I have about 15 entities for which I have to get id and name properties. First, I check whether the properties can be pulled from local cache. If not, then I fetch them by code from DB and save in cache.
Here's my code just for two entities:
public class GetParamsService : IGetParamsService
private readonly IMemoryCache _cache;
private readonly MemoryCacheEntryOptions _cacheOptions;
private readonly IDealTypeRepository _dealTypeRepository;
private readonly ICurrencyRepository _currencyRepository;
public GetParamsService(IMemoryCache memoryCache,
IDealTypeRepository dealTypeRepository,
ICurrencyRepository currencyRepository)
_cache = memoryCache;
_cacheOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()
_dealTypeRepository = dealTypeRepository;
_currencyRepository = currencyRepository;
public async Task<(int idDealType, string dealTypeName)> GetDealTypeParams(
string dealTypeCode)
if (!_cache.TryGetValue(CacheKeys.IdDealType, out int idDealType)
| !_cache.TryGetValue(CacheKeys.DealTypeName, out string dealTypeName))
var dealType = await _dealTypeRepository
.Get(x => x.Code == dealTypeCode, dealTypeCode);
idDealType = dealType.IdDealType;
dealTypeName = dealType.Name;
_cache.Set(CacheKeys.IdDealType, idDealType, _cacheOptions);
_cache.Set(CacheKeys.DealTypeName, dealTypeName, _cacheOptions);
return (idDealType, dealTypeName);
public async Task<(int idCurrency, string currencyName)> GetCurrencyParams(
string currencyCode)
if (!_cache.TryGetValue(CacheKeys.IdCurrency, out int idCurrency)
| !_cache.TryGetValue(CacheKeys.CurrencyName, out string currencyName))
var currency = await _currencyRepository
.Get(x => x.Code == currencyCode, currencyCode);
idCurrency = currency.IdCurrency;
currencyName = currency.Name;
_cache.Set(CacheKeys.IdCurrency, idCurrency, _cacheOptions);
_cache.Set(CacheKeys.CurrencyName, currencyName, _cacheOptions);
return (idCurrency, currencyName);
So, the methods GetDealTypeParams and GetCurrencyParams are pretty much the same and I want to make one generic method instead of many similar methods. I guess it makes sense.
The problem is that I don't know how to get "the right properties for given entity" in CacheKeys class:
public static class CacheKeys
public static string IdDealType => "_IdDealType";
public static string DealTypeName => "_DealTypeName";
public static string IdCurrency => "_IdCurrency";
public static string CurrencyName => "_CurrencyName";
// ...
Every repository is inheritted from GenericRepository with Get method:
public class DealTypeRepository : GenericRepository<DealTypeEntity>, IDealTypeRepository
public DealTypeRepository(DbContextOptions<MyContext> dbContextOptions)
: base(dbContextOptions)
public class GenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
private readonly DbContextOptions<MyContext> _dbContextOptions;
public GenericRepository(DbContextOptions<MyContext> dbContextOptions)
_dbContextOptions = dbContextOptions;
public async Task<TEntity> Get(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate, string code)
using (var db = new MyContext(_dbContextOptions))
using (var tr = db.Database.BeginTransaction(
var entity = await db.Set<TEntity>().AsNoTracking()
return entity;
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception("Error on getting entity by code: {code}");
Can you please guide me how can I retrieve the needed properties of CacheKeys class to write a generic method ? I guess it can be easily done with reflection.
I'm not sure whether I have to try one generic method as every entity has Id property with its own name (for example, IdDealType for dealType, IdCurrency for currency)
Before I start: This solution assumes that all your entities follow the naming conventions you showed on your sample code.
First, it would be better if you had a repository exclusive to this service, where it would be possible to query by any entity type. There, you would use your convention to get those properties names, and you could query them by using EF.Property. As all your queries seem to be on the Code column, we can also simplify the parameters on that repo's method.
public class ParamRepository : IParamRepository
private readonly DbContextOptions<MyContext> _dbContextOptions;
public ParamRepository(DbContextOptions<MyContext> dbContextOptions)
_dbContextOptions = dbContextOptions;
public async Task<(int id, string name)> GetParamsByCode<TEntity>(string code) where TEntity : class
string entityName = typeof(TEntity).Name;
string idProp = $"Id{entityName}";
string nameProp = $"{entityName}Name";
using (var db = new MyContext(_dbContextOptions))
var entity = await db.Set<TEntity>().AsNoTracking()
.Where(p => EF.Property<string>(p, "Code") == code)
.Select(p => new { Id = EF.Property<int>(p, idProp), Name = EF.Property<string>(p, nameProp)})
return (id: entity.Id, name: entity.Name);
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception("Error on getting entity by code: {code}");
You would also need to refactor your cache keys to be created from conventions:
public static class CacheKeys
public static string GetIdKey<TEntity>() => $"_Id{typeof(TEntity).Name}";
public static string GetNameKey<TEntity>() => $"_{typeof(TEntity).Name}Name";
Then, it gets easy on the GetParamsService:
public class GetParamsService
private readonly IMemoryCache _cache;
private readonly MemoryCacheEntryOptions _cacheOptions;
private readonly IParamRepository _paramRepository;
public GetParamsService(IMemoryCache memoryCache,
IParamRepository paramRepository)
_cache = memoryCache;
_cacheOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()
_paramRepository = paramRepository;
public async Task<(int id, string name)> GetParams<TEntity>(string code) where TEntity : class
string cacheIdKey = CacheKeys.GetIdKey<TEntity>();
string cacheNameKey = CacheKeys.GetNameKey<TEntity>();
if (!_cache.TryGetValue(cacheIdKey, out int cacheId)
| !_cache.TryGetValue(cacheNameKey, out string cacheName))
var param = await _paramRepository.GetParamsByCode<TEntity>(code);
cacheId = param.id;
cacheName = param.name;
_cache.Set(cacheIdKey, cacheId, _cacheOptions);
_cache.Set(cacheNameKey, cacheName, _cacheOptions);
return (cacheId, cacheName);
I have a class which contains readonly private fields
public sealed class Company : AggregateRoot
private readonly List<TimeSeriesImportInfo> _executedImportInfo = new();
private readonly List<StockPrice> _stockPrices = new();
public Company(
Guid id,
string name,
string symbol)
: base(id)
Name = name;
Symbol = symbol;
public string Name { get; }
public string Symbol { get; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<TimeSeriesImportInfo> ExecutedImportInfo => _executedImportInfo.AsReadOnly();
public IReadOnlyCollection<StockPrice> StockPrices => _stockPrices.AsReadOnly();
public void AddExecutedImportInfo(DateTime month)
var timeSeriesImportInfo = new TimeSeriesImportInfo(month);
var hasAlreadyBeenHandled = ExecutedImportInfo.Contains(timeSeriesImportInfo);
if (hasAlreadyBeenHandled)
throw new ImportExecutedBeforeDomainException(Id, month);
var importExecutedEvent = new ImportExecutedDomainEvent(Id, timeSeriesImportInfo.Month);
public void AddStockPrices(ICollection<StockPrice> stockPrices)
var hasAlreadyBeenImported = stockPrices.Any(newStockPrice =>
if (hasAlreadyBeenImported)
throw new StockPriceAlreadyImportedDomainException(Id, stockPrices);
var stockPricesAddedEvent = new StockPricesAddedDomainEvent(Id, stockPrices);
I have configured the mapping for the company using the following method:
public static class Mapping
public static IServiceCollection AddMappings(this IServiceCollection services)
BsonClassMap.RegisterClassMap<Company>(classMap =>
return services;
The values of those private readonly fields are correctly saved to the database. However when im trying to fetch company object - those private fields can't be deserialized properly, because after the fetch they have default values (although they are persisted in the db). If i removed the "readonly" keyword from them - everything works correctly. I would like to avoid removing the readonly key and would like to not modify the Company class. How to achieve that in C#? Thanks for any help, regards.
it's not supported, readonly fields are skipped during deserialization after ctor called.
I'm new at working on the abp.io framework, precisely Angular + Entity Framework Core.
I want to be able to create or display an objects list of a class that I've created.
For example, I've made a class called Address on the Domain layer.
Here is its AppService on the Application layer:
namespace ASKOM.RefPlusStudio.core.Services
public class AddressAppService : coreAppService, IAddressAppService
private readonly IAddressRepository _addressRepository;
private readonly AddressManager _addressManager;
public AddressAppService(IAddressRepository addressRepository, AddressManager addressManager)
_addressRepository = addressRepository;
_addressManager = addressManager;
public async Task<AddressDto> CreateAsync(CreateUpdateAddressDto input)
var address = await _addressManager.CreateAsync(
await _addressRepository.InsertAsync(address);
return ObjectMapper.Map<Address, AddressDto>(address);
public async Task DeleteAsync(Guid id)
await _addressRepository.DeleteAsync(id);
public async Task<AddressDto> GetAsync(Guid id)
var address = await _addressRepository.GetAsync(id);
return ObjectMapper.Map<Address, AddressDto>(address);
public async Task<PagedResultDto<AddressDto>> GetListAsync(GetAddressListDto input)
if (input.Sorting.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
input.Sorting = nameof(Address.Country);
var addresses = await _addressRepository.GetListAsync(
var totalCount = await AsyncExecuter.CountAsync(
address => address.Country.Contains(input.Filter)
return new PagedResultDto<AddressDto>(
ObjectMapper.Map<List<Address>, List<AddressDto>>(addresses)
public async Task UpdateAsync(Guid id, CreateUpdateAddressDto input)
var address = await _addressRepository.GetAsync(id);
address.StreetNumber = input.StreetNumber;
address.StreetName = input.StreetName;
address.PostalCode = input.PostalCode;
address.City = input.City;
address.Country = input.Country;
await _addressRepository.UpdateAsync(address);
I gave them all the permissions needed.
Here is corePermissions.cs :
namespace ASKOM.RefPlusStudio.core.Permissions
public static class corePermissions
public const string GroupName = "core";
//Add your own permission names. Example:
//public const string MyPermission1 = GroupName + ".MyPermission1";
public static class Addresses
public const string Default = GroupName + ".Addresses";
public const string Create = Default + ".Create";
public const string Edit = Default + ".Edit";
public const string Delete = Default + ".Delete";
I wanted to see if it can display an Addresses list so I've made a static one on DataSeeder:
namespace ASKOM.RefPlusStudio.core
public class coreDataSeederContributor : IDataSeedContributor, ITransientDependency
private readonly IRepository<Address, Guid> _addressRepository;
private readonly IGuidGenerator _guidGenerator;
public coreDataSeederContributor(IRepository<Address, Guid> addressRepository, IGuidGenerator guidGenerator)
_addressRepository = addressRepository;
_guidGenerator = guidGenerator;
public async Task SeedAsync(DataSeedContext context)
if (await _addressRepository.GetCountAsync() > 0)
var address = new Address(
id: _guidGenerator.Create(),
streetNumber: 07,
streetName: "Med Salah Belhaj",
postalCode: 2080,
city: "Ariana",
country: "Tunisie"
//autoSave: true
await _addressRepository.InsertAsync(address);
Here is now the result on Swagger UI:
When I try to open the request URL, here is what it shows:
I'm sure that I may have forgotten something and that's why I get Access Denied on the Request URL, but I don't really know what it is because I'm new at this.
Could you please help me?
Thank you
There was a problem with the database. That's why it hasn't read the data I've provided in the DataSeedProvider.
I try to make a test with xUnit finding the Id in a query in the controller.
My code its.
public class CuestionarioTest
public readonly CuestionarioController _controller;
private readonly Mock<ICuestionarioServicio> _cuestionariosServicio;
private readonly Mock<IRespuestaServicio> _respuestaServicio;
public CuestionarioTest()
_cuestionariosServicio = new Mock<ICuestionarioServicio>();
_respuestaServicio = new Mock<IRespuestaServicio>();
_controller = new CuestionarioController(_cuestionariosServicio.Object, _respuestaServicio.Object);
public async Task ComprobarBusquedaPorId()
int id = 1;
var result = await _controller.BuscarPorId(id);
Assert.Contains(1, result.);
This is my method
public class CuestionarioController : Controller
private readonly ICuestionarioServicio _cuestionariosServicio;
private readonly IRespuestaServicio _respuestaServicio;
public CuestionarioController(ICuestionarioServicio cuestionarioServicio, IRespuestaServicio respuestaServicio)
_cuestionariosServicio = cuestionarioServicio;
_respuestaServicio = respuestaServicio;
public async Task<IActionResult> BuscarPorId(int id)
return Ok(await _cuestionariosServicio.ObtenerPorId(id));
I don't know how can validate if the result contain the Id with the result.
Please help.
If you cast the result, you can pull out the value:
var value = (result as OkObjectResult).Value;
Assert.Contains(1, value);
I am wondering, how we can handle a situation, and if I'm going about this the wrong way. We wrote a web application based on one ERP's database schema model. We are using Entity Framework for the system, with the regular dependency injection method.
Now that we have purchased multiple ERP's from other labs, we are trying to allow their data be used on our first original web portal built for our original ERP. As you can imagine, this is rough as the database models and design will not line up with ours. For example something like GetAllAssets() stored procedure returns the complex type and then is bound to the repo level, the service level and onto the view.
What I was thinking is that we could maybe add multiple EDMX (context for databases), then keep everything from the Views to the controllers to the service layer the same. At the service layer, and type params to our classes, and so we could pass the context the current user logged in as, and then in auto mapper add new entries for the new database context calls from Entity Framework, to map to our original code from the service back down to the view.
Is this possible, and or a good idea or bad idea?
Here is a example of a current basic controller we are using with DI style, and I have removed a lot of code for this question's example:
public class LocationController : Controller
private readonly IMProAssetLocationService _mProAssetLocationService;
private readonly IUIDataService _uiDataService;
public LocationController(IMProAssetLocationService mProAssetLocationService,
IUIDataService uiDataService)
_mProAssetLocationService = mProAssetLocationService;
public ActionResult List()
return View();
public ActionResult List2()
return View();
public ActionResult GetLocationList([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request)
//var result = DepartmentService.GetDepartmentList(SessionHelper.GetCustId());
var result = _mProAssetLocationService.MProAssetLocationGetLocationByCustID(SessionHelper.GetCustId(), null);
if (result != null && result.Any())
return Json(result.ToDataSourceResult(request), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
The interface service layer:
public interface IMProAssetLocationService
IEnumerable<LocationVm> MProAssetLocationGetLocationByCustID(string custId,string id);
string MProAssetLocationInsertLocation(LocationVm vm);
void MProAssetLocationDeleteLocationByCustIDAndLocationID(string custId, string locationId);
void MProAssetLocationUpdateLocationByCustIDAndLocationID(LocationVm vm);
The service layer:
public class MProAssetLocationService : LogManager, IMProAssetLocationService
private readonly IMProAssetLocationRepo _mProAssetLocationRepo;
public MProAssetLocationService(IMProAssetLocationRepo mProAssetLocationRepo)
_mProAssetLocationRepo = mProAssetLocationRepo;
protected override Type LogPrefix
get { return this.GetType(); }
public IEnumerable<LocationVm> MProAssetLocationGetLocationByCustID(string custId, string id)
List<LocationVm> listlocationVm = new List<LocationVm>();
var records = _mProAssetLocationRepo.MProAssetLocationGetLocationByCustID(custId,id);
The Interface repo layer:
public interface IMProAssetLocationRepo : IRepository<MProAssetLocation>
IEnumerable<string> GetMProAssetLocatonByCustId(string custId);
IEnumerable<string> GetMProAssetLocatonDescriptionByCustId(string custId);
IEnumerable<LocationView> GetMProAssetLocatonListByCustId(string search, string locationID, string custId);
IEnumerable<LocationView> MProAssetLocationGetLocationByCustID(string custId, string id);
string MProAssetLocationInsertLocation(LocationView lv);
void MProAssetLocationDeleteLocationByCustIDAndLocationID(string custId, string locationId);
void MProAssetLocationUpdateLocationByCustIDAndLoacationID(LocationView lv);
The repo layer:
public class CalLocationsRepo : RepositoryBase<CalLocaton>, ICalLocationsRepo
public CalLocationsRepo(IDbFactory dbFactory)
: base(dbFactory)
//WHERE CalCodeActive=1 AND CalCodeGroup='OSS' ORDER BY CalCode
public IEnumerable<string> GetCalLocations(string empID)
return DbContext.TAM_GetCalLocationsList(empID).ToList();
I was thinking of something like using a context type in our system. I know the entity models calls would be named differently based on our different databases using their own stored procedures, but thought at the level prior to the call i check the context to use, then make the call accordingly like so:
public class DBContextRepo<T> : RepositoryBase, IDBContextRepo<T>
DBContextRepo<T> _typeParameterClass;
public DBContextRepo(IDbFactory dbFactory, DBContextRepo<T> typeParameterClass)
: base(dbFactory)
_typeParameterClass = typeParameterClass;
public List<string> GetAllModelsByManufcaturer(string manufacturerName)
List<string> results = new List<string>();
if (_typeParameterClass.GetType() == typeof(TAM.DataLayer.EntityModels.QuoteWerks1Entities))
using(var dbContext = DbContextQw)
var items = dbContext.Products_OurProducts_Products.Where(p => p.Manufacturer == manufacturerName).ToList();
results = items.Select(p => p.ManufacturerPartNumber).ToList();
using (var dbContext = DbContext)
var items = dbContext.Models.Where(a => a.Manufacturer.MfrName == manufacturerName);
results = items.Select(m => m.ModelNumber).ToList();
return results;
This causes errors and is where im not sure how to handle two DBContext:
public class DbFactory : Disposable, IDbFactory
private TAMModel _dbContext;
private QuoteWerks1Entities _dbContextQW;
public TAMModel Init()
return _dbContext ?? (_dbContext = new TAMModel());
public QuoteWerks1Entities InitQW()
return _dbContextQW ?? (_dbContextQW = new QuoteWerks1Entities());
protected override void DisposeCore()
if (_dbContext != null)
if (_dbContextQW != null)
Once i added the second context, all of my regular code say they do not have a corresponding type in constructors such as this one:
public class ContractRepo : RepositoryBase<Contract>, IContractRepo
public ContractRepo(IDbFactory dbFactory)
: base(dbFactory)
public string GetContractIdentifyByCustId(string custId)
return DbContext.TAM_GetContractIdentifyByCustId(custId).SingleOrDefault();
Here is the BaseRepo class:
public class RepositoryBase
private readonly TAMModel _dataContext;
private readonly QuoteWerks1Entities _dataContextQW;
protected IDbFactory DbFactory { get; private set; }
protected TAMModel DbContext
return _dataContext ?? DbFactory.Init();
protected QuoteWerks1Entities DbContextQw
return _dataContextQW ?? DbFactory.InitQW();
protected RepositoryBase(IDbFactory dbFactory)
DbFactory = dbFactory;
public abstract class RepositoryBase<T> where T : class
private readonly TAMModel _dataContext;
private readonly IDbSet<T> _dbSet;
private readonly IDbSet<T> _dbSetQW;
private readonly QuoteWerks1Entities _dataContextQW;
protected IDbFactory DbFactory { get; private set; }
protected TAMModel DbContext
return _dataContext ?? DbFactory.Init();
protected QuoteWerks1Entities DbContextQW
return _dataContextQW ?? DbFactory.InitQW();
protected RepositoryBase(IDbFactory dbFactory, T type)
DbFactory = dbFactory;
_dbSet = DbContext.Set<T>();
_dbSetQW = DbContextQW.Set<T>();
public virtual void Add(T entity)
public virtual void Update(T entity)
DbContext.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
public virtual void Delete(T entity)
public virtual void Delete(Expression<Func<T, bool>> where)
IEnumerable<T> objects = _dbSet.Where<T>(where);
foreach (T obj in objects)
public virtual T GetById(int id)
return _dbSet.Find(id);
public virtual T GetById(string id)
return _dbSet.Find(id);
public virtual IEnumerable<T> GetAll()
return _dbSet.ToList();
public virtual IEnumerable<T> GetMany(Expression<Func<T, bool>> where)
return _dbSet.Where(where).ToList();
public T Get(Expression<Func<T, bool>> where)
return _dbSet.Where(where).SingleOrDefault();
public virtual IQueryable<T> Query()
return _dbSet;
public virtual IQueryable<T> Query(Expression<Func<T, bool>> where)
return _dbSet.Where(where);
public virtual ObjectQuery<U> CreateQuery<U>(string query, ObjectParameter[] parameters)
return CastAsObjectContext().CreateQuery<U>(query, parameters);
public virtual ObjectQuery<U> CreateQuery<U>(string query)
return CreateQuery<U>(query, new ObjectParameter[0] { });
public virtual ObjectQuery<DbDataRecord> CreateQuery(string query, ObjectParameter[] parameters)
return CreateQuery<DbDataRecord>(query, parameters);
public virtual ObjectQuery<DbDataRecord> CreateQuery(string query)
return CreateQuery<DbDataRecord>(query);
private ObjectContext CastAsObjectContext()
var oContext = (DbContext as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext;
return oContext;
The only problem is, how do I set the context on a login when using dependency injection? Will this work, as at the moment I'm still in the process, or am I over complicating it and going about it the wrong way? Thanks in advance.
I want to ask what is a good unit test for the method below GetMeetingsByInterimIdentifier where interim identifier is a string -- such as 78th2015.
We are setup to use the interface IMeetingsService. We are using MOQ and Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.
public class MeetingsService : IMeetingsService
private readonly IInterimCommitteeDbContext _db;
public MeetingsService(IInterimCommitteeDbContext db)
this._db = db;
public IQueryable<Meeting> GetMeetingsByInterimIdentifier(string interimIdentifier)
from m in this._db.Meetings
join c in this._db.Committees on m.CommitteeId equals c.CommitteeId
where c.InterimIdentifier == interimIdentifier
select m;
public Meeting GetMeeting(int meetingKey)
return this._db.Meetings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.MeetingId == meetingKey);
But I am not sure how to set it up. This result is not null, but what does it do for me?
public void GetMeetingsByInterimIdentifier_WithInterimIdentifier_ReturnsMeetingList()
var interim = Properties.Settings.Default.DefaultInterimIdentifier;
var result = _meetingServiceMock.Setup(x => x.GetMeetingsByInterimIdentifier(interim));
Create a Mock<IInterimCommitteeDbContext> and pass it into the constructor. On this object setup the Meetings and Committees properties to return various collections.
You should have different tests setup that return different collections. For example, how should this behave if both the Meetings and Committees are empty, i.e. there is no data in the database? How should it behave if there isn't an object with the provided InterimIdentifier? What about if there is one that matches etc.
I figured out how to do this using test doubles. I am using Entity Framework 6 with the code first model. I created a DbContext that inherited from my I-DbContext interface. Then I was able to create in-memory data to use in my service layer unit tests. Below is an example of:
the test data context,
the test dbset,
an example unit test.
This solution was available from an msdn article here:
public class CommitteeContextTest : ICommitteeDbContext
public CommitteeContextTest()
this.Committees = new TestDbSet();
this.CommitteeMembers = new TestDbSet();
public Database Database { get; }
public DbSet Committees { get; set; }
public DbSet CommitteeMembers { get; set; }
public class TestDbSet : DbSet, IQueryable, IEnumerable, IDbAsyncEnumerable
where TEntity : class
ObservableCollection _data;
IQueryable _query;
public TestDbSet()
_data = new ObservableCollection();
_query = _data.AsQueryable();
public override TEntity Add(TEntity item)
return item;
public override TEntity Remove(TEntity item)
return item;
public override TEntity Attach(TEntity item)
return item;
public override TEntity Create()
return Activator.CreateInstance();
public class CommitteeServiceTest
private InterimCommitteeContextTest _interimCommitteeContext;
private ICommitteeService _service;
private string _interim;
public void SetUp()
_interimCommitteeContext = new InterimCommitteeContextTest();
_service = new CommitteeService(_interimCommitteeContext);
_interim = Settings.Default.DefaultInterimIdentifier;
public void Teardown()
_interimCommitteeContext = null;
_service = null;
public void GetCommittee_ProvideInterimCommitteeId_ReturnOneCommittee()
//Act and Assert
var result = _service.GetCommittee(_interim, 1);
Assert.AreEqual(1, result.CommitteeId); //Passes. IsActive set to true;
result = _service.GetCommittee(_interim, 0);
Assert.IsNull(result); //Fails. No committeeId = 0;
result = _service.GetCommittee(_interim, 2);
Assert.IsNull(result); //Fails. CommitteeId = 2 is not active.
public void AddCommittees()
_interimCommitteeContext.Committees.Add(new Committee() { CommitteeId = 1, InterimIdentifier = _interim, IsActive = true, CommitteeTypeId = 1 });
_interimCommitteeContext.Committees.Add(new Committee() { CommitteeId = 2, InterimIdentifier = _interim, IsActive = false, CommitteeTypeId = 1 });
_interimCommitteeContext.Committees.Add(new Committee() { CommitteeId = 3, InterimIdentifier = _interim, IsActive = true, CommitteeTypeId = 1 });
Use Mocking, that's what it is for. Use JMock or Mockito or any other library you prefer.