I need to check whether a word is present in a JSON file or not. So if I'm searching for "root", then even though the word "byroots" contain root, it should give me false.
Here's my code
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader("filename.json"))
string json1 = r.ReadToEnd();
if (json1.Contains("root"))
filename = path + #"" + branch + "-" + testsuite.Title + ".json";
I've also tried this condition:-
if (json1.IndexOf(testsuite.Title, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
But I'm getting the same results.
Here's the json data
"LV": {
"build_number": "20180517.1",
"blah_blah": "blah",
"name": "byroots",
You should use Regex
var pattern = #"*root*";
Regex rgx = new Regex(pattern);
using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader("filename.json"))
string json1 = r.ReadToEnd();
if (rgx.IsMatch(json1))
filename = path + #"" + branch + "-" + testsuite.Title + ".json";
So I have the following code:
void ReadFromCsv()
using (var reader = new StreamReader(#"d:\test.csv", Encoding.Default))
List<string> listA = new List<string>();
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
var line = reader.ReadLine();
var values = line.Split(';');
which is reading from my csv file and an example of a line I get is:
50,2,10,201,10,9090339,24-OCT-21 AM,123456789,24/10/2021 09:39:23,22/10/2021 09:39:37,Sm123456789-SM-20211031-VSR-000123.pdf,,,,,26/01/2022 13:08:58,,2,,0
first of all, why are there many commas around the end of the line?
second of all, what if I wanted to access the value "10" (which is the 5th value ) of that string line, is that possible?,
or going further, my task is to check for that 5th value and if its 5 for example, I'd want to take every row with 5thvalue=5 and create a csv for them, if 5thvalue=10 I want to create a csv for those records, and so on. but one task at a time, how do I access that value?
1: commas around the end of the line mean first item of lines is empty ""
2: you can get 5th value as below:
string _list = "50,2,10,201,10,9090339,24-OCT-21 AM,123456789,24/10/2021 09:39:23,22/10/2021 09:39:37,Sm123456789-SM-20211031-VSR-000123.pdf,,,,,26/01/2022 13:08:58,,2,,0";
var fiveIndex = _list.Split(',')[4];
then you can get list of lines that have a value of fiveIndex
var result =_list.Split(',').Select((v, i) => new { value = v, index = i }).Where(item => item.value == fiveIndex);
In your example, line 3 and line 5 have a value of 10(index=2, index=4). Then you can save these lines in csv file.
ended up doing:
string chargeMonth = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM");
var fileCreationDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
string fileCreationTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss");
string constVal = "MLL";
string fileType = "HIYUV-CHEVRA";
string[] values;
string header, sumRow;
string line, compId;
string inputFile = "records.CSV";
Dictionary<string, System.IO.StreamWriter> outputFiles = new Dictionary<string, System.IO.StreamWriter>();
using (System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader("D:\\" + inputFile, Encoding.Default))
header = file.ReadLine();
while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
values = line.Split(",".ToCharArray());
compId = values[3];
if (!outputFiles.ContainsKey(compId))
string outputFileName = constVal + "-" + fileType + "-" + (String.Format("{0:00000}", Int32.Parse(compId))) + "-" + chargeMonth + "-" + fileCreationDate + "-" + fileCreationTime + ".CSV";
outputFiles.Add(compId, new System.IO.StreamWriter("D:\\" + outputFileName));
foreach (System.IO.StreamWriter outputFile in outputFiles.Values)
and the mission is done.
I am trying to construct a string which I want to use it to update a JSON.
The code is below
public string ConstructCylicLoop(string fieldName, int LoopCount, string BadDataLabel,string ImmediateParent)
string start = "";
string fullbody = "";
string end = "";
string body = "";
for (int i = 0; i < LoopCount; i++)
LoopTestData = (new ExcelUtilities().getAPITestData(ApplicationConfiguration.LoopSheetName));
body = "";
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> loopData in LoopTestData)
string ParentNode = "";
string Key = "";
string Data = "";
loopData.TryGetValue("ParentNode", out ParentNode);
loopData.TryGetValue("Key", out Key);
loopData.TryGetValue("Data", out Data);
if(ImmediateParent.Equals(ParentNode)) //&& Key.Equals(fieldName)
body = body + '"' + Key + '"' + ":" + '"' + Data + '"'+',';
body = body.Remove(body.Length - 1);
body = "{" + body + "},";
fullbody = fullbody + body;
fullbody = fullbody.Remove(fullbody.Length - 1);
return start + fullbody + end;
The issue with this code is it always returns a text like this
"{\"my_address_type\":\"primarypropertyaddress\",\"my_address-street\":\"52 Street\",\"my_address-suburb\":\"vinvent\",\"my_address-postcode\":\"2121\"}"
When I update this string to an JSON node, the server is not able to parse it and the issue is with the back slash. Is there a way to remove the back slash. so I get something like this..
"{"my_address_type":"primarypropertyaddress","my_address-street":"52 Street","my_address-suburb":"vinvent","my_address-postcode":"2121"}"
I tried all possibilities but not able to clear/remove the backslash. Any code snippet on removing the backslashes. Thanks in advance.
I created a small function to catch a string between strings.
public static string[] _StringBetween(string sString, string sStart, string sEnd)
if (sStart == "" && sEnd == "")
return null;
string sPattern = sStart + "(.*?)" + sEnd;
MatchCollection rgx = Regex.Matches(sString, sPattern);
if (rgx.Count < 1)
return null;
string[] matches = new string[rgx.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < matches.Length; i++)
matches[i] = rgx[i].ToString();
return matches;
However if i call my function like this: _StringBetween("[18][20][3][5][500][60]", "[", "]");
It will fail. A way would be if i changed this line string sPattern = "\\" + sStart + "(.*?)" + "\\" + sEnd;
However i can not because i dont know if the character is going to be a bracket or a word.
Sorry if this is a stupid question but i couldn't find something similar searching.
A way would be if i changed this line string sPattern = "\\" + sStart + "(.*?)" + "\\" + sEnd; However i can not because i don't know if the character is going to be a bracket or a word.
You can escape all meta-characters by calling Regex.Escape:
string sPattern = Regex.Escape(sStart) + "(.*?)" + Regex.Escape(sEnd);
This would cause the content of sStart and sEnd to be interpreted literally.
So I've been trying to figure out how to bring an entire line of a .csv file but only the ones who's first string matches another one.
This is what I got so far, all im getting back in my listbox is info from the same random line.
If you guys can help me with the logic it would help out a lot thanks
StreamReader infile, transdata;
infile = File.OpenText(#"E:\AS2customers.csv");
transdata= File.OpenText(#"E:\AS2data.csv");
string[] custinfo, names;
string[] custtrans;
custtrans = transdata.ReadLine().Split(',');
if (custinfo[1] == custtrans[0])
lstcustinfo.Items.Add(custtrans[3] + " " + custtrans[4]);
while (transdata.EndOfStream != True);
Here is where I initialize custinfo
custinfo = infile.ReadLine().Split(',');
names = custinfo[0].Split(' ');
cbocustinfo.Items.Add(names[0] +" "+ names[1]+ " " + custinfo[1]);
while (infile.EndOfStream != true);
If I understand what you're trying to do correctly, maybe it would be easier to just read the files into two strings, then do the splitting and looping over those. I don't know your file formats, so this may be doing unnecessary processing (looping through all the transactions for every customer).
For example:
var customers = File.ReadAllText(#"E:\AS2customers.csv")
.Split(new []{Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.None);
var transactions = File.ReadAllText(#"E:\AS2data.csv")
.Split(new []{Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.None);
foreach (var customer in customers)
var custInfo = customer.Split(',');
var names = custInfo[0].Split(' ');
cbocustinfo.Items.Add(names[0] + " " + names[1]+ " " + custinfo[1]);
foreach (var transaction in transactions)
var transInfo = transaction.Split(',');
if (custInfo[1] == transInfo[0])
lstcustinfo.Items.Add(transInfo[3] + " " + transInfo[4]);
I have a project where I have to handle sensitive data.
How do I open a keepass database from C# to use the data?
I have downloaded the source. I will look in it to get what I need. Any other idea?
I thought about reading a KeyPass 2 database so I added a reference to KeyPass.exe in Linqpad and started to experiment. To my surprise and without any outside help (a testament to a good API), I was reading the database after only a few minutes. Here's how I did it:
var dbpath = #"C:\path\to\passwords.kdbx";
var masterpw = "Your$uper$tr0ngMst3rP#ssw0rd";
var ioConnInfo = new IOConnectionInfo { Path = dbpath };
var compKey = new CompositeKey();
compKey.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword(masterpw));
var db = new KeePassLib.PwDatabase();
db.Open(ioConnInfo, compKey, null);
var kpdata = from entry in db.RootGroup.GetEntries(true)
select new
Group = entry.ParentGroup.Name,
Title = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("Title"),
Username = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("UserName"),
Password = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("Password"),
URL = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("URL"),
Notes = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("Notes")
kpdata.Dump(); // this is how Linqpad outputs stuff
Here is an extension of the original answer from Ronnie - walking the keepass tree recursively. This outputs a format that jsTree can use by the way.
public static void JsonData() {
var dbpath = Web.MapPath(#"your-password-file.kdbx");
var masterpw = "Your$uper$tr0ngMst3rP#ssw0rd";
var ioConnInfo = new IOConnectionInfo { Path = dbpath };
var compKey = new CompositeKey();
compKey.AddUserKey(new KcpPassword(masterpw));
var db = new KeePassLib.PwDatabase();
db.Open(ioConnInfo, compKey, null);
//get everything
var kpdata = from entry in db.RootGroup.GetEntries(true)
select new {
Group = entry.ParentGroup.Name,
Title = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("Title"),
Username = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("UserName"),
Password = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("Password"),
URL = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("URL"),
Notes = entry.Strings.ReadSafe("Notes")
var kproot = db.RootGroup.Groups;
string lastGroup = "#";
uint sc = 0;
int depth = 0;
var parent = "#"; //root is # parent
foreach (var entry in kproot) {
PwGroup pwGroup = db.RootGroup.Groups.GetAt(sc);
Web.Write(" { \"id\" : \"" + (sc) + "\", \"parent\" : \"" + parent + "\", \"text\" : \"" + pwGroup.Name.HtmlEncode() + "\" },\n");
WriteChildren(pwGroup,sc+"", depth + 1);
public static void WriteChildren(PwGroup pwGroup, string parentID,int depth) {
uint sc = 0;
//if(depth>3)return; //used to prevent too much recursion
foreach (var entry in pwGroup.Groups) {
var subGroup = pwGroup.Groups.GetAt(sc);
var curID = (parentID+"_"+sc);
Web.Write(" { \"id\" : \"" + curID + "\", \"parent\" : \"" + parentID + "\", \"text\" : \"" + subGroup.Name.JsEncode() + "\"},\n");
WriteChildren(subGroup, curID, depth+1);
WriteLeaves(subGroup, curID, depth);
public static void WriteLeaves(PwGroup pwGroup, string parentID,int depth) {
uint sc = 0;
var entryList = pwGroup.GetEntries(false);
foreach (var entry in entryList) {
var curID = (parentID+"_"+sc);
Web.Write(" { \"id\" : \"" + curID + "\", \"parent\" : \"" + parentID + "\", \"text\" : \"" + entry.Strings.ReadSafe("Title").JsEncode() + "\", \"password\" : \"" + entry.Strings.ReadSafe("Password").JsEncode() + "\", \"type\" : \"file\"},\n");
Check : KeePass Password Safe (For how keepass works)
Rather use the C# System.Cryptography classes and store you data enrypted in a database or txt file...
There is a KeePass-2.05-Alpha-Source.zip,The latest version of KeePass. C# source code,1919KB