I have a need to specify a JsonConverter for properties which are decorated with a specific attribute, in this case [DataType(DataType.PostalCode)].
I already have a custom JsonConverter for which I have set the CanConvert method as follows:
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) => objectType == typeof(string);
How can I make sure the PostcodeJsonConverter is used instead when the API encounters a PostalCode property?
public string Postcode { get; set; }
I've tried the following but I suspect the DataType attribute is not available at this point.
public override bool CanConvert(Type objectType) =>
objectType == typeof(string) &&
.Any(dta => dta.DataType == DataType.PostalCode);
Do I need to decorate my model as follows instead?
public string Postcode { get; set; }
You can make a custom ContractResolver that looks for your DataType attribute on each property and maps the values to the appropriate converter. Here is the code you would need:
public class DataTypeResolver : DefaultContractResolver
private Dictionary<DataType, JsonConverter> ConvertersByDataType { get; set; }
public DataTypeResolver()
// Adjust this list to match your actual data types and converters
ConvertersByDataType = new Dictionary<DataType, JsonConverter>
{ DataType.PostalCode, new PostalCodeConverter() },
{ DataType.PhoneNumber, new PhoneNumberConverter() },
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
JsonProperty prop = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
var att = prop.AttributeProvider.GetAttributes(true).OfType<DataTypeAttribute>().FirstOrDefault();
if (att != null)
JsonConverter converter;
if (ConvertersByDataType.TryGetValue(att.DataType, out converter))
prop.Converter = converter;
return prop;
Then pass the resolver to SerializeObject and/or DeserializeObject via the settings:
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
ContractResolver = new DataTypeResolver()
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(yourObject, settings);
Here is a working demo: https://dotnetfiddle.net/k1kWv5
You can add Converters to the JsonSerializerSettings. So instead of decorating everything, you may as well add your PostcodeJsonConverter there (depending on how often it is used, a decorator may be better though):
For aspnet core defaults:
services.AddMvc().AddJsonOptions(o => o.SerializerSettings.Converters.Add(new PostcodeJsonConverter()))
For JsonConvert:
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, new JsonSerializerSettings
Converters = { new PostcodeJsonConverter() }
I am trying to deserialize an existing JSON structure to into an object composed of a set of models. The naming in these models are not consistent and I was specifically asked to not change them (renaming, adding attributes, etc).
So, given this Json text (just a small sample):
"parameter": {
"alarms": [
"id": 1,
"name": "alarm1",
"type": 5,
"min": 0,
"max": 2
"setting-active": true,
"setting-oneRun": true
would need to be mapped into these models:
public class Alarm
public int AlarmId { get; set; }
public string AlarmName { get; set; }
public AlarmType RbcType { get; set; }
public int MinimumTolerated { get; set; }
public int MaximumTolerated { get; set; }
public class Setting
public bool Active { get; set; }
public bool OneRun { get; set; }
public class Parameter
public List<Alarm> Alarms { get; set; }
public Setting ParameterSetting { get; set; }
So far, im writing a class that extends DefaultContractResolver and overrides maps property names.
MyCustomResolver so far:
public class MyCustomResolver : DefaultContractResolver
private Dictionary<string, string>? _propertyMappings;
protected override IList<JsonProperty> CreateProperties(Type type, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
//ModelMappings is a static class that will return a dictionary with mappings per ObjType being deserialized
_propertyMappings = ModelMappings.GetMapping(type);
return base.CreateProperties(type, memberSerialization);
protected override string ResolvePropertyName(string propertyName)
if (_propertyMappings != null)
_propertyMappings.TryGetValue(propertyName, out string? resolvedName);
return resolvedName ?? base.ResolvePropertyName(propertyName);
return base.ResolvePropertyName(propertyName);
Code that Im using to deserialize:
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
settings.DateFormatString = "YYYY-MM-DD";
settings.ContractResolver = new MyCustomResolver();
Parameter p = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Parameter>(jsonString, settings);
So I reached a point I need to somehow map the properties in Parameter to values located in the prev json node ("setting-active", "setting-oneRun"). I need to tell the deserializer where these values are.
Can this be done using an extension of DefaultContractResolver ?
I appreciate any tips pointing in the right direction
You can apply ModelMappings.GetMapping(objectType) in DefaultContractResolver.CreateObjectContract():
public class MyCustomResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override JsonObjectContract CreateObjectContract(Type objectType)
var contract = base.CreateObjectContract(objectType);
var overrides = ModelMappings.GetMapping(objectType);
if (overrides != null)
foreach (var property in contract.Properties.Concat(contract.CreatorParameters))
if (property.UnderlyingName != null && overrides.TryGetValue(property.UnderlyingName, out var name))
property.PropertyName = name;
return contract;
By applying the mappings in CreateObjectContract() you can remap both property names and creator parameter names.
Since the contract resolver is designed to resolve contracts for all types, storing a single private Dictionary<string, string>? _propertyMappings; doesn't really make sense.
Unlike your previous question, your current question shows properties from a nested c# object ParameterSetting getting percolated up to the parent object Parameter. Since a custom contract resolver is designed to generate the contract for a single type, it isn't suited to restructuring data between types. Instead, consider using a DTO or converter + DTO in such situations:
public class ParameterConverter : JsonConverter<Parameter>
record ParameterDTO(List<Alarm> alarms, [property: JsonProperty("setting-active")] bool? Active, [property: JsonProperty("setting-oneRun")] bool? OneRun);
public override void WriteJson(JsonWriter writer, Parameter? value, JsonSerializer serializer)
var dto = new ParameterDTO(value!.Alarms, value.ParameterSetting?.Active, value.ParameterSetting?.OneRun);
serializer.Serialize(writer, dto);
public override Parameter? ReadJson(JsonReader reader, Type objectType, Parameter? existingValue, bool hasExistingValue, JsonSerializer serializer)
var dto = serializer.Deserialize<ParameterDTO>(reader);
if (dto == null)
return null;
existingValue ??= new ();
existingValue.Alarms = dto.alarms;
if (dto.Active != null || dto.OneRun != null)
existingValue.ParameterSetting = new () { Active = dto.Active.GetValueOrDefault(), OneRun = dto.OneRun.GetValueOrDefault() };
return existingValue;
If your "real" model is too complex to define a DTO, you could create a JsonConverter<Paramater> that (de)serializes the JSON into an intermediate JToken hierarchy, then restructures that. See e.g. this answer to Can I serialize nested properties to my class in one operation with Json.net?.
In some cases, the custom naming of your properties is just camel casing. To camel case property names without the need for explicit overrides, set MyCustomResolver.NamingStrategy to CamelCaseNamingStrategy e.g. as follows:
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
DateFormatString = "YYYY-MM-DD",
// Use CamelCaseNamingStrategy since many properties in the JSON are just camel-cased.
ContractResolver = new MyCustomResolver { NamingStrategy = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy() },
Converters = { new ParameterConverter() },
Demo fiddle here.
I think that the best way to "KEEP IT SIMPLE", you need to define an object that has exactly the properties of the json. Then you can use a library like "Automapper" to define rules of mapping between the "json object" and the "business object".
I have a class with properties that setters depend on VeryImportantProperty. But the property shouldn't be serialized by design.
So, when I receive JSON, I have to set VeryImportantProperty during deserialization and before setting other properties.
I suppose it could be done by modifying ContractResolver. I store value for VeryImportantProperty there, but I don't know how to assign it
I tried to use following ContractResolver, but it does not affect
public class MyContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
public VeryImportantClass VeryImportantPropertyValue { get; set; }
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
var property = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
if (property.PropertyName == "VeryImportantProperty" && VeryImportantPropertyValue != null)
property.DefaultValue = VeryImportantPropertyValue;
property.DefaultValueHandling = DefaultValueHandling.Populate;
property.Order = -1;
return property;
I solved the problem by creating ContractResolver that overrides CreateContract to set Converter to custom one that overrides Create to pass my VeryImportantProperty to constructor
public class MyContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
public VeryImportantClass VeryImportantPropertyValue { get; set; }
protected override JsonContract CreateContract(Type objectType)
var contract = base.CreateContract(objectType);
if (VeryImportantPropertyValue == null)
return contract;
// Solution for multiple classes is commented
if (objectType == typeof(ContainerClass)/* || objectType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseContainer))*/)
contract.Converter = new ImportantClassConverter(VeryImportantPropertyValue);
return contract;
private class ImportantClassConverter: CustomCreationConverter<VeryImportantClass>
public EntityConverter(VeryImportantClass veryImportantPropertyValue)
_veryImportantPropertyValue= veryImportantPropertyValue;
private readonly VeryImportantClass _veryImportantPropertyValue;
public override VeryImportantClass Create(Type objectType)
// Might be simplified but it was used for multiple container classes with one parent
return objectType.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(ContainerClass) })
?.Invoke(new[] { _veryImportantPropertyValue }) as ContainerClass;
I have a custom attribute [Foo]
implemented as follows:
public class FooAttribute
: Attribute
Now I want to use the System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer to step into each field that has that attribute, in order to manipulate how is serialized and deserialized.
For example, if I have the following class
class SampleInt
public int Number { get; init; }
public int StandardNumber { get; init; }
public string Text { get; init; }
when I serialize an instance of this class, I want a custom int JsonConverter to apply only for that field.
public class IntJsonConverter
: JsonConverter<int>
public override int Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
// do whatever before reading if the text starts with "potato". But this should be triggered only if destination type has the Foo attribute. How?
return reader.GetInt32();
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, int value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
writer.WriteStringValue("potato" + value.ToString());
so that the serialization for
var sample =
new SampleInt
Number = 123,
StandardNumber = 456
Text = "bar"
like this
var serializeOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions();
var serializeOptions.Converters.Add(new IntJsonConverter());
var resultJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(sample, serializeOptions);
results on the following json
"number": "potato123",
"standardNumber": 456,
"text": "bar"
and not in
"number": "potato123",
"standardNumber": "potato456",
"text": "bar"
In a similar manner, I want the deserialization to be conditional, and only use the custom converter if the destination field has the [Foo] attribute.
With Newtonsoft, this is possible using Contract Resolvers and overriding CreateProperties method like this.
public class SerializationContractResolver
: DefaultContractResolver
private readonly ICryptoTransform _encryptor;
private readonly FieldEncryptionDecryption _fieldEncryptionDecryption;
public SerializationContractResolver(
ICryptoTransform encryptor,
FieldEncryptionDecryption fieldEncryptionDecryption)
_encryptor = encryptor;
_fieldEncryptionDecryption = fieldEncryptionDecryption;
NamingStrategy = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy();
protected override IList<JsonProperty> CreateProperties(Type type, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
var properties = base.CreateProperties(type, memberSerialization);
foreach (var jsonProperty in properties)
var hasAttribute = HasAttribute(type, jsonProperty);
if (hasAttribute)
var serializationJsonConverter = new MyJsonConverter();
jsonProperty.Converter = serializationJsonConverter;
return properties;
private bool HasAttribute(Type type, JsonProperty jsonProperty)
var propertyInfo = type.GetProperty(jsonProperty.UnderlyingName);
if (propertyInfo is null)
return false;
var hasAttribute =
.Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof(FooAttribute));
var propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType;
var isSimpleValue = propertyType.IsValueType || propertyType == typeof(string);
var isSupportedField = isSimpleValue && hasPersonalDataAttribute;
return isSupportedField;
But I don't want to use Newtonsoft. I want to use the new dotnet System.Text.Json serializer. Is it possible to use it in a similar granular way?
My goal is to serialize properties that don't have any attributes and properties which have a specific custom attribute.
For the following class:
public class Msg
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public string Status { get; set; }
When I call a method Serialize(object, CustomAttributeA), I want to have the following output:
"Id" : someId,
"Text" : "some text"
And when I call Serialize(object, CustomAttributeB), I want to have following:
"Id" : someId,
"Status" : "some status"
I have read that it's possible to achieve this by creating a custom ContractResolver, but in this case must I create two separate contract resolvers?
You do not need two separate resolvers to achieve your goal. Just make the custom ContractResolver generic, where the type parameter represents the attribute you are looking for when serializing.
For example:
public class CustomResolver<T> : DefaultContractResolver where T : Attribute
protected override IList<JsonProperty> CreateProperties(Type type, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
IList<JsonProperty> list = base.CreateProperties(type, memberSerialization);
foreach (JsonProperty prop in list)
PropertyInfo pi = type.GetProperty(prop.UnderlyingName);
if (pi != null)
// if the property has any attribute other than
// the specific one we are seeking, don't serialize it
if (pi.GetCustomAttributes().Any() &&
pi.GetCustomAttribute<T>() == null)
prop.ShouldSerialize = obj => false;
return list;
Then, you can make a helper method to create the resolver and serialize your object:
public static string Serialize<T>(object obj) where T : Attribute
JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
ContractResolver = new CustomResolver<T>(),
Formatting = Formatting.Indented
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, settings);
When you want to serialize, call the helper like this:
string json = Serialize<CustomAttributeA>(msg);
Demo fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/bRHbLy
I have a bunch of classes that will be serialized to JSON at some point and for the sake of following both C# conventions on the back-end and JavaScript conventions on the front-end, I've been defining properties like this:
public int MyFoo { get; set; }
So that in C# I can:
MyFoo = 10;
And in Javascript I can:
if (myFoo === 10)
But doing this for every property is tedious. Is there a quick and easy way to set the default way JSON.Net handles property names so it will automatically camel case unless told otherwise?
You can use the provided class Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver:
var serializer = new JsonSerializer
ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
var jobj = JObject.FromObject(request, serializer);
In other words, you don't have to create a custom resolver yourself.
When serializing your object, pass in some custom settings.
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(yourObject, settings);
Better to use the new CamelCaseNamingStrategy (since 9.0.1):
new JsonSerializerSettings()
ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver
NamingStrategy = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy()
It does not override custom names set by JsonPropert('Name') by default. (You can change the behaviour by CamelCaseNamingStrategy(bool, bool) ctor.) So, does not need to create custom class like #Matt Burland's answer.
JObject.FromObject uses default settings from JsonConvert defaults.
There is a func property that you can assign like this:
JsonConvert.DefaultSettings = () => new JsonSerializerSettings()
ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
and whenever you call Jobject.FromObject, it will use this func to construct settings.
Since the accepted answer is link-only, I'm adding the actual code I ended up using (in case the link dies). It's largely the same as what was in the link:
// Automatic camel casing because I'm bored of putting [JsonProperty] on everything
// See: http://harald-muehlhoff.de/post/2013/05/10/Automatic-camelCase-naming-with-JsonNET-and-Microsoft-Web-API.aspx#.Uv43fvldWCl
public class CamelCase : CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver
protected override JsonProperty CreateProperty(MemberInfo member,
MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
var res = base.CreateProperty(member, memberSerialization);
var attrs = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonPropertyAttribute), true);
if (attrs.Any())
var attr = (attrs[0] as JsonPropertyAttribute);
if (res.PropertyName != null && attr.PropertyName != null)
res.PropertyName = attr.PropertyName;
return res;
The only change I made was the addition of attr.PropertyName != null to the if clause because of the case where I had added something like:
[JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)]
public string SomeProperty { get; set; }
And didn't want to specify the PropertyName (so it's null). The above will be serialized in JSON as someProperty.
You can use a custom contract resolver:
class MyContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override IList<JsonProperty> CreateProperties(Type type, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
var properties = base.CreateProperties(type, memberSerialization);
foreach (var property in properties)
property.PropertyName = char.ToLower(property.PropertyName[0]) + string.Join("", property.PropertyName.Skip(1));
return properties;
And use it like:
class MyClass
public int MyProperty { get; set; }
public int MyProperty2 { get; set; }
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new MyClass(),
new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new MyContractResolver() });
In .NET 5.0 you can use System.Text.Json and specifiy the ProperyNamingPolicy inside the JsonSerializerOptions
Here's a link to the Microsoft docs page on setting the property to use camel case.
var serializeOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions
PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase,
WriteIndented = true
jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(weatherForecast, serializeOptions);
public class WeatherForecastWithPropertyNameAttribute
public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; }
public int TemperatureCelsius { get; set; }
public string Summary { get; set; }
public int WindSpeed { get; set; }
JSON output
"date": "2019-08-01T00:00:00-07:00",
"temperatureCelsius": 25,
"summary": "Hot",
"Wind": 35
public static JsonSerializer FormattingData()
var jsonSerializersettings = new JsonSerializer {
ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() };
return jsonSerializersettings;
public static JObject CamelCaseData(JObject jObject)
var expandoConverter = new ExpandoObjectConverter();
dynamic camelCaseData =
return JObject.FromObject(camelCaseData, FormattingData());