Collapse Grid Row in WPF - c#

I have created a custom WPF element extended from RowDefinition that should collapse rows in a grid when the Collapsed property of the element is set to True.
It does it by using a converter and a datatrigger in a style to set the height of the row to 0. It is based on this SO Answer.
In the example below, this works perfectly when the grid splitter is over half way up the window. However, when it is less than half way, the rows still collapse, but the first row does not expand. Instead, there is just a white gap where the rows used to be. This can be seen in the image below.
Similarly, if MinHeight or MaxHeight is set on any of the rows that are collapsed, it no longer collapses the row at all. I tried to fix this by adding setters for these properties in the data trigger but it did not fix it.
My question is what can be done differently so that it does not matter about the size of the rows or if MinHeight / MaxHeight are set, it is just able to collapse the rows?
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
namespace RowCollapsibleMCVE
public partial class MainWindow : INotifyPropertyChanged
public MainWindow()
DataContext = this;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
private bool isCollapsed;
public bool IsCollapsed
get => isCollapsed;
isCollapsed = value;
public class CollapsibleRow : RowDefinition
#region Default Values
private const bool COLLAPSED_DEFAULT = false;
private const bool INVERT_COLLAPSED_DEFAULT = false;
#region Dependency Properties
public static readonly DependencyProperty CollapsedProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Collapsed", typeof(bool), typeof(CollapsibleRow), new PropertyMetadata(COLLAPSED_DEFAULT));
public static readonly DependencyProperty InvertCollapsedProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("InvertCollapsed", typeof(bool), typeof(CollapsibleRow), new PropertyMetadata(INVERT_COLLAPSED_DEFAULT));
#region Properties
public bool Collapsed {
get => (bool)GetValue(CollapsedProperty);
set => SetValue(CollapsedProperty, value);
public bool InvertCollapsed {
get => (bool)GetValue(InvertCollapsedProperty);
set => SetValue(InvertCollapsedProperty, value);
public class BoolVisibilityConverter : IMultiValueConverter
public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
if (values.Length > 0 && values[0] is bool collapsed)
if (values.Length > 1 && values[1] is bool invert && invert)
collapsed = !collapsed;
return collapsed ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible;
return Visibility.Collapsed;
public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotSupportedException();
<Window x:Class="RowCollapsibleMCVE.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
<Visibility x:Key="CollapsedVisibilityVal">Collapsed</Visibility>
<local:BoolVisibilityConverter x:Key="BoolVisibilityConverter"/>
<Style TargetType="{x:Type local:CollapsibleRow}">
<DataTrigger Value="{StaticResource CollapsedVisibilityVal}">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource BoolVisibilityConverter}">
<Binding Path="Collapsed"
RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}"/>
<Binding Path="InvertCollapsed"
RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}"/>
<Setter Property="MinHeight" Value="0"/>
<Setter Property="Height" Value="0"/>
<Setter Property="MaxHeight" Value="0"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<CheckBox Content="Collapse Row"
IsChecked="{Binding IsCollapsed}"/>
<Grid Row="1">
<local:CollapsibleRow Height="3*" />
<local:CollapsibleRow Height="Auto" />
<local:CollapsibleRow Collapsed="{Binding IsCollapsed}" Height="*" /> <!-- Using [MaxHeight="300"] breaks this completely -->
<StackPanel Background="Red"/>
<GridSplitter Grid.Row="1"
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource BoolVisibilityConverter}" >
<Binding Path="IsCollapsed"/>
<StackPanel Background="Blue"
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource BoolVisibilityConverter}" >
<Binding Path="IsCollapsed"/>

All you need is something to cache the height(s) of the visible row. After that, you no longer need converters or to toggle visibility of contained controls.
public class CollapsibleRow : RowDefinition
#region Fields
private GridLength cachedHeight;
private double cachedMinHeight;
#region Dependency Properties
public static readonly DependencyProperty CollapsedProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Collapsed", typeof(bool), typeof(CollapsibleRow), new PropertyMetadata(false, OnCollapsedChanged));
private static void OnCollapsedChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if(d is CollapsibleRow row && e.NewValue is bool collapsed)
if(row.MinHeight != 0)
row.cachedMinHeight = row.MinHeight;
row.MinHeight = 0;
row.cachedHeight = row.Height;
else if(row.cachedMinHeight != 0)
row.MinHeight = row.cachedMinHeight;
row.Height = collapsed ? new GridLength(0) : row.cachedHeight;
#region Properties
public bool Collapsed
get => (bool)GetValue(CollapsedProperty);
set => SetValue(CollapsedProperty, value);
<Window x:Class="RowCollapsibleMCVE.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<CheckBox Content="Collapse Row"
IsChecked="{Binding IsCollapsed}"/>
<Grid Row="1">
<local:CollapsibleRow Height="3*" MinHeight="0.0001"/>
<local:CollapsibleRow Collapsed="{Binding IsCollapsed}" Height="Auto" />
<local:CollapsibleRow Collapsed="{Binding IsCollapsed}" Height="*" /> <!-- Using [MinHeight="50" MaxHeight="100"] behaves as expected -->
<StackPanel Background="Red"/>
<GridSplitter Grid.Row="1" Height="10" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
<StackPanel Background="Blue" Grid.Row="2" />
You should have either a MaxHeight on the collapsable row (the third one in our example) or a MinHeight on the non-collapsable row (the first) adjacent to the splitter. This to ensure the star sized row has a size when you put the splitter all the way up and toggle visibility. Only then it will be able to take over the remaining space.
As #Ivan mentioned in his post, the controls that are contained by collapsed rows will still be focusable, allowing users to access them when they shouldn't.
Admittedly, it could be a pain setting the visibility for all controls by hand, especially for large XAMLs. So let's add some custom behavior to sync the collapsed rows with their controls.
The Problem
First, run the example using the code above, then collapse the bottom rows by checking the checkbox. Now, press the TAB key once and use the ARROW UP key to move the GridSplitter. As you can see, even though the splitter isn't visible, the user can still access it.
The Fix
Add a new file Extensions.cs to host the behavior.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using RowCollapsibleMCVE;
namespace Extensions
[ValueConversion(typeof(bool), typeof(bool))]
public class BooleanConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
return !(bool)value;
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
return Binding.DoNothing;
public class GridHelper : DependencyObject
#region Attached Property
public static readonly DependencyProperty SyncCollapsibleRowsProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false,
new PropertyChangedCallback(OnSyncWithCollapsibleRows)
public static void SetSyncCollapsibleRows(UIElement element, Boolean value)
element.SetValue(SyncCollapsibleRowsProperty, value);
private static void OnSyncWithCollapsibleRows(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (d is Grid grid)
grid.Loaded += (o,ev) => SetBindingForControlsInCollapsibleRows((Grid)o);
#region Logic
private static IEnumerable<UIElement> GetChildrenFromPanels(IEnumerable<UIElement> elements)
Queue<UIElement> queue = new Queue<UIElement>(elements);
while (queue.Any())
var uiElement = queue.Dequeue();
if (uiElement is Panel panel)
foreach (UIElement child in panel.Children) queue.Enqueue(child);
yield return uiElement;
private static IEnumerable<UIElement> ElementsInRow(Grid grid, int iRow)
var rowRootElements = grid.Children.OfType<UIElement>().Where(c => Grid.GetRow(c) == iRow);
if (rowRootElements.Any(e => e is Panel))
return GetChildrenFromPanels(rowRootElements);
return rowRootElements;
private static BooleanConverter MyBooleanConverter = new BooleanConverter();
private static void SyncUIElementWithRow(UIElement uiElement, CollapsibleRow row)
BindingOperations.SetBinding(uiElement, UIElement.FocusableProperty, new Binding
Path = new PropertyPath(CollapsibleRow.CollapsedProperty),
Source = row,
Converter = MyBooleanConverter
private static void SetBindingForControlsInCollapsibleRows(Grid grid)
for (int i = 0; i < grid.RowDefinitions.Count; i++)
if (grid.RowDefinitions[i] is CollapsibleRow row)
ElementsInRow(grid, i).ToList().ForEach(uiElement => SyncUIElementWithRow(uiElement, row));
More Testing
Change the XAML to add the behavior and some textboxes (which are also focusable).
<Window x:Class="RowCollapsibleMCVE.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<CheckBox Content="Collapse Row" IsChecked="{Binding IsCollapsed}"/>
<!-- Set the desired behavior through an Attached Property -->
<Grid ext:GridHelper.SyncCollapsibleRows="True" Row="1">
<RowDefinition Height="3*" MinHeight="0.0001" />
<local:CollapsibleRow Collapsed="{Binding IsCollapsed}" Height="Auto" />
<local:CollapsibleRow Collapsed="{Binding IsCollapsed}" Height="*" />
<StackPanel Background="Red">
<TextBox Width="100" Margin="40" />
<GridSplitter Grid.Row="1" Height="10" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />
<StackPanel Grid.Row="2" Background="Blue">
<TextBox Width="100" Margin="40" />
In the end:
The logic is completely hidden from XAML (clean).
We're still providing flexibility:
For each CollapsibleRow you could bind Collapsed to a different variable.
Rows that don't need the behavior can use base RowDefinition (apply on demand).
As #Ash pointed out in the comments, you can use WPF's native caching to store the height values. Resulting in very clean code with autonomous properties, each handling its own => robust code. For example, using the code below you won't be able to move the GridSplitter when rows are collapsed, even without the behavior being applied.
Of course the controls would still be accessible, allowing the user to trigger events. So we'd still need the behavior, but the CoerceValueCallback does provide a consistent linkage between the Collapsed and the various height dependency properties of our CollapsibleRow.
public class CollapsibleRow : RowDefinition
public static readonly DependencyProperty CollapsedProperty;
public bool Collapsed
get => (bool)GetValue(CollapsedProperty);
set => SetValue(CollapsedProperty, value);
static CollapsibleRow()
CollapsedProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Collapsed",
typeof(bool), typeof(CollapsibleRow), new PropertyMetadata(false, OnCollapsedChanged));
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star), null, CoerceHeight));
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0.0, null, CoerceHeight));
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(double.PositiveInfinity, null, CoerceHeight));
private static object CoerceHeight(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
return (((CollapsibleRow)d).Collapsed) ? (baseValue is GridLength ? new GridLength(0) : 0.0 as object) : baseValue;
private static void OnCollapsedChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

The sample above is technically wrong.
What it essentially does is that it tries to force the height of the row to be 0, which is not what you want or should do - the problem is that the tab key will go through the controls even if the height is 0, and Narrator will read those controls. Essentially those controls still exist and are completely clickable, functional and accessible just they are not presented on the window, but they can be still accessed in various ways and may affect the work of the application.
Second (and the thing that causes the problems that you describe as you did not describe the problems above though they are essential too and should not be ignored), you have GridSplitter and as said it remains functional even if you force its height to 0 (as explained above). GridSplitter means that at the end of the day you are not in the control of the layout, but the user.
What should be done instead is that you should use the plain RowDefinition and set its height to Auto and then set the Visibility of the content of the rows to Collapsed - of course you may use data binding and the converter.
EDIT: further clarification - in the code above you set the new properties called Collapsed and InvertCollapsed. Just because they are named like that they don't have any effect on the row being collapsed, they could be as well called Property1 and Property2. They are used in the DataTrigger in a fairly strange way - when their value is changed that value is converted to Visibility and then if that converted value is Collapsed the setters that force row height to be 0 are called. So someone played a lot of scenery to make it look like that he is collapsing something, but he does not, he only changes the height which is quite different thing to do. And that's where the problems originate from. I certainly suggest to avoid whole this approach, but if you find it is good for your application the minimal thing you need to do is to avoid that approach for the second row where GridSplitter is set up as if you don't your request becomes impossible.


Preventing a BindingExpression Error on a property that does not always exist [duplicate]

I have a WPF window that uses multiple viewmodel objects as its DataContext. The window has a control that binds to a property that exists only in some of the viewmodel objects. How can I bind to the property if it exists (and only if it exists).
I am aware of the following question/answer: MVVM - hiding a control when bound property is not present. This works, but gives me a warning. Can it be done without the warning?
Some example code:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<RowDefinition Height="40"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="40"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<ListBox Grid.Row="1" Name="ListView" Margin="25,0,25,0" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Lst}"
HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" SelectionChanged="Lst_SelectionChanged">
<local:SubControl Grid.Row="3" x:Name="subControl" DataContext="{Binding Path=SelectedVM}"/>
SubControl Xaml:
<UserControl x:Class="WpfApplication1.SubControl"
d:DesignHeight="200" d:DesignWidth="300">
<RowDefinition Height="40"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="40"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Orientation ="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,5,0,5">
<TextBlock Margin="5,0,5,0" Text="{Binding Path=OnOffAlways}"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=Always}">
<TextBlock Text="On/Off"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="3" Orientation ="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,5,0,5">
<TextBlock Margin="5,0,5,0" Text="{Binding Path=OnOffSometimes}"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=Sometimes}">
<TextBlock Text="On/Off"/>
MainWindow Code Behind:
public partial class MainWindow : Window
ViewModel1 vm1;
ViewModel2 vm2;
MainViewModel mvm;
public MainWindow()
vm1 = new ViewModel1();
vm2 = new ViewModel2();
mvm = new MainViewModel();
mvm.SelectedVM = vm1;
DataContext = mvm;
private void Lst_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
ListBox lstBx = sender as ListBox;
if (lstBx != null)
if (lstBx.SelectedItem.Equals("VM 1"))
mvm.SelectedVM = vm1;
else if (lstBx.SelectedItem.Equals("VM 2"))
mvm.SelectedVM = vm2;
MainViewModel (DataContext of MainWindow):
public class MainViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
ObservableCollection<string> lst;
ViewModelBase selectedVM;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public MainViewModel()
Lst = new ObservableCollection<string>();
Lst.Add("VM 1");
Lst.Add("VM 2");
public ObservableCollection<string> Lst
get { return lst; }
lst = value;
public ViewModelBase SelectedVM
get { return selectedVM; }
if (selectedVM != value)
selectedVM = value;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
ViewModel1 (with sometimes property):
public class ViewModel1 : ViewModelBase, INotifyPropertyChanged
private bool _always;
private string _onOffAlways;
private bool _sometimes;
private string _onOffSometimes;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public ViewModel1()
_always = false;
_onOffAlways = "Always Off";
_sometimes = false;
_onOffSometimes = "Sometimes Off";
public bool Always
get { return _always; }
_always = value;
if (_always)
OnOffAlways = "Always On";
OnOffAlways = "Always Off";
public string OnOffAlways
get { return _onOffAlways; }
_onOffAlways = value;
public bool Sometimes
get { return _sometimes; }
_sometimes = value;
if (_sometimes)
OnOffSometimes = "Sometimes On";
OnOffSometimes = "Sometimes Off";
public string OnOffSometimes
get { return _onOffSometimes; }
_onOffSometimes = value;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
ViewModel2 (without Sometimes property):
public class ViewModel2 : ViewModelBase, INotifyPropertyChanged
private bool _always;
private string _onOffAlways;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public ViewModel2()
_always = false;
_onOffAlways = "Always Off";
public bool Always
get { return _always; }
_always = value;
if (_always)
OnOffAlways = "Always On";
OnOffAlways = "Always Off";
public string OnOffAlways
get { return _onOffAlways; }
_onOffAlways = value;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
public class AlwaysVisibleConverter : IValueConverter
#region Implementation of IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value,
Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
return Visibility.Visible;
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType,
object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
There are many different ways one could approach your scenario. For what it's worth, the solution you already have seems reasonable to me. The warning you get (I presume you are talking about the error message output to the debug console) is reasonably harmless. It does imply a potential performance issue, as it indicates WPF is recovering from an unexpected condition. But I would expect the cost to be incurred only when the view model changes, which should not be frequent enough to matter.
Another option, which is IMHO the preferred one, is to just use the usual WPF data templating features. That is, define a different template for each view model you expect, and then let WPF pick the right one according to the current view model. That would look something like this:
<UserControl x:Class="TestSO46736914MissingProperty.UserControl1"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type l:ViewModel1}">
<RowDefinition Height="40"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="40"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Orientation ="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,5,0,5">
<TextBlock Margin="5,0,5,0" Text="{Binding Path=OnOffAlways}"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=Always}">
<TextBlock Text="On/Off"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="3" Orientation ="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,5,0,5">
<TextBlock Margin="5,0,5,0" Text="{Binding Path=OnOffSometimes}"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=Sometimes}">
<TextBlock Text="On/Off"/>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type l:ViewModel2}">
<RowDefinition Height="40"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Orientation ="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,5,0,5">
<TextBlock Margin="5,0,5,0" Text="{Binding Path=OnOffAlways}"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=Always}">
<TextBlock Text="On/Off"/>
I.e. just set the Content of your UserControl object to the view model object itself, so that the appropriate template is used to display the data in the control. The template for the view model object that doesn't have the property, doesn't reference that property and so no warning is generated.
Yet another option, which like the above also addresses your concern about the displayed warning, is to create a "shim" (a.k.a. "adapter") object that mediates between the unknown view model type and a consistent one the UserControl can use. For example:
class ViewModelWrapper : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
private readonly dynamic _viewModel;
public ViewModelWrapper(object viewModel)
_viewModel = viewModel;
HasSometimes = viewModel.GetType().GetProperty("Sometimes") != null;
_viewModel.PropertyChanged += (PropertyChangedEventHandler)_OnPropertyChanged;
private void _OnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
public bool Always
get { return _viewModel.Always; }
set { _viewModel.Always = value; }
public string OnOffAlways
get { return _viewModel.OnOffAlways; }
set { _viewModel.OnOffAlways = value; }
public bool Sometimes
get { return HasSometimes ? _viewModel.Sometimes : false; }
set { if (HasSometimes) _viewModel.Sometimes = value; }
public string OnOffSometimes
get { return HasSometimes ? _viewModel.OnOffSometimes : null; }
set { if (HasSometimes) _viewModel.OnOffSometimes = value; }
private bool _hasSometimes;
public bool HasSometimes
get { return _hasSometimes; }
private set { _UpdateField(ref _hasSometimes, value); }
This object uses the dynamic feature in C# to access the known property values, and uses reflection on construction to determine whether or not it should try to access the Sometimes (and related OnOffSometimes) property (accessing the property via the dynamic-typed variable when it doesn't exist would throw an exception).
It also implements the HasSometimes property so that the view can dynamically adjust itself accordingly. Finally, it also proxies the underlying PropertyChanged event, to go along with the delegated properties themselves.
To use this, a little bit of code-behind for the UserControl is needed:
partial class UserControl1 : UserControl, INotifyPropertyChanged
public ViewModelWrapper ViewModelWrapper { get; private set; }
public UserControl1()
DataContextChanged += _OnDataContextChanged;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void _OnDataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
ViewModelWrapper = new ViewModelWrapper(DataContext);
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(ViewModelWrapper)));
With this, the XAML is mostly like what you originally had, but with a style applied to the optional StackPanel element that has a trigger to show or hide the element according to whether the property is present or not:
<UserControl x:Class="TestSO46736914MissingProperty.UserControl1"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<Grid DataContext="{Binding ViewModelWrapper, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=UserControl}}">
<RowDefinition Height="40"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<RowDefinition Height="40"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Orientation ="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,5,0,5">
<TextBlock Margin="5,0,5,0" Text="{Binding Path=OnOffAlways}"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=Always}">
<TextBlock Text="On/Off"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Row="3" Orientation ="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="0,5,0,5">
<p:Style TargetType="StackPanel">
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding HasSometimes}" Value="False">
<Setter Property="Visibility" Value="Collapsed"/>
<TextBlock Margin="5,0,5,0" Text="{Binding Path=OnOffSometimes}"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=Sometimes}">
<TextBlock Text="On/Off"/>
Note that the top-level Grid element's DataContext is set to the UserControl's ViewModelWrapper property, so that the contained elements use that object instead of the view model assigned by the parent code.
(You can ignore the p: XML namespace…that's there only because Stack Overflow's XAML formatting gets confused by <Style/> elements that use the default XML namespace.)
While I in general would prefer the template-based approach, as the idiomatic and inherently simpler one, this wrapper-based approach does have some advantages:
It can be used in situations where the UserControl object is declared in an assembly different from the one where the view model types are declared, and where the latter assembly cannot be referenced by the former.
It removes the redundancy that is required by the template-based approach. I.e. rather than having to copy/paste the shared elements of the templates, this approach uses a single XAML structure for the entire view, and shows or hides elements of that view as appropriate.
For completeness, here is the NotifyPropertyChangedBase class used by the ViewModelWrapper class above:
class NotifyPropertyChangedBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void _UpdateField<T>(ref T field, T newValue,
Action<T> onChangedCallback = null,
[CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
if (EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(field, newValue))
T oldValue = field;
field = newValue;
protected void _RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
For what it's worth, I prefer this approach to re-implementing the INotifyPropertyChanged interface in each model object. The code is a lot simpler and easier to write, simpler to read, and less prone to errors.
Here's a fairly simple solution using DataTriggers and a custom converter:
<Style TargetType="CheckBox">
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Converter={HasPropertyConverter PropertyName=Sometimes}}" Value="True">
<Setter Property="IsChecked" Value="{Binding Sometimes}" />
The converter:
public class HasPropertyConverter : IValueConverter
public string PropertyName { get; set; }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PropertyName))
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
return value?.GetType().GetProperty(PropertyName) != null;
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
=> throw new NotSupportedException();
public class HasPropertyConverterExtension : MarkupExtension
public string PropertyName { get; set; }
public override object ProvideValue(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
=> new HasPropertyConverter { PropertyName = PropertyName };

How to send output from a custom control to a textbox

I have created a button layout for a virtual keyboard to be used in a WPF app, and to make it reusable I figured I could give it a Target dependency property of type TextBox to send the output of the keyboard to. I made a custom control for my keyboard buttons as well, so that they have an Output property.
What would be the best way to append a button's output to the target TextBox's current text content? Should I use events or commands, or perhaps something else?
XAML for output window:
<UserControl x:Class="Project.Views.DataInput.DataInputExample"
d:DesignHeight="450" d:DesignWidth="800">
<RowDefinition Height="auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding ElementName=Keyboard, Path=Output}" />
<cc:Keyboard x:Name="Keyboard" Grid.Row="1" />
XAML for Keyboard:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type local:Keyboard}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type local:Keyboard}">
<Border ...>
<Grid x:Name="PART_Keyboard" ...>
<Grid x:Name="FirstRow" ...>
<local:KeyboardButton Output="q" Click="BtnClick" />
CS for Keyboard:
public class Keyboard : Control
public string Output
get { return (string)GetValue(OutputProperty); }
set { SetValue(OutputProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty OutputProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Output", typeof(string), typeof(Keyboard), new PropertyMetadata(""));
static Keyboard()
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(Keyboard), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(Keyboard)));
CS for KeyboardButton:
public class KeyboardButton : ImageTextButton
public string Output
get { return (string)GetValue(OutputProperty); }
set { SetValue(OutputProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty OutputProperty =
new PropertyMetadata("")
static KeyboardButton()
// DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(KeyboardButton), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(KeyboardButton)));
private void BtnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var button = (KeyboardButton)sender;
var keyboard = (Keyboard)(button.Parent);
keyboard.Output += button.Output;
I will surgest, that your virtual keyboard is rather a ContentControl than a button, but that is another thing.
In your costum virtual keyboard control you make a property:
public string EnteredText {get; private set; }
in your virtual keyboard you make sure this property always contains the current entered text. When you when have a window, there you want to show the entered text in a textbox it can be done in following way:
<local:VirtualKeyboard x:Name="MyVirtualKeyboard" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding ElementName=MyVirtualKeyboard, Path=EnteredText}" />
and then by the binding magic the textbox will contain the text the user is entering. And you can use a lot of other type of controls. For instance a TextBlock would be an obivious candidate.
Because KeyboardButtons are placed inside the virtual keyboard control we need a helper method, that also can be handy in many other cases:
public static P FindVisualParent<P>(DependencyObject Dep) where P : DependencyObject
while (Dep != null)
if ((Dep is Visual) || (Dep is System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Visual3D))
if (Dep is P) return (Dep as P);
Dep = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(Dep);
Dep = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(Dep);
return (null);
Then use this method in the KeyboardButton usercontrol:
public override void OnApplyTemplate()
// Base call
// Get the virtual keyboard control
this.virtualKeyboard = FindVisualParent<VirtualKeyboard>(this);
// Set the click event
this.Click += (s,e) => { this.virtualKeyboard.EnteredText += this.Output; };
And in the KeyboardButton control also have this defined as a member variable:
private VirtualKeyboard virtualKeyboard;

SelectedItem doesn't update properly when trying to share items between views

I have a scenario where the same collection of items can be viewed in different ways. That is, we have multiple visual representations for the same data. In order to keep our application visually clean you can only view one of these views at a time. The problem I'm having is that if you change the selected item while viewing View #1 then when you switch to View #2 the selected item isn't updating properly.
My steps for reproducing:
On View #1 select Item #1.
Toggle to View #2 - at this point Item #1 is selected
Scroll down to "Item #200" and select it
Toggle back to View #1
Item #1 will still be highlighted and if you scroll down to Item #200 it is also highlighted
It seems like when the listbox is collapsed the selection changes aren't being picked up. What am I missing? Is it expected that the PropertyChanged events won't update the UI elements if they aren't visible?
I have a very simplified version of my code below. Basically, I have a shared array that is being bound to two different ListBox controls.
<Window x:Class="SharedListBindingExample.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<ListBox Grid.Row="0" x:Name="listBox1" ItemsSource="{Binding List1}">
<Style TargetType="ListBoxItem">
<Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="{Binding Path=IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:SharedListItem}">
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
<Button Background="Red" />
<Label Grid.Row="1" Content="{Binding Name}" />
<ListBox Grid.Row="0" x:Name="listBox2" ItemsSource="{Binding List2}" Background="AliceBlue" Visibility="Collapsed">
<Style TargetType="ListBoxItem">
<Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="{Binding Path=IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:SharedListItem}">
<Label Content="{Binding Name}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"/>
<Button Grid.Row="1" Click="Button_Click">Toggle View</Button>
Code Behind:
using System.Windows;
namespace SharedListBindingExample
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (listBox1.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
listBox1.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
listBox2.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
listBox2.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
listBox1.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace SharedListBindingExample
public class TwoPropertiesForSameListViewModel
private readonly List<SharedListItem> _sharedList;
public TwoPropertiesForSameListViewModel()
_sharedList = new List<SharedListItem>();
for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++)
_sharedList.Add(new SharedListItem($"Item #{i}"));
public IEnumerable<SharedListItem> List1
return _sharedList;
public IEnumerable<SharedListItem> List2
return _sharedList;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace SharedListBindingExample
public class SharedListItem : INotifyPropertyChanged
private bool _isSelected;
public SharedListItem(string name)
Name = name;
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsSelected
return _isSelected;
if (value != _isSelected)
_isSelected = value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
I believe you need to use a CollectionViewSource object between the two different views to keep the selected item in sync. I do something similar in my own application.
I have one control which defines a CollectionViewSource resource in the Xaml:
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="DataView" />
The control also has a DependencyProperty for the CollectionViewSource that allows it to be Data Bound to other controls:
public static readonly DataViewProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register( "DataView", typeof( CollectionViewSource ), typeof( YourControlType ), new PropertyMetadata( null ) );
public CollectionViewSource DataView {
get { return (CollectionViewSource) GetProperty( DataViewProperty); }
set { SetProperty( DataViewProperty, value );
Then in the components constructor, after calling InitializeComponent, you have to execute code like this:
public MyUserControl() {
DataView = FindResource( "DataView" ) as CollectionViewSource;
DataView.Source = YourObservableCollection;
In the other view(s) where you want to share this object, you create a new CollectionViewSource DependencyProperty. This allows you to bind the two proeprties to each other in the window that has the different views of your data. In my second control, I have another ObservableCollection object property, but it is not initialized in the control's constructor. What I do is in the control's Loaded event handler, I set that ObservableCollection property's value to the value of the CollectionViewSource object's Source property. That is:
if ( DataCollection == null && DataView != null ) {
DataCollection = (ObservableCollection<DataType>) DataView.Source;
DataGrid.ItemsSource = DataView.View;
After this, both controls share the same ObservableCollection and the same CollectionViewSource. It's the CollectionViewSource that keeps the two control's selected item in sync.
Obviously, you can share that CollectionViewSource object across as many views as you like. One control has to declare the object, the others have to share it.
When using WPF, it is recommended to ditch IEnumerables for ObservableCollection or ICollectionView. You can find more details about these collections on MSDN, but my suggestion is to bind SelectedItem of one ListBox to another in XAML (by SelectedItem = {Binding ElementName='yourList', Path='SelectedItem'}), so that when one changes, the other one will respond (you should do this for both lists). I have never tried this cyclic binding myself, but I think it will work fine in your case.

Setting Columns and RowDefinitions in Resource Dictionary [duplicate]

I want to know how can I style a Grid so that I don't need to specify the
<ColumnDefinition Width="auto" SharedSizeGroup="SG1"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="auto" SharedSizeGroup="SG2"/>
every time?
Thank you very much!
ps: I did try to search on Google first. But I couldn't find any answer. Anyone who find the answer from google could you please tell me what keyword do you use to search? Sometimes I find it hard to determine what keyword use to search.
ps2: I am too lazy, every I just open chrome and type something and search. If nothing found, I conclude nothing found and come here. Is there anyone will search on Google, then find nothing, then open and search? And find nothing and go to yahoo and search and search?.....
It was always a pet peeve of mine to have to write out the RowDefinitions and ColumnDefinitions, so one day I got tired of it and wrote some attached properties that can be used for this kind of thing.
Now instead of writing my Grid definition like this:
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
I can use
<Grid local:GridHelpers.RowCount="6"
It only allows for Auto and * sizes, but most of the time that's all I'm using.
It also supports bindings for dynamically sized Grids
<Grid local:GridHelpers.RowCount="{Binding RowCount}"
local:GridHelpers.ColumnCount="{Binding ColumnCount}" />
Here's a copy of the code in case that site ever goes down :
public class GridHelpers
#region RowCount Property
/// <summary>
/// Adds the specified number of Rows to RowDefinitions.
/// Default Height is Auto
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty RowCountProperty =
"RowCount", typeof(int), typeof(GridHelpers),
new PropertyMetadata(-1, RowCountChanged));
// Get
public static int GetRowCount(DependencyObject obj)
return (int)obj.GetValue(RowCountProperty);
// Set
public static void SetRowCount(DependencyObject obj, int value)
obj.SetValue(RowCountProperty, value);
// Change Event - Adds the Rows
public static void RowCountChanged(
DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!(obj is Grid) || (int)e.NewValue < 0)
Grid grid = (Grid)obj;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)e.NewValue; i++)
new RowDefinition() { Height = GridLength.Auto });
#region ColumnCount Property
/// <summary>
/// Adds the specified number of Columns to ColumnDefinitions.
/// Default Width is Auto
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnCountProperty =
"ColumnCount", typeof(int), typeof(GridHelpers),
new PropertyMetadata(-1, ColumnCountChanged));
// Get
public static int GetColumnCount(DependencyObject obj)
return (int)obj.GetValue(ColumnCountProperty);
// Set
public static void SetColumnCount(DependencyObject obj, int value)
obj.SetValue(ColumnCountProperty, value);
// Change Event - Add the Columns
public static void ColumnCountChanged(
DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!(obj is Grid) || (int)e.NewValue < 0)
Grid grid = (Grid)obj;
for (int i = 0; i < (int)e.NewValue; i++)
new ColumnDefinition() { Width = GridLength.Auto });
#region StarRows Property
/// <summary>
/// Makes the specified Row's Height equal to Star.
/// Can set on multiple Rows
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty StarRowsProperty =
"StarRows", typeof(string), typeof(GridHelpers),
new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty, StarRowsChanged));
// Get
public static string GetStarRows(DependencyObject obj)
return (string)obj.GetValue(StarRowsProperty);
// Set
public static void SetStarRows(DependencyObject obj, string value)
obj.SetValue(StarRowsProperty, value);
// Change Event - Makes specified Row's Height equal to Star
public static void StarRowsChanged(
DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!(obj is Grid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.NewValue.ToString()))
#region StarColumns Property
/// <summary>
/// Makes the specified Column's Width equal to Star.
/// Can set on multiple Columns
/// </summary>
public static readonly DependencyProperty StarColumnsProperty =
"StarColumns", typeof(string), typeof(GridHelpers),
new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty, StarColumnsChanged));
// Get
public static string GetStarColumns(DependencyObject obj)
return (string)obj.GetValue(StarColumnsProperty);
// Set
public static void SetStarColumns(DependencyObject obj, string value)
obj.SetValue(StarColumnsProperty, value);
// Change Event - Makes specified Column's Width equal to Star
public static void StarColumnsChanged(
DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!(obj is Grid) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.NewValue.ToString()))
private static void SetStarColumns(Grid grid)
string[] starColumns =
for (int i = 0; i < grid.ColumnDefinitions.Count; i++)
if (starColumns.Contains(i.ToString()))
grid.ColumnDefinitions[i].Width =
new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star);
private static void SetStarRows(Grid grid)
string[] starRows =
for (int i = 0; i < grid.RowDefinitions.Count; i++)
if (starRows.Contains(i.ToString()))
grid.RowDefinitions[i].Height =
new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star);
This is a solution which doesn't require any helper class.
It's possible to set ColumnDefinitions by using an ItemsControl with a Grid as its ItemsPanelTemplate. This is shown in the example below.
<Style TargetType="ItemsControl">
<Setter Property="ItemsPanel">
<ColumnDefinition />
<ColumnDefinition Width="40" />
<TextBox Text="First column" />
<TextBox Text="second column" Grid.Column="1" />
Create attached dependency property with change callback to synchronize collection elements:
<Style TargetType="Grid">
<Setter Property="my:GridUtils.ColumnDefinitions">
<ColumnDefinition Width="1*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="1*" />
<Button Content="Button" />
<Button Content="Button" Grid.Column="1" />
Implementation (RowDefinition support omitted as it's basically identical):
public class GridUtils
public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnDefinitionsProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ColumnDefinitions", typeof (ColumnDefinitionCollection),
typeof (GridUtils),
new PropertyMetadata(default(ColumnDefinitionCollection),
private static void OnColumnDefinitionsChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs ev)
var grid = (Grid) d;
var oldValue = (ColumnDefinitionCollection) ev.OldValue;
var newValue = (ColumnDefinitionCollection) ev.NewValue;
if (newValue != null)
foreach (var cd in newValue)
public static void SetColumnDefinitions(Grid element, ColumnDefinitionCollection value)
element.SetValue(ColumnDefinitionsProperty, value);
public static ColumnDefinitionCollection GetColumnDefinitions(Grid element)
return (ColumnDefinitionCollection) element.GetValue(ColumnDefinitionsProperty);
public class ColumnDefinitionCollection : List<ColumnDefinition> {}
I believe it's not possible because you can't set a style that affects all ColumnDefinition(s).
Grid does not support ControlTemplate, so you can't do it with composition.
The only hack I can think of would be to create a user control with those 2 columns and extend the grid. But that's nasty.
Here is a way:
1) Create a collection with an attached property like this:
public class ColumnDefinitions : Collection<ColumnDefinition>
public static readonly DependencyProperty SourceProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
new PropertyMetadata(
public static void SetSource(Grid element, ColumnDefinitions value)
element.SetValue(SourceProperty, value);
[AttachedPropertyBrowsableForChildren(IncludeDescendants = false)]
public static ColumnDefinitions GetSource(Grid element)
return (ColumnDefinitions)element.GetValue(SourceProperty);
private static void OnColumnDefinitionsChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
var grid = (Grid)d;
var columnDefinitions = (ColumnDefinitions)e.NewValue;
if (columnDefinitions == null)
foreach (var columnDefinition in columnDefinitions)
2) Then you can use it as a resource and in a style for grid like this:
Note that x:Shared="False" must be used. If not the same definition will be added to many grids causing WPF to throw.
<demo:ColumnDefinitions x:Key="SomeColumnDefinitions" x:Shared="False">
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<Style x:Key="SomeGridStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Grid}">
<Setter Property="demo:ColumnDefinitions.Source" Value="{StaticResource SomeColumnDefinitions}"></Setter>
<RowDefinition />
<RowDefinition Height="5"/>
<RowDefinition />
<Grid Style="{StaticResource SomeGridStyle}">
<Rectangle Grid.Row="0"
Fill="Blue" />
<Rectangle Grid.Row="0"
Fill="Yellow" />
<Grid Grid.Row="2" Style="{StaticResource SomeGridStyle}">
<Rectangle Grid.Row="0"
Fill="Blue" />
<Rectangle Grid.Row="0"
Fill="Yellow" />

ListBox does not stay within Window borders when put into a Grid with rows having MinHeight

I have a Grid with two rows sized in 1:3 proportion; the first row has MinHeight set to a non-zero value. When I put a ListBox into the second row, its size is not limited by the window borders:
The problem occurs if MinHeight is applied (that is, if the window is small). If I replace the problematic ListBox with a Button, the problem disappears (buttons always stay within window borders).
<Window x:Class="WpfGridLayoutMinMax.MainWindow" x:Name="self"
Height="300" Width="300" MinHeight="200" MinWidth="200">
<Style TargetType="ListBox">
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="4"/>
<Setter Property="ItemsSource" Value="{Binding Items, ElementName=self}"/>
<RowDefinition Height="1*" MinHeight="100"/>
<RowDefinition Height="3*"/>
<ListBox Grid.Row="0"/>
<ListBox Grid.Row="1"/>
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace WpfGridLayoutMinMax
public partial class MainWindow
public List<int> Items { get; set; }
public MainWindow ()
Items = Enumerable.Range(0, 20).ToList();
Question: What causes this problem? How to make ListBox stay within window content area?
This problem appears every time the content is too large (for Button too if you set height larger than remaining space).
Don't know if you like my solution but I've added an additional Grid for measuring the remaining space. Unfortunatly it is not possible to get ActualHeight from second RowDefinition directly (it has no usable value). That's why I've added one more control (the Dummy). Now you can limit ListBox.MaxHeight to Dummy.ActualHeight and it stays within window.
<RowDefinition Height="100" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<Grid x:Name="Dummy" Grid.Row="1" />
<Grid Grid.RowSpan="2">
<RowDefinition Height="1*" MinHeight="100"/>
<RowDefinition Height="3*" />
<ListBox Grid.Row="0" />
<ListBox Grid.Row="1" MaxHeight="{Binding ActualHeight, ElementName=Dummy}" />
If you set two rows with 1* and 3*, and say that 1* is minimally 100(px) high, then the second row wil minimally be 300(px). Makes sense right? So if you want to keep this ratio, and want to keep the min height for the first row you could set the minheight of you window to 400(or a little bit more).
The problem is caused by the buggy Grid. Its MeasureOverride returns a bigger size than the constraint, even though there's no reason for this.
I've implemented ForceCellSizes attached property which fixes the issue.
public static class GridProps
public static readonly DependencyProperty CalculateCellSizesProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
"CalculateCellSizes", typeof(bool), typeof(GridProps),
new PropertyMetadata(false, (o, a) => CalculateCellSizes_OnChanged((Grid)o, a)));
public static readonly DependencyProperty ForceCellSizesProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
"ForceCellSizes", typeof(bool), typeof(GridProps),
new PropertyMetadata(false, (o, a) => ForceCellSizes_OnChanged((Grid)o, a)));
private static readonly DependencyProperty DummyGridProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
"DummyGrid", typeof(Grid), typeof(GridProps),
new PropertyMetadata(null));
private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey RowActualHeightPropertyKey = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttachedReadOnly(
"RowActualHeight", typeof(double), typeof(GridProps),
new PropertyMetadata(0.0));
public static readonly DependencyProperty RowActualHeightProperty = RowActualHeightPropertyKey.DependencyProperty;
private static readonly DependencyPropertyKey ColumnActualWidthPropertyKey = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttachedReadOnly(
"ColumnActualWidth", typeof(double), typeof(GridProps),
new PropertyMetadata(0.0));
public static readonly DependencyProperty ColumnActualWidthProperty = ColumnActualWidthPropertyKey.DependencyProperty;
public static bool GetCalculateCellSizes (Grid grid)
return (bool)grid.GetValue(CalculateCellSizesProperty);
public static void SetCalculateCellSizes (Grid grid, bool value)
grid.SetValue(CalculateCellSizesProperty, value);
public static bool GetForceCellSizes (Grid grid)
return (bool)grid.GetValue(ForceCellSizesProperty);
public static void SetForceCellSizes (Grid grid, bool value)
grid.SetValue(ForceCellSizesProperty, value);
private static Grid GetDummyGrid (Grid grid)
return (Grid)grid.GetValue(DummyGridProperty);
private static void SetDummyGrid (Grid grid, Grid value)
grid.SetValue(DummyGridProperty, value);
public static double GetRowActualHeight (RowDefinition row)
return (double)row.GetValue(RowActualHeightProperty);
private static void SetRowActualHeight (RowDefinition row, double value)
row.SetValue(RowActualHeightPropertyKey, value);
public static double GetColumnActualWidth (ColumnDefinition column)
return (double)column.GetValue(ColumnActualWidthProperty);
private static void SetColumnActualWidth (ColumnDefinition column, double value)
column.SetValue(ColumnActualWidthPropertyKey, value);
private static void CalculateCellSizes_OnChanged (Grid grid, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
if ((bool)args.NewValue)
grid.SizeChanged += Grid_OnSizeChanged;
grid.SizeChanged -= Grid_OnSizeChanged;
private static void Grid_OnSizeChanged (object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs args)
var grid = (Grid)sender;
foreach (RowDefinition row in grid.RowDefinitions)
SetRowActualHeight(row, row.ActualHeight);
foreach (ColumnDefinition column in grid.ColumnDefinitions)
SetColumnActualWidth(column, column.ActualWidth);
private static void ForceCellSizes_OnChanged (Grid grid, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
if ((bool)args.NewValue) {
Action initDummyGrid = () => {
Grid parentGrid = (Grid)grid.Parent, dummyGrid = CreateDummyGrid(grid);
SetDummyGrid(grid, dummyGrid);
if (grid.IsLoaded)
grid.Loaded += (o, e) => initDummyGrid();
else {
Grid parentGrid = (Grid)grid.Parent, dummyGrid = DestroyDummyGrid(grid);
SetDummyGrid(grid, null);
private static Grid CreateDummyGrid (Grid grid)
var dummyGrid = new Grid { Visibility = Visibility.Hidden };
SetCalculateCellSizes(dummyGrid, true);
foreach (RowDefinition row in grid.RowDefinitions) {
var dummyRow = new RowDefinition { Height = row.Height, MinHeight = row.MinHeight, MaxHeight = row.MaxHeight };
BindingOperations.SetBinding(row, RowDefinition.HeightProperty,
new Binding { Source = dummyRow, Path = new PropertyPath(RowActualHeightProperty) });
foreach (ColumnDefinition column in grid.ColumnDefinitions) {
var dummyColumn = new ColumnDefinition { Width = column.Width, MinWidth = column.MinWidth, MaxWidth = column.MaxWidth };
BindingOperations.SetBinding(column, ColumnDefinition.WidthProperty,
new Binding { Source = dummyColumn, Path = new PropertyPath(ColumnActualWidthProperty) });
return dummyGrid;
private static Grid DestroyDummyGrid (Grid grid)
Grid dummyGrid = GetDummyGrid(grid);
SetCalculateCellSizes(dummyGrid, false);
foreach (RowDefinition row in grid.RowDefinitions)
BindingOperations.ClearBinding(row, RowDefinition.HeightProperty);
foreach (ColumnDefinition column in grid.ColumnDefinitions)
BindingOperations.ClearBinding(column, ColumnDefinition.WidthProperty);
return dummyGrid;
Attached properties
The following attached properties are defined in the GridProps class:
Grid.CalculateCellSizes (read/write) — adds bindable RowActualHeight and ColumnActualWidth properties to RowDefinitions and ColumnDefinitions of the grid, respectively.
Grid.ForceCellSizes (read/write) — fixes the problem described in the question.
RowDefinition.RowActualHeight (read-only) — bindable RowDefinition.ActualHeight property. Set CalculateCellSizes on the owner grid to true.
ColumnDefinition.ColumnActualWidth (read-only) — bindable ColumnDefinition.ActualWidth property. Set CalculateCellSizes on the owner grid to true.
How to use
Wrap problematic Grid in an empty Grid.
Set GridProps.ForceCellSizes to true. Example from the question becomes:
<Grid local:GridProps.ForceCellSizes="True">
<RowDefinition Height="1*" MinHeight="100"/>
<RowDefinition Height="3*"/>
<ListBox Grid.Row="0"/>
<ListBox Grid.Row="1"/>
How it works
It adds an empty dummy grid with the same rows and columns as in the original grid, then binds heights and widths of the original grid to actual heights and widths of the dummy grid.
Essentially, the example above becomes:
<RowDefinition Height="{Binding RowDefinitions[0].(local:GridProps.RowActualHeight), ElementName=dummyGrid}" MinHeight="100"/>
<RowDefinition Height="{Binding RowDefinitions[1].(local:GridProps.RowActualHeight), ElementName=dummyGrid}"/>
<ListBox Grid.Row="0"/>
<ListBox Grid.Row="1"/>
<Grid x:Name="dummyGrid" Visibility="Hidden" local:GridProps.CalculateCellSizes="True">
<RowDefinition Height="1*" MinHeight="100"/>
<RowDefinition Height="3*"/>

