I have some model
public partial class Option
public int Id { get; set; }
public Quote Quote { get; set; }
public Contract Contract { get; set; }
Method that does bulk write
public Task SaveOptions(List<Option> contracts)
var context = new MongoContext();
var processes = new List<Task<UpdateResult>>();
var collection = context.Storage.GetCollection<Option>("options");
contracts.ForEach(contract =>
var item = Builders<Option>.Update.Set(o => o, contract);
var options = new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true };
processes.Add(collection.UpdateOneAsync(o => o.Id == contract.Id, item, options));
return Task.WhenAll(processes);
Call for the method above
Task.WhenAll(service.SaveOptions(contracts)) // also tried without Task.WhenAll
For some reason, it doesn't create any record in Mongo DB
Tried to rewrite bulk write this way, still no changes.
public Task SaveOptions(List<Option> contracts)
var context = new MongoContext();
var records = new List<UpdateOneModel<Option>>();
var collection = context.Storage.GetCollection<Option>("options");
contracts.ForEach(contract =>
var record = new UpdateOneModel<Option>(
Builders<Option>.Filter.Where(o => o.Id == contract.Id),
Builders<Option>.Update.Set(o => o, contract))
IsUpsert = true
return collection.BulkWriteAsync(records);
I think you want to use ReplaceOneAsync:
processes.Add(collection.ReplaceOneAsync(o => o.Id == contract.Id, contract, options));
The problem with using UpdateOneAsync here is that you're supposed to specify a field to update, and o => o doesn't do that. Since you want to replace the entire object, you need to use ReplaceOneAsync.
** Note that you can also do this with BulkWriteAsync by creating a ReplaceOneModel instead of an UpdateOneModel.
I have read the document https://gist.github.com/netoisc/5d456850d79f246685fee23be2469155
which well know how to mock elasticsearch query
But I have a case which return result have innerhits
Documents = searchResult.Hits.Select(
h => {
if (h.InnerHits.TryGetValue("books", out var data)) {
ht.Source.Books = data!.Documents<book>();
ht.Source.Books = ht.Source.Books.Where(k=>k.country=="US");
return h.Source;
From my mock test
I have do this
var innerHitResult = new Mock<InnerHitsResult>();
innerHitResult.SetupGet(s => s.Documents<book>()).Returns(new List<book>());
var innerHitDictionary = new Dictionary<string, InnerHitsResult> {
"books", innerHitResult.Object
I've got the error on innerHitResult.SetupGet , which error say :
System.ArgumentException: Expression is not a property access: s => s.Documents<book>()
Even I use innerHitResult.Setup is not working
Can I know how to do mock for inner hit ?
In the other simple example
if I have a class :
public class BlogSearchResult
public InnerMetaData Hits { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<T> Document<T>() where T : class => Hits.Documents<T>();
I want to mock BlogSearchResult which want to do
var blogs = fixture.CreateMany<Blog>();
var blogSearch = new Mock<BlogSearchResult>();
blogSearch.SetupGet(s => s.Document<Blog>()).Returns(blogs);
blogSearch.Setup(s => s.Document<Blog>()).Returns(blogs);
They are all return error, is that possible ?
I have project entity structure like this as below with project name and project number and along with some list objects as well as properties.
public class DesignProject
[Key, GraphQLNonNullType]
public string ProjectNumber { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
[Column(TypeName = "jsonb")]
public ProjectSectionStatus SectionStatuses { get; set; } = new ProjectSectionStatus();
[ForeignKey("AshraeClimateZone"), GraphQLIgnore]
public Guid? AshraeClimateZoneId { get; set; }
public virtual AshraeClimateZone AshraeClimateZone { get; set; }
[Column(TypeName = "jsonb")]
public List<ProjectObject<classA>> classAList{ get; set; } = new List<ProjectObject<classA>>();
[Column(TypeName = "jsonb")]
public List<ProjectObject<classB>> classBList{ get; set; } = new List<ProjectObject<classB>>();
Some more json columns
and the project object class like this
public class ProjectObject<T>
public Guid? Id { get; set; }
public T OriginalObject { get; set; }
public T ModifiedObject { get; set; }
[GraphQLIgnore, JsonIgnore]
public T TargetObject
return ModifiedObject ?? OriginalObject;
and ClassA entity structure like as below
public class ClassA
public string Edition { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
and i have some similar children entities (ClassA) same like as above, I want to copy the contents and statuses from one project entity to other project entity.
I have project entity with ProjectNumber 1212 and have another project having ProjectNumber like 23323 so i would like copy entire project contents from 1212 to 23323. So is there any way we can achieve this with C# and i am using .Net Core with Entity framework core.
Here the source design project that i am going to copy have same structure with destination design project and i am fine with overriding the destination project values and i don't want to update the project number here.
Could any one please let me know the how can i achieve this copying? Thanks in advance!!
Please let me know if i need to add any details for this question
Update : Deep copy related code
public InsertResponse<string> CopyBookmarkproject(string SourceProjectNumber, string destinationProjectNumber)
var sourceDesignProject = this._dbContext.DesignProject.Where(a => a.ProjectNumber == SourceProjectNumber).SingleOrDefault();
var destinationProject = this._dbContext.DesignProject.Where(a => a.ProjectNumber == destinationProjectNumber).SingleOrDefault();
CopyProject(sourceDesignProject, destinationProject);
// Need to update the Db context at here after deep copy
private void CopyProject(DesignProject sourceDesignProject, DesignProject destinationProject)
destinationProject.classAList= sourceDesignProject.classAList; // Not sure whether this copy will works
destinationProject.AshraeClimateZone = sourceDesignProject.AshraeClimateZone; // not sure whether this copy will works also
Updated solution 2:
var sourceDesignProject = this._dbContext.DesignProjects.AsNoTracking()
.Where(a => a.ProjectNumber == sourceProjectNumber)
.Include(a => a.PrimaryBuildingType)
.Include(a => a.AshraeClimateZone).SingleOrDefault();
var targetDesignProject = this._dbContext.DesignProjects.Where(a => a.ProjectNumber == targetProjectNumber).SingleOrDefault();
sourceDesignProject.ProjectNumber = targetDesignProject.ProjectNumber;
sourceDesignProject.SectionStatuses.AirSystemsSectionStatus = Entities.Enums.ProjectSectionStage.INCOMPLETE;
sourceDesignProject.SectionStatuses.CodesAndGuidelinesSectionStatus = Entities.Enums.ProjectSectionStage.INCOMPLETE;
sourceDesignProject.SectionStatuses.ExecutiveSummarySectionStatus = Entities.Enums.ProjectSectionStage.INCOMPLETE;
sourceDesignProject.SectionStatuses.ExhaustEquipmentSectionStatus = Entities.Enums.ProjectSectionStage.INCOMPLETE;
sourceDesignProject.SectionStatuses.InfiltrationSectionStatus = Entities.Enums.ProjectSectionStage.INCOMPLETE;
this._dbContext.Entry(sourceDesignProject).State = EntityState.Modified; // getting the below error at this line
ok = true;
getting an error like as below
The instance of entity type 'DesignProject' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {'ProjectNumber'} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached.
There's a simple and short solution which uses .AsNoTracking() for source entry, assigning destination's ProjectNumber to the source and then changing the EntityState as Modified for it. It will copy all the properties to the destination entry :
var sourceDesignProject = this._dbContext.DesignProject.AsNoTracking().Where(a => a.ProjectNumber == SourceProjectNumber).SingleOrDefault();
var destinationProject = this._dbContext.DesignProject.Where(a => a.ProjectNumber == destinationProjectNumber).SingleOrDefault();
sourceDesignProject.ProjectNumber = destinationProject.ProjectNumber;
this._dbContext.Entry(sourceDesignProject).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
Make sure your relational properties are loaded before.
You can make use of Reflection. As you have both, source and destination objects and are of the same type. You can just traverse through source object and fetch the properties and replace the values.
Something like :
if (inputObjectA != null && inputObjectB != null)
//create variables to store object values
object value1, value2;
PropertyInfo[] properties = inputObjectA.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
//get all public properties of the object using reflection
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties)
//get the property values of both the objects
value1 = propertyInfo.GetValue(inputObjectA, null);
value2 = propertyInfo.GetValue(inputObjectB, null);
Ignore the properties that are not needed to be copied. The method will have a signature like below :
CopyObjects(object inputObjectA, object inputObjectB, string[] ignorePropertiesList)
Two choices bring to mind for deep copy of objects:
1- Using BinaryFormatter (Needs Serializable attribute on your class, See original answer):
public static T DeepClone<T>(this T obj)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
var formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(ms, obj);
ms.Position = 0;
return (T) formatter.Deserialize(ms);
2- Using JsonSerializers like NewtoneSoft:
public static T CloneJson<T>(this T source)
// Don't serialize a null object, simply return the default for that object
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(source, null))
return default(T);
// initialize inner objects individually
// for example in default constructor some list property initialized with some values,
// but in 'source' these items are cleaned -
// without ObjectCreationHandling.Replace default constructor values will be added to result
var deserializeSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings {ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace};
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(source), deserializeSettings);
Here's the code you can use with NewtonSoft Json library:
private void CopyProject(DesignProject sourceDesignProject, ref DesignProject destinationProject)
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(sourceDesignProject, null))
destinationProject = null;
var deserializeSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings {ObjectCreationHandling = ObjectCreationHandling.Replace};
var destProjNumber = destinationProject.ProjectNumber;
destinationProject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DesignProject>
(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sourceDesignProject), deserializeSettings);
destinationProject.ProjectNumber = destProjNumber;
I always prefer using AutoMapper for these type of work. It's optimized and lower risk of making mistakes. And better than serialize/deserialize method since that would cause performance issues.
In your constructor (or in startup.cs and passing via dependency injection)
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => {
cfg.CreateMap<DesignProject, DesignProject>().ForMember(x => x.Id, opt => opt.Ignore());
cfg.CreateMap<ProjectObject<ClassA>, ProjectObject<ClassA>>().ForMember(x => x.Id, opt => opt.Ignore()));
cfg.CreateMap<ProjectObject<ClassA>, ProjectObject<ClassB>>().ForMember(x => x.Id, opt => opt.Ignore()));
cfg.CreateMap<ProjectObject<ClassB>, ProjectObject<ClassB>>().ForMember(x => x.Id, opt => opt.Ignore()));
cfg.CreateMap<ProjectObject<ClassB>, ProjectObject<ClassA>>().ForMember(x => x.Id, opt => opt.Ignore()));
var mapper = config.CreateMapper();
In your method :
var newProject = mapper.Map(sourceProject, new DesignProject());
mapper.Map(sourceProject, targetProject);
This shouldn't work. If I understand you want to copy all elements from list into new list, but to make new object. Than maybe you can use extension method to clone complete list as described here link. For updating navigation properties check this post link.
I am trying to update a document in Mongo that represents a community with the following scenario.
A community has a collection of blocks
A block has a collection of floors
A floor has a collection of doors
A door has a collection of label names
Given a document Id and information about the labels that must be placed into each door, I want to use the MongoDb C# driver v2.10.4 and mongo:latest to update nested lists (several levels).
I've reading the documentation, about array filters, but I can't have it working.
I've created a repository from scratch to reproduce the problem, with instructions on the Readme on how to run the integration test and a local MongoDB with docker.
But as a summary, my method groupds the labels so that I can bulk place names on the desired door and then it iterates over these groups and updates on Mongo the specific document setting the desired value inside some levels deep nested object. I couldn't think of a more efficient way.
All the code in the above repo.
The DB document:
public class Community
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Block> Blocks { get; set; } = Enumerable.Empty<Block>();
public class Block
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public IEnumerable<Floor> Floors { get; set; } = Enumerable.Empty<Floor>();
public class Floor
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public IEnumerable<Door> Doors { get; set; } = Enumerable.Empty<Door>();
public class Door
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public IEnumerable<string> LabelNames = Enumerable.Empty<string>();
The problematic method with array filters:
public async Task UpdateDoorNames(Guid id, IEnumerable<Label> labels)
var labelsGroupedByHouse =
.GroupBy(x => new { x.BlockId, x.FloorId, x.DoorId })
var filter =
.Where(x => x.Id == id);
foreach (var house in labelsGroupedByHouse)
var houseBlockName = house.Key.BlockId;
var houseFloorName = house.Key.FloorId;
var houseDoorName = house.Key.DoorId;
var names = house.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
var update =
.Set($"Blocks.$[{houseBlockName}].Floors.$[{houseFloorName}].Doors.$[{houseDoorName}].LabelNames", names);
await _communities.UpdateOneAsync(filter, update);
The exception is
MongoDB.Driver.MongoWriteException with the message "A write operation resulted in an error.
No array filter found for identifier 'Block 1' in path 'Blocks.$[Block 1].Floors.$[Ground Floor].Doors.$[A].LabelNames'"
Here's a more visual sample on how the nested structure looks like in the database. Notice the value I want to update is the LabelNames, which is an array of string.
I appreciate any help to have this working and suggestions on whether it's the right approach assuming that I cannot change the repository's method signature.
Thanks for the quick answer #mickl, it works perfectly.
Result at this repo's specific point of history exactly as suggested.
The $[{houseBlockName}] expects an identifier which acts as a placeholder and has a corresponding filter defined within arrayfilters (positional filtered). It seems like you're trying to pass the filter value directly which is incorrect.
Your C# code can look like this:
var houseBlockName = house.Key.BlockId;
var houseFloorName = house.Key.FloorId;
var houseDoorName = house.Key.DoorId;
var names = house.Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
var update = Builders<Community>.Update.Set("Blocks.$[block].Floors.$[floor].Doors.$[door].LabelNames", names);
var arrayFilters = new List<ArrayFilterDefinition>();
ArrayFilterDefinition<BsonDocument> blockFilter = new BsonDocument("block.Name", new BsonDocument("$eq", houseBlockName));
ArrayFilterDefinition<BsonDocument> floorFilter = new BsonDocument("floor.Name", new BsonDocument("$eq", houseFloorName));
ArrayFilterDefinition<BsonDocument> doorFilter = new BsonDocument("door.Name", new BsonDocument("$eq", houseDoorName));
var updateOptions = new UpdateOptions { ArrayFilters = arrayFilters };
var result = _communities.UpdateOne(filter, update, updateOptions);
var filterCompany = Builders<CompanyInfo>.Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, Timekeepping.CompanyID);
var update = Builders<CompanyInfo>.Update.Set("LstPersonnel.$[i].Timekeeping.$[j].CheckOutDate", DateTime.UtcNow);
var arrayFilters = new List<ArrayFilterDefinition>
new BsonDocumentArrayFilterDefinition<BsonDocument>(new BsonDocument("i.MacAddress",new BsonDocument("$eq", Timekeepping.MacAddress) )),
new BsonDocumentArrayFilterDefinition<BsonDocument>(new BsonDocument("j.Id", new BsonDocument("$eq", timeKeeping.Id)))
var updateOptions = new UpdateOptions { ArrayFilters = arrayFilters};
var updateResult = await _companys.UpdateOneAsync(filterCompany, update, updateOptions);
return updateResult.ModifiedCount != 0;
I have a list of object which is something like this
[Code Type][condition Type][Question Type][Description]
I want to map this with a class which has a subclass and it's subclass also has a subclass.
Structure is like this
public Class TypeModel
public string Type{get;set;}
public List<ConditionModel> Conditions {get;set;}
public Class ConditionModel
public string Type{get;set;}
public string Description {get;set;}
public List<QuestionModel> Questions {get;set;}
public Class QuestionModel
public string Type {get;set;}
I have written this LINQ query to populate the main Type Class so far but it is not working. I need help in creating this query.
var results = allTypes.GroupBy(type => type.CodeType)
.Select(grp => new TypeModel
Type = grp.Select(i => i.CodeType).First(),
Conditions = new List<ConditionModel>
grp.GroupBy(condition => condition.ConditionType)
.Select(conditionGrp => new ConditionModel {
Type = conditionGrp.Select(i => i.ConditionType).First(),
Description = conditionGrp.Select(i => i.Description).First(),
Questions = new List<QuestionModel>
conditionGrp.GroupBy(question => question.QuestionType)
.Select(questionGrp => new QuestionModel
Type = questionGrp.Select(i => i.QuestionType).First(),
What I am trying to achieve with this query? To get list of TypeModel.
If you'll notice the table first three rows will fetch me one typeModel and another 6 rows another typeModel but it will have two ConditonModels and each condition Model, 3 questionModel.
The following should work:
Group by CodeType first, then inside each group, group by ConditionType, Description and select appropriate results.
var results = allTypes.GroupBy(
type => type.CodeType, // CodeType key selector
(codeType, elements) => new TypeModel
Type = codeType,
Conditions = elements.GroupBy(
x => new { x.ConditionType, x.Description }, // ConditionType key selector
x => x.QuestionType, // QuestionType selector as elements of the ConditionType group
(condition, elements2) => new ConditionModel
Type = condition.ConditionType,
Description = condition.Description,
// Questions transformation
Questions = elements2.Select(q => new QuestionModel { Type = q }).ToList()
In case you are confused by so much nested LINQ, there is nothing wrong in using some plain old loops in order to create your resulting data:
var results = new List<TypeModel>();
foreach (var item in allTypes.GroupBy(type => type.CodeType))
var conditionsList = new List<ConditionModel>();
foreach (var item2 in item.GroupBy(x => new { x.ConditionType, x.Description }))
conditionsList.Add(new ConditionModel
Type = item2.Key.ConditionType,
Description = item2.Key.Description,
Questions = item2.Select(x => new QuestionModel { Type = x.QuestionType }).ToList()
results.Add(new TypeModel
Type = item.Key,
Conditions = conditionsList
this is my code... but i need select only column to display in my Datagridview.
I Need the code to select only some columns.. example
Select{t => t.usu_Login, t => t.usu_Login}
public List<tb_usuario> Get(FilterDefinition filter)
var contexto = new indNET_Entities();
IQueryable<tb_usuario> Consulta = contexto.tb_usuario.AsQueryable<tb_usuario>()
.Where(t => t.usu_Ativo == 1)
.OrderBy(t => t.usu_Login);
return Consulta.ToList();
If you only want a limited number of columns and you intend to pass the result out of the method, first declare a concrete type to describe the elements.
public class UsuarioData
public string UsuLogin { get; set; } // or whatever
public string UsuName { get; set; } // or whatever
Then you can use this in the return type for the method
public List<UsuarioData> Get(...)
And finally, use the type in your select.
var consulta = contexto.tb_usuario.Where(whatever).OrderBy(whatever)
.Select(t => new UsuarioData
UsuLogin = t.usu_login,
UsuName = t.usu_name
return consulta.ToList();
And, of course, your callers should expect to get this as the result (or just use type inference with var).
IQueryable<tb_usuario> Consulta = contexto.tb_usuario.AsQueryable<tb_usuario>()
.Where(t => t.usu_Ativo == 1)
.OrderBy(t => t.usu_Login)
.Select(t => t.ColumnName);
Well there is a few ways you could do this, the easiest way:
grdvwHoldings.DataSource = Model.Holdings
.Select(x=> new
{ Name= x.HoldingName,
CustomerName = x.FundCustomerName
Alternatively you could create a class and substitute the new {} for the class and do it at the data layer level.
Try this:
select new {usu_Login=r.Field<string>("usu_Login")}).ToList();