Have a utility I wrote that checks (among other things) the last time a set of servers was rebooted. This works great as long as the servers are all within my domain and the user launching the app have rights on the servers. Added a section where the user can specify alternative credentials, in our case specifically to deal with another domain. The credentials I am feeding into have domain admin rights on the destination domain, yet my code is getting an Access Denied (Unauthorized Access) error.
private void btnLastReboot_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ConnectionOptions conOpts = new ConnectionOptions();
if (selectedList.Count > 0)
Cursor currentCursor = Cursor.Current;
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
stripProgress.Visible = true;
stripProgress.Minimum = 0;
stripProgress.Maximum = selectedList.Count();
stripProgress.Step = 1;
stripProgress.Value = 0;
rtfOut.SelectionTabs = new int[] { 100, 200 };
rtfOut.Text = "";
var sq = new SelectQuery("Win32_OperatingSystem");
if (prefs.useCurrentUser == true)
// Setting all fields to NULL causes current user info to be used
conOpts.Username = null;
conOpts.Password = null;
conOpts.Authority = null;
conOpts.Username = prefs.userName;
conOpts.Password = prefs.password.ToString();
conOpts.Authority = "ntlmdomain:" + prefs.domain;
foreach (ServerList anEntry in selectedList)
var mgmtScope = new ManagementScope("\\\\" + anEntry.ServerName + "\\root\\cimv2", conOpts);
var mgmtSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(mgmtScope, sq);
foreach (var item in mgmtSearcher.Get())
var lastBoot = item.GetPropertyValue("LastBootUpTime").ToString();
DateTime lboot = ManagementDateTimeConverter.ToDateTime(lastBoot);
rtfOut.Text += anEntry.ServerName + "\t";
if(anEntry.ServerName.Length <= 9)
rtfOut.Text += "\t";
rtfOut.Text += lboot.ToLongDateString() + " (" + lboot.ToLongTimeString() + ")\r\n";
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex is UnauthorizedAccessException)
rtfOut.Text += anEntry.ServerName + "\t <Access Denied>\r\n";
rtfOut.Text += anEntry.ServerName + "\t <not responding>\r\n";
stripProgress.Visible = false;
Cursor.Current = currentCursor;
Had to sleep on it, but the answer finally hit me in the shower...
I store the password the user provides in a SecureString variable, but the ConnectionOptions' password field expects the value as a clear string. I was able to test this by temporarily hard coding a password in, which then worked. The final solution was to convert the SecureString to a clear string and then assign it to the ConnectionOption.
If anyone is curious, I used this bit to convert the password back:
string password = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(string.Empty, securePassword).Password;
I want to check if the given Password is the password which is locking the Excel-File.
Here is how i tried it:
var DepartmentStream = new FileStream(Deparment, FileMode.Open);
var EmplyoeeStream = new FileStream(Employee, FileMode.Open);
var options = new LoadOptions {Password = "ExamplePassword123"};
DepartmentGrid = new Workbook(DepartmentStream); // set as a Workbook property and doesn't need a password
EmployeeGrid = new Workbook(EmplyoeeStream , options); // set as a Workbook property
catch (Exception ex)
EmployeeGrid= null;
if (EmployeeGrid == null)
MessageBox.Show("The given password is wrong!", "Wrong password",);
How can i fix this, so that if the EmployeeGrid's (set as a Workbook property) password isn't the same as the given password the MessageBox get showed and the code leaves the method?
Your code looks to me OK, what's wrong with it? Your current code is trying to load an encrypted (password protected) file with the given password. If your code is not doing what you want, kindly do elaborate your needs, so we could help you accordingly. I will also write another sample code for your complete reference:
Sample code:
string m_documentFile = "e:\\test2\\EncryptedBook1j.xls";
//Get the password list to store into arrays.
string[] m_passwordList = { "001", "002", "003", "004", "005", "006", "007", "008" };
Workbook _workBook;
int i = 0;
int ncnt = 0;
//Check if the file is password protected.
FileFormatInfo fft = FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat(m_documentFile);
bool check = fft.IsEncrypted;
if (check)
LoadOptions loadOps = new LoadOptions();
for (i = ncnt; i < m_passwordList.Length; i++)
loadOps.Password = m_passwordList[i];
_workBook = new Workbook(m_documentFile, loadOps);
MessageBox.Show("Opened Successfully with the Password:" + m_passwordList[i]);
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.Message.CompareTo("Invalid password.") == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Invalid Password: " + m_passwordList[i] + " ,trying another in the list");
ncnt = i + 1;
goto RetryLabel;
PS. I am working as Support developer/ Evangelist at Aspose.
I am using the below code for login in using Ldap Authentication in ASP.net. However, I don't know how to pass the values from plain-text to this code. I want to run this through button click.
public class LdapAuthentication
private string _path;
private string _filterAttribute;
public LdapAuthentication(string path)
_path = path;
public bool IsAuthenticated(string domain, string username, string pwd)
string domainAndUsername = domain + #"\" + username;
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(_path, domainAndUsername, pwd);
// Bind to the native AdsObject to force authentication.
Object obj = entry.NativeObject;
DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
search.Filter = "(SAMAccountName=" + username + ")";
SearchResult result = search.FindOne();
if (null == result)
return false;
//if (result != null)
// string mail = result.Properties["mail"][0].ToString();
// Update the new path to the user in the directory
_path = result.Path;
_filterAttribute = (String)result.Properties["cn"][0];
_filterAttribute = (String)result.Properties["mail"][0];
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Error authenticating user. " + ex.Message);
return true;
public string GetGroups()
DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(_path);
search.Filter = "(cn=" + _filterAttribute + ")";
search.Filter = "(mail=" + _filterAttribute + ")";
StringBuilder groupNames = new StringBuilder();
SearchResult result = search.FindOne();
int propertyCount = result.Properties["memberOf"].Count;
String dn;
//int equalsIndex, commaIndex;
for (int propertyCounter = 0; propertyCounter < propertyCount;
dn = (String)result.Properties["memberOf"][propertyCounter];
//equalsIndex = dn.IndexOf("=", 1);
//commaIndex = dn.IndexOf(",", 1);
//if (-1 == equalsIndex)
// return null;
//groupNames.Append(dn.Substring((equalsIndex + 1),
// (commaIndex - equalsIndex) - 1));
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Error obtaining group names. " +
return groupNames.ToString();
This may be an oversimplification but...
public void LoginButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
LdapAuthentication auth = new LdapAuthentication("YOURPATH");
if (auth.IsAuthenticated("YOURDOMAIN", txtId.Text, txtPassword.Text))
//Login Passed
I'm assuming you are using WebForms and your username textbox has the ID "txtId", and your password textbox has ID "txtPassword".
If you are not using WebForms the implementation will be different. As spectacularbob mentioned, we can't really answer your question until we know which UI Framework you are using.
Hi I would like to avoid printing certain rows (valid accounts) in my foreach loop (in GetSAM)as opposed to printing everything.
When I try to do so by commenting away the line (in valSAM) that prints the valid accounts, the will be a blank in the area where a valid account once was. I understand that this is because the foreach loops through all the variables in the database.
How am I able to remove the gaps between the output?
//Get SAMAccount
private static string GetSAM(string ldapAddress, string serviceAccountUserName, string serviceAccountPassword)
string ldapPath = "LDAP://" + ldapAddress;
string ldapFilter = "(&(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=person))";
DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry(ldapPath, serviceAccountUserName, serviceAccountPassword);
string readOutput;
List<string> list = new List<string>();
List<int> invalid = new List<int>();
using (DirectorySearcher directorySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntry))
string samAccountName;
directorySearcher.Filter = ldapFilter;
directorySearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;
directorySearcher.PageSize = 1000;
using (SearchResultCollection searchResultCollection = directorySearcher.FindAll())
**foreach (SearchResult result in searchResultCollection)
samAccountName = result.Properties["sAMAccountName"][0].ToString();
if (valSAM(samAccountName, ldapAddress, serviceAccountUserName, serviceAccountPassword)!= true)
} //end of foreach**
// Count all accounts
int totalAccounts = list.Count;
// Count all invalid accounts
int invalidAccounts = invalid.Count;
Console.WriteLine("Found " + invalidAccounts + " invalid accounts out of " + totalAccounts + " user accounts.\nQuery in " + ldapAddress + " has finished.\n");
Console.WriteLine("Press [enter] to continue.\n");
readOutput = Console.ReadLine();
}//SearchResultCollection will be disposed here
return readOutput;
//Validate SAMAccount
private static bool valSAM(string samAccountName, string ldapAddress, string serviceAccountUserName, string serviceAccountPassword)
string ldapPath = "LDAP://" + ldapAddress;
DirectoryEntry directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry(ldapPath, serviceAccountUserName, serviceAccountPassword);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
bool accountValidation = false;
//create instance fo the directory searcher
DirectorySearcher desearch = new DirectorySearcher(directoryEntry);
//set the search filter
desearch.Filter = "(&(sAMAccountName=" + samAccountName + ")(objectcategory=user))";
//find the first instance
SearchResult results = desearch.FindOne();
using (PrincipalContext pc = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, ldapAddress))
//if users are present in database
if (results != null)
//Check if account is activated
bool isAccountActived = IsActive(results.GetDirectoryEntry());
//Check if account is expired or locked
bool isAccountLocked = IsAccountLockOrExpired(results.GetDirectoryEntry());
accountValidation = ((isAccountActived != true) || (isAccountLocked));
//account is invalid
if (accountValidation)
builder.Append("User account " + samAccountName + " is invalid. ");
if ((isAccountActived != true) && (isAccountLocked))
builder.Append("Account is inactive and locked or expired.").Append('\n'); ;
} else if (isAccountActived != true)
builder.Append("Account is inactive.").Append('\n'); ;
else if (isAccountLocked)
builder.Append("Account is locked or has expired.").Append('\n'); ;
builder.Append("Unknown reason for status. Contact admin for help.").Append('\n'); ;
accountValidation = false;
//account is valid
if ((isAccountActived) && (isAccountLocked != true))
**//builder.Append("User account " + samAccountName + " is valid.").Append('\n');
accountValidation = true;
else Console.WriteLine("Nothing found.");
}//end of using
return accountValidation;
You probably want to only write if builder has something otherwise it will print an empty line. Namely, change
if (builder.Length > 0)
or just
if you're going to handle all of the new lines in the builder itself. If you're going to do that, use StringBuilder.AppendLine() instead of hardcoding the '\n' like that.
StringBuilder.AppendLine https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.text.stringbuilder.appendline(v=vs.110).aspx
I am having an issue when attempting to create a new user in active directory. I followed the steps provided in this link for using PrincipalContext (with the exception that I am only doing one user at a time when they are hired and entered into the system and not multiple so no loop is required). I am also using a UserPrincipal Extender.
Here is the code that I have:
protected void CreateUserPE()
PrincipalContext userCtx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, DomainFQDN, DomainFull);
string UserName = txtFirstName.Text.ToLower() + " " + txtLastName.Text.ToLower();
string password = "superSecretPassword";
UserPrincipalsEx newUser = new UserPrincipalsEx(userCtx, UserName, password, true);
newUser.SamAccountName = txtFirstName.Text.ToLower() + "." + txtLastName.Text.ToLower();
newUser.UserPrincipalName = txtFirstName.Text.ToLower() + "." + txtLastName.Text.ToLower() + "#rasm.com";
newUser.EmployeeId = txtEmpID.Text;
newUser.LastName = txtLastName.Text;
newUser.GivenName = txtFirstName.Text;
newUser.DisplayName = txtFirstName.Text + " " + txtLastName.Text;
newUser.Name = txtFirstName.Text + " " + txtLastName.Text;
newUser.HomePostalAddress = txtAddress.Text + ", " + txtCity.Text + ", " + txtState.Text + ", " + txtZip.Text;
newUser.CountryName = txtCountry.Text;
newUser.HomePhone = txtHomePhone.Text;
newUser.MobilePhone = txtMobilePhone.Text;
newUser.DateOfBirth = txtDOB.Text;
newUser.EmergencyContact = txtEmergencyCnt.Text;
newUser.EmergencyPhone = txtContactPhone.Text;
newUser.Relationship = ddlRelationship1.SelectedItem.ToString();
newUser.EmergencyContact2 = txtEmergencyCnt2.Text;
newUser.EmergencyPhone2 = txtContactPhone2.Text;
newUser.Relationship2 = ddlRelationship2.SelectedItem.ToString();
newUser.EyeColor = ddlEyeColor.SelectedItem.ToString();
newUser.HairColor = ddlHairColor.SelectedItem.ToString();
newUser.Height = txtHeight.Text;
newUser.Weight = txtWeight.Text;
newUser.Gender = ddlGender.SelectedItem.ToString();
newUser.PersonalEmail = txtPersonalEmail.Text;
newUser.PassportExpires = txtPassportExp.Text;
newUser.HomeBase = ddlHomeStation.SelectedItem.ToString();
newUser.WorkLocation = txtWorkLocation.Text;
newUser.PID = txtPID.Text;
newUser.Team = txtTeam.Text;
newUser.Manager = "CN=" + txtSupervisor.Text + "," + DomainFull;
newUser.Title = ddlJobTitle.SelectedItem.ToString();
newUser.JobCode = txtJobCode.Text;
newUser.PLC = txtPLC.Text;
newUser.BPLC = txtBPLC.Text;
newUser.Specialty = txtSpecialty.Text;
newUser.Position = txtPosition.Text;
newUser.DateOfHire = txtDOH.Text;
newUser.DateOnContract = txtDOC.Text;
newUser.TaskOrder = ddlTaskOrder.SelectedItem.ToString();
newUser.Classification = ddlClass.SelectedIndex.ToString();
newUser.Section = txtSection.Text;
newUser.GatePass = txtGatePass.Text;
newUser.GatePassExpires = txtGatePassExp.Text;
newUser.WorkPhone = txtWorkPhone.Text;
newUser.CompanyEmail = txtCompEmail.Text;
newUser.aKOEmail = txtMilEmail.Text;
newUser.aKOSponsor = txtMilEmailSp.Text;
newUser.CACSponsor = txtCacSponsor.Text;
newUser.CACSponsorEmail = txtCacSponsorEmail.Text;
newUser.CacCardExpires = txtCacExpires.Text;
newUser.Enabled = true;
The program goes all the way to newUser.Save() and then throws the following error in the catch statement:
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalOperationException was caught
Message=The attribute syntax specified to the directory service is invalid.
at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ADStoreCtx.Insert(Principal p)
at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.Principal.Save()
at Personnel_Employee.CreateUserPE() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\TestingFolder\Personnel\Add\Employee.aspx.cs:line 263
InnerException: System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException
Message=The attribute syntax specified to the directory service is invalid.
ExtendedErrorMessage=00000057: LdapErr: DSID-0C090D11, comment: Error in attribute conversion operation, data 0, v23f0
at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.CommitChanges()
at System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.SDSUtils.ApplyChangesToDirectory(Principal p, StoreCtx storeCtx, GroupMembershipUpdater updateGroupMembership, NetCred credentials, AuthenticationTypes authTypes)
Where am I going wrong.
You can not update an attribute with null or empty. I personaly dislike solutions with dummy values. If you are using the context principle just simply check for null or empty and dont update if its the case like:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtbox.Text)){ newUser.attributeName = txtbox.Text}
If you are using an directory entry instead of an usercontext you can do something like this:
string adPath = "LDAP://server.domain.com/CN=John,CN=Users,dc=domain,dc=com";
DirectoryEntry userEntry = new DirectoryEntry(adPath);
if (txtBox.text == "")
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBox.text))
userEntry.Properties[attribute.Key].Value = txtBox.text;
// dont do a thing when txtBox.Text is empty
It looks like more code but its much easier to make a foreachloop for it if you have a list with all attribute like:
private void UpdateEntryAttributes(DirectoryEntry entry, Dictionary<string, string> attributes)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> attribute in attributes)
entry.Properties[attribute.Key].Value = attribute.Value;
if (attribute.Value == "")
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attribute.Value))
entry.Properties[attribute.Key].Value = attribute.Value;
This can happen when attempting to write either a null or empty string to an AD field that prohibits it. An easy way to check whether this is the problem is to temporarily replace all such values with a dummy string (length > 0) and then run the code again. If that works, you can attempt a fix by changing the offending value--with AD, sometimes if null doesn't work, then an empty string will work, or vice versa.
I’m working on an ASP webpage that uses a Minitab DCOM object. My problem is that this DCOM object stops responding (hangs) if the Identity is set as “This User” under Component Services (DCONCNFG) but if I log into windows with the user that I used under “This User” and set the Identity as “Interactive user” everything works fine.
My question is what is different between DCOM Identity “The interactive user” and “This user” if the username is the same (Administrator)?
Mainly this webpage uses Minitab to generate graphs. Before it hangs it does generate graphs but only 5 or 6 graphs then it stops responding.
Here is the C# code incase you are wondering where it hangs:
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Mtb; // Minitab Library (Mtb 16.0 Type Library)
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
namespace TRWebApp.TestDetails
public partial class TestDetails : System.Web.UI.Page
// MiniTab Stuff
Mtb.IApplication g_MtbApp;
Mtb.IProject g_MtbProj;
Mtb.IUserInterface g_MtbUI;
Mtb.IWorksheets g_MtbWkShts;
Mtb.ICommands g_MtbCommands;
Mtb.IOutputs g_MtbOutputs;
Mtb.IGraph g_MtbGraph;
Mtb.IOutputs g_MtbOutputs2;
Mtb.IGraph g_MtbGraph2;
int g_GraphIdx = 1;
int g_Loop = 1;
// Tests Table
enum testsTable { TestIdx, TestSeq, ParamName, LSL, USL, Units };
Tools tools = new Tools();
string g_SessionID = "";
Mtb_DataSetTableAdapters.XBarTableAdapter xbarTA = new Mtb_DataSetTableAdapters.XBarTableAdapter();
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
g_MtbApp = new Application();
g_MtbProj = g_MtbApp.ActiveProject;
g_MtbUI = g_MtbApp.UserInterface;
g_MtbWkShts = g_MtbProj.Worksheets;
g_MtbCommands = g_MtbProj.Commands;
g_MtbUI.DisplayAlerts = false;
g_MtbUI.Interactive = false;
g_MtbUI.UserControl = false;
lblProductDesc.Text = ""; // Start with a clear variable
g_SessionID = HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID;
string imgFolder = "Images/Mtb/";
string mtbSessionPath = Server.MapPath(ResolveUrl("~/" + imgFolder)) + g_SessionID;
Array.ForEach(Directory.GetFiles(mtbSessionPath), File.Delete); // Delete all the files from the directory
Session["MtbSessionPath"] = mtbSessionPath; // Store the Session Path so we can later delete it
// Add the two image columns to the grid view
GridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
ImageField imgColumn = new ImageField();
imgColumn.HeaderText = "Scatterplot";
imgColumn.DataImageUrlField = "TestIdx";
imgColumn.DataImageUrlFormatString = "~\\Images\\Mtb\\" + g_SessionID + "\\{0}.GIF";
imgColumn.ControlStyle.CssClass = "MtbImgDetail";
ImageField img2Column = new ImageField();
img2Column.HeaderText = "Histogram";
img2Column.DataImageUrlField = "TestIdx";
img2Column.DataImageUrlFormatString = "~\\Images\\Mtb\\" + g_SessionID + "\\H{0}.GIF";
img2Column.ControlStyle.CssClass = "MtbImgDetail";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblErrMsg.Text = "";
// Fill dates if they are empty
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxFromDate.Text))
tbxFromDate.Text = String.Format("{0:MM/01/yy}", DateTime.Today, null, DateTime.Today);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tbxToDate.Text))
tbxToDate.Text = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yy}", DateTime.Today);
catch (Exception ex)
lblErrMsg.Text = ex.Message;
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowIndex >= 0)
// Get the data for the parameter name
DataTable dt = xbarTA.GetXBarData(lbxProduct.SelectedValue, Convert.ToDateTime(tbxFromDate.Text), Convert.ToDateTime(tbxToDate.Text), e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.ParamName].Text);
// Pass the data to an object array so we can pass it to minitab
object[] data = new object[dt.Rows.Count];
object[] time = new object[dt.Rows.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
if (tools.IsNumeric(dr["ParamValue"]))
data[i] = Convert.ToDouble(dr["ParamValue"]);
time[i] = i;
if (dt.Rows.Count > 1) // Do graphs with at least two measurements
// Only pass it to minitab if we have numeric data
if (!ReferenceEquals(data[0], null)) // if it is not null it means it has a numeric value
g_MtbWkShts.Item(1).Columns.Item(1).Name = e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.ParamName].Text + " (" + e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.Units].Text + ")";
g_MtbWkShts.Item(1).Columns.Item(2).Name = "Time";
//// H E R E
g_MtbProj.ExecuteCommand("Plot C1*C2;\nSymbol;\nConnect.", g_MtbWkShts.Item(1));
// Convert LSL and USL to Decimal
if (tools.IsNumeric(e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.LSL].Text.Trim()) && tools.IsNumeric(e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.USL].Text.Trim()))
if (Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.LSL].Text) < Convert.ToDouble(e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.USL].Text))
g_MtbProj.ExecuteCommand("Capa C1 " + dt.Rows.Count.ToString() + ";\nLspec " + e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.LSL].Text + ";\nUspec " + e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.USL].Text + ";\nPooled;\nAMR;\nUnBiased;\nOBiased;\nToler 6;\nWithin;\nOverall;\nCStat.", g_MtbWkShts.Item(1));
g_MtbProj.ExecuteCommand("Histogram C1;\nBar;\nDistribution;\nNormal.", g_MtbWkShts.Item(1));
g_MtbProj.ExecuteCommand("Histogram C1;\nBar;\nDistribution;\nNormal.", g_MtbWkShts.Item(1));
g_MtbOutputs = g_MtbCommands.Item(g_GraphIdx).Outputs;
g_MtbOutputs2 = g_MtbCommands.Item(g_GraphIdx).Outputs;
string graphPath = "";
if (g_MtbOutputs.Count > 0)
g_MtbGraph = g_MtbOutputs.Item(1).Graph;
graphPath = Server.MapPath(ResolveUrl("~/Images/Mtb/")) + g_SessionID + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.TestIdx].Text + ".gif";
g_MtbGraph.SaveAs(graphPath, true, MtbGraphFileTypes.GFGIF, 600, 400, 96);
if (g_MtbOutputs2.Count > 0)
g_MtbGraph2 = g_MtbOutputs2.Item(1).Graph;
graphPath = Server.MapPath(ResolveUrl("~/Images/Mtb/")) + g_SessionID + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "H" + e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.TestIdx].Text + ".gif";
g_MtbGraph2.SaveAs(graphPath, true, MtbGraphFileTypes.GFGIF, 600, 400, 96);
catch (Exception ex)
lblErrMsg.Text = "Test Idx: " + e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.TestIdx].Text + " seems to have problems.<BR />Error: " + ex.Message;
g_MtbWkShts.Item(1).Columns.Delete(); // Delete all the columns (This line of code is needed otherwise the Mtb.exe will still running on the server side task manager
// Copy the No numeric image as a graph
File.Copy(Server.MapPath("~\\Images\\Mtb\\NaN.gif"), Server.MapPath("~\\Images\\Mtb\\" + g_SessionID + "\\" + e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.TestIdx].Text + ".gif"));
File.Copy(Server.MapPath("~\\Images\\Mtb\\NaN.gif"), Server.MapPath("~\\Images\\Mtb\\" + g_SessionID + "\\H" + e.Row.Cells[(int)testsTable.TestIdx].Text + ".gif"));
protected void GridView1_Unload(object sender, EventArgs e)
// All these lines of code are needed otherwise the Mtb.exe will not be close on the task manager (server side)
if (g_MtbGraph != null)
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(g_MtbGraph); g_MtbGraph = null;
if (g_MtbOutputs != null)
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(g_MtbOutputs); g_MtbOutputs = null;
if (g_MtbGraph2 != null)
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(g_MtbGraph2); g_MtbGraph2 = null;
if (g_MtbOutputs2 != null)
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(g_MtbOutputs2); g_MtbOutputs2 = null;
if (g_MtbCommands != null)
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(g_MtbCommands); g_MtbCommands = null;
if (g_MtbWkShts != null)
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(g_MtbWkShts); g_MtbWkShts = null;
if (g_MtbUI != null)
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(g_MtbUI); g_MtbUI = null;
if (g_MtbProj != null)
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(g_MtbProj); g_MtbProj = null;
if (g_MtbApp != null)
Marshal.ReleaseComObject(g_MtbApp); g_MtbApp = null;
I'm using:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (SP 1)
IIS 7.5.7600.16385
Framework 4.0.30319
Visual Studio 2010 Version 10.0.30319.1
Minitab 16.1.0
Thank you,
Just a guess, based on something that happened to me ages ago:
For some reason, Minitab is displaying a modal error dialog of some kind. When you configure DCOM to launch as some user (not the interactive user), the process gets its own "windows station" which is not actually visible to you as the logged in user. So there is a dialog popped up somewhere invisible, waiting for input forever, hence the hang. Why the dialog is displaying is a different matter, likely a permissions issue. Sometimes, certain parts of the registry are available or not available in different activation contexts, for example.
Thanks Jlew for the link. It helped me to solve the problem by changing a register value from “Shared Section=1024,20480,768” to “Shared Section=1024,20480,2304” (3 times bigger) on this register key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems\Windows
This value specifies a memory heap size when the user is not logged on. I guess it was not enough to handle all the MiniTab graphs.