ElasticSearch.net Nest Match with Query doesnt work - c#

I am using elasticsearch.net library to query ES. Facing issue related to finding results.Added screenshot which shows the results to my search used im query from Kibana.
When tried with below code No results are retrieved.
var searchResponse = client.Search<Product>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Match(m => m
.Field(f => f.Name)
.Query("Duracarb 32 oz (907.2 g)")
But when I tried with below code by adding match all able to retrieve 10 products successfully.
var searchResponse = client.Search<Product>(s => s
.Query(q => q
Below is the full code I have used.
var uris = new[]
new Uri(_searchSettings.EnableElasticURL),
//new Uri("http://localhost:9201"),
//new Uri("http://localhost:9202"),
var connectionPool = new SniffingConnectionPool(uris);
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool)
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
var searchRequest = new SearchRequest<Product>(Nest.Indices.All, Types.All)
From = 0,
Size = 10,
Query = new MatchQuery
Field = Infer.Field<Product>(f => f.Name),
Query = "Duracarb 32 oz(907.2 g)"
var searchResponse = client.Search<Product>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Match(m => m.Field(f => f.Name).Query("Duracarb 32 oz (907.2 g)")))
var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
client.SourceSerializer.Serialize(searchResponse, stream);
var jsonQuery = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray());
var query = searchResponse.Documents;
var requestttt=searchResponse.DebugInformation;
//var query = GetProductQuery(searchQuery, null);
_logger.Debug("Search Response: "+query);

Change how field names are inferred from POCO property names:
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool)
.DefaultFieldNameInferrer(n => n)
Now, Infer.Field<Product>(f => f.Name) will serialize to "Name" to match the field name in the index mapping.
NEST by default camelcases POCO property names, so by default will serialize to "name".


ElasticSearch - Nest - How do I get it to show results with hits score above 90%?

C# ElasticSearch How can I make a search on PredictText return results with a hit score above 90%?
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")).DefaultIndex("test1");
settings.BasicAuthentication("*****", "******");
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
var text = "example text";
var searchResponse = client.Search<Flowi>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Match(m => m
.Field(f => f.PredictText)
.Sort(sort => sort.Descending(SortSpecialField.Score))
foreach (var hit in searchResponse.Hits)
Console.WriteLine( "Id:{0} QuestionPath:{1} Filename:{2} Score:{3}",
hit.Source.Id, hit.Source.QuestionPath, hit.Source.Filename, hit.Score );

How to use GroupBy() in subqueries with LINQ?

I have pretty simple LINQ expression
IQueryable<FreeBetDTO> records = UnitOfWork.FreeBets
.Include(f => f.FreeBetCategories)
.Include(f => f.FreeBetCards)
.Where(f => f.FreeBetCards.Any(cards => cards.UserId == request.UserId))
.Select(f => new FreeBetDTO
FreeBetId = f.FreeBetId
LineCategories = f.FreeBetCategories
.GroupBy(g => new { g.LineCategoryID, g.Title })
.Select(c =>
new LineCategoryDTO
LineCategoryID = c.Key.LineCategoryID,
Title = c.Key.Title
When I am executing it I catch the error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to translate collection subquery in projection since it uses 'Distinct' or 'Group By' operations and doesn't project key columns of all of it's tables which are required to generate results on client side. Missing column: t.ID. Either add column(s) to the projection or rewrite query to not use 'GroupBy'/'Distinct' operation.
at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.SqlExpressions.SelectExpression.
The problem is here .GroupBy(g => new { g.LineCategoryID, g.Title }). If I don't group records, the error disappears.
I was trying a lot of cases with GroupBy() and Distinct(). But can't understand why this is happening. Because I just need grouping like this.
Error message says that you have to include Id column in projection. But you can't do that with GroupBy. So rewrite query into two steps (removed not needed includes):
var rawRecords = UnitOfWork.FreeBets
.Where(f => f.FreeBetCards.Any(cards => cards.UserId == request.UserId))
.Select(f => new
FreeBetId = f.FreeBetId
LineCategories = f.FreeBetCategories.Select(c => new { c.Id, c.LineCategoryID, c.Title })
var records = rawRecords
.Select(f => new FreeBetDTO
FreeBetId = f.FreeBetId
LineCategories = f.LineCategories.GroupBy(g => new { g.LineCategoryID, g.Title })
.Select(c =>
new LineCategoryDTO
LineCategoryID = c.Key.LineCategoryID,
Title = c.Key.Title
Similar query, but more optimal:
var query =
from f in UnitOfWork.FreeBets
from c in f.FreeBetCards
where f.FreeBetCards.Any(cards => cards.UserId == request.UserId)
select new { f.FreeBetId, c.LineCategoryID, c.Title };
query = query.Distinct();
var records = query.AsEnumerable()
.GroupBy(f => f.FreeBetId)
.Select(g => new FreeBetDTO
FreeBetId = g.Key
LineCategories = g.Select(c =>
new LineCategoryDTO
LineCategoryID = c.LineCategoryID,
Title = c.Title

Make Elasticsearch diacritics insensitive

I am using Elasticsearch 6.6.0 and NEST in a .NET MVC project.
I am indexing some products using this code:
var esSettings = new ConnectionSettings(node);
esSettings = esSettings.DefaultIndex(IndexInstanceName);
esSettings = esSettings
.DefaultMappingFor<SearchableProduct>(s => s.IdProperty("Id").IndexName(IndexInstanceName + "-products-" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultCulture"]));
var elastic = new ElasticClient(esSettings);
var mapResponse = elastic.Map<SearchableProduct>(x => x.AutoMap().Index(IndexInstanceName + "-products-" + culture));
var indexState = new IndexState
Settings = new IndexSettings()
indexState.Settings.Analysis = new Analysis
Analyzers = new Analyzers()
indexState.Settings.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("nospecialchars", new CustomAnalyzer
Tokenizer = "standard",
Filter = new List<string> { "standard", "lowercase", "stop", "asciifolding" }
if (!elastic.IndexExists(IndexInstanceName + "-products-" + culture).Exists)
var response = elastic.CreateIndex(
IndexInstanceName + "-products-" + culture,
s => s.InitializeUsing(indexState)
.Mappings(m => m.Map<SearchableProduct>(sc => sc.AutoMap())));
await this.IndexProductsAsync(context, products, elastic, culture);
await elastic.RefreshAsync(new RefreshRequest(IndexInstanceName + "-products-" + culture));
and for the search I use the below code:
ISearchResponse<SearchableProduct> result = await elastic.SearchAsync<SearchableProduct>(s => s
.Index(elasticIndexName + "-products-" + culture)
.Source(src => src.IncludeAll())
.Query(query =>
query.QueryString(qs =>
qs.Query(q).DefaultOperator(Operator.And).Fuzziness(Fuzziness.EditDistance(0)).Fields(x => x.Field(d => d.Name, 2)
.Field(d => d.MetaTitle, 1)
.Field(d => d.Image, 1)
.Field(d => d.SystemId, 2)
.Field(d => d.Manufacturer, 1)
.Sort(d => d.Ascending(SortSpecialField.Score))
When i search for a word with accent in greek (eg παγωτό) I get results (Because in my index the product is indexed with accent), but when i use the same word without accent (eg παγωτο) i get no results.
Is anything wrong with the indexing settings or the search code?
Can I index my data without accents or alternatively index them as is but make the search or index accent insensitive?
Creating a field with a greek analyzer will make sure indexed text and query string pass the same analysis path. For παγωτό that means, during indexing, the text will be tokenized to παγωτ as well as during making the query request.
Please check my example which creates a field with greek analyzer and the example outputs both documents with παγωτό and παγωτο when looking for παγωτό or παγωτο.
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool)
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
await client.Indices.DeleteAsync("index_name");
var createIndexResponse = await client.Indices.CreateAsync("index_name",
c => c
.Map(map => map.AutoMap<Document>()));
await client.IndexManyAsync(new []
{new Document {Id = 1, Text = "παγωτό"}, new Document {Id = 2, Text = "παγωτο"},});
await client.Indices.RefreshAsync();
var query = "παγωτό";
var searchResponse = await client.SearchAsync<Document>(s => s
.Query(q => q.Match(m => m.Field(f => f.Text).Query(query))));
Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
Print(query, searchResponse);
query = "παγωτο";
var searchResponse2 = await client.SearchAsync<Document>(s => s
.Query(q => q.Match(m => m.Field(f => f.Text).Query(query))));
Print(query, searchResponse2);
private static void Print(string query, ISearchResponse<Document> searchResponse)
Console.WriteLine($"For {query} found:");
foreach (var document in searchResponse.Documents)
Console.WriteLine($"Document {document.Id} {document.Text}");
public class Document
public int Id { get; set; }
[Text(Analyzer = "greek")]
public string Text { get; set; }
For παγωτό found:
Document 1 παγωτό
Document 2 παγωτο
For παγωτο found:
Document 1 παγωτό
Document 2 παγωτο
Hope that helps.

Lambda Join Group by where clause issue

Why am I getting only one entry in DownTimeDetails list even though in Data we have 3 entries.
VehicleEventDetails Res = dbEntity.DownTimeHeaders
.Join(dbEntity.DownTimeDetails, dth => dth.DownTimeHeaderID, dtd => dtd.DownTimeHeaderID, (dth, dtd) => new { dth, dtd })
.Where(x => x.dth.DownTimeHeaderID == 42)
.GroupBy(gx => gx.dtd.DownTimeDetailID)
.Select(t => new VehicleEventDetails()
BookingId = t.Select(a => a.dth.BookingId).FirstOrDefault(),
DownTimeDetails = t.Select(ab => new DownTimeDetails
LocalDTStartTime = (DateTime)ab.dtd.LocalDTStartTime,
LocalDTEndTime = (DateTime)ab.dtd.LocalDTEndTime,
CalculatedEventDTReason = ab.dtd.CalculatedEventDTReason,
CalculatedEventDTInMinutes = (int)ab.dtd.CalculatedEventDT,
You are looking for something like this:
VehicleEventDetails Res = dbEntity.DownTimeHeaders
.Where(x => x.DownTimeHeaderID == 42)
.Select(x => new VehicleEventDetails
BookingId = x.BookingId,
DownTimeDetails = x.DownTimeDetails
.Select(dtd=> new DownTimeDetails
LocalDTStartTime = (DateTime)dtd.LocalDTStartTime,
LocalDTEndTime = (DateTime)dtd.LocalDTEndTime,
CalculatedEventDTReason = dtd.CalculatedEventDTReason,
CalculatedEventDTInMinutes = (int)dtd.CalculatedEventDT,
Using .Join is an anti-Entity Framework pattern. Always try to use navigation properties, they exist for a reason.
Don't use .GroupBy unless you actually need a group. You don't want any grouping in this query.
As a general note, try not to make the expression variable names so confusing.

LINQ Method - Optimization

I'm reading a CSV file splitting it into cols, then grouping into a new class.
It looks clunky just wondering is there is a more simple method for instance like not selecting them into the class first:
EDIT: so to clarify I'm trying to get the TimesheetHours grouped by all the other columns.
var rowList = csvFile.Rows.Select(row => row.Split(','))
.Select(cols => new UtilisationRow {
UploadId = savedUpload.Id,
FullName = cols[0],
TimesheetWorkDateMonthYear = Convert.ToDateTime(cols[1]),
TimesheetTaskJobnumber = cols[2],
TimesheetWorktype = cols[3],
TimesheetHours = Convert.ToDouble(cols[4]),
TimesheetOverhead = cols[5]
.GroupBy(d => new {
.Select(g => new UtilisationRow {
FullName = g.First().FullName,
TimesheetWorkDateMonthYear = g.First().TimesheetWorkDateMonthYear,
TimesheetTaskJobnumber = g.First().TimesheetTaskJobnumber,
TimesheetWorktype = g.First().TimesheetWorktype,
TimesheetHours = g.Sum(s => s.TimesheetHours),
TimesheetOverhead = g.First().TimesheetOverhead
Many thanks,
The two problems in your code are that you call First() repeatedly on a group, while you should retrieve that same data from group's key, and that you are using UtilisationRow in the first Select, which should use an anonymous type instead:
var rowList = csvFile.Rows.Select(row => row.Split(','))
.Select(cols => new {
UploadId = savedUpload.Id,
FullName = cols[0],
TimesheetWorkDateMonthYear = Convert.ToDateTime(cols[1]),
TimesheetTaskJobnumber = cols[2],
TimesheetWorktype = cols[3],
TimesheetHours = Convert.ToDouble(cols[4]),
TimesheetOverhead = cols[5]
.GroupBy(d => new {
.Select(g => new UtilisationRow {
FullName = g.Key.FullName,
TimesheetWorkDateMonthYear = g.Key.TimesheetWorkDateMonthYear,
TimesheetTaskJobnumber = g.Key.TimesheetTaskJobnumber,
TimesheetWorktype = g.Key.TimesheetWorktype,
TimesheetHours = g.Sum(s => s.TimesheetHours),
TimesheetOverhead = g.Key.TimesheetOverhead
Now the "pipeline" of your method looks pretty clean:
The first Select does the initial parsing into a temporary record
GroupBy bundles matching records into a group
The final Select produces records of the required type.

