I need to transform this query to use with the graphclient inside c#:
MATCH p=(n)-[r*2..10]-(m)
WHERE n.Id = 94 and m.Id = 94
FILTER(x IN NODES(p) WHERE node = x AND x.Id <> 94)
) > 1
RETURN EXTRACT(n IN NODES(p)| n.Id) AS Paths, length(p), r
order by length(p)
the closest solution that I could put together is:
var results = neoDB.Cypher
.Where("n.Id={startNodeId} and m.Id={endNodeId}")
.WithParam("startNodeId", 92)
.WithParam("endNodeId", 92)
.Return((p, n, m, r) => new
path = p.CollectAs<Neo4jClient.ApiModels.Cypher.PathsResult>(),
node1 = n.As<cNode>(),
node2 = m.As<cNode>(),
Relation = r.As<IEnumerable<cNode>>()
the filter for lengths greater than one was unnecessary, this solution is good for me
Is it possible to use one LINQ query to do the same?
var ints = new []{1,2,3,4,5};
var odd = from i in ints where i%2==1 select i;
var even = from i in ints where i%2==0 select i;
var q = from s in new[]{""}
select new {oddCount = odd.Count(), evenCount = even.Count()};
Edit: Want to get this
Count() already allows you to specify a predicate. So you can combine the above in one linq like this:
var ints = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Console.Write($"Odd={ints.Count(i => i % 2 == 1)}, Even={ints.Count(i => i % 2 == 0)}");
Also note that it will be considerably faster than doing a Where() as counting is easier to perform than actually returning matching elements.
If all you want is a single linq query, you could do the following clever trick:
var ints = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var Odd = ints.Count(i => i % 2 == 1);
Console.Write($"Odd={Odd}, Even={ints.Length - Odd}");
Sounds like a perfect candidate for Aggregate:
var ints = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
var info = ints.Aggregate(
new { oddCount = 0, evenCount = 0 }, (a, i) =>
new { oddCount = a.oddCount + (i & 1), evenCount = a.evenCount + ((i & 1) ^ 1) });
{ oddCount = 3, evenCount = 2 }
You could do it one query like this:
var q = ints.Select(i => new { Number = i, Type = (i % 2 == 0) ? "Even" : "Odd" }).GroupBy(i => i.Type).Select(g => new { Type = g.Key, Count = g.Count() });
This would return a list though, with 'Type' and 'Count', as shown below.
If you're looking for a simple object as you currently have, you can use something simpler like this:
var q = new { OddCount = ints.Count(i => i % 2 != 0), EvenCount = ints.Count(i => i % 2 == 0) };
This would be a single object with "OddCount" and "EventCount" properties.
Here's another way that does only a single iteration over the original list.
var ints = new []{1,2,3,4,5};
string[] parities = { "even", "odd" };
var result = ints
.GroupBy(i => i % 2)
.Select(g => new { Name = parities[g.Key], Count = g.Count() });
You just move your queries directly into the select
var q = from s in new[] { "" }
select new {
oddCount = (from i in ints where i % 2 == 1 select i).Count(),
evenCount = (from i in ints where i % 2 == 0 select i).Count()};
int odd = 0;
int even = 0;
(from s in ints
let evens = s % 2 == 0 ? even++ : even
let odds = s % 2 != 0 ? odd++ : odd
select true).ToList();
With this you have the values loaded in even and odd.
This approach has the advantage it only iterates the array once
select ind.desc,ind.number
from int_goals_df idd, goals_df ind
where idd.dld_number = 123456
and ind.number = idd.ind_number
and ind.categorie = 2
order by follownumber
I'm having a hard time translating this to linq since it is using two tables.
I've currently solved this now imperatively with a foreach loop but not happy with it..
I'm trying to get a list of goals_df that matches with a list of int_goals_df.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated ! Thank you !
EDIT - here is the code I'm using:
//get current GoalDefinitions by selected Goal
var currentGoalDefinition = MyAppAppContext.MyAppAppContextInstance.MyAppContext.GoalDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(
d => d.DLD_GoalDFID == interv.Goal.DLD_GoalenDFID);
// get current intervGoalDefinitions by GoalDefinition
var currentintervGoalDefinitions = MyAppAppContext.MyAppAppContextInstance.MyAppContext.intervGoalDefinitions.Where(
idd => idd.DLD_GoalDFID == currentGoalDefinition.DLD_GoalDFID).OrderBy(idd => idd.IDD_VolgNummer);
intervDefinitionCollection = new ObservableCollection<intervDefinition>(MyAppAppContext.MyAppAppContextInstance.MyAppContext.intervDefinitions.Where(i => i.IND_Categorie == intCategorie));
// filter intervGoalDefinitions by intervDefinitions
var intervDefinitionCollectionTemp = new ObservableCollection<intervDefinition>();
foreach (var currentintervGoalDefinity in currentintervGoalDefinitions)
var foundintervGoalDefinitySorted = intervDefinitionCollection.FirstOrDefault(
i => i.IND_intervDFID == currentintervGoalDefinity.IND_intervDFID);
if (foundintervGoalDefinitySorted != null)
intervDefinitionCollection = intervDefinitionCollectionTemp;
assuming NHibernate as ORM and int_goal is a subclass of goal
var results = from idd in session.Query<IntGoals>()
where idd.DlDNumber = 123456 && idd.Category.Id == 2
orderby idd.FollowNumber
select new { idd.Description, idd.Number };
context.int_goals_df.Join(context.goals_df, x => x.ind_number, x => x.number,
(x, y) => new
idd = x,
ind = y
.Where(x => x.idd.dld_number = 123456 && x.ind.categorie = 2)
.OrderBy(x => x.idd.follownumber)
.Select(x => new
quick go - think you need the join
var results = from idd in session.Query<int_goals_df>()
join ind in session.Query<goals_df>()
on idd.ind_number equals ind.ind_number
where idd.DlDNumber = 123456 && idd.Category.Id == 2
orderby idd.FollowNumber
select new { idd.Description, idd.Number };
I tend to use the sql syntax without implicit joins
SELECT ind.desc, ind.number
FROM int_goals_df idd
INNER JOIN goals_df ind
ON ind.number = idd.ind_number
WHERE idd.dld_number = 123456
AND ind.categorie = 2
ORDER BY follownumber
You can see from Chris's answer this translates more easily to linq.
SELECT node.CategoryId,
node.Lft, node.Rgt,
(COUNT(parent.CategoryName) - 1) AS Level,
(CASE WHEN node.Lft = node.Rgt - 1 THEN 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALSE' END) AS Leaf
FROM Article_Category AS node,
Article_Category AS parent
WHERE node.Lft BETWEEN parent.Lft AND parent.Rgt
GROUP BY node.CategoryId,node.CategoryName,node.Description,node.Lft,node.Rgt,node.ShowOnMenu
ORDER BY node.Lft
My linq expression:
var list = (from node in DbContext.Categories
from parent in DbContext.Categories
where node.Lft >= parent.Lft && node.Lft <= parent.Rgt
select new
ParentName = parent.CategoryName,
} into x
group x by new
} into g
orderby g.Key.Lft
select new
CategoryId = g.Key.CategoryId,
CategoryName = g.Key.CategoryName,
Description = g.Key.Description,
Lft = g.Key.Lft,
Rgt = g.Key.Rgt,
ShowOnMenu = g.Key.ShowOnMenu,
Level = g.Count() - 1,
IsLeaf = g.Key.Lft == g.Key.Rgt - 1
My question:
The linq expression is too long, there is two 'select new' expressions, i wonder how to make it shorter?
What's the corresponding Extension Method to the linq query? How can i express the "from... from...where..." with Extension method?
The first select new .. into x I don't see why you need, try removing it and write group node by new...
"from...from" is written as a lambda expression like this:
Categories.SelectMany(n => Categories, (n, p) => new { Node = n, Parent = p });
Take this example:
int[] queryValues1 = new int[10] {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int[] queryValues2 = new int[100]; // this is 0 to 100
for (int i = 0; i < queryValues2.Length; i++)
queryValues2[i] = i;
var queryResult =
from qRes1 in queryValues1
from qRes2 in queryValues2
where qRes1 * qRes2 == 12
select new { qRes1, qRes2 };
foreach (var result in queryResult)
textBox1.Text += result.qRes1 + " * " + result.qRes2 + " = 12" + Environment.NewLine;
Obviously this code will result in:
1 * 12 = 12
2 * 6 = 12
3 * 4 = 12
4 * 3 = 12
6 * 2 = 12
But what I need is only the first 3 lines. That is I do not want if 2*6 = 12 the query checks if 6*2 is also 12. Is there a way to filter this in the LINQ query or I have to do it in the foreach loop afterward?
My question just is a sample to show what I mean. so I want to know the way of doing such thing no matter what is the type of object being linqed to!
In general the simple solution would be more where conditions since the where clauses are what by definition cause LINQ to skip iterations:
var queryResult =
from qRes1 in queryValues1
from qRes2 in queryValues1
where qRes1 * qRes2 == 12
&& qRes1 <= Math.Sqrt(12)
select new { qRes1, qRes2 };
You could use .Distinct() and create your own IEqualityComparer that compares objects based on what 'equals' means in your case.
So, for your original example:
class PairSetEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<Tuple<int, int>>
public bool Equals(Tuple<int, int> x, Tuple<int, int> y)
return (x.Item1 == y.Item1 && x.Item2 == y.Item2) ||
(x.Item1 == y.Item2 && x.Item2 == y.Item1);
public int GetHashCode(Tuple<int, int> obj)
return obj.Item1*obj.Item2;
And, you use it like this:
var queryResult =
(from qRes1 in queryValues1
from qRes2 in queryValues2
where qRes1 * qRes2 == 12
select new Tuple<int, int>(qRes1, qRes2)).Distinct(new PairSetEqualityComparer());
TakeWhile(condition):Returns elements from a sequence as long as a specified condition is true, and then skips the remaining elements.
foreach (var result in queryResult.TakeWhile(x => x.qRes1 <= Math.Sqrt(12)))
I have a List, MyStuff has a property of Type Float.
There are objects with property values of 10,20,22,30.
I need to write a query that finds the objects closest to 21, in this case it would find the 20 and 22 object. Then I need to write one that finds the object closes to 21 without going over, and it would return the object with a value of 20.
I have no idea where/how to begin with this one. Help?
Update - wow there are so many awesome responses here. Thanks! I don't know which one to follow so I will try them all. One thing that might make this more (or less) interesting is that the same query will have to apply to LINQ-to-SQL entities, so possibly the answer harvested from the MS Linq forums will work the best? Don't know.
Try sorting them by the absolute value of the difference between the number and 21 and then take the first item:
float closest = MyStuff
.Select (n => new { n, distance = Math.Abs (n - 21) })
.OrderBy (p => p.distance)
Or shorten it according to #Yuriy Faktorovich's comment:
float closest = MyStuff
.OrderBy(n => Math.Abs(n - 21))
Here's a solution that satisfies the second query in linear time:
var pivot = 21f;
var closestBelow = pivot - numbers.Where(n => n <= pivot)
.Min(n => pivot - n);
(Edited from 'above' to 'below' after clarification)
As for the first query, it would be easiest to use MoreLinq's MinBy extension:
var closest = numbers.MinBy(n => Math.Abs(pivot - n));
It's also possible to do it in standard LINQ in linear time, but with 2 passes of the source:
var minDistance = numbers.Min(n => Math.Abs(pivot - n));
var closest = numbers.First(n => Math.Abs(pivot - n) == minDistance);
If efficiency is not an issue, you could sort the sequence and pick the first value in O(n * log n) as others have posted.
Based on this post at the Microsoft Linq forums:
var numbers = new List<float> { 10f, 20f, 22f, 30f };
var target = 21f;
//gets single number which is closest
var closest = numbers.Select( n => new { n, distance = Math.Abs( n - target ) } )
.OrderBy( p => p.distance )
//get two closest
var take = 2;
var closests = numbers.Select( n => new { n, distance = Math.Abs( n - target ) } )
.OrderBy( p => p.distance )
.Select( p => p.n )
.Take( take );
//gets any that are within x of target
var within = 1;
var withins = numbers.Select( n => new { n, distance = Math.Abs( n - target ) } )
.Where( p => p.distance <= within )
.Select( p => p.n );
List<float> numbers = new List<float>() { 10f, 20f, 22f, 30f };
float pivot = 21f;
var result = numbers.Where(x => x >= pivot).OrderBy(x => x).FirstOrDefault();
var result = (from n in numbers
where n>=pivot
orderby n
select n).FirstOrDefault();
and here comes an extension method:
public static T Closest<T,TKey>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Func<T, TKey> keySelector, TKey pivot) where TKey : IComparable<TKey>
return source.Where(x => pivot.CompareTo(keySelector(x)) <= 0).OrderBy(keySelector).FirstOrDefault();
var result = numbers.Closest(n => n, pivot);