I am creating a crossPlatform Project. I want to add the sqlite-net and the sqlite-net extension to my shared Project, it seems that i can't add nuget packages to my shared project. is there a way to add it or is ther another way to use sqlite extension in the shared project without importing the nuget package
This is the answer:
When you create a Forms app, the template will ask you if you want to
use a Shared project or a Portable Class Library for your shared code.
you most likely chose Shared project which is NOT a real project in
that it doesn't compile to a DLL like other project types. therefore,
you don't add nuget packages to a Shared project. the Shared project
uses the nuget packages added to the iOS and Android projects.
think of a Shared project as a collection of source code that
automatically gets transparently copied to each of the real projects
that use it as if that shared source code was physically part of the
real projects.
so if your shared code doesn't compile due to a missing nuget than you
must add that nuget to both of your iOS and Android real projects.
I want to create a C# library HighLevel.dll which also references another library LowLevel.dll with Visual Studio. Both libraries are separate projects in separate repositories. When I add the LowLevel.dll as a reference to the HighLevel.dll project I actually need the compiled LowLevel.dll assembly. That also means whoever clones the HighLevel library project needs the LowLevel.dll in place.
Is it possible to add a reference whithout actually having the target LowLevel.dll in place?
If this has something to do with loading a libary at runtime how can this be done?
It sounds like you want to create a nuget package, that references other nuget packages. When someone installs your package, the other nuget packages are automatically pulled in too.
I have an old project that runs on ASP.NET Core 2.1. The project has dependencies folder in which we have
packages(nuget packages)
I am little bit confused by their usage and what does dependencies folder mean.
As far I know
assemblies are .net libraries that referenced into this project and it has a global scope in solution and cant be update until you manually update them.
nuget packages are installed using nuget package manager and are managed and updated when a new update but nuget package has only project scope.
sdk is like a set of tools that is used same like nuget package I think.
Here is the screenshot showing the dependencies format
.net core class library 2.1 Dependecies image
Another thing is that I am creating a new project when I add .net core class library. I have dependecies folder but it's missing
packages(nuget packages)
but it has a new folder called framework
.net core 3.0 class library dependency image
I think I have to manually add these packages in my project. And what's the difference between these three?
Assemblies:- When we compile our source code then assembly gets generated in Visual Studio. Assembly consists of two parts Manifest and IL(Intermediate Language). Manifest contains assembly metadata means assembly's version requirements, security identity, names and hashes of all files that make up the assembly.
Packages:- A package is a container for the definitions of UML elements such as classes, use cases, and components. A package can also contain other packages. In UML Model Explorer, all the definitions inside a package are nested underneath the package.
Nuget Packages:- NuGet packages are pre-defined pieces of code which are reusable for other developers. You can add a NuGet package to your project and use it's functionality wherever you want in your project. We can also say that NuGet behaves like a platform, where developers can create and share code with the world.
SDK:-A SDK(software development kit) is a collection of APIs(Application Programming Interface) that you can reference as a single item in Visual Studio. The Reference Manager dialog box lists all the SDKs that are relevant to the project. When you add an SDK to a project, the APIs are available in Visual Studio.
Packages can not be added manually
here is the link in which it's been clearly explained how to add packages in visual studio:-
I have just learned and created a shared project in visual studio 2017. I have noticed that the shared project did not have the "Reference" to refer to other resources (other projects, class library, …). I even take a look at the .shproj file and saw that it only Import the class I have created inside the shared project.
My problem is that if I want to create an add-in app, I need use the class library to call the necessary API that is exposed by the origin software.
How can I reference/add other project/ class library (or resources in general) to my shared project? Or is that even possible at all?
Part of my problem is also described here reference to a shared project from other shared project
But I need a more general solution. Thank you all for your help.
Long story short: shared projects don't, and realistically can't work that way.
In Visual Studio a shared project is just a container for files - source code, resources, etc - that you can add into other projects. This can be useful in some cases when you want to have the same code (and so on) in multiple projects without putting that code into a library.
Shared projects do not have references, do not have NuGet packages or anything, just the files that they contain. They don't even have the configuration data required to compile any source files they contain, and the compiler won't do much validation of the contents if the shared project isn't included into a full project of some sort.
And since the shared project doesn't have any way of specifying references or packages then you will need to add those references and packages to every project that links to the shared project. The compiler will tell you pretty quick if you miss one.
While it would be nice to have references in shared projects, it turns out to be much less simple than you might think. The same shared project can be included in projects that target different frameworks, platforms and architectures. Let's say you're building some code that will run on iOS, Mono, Windows .NET Framework and .NET Core, with specific code for each target and some shared code. If you try to add a NuGet dependency to the shared project it's going to blow up in your face on at least one of those. Same with most of the references. Add all the references you need for .NET Core and suddenly the other projects don't compile.
You need to add the reference in the project which consumes the shared project.
As an example, let's say you have "Project A" which references "Shared Project B", and you need to use Newtonsoft.Json in "Shared Project B". Since you can't add a reference to the shared project, you install the Newtonsoft Nuget package to Project A and your code in "Shared Project B" will automagically compile.
I have created a system which loads dynamically a library and executes it's main class.
Everything works perfect, the problem I have is how to publish this DLL with all it's dependencies. As no executable project is referencing it I have to manually retrieve the dependencies: try to load the library, check the needed DLL's, go to the NuGet cache folder, copy the libraries, try again, check if it complains about more dependencies and so on until it has all the required libraries.
This is a true pain and I haven't found any information on how to do this, is it possible or am I stuck with this?
The library is a .net standard 2.0 library, I did this before with .net classic and the output folder always contained all the required libraries even the ones comming from a NuGet package, but with .net standard something has changed and now only libraries from referenced projects are being copied, no referenced NuGet package is being copied to the output folder.
dotnet publish
All the dependent libraries should be copied to the publish output folder.
At the time of writing, it looks like it's by design and there's quite some fuss and confusion about it, see logged issue on GitHub.
Moreover, when publishing a NuGet package for project A referencing project B,
B becomes a NuGet dependency in A; B's assemby is not included in A's NuGet package.
I deal with it by publishing my own NuGet packages.
I only don't like it to have a NuGet package for project B if that one is only relevant to be used with/by project A, as it will appear seperately in my NuGet feed.
TLDR: Convert your Class Library project into an Application, publish the application, and use application DLL as a library.
The long of it:
I tested this approach by deploying a full build with a plugin with many external dependencies to Ubuntu 18.04 and it ran perfectly.
Create a new project of type Console Application instead of Class Library. Put all your library code files into the Console Application and add the dependencies. Get rid of your original Class Library project (you don't need it anymore). Finally, publish the Console Application. You will get a DLL with all of the dependencies. You can use this DLL like any other DLL.
I suggest naming the console app project with "Library" on the end of it and adding a README just to document its not really an application even though the project is configured to build as one.
I would like to know how I can share c# source codes between two (or more) .NET Core projects (commandline projects!).
As far as I understand, I can not link to source files in different directories in xproj/project.json based projects. I noticed that it now seems to be recommended to create nuget packages for everything. But is it really necessary for me to setup a private repository and create a nuget package only to be able to share some common source units?
VS2015 contains a template for .NET Core library which may be suitable for building a shared lib. Is it possible to link this lib to a project without a nuget package?
.NET Core Library is an excellent solution for you.
Do it the same way as in standard C# solution - just create the project and reference this project or add a reference to DLL file.
You don't need to use a Nuget, for your own purpose. Nuget packages could be useful to distribute your dll outside.
I miss one point - I'm using VS2015, but I have included Class Library project in my solution, and I'm referencing by project, not by DLL file, and this works fine in ASP.Net Core.
I also have a different project, where referencing DLL file directly working fine, but this is the previous version of ASP.NET app (not Core) - seems NET Core doesn't support this way like as the previous version (yet?).
Sorry for confusing you, sometimes it's too many technologies ;)
So could you just include ClassLibrary project into solution with your project and refer it as a project?
I have achieved this by using source control to branch from my commonly used projects in each new solution, and again merging back to the master branch if I make any changes.
Alternatively, baring in mind that NuGet is only an archived collection of files, you could keep this NuGet package locally, or even create a Template for Visual Studio that has the common libraries by default.
There are a wide range of possibilities that are down to your preference, and current environment state (I.E: Able to setup Source Control, or a package repository).