltaTime;
// need to yield out of our coroutine so it does not get stuck here
yield return null;
// just in case there are any floating point issues, set our position directly
transform.position = goalPosition;
// when we are moving upward, make sure to stop at the peak for the set duration
yield return WaitForSeconds(timeToRestAtPeak);
// once we are done waiting, we need to move back downward
// we finished moving downward, so set our coroutine reference to false
// so the player can set the platform to move again
movingPlatform = null;
Fair warning, I did not test this code it is more a direction I would take for your situation. Before doing anything, add a tag to your player. If you are unsure what tags are, check out the docs. Be sure to give the player the tag Player so that the code will work as expected.
You will notice the first three variables are Serialized but are private. By doing this, it allows for Unity to show them in the inspector but not allow other scripts to touch them.
To learn more about Coroutines, check out the docs and for Lerps, I enjoy this blog post. Let me know if this works for you and/or you have any questions.
Your best bet is to add colliders and use isTrigger. Seed a time and if it's not triggered within that time period raise an event.
So basically, after hours of torment trying to create basic movement script for simple platformer game I succeeded, but not quite. Square character is able to move around and jump just ok, but sometimes it won't jump, usually while moving on short distances or, rarely, standing in place and trying to jump. I can't figure out how to fix that. Here is entire script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour {
private Rigidbody2D rgdb2;
public float movementSpeed;
public float jumpHeight;
private bool isJumping = false;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
rgdb2 = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate ()
float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && isJumping == false)//by typing Space player jumps, cant double-jump
rgdb2.AddForce(new Vector2(rgdb2.velocity.x, 1 * jumpHeight), ForceMode2D.Impulse);
isJumping = true;
private void HandleMovement(float moveHorizontal)//applying player horizontal controls and customing player's speed by movementSpeed variable
rgdb2.velocity = new Vector2(moveHorizontal * movementSpeed, rgdb2.velocity.y);
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D coll)
if (coll.transform.tag == "Platform") //if player is touching object with Platform tag, he can jump
Debug.Log("on ground bitch");
isJumping = false;
It may not be that important, but I want to polish this game as much as possilble, even if I don't need to, since it's basically my first game made in Unity3d with C#.
An important thing to keep in mind: Unity3D Engine's inputs are only updated during the time the engine calls Update() methods for your GameObjects.
What this means is that you should not read any type of input in the FixedUpdate() method. Methods like GetKeyDown() and other methods from the Input class which read keyboard/mouse/axis buttons/values should not be called during FixedUpdate(), as their returned values are unreliable.
Due to this, what is probably causing your jump implementation to fail is that the GetKeyDown() method you're calling in FixedUpdate() is returning inconsistent/invalid (false) results, when the user presses the jump key.
Fixing this can be quite simple. I suggest you keeping a boolean variable which keeps track of whether the jump key has been pressed, and gets its value updated during Update(). This should fix your problem.
bool jumpKeyPressed;
private void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
jumpKeyPressed = true;
else if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Space))
jumpKeyPressed = false;
private void FixedUpdate()
/* Update "moveHorizontal", call HandleMovement(...) here, as you've already done. */
if (jumpKeyPressed && isJumping == false)
// IMPORTANT: this prevents the "jump force" from being applied multiple times, while the user holds the Space key
jumpKeyPressed = false;
/* Remaining jumping logic goes here (AddForce, set "isJumping", etc) */
It's because your logic for jumping is inside FixedUpdate()
When you use GetKeyDown to register input make sure to use Update instead because if you press the key using FixedUpdate it may or may not run during that frame, test it with Update instead.
You already have in comments how Update works, it is called every frame but FixedUpdate according to Unity documentation: This function is called every fixed framerate frame
void Update ()
float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && isJumping == false)//by typing Space player jumps, cant double-jump
rgdb2.AddForce(new Vector2(rgdb2.velocity.x, 1 * jumpHeight), ForceMode2D.Impulse);
isJumping = true;
I have been following a tutorial on 2D Player Controller in Unity (It's 'Live Training 16 Dec 2013 - 2D Character Controllers' video).
I was able to implement everything the tutorial showed successfully with some edits to make it work in Unity 5. Afterwards, I decided to play around with it so that I can gain a better understanding. One thing I tried to do was changing the jump height when pressing the Space key. Here is the code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class RobotControllerScript : MonoBehaviour {
public float maxSpeed = 10f;
bool facingRight = true;
Animator anim;
bool grounded = false;
public Transform groundCheck;
float groundRadius = 0.2f;
public LayerMask whatIsGround;
public float jumpForce = 700f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate () {
grounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(groundCheck.position, groundRadius, whatIsGround);
anim.SetBool("Ground", grounded);
//vSpeed = vertical speed
anim.SetFloat("vSpeed", GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity.y);
float move = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(move));
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(move * maxSpeed,
if (move > 0 && !facingRight)
else if (move < 0 && facingRight)
void Update()
if(grounded && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
anim.SetBool("Ground", false);
GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>().AddForce(new Vector2(0, jumpForce));
void Flip()
facingRight = !facingRight;
Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
theScale.x *= -1;
transform.localScale = theScale;
Looking at the code and the tutorial explanations, jumpForce is the variable that controls how high the character will jump (force applied). So, I changed 700f to a 5f. I expected the character to make a really small jump, but this was not the case. It jumped at the same height as 700f.
public float jumpForce = 700f;
After playing around with the code, I was able to have the expected result by removing the 'public' next to jumpForce. Other ways to fix this was setting it to private or static. I remember I had a similar problem when making a temperature widget on QT Creator. I had to set a variable to static or else it would not return to the default value after C to F conversion, but I don't remember exactly why.
Can anyone explain why 'public' does not work and why a private/static/nothing might? What is the best/efficient solution for this problem? Thank you very much.
When a field is public (or serializable), it is shown in inspector. When it is shown in inspector, you tweak it's value, a you expect the tweaks you make to the value, in the inspector, to be preserved between play mode runs.
When you declare a variable in the code, you may specify an initial value, like this:
public float jumpForce = 700f;
So, the first time this object gets inspected, after created, it has a reasonable value. Then, you tweak and choose a better value (or back to the same, whatever). That's the value you preferred! You want the object to keep functioning like this while you go ahead and finish making your game.
So, once a field is tweaked in Inspector, it doesn't respect the initial value you hardcoded anymore, and that's usually what everyone want. Imagine how annoying would be if everytime you make a change in your class, all the tweaked fields got back to the initial hardcoded value...
If a field was previously public, and then you make it private (or hidden in inspector by any mean), then the hardcoded initial value will stand.
But, what if I really want my object to get back to it's initial/default configuration? That's why the Reset method and the reset button in inspector were made!
I tried to make a script that moves an object back and forth between two points. But it just flies in the ifinity. I tried to find the problem whole evening but idk.
here is the code:
using UnityEngine;
public class MovementBetweenPoints : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform[] keyPoints;
public float speed;
private int currentKeyPoint;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
transform.position = keyPoints[0].position;
currentKeyPoint = 1;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
if (transform.position == keyPoints[currentKeyPoint].position)
if (currentKeyPoint >= keyPoints.Length)
currentKeyPoint = 0;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, keyPoints[currentKeyPoint].position, speed * Time.deltaTime);
Your script works fine as it is. you need to make sure that speed is set to a value greater than 0 in the inspector, and that the keypoints array contains some gameobjects in the inspector too, and you are good to go
I'm sure the problem comes with this part of the code where you check if the position of the object is equal at some waypoint. Instead of:
if (transform.position == keyPoints[currentKeyPoint].position)
try to do something less agressive, and give a bit of margin like:
if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position - keyPoints[currentKeyPoint].position) <= min_Distance)
because it's almost impossible that two objects with different speeds match at the same point. Instead of this, you'll use min_Distance to check it.
So, I've set up a basic script in Unity to move around a 2D sprite, and it works pretty well, except for the fact that occasionally the player-character will not jump when told to. It seems to only happen while or shortly after the character moves horizontally. I really have no idea why this is happening. Hopefully someone else can shed some light on this. Here is the controller script. Any feedback is helpful, even if it's unrelated to the question, I'm doing this as a learning exercise.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PlayerControlsCs : MonoBehaviour {
public KeyCode walkLeft;
public KeyCode walkRight;
public KeyCode jumpUp;
public float speed = 5;
public float jumpForce = 750;
public int jumpCapacity = 1;
public int extraJumps = 0;
public bool facingRight = true;
public bool grounded = false;
private Transform groundCheck;
private Animator anim;
void Awake () {
groundCheck = transform.Find("GroundCheck");
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
void Update () {
grounded = Physics2D.Linecast(transform.position, groundCheck.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Terrain"));
extraJumps = jumpCapacity;
else {
void FixedUpdate () {
anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(rigidbody2D.velocity.x));
anim.SetFloat("Ascent", rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(-speed, rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
else if(Input.GetKey(walkRight))
rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(speed, rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(0, rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
if(Input.GetKeyDown(jumpUp) && grounded)
rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(rigidbody2D.velocity.x, 0);
rigidbody2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, jumpForce));
else if(Input.GetKeyDown(jumpUp) && extraJumps > 0)
rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2(rigidbody2D.velocity.x, 0);
rigidbody2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, jumpForce));
extraJumps -= 1;
void Flip ()
// Switch the way the player is labelled as facing.
facingRight = !facingRight;
// Multiply the player's x local scale by -1.
Vector3 theScale = transform.localScale;
theScale.x *= -1;
transform.localScale = theScale;
If it helps at all, here is what I have made:
Building on Max's answer...
You should use FixedUpdate() for physics stuff like applying a force to a RigidBody as it runs 50 times a second regardless of how fast the game is running. This makes it frame rate independent.
See the documentation.
Update() runs once per frame, so is frame rate dependent. In here is where most of your non-physics stuff should go, checking for inputs for example.
This video is a good explanation of the difference.
The link in the comment is also correct:
You need to call this function from the Update function, since the
state gets reset each frame
So check if is grounded only when the player presses jump as ray/linecasts are computationally expensive, apply the physics in FixedUpdate(), and check for input in Update().
Update and FixedUpdate aren't guaranteed to happen every time one after another. I haven't ran into this kind of bugs, so I can't say for sure, but you may experience a situation where your grounded state is incorrect. Instead of saving this value as a field, try checking for it every time you need it — at least a separate check in Update and FixedUpdate.
Input should be handeled in Update, because update runs every frame, while fixed update isn't like update and it doesn't run every frame so when input is handeled in fixed update it might miss the input and it won't jump !
I suggest you cut and paste all the input code from fixed update to update !