First: What I want to do?
I want to run multiple jobs on one thread, for example, I want to make a thread for calculations and always run methods inside of that.
Get a pointer like SynchronizationContext.Current or Thread.CurrentThread to access current job working.
3.A Cross-Platform way like Net Standard.
Second: Example-1 (CrossPlatform-Working) My example not working, because Post and Send method in SynchronizationContext don't work
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SynchronizationContext contextThread1 = null;
SynchronizationContext contextThread2 = null;
Thread thread1, thread2 = null;
thread1 = new Thread(() =>
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext());
contextThread1 = SynchronizationContext.Current;
while (true)
if (contextThread2 != null)
contextThread2.Post((state) =>
//Thread.CurrentThread == thread2 always false because the method is not runnig from thread 2
Console.WriteLine("call a method from thread 1 for thread 2 :" + (Thread.CurrentThread == thread2));
}, null);
thread1.IsBackground = true;
thread2 = new Thread(() =>
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new SynchronizationContext());
contextThread2 = SynchronizationContext.Current;
while (true)
if (contextThread1 != null)
contextThread1.Post((state) =>
//Thread.CurrentThread == thread1 always false because the method is not runnig from thread 1
Console.WriteLine("call a method from thread 2 for thread 1 :"+(Thread.CurrentThread == thread1));
}, null);
thread2.IsBackground = true;
Example-2: (No Cross PLatform because Windowsbase.dll): this example works fine but this is not cross platform.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Dispatcher contextThread1 = null;
Dispatcher contextThread2 = null;
Thread thread1, thread2 = null;
thread1 = new Thread(() =>
contextThread1 = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
thread1.IsBackground = true;
thread2 = new Thread(() =>
contextThread2 = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
thread2.IsBackground = true;
while (true)
if (contextThread2 != null)
contextThread2.Invoke(new Action(() =>
//Thread.CurrentThread == thread2 always false because the method is not runnig from thread 2
Console.WriteLine("call a method from thread 1 for thread 2 :" + (Thread.CurrentThread == thread2));
if (contextThread1 != null)
contextThread1.Invoke(new Action(() =>
Console.WriteLine("call a method from thread 2 for thread 1 :" + (Thread.CurrentThread == thread1));
You should always use a tool these days to make your life easier where possible. In this case you should use Microsoft's Reactive Framework. Just NuGet "System.Reactive" and add using System.Reactive.Linq;.
Then you can do this:
void Main()
var thread1 = new EventLoopScheduler();
var thread2 = new EventLoopScheduler();
Action action = () => Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
thread2.Schedule(() =>
The kind of output I get is:
If you follow along with the code you can see it is correctly scheduling to each thread.
When you want to shut down just call .Dispose() on each EventLoopScheduler.
I'm writing a simple producer/consumer application, but I'm noticing a really strange behaviour..This is the code:
private Thread _timelineThread = null;
private BufferBlock<RtpPacket> _queue = null;
private AutoResetEvent _stopping = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static void Main(string[] args)
// Start consumer thread
// Produce
var t = new Thread(() =>
while (true)
var packet = RtpPacket.GetNext();
static void Consume()
_timelineThread = new Thread(async () =>
while (_stopping.WaitOne(0) == false)
// Start consuming...
while (await _queue.OutputAvailableAsync())
var packet = await _queue.ReceiveAsync();
// Some processing...
This is intended to be an infinite loop (until I route the _stopping signal). But, when _timelineThread hits the first await _queue.OutputAvailableAsync(), the thread changes state to 'Stopped'. There is something wrong that I'm not considering ?
If I change the Consume() function to this:
static void Consume()
_timelineThread = new Thread(() =>
while (_stopping.WaitOne(0) == false)
// Start consuming...
while (_queue.OutputAvailableAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult())
var packet = _queue.ReceiveAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
// Some processing...
the thread runs without any problem..but the code is almost identical to the previous one..
EDIT: after one hour also this 'hack' doesn't seems to work..thread is 'Running' but I don't receive any data from the queue..
The Thread constructor does not understand async delegates. You can read about this here:
Is it OK to use "async" with a ThreadStart method?
Async thread body loop, It just works, but how?
My suggestion is to use a synchronous BlockingCollection<RtpPacket> instead of the BufferBlock<RtpPacket>, and consume it by enumerating the GetConsumingEnumerable method:
var _queue = new BlockingCollection<RtpPacket>();
var producer = new Thread(() =>
while (true)
var packet = RtpPacket.GetNext();
if (packet == null) { _queue.CompleteAdding(); break; }
var consumer = new Thread(() =>
foreach (var packet in _queue.GetConsumingEnumerable())
// Some processing...
im developing an app for android via c#(xamarin.visual studio) , the problem is that i have some task to do that running in other threads , and when it should update the layout it should call Activity.RunOnUIThread , everything it's working well but the thread dont wait this method to finnish and continue executing the rest withuout waiting.
The question is : How to wait for RunOnUIThread to finish and after that continue executing rest of the commands of the task. ?
public void start(int threadCounter)
for (int i = 0; i < threadCounter; i++)
Thread thread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RunScanTcp));
public void RunScanTcp()
int port;
//while there are more ports to scan
while ((port = portList.NextPort()) != -1)
count = port;
Thread.Sleep(1000); //lets be a good citizen to the cpu
Console.WriteLine("Current Port Count : " + count.ToString());
Connect(host, port, tcpTimeout);
Activity.RunOnUiThread(() =>
mdata.Add(new data() { titulli = "Port : " + port, sekuenca = "Sequence : ", ttl = "Connection Sucessfull !", madhesia = "", koha = "Time : " });
mAdapter.NotifyItemInserted(mdata.Count() - 1);
if (ndaluar == false)
mRecyclerView.ScrollToPosition(mdata.Count() - 1);
}); // in that point i want to wait this to finish and than continue below...
Console.WriteLine("TCP Port {0} is open ", port);
First of all you should avoid creating new Threads.
In you case you must use ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem to enqueue the CPU bound operation.
Then you could use a ManualResetEventSlim or TaskCompletionSource to synchronize the the UI thread and the Worker Thread.
// mre is used to block and release threads manually. It is
// created in the unsignaled state.
ManualResetEventSlim mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
RunOnUiThread(() =>
// Update UI here.
// Release Manual reset event.
// Wait until UI operations end.
In your specific case:
for (int i = 0; i < threadCounter; i++)
private void RunScanTcp(object stateInfo)
// Do CPU bound operation here.
var a = 100;
while (--a != 0)
// mre is used to block and release threads manually. It is
// created in the unsignaled state.
ManualResetEventSlim mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
Activity.RunOnUiThread(() =>
// Update UI here.
// Release Manual reset event.
// Wait until UI operation ends.
If you prefer to use TaskCompletionSource you could use an alternative approach:
private async void RunScanTcp(object stateInfo)
// Do CPU bound operation here.
var a = 100;
while (--a != 0)
// using TaskCompletionSource
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
RunOnUiThread(() =>
// Update UI here.
// Set result
// Wait until UI operationds.
You could use Monitor.Wait and Monitor.Pulse with a shared myLock object to wait for the UI execution.
Activity.RunOnUiThread(() =>
mdata.Add(new data() { titulli = "Port : " + port, sekuenca = "Sequence : ", ttl = "Connection Sucessfull !", madhesia = "", koha = "Time : " });
mAdapter.NotifyItemInserted(mdata.Count() - 1);
if (ndaluar == false)
mRecyclerView.ScrollToPosition(mdata.Count() - 1);
lock(myLock) Monitor.Pulse(myLock)
lock(myLock) Monitor.Wait(myLock)
Console.WriteLine("TCP Port {0} is open ", port);
For those interested in an async/await solution, there is Stephen Cleary's AsyncManualResetEvent, e.g.:
var mre = new AsyncManualResetEvent();
this.context.RunOnUiThread(() =>
// Do awesome UI stuff
await mre.WaitAsync();
In C# WinForm, I use several Threads like this
private Thread Thread1;
Thread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoSomething));
And I want to set a timer to Stop/Kill the Thread1 every hour, and restart a new Thread1 like this:
Abort/Kill Thread1;
Thread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoSomething));
So How to kill the thread1 and restart a new one without Restart my Winform?
Thank you kindly for your reply. I much appreciated it
You can do so by having a while loop in DoSomething that continues based on a volatile bool. Please see Groo's answer here:
Restarting a thread in .NET (using C#)
Here is a sample.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
var i = 0;
Action DoSomething = () => {
while (true) {
Thread Thread1;
Thread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoSomething));
Text = i.ToString();
Thread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoSomething));
I don't recommend Thread.Abort method.
When possible, design the thread what can stop safety. And use Join method.
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// the flag, to stop the thread outside.
var needStop = false;
var i = 0;
Action DoSomething = () => {
while (!needStop) {
Thread Thread1;
Thread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoSomething));
Text = i.ToString();
// change flag to stop.
needStop = true;
// wait until thread stop.
// start new thread.
Thread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DoSomething));
// needStop = true;
// Thread1.Join();
I am starting a thread and updating form element but following code is making form unresposive please suggest what I am doing wrong here.
private void StartTimer()
Thread t = new Thread(Updates);
t.IsBackground = true;
private void Updates()
while (true)
lblTotalImages.Text = AppHelper.GetTotalCount(textBox1.Text).ToString();
if (sitename != null)
lblTotalPosted.Text = AppHelper.GetPostedCount(sitename).ToString();
// Application.DoEvents();
catch (Exception ex)
Thanks #Servy for introducing Task Parallel Library i have never used it here is solution i come up with i used timer and task factory
ya for .net 4 without library extension and vs 2010 i have this working perfectly
enter code here private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => AppHelper.GetTotalCount(textBox1.Text)).ContinueWith(t => lblTotalImages.Text = t.Result.ToString(), TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
if (sitename != null)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => AppHelper.GetPostedCount(sitename)).ContinueWith(t => lblTotalPosted.Text = t.Result.ToString(), TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
You are doing some sort of long running non-UI operation inside of the call to Invoke, which means it's being done in the UI thread. You should strive to only be updating the UI in the UI thread; ensure that any long running non-UI code is outside of any invocations to the UI thread.
The use of await also allows this solution to be written in a much simpler and more effective manor:
public async void StartTimer()
while (true)
string text = textBox1.Text;
lblTotalImages.Text = await Task.Run(() =>
if (sitename != null)
lblTotalPosted.Text = await Task.Run(() =>
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
I am not using any thread pool. Just creating ThreadArray.The for loop creats the thread but same time main thread continues.... How can I apply wait on main thread until all threads created by for loop not get completed.
public List<DirInfo> ScanDir()
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
threadArray[i] = new Thread(delegate()
List<DirInfo> listInfo = new List<DirInfo>();
return listInfo
public List<ServerDataInformation> ScanParallel()
var appConfigData = ReadAppConfig();
if (appConfigData == null)
EventPublisher.NotifyApplication("Error in appconfig File");
return null;
int pathCount = appConfigData.Length;
string serverPath;
string serverName;
var waitHandles = new WaitHandle[pathCount];
Thread[] threadArray = new Thread[pathCount];
for (int i = 0; i < pathCount; i++)
// waitHandles[i] = new AutoResetEvent(false);
var handle = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);
serverPath = appConfigData[i].Split(',').First();
serverName = appConfigData[i].Split(',').Last();
var threadSplit = new Thread(() =>
ScanProcess(serverPath, serverName); --------->> not executing as many times as I increment
waitHandles[i] = handle;
//if (WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles))
// return serverDataInfoList;
// // EventPublisher.NotifyApplication("timeout!!");
return serverDataInfoList;
Here 4 is the lenght of pathCount but
ScanProcess(serverPath, serverName);
is not executing 4 time with different values. It is executing 4 times but with same vaues
You could use wait handles:
var waitHandles = new ManualResetEvent[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
waitHandles[i] = new ManualResetEvent(false);
new Thread(waitHandle =>
// TODO: Do some processing...
// signal the corresponding wait handle
// ideally wrap the processing in a try/finally
// to ensure that the handle has been signaled
(waitHandle as ManualResetEvent).Set();
// wait for all handles to be signaled => this will block the main
// thread until all the handles have been signaled (calling .Set on them)
// which would indicate that the background threads have finished
// We also define a 30s timeout to avoid blocking forever
if (!WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)))
// timeout
Have you tried the .Net 4 Task Parallel Library
MSDN Task Parallel Library
Task[] tasks = new Task[3]
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => MethodA()),
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => MethodB()),
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => MethodC())
//Block until all tasks complete.
// Continue on this thread...
Associate each thread with a waithandle, then use WaitHandle.WaitAll.If you start thread by async delegate call instead of a new thread object, it will give you the async result as waithandle.
for(int i = 0;i<10;i++)
thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Get_CR_Information));
thread.IsBackground = true;
WaitHandle[] AWait = new WaitHandle[] { new AutoResetEvent(false) };
while ( thread.IsAlive)
WaitHandle.WaitAny(AWait, 50, false);
try this it will work fine...
Try using CountdownEvent synchronization primitive, Below link contains an example.