Run multiple tasks with continuation - c#

I found some strange behavior running tasks within a for loop and awaiting them all. As mentioned below, what the code does is starting a "loop" for definite number of tasks, each task creates a "ToDo" item and each task has a continuation that assigns each created task to a person and finally but them in a listBox using Invoke so the UI thread is called. this works fine, but i do not get the expected data in the listBox. I do not expect them to be ordered, but i do expect them to be paired, e.g. :
Person_8, Todo 8
Person 5, Todo 5
And they should only appear ones in the listBox of course ! But instead, i get strange output (and output is never the same for each run), here are some examples running the code:
enter image description here
enter image description here
And here is the code:
private async void buttonCreateToDo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){
await CreateToDoAsync();
private async Task CreateToDoAsync(){
List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++){
var task = Task.Run(() => CreateToDo(i));
Task continuation = task.ContinueWith((antecedent) => Invoke(new AssignTaskDelegate(AssignTask), (new Person() {
Name = $"Person_{i}",
ToDoForPerson = antecedent.Result
await Task.WhenAll(taskList.ToArray());
private ToDo CreateToDo(int toDoId) {
return new ToDo(){
Id = toDoId,
Description = $"Todo {toDoId}"
private void AssignTask(Person person){
listBoxToDo.Items.Add($"{person.Name}, {person.ToDoForPerson.Description}");

Your issue is that for loop runs much faster than the creation of the tasks and so by the time the tasks run the variable i has reached the end of the loop.
To fix this you need to take a copy of i inside the loop and use that.
Try this code:
private async Task CreateToDoAsync()
List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
var local_i = i;
var task = Task.Run(() => CreateToDo(local_i));
Task continuation = task.ContinueWith((antecedent) => Invoke(new AssignTaskDelegate(AssignTask), (new Person()
Name = $"Person_{local_i}",
ToDoForPerson = antecedent.Result
await Task.WhenAll(taskList.ToArray());
Now, in preference I'd use Microsoft's Reactive Framework (NuGet "System.Reactive") to do this work. Your code would look like this:
private async Task CreateToDoAsync()
var query =
from i in Observable.Range(1, 9)
from t in Observable.Start(() => CreateToDo(i))
select new Person() { Name = $"Person_{i}", ToDoForPerson = t };
await query.ObserveOn(listBoxToDo).Do(x => AssignTask(x));
Done. That's it.
When I run my code (with the AssignTask outputting to the Console) I get this:
Person_1, Todo 1
Person_2, Todo 2
Person_3, Todo 3
Person_6, Todo 6
Person_7, Todo 7
Person_4, Todo 4
Person_5, Todo 5
Person_8, Todo 8
Person_9, Todo 9
The .ObserveOn(listBoxToDo) works for Windows Forms to marshall back to the UI thread.

You are using variable "i" from the loop inside the task. "i" might have changed while your task started.


ASP.NET - async programming

I am trying to understand async programming, and I had a question. It is regarding the following functions below.
public async void TestAsyncCall() {
Task<string> TaskResult1 = DoSomethingAsync();
string Result2 = DoSomething();
string Result1 = await TaskResult1;
public string DoSomething() {
return "synch";
public async Task<string> DoSomethingAsync() {
await Task.Delay(10000);
return "asynch";
In the function call TestAsyncCall(), would one thread be used to execute DoSomethingAsync(), and another thread to execute DoSomething()?
Then when await is encountered, it would wait for DoSomethingAsync() to complete and release that thread (while also not blocking the original thread)?
Or will this not warrant any new threads being created? In that case will the DoSomethingAsync call be relevant only if it were to deal with some external resource?
I recommend you read my article on async ASP.NET.
Or will this not warrant any new threads being created?
This won't create any new threads. In particular, async and await by themselves won't create any new threads.
On ASP.NET, it's likely that the code after an await will run on a different thread than the code before that await. This is just exchanging one thread for another, though; no new threads are created.
In that case will the DoSomethingAsync call be relevant only if it were to deal with some external resource?
The primary use case for async is to deal with I/O, yes. This is particularly true on ASP.NET.
As #Stepehen-cleary said, "In particular, async and await by themselves won't create any new threads."
This next example is taken from the book: "C sharp in Depth" by John Skeet, chapter 15 pp.465:
class AsyncForm : Form
/* The first part of listing 15.1 simply creates the UI and hooks up an event handler for
the button in a straightforward way */
Label label;
Button button;
public AsyncForm()
label = new Label {
Location = new Point(10, 20),
Text = "Length"
button = new Button {
Location = new Point(10, 50),
Text = "Click"
button.Click += DisplayWebSiteLength;
AutoSize = true;
/* When you click on the button, the text of the book’s home page is fetched
and the label is updated to display the HTML lenght in characters */
async void DisplayWebSiteLength(object sender, EventArgs e)
label.Text = "Fetching...";
using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
string text =
await client.GetStringAsync("");
label.Text = text.Length.ToString();
/* The label is updated to display the HTML length in characters D. The
HttpClient is also disposed appropriately, whether the operation succeeds or fails—
something that would be all too easy to forget if you were writing similar asynchronous
code in C# 4 */
With this in mind, let's take a look to your code, you have Result1 and Result2, there's no point in having one asynchronous task waiting for a synchronous task to be finished. I would use Parallelism so you can perform both methods but to return something like two sets of Data, performing LINQ queries at the same time.
Take a look to this short example about Parallelism with Async Tasks:
public class StudentDocs
//some code over here
string sResult = ProcessDocs().Result;
//If string sResult is not empty there was an error
if (!sResult.Equals(string.Empty))
throw new Exception(sResult);
//some code over there
##region Methods
public async Task<string> ProcessDocs()
string sResult = string.Empty;
var taskStuDocs = GetStudentDocumentsAsync(item.NroCliente);
var taskStuClasses = GetStudentSemesterClassesAsync(item.NroCliente, vencimientoParaProductos);
//We Wait for BOTH TASKS to be accomplished...
await Task.WhenAll(taskStuDocs, taskStuClasses);
//Get the IList<Class>
var docsStudent = taskStuDocs.Result;
var docsCourses = taskStuClasses.Result;
You can do something with this data ... here
catch (Exception ex)
sResult = ex.Message;
Loggerdb.LogInfo("ERROR:" + ex.Message);
public async Task<IList<classA>> GetStudentDocumentsAsync(long studentId)
return await Task.Run(() => GetStudentDocuments(studentId)).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<IList<classB>> GetStudentSemesterCoursessAsync(long studentId)
return await Task.Run(() => GetStudentSemesterCourses(studentId)).ConfigureAwait(false);
//Performs task to bring Student Documents
public IList<ClassA> GetStudentDocuments(long studentId)
IList<ClassA> studentDocs = new List<ClassA>();
//Let's execute a Stored Procedured map on Entity Framework
using (ctxUniversityData oQuery = new ctxUniversityData())
//Since both TASKS are running at the same time we use AsParallel for performing parallels LINQ queries
foreach (var item in oQuery.GetStudentGrades(Convert.ToDecimal(studentId)).AsParallel())
//These are every element of IList
studentDocs.Add(new ClassA(
(int)(item.studentId ?? 0),
return studentDocs;
//Performs task to bring Student Courses per Semester
public IList<ClassB> GetStudentSemesterCourses(long studentId)
IList<ClassB> studentCourses = new List<ClassB>();
//Let's execute a Stored Procedured map on Entity Framework
using (ctxUniversityData oQuery = new ctxUniversityData())
//Since both TASKS are running at the same time we use AsParallel for performing parallels LINQ queries
foreach (var item in oQuery.GetStudentCourses(Convert.ToDecimal(studentId)).AsParallel())
//These are every element of IList
studentCourses.Add(new ClassB(
(int)(item.studentId ?? 0),
item.course ,
return studentCourses;

C# Async Tasks wait vs await

There is something that is bugging me for a while, something that happen in my code I can't understand.
I've defined a workflow to extract information from the Facebook API, basically I have 3 different async tasks.
Execute Reports
private static async Task<List<DataTypes.ReportRun>> ExecuteMarketingReports(FacebookClient fb, List<DataTypes.Request.Batch> batch_requests)
//Do stuff - Make async POST requests to
//FB to execute reports on FB server side
Monitorize Reports
private static async Task<List<DataTypes.AdReportRun>> MonitorizeMarketingReports(FacebookClient fb, List<DataTypes.ReportRun> tListReportRun)
//Do stuff -- Check if the reports are ready or not, and return a list with status
private static async Task GetReportData(FacebookClient fb, List<DataTypes.AdReportRun> tListReportRun, DateTime since, DateTime until, string breakdown)
//Do stuff - Gets report thata once the reports are finish and create the files
This is the main Task where all the other methods are called
private static async Task PullInsightsData(FacebookClient fb, List<DataTypes.Request.Batch> batchRequests, DateTime since, DateTime until, string breakdown)
var tResult = new List<DataTypes.AdReportRun>();
int retry = 0;
List<DataTypes.AdReportRun> tReportCompleteList = new List<DataTypes.AdReportRun>();
List<DataTypes.AdReportRun> tReportIncompleteList = new List<DataTypes.AdReportRun>();
var report_ids = await ExecuteMarketingReports(fb, batchRequests);
Thread.Sleep(20000); // Waits 20 seconds before get the info.
/*Start monitorizing the reports*/
var tReport_info = await MonitorizeMarketingReports(fb, report_ids);
/*Get the reports that are complete*/
tReportCompleteList = tReport_info.Where(x => x.async_percent_completion == 100).ToList();
if (tReportCompleteList.Count > 0)
await GetReportData(fb, tReportCompleteList, since, until, breakdown);
tReportIncompleteList = tReport_info.Where(x => x.async_percent_completion < 100).ToList();
report_ids = (from x in tReportIncompleteList
select new DataTypes.ReportRun { report_run_id = }).ToList();
var sleepTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Math.Pow(2, retry + 1));
} while (report_ids.Count > 0 && retry < 8);
I call my Main task in this foreach loop, and this is where the problem occurs.
for (int i = 0; i < ActiveAdAccounts.Count; i = i + 50)
var AdAccountsSubList = ActiveAdAccounts.Skip(i).Take(50).ToList();
var batchRequests = ....
await PullInsightsData(fb, batchRequests, (DateTime)since, (DateTime)until, breakdown.Replace(",", "_"));
//tTaskList.Add(PullInsightsData(fb, batchRequests, (DateTime)since, (DateTime)until, breakdown.Replace(",", "_")));
I don't understand why the foreach loop does't continue using the await the console application closes suddenly, shouldn't await "wait" until the task is finish and so then proceed to the next line of code?
I've solved the problem putting all the tasks into a list and waiting for all, but I would like an explanation for this.
[EDITED] Question was edited to create a minimal reproducible example.

Starting Multiple Async Tasks and Process Them As They Complete (C#)

So I am trying to learn how to write asynchronous methods and have been banging my head to get asynchronous calls to work. What always seems to happen is the code hangs on "await" instruction until it eventually seems to time out and crash the loading form in the same method with it.
There are two main reason this is strange:
The code works flawlessly when not asynchronous and just a simple loop
I copied the MSDN code almost verbatim to convert the code to asynchronous calls here:
I know there are a lot of questions already about this on the forms but I have gone through most of them and tried a lot of other ways (with the same result) and now seem to think something is fundamentally wrong after MSDN code wasn't working.
Here is the main method that is called by a background worker:
// this method loads data from each individual webPage
async Task LoadSymbolData(DoWorkEventArgs _e)
int MAX_THREADS = 10;
int tskCntrTtl = dataGridView1.Rows.Count;
Dictionary<string, string> newData_d = new Dictionary<string, string>(tskCntrTtl);
// we need to make copies of things that can change in a different thread
List<string> links = new List<string>(dataGridView1.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>()
.Select(r => r.Cells[dbIndexs_s.url].Value.ToString()).ToList());
List<string> symbols = new List<string>(dataGridView1.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>()
.Select(r => r.Cells[dbIndexs_s.symbol].Value.ToString()).ToList());
// we need to create a cancelation token once this is working
using (LoadScreen loadScreen = new LoadScreen("Querying stock servers..."))
// we cant use the delegate becaus of async keywords
// wait until the form is loaded so we dont get exceptions when writing to controls on that form
while ( !loadScreen.IsLoaded() );
// load the total number of operations so we can simplify incrementing the progress bar
// on seperate form instances
loadScreen.LoadProgressCntr(0, tskCntrTtl);
// try to run all async tasks since they are non-blocking threaded operations
for (int i = 0; i < tskCntrTtl; i += MAX_THREADS)
List<Task<string[]>> ProcessURL = new List<Task<string[]>>();
List<int> taskList = new List<int>();
// Make a list of task indexs
for (int task = i; task < i + MAX_THREADS && task < tskCntrTtl; task++)
// ***Create a query that, when executed, returns a collection of tasks.
IEnumerable<Task<string[]>> downloadTasksQuery =
from task in taskList select QueryHtml(loadScreen, links[task], symbols[task]);
// ***Use ToList to execute the query and start the tasks.
List<Task<string[]>> downloadTasks = downloadTasksQuery.ToList();
// ***Add a loop to process the tasks one at a time until none remain.
while (downloadTasks.Count > 0)
// Identify the first task that completes.
Task<string[]> firstFinishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(downloadTasks); // <---- CODE HANGS HERE
// ***Remove the selected task from the list so that you don't
// process it more than once.
// Await the completed task.
string[] data = await firstFinishedTask;
if (!newData_d.ContainsKey(data.First()))
newData_d.Add(data.First(), data.Last());
// now we have the dictionary with all the information gathered from teh websites
// now we can add the columns if they dont already exist and load the information
And here is the async method for querying web pages:
async Task<string[]> QueryHtml(LoadScreen _loadScreen, string _link, string _symbol)
string data = String.Empty;
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
var html = await client.GetStringAsync(_link); // <---- CODE HANGS HERE
string percGrn = doc.FindInnerHtml(
"//span[contains(#class,'time_rtq_content') and contains(#class,'up_g')]//span[2]");
string percRed = doc.FindInnerHtml(
"//span[contains(#class,'time_rtq_content') and contains(#class,'down_r')]//span[2]");
// create somthing we'll nuderstand later
if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(percGrn) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(percRed)) ||
(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(percGrn) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(percRed)))
throw new Exception();
// adding string to empty gives string
string perc = percGrn + percRed;
bool isNegative = String.IsNullOrEmpty(percGrn);
double percDouble;
if (double.TryParse(Regex.Match(perc, #"\d+([.])?(\d+)?").Value, out percDouble))
data = (isNegative ? 0 - percDouble : percDouble).ToString();
catch (Exception ex) { }
// update the progress bar...
return new string[] { _symbol, data };
I could really use some help. Thanks!
In short when you combine async with any 'regular' task functions you get a deadlock
the solution is by using configureawait
var html = await client.GetStringAsync(_link).ConfigureAwait(false);
The reason you need this is because you didn't await your orginal thread.
// ***Create a query that, when executed, returns a collection of tasks.
IEnumerable<Task<string[]>> downloadTasksQuery = from task in taskList select QueryHtml(loadScreen,links[task], symbols[task]);
What's happeneing here is that you mix the await paradigm with thre regular task handling paradigm. and those don't mix (or rather you have to use the ConfigureAwait(false) for this to work.

WaitAll blocks UI [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Task.WaitAll freezes app C#
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a site scraper that scrapes a site with paging results.
For every page I try to run a Task to make it faster, but the freezes.
var pageCount = getPageCount(txtSearchQuery.Text);
var tasks = new Task[pageCount];
var link = txtSearchQuery.Text;
for (var i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++)
tasks[i-1] = new Task(new Action(() => { Scrape(link, i); }));
What I am doing wrong?
I am assuming you are using the latest version of .net that supports async/await
Change your method signature to make it async and await the result of your tasks using Task.WhenAll. This will free up the UI thread ie. won't hang the UI.
// normally you do not return void but a Task BUT with WPF events
// (like on button click) void is required instead
protected async void MyMethod() {
// Task.WaitAll(tasks); // replace this with
await Task.WhenAll(tasks); // this will not hang your UI
// rest of your code that you want to execute
WaitAll is going to block the Main thread. Instead use ContinueWhenAll and do your work in there after all the tasks are completed.
var link = txtSearchQuery.Text;
for (var i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++)
tasks[i-1] = new Task(new Action(() => { Scrape(link, i); }));
Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, completedTasks =>
// Do continuation work.

Random tasks from Task.Factory.StartNew never finishes

I am using Async await with Task.Factory method.
public async Task<JobDto> ProcessJob(JobDto jobTask)
var T = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
JobWorker jobWorker = new JobWorker();
await T;
This method I am calling inside a loop like this
for(int i=0; i < jobList.Count(); i++)
tasks[i] = ProcessJob(jobList[i]);
What I notice is that new tasks opens up inside Process explorer and they also start working (based on log file). however out of 10 sometimes 8 or sometimes 7 finishes. Rest of them just never come back.
why would that be happening ?
Are they timing out ? Where can I set timeout for my tasks ?
Basically above, I would like each Task to start running as soon as they are called and wait for the response on AWAIT T keyword. I am assuming here that once they finish each of them will come back at Await T and do the next action. I am alraedy seeing this result for 7 out of 10 tasks but 3 of them are not coming back.
It is hard to say what the issues is without the rest if the code, but you code can be simplified by making ProcessJob synchronous and then calling Task.Run with it.
public JobDto ProcessJob(JobDto jobTask)
JobWorker jobWorker = new JobWorker();
return jobWorker.Execute(jobTask);
Start tasks and wait for all tasks to finish. Prefer using Task.Run rather than Task.Factory.StartNew as it provides more favourable defaults for pushing work to the background. See here.
for(int i=0; i < jobList.Count(); i++)
tasks[i] = Task.Run(() => ProcessJob(jobList[i]));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
catch(Exception ex)
// handle exception
First, let's make a reproducible version of your code. This is NOT the best way to achieve what you are doing, but to show you what is happening in your code!
I'll keep the code almost same as your code, except I'll use simple int rather than your JobDto and on completion of the job Execute() I'll write in a file that we can verify later. Here's the code
public class SomeMainClass
public void StartProcessing()
var jobList = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).ToArray();
var tasks = new Task[10];
//[1] start 10 jobs, one-by-one
for (int i = 0; i < jobList.Count(); i++)
tasks[i] = ProcessJob(jobList[i]);
//[4] here we have 10 awaitable Task in tasks
//[5] do all other unrelated operations
Thread.Sleep(1500); //assume it works for 1.5 sec
// Task.WaitAll(tasks); //[6] wait for tasks to complete
public async Task ProcessJob(int jobTask)
//[2] start job in a ThreadPool, Background thread
var T = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
JobWorker jobWorker = new JobWorker();
//[3] await here will keep context of calling thread
await T; //... and release the calling thread
catch (Exception) { /*handle*/ }
public class JobWorker
static object locker = new object();
const string _file = #"C:\YourDirectory\out.txt";
public void Execute(int jobTask) //on complete, writes in file
Thread.Sleep(500); //let's assume does something for 0.5 sec
Environment.NewLine + "Writing the value-" + jobTask);
After running just the StartProcessing(), this is what I get in the file
Writing the value-4
Writing the value-2
Writing the value-3
Writing the value-1
Writing the value-6
Writing the value-7
Writing the value-8
Writing the value-5
So, 8/10 jobs has completed. Obviously, every time you run this, the number and order might change. But, the point is, all the jobs did not complete!
Now, if I un-comment the step [6] Task.WaitAll(tasks);, this is what I get in my file
Writing the value-2
Writing the value-3
Writing the value-4
Writing the value-1
Writing the value-5
Writing the value-7
Writing the value-8
Writing the value-6
Writing the value-9
Writing the value-10
So, all my jobs completed here!
Why the code is behaving like this, is already explained in the code-comments. The main thing to note is, your tasks run in ThreadPool based Background threads. So, if you do not wait for them, they will be killed when the MAIN process ends and the main thread exits!!
If you still don't want to await the tasks there, you can return the list of tasks from this first method and await the tasks at the very end of the process, something like this
public Task[] StartProcessing()
for (int i = 0; i < jobList.Count(); i++)
tasks[i] = ProcessJob(jobList[i]);
return tasks;
//in the MAIN METHOD of your application/process
var tasks = new SomeMainClass().StartProcessing();
// do all other stuffs here, and just at the end of process
Hope this clears all confusion.
It's possible your code is swallowing exceptions. I would add a ContineWith call to the end of the part of the code that starts the new task. Something like this untested code:
var T = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
JobWorker jobWorker = new JobWorker();
}).ContinueWith(tsk =>
var flattenedException = tsk.Exception.Flatten();
Console.Log("Exception! " + flattenedException);
return true;
},TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted); //Only call if task is faulted
Another possibility is that something in one of the tasks is timing out (like you mentioned) or deadlocking. To track down whether a timeout (or maybe deadlock) is the root cause, you could add some timeout logic (as described in this SO answer):
int timeout = 1000; //set to something much greater than the time it should take your task to complete (at least for testing)
var task = TheMethodWhichWrapsYourAsyncLogic(cancellationToken);
if (await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(timeout, cancellationToken)) == task)
// Task completed within timeout.
// Consider that the task may have faulted or been canceled.
// We re-await the task so that any exceptions/cancellation is rethrown.
await task;
// timeout/cancellation logic
Check out the documentation on exception handling in the TPL on MSDN.

