Pass and verify data between different razor pages - c#

i'm using Core2.1 Razor pages technology.
i want to ask about passing and verifying parameters between razor pages.
please not that i'm asking about the concept not about coding:
now suppose i have blogs, and each blog owned by a user who can manage it.
the user enter the manage page using this url :
as you see, the id of the blog is in the url:
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int? id)
// here i check that the blog is exist by the id
// and i check if the current user own the blog
then in the settings page i have links for several pages, for example (articles)
and the user can manage these articles.
as you see still i have the blog id in the url :
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int? id)
// now this function in the articles page
// again i check if the blog is exist
// and again i check if the current user can manage the blog or not
is this correct and good practice ? to check and verify in each page
or should i check only when i enter the settings page ?
or should i think in an approach to check only once when the user enter the settings page, then the user can't enter other pages based on the first check !

It is good practice to keep web endpoints stateless.
So your approach of passing the Id to every child action, and validating this input, is correct.
To implement the other approach where you only check the Id once, you would need to pass state between the actions, e.g. as session state. This approach is less flexible. Maybe you want to be able to open the settings from another page than the blog details someday in the future?
Also remember that just because the user does not see a certain link on a page, nothing prevents her from entering e.g. https://localhost:44368/blogs/1/settings/articles directly into the address bar of the browser. So you will need some from of validation for every action in any case.


Perform a check and redirect to a page at the start of a dot net mvc application

I have a dot net mvc application and want to perform a database check about whether the user has accepted the terms and conditions or not at the start of the application and redirect the user to the terms and condition page based on the result. Where should I place the code snippet ?
Till now I tried to redirect from global.asax file to a route and then calling a method from the control to perform the check But however it is giving the Response does not exist in the currrent context.
I tried this piece of code :
I am very new to this so please excuse if the question really dumb.
Place your code snippet in the ActionResult of the Index Page(which is the default page that loads when the application starts.) in the HomeController.
Get your user from either a session and check against the user in your database to see if they have read the terms and conditions.
It will look something like this
public ActionResult Index()
var user = Session["loggedUser"] as User;
user = db.Users.Find(;
return Redirect("/Terms");

Is it possible to have a single URL that points to two different pages?

I have one url (/settings) that needs to point to two different pages depending on the users security on login. One page is the existing webforms page the other is a new MVC page. Is this even possible?
Additional Info:
When the user is on either page the url needs to say
Convinced the PM to change the requirements.
The short answer, yes. You can do this several ways.
Model View Controller (Controller)
ASP.NET Web-Forms (Method)
It is often poor practice to do such an event, as it can expose data. It is indeed possible:
$(document).ready(function () {
if($("#Account").val() != '') {
$(".Url").attr('href', '');
Pretend #Account is a hidden field that is populated from your database. If the field is not null then modify the .Url element to navigate to link. That approach for Web-Forms is the most simple.
protected void btnAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
That would use the default Windows Authentication for the domain, you could bend and contort to use the database to pull data. An example, the Model View Controller would be similar as the Controller will simply handle that capability.
Hope this points in right direction.
This is a redirects based approach. Create a web page mapped to /settings, and have this code run on page load.
if(User.IsAdministrator()) //I take it you have some way of determining who is an Admin, so this is just example code
Note that you'll need security on the Admin page to make sure a regular user can't just navigate directly there.

Altering database based on user id

I really looked, googled, this site, for a few days now, tried a bunch of different things, and I can't find an answer.
so, I'm trying to create a web application that will display client information after purchase. I'm using VS2012 express and C#, and I decided to use MVC4, mostly because there was a tutorial on ASP.NET that came pretty close to what I was looking to do. Any comments on my choices is not requested but also not unwelcome.
So the admin will enter all sales information at the end of each day. We record client phone numbers as account numbers in our sales protocol, so my thought was, to keep it simple, to just use the clients phone number as a login to the web application as well. Also, that way, when a client logs into the site to view the database, the database would filter automatically so that the particular client could only see their transactions.
The tutorial I followed is here.
I figured out that this is the point where the filter needs to be applied, but i'm having a lot of trouble doing so.
The controller is named "MainController"
The database is named "Main", table is "Mains"
"AccountNumber" is the field in the db that should match the Current User Id
public ActionResult Index()
return View(db.Mains.ToList());
As I understand it, I have to place [InitializeSimpleMembership] above, then grab the UserId, then define it as the filter.
First of all, you should decide one of these way:
1) keeping login and user info in a separate table and let the SimpleMembership(SM) does its default jobs.
2) Using an existing table so store users info and tell the SM which table is for.
Approach One:
To handle this approach, all you need is that you create users manually(as you do, I think) and add an extra line to the action method which is responsible of creating customers:
public ActionResult Create(Customer model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// here it is ...
WebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount(model.Phone, model.Password);
insertError = true;
// .. Other codes ...
Now, your customers can simply login to the site with their phone no. as username and that password.
And to retrieve items related to a specific user - which is currently logged into site - simply use the following query:
public ActionResult Index()
return View(db.Mains.Where(m => m.AccountNumber == User.Identity.Name)
If you also need approach two, tell me to update my answer and put it here

MVC OutputCache based on Session values

Is it possible to vary the output cache in MVC based on certain values in the session? I've read a lot about using the varybycustom functionality and overriding GetVaryByCustomString in Global.asax but the session is not available at this point.
public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string custom)
if (custom == "somekey")
//Want to check the session here (but it isn't available).
return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);
I understand this is because the Session isn't created until later in the request pipeline.
My concern is that without varying the cache based on the user's session, the page (which changes based on what the user has in the session, has additional HTML specific to that user etc) will get cached (as the URL is the same) and served by our load balancer, proxy servers etc. and then served to other requests with other people's session information on the page!
The reason the URL is the same is that the user comes in as a 'guest', enters some information (POST), this is validated and stored in the session and then they are re-directed back to the same page (which should now be specific to the user based on the session data).
The page itself should be cached normally because if a 'guest' visits the same URL, it should serve the same 'standard' page every time.
Is is possible to vary the caching in this way?
If you want to personalize the cache output per user, it is better you set the Location to OutputCacheLocation.Client as below. More information here
[OutputCache(Duration=3600, VaryByParam="none", Location=OutputCacheLocation.Client, NoStore=true)]
public string GetName()
return "Hi " + User.Identity.Name;
Would a Output Cache ActionFilter help at all?
Or perhaps you could refactor your view in to a layout page plus partial views for anonymous and authenticated sections, then utilize Partial Caching.
You should look into "Donut Caching", but this isn`t supported by ASP.NET MVC 3, at least not out of the box. Fortunately somebody already solved this problem for you see MvcDonutCaching
I read that ASP.NET MVC 4 will include "Donut Hole Caching" out of the box, but i cant tell if it's in the current RC or not.

What is a good method for preventing a user from submitting a form twice?

I have a purchase page and I don't want the user to be able to refresh the page and resubmit the form once they get to the 'order complete' page because it automatically sets them up in our system via database values and charges their card via paypal (only want these to happen ONCE)... I have seen some sites that say 'Don't hit refresh or you will get charged twice!' but that is pretty lame to leave it open to possibility, what's a good way to only allow it to be submitted once or prevent them from refreshing, etc?
PS: I saw a few similar questions: PHP: Stop a Form from being accidentally reprocessed when Back is pressed and How do I stop the Back and Refresh buttons from resubmitting my form? but found no satisfactory answer... an ASP.NET MVC specific answer would be ideal too if there is a mechanism for this.
EDIT: Once they click submit it POSTS to my controller and then the controller does some magic and then returns a view with an order complete message, but if I click refresh on my browser it does the whole 'do you want to resend this form?' that is bad...
The standard solution to this is the POST/REDIRECT/GET pattern. This pattern can be implemented using pretty much any web development platform. You would typically:
Validate submission after POST
if it fails re-render the original entry form with validation errors displayed
if it succeeds, REDIRECT to a confirmation page, or page where you re-display the input - this is the GET part
since the last action was a GET, if the user refreshes at this point, there is no form re-submission to occur.
I 100% agree with RedFilter's generic answer, but wanted to post some relevant code for ASP.NET MVC specifically.
You can use the Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) Pattern to solve the double postback problem.
Here's an graphical illustration of the problem:
What happens is when the user hits refresh, the browser attempts to resubmit the last request it made. If the last request was a post, the browser will attempt to do that.
Most browsers know that this isn't typically what the user wants to do, so will automatically ask:
Chrome -
The page that you're looking for used information that you entered.
Returning to that page might cause any action you took to be repeated.
Do you want to continue?
Firefox - To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
Safari -
Are you sure you want to send a form again?
To reopen this page Safari must resend a form. This might result in duplicate purchases, comments, or other actions.
Internet Explorer -
To display the webpage again, the web browser needs to
resend the information you've previously submitted.
If you were making a purchase, you should click Cancel to
avoid a duplicate transaction. Otherwise, click Retry to display
the webpage again.
But the PRG pattern helps avoid this altogether by sending the client a redirect message so when the page finally appears, the last request the browser executed was a GET request for the new resource.
Here's a great article on PRG that provides an implementation of the pattern for MVC. It's important to note that you only want to resort to a redirect when an non-idempotent action is performed on the server. In other words, if you have a valid model and have actually persisted the data in some way, then it's important to ensure the request isn't accidentally submitted twice. But if the model is invalid, the current page and model should be returned so the user can make any necessary modifications.
Here's an example Controller:
public ActionResult Edit(int id) {
var model = new EditModel();
return View(model);
public ActionResult Edit(EditModel model) {
if (ModelState.IsValid) {
product = repository.SaveOrUpdate(model);
return RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = product.Id });
return View(model);
public ActionResult Details(int id) {
var model = new DetailModel();
return View(model);
While serving up the order confirmation page you can set a token that you also store in the DB/Cache. At the first instance of order confirmation, check for this token's existence and clear the token. If implemented with thread safety, you will not be able to submit the order twice.
This is just one of the many approaches possible.
Note that the PRG pattern does not completely guard against multiple form submissions, as multiple post requests can be fired off even before a single redirect has taken place - this can lead to your form submissions not being idempotent.
Do take note of the answer that has been provided here, which provides a workaround to this issue, which I quote here for convenience:
If you make use of a hidden anti-forgery token in your form (as you
should), you can cache the anti-forgery token on first submit and
remove the token from cache if required, or expire the cached entry
after set amount of time.
You will then be able to check with each request against the cache
whether the specific form has been submitted and reject it if it has.
You don't need to generate your own GUID as this is already being done
when generating the anti-forgery token.
Give each visitor's form a unique ID when the page is first loaded. Note the ID when the form is submitted. Once a form has been submitted with that ID, don't allow any further requests using it. If they click refresh, the same ID will be sent.
Simply do a redirect from the page that does all the nasty stuff to the "Thank you for your order" page. Having done that, the user can hit refresh as many times as he likes.
If you doesn't like redirect the user to other page, then by using my way you dose not need Post/Redirect/Get (PRG) Pattern and the user remain on the current page without fear of the negative effects of re-submitting of the form!
I use a TempData item and a Hidden field (a property in the ViewModel of the form) to keep a same Guid in both sides (Server/Client) and it is my sign to detect if the form is Resubmitting by refresh or not.
Final face of the codes looks like very short and simple:
public virtual ActionResult Order(OrderViewModel vModel)
if (this.IsResubmit(vModel)) // << Check Resubmit
ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Form is Resubmitting";
// .... Post codes here without any changes...
this.PreventResubmit(vModel);// << Fill TempData & ViewModel PreventResubmit Property
return View(vModel)
In View:
#if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewBag.ErrorMsg))
#using (Html.BeginForm(...)){
#Html.HiddenFor(x=>x.PreventResubmit) // << Put this Hidden Field in the form
// Others codes of the form without any changes
In View Model:
public class OrderViewModel: NoResubmitAbstract // << Inherit from NoResubmitAbstract
// Without any changes!
What do you think?
I make it simple by writing 2 class:
NoResubmitAbstract abstract class
ControllerExtentions static class (An Extension class for System.Web.Mvc.ControllerBase)
public static class ControllerExtentions
public static bool IsResubmit (this System.Web.Mvc.ControllerBase controller, NoResubmitAbstract vModel)
return (Guid)controller.TempData["PreventResubmit"]!= vModel.PreventResubmit;
public static void PreventResubmit(this System.Web.Mvc.ControllerBase controller, params NoResubmitAbstract[] vModels)
var preventResubmitGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
controller.TempData["PreventResubmit"] = preventResubmitGuid ;
foreach (var vm in vModels)
public abstract class NoResubmitAbstract
public Guid PreventResubmit { get; set; }
public void SetPreventResubmit(Guid prs)
PreventResubmit = prs;
Just put them in your MVC project and run it... ;)
Off the top of my head, generate a System.Guid in a hidden field on the GET request of the page and associate it with your checkout/payment. Simply check for it and display a message saying 'Payment already processed.' or such.
Kazi Manzur Rashid wrote about this (together with other mvc best-practices). He suggests using two filters to handle data transfer between the POST and the follwing GET using TempData.

