Coupling navigation and animation in unity - c#

So I've implemented this tutorial: almost to the letter. Almost means that I'm using the 2d freeform directional blend type instead of the simple directional they are using. The problem is that the values for velx and vely (mostly this one) are fluctuating. So for example when the vely is rising it will at some point reach 1, but before that it will go like this:
..., 0.5, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8
Hopefully you get my point - the trend is rising but it occasionally goes down. This makes my animation jitter because the blend tree is jumping between states very rapidly. After some time of experimentation I found out, that in my case using number 7 as the divisor in the expression calculating the smooth variable, so like this:
var smooth = Mathf.Min(1.0f, Time.deltaTime / 7f);
Kinda works. This means that it jitters only 70% of the time, instead of always. Anyone knows a better method of accomplishing the same effect?

Sooo... To whoever is interested:
I wasn't abble to solve the jittering without some modifications to the script from the docs and my changes are as follows:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
[RequireComponent (typeof (NavMeshAgent))]
[RequireComponent (typeof (Animator))]
public class LocomotionSimpleAgent : MonoBehaviour {
private const float SmoothingCoefficient = .15f;
[SerializeField] private float _velocityDenominatorMultiplier = .5f;
[SerializeField] private float _minVelx = -2.240229f;
[SerializeField] private float _maxVelx = 2.205063f;
[SerializeField] private float _minVely = -2.33254f;
[SerializeField] private float _maxVely = 3.70712f;
public Vector3 Goal {
get { return _agent.destination; }
set {
_agent.destination = value;
_smoothDeltaPosition =;
private NavMeshAgent _agent;
private Animator _animator;
private Vector2 _smoothDeltaPosition;
public void Start() {
_animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
_agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
_agent.updatePosition = false;
_smoothDeltaPosition = default(Vector2);
Goal = transform.position;
public void FixedUpdate() {
var worldDeltaPosition = _agent.nextPosition - transform.position;
var dx = Vector3.Dot(transform.right, worldDeltaPosition);
var dy = Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, worldDeltaPosition);
var deltaPosition = new Vector2(dx, dy);
var smooth = Time.fixedDeltaTime / SmoothingCoefficient;
_smoothDeltaPosition = Vector2.Lerp(_smoothDeltaPosition, deltaPosition, smooth);
var velocity = _smoothDeltaPosition / (Time.fixedDeltaTime * _velocityDenominatorMultiplier);
var shouldMove = _agent.remainingDistance > .1f;
var x = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Round(velocity.x * 1000) / 1000, _minVelx, _maxVelx);
var y = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Round(velocity.y * 1000) / 1000, _minVely, _maxVely);
_animator.SetBool("move", shouldMove);
_animator.SetFloat("velx", x);
_animator.SetFloat("vely", y);
if (worldDeltaPosition.magnitude > _agent.radius / 16 && shouldMove) {
_agent.nextPosition = transform.position + 0.1f * worldDeltaPosition;
public void OnAnimatorMove() {
var position = _animator.rootPosition;
position.y = _agent.nextPosition.y;
transform.position = position;
There were also some bugs, like if you allowed the velocity to constantly rise or go down, at some point after clicking on the plane, the agent would start behaving weirdly and the above fixes it.
As for the values up top - they are matching what I could find in the example project, so if you have similar problems to mine, but different animations, you'll probably have to adjust the numbers there.


rb.AddForce() is launching my player in the opposite direction of the vector 2 value I assigned

Im making a game where you click and drag with the mouse then release to launch the player. But sometimes the player gets launched in the opposite direction of where it should go. I made a debug output to show you the different values. Here is the output
In that image for example you can see that the Vector2 of force * power is positive on the y axis, but the player launched downwards, and the same happens Viceversa. I think its also worth to note that this happens inconsistantly for some reason. Here is my code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Movement : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject player;
public float power = 10f;
public Rigidbody2D rb;
public float maxSpeed;
public Vector2 minPower;
public Vector2 maxPower;
TragectoryLine tl;
Camera cam;
public Vector2 force;
public Vector3 startPoint;
public Vector3 endPoint;
public Vector3 currentPoint;
public Vector3 startPointMouse;
public bool isPulling = false;
float distance;
private void Start()
cam = Camera.main;
tl = GetComponent<TragectoryLine>();
private void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
startPointMouse = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
startPointMouse.z = 15;
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
startPoint = player.transform.position;
startPoint.z = 15;
isPulling = true;
Vector3 currentPoint = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
currentPoint.z = 15;
tl.RenderLine(startPoint, currentPoint);
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
endPoint = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
endPoint.z = 15;
isPulling = false;
distance = startPointMouse.magnitude - endPoint.magnitude;
if (distance < 0)
distance = -distance;
if (distance >= 1)
rb.AddForce(force * power, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
force = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(startPoint.x - endPoint.x, minPower.x, maxPower.x), Mathf.Clamp(startPoint.y - endPoint.y, minPower.y, maxPower.y));
Debug.Log("distance" + distance);
Debug.Log("start" + startPoint);
Debug.Log("end" + endPoint);
Debug.Log("force" +force);
Debug.Log("force * power" + force * power);
private void FixedUpdate()
rb.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(rb.velocity, maxSpeed);
Here I added the force using rb.AddForce(force * power, ForceMode2D.Impulse); when the force * power value was positive on the y axis. So why did it go to the opposite direction???
This was working perfectly fine before i tried implementing a feature where the player has to move the mouse a certain distance or else it wont launch. I have tried removing it but it doesnt seem to make a difference. I think I changed something in the code that ruined it but I cant figure out what! Please help!

Strange outputs for a moving platform in Unity

First off, sorry it this isn't written very well, I've spend hours debugging this and I'm very stressed. I'm trying to make a moving platform in unity that can move between way-points, I don't want to have to have tons of gameobjects in the world taking up valuable processing power though so I'm trying to use something I can just add to the script through the editor.
The only problem is that it seems to be doing this at an incredible speed:
Black = The Camera View, Blue = The platform and where it should be going based on waypoints, Red = What it is currently doing.
I've spend hours trying to find a fix but I have no idea why it's doing this.
My Script on the Platform:
public Vector3[] localWaypoints;
Vector3[] globalWaypoints;
public float speed;
public bool cyclic;
public float waitTime;
[Range(0, 2)]
public float easeAmount;
int fromWaypointIndex;
float percentBetweenWaypoints;
float nextMoveTime;
void Start()
globalWaypoints = new Vector3[localWaypoints.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < localWaypoints.Length; i++)
globalWaypoints[i] = localWaypoints[i] + transform.position;
void Update()
Vector3 velocity = CalculatePlatformMovement();
float Ease(float x)
float a = easeAmount + 1;
return Mathf.Pow(x, a) / (Mathf.Pow(x, a) + Mathf.Pow(1 - x, a));
Vector3 CalculatePlatformMovement()
if (Time.time < nextMoveTime)
fromWaypointIndex %= globalWaypoints.Length;
int toWaypointIndex = (fromWaypointIndex + 1) % globalWaypoints.Length;
float distanceBetweenWaypoints = Vector3.Distance(globalWaypoints[fromWaypointIndex], globalWaypoints[toWaypointIndex]);
percentBetweenWaypoints += Time.deltaTime * speed / distanceBetweenWaypoints;
percentBetweenWaypoints = Mathf.Clamp01(percentBetweenWaypoints);
float easedPercentBetweenWaypoints = Ease(percentBetweenWaypoints);
Vector3 newPos = Vector3.Lerp(globalWaypoints[fromWaypointIndex], globalWaypoints[toWaypointIndex], easedPercentBetweenWaypoints);
if (percentBetweenWaypoints >= 1)
percentBetweenWaypoints = 0;
if (!cyclic)
if (fromWaypointIndex >= globalWaypoints.Length - 1)
fromWaypointIndex = 0;
nextMoveTime = Time.time + waitTime;
return newPos - transform.position;
struct PassengerMovement
public Transform transform;
public Vector3 velocity;
public bool standingOnPlatform;
public bool moveBeforePlatform;
public PassengerMovement(Transform _transform, Vector3 _velocity, bool _standingOnPlatform, bool _moveBeforePlatform)
transform = _transform;
velocity = _velocity;
standingOnPlatform = _standingOnPlatform;
moveBeforePlatform = _moveBeforePlatform;
void OnDrawGizmos()
if (localWaypoints != null)
Gizmos.color =;
float size = .3f;
for (int i = 0; i < localWaypoints.Length; i++)
Vector3 globalWaypointPos = (Application.isPlaying) ? globalWaypoints[i] : localWaypoints[i] + transform.position;
Gizmos.DrawLine(globalWaypointPos - Vector3.up * size, globalWaypointPos + Vector3.up * size);
Gizmos.DrawLine(globalWaypointPos - Vector3.left * size, globalWaypointPos + Vector3.left * size);
UPDATE: Upon further testing I found that if the first object in my localWaypoint array is set to 0,0,0 and my 2nd object is set to 1,0,0 then the platform will spiral to the right, making sure to hit the waypoints as it's spiraling, and then spiraling out into nowhere like in the image above. But if I set my first object to 0,0,0 and my second object to -1,0,0 then the object will act the same way as before, but will spiral to the left as displayed in this image. (The second image has also bee updated to display how the platfrom makes sure to hit both waypoints before is spirals out into nowhere).
I've also noticed that if I set both waypoints to 0,0,0 then the platform stays still, these 2 things prove that it has somthing to do with the way the waypoints are being handled and not some other script or parent object interfering.
Using the updated numbers ([0,0,0], [1,0,0]) works in my test app. However, if I put a rotation on the object's Y axis, then I see behavior like you are seeing. In Update, if you change:
transform.Translate(velocity, Space.World);
You should see your desired behavior. Note that "transform.Translate(velocity)" is the same as "transform.Translate(velocity, Space.Self)". Your translation is being rotated.
If you are curious, take a look at this for more information on how the values in the transform are applied:

Unity: 3D movement/Collision detection failure (AddForce, MovePosition, transform.localPosition)

If I get the movement to work correctly, then the collision meshes are not detected. If I get the collision meshes detected, then the movement doesn't work correctly.
Brief summary of project:
I have a 3D environment with non-moveable objects (with collider meshes) and a moveable gameobject (rigid body with x2 box colliders) that I am controlling using haptic devices (basically a 3D joystick) through a UDP connection in an C++ app that I have put together and is running while the Unity application runs. The communication between the haptic devices and unity is perfectly fine. I am using the position information passed from the haptic device as my variables for moving my gameobject. Again, The position data arrives to Unity just fine; the method for using the position data with appropriate conditions and functions within Unity is where I am currently stuck.
Things I've tried:
If I use transform.localPosition (hapticDevicePosition); then the movement is great, but it ignores the colliders and passes through everything. I read online and understand that transform.localPosition will basically move my object on top of other objects without regards to physics. I also read that I may be able to introduce a ray that is like 0.000001 in front of my object such that it prevents movement if the ray interacts with any other object. This might be a way to still be able to use transform.localPosition? I'm not sure and I've never used rays so it would be difficult for me to set that script up correctly.
I've tried AddForce. This behaves very oddly. It only gives me 2 force outputs instead of 3...i.e., I can only move in 2 of the 3 axis. I don't understand why its behaving this way. The colliders are detected, however.
I've tried rb.MovePosition (rb.position + posX + posY + posZ) and various combinations of *Time.timeDelay and *speed as well. This also doesn't work correctly. The colliders are detected, but the movement either doesn't work at all, or is not working correctly.
I've played with my script for the last 4 hours and some (not all) of the things that I attempted are commented out so they are still visible (please see code attached below). I will be reading more online explanations and trying out different code and update here if I work out a solution. If anyone has some pointers or suggestions, in the meantime, I would greatly appreciate it.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class FalconPegControl_2 : MonoBehaviour {
// Define needed variables
private TestUDPConnection udpListener;
public Vector3 realObjectCurrentPos;
private Vector3 realObjectLastPos;
public Vector3 realObjectCurrentRot;
private Vector3 realObjectLastRot;
public Vector3 realObjectPosChange;
public Vector3 realObjectRotChange;
private Quaternion rotation;
//public float pi = 3.14f;
private Rigidbody rb;
private int control = 0;
public bool collisionOccurred = false;
//public float thrust = 1000;
//public CalibrationManager calibrationManager;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
udpListener = GetComponentInParent<TestUDPConnection>();
collisionOccurred = false;
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
SharedRefs.falconPegControl = this;
public void OffControl ()
control = 0;
public void CollisionDuplicateFix ()
collisionOccurred = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate () {
//realObjectCurrentPos[0] = udpListener.xPosReal; //[m]
//realObjectCurrentPos[1] = udpListener.yPosReal; //[m]
//realObjectCurrentPos[2] = udpListener.zPosReal; //[m]
//Unity axis conversions:
//CHAI3D --> Unity
//(x, y, z) --> (x, -z, y)
//CHAI3D: realObjectCurrentPos[0], [1], [2] is CHIA3D (x, y, z)
//Also, to compensate for the workspace available to the Falcon Device (~0.04, ~0.06, ~0.06)
//adding a value of x10 allows it to reach the default hemisphere successfully
//updated comment: the sign values that work (-, +, -)
//Unity conversion for rotation (using Falcon devices)
//Since one falcon is for translation and the other is for rotation,
//the rotation information is a conversion of translational information
//in other words, max range of (~0.04, ~0.06, ~0.06) has been converted into a max range of (90, 90, 90)
//using basic algebra (i.e., (90/0.04))
//thus giving the user the full range of 180 degrees (from 90 degrees to -90 degrees)
realObjectCurrentPos[0] = udpListener.xPosReal * (-5); //[m]
realObjectCurrentPos[1] = udpListener.zPosReal * (5); //[m]
realObjectCurrentPos[2] = udpListener.yPosReal * (-5); //[m]
realObjectCurrentRot [0] = udpListener.xRot * (90f / 0.04f); //degrees
realObjectCurrentRot [1] = udpListener.yRot * (90f / 0.06f); //degrees
realObjectCurrentRot [2] = udpListener.zRot * (90f / 0.06f); //degrees
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("1")) {
control = 1;
SharedRefs.stopWatch.startTimer ();
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("space"))
OffControl ();
if (control==1)
Vector3 posUnity = new Vector3 (realObjectCurrentPos[0], realObjectCurrentPos[1], realObjectCurrentPos[2]);
rb.AddForce (posUnity);
//Vector3 tempVect = new Vector3(realObjectCurrentPos[0], realObjectCurrentPos[1], realObjectCurrentPos[2]);
//Vector3 startPoint = new Vector3 (0f, 0.0225f, 0f);
//tempVect = tempVect * speed * Time.deltaTime;
//transform.localPosition = realObjectCurrentPos; //[m]
//var unityX = Vector3.Scale (posTemp, Vector3.right);
//var unityY = Vector3.Scale (posTemp, Vector3.up);
//var unityZ = Vector3.Scale (posTemp, Vector3.forward);
//Vector3 unityX = new Vector3 (Vector3.Scale (posTemp, Vector3.right), Vector3.Scale (posTemp, Vector3.up), Vector3.Scale (posTemp, Vector3.forward));
//Vector3 unityY = new Vector3 (Vector3.Scale (posTemp, Vector3.up));
//Vector3 unityZ = new Vector3 (Vector3.Scale (posTemp, Vector3.forward));
//rb.MovePosition (rb.position + unityX + unityY + unityZ);
//transform.localPosition = (startPoint + tempVect); //[m]
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(realObjectCurrentRot); //[m]
realObjectLastPos = realObjectCurrentPos;//[m]
realObjectLastRot = realObjectCurrentRot;//[m]
realObjectPosChange = realObjectCurrentPos - realObjectLastPos; //[m]
realObjectRotChange = realObjectCurrentRot - realObjectLastRot;
else if (control==0)
Vector3 stop = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionZ | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationZ;
rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionX | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationX;
rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionX | RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationX;
rb.velocity = (stop);
Also, updated from #Ali Baba's comments:
I haven't had time to test the other methods yet, but by using AddForce and playing with the drag and a force modifier variable, I was able to get control over all three axes (actually 6DOF because I also have rotational control from a 2nd external device) and I also have much better control over my gameobject than before (specifically due to the drag and force modifier variable adjustments). This may be the best solution, but I originally needed to get my position to change based on the position of the external devices that I am using. I'm adding a basic, slimmed down, adjusted code which uses AddForce and allows for keycontrol adjustments of the drag and my force modifier variable in case other beginners see this thread also. In the meantime, I will try to get the other functions (MovePosition, etc) working and update on the results.
Slim, basic drag/variable testing code:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Real_Controller : MonoBehaviour {
// Define needed variables
private TestUDPConnection udpListener;
public Vector3 realObjectCurrentPos;
public Vector3 realObjectCurrentRot;
private Quaternion rotation;
private Rigidbody rb;
private float increaseForce = 23;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
udpListener = GetComponentInParent<TestUDPConnection>();
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
rb.drag = 1.24f;
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate () {
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("q"))
rb.drag -= 0.1f;
Debug.Log ("drag is: " + rb.drag);
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("w"))
rb.drag += 0.1f;
Debug.Log ("drag is: " + rb.drag);
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("a")) {
increaseForce -= 1f;
Debug.Log ("increased force is: " + increaseForce);
if (Input.GetKeyDown ("s")) {
increaseForce += 1f;
Debug.Log ("increase force is: " + increaseForce);
realObjectCurrentPos[0] = udpListener.xPosReal * (-increaseForce); //[m]
realObjectCurrentPos[1] = udpListener.zPosReal * (increaseForce); //[m]
realObjectCurrentPos[2] = udpListener.yPosReal * (-increaseForce); //[m]
Vector3 forceDirection = realObjectCurrentPos - transform.localPosition;
rb.AddForce (forceDirection * forceDirection.magnitude);
realObjectCurrentRot [0] = udpListener.xRot * (90f / 0.04f); //degrees
realObjectCurrentRot [1] = udpListener.yRot * (90f / 0.06f); //degrees
realObjectCurrentRot [2] = udpListener.zRot * (90f / 0.06f); //degrees
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(realObjectCurrentRot); //[m]
Instead of placing the gameObject at the exact position of your controller, you could try applying a force in the direction of the position you want your gameObject to be in:
if (control==1)
Vector3 forceDirection = realObjectCurrentPos - transform.localPosition;
rb.AddForce (forceDirection);
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(realObjectCurrentRot)
The force applied here is linear to the distance between the position of the gameObject and the real object, so this basically behaves like a spring. You should try multiplying the force by different factors and test:
rb.AddForce (forceDirection * 0.5f);
Or scale it quadratically:
rb.AddForce (forceDirection * forceDirection.magnitude);
Whatever feels best

How to set the distance of the camera from a scaling object?

My camera has to focus on an GameObject that can be scaled over time. How can I compute the camera position so that it is always at the same distance from this GameObject? I've already tried to do something like
camera.position.y += object.scaleFactor / 2;
camera.position.z -= object.scaleFactor / 2;
But the bigger the object becomes, the lesser it works. I'm thinking about using a bounding box, do you think it would work ?
Thanks a lot !
use this:
// compute this when scale is 1.0f
Vector3 originalPosition = camera.position;
Vector3 originalDistance = camera.position - gameObject.position;
// then use:
camera.position = originalPosition + originalDistance * gameObject.scaleFactor;
if this does not work, please describe your situation in more detail and i will edit the answer
for example: if you want that the camera keeps the distance to the object, you will have to use BoundingSphere.radius:
// compute this when scale is 1.0f
Vector3 originalPosition = camera.position;
Vector3 temp = camera.position - gameObject.position;
Vector3 originalDirection = temp.normalized;
float originalDistance = temp.magnitude - boundingSphere.radius;
// use this when object is scaled:
camera.position = originalPosition + originalDirection * (boundingSphere.radius + originalDistance);
public class ObjectRelativeScale : MonoBehaviour
public float ObjectScale = 1.0f;
private Vector3 _initialScale;
void Start()
_initialScale = transform.localScale;
void Update()
var cameraMainTransform = Camera.main.transform;
var plane = new Plane(cameraMainTransform.forward, cameraMainTransform.position);
float dist = plane.GetDistanceToPoint(transform.position);
transform.localScale = _initialScale * dist * ObjectScale;
Basically the way around is better, scale the object depending on the camera position.

How can I rotate the camera around group of objects and not only a single one?

The camera is child of one soldier only and also the target is this soldier.
And the script attached to the camera.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraMove : MonoBehaviour
public Transform target;
public float speed = 0.1f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
transform.RotateAround(target.transform.position, new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 100 * Time.deltaTime * speed);
But now I want to do two things. To make the camera to rotate around the whole soldiers and not only the specific one. And also to make the camera stop slowly when it's facing the soldiers. Now the camera is behind when starting the game.
Using a bool flag if true to make the camera rotate around the soldiers until it's facing them then stop rotation and keep moving with the soldiers.
If unchecked false make the camera rotating around the solders none stop.
UPDATE what I tried so far:
This code will make it rotating around all the soldiers and it's working fine:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraMove : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 0.1f;
private List<GameObject> Soldiers = new List<GameObject>();
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
private void RotateAround()
transform.RotateAround(GetAverageLocationOfSoliders(), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 100 * Time.deltaTime * speed);
private Vector3 GetAverageLocationOfSoliders()
var total = new Vector3();
foreach (var soldier in Soldiers)
total += soldier.transform.position;
return total / Soldiers.Count(); // Assuming Soldiers is List<Soldier>
Then I tried to add a slowDown bool flag variable, But I messed it all and it's not working at all.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraMove : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 0.1f;
public bool slowDown = false;
private List<Vector3> SoldiersPositions = new List<Vector3>();
private List<Vector3> SoldiersFacingDirection = new List<Vector3>();
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void FixedUpdate()
private void RotateAround()
var getSoldiers = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Soldier");
foreach (GameObject soldier in getSoldiers)
var Center = GetAverageLocationOfSoliders();
var FacingDirections = GetAverageFacingDirectionOfSoldiers();
if (slowDown == true)
var D = transform.position - Center;
var CamAngle = Vector3.Angle(D, FacingDirections);
speed = speed - CamAngle;
transform.RotateAround(Center, new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 100 * Time.deltaTime * speed);
SoldiersPositions = new List<Vector3>();
SoldiersFacingDirection = new List<Vector3>();
private Vector3 GetAverageLocationOfSoliders()
var total = new Vector3();
foreach (var soldier in SoldiersPositions)
total += soldier;
return total / SoldiersPositions.Count(); // Assuming Soldiers is List<Soldier>
private Vector3 GetAverageFacingDirectionOfSoldiers()
var total = new Vector3();
foreach (var soldierfacingdir in SoldiersFacingDirection)
total += soldierfacingdir;
return total / SoldiersFacingDirection.Count();
I'm not sure if the first code example only for the rotation is fine the way I wrote it. It's working but not sure if this is a good way to do the code ?
It seems to me that in the first code only the rotation the camera is a bit shaking or stuttering I mean the camera is not moving smooth when rotating around. It's almost hard to see in the game view in the editor but you can see it a bit in the scene view I think.
The reason I'm calling RotateAround(); in the Update is that the soldiers are in a move they are walking forward non stop.
How should I do the slowDown part ?
This is the full coed now:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
public class CameraMove : MonoBehaviour
public bool spin = false;
public Vector3 Direction;
[Range(0, 300)]
public float speed = 10f;
public bool randomSpeed = false;
public bool randomDirection = false;
[Range(0f, 100f)]
public float timeDirChange;
public Vector3 defaultDirection;
[Header("Move in circles")]
public bool moveInCircles = true;
public GameObject rotateAroundTarget;
public Vector3 axis;//by which axis it will rotate. x,y or z.
public float rotationSpeed; //or the speed of rotation.
public float upperLimit, lowerLimit, delay;// upperLimit & lowerLimit: heighest & lowest height;
public bool randomHeight = false;
public bool stopRotatingWhenFacing = false;
private float height, prevHeight, time;//height:height it is trying to reach(randomly generated); prevHeight:stores last value of height;delay in radomness;
[Header("Follow objects")]
public GameObject[] objectsToFollow;
public bool randomFollow;
private float nextRotationTime = 0f;
private int counter = 0;
private List<GameObject> Soldiers = new List<GameObject>();
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
private void Update()
if (randomSpeed)
speed = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 300);
if (spin)
if (randomDirection == false)
nextRotationTime = 0;
timeDirChange = 0;
Direction = defaultDirection;
if (Time.time > nextRotationTime)
nextRotationTime += timeDirChange;
transform.Rotate(Direction, speed * Time.deltaTime);
timeDirChange = 0;
randomDirection = false;
randomSpeed = false;
if (moveInCircles)
private void RandomDirection()
Direction = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1, 1), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1, 1), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1, 1));
while (Direction == new Vector3(0, 0, 0))
Direction = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1, 1), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1, 1), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1, 1));
if (counter == 2)
Direction = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
counter = 0;
private void MoveInCircles()
var F = GetAverageDirectionsOfSoliders();
var D = transform.position - GetAverageLocationOfSoliders();
var angle = Vector3.Angle(D, F);
if (angle < 5f)
rotationSpeed -= 0.1f;
transform.RotateAround(GetAverageLocationOfSoliders(), axis, rotationSpeed);
time += Time.deltaTime;
//Sets value of 'height' randomly within 'upperLimit' & 'lowerLimit' after delay
if (time > delay)
prevHeight = height;
if (randomHeight)
height = UnityEngine.Random.Range(lowerLimit, upperLimit);
time = 0;
if (randomHeight == false)
height = transform.position.y;
if (randomHeight)
//Mathf.Lerp changes height from 'prevHeight' to 'height' gradually (smooth transition)
transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, Mathf.Lerp(prevHeight, height, time), transform.position.z);
transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, height, transform.position.z);
private Vector3 GetAverageLocationOfSoliders()
var total = new Vector3();
foreach (var soldier in Soldiers)
total += soldier.transform.position;
return total / Soldiers.Count(); // Assuming Soldiers is List<Soldier>
private Vector3 GetAverageDirectionsOfSoliders()
var totalf = new Vector3();
foreach (var soldier in Soldiers)
totalf += soldier.transform.forward;
return totalf / Soldiers.Count();
The RotateAround part is working fine:
transform.RotateAround(GetAverageLocationOfSoliders(), axis, rotationSpeed);
But the slow down part is not working. It's not slowing down at all when the camera is facing the soldiers.
This is how I calculate the average transform.forward vector of all the soldiers:
private Vector3 GetAverageDirectionsOfSoliders()
var totalf = new Vector3();
foreach (var soldier in Soldiers)
totalf += soldier.transform.forward;
return totalf / Soldiers.Count();
Then inside the MoveInCircles method I did:
var F = GetAverageDirectionsOfSoliders();
var D = transform.position - GetAverageLocationOfSoliders();
var angle = Vector3.Angle(D, F);
if (angle < 5f)
rotationSpeed -= 0.1f;
But it's never getting to the line:
rotationSpeed -= 0.1f;
To rotate around all the soldiers:
Get the center of the all the soldiers (sum the world position of all soldiers and divide by N number of soldiers)
Get the maximum distance of the soldiers from the center
Rotate the camera about the center, and ensure that it is further than the max distance from the center
To slow the camera down when facing the soldiers' front:
Average out the transform.forward vector of all the soldiers. We call this vector F. This is fair since all your soldiers will typically be facing in the same general direction for this request to even make sense.
Calculate the direction D, which is the direction from the soldiers' center to the camera. This is easy: D = camera.transform.position - soldiersCenter
Finally, find the acute angle between D and F, using Vector3.Angle(). If this angle is lower than a certain threshold, decrease the moveSpeed of the camera.
The actual code is easy to write, but I'll let you practice. Let me know if you need any help
From the sounds of it, it seems you have it already able to orbit around a single soldier, so do to more than one, simply take the average of their locations.
Pseudo code:
transform.RotateAround(GetAverageLocationOfSoliders(), ...);
private static Vector3 GetAverageLocationOfSoliders
var total = new Vector3();
foreach(var soldier in Soldiers)
total += soldier.transform.position;
return total / Soliders.Count(); // Assuming Soldiers is List<Soldier>
Now, Vector3 might not have stuff like Vector3 += Vector3 or Vector3 / int, but if that's the case just create your own methods were you do that manually (adding vectorA.x + vectorB.x, and vectorA.x / num, etc.
As far as making the camera stop when it's in front, that's a bit trickier. You might want to do some checks first to make sure they all have the same rotation, and then check, each Update, if the look at rotation of the camera will point to one of the soldiers.
But, if you want it to slow down, then, instead of checking if the lookAtRotation can point to a soldier, check if it can point to some offset of the camera's rotation, like so:
Pseudo Code:
lookRotation(transform.Rotation + offset) // Use something like this to find Soldiers[0]
Then, if that finds one, you can use a Lerp on your speed to lerp back down to a speed of 0.
You will also have to maintain a List<Soldier> or Soldier[] somehow.

