AsyncLocal with ASP.NET Core Controller/ServiceProviderScope - c#

It seems like the execution context is not kept until Dispose is called on elements resolved in the controller scope. This is probably due to the fact that core has to jump between native and managed code and resets the execution context at each jump. Seems like the correct context is not restored any more before the scope is disposed.
The following demonstrates the issue - simply put this in the default core sample project and register TestRepo as a transient dependency.
When calling GET api/values/ we set the value for the current task to 5 in a static AsyncLocal at the start of the call. That value flows as expected through awaits without any problem. But when the controller and its dependencies are disposed after the call the AsyncLocal context is already reset.
public class ValuesController : Controller
private readonly TestRepo _testRepo;
public ValuesController(TestRepo testRepo) => _testRepo = testRepo;
public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
await Task.Delay(100);
var val = _testRepo.GetValue(); // val here has correctly 5.
return Ok();
public class TestRepo : IDisposable
private static readonly AsyncLocal<int?> _asyncLocal = new AsyncLocal<int?>();
public int? GetValue() => _asyncLocal.Value;
public void SetValue(int x) => _asyncLocal.Value = x;
public void Foo() => SetValue(5);
public void Dispose()
if (GetValue() == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException(); //GetValue() should be 5 here :(
Is this intentional? And if yes is there any workaround around this problem?

The behavior you are seeing is an unfortunate quirk in the way that ASP.NET Core works. It's unclear to me why Microsoft choose this behavior, but it seems copied from the way Web API worked, which has the exact behavior. Disposing is obviously done at the end of the request, but for some reason the asynchronous context is already cleared before that point, making it impossible to run the complete request in a single asynchronous context.
You've basically got two options:
Instead of using ambient state to share state, flow state through the object graph instead of using ambient state. In other words, make TestRepo Scoped, and store value in a private field.
Move the operation that uses that value to an earlier stage in the request. For instance, you can define some middleware that wraps a request and invokes that operation at the end. At that stage, the asynchronous context will still exist.
Some DI containers actually apply this second technique. Simple Injector, for instance, uses scoping that is based on ambient state, using AsyncLocal<T> under the covers. When integrated in ASP.NET Core, it will wrap the request in a piece of middleware that applies this scope. This means that any Scoped component, resolved from Simple Injector, will be disposed before the ASP.NET Core pipeline disposes its services, and this happens while the asynchronous context is still available.


What is the simplest way to run a single background task from a controller in .NET Core?

I have an ASP.NET Core web app, with WebAPI controllers. All I am trying to do is, in some of the controllers, be able to kick off a process that would run in the background, but the controller should go ahead and return before that process is done. I don't want the consumers of the service to have to wait for this job to finish.
I have seen all of the posts about IHostedService and BackgroundService, but none of them seem to be what I want. Also, all these examples show you how to set things up, but not how to actually call it, or I am not understanding some of it.
I tried these, but when you register an IHostedService in Startup, it runs immediately at that point in time. This is not what I want. I don't want to run the task at startup, I want to be able to call it from a controller when it needs to. Also, I may have several different ones, so just registering services.AddHostedService() won't work because I might have a MyServiceB and MyServiceC, so how do I get the right one from the controller (I can't just inject IHostedService)?
Ultimately, everything I have seen has been a huge, convoluted mess of code for something that seems like it should be such a simple thing to do. What am I missing?
You have the following options:
IHostedService classes can be long running methods that run in the background for the lifetime of your app. In order to make them to handle some sort of background task, you need to implement some sort of "global" queue system in your app for the controllers to store the data/events. This queue system can be as simple as a Singleton class with a ConcurrentQueue that you pass in to your controller, or something like an IDistributedCache or more complex external pub/sub systems. Then you can just poll the queue in your IHostedService and run certain operations based on it. Here is a microsoft example of IHostedService implementation for handling queues
Note that the Singleton class approach can cause issues in multi-server environments.
Example implementation of the Singleton approach can be like:
// Needs to be registered as a Singleton in your Startup.cs
public class BackgroundJobs {
public ConcurrentQueue<string> BackgroundTasks {get; set;} = new ConcurrentQueue<string>();
public class MyController : ControllerBase{
private readonly BackgroundJobs _backgroundJobs;
public MyController(BackgroundJobs backgroundJobs) {
_backgroundJobs = backgroundJobs;
public async Task<ActionResult> FireAndForgetEndPoint(){
public class MyBackgroundService : IHostedService {
private readonly BackgroundJobs _backgroundJobs;
public MyBackgroundService(BackgroundJobs backgroundJobs)
_backgroundJobs = backgroundJobs;
public void StartAsync(CancellationToken ct)
if(_backgroundJobs.BackgroundTasks.TryDequeue(out var jobId))
// Code to do long running operation
Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); // You really don't want an infinite loop here without having any sort of delays.
Create a method that returns a Task, pass in a IServiceProvider to that method and create a new Scope in there to make sure ASP.NET would not kill the task when the controller Action completes. Something like
IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
public async Task<ActionResult> FireAndForgetEndPoint()
// Do stuff
_ = FireAndForgetOperation(_serviceProvider);
Return Ok();
public async Task FireAndForgetOperation(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
using (var scope = _serviceProvider.CreateScope()){
await Task.Delay(1000);
//... Long running tasks
Update: Here is the Microsoft example of doing something similar:
As I understand from your question you want to create a fire and forget task like logging to database. In this scenario you don't have to wait for log to be inserted database. It also took much of my time to discover an easily implementable solution. Here is what I have found:
In your controller parameters, add IServiceScopeFactory. This will not effect the request body or header. After that create a scope and call your service over it.
public IActionResult MoveRecordingToStorage([FromBody] StreamingRequestModel req, [FromServices] IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory)
// Move record to Azure storage in the background
Task.Run(async () =>
using var scope = serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope();
var repository = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ICloudStorage>();
await repository.UploadFileToAzure(req.RecordedPath, key, req.Id, req.RecordCode);
catch(Exception e)
return Ok("In progress..");
After posting your request, you will immediately receive In Progress.. text but your task will run in the background.
One more thing, If you don't create your task in this way and try to call database operations you will receive an error like this which means your database object is already dead and you are trying to access it;
Cannot access a disposed object. A common cause of this error is disposing a context that was resolved from dependency injection and then later trying to use the same context instance elsewhere in your application. This may occur if you are calling Dispose() on the context, or wrapping the context in a using statement. If you are using dependency injection, you should let the dependency injection container take care of disposing context instances.\r\nObject name: 'DBContext'.
My code is based on Repository pattern. You should not forget to inject service class in your Startup.cs
services.AddScoped<ICloudStorage, AzureCloudStorage>();
Find the detailed documentation here.
What is the simplest way to run a single background task from a controller in .NET Core?
I don't want the consumers of the service to have to wait for this job to finish.
Ultimately, everything I have seen has been a huge, convoluted mess of code for something that seems like it should be such a simple thing to do. What am I missing?
The problem is that ASP.NET is a framework for writing web services, which are applications that respond to requests. But as soon as your code says "I don't want the consumers of the service to have to wait", then you're talking about running code outside of a request (i.e., request-extrinsic code). This is why all solutions are complex: your code has to bypass/extend the framework itself in an attempt to force it to do something it wasn't designed to do.
The only proper solution for request-extrinsic code is to have a durable queue with a separate background process. Anything in-process (e.g., ConcurrentQueue with an IHostedService) will have reliability problems; in particular, those solutions will occasionally lose work.

Why is DBContext is disposed after putting it in IMemoryCache (.NET Core / EF Core)

I'm trying to put a subset of db-data in an IMemoryCache, but the 2nd time I call the application, I get an error:
ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object. A common cause of this error is disposing a context that was resolved from dependency injection and then later trying to use the same context instance elsewhere in your application. This may occur if you are calling Dispose() on the context, or wrapping the context in a using statement. If you are using dependency injection, you should let the dependency injection container take care of disposing context instances.
Object name: 'WebDbContext'.
My Code snippet:
public class ArticleRepository : IArticleRepository
private readonly WebDbContext _WebDbContext;
private readonly IMemoryCache _cache;
public ArticleRepository(WebDbContext WebDbContext, IMemoryCache cache)
_WebDbContext = WebDbContext;
_cache = cache;
public IQueryable<Articles> WebshopArticles
return _cache.GetOrCreate("WebshopArticles", entry =>
entry.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
return _WebDbContext.Article.Include(s => s.Details);
public IQueryable<Articles> GetArticles(string category)
return WebshopArticles.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Category == Category);
It looks like DBContext is disposed after the first time I put it in cache. How can i handle this?
You're using dependency injection to get an instance of your WebDbContext through your constructor. ASP.NET Core does this by initiating a WebDbContext object for you and injecting it into the constructor call when it creates an instance of your repository class.
But that WebDbContext object is only available for the life of the current HTTP request. Once that HTTP request is complete, ASP.NET Core gets rid of it. That's why you see it disposed.
Update: I see what you're doing. The problem is here:
return _WebDbContext.Article.Include(s => s.Details);
That does not cache the data. That caches the query (IQueryable). The query doesn't get executed until you enumerate that (loop through it). This is refered to as "lazy loading". So your GetArticles actually performs the query again each time it's called.
The first time you use it (in the same HTTP request you cached it), it works. But when you use it the second time, the context is disposed and the query can't be executed.
You need to force it to execute the query right away. An easy way is to call ToList():
return _WebDbContext.Article.Include(s => s.Details).ToList();
You'll need to change the property type to IEnumerable too.

How to correctly and safely dispose of singletons instances registered in the container when an ASP.NET Core app shuts down

I am looking for guidance on how to correctly and safely dispose of registered singleton instances when my ASP.NET Core 2.0 app is shutting down.
According to the following document, if I register a singleton instance (via IServiceCollection) the container will never attempt to create an instance (nor will it dispose of the instance), thus I am left to dispose of these instances myself when the app shuts down. (2.1 has the same guidance)
I enclose some pseudo code that illustrates what I am trying to achieve.
Note I am having to maintain a reference to IServiceCollection since the IServiceProvider provided to the OnShutDown method is a simple service locator and doesn't give me the ability to execute complex queries.
When the app shuts down I want a generic way to ensure all singleton instances are disposed. I could maintain a reference to all these singleton instances directly but this doesn't scale well.
I originally used the factory method which would ensure the DI managed the lifetime of my objects, however, the execution of the factory method happened at runtime in the pipeline of handling a request, which meant that if it threw an exception the response was 500 InternalServerError and an error was logged. By creating the object directly I am striving for faster feedback so that errors on startup lead to a automatic rollback during the deployment. This doesn't seem unreasonable to me, but then at the same time I don't to misuse the DI.
Does anyone have any suggestions how I can achieve this more elegantly?
namespace MyApp
public class Program
private static readonly CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
protected Program()
public static int Main(string[] args)
Console.CancelKeyPress += OnExit;
return RunHost(configuration).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
protected static void OnExit(object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs args)
static async Task<int> RunHost()
await new WebHostBuilder()
public class Startup
public Startup()
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// This has been massively simplified, the actual objects I construct on the commercial app I work on are
// lot more complicated to construct and span several lines of code.
services.AddSingleton<IDisposableSingletonInstance>(new DisposableSingletonInstance());
// See the OnShutdown method below
this.serviceCollection = services;
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
var applicationLifetime = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<IApplicationLifetime>();
applicationLifetime.ApplicationStopping.Register(this.OnShutdown, app.ApplicationServices);
private void OnShutdown(object state)
var serviceProvider = (IServiceProvider)state;
var disposables = this.serviceCollection
.Where(s => s.Lifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton &&
s.ImplementationInstance != null &&
.Select(s => s.ImplementationInstance as IDisposable).ToList();
foreach (var disposable in disposables)
It's the DI's job to dispose of any IDisposable objects it creates, whether transient, scoped or singleton. Don't register existing singletons unless you intend to clean them up afterwards.
In the question's code there's no reason to register an instance of DisposableSingletonInstance. It should be registered with :
When the IServiceCollection gets disposed, it will call Dispose() on all the disposable entities created by it. For web applications, that happens when RunAsync() ends;
The same holds for scoped services. In this case though, the instances will be disposed when the scope exits, eg when a request ends.
ASP.NET creates a scope for each request. If you want your service to be disposed when that request ends, you should register it with :
For the latest edit :
By creating the object directly I am striving for faster feedback so that errors on startup lead to a automatic rollback during the deployment.
That's a different problem. Deployment errors are often caused by bad configuration values, unresponsive databases etc.
Validating Services
A very quick & dirty way to check would be to instantiate the singleton once all startup steps are complete with :
Validating Configuration
Validating the configuration is more involved but not that tricky. One could use Data Annotation attributes on the configuration classes for simple rules and use the Validator class to validate them.
Another option is to create an IValidateable interface with a Validate method that has to be implemented by each configuration class. This makes discovery easy using reflection.
This article shows how the IValidator interface can be used in conjunction with an IStartupFilter to validate all configuration objects when an application starts for the first time
From the article :
public class SettingValidationStartupFilter : IStartupFilter
readonly IEnumerable<IValidatable> _validatableObjects;
public SettingValidationStartupFilter(IEnumerable<IValidatable> validatableObjects)
_validatableObjects = validatableObjects;
public Action<IApplicationBuilder> Configure(Action<IApplicationBuilder> next)
foreach (var validatableObject in _validatableObjects)
//don't alter the configuration
return next;
The constructor gets all instances that implement IValidatable from the DI provider and calls Validate() on them
That's not accurate. Singletons are disposed at app shutdown, though it's kind of not actually all that relevant because when the process stops, everything goes with it anyways.
The general rule of thumb is that when using DI, you should use DI all the way down, which then means you'll almost never be disposing on your own, anywhere. It's all about ownership. When you new stuff up yourself, you're also then responsible for disposing of it. However, when using DI, the container is what's newing things up, and therefore, the container and only the container should then dispose of those things.
Thanks for the responses Panagiotis Kanavos and Chris Pratt and for helping to clarify how best to deal with this scenario. The two take away points are this:
Always strive to let the container manage the life cycle of your objects so when the app is shutdown the container will automatically dispose of all objects.
Validate all your configuration on app startup before it is consumed by objects registered in the container. This allows your app to fail fast and protects your DI from throwing exceptions when creating new objects.

HttpContext.Current is null inside Identity Framework's methods

I am using ASP.NET MVC 5 and Identity Framework. When I call UserManager.UpdateAsync(...) my eventhandlers on ApplicationDbContext() SaveChanges will run. Here I am using HttpContext.Current for different purposes (logging and auditing) so I must get say current user. However the whole method runs in a worker thread, and here HttpContext.Current is null.
The biggest problem that the UserManager's "sync" methods are only wrappers around the async version, so the calls are serialized, but the methods (and eventhandlers) still run in a different worker thread.
Please note this issue has nothing to do with the async/await context. In the controller after the await (or calling the 'sync' version) I have back the correct HttpContext, even the controller's method is continuing in an other thread. That's fine.
So the problem is inside the async worker which will run in both the "sync" and async versions. I think I am understanding the phenomena (but I am not happy with the fake 'sync' method versions, real sync methods would not exhibit this issue.) I just does not know how to deal/workaround it.
[btw: Would not it be more natural to implement UserManager's operarations as simple pure sync versions, then wrap them by async multithreaded wrappers?. IF we continue this async fashion without thinking we will soon invent the async assignment operator. It costs me dozens of hours (just this issue), and costs worldwide zillion dollars, I am sure in many cases less return than its price.]
Bonus: We are talking about UserManager which's impact pretty marginal, but the same principles and issues can apply any out of the box library (black box for you) which authors do not implement sync versions and or do not care about the controller thread's context. What about EF, it is not so marginal... and what about DI containers instantiation infrastructure like "request scope" or "session scope". Surely they misbehave if resolving occurs in a thread with no HttpContext.Current. Recently I refreshed SendGrid NuGet, and (as a breaking change) Deliver() method gone, and now only DeliverAsync() is existing...
I would like to have a safe reliable way, how can I access the HttpContext inside this worker for logging and audit purposes.
Sample code, the controller 'sync' version:
public virtual ActionResult Edit(ApplicationUser user)
// validation etc
// Update() seems to be only a poor wrapper around the async version, still uses a worker thread.
var result = UserManager.Update(user);
// Note: HttpContext is correct here so it is not an async/await problem
// error handling, creating ActionResult etc.
Sample code, the controller async version:
public virtual async Task<ActionResult> Edit(ApplicationUser user)
// validation etc
var result = await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user);
// Note: HttpContext is correct here so it is not an async/await problem
// error handling, creating ActionResult etc.
and the event handler where HttpContext is null:
public ApplicationDbContext() : base("DefaultConnection", false)
private void InitializeAudit()
var octx = ((IObjectContextAdapter) this).ObjectContext;
octx.SavingChanges +=
(sender, args) =>
// HttpContext.Current is null here
Any ideas?
As you said, this occurs because of threading. The delegate runs in a different thread, making the HttpContext inaccessible.
You can move the variable outside of the delegate, making it a closure.
private void InitializeAudit()
var octx = ((IObjectContextAdapter) this).ObjectContext;
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
octx.SavingChanges +=
(sender, args) =>
// context is not null
You are using identity through owin,
so one instance of the dbcontext is created per request,
and you can get this reference from anywhere in the request pipeline.
nb. this is handy but i think the dbcontext shouldn't be accessed outside the manager.
In identity design, only the manager should be aware of the store.
I believe the dbcontext is exposed because several identity middleware have a dependance on it.
But, it could help resolve you problem:
Allow your custom dbcontext handler to be set outside the class:
public EventHandler SavingChangesEventHandler
(((System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext).SavingChanges += value;
Declare a custom ActionFilter class and register it, then override OnActionExecuting:
Filtering in ASP.NET MVC
public class CustomizeAppDbcontextFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
var dbcontext = HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Get<ApplicationDbContext>();
var currentuser = HttpContext.Current.User;
dbcontext.SavingChangesEventHandler = (sender, args) =>
// use currentuser
you may need these using statements to be able to call the identity.owin extension methods:
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin;
You should be in the controller thread because OnActionExecuting is wrapping the controller action.
I did not test it, so it may need some polishing but the concept should work.

How to handle async calls with Ninject InRequestScope?

We are using Ninject in an ASP.NET Web Api application, and we bind our DbContext with InRequestScope. This works well with most of our requests, because they do all their work synchronously, so the context can be safely disposed after the request is completed.
However, we have on request in which we do an asynchronous web service call, that has a continuation method passed as a callback, and that callback method needs to use the database context. However our request shouldn't wait for the asynchronous service call to finish, but return immediately (this is an explicit requirement).
Here is a simplified example of the situation.
public class MyController : ApiController
private readonly MyDbContext dbContext;
private readonly SomeWebService service;
public MyController(MyDbContext dbContext, SomeWebService service)
this.dbContext = dbContext;
this.service = service;
public IHttpActionResult MyActionWithAsyncCall()
// Doing stuff.
// Calling webservice method, passing the Callback as the continuation.
service.MethodWithCallback(param1, param2, this.Callback);
// Returning without waiting for the service call to be completed.
return Ok();
private void Callback()
// Trying to use the DbContext:
var person = dbContext.People.First();
// The above line sometimes throws exception, because the context has been disposed.
How should this situation be handled with Ninject? Is there a way to somehow "prolong" the lifetime of a bound DbContext instance explicitly? Or should the Callback method create completely new DbContext? If it should, what scope should it use?
There's is no way to explicitly prolong the lifetime of an object with .InRequestScope() to extend to after the request end.
If there's not a business requirement that the work during the request and # callback must happen in a single transaction i would go for using two DbContext instances. One during the request and one during the callback. Note: As far as i know this also means you can't take an entity from the first context and update/save it in the second context. This means you must only pass identifier (and other data relevant to the operation) from request to callback. The callback has to "create" a new DbContext and retrieve the according entitites from the context.
Conditional Binding Alternative
As an alternative you might declare a special binding for this special case. Ninject supports so called contextual bindings. This means you would have two bindings, the standard binding and a contextual, special case binding:
Notice that the second binding does not specify a scope - that means SomeController is responsible to call .Dispose(). In your case that would mean the callback would have to dispose the context. You'd also need to dispose of the context in all errors cases (errors in the callback code, errors occurring before callback is triggered,....).
Also, in reality your application is probably a bite more complex and .WhenInjectedInto<SomeController> is not going to be enough/correct, because you might want to inject the same instance into the controller plus a repository plus a query object.. what not.
That means you will need scoping, but a scope different from .InRequestScope(). You might use .InCallScope() or named scope - both are included in the named scope extension.
Furthermore you would need to adapt the When condition. You could adapt it so to traverse the requests and see if there is FooController anywhere in the request chain. But that's not very performant, instead i would recommend using a ninject IParameter to specify that you want special case treatment. The parameter would be:
public class NonRequestScopedParameter : Ninject.Parameters.IParameter
public bool Equals(IParameter other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return other is NonRequestScopedParameter;
public object GetValue(IContext context, ITarget target)
throw new NotSupportedException("this parameter does not provide a value");
public string Name
get { return typeof(NonRequestScopedParameter).Name; }
// this is very important
public bool ShouldInherit
get { return true; }
which would be applied at the bindings like:
.WithParameter(new NonRequestScopedParameter());
.When(x => x.Parameters.OfType<NonRequestScopedParameter>().Any())
.InCallScope(); // or whatever scope you're using

