IList rewriting itself - c#

So what i'm doind for the moment is getting information from win32 classes and putting that information on my view using a viewmodel -> mvvm. So at this point i aquire information from my disks and put them on my view. Since for example my pc and server have pultiple drive I use a for each loop and add theinformation in a list -> I have tried IList<> and ICollection<>. my current code:
int index = 0;
ObjectQuery objectQuery3 = new ObjectQuery("select * from Win32_LogicalDisk");
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher3 = new
ManagementObjectCollection disks = searcher3.Get();
foreach (ManagementObject value in disks)
disk.FreeSpace = (Convert.ToUInt64(value.GetPropertyValue("FreeSpace"))/1024/1024/1024/1024);
disk.Size = (Convert.ToUInt64(value.GetPropertyValue("Size")) /1024/1024/1024/1024);
disk.Name = Convert.ToString(value.GetPropertyValue("Name"));
disk.VolumeName = Convert.ToString(value.GetPropertyValue("VolumeName"));
storage.Insert(index, disk);
My problem here when i put a breakpoint at the list is -> he gets the information from my first disks put's it in 'disk' model aka class. next he add's the model in the IList. next iteration he get information put's it into the model but after that he overwrites current ilist index 0 and then add itself on index 1. next iteration the same he overwrites index 0 overwrites index 1 and adds itself on index 2. leaving me exactly the same information every time from my last disk. Any ideas on how to fix this?
besides insert method I have tried add method too.


ViewModel returns same values for all 500+ records to the view

I am new to using ViewModels, I have a new list here and am adding items to it by looping though a database table. The issue is that all the records that come back are identical using the same record over and over. What could be the issue and is this a good way to accomplish filling with data and Passing a ViewModel or is there a better way? Right now it returns about 500 records with the same data.
public class DimCustomersController : Controller
private AdventureWorks_MBDEV_DW2008Entities db = new AdventureWorks_MBDEV_DW2008Entities();
public ActionResult CustomersIndexVM()
List<DimCustomersIndexViewModel> CustomerList = new List<DimCustomersIndexViewModel>();
DimCustomersIndexViewModel CustomerItem = new DimCustomersIndexViewModel();
foreach (var m in db.DimCustomers.ToList())// cold do for loop up to count
CustomerItem.Title = m.Title;
CustomerItem.FirstName = m.FirstName;
CustomerItem.MiddleName = m.MiddleName;
CustomerItem.LastName = m.LastName;
CustomerItem.BirthDate = m.BirthDate;
CustomerItem.MaritalStatus = m.MaritalStatus;
CustomerItem.Suffix = m.Suffix;
CustomerItem.Gender = m.Gender;
CustomerItem.EmailAddress = m.EmailAddress;
CustomerItem.AddressLine1 = m.AddressLine1;
CustomerItem.AddressLine2 = m.AddressLine2;
CustomerItem.Phone = m.Phone;
//other columns go here
return View("CustomersIndexVM", CustomerList);
This line needs to be inside the loop:
DimCustomersIndexViewModel CustomerItem = new DimCustomersIndexViewModel();
The reason is that you want a new view model for each customer, but instead you are currently creating only one view model and changing its properties. When you add it to the list, you are not adding a copy; you are adding the same view model you already added.
This code would work if DimCustomersIndexViewModel was a struct, because structs are just a bag of values that have no inherent identity and they are copied rather than referenced. (Technical comparison.) But it's a class (as it should be), with a unique identity, so you're adding a reference to the single view model into the list over and over. Customerlist[0] and CustomerList[1] and all the other items point to the same DimCustomersIndexViewModel object instance, whose properties are then overwritten and left equal to the very last customer.
By moving this line inside the loop, you are creating a separate DimCustomersIndexViewModel for each customer, each with its own set of properties, and CustomerList contains references to many different DimCustomersIndexViewModel object instances.
Once you have solid experience with this concept, a future step could be to use AutoMapper so that you don't have to maintain a list of all properties in your code here.
The problem is you add the same reference object during each iteration of your loop. That object never changes (you never new it up again), but you change the properties on the object. Then you add that object over and over. You need to new up that object each iteration of the loop.

Add list to list issue

I have same type of 2 object lists and first item of first list should be added specific times. Also every cycle i should increase the datetime value with AddSeconds(). This is my code below:
List<Logs> logList = new List<Logs>();
List<Logs> chartList = new List<Logs>();
for (int i = 0; i < specificValue; i++)
logList[0].Date = logList[0].Date.AddSeconds(1);
My purpose is creating chart data with change log so i have to add same value to chartList with specific time with incremental date value. But my problem this code creates a chartList with all the same value of the last loglist item. I found some solutions with using foreach but in that situation i have to use for loop.
When you call chartList.Add(logList[0]), you are adding a reference to the object, not creating a new object.
So on the next line, when you add 1 second to the object, you also add that 1 second to the object in chartList. In fact, all the objects in chartList are references to the exact same object.
You need to create a copy of the object when you add it to chartList.

Why does the Foreach doesn't impact?

The code below doing a simple thing. manipulate the API's raw data and bind it to the view model's property.
I fetch data from a web service and save it to a object named calljsonObject. This is the raw data. Then I do a foreach loop to select the selected data from the raw data, and save it to a object named tmpList, and at the last line, bind tmpList to the view model property named docList
SingleBoardListRawData calljsonObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SingleBoardListRawData>(callbackjsonstring);
ObservableCollection<SinglePostViewModel> tmpList = new ObservableCollection<SinglePostViewModel>();
SinglePostViewModel tmpPost = new SinglePostViewModel();
foreach (List<object> item in
tmpPost.doc_id = (long)item[0];
tmpPost.doc_title = (string)item[1];
tmpPost.doc_author = (string)item[2];
tmpPost.repliesCount = (long)item[4];
tmpPost.doc_post_date = DateTime.Parse((string)item[5]);
tmpPost.OnTop = (long)item[6];
tmpPost.CoolPost = (long)item[7];
tmpPost.doc_update_date = DateTime.Parse((string)item[9]);
tmpPost.PicInDoc = (long)item[10];
tmpPost.reply_user_name = (string)item[11];
tmpPost.doc_brief = (string)item[13];
this.docList = tmpList;
But the result is the tmpList full of the same data, which is the result of the last foreach manipulation. But I thought that I've re-assigned the tmpPost value, it seems every Add method will take place the previous one.
I don't want to new a object everytime I do a foreach loop, I think it cost a lot,
My Question is :
1. Why?
2. How to solve it?
You're adding a reference to the same object on each iteration, and overwriting the data within that object on each iteration. You need to create a new object on each iteration. Move this line:
SinglePostViewModel tmpPost = new SinglePostViewModel();
into the loop.
foreach (List<object> item in
SinglePostViewModel tmpPost = new SinglePostViewModel();
tmpPost.doc_id = (long)item[0];
I don't want to new a object everytime I do a foreach loop, I think it cost a lot,
How do you expect to maintain the different values if you don't create that many objects? Where do you expect the data to live? And what evidence do you have for your performance concern?
It's very important that you understand how reference types and value types work. Please read my article on this topic and think about how that applies in your situation.
If we assume that SinglePostViewModel, then you are adding the same reference multiple times in the list. There is only one instance of the SinglePostViewModel - you are simply over-writing it each time, hence the fail.
I don't want to new a object everytime I do a foreach loop, I think it cost a lot
Unless you are talking 10s of millions of records, your concerns are very unlikely to be justified. The data needs to go somewhere, after all.
My Question is : 1. Why? 2. How to solve it?
because you only have one object that you keep over-writing
don't do that

Shorten this into a function

This program organises WMI data into a set of classes - one class for each hardware element in a computer - and each class is initialised multiple times if more than one of a particular hardware element exists.
Is there a nice neat way of turning this section of code into a few function calls? I was thinking of something along the lines of CreateComponent(ref object dataClass, params string[] WMIClasses); to initialise a computer component rather than using temporary stores for WMI data and making a for loop to add each instance.
// These temporary stores fetch WMI data as ManagementObjects
// Most cases will only need one WMI class.
ManagementObject[] WMIDataTemp1;
ManagementObject[] WMIDataTemp2;
// Fetch data as ManagementObjects
WMIDataTemp1 = DataRetriever.GetWMIData("Win32_Processor");
// Loop though each ManagementObject and add a new device for each instance
foreach (ManagementObject Object in WMIDataTemp1)
this.Processors.Add(new Processor(Object));
WMIDataTemp1 = DataRetriever.GetWMIData("Win32_Baseboard");
WMIDataTemp2 = DataRetriever.GetWMIData("Win32_MotherboardDevice");
for (int i = 0; i < WMIDataTemp1.Length; i++)
this.Motherboards.Add(new Motherboard(WMIDataTemp1[i], WMIDataTemp2[i]));
// And so on for all the other bits of hardware...
Have you tried LINQ?
Processors = DataRetriever.GetWMIData("Win32_Processor").Select(x => new Processor(x)).ToList();

Updating an item property within IEnumerable but the property doesn't stay set?

I have two tables: Transactions and TransactionAgents. TransactionAgents has a foreign key to Transactions called TransactionID. Pretty standard.
I also have this code:
BrokerManagerDataContext db = new BrokerManagerDataContext();
var transactions = from t in db.Transactions
where t.SellingPrice != 0
select t;
var taAgents = from ta in db.TransactionAgents
select ta;
foreach (var transaction in transactions)
foreach(var agent in taAgents)
agent.AgentCommission = ((transaction.CommissionPercent / 100) * (agent.CommissionPercent / 100) * transaction.SellingPrice) - agent.BrokerageSplit;
dataGridView1.DataSource = taAgents;
Basically, a TransactionAgent has a property/column named AgentCommission, which is null for all TransactionAgents in my database.
My goal is to perform the math you see in the foreach(var agent in taAgents) to patch up the value for each agent so that it isn't null.
Oddly, when I run this code and break-point on agent.AgentCommission = (formula) it shows the value is being calculated for AgentCommissision and the object is being updated but after it displays in my datagrid (used only for testing), it does not show the value it calculated.
So, to me, it seems that the Property isn't being permanently set on the object. What's more, If I persist this newly updated object back to the database with an update, I doubt the calculated AgentCommission will be set there.
Without having my table set up the same way, is there anyone that can look at the code and see why I am not retaining the property's value?
IEnumerable<T>s do not guarantee that updated values will persist across enumerations. For instance, a List will return the same set of objects on every iteration, so if you update a property, it will be saved across iterations. However, many other implementations of IEnumerables return a new set of objects each time, so any changes made will not persist.
If you need to store and update the results, pull the IEnumerable<T> down to a List<T> using .ToList() or project it into a new IEnumerable<T> using .Select() with the changes applied.
To specifically apply that to your code, it would look like this:
var transactions = (from t in db.Transactions
where t.SellingPrice != 0
select t).ToList();
var taAgents = (from ta in db.TransactionAgents
select ta).ToList();
foreach (var transaction in transactions)
foreach(var agent in taAgents)
agent.AgentCommission = ((transaction.CommissionPercent / 100) * (agent.CommissionPercent / 100) * transaction.SellingPrice) - agent.BrokerageSplit;
dataGridView1.DataSource = taAgents;
Specifically, the problem is that each time you access the IEnumerable, it enumerates over the collection. In this case, the collection is a call to the database. In the first part, you're getting the values from the database and updating them. In the second part, you're getting the values from the database again and setting that as the datasource (or, pedantically, you're setting the enumerator as the datasource, and then that is getting the values from the database).
Use .ToList() or similar to keep the results in memory, and access the same collection every time.
Assuming you are using LINQ to SQL, if EnableObjectTracking is false, then the objects will be constructed new every time the query is run. Otherwise, you would be getting the same object instances each time and your changes would survive. However, like others have shown, instead of having the query execute multiple times, cache the results in a list. Not only will you get what you want working, you'll have fewer database round trips.
I found that I had to locate the item in the list that I wanted to modify, extract the copy, modify the copy (by incrementing its count property), remove the original from the list and add the modified copy.
var x = stats.Where(d => d.word == s).FirstOrDefault();
var statCount = stats.IndexOf(x);
It is helpful to rewrite your LINQ expression using lambdas so that we can consider the code in more explicit terms.
//Original code from question
var taAgents = from ta in db.TransactionAgents
select ta;
//Rewritten to explicitly call attention to what Select() is actually doing
var taAgents = db.TransactionAgents.Select(ta => new TransactionAgents(/*database row's data*/)});
In the rewritten code, we can clearly see that Select() is constructing a new object based on each row returned from the database. What's more, this object construction occurs every time the IEnumerable taAgents is iterated through.
So, explained more concretely, if there are 5 TransactionAgents rows in the database, in the following example, the TransactionAgents() constructor is called a total of 10 times.
// Assume there are 5 rows in the TransactionAgents table
var taAgents = from ta in db.TransactionAgents
select ta;
//foreach will iterate through the IEnumerable, thus calling the TransactionAgents() constructor 5 times
foreach(var ta in taAgents)
Console.WriteLine($"first iteration through taAgents - element {ta}");
// these first 5 TransactionAgents objects are now out of scope and are destroyed by the GC
//foreach will iterate through the IEnumerable, thus calling the TransactionAgents() constructor 5 MORE times
foreach(var ta in taAgents)
Console.WriteLine($"second iteration through taAgents - element {ta}");
// these second 5 TransactionAgents objects are now out of scope and are destroyed by the GC
As we can see, all 10 of our TransactionAgents objects were created by the lambda in our Select() method, and do not exist outside of the scope of the foreach statement.

