Function, which deletes all code comments - c#

I need to do a function which deletes all comments from the text(code). My code is almost finished, but it doesn't work if comment starts in the first line of the file. It says index out of bounds, I tried changing for loops to start from 1 and then if to(text[i] == '/' && text[i - 1] == '/') but it doesn't work.
Any suggestion how can I fix that or improve my code because it looks weird.
public void RemoveComments(string text)
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
if (text[i] == '/' && text[i + 1] == '/')
text = text.Remove(i, 2);
for (int j = i; j < text.Length; j++)
if (text[j] != '\n')
text = text.Remove(j, 1);
else if (text[j] == '\n')
text = text.Remove(j, 1);
while (text[j] == ' ')
text = text.Remove(j, 1);
i = j;
else if (text[i] == '/' && text[i + 1] == '*')
text = text.Remove(i, 2);
for (int j = i; j < text.Length; j++)
if (text[j] != '*' && text[j + 1] != '/')
text = text.Remove(j, 1);
else if (text[j] == '*' && text[j + 1] == '/')
text = text.Remove(j, 2);
j = j - 2;
while (text[j] == ' ')
text = text.Remove(j, 1);
if (text[j] == '\n')
text = text.Remove(j, 1);
i = j;
EDIT: Now I did many experiments and I found that the problem is with(in // loop) I needed this loop this to fix some small aligment problems:
while (text[j] == ' ')
text = text.Remove(j, 1);
Test.txt file.
//int a;
int c; //int d;

Looks like you have C# code files. Thus you can use the power of Roslyn. Simply parse code file into syntax tree and then visit that tree with visitor which skips comments:
var code = File.ReadAllText("Code.cs");
SyntaxTree tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(code);
var root = (CompilationUnitSyntax)tree.GetRoot();
var codeWithoutComments = new CommentsRemover().Visit(root).ToString();
class CommentsRemover : CSharpSyntaxRewriter
public override SyntaxTrivia VisitTrivia(SyntaxTrivia trivia)
case SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia:
case SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia:
return default; // new SyntaxTrivia() // if C# <= 7.0
return trivia;
Sample code file:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApp
/* Sample
Multiline Comment */
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Comment
Console.Write/*Line*/("Hello, World!"); // Print greeting
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("Hello, World!");
Notes: As you can see, after removing comments from the lines which had nothing except comment, you get empty lines. You can create one more visitor to remove empty lines. Also consider to remove XML comments as well.

You have a loop based on text.Length
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
But inside of the loop you are shorten the text. At a certain point it is smaller as the origin text.Length and you running out of index I guiess


I need to check if a string is a pangram string or not is my code correct?

public static class Inova
public static bool IsPangram(string str)
int compteur = 26;
for (int i = 0; i <= str.Length; i++)
if (('A' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'Z') || ('a' <= str[i] && str[i] <= 'z'))
for (int j = str[i + 1]; j <= str.Length; j++)
if (compteur != 0 && str[i] != str[j])
compteur = compteur - 1;
if (compteur == 0)
return true;
return false;
There are multiple things incorrect:
for (int j = str[i + 1]; j <= str.Length; j++)
this does not do what you think, it will convert the next char to an int, you want to loop all letters until end, beginning from the current letter + 1.
The if ... else belong to the end of the method, outside of the loop, otherwise you return false after the first iteration in the for-loop
So you want to know if it's a perfect pangram? First we need to say what a pangram is: a sentence containing every letter of the alphabet. It seems you want to check if it's even a perfect pangram, so every letter should appear exactly once. Here is a method not using any fancy LINQ(which might not be allowed) that supports perfect/imperfect pangrams:
public static class Inova
private const string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
public static bool IsPangram(string str, bool mustBePerfect)
HashSet<char> remaingLetters = new HashSet<char>(alphabet);
foreach (char c in str)
char letter = char.ToUpperInvariant(c);
if (!alphabet.Contains(letter)) continue;
bool repeatingLetter = !remaingLetters.Remove(letter);
if (mustBePerfect && repeatingLetter)
return false; // already removed
return remaingLetters.Count == 0;
bool isPangram = Inova.IsPangram("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyZZ", false);
Since z appears twice this method returns false for perfect and true for not perfect.
Side-note: i wanted to keep it simple, if you want you can still improve it. You can return true in the loop: if(!mustBePerfect && remaingLetters.Count == 0) return true.
I would check for existence of each letter in the string, so
public static bool IsPangram(string str) {
str = str.ToLower();
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
char c = Convert.ToChar(i + 97);
if (!str.Contains(c)) {
return false;
return true;
Console.WriteLine(IsPangram("hello world"));
Console.WriteLine(IsPangram("abcdefghi jkl mno pqrstuvwxyz"));
// output:

Unable to find long string in array string - C#

I'm trying to find a long string in another string. For this I've been using G[i].Contains(P[arr]) but for some reason the code just skips that condition. In my case : G[I] is 1000 character long and P[arr] is 475. When I debug I can see strings are not trimmed and also I have verified that P[ARR] is part of G[I] in Notepad++ so it should definitely satisfy a condition.
for (int arr = 0; arr < P.Length; arr++)
for (int i = a; i < G.Length; i++)
if (G[i].Contains(P[arr]))
if (!(b == 0))
a = i + 1;
primary_1 = (a == 0) ? G[i].IndexOf(P[arr]) : primary;
a = i + 1;
Console.WriteLine("Counter: " + i);

Trouble creating algorithm that modifies elements of a 2d array

I am having trouble editing the values of a 2d char array.
char[,] chrRaster = new char[4, 5];
After adding values to the array and printing it to the console, I get:
// Input example:
I am trying to make an algorithm that replaces every '*' that is beside, under or above a '.' by a '.' and then printing this to the console.
// Output after algorithm example:
I have tried converting the 2d char array to a 2d string array and then using IndexOf('*') to replace every '*' that is beside, under or above a '.', and I also tried calculating this using a number of if and for loops without any luck.
static void Main(string[] args)
// Variablen
int intTestgeval = 0; // Number of times you want program to repeat
int intN = 0; // Number of rows
int intM = 0; // Number of coloms
char chrGrond; // Used to store '*' or '.'
char[,] chrRaster; // 2d char array used to store all values
// Code
intTestgeval = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // Number of times program will repeat
if(intTestgeval > 150) // Program can not repeat more then 150 times
throw new Exception();
catch (Exception)
intN = Controle(intN); // Number of rows ophalen
intM = Controle(intM); // Number of Coloms ophalen
chrRaster = new char[intN, intM]; // Initializing array with user input
for (int intR = 0; intR < intTestgeval; intR++) // Print 2d array to console
for(int intY = 0; intY < intN; intY++)
for(int intZ = 0; intZ < intM; intZ++)
chrGrond = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadKey().KeyChar);
chrRaster[intY, intZ] = chrGrond;
instorten[intR] = Instorten(chrRaster, intN, intM); // Ignore this part, that's another part of my assignment not related to my question.
static int Controle( int intX )
intX = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
if (intX > 150 || intX < 1) // Length of row and colom can not exceed 20 and can not go lower then 1
throw new Exception();
return intX;
catch // Program will off if value does not meet requirements
return intX;
// It is this part of the program I need help with. This is what I tried but can't get any further
static int Instorten(char[,] chrRaster, int intN, int intM)
for (int intY = 0; intY < intN; intY++)
for (int intZ = 0; intZ < intM; intZ++)
if(chrRaster[intY, intZ] == '.' && chrRaster[intY, intZ + 1] == '*' || chrRaster[intY, intZ] == '*' && chrRaster[intY, intZ + 1] == '.')
int intm = 0;
return intm;
One way to do this would be to make a copy of the array and then iterate over it, examining each item. If the item is a '.', then update the neighbors of this item in the original array.
To determine the neighbors, we simply add one to the row to get the neighbor below, subtract one from the row to get the neighbor above, and similarly we can get the right and left neighbors by adding/subtracting from the column value. Of course we need to ensure that we're inside the bounds of the array before doing anything.
We could write a method with this logic that might look like:
private static void ExposeDotNeighbors(char[,] input)
if (input == null) return;
// Make a copy of the input array that we can iterate over
// so that we don't analyze items that we've already changed
var copy = (char[,]) input.Clone();
for (var row = 0; row <= copy.GetUpperBound(0); row++)
for (var col = 0; col <= copy.GetUpperBound(1); col++)
if (copy[row, col] == '.')
// Update neighbors in original array
// Above = [row - 1, col], Below = [row + 1, col],
// Left = [row, col - 1], Right = [row, col + 1]
// Before updating, make sure we're inside the array bounds
if (row > 0) input[row - 1, col] = '.';
if (row < input.GetUpperBound(0)) input[row + 1, col] = '.';
if (col > 0) input[row, col - 1] = '.';
if (col < input.GetUpperBound(1)) input[row, col + 1] = '.';
We can also write some helper methods that will give us the initial array and to print an array to the console (also one that will write a header to the console):
private static char[,] GetInitialArray()
var initialArray = new char[4, 5];
for (var row = 0; row <= initialArray.GetUpperBound(0); row++)
for (var col = 0; col <= initialArray.GetUpperBound(1); col++)
if ((row == 1 && col == 2) || (row == 3 && col == 4))
initialArray[row, col] = '.';
initialArray[row, col] = '*';
return initialArray;
private static void PrintArrayToConsole(char[,] input)
if (input == null) return;
for (var row = 0; row <= input.GetUpperBound(0); row++)
for (var col = 0; col <= input.GetUpperBound(1); col++)
Console.Write(input[row, col]);
private static void WriteHeader(string headerText)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headerText))
Console.Write(new string('═', Console.WindowWidth));
Console.WriteLine('╔' + new string('═', headerText.Length + 2) + '╗');
Console.WriteLine($"║ {headerText} ║");
Console.WriteLine('╚' + new string('═', headerText.Length + 2) + '╝');
With these helper methods, we can then write code like:
private static void Main()
var chrRaster = GetInitialArray();
GetKeyFromUser("\nDone! Press any key to exit...");
And out output would look like:
I noticed that you also appear to be getting the values from the user, and using try/catch blocks to validate the input. A better approach might be to write a helper method that takes in a string that represents the "prompt" to the user, and a validation method that can be used to validate the input. With this, we can keep asking the user for input until they enter something valid.
Below are methods that get an integer and a character from the user, and allow the caller to pass in a function that can be used for validation. These methods will not return until the user enters valid input:
private static char GetCharFromUser(string prompt, Func<char, bool> validator = null)
char result;
var cursorTop = Console.CursorTop;
ClearSpecificLineAndWrite(cursorTop, prompt);
result = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
} while (!(validator?.Invoke(result) ?? true));
return result;
private static int GetIntFromUser(string prompt, Func<int, bool> validator = null)
int result;
var cursorTop = Console.CursorTop;
ClearSpecificLineAndWrite(cursorTop, prompt);
} while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out result) ||
!(validator?.Invoke(result) ?? true));
return result;
private static void ClearSpecificLineAndWrite(int cursorTop, string message)
Console.SetCursorPosition(0, cursorTop);
Console.Write(new string(' ', Console.WindowWidth));
Console.SetCursorPosition(0, cursorTop);
We can then re-write our GetInitialArray method to use these methods to get the dimensions and values from the user:
private static char[,] GetInitialArray()
const int maxCols = 20;
const int maxRows = 20;
var numCols = GetIntFromUser(
$"How many columns do you want (1 - {maxCols}): ",
i => i > 0 && i <= maxCols);
var numRows = GetIntFromUser(
$"How many rows do you want (1 - {maxRows}): ",
i => i > 0 && i <= maxRows);
var initialArray = new char[numRows, numCols];
for (var row = 0; row <= initialArray.GetUpperBound(0); row++)
for (var col = 0; col <= initialArray.GetUpperBound(1); col++)
initialArray[row, col] = GetCharFromUser(
$"Enter value for [{row}, {col}] ('.' or '*'): ",
c => c == '.' || c == '*');
return initialArray;
And now our output might look like this:
If you try it, notice that you cannot enter an illegal value. The program just waits for you to read the instructions and enter a valid number or character. :)
Here is the algorithm that does what you want. I have tried to explain my code in the comments. The output will match what you're looking for.
static void Main(string[] args)
char STAR = '*';
char DOT = '.';
var input = new char[,]
var output = new char[4, 5];
// Copy each from input to output, checking if it touches a '.'
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < 5; y ++)
if (input[x, y] == STAR)
var isDot = false;
// Check left
if (x > 0)
isDot = input[x - 1, y] == DOT;
// Check right
if (x < 3)
isDot = isDot || (input[x + 1, y] == DOT);
// Check above
if (y > 0)
isDot = isDot || (input[x, y - 1] == DOT);
// Check below
if (y < 4)
isDot = isDot || (input[x, y + 1]) == DOT;
output[x, y] = isDot ? DOT : STAR;
output[x, y] = input[x, y];
// Print output
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x ++)
for (int y = 0; y < 5; y ++)
Console.Write(output[x, y]);
You can go like this :
using System;
public class chars
public static void Main(string[] args)
char[,] charArray = new char[,] {{'*','*','*','*','*'},
int[,] holdIndex = new int[4, 5];
for(int i = 0; i<4; i++) // get allindexes containing '.'
for(int j = 0; j<5; j++)
if(charArray[i,j] == '.')
holdIndex[i,j] = 1;
holdIndex[i,j] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<4; i++)
for(int j = 0; j<5; j++)
if(holdIndex[i,j] == 1)
charArray[i-1,j] = '.'; //up
charArray[i,j-1] = '.'; // left
charArray[i,j+1] = '.'; //right
charArray[i+1,j] = '.'; //down
for(int i = 0; i<4; i++)
for(int j = 0; j<5; j++)

Splitting String N into 4 distinct strings

The string has to be split into 4 pairwise different non-empty parts. For example,
"happynewyear" could become ["happy", "new", "ye" and "ar"]
No deletion, change of order of characters is permitted.
This question was part of an online competition, which is now over. I have written the following C# code which works for the test cases which I have run but it failed in 3 test cases after submission. I am not sure what cases I might be missing, can anyone help?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Hackerearth___India_Hacks
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var line1 = System.Console.ReadLine().Trim();
var N = Int32.Parse(line1);
string[] s = new string[N];
string result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
s[i] = System.Console.ReadLine().Trim();
result = result + "\n" + check(s[i]);
static string check(string s)
if (s.Length > 3)
string[] s1 = new string[4];
int k = 0;
string c = "";
foreach (char ch in s)
c = c + ch.ToString();
// Console.WriteLine("C :" +c);
if (k == 0)
s1[k] = c;
c = "";
k = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
int f = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
if (s1[j].Equals(c) || c == "")
if (f == 1)
s1[k] = c;
c = "";
if (k == 3 && s1[k] != null)
return "YES";
// Console.WriteLine("K :"+s[k]);
return "NO";
return "NO";
This would be an example which would not work with your algorithm: "aababa". The 4 strings should be ["aa", "b", "a","ba"] given your criteria, but your algorithm always assumes that the first character is the first string in the solution. This assumption is false. If "a" is the first string in the example I give, your algorithm would fail because it would make the first 3 strings ["a", "ab", "aba",...] that last one would fail with your algorithm because it has no more characters to add to the array.
A recursive solution makes sense to me... here's some code that I think would work.
EDIT: it does work... here's a dotnetfiddle
public static List<string> FindStrings(string s, int n) {
if (n == 0) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) {
return new List<string>{ };
return null; // null means invalid
for (var i=s.Length-1; i>=0; i--){
var startOfString = s.Substring(0, i);
var endOfString = s.Substring(i);
var list = FindStrings(startOfString, n-1);
// invalid... gotta continue to next try
if (list == null) continue;
// make sure there are no matches so far
if (list.Contains(endOfString)) continue;
// bingo!
if (list.Count == n-1) {
return list;
return null; // null means invalid
One way to tackle this problem is to solve the problem of creating all possible substrings. Then going through all the possibilities and making sure the results are distinct.
private static void Main(string[] args)
var N = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++)
Console.WriteLine(IsPairwiseUnquie(Console.ReadLine(), 4) ? "YES" : "NO");
public static bool IsPairwiseUnquie(string s, int count)
return s.AllSubstrings(4).Any(subs => subs.Count == subs.Distinct().Count());
public static IEnumerable<List<string>> AllSubstrings(this string str, int count)
if(str.Length < count)
throw new ArgumentException("Not enough characters");
if(count <= 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Must be greater than 0", nameof(count));
// Base case of only one substring, just return the original string.
if (count == 1)
yield return new List<string> { str };
yield break;
// break the string down by making a substring of all possible lengths from the first n
// then recursively call to get the possible substrings for the rest of the string.
for (int i = 1; i <= str.Length - count + 1; i++)
foreach (var subsubstrings in str.Substring(i).AllSubstrings(count - 1))
subsubstrings.Insert(0, str.Substring(0, i));
yield return subsubstrings;

changing data to xml

I have been tasked with finishing a demo for a client as our main developer is currently unavailable. All the programming experience I have is that I briefly crossed swords with C# 5 years ago but haven't used it since.
I need help with turning exported data into XML if that makes sense. Currently we have a build which takes a PDF form extracts the required data which is shown to work via command prompt. I need to be able to turn this data into XML, so it can be queried to a database. The idea of the program is to take required data from a PDF convert it to XML and query it to a database where the data is stored. We are using the C# language in conjunction with the iTextsharp library. I would post the code but I'm not allowed to.
So I am asking can anyone help me out? Maybe point me towards an example of how this is done and or explain as simply as possible how I would go about doing this? I wouldn't usually ask for help from others but because the fact I haven't coded in years, it has left me feeling intimidated.
This may prove usefull to you... Taken from a way to parse PDF data using iTextSharp
using iTextSharp.text.pdf;
using iTextSharp.text;
private void openPDF()
string str = "";
string newFile = "c:\\New Document.pdf";
Document doc = new Document();
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader("c:\\New Document.pdf");
for (int i = 1; i <= reader.NumberOfPages; i++)
byte[] bt = reader.GetPageContent(i);
str += ExtractTextFromPDFBytes(bt);
private string ExtractTextFromPDFBytes(byte[] input)
if (input == null || input.Length == 0) return "";
string resultString = "";
// Flag showing if we are we currently inside a text object
bool inTextObject = false;
// Flag showing if the next character is literal
// e.g. '\\' to get a '\' character or '\(' to get '('
bool nextLiteral = false;
// () Bracket nesting level. Text appears inside ()
int bracketDepth = 0;
// Keep previous chars to get extract numbers etc.:
char[] previousCharacters = new char[_numberOfCharsToKeep];
for (int j = 0; j < _numberOfCharsToKeep; j++) previousCharacters[j] = ' ';
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
char c = (char)input[i];
if (inTextObject)
// Position the text
if (bracketDepth == 0)
if (CheckToken(new string[] { "TD", "Td" }, previousCharacters))
resultString += "\n\r";
if (CheckToken(new string[] { "'", "T*", "\"" }, previousCharacters)) {
resultString += "\n";
if (CheckToken(new string[] { "Tj" }, previousCharacters))
resultString += " ";
// End of a text object, also go to a new line.
if (bracketDepth == 0 && CheckToken(new string[] { "ET" }, previousCharacters))
inTextObject = false;
resultString += " ";
// Start outputting text
if ((c == '(') && (bracketDepth == 0) && (!nextLiteral))
bracketDepth = 1;
// Stop outputting text
if ((c == ')') && (bracketDepth == 1) && (!nextLiteral))
bracketDepth = 0;
// Just a normal text character:
if (bracketDepth == 1)
// Only print out next character no matter what.
// Do not interpret.
if (c == '\\' && !nextLiteral)
nextLiteral = true;
if (((c >= ' ') && (c <= '~')) || ((c >= 128) && (c < 255)))
resultString += c.ToString();
nextLiteral = false;
// Store the recent characters for
// when we have to go back for a checking
for (int j = 0; j < _numberOfCharsToKeep - 1; j++)
previousCharacters[j] = previousCharacters[j + 1];
previousCharacters[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 1] = c;
// Start of a text object
if (!inTextObject && CheckToken(new string[] { "BT" }, previousCharacters))
inTextObject = true;
return resultString;
return string.Empty;
private bool CheckToken(string[] tokens, char[] recent)
foreach (string token in tokens)
if ((recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 3] == token[0]) &&
(recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 2] == token[1]) &&
((recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 1] == ' ') ||
(recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 1] == 0x0d) ||
(recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 1] == 0x0a)) &&
((recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 4] == ' ') ||
(recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 4] == 0x0d) ||
(recent[_numberOfCharsToKeep - 4] == 0x0a)))
return true;
return false;
Once the data is parsed it's then a matter of converting each line to a class (as recommended by Andrei V in your post's comment), serializing it to XML and then storing either the XML file itself to the database or the XML data to the database.

