Wpf call function of ContentControl view - c#

I am pretty new to C# so I am just starting to learn the basics. Right now I have a ContentControl inside a Window like this:
<ContentControl Content="{Binding}" x:Name="SubView"/>
And I configured my resources of the Windows like this:
<DataTemplate x:Name="StammdatenViewTemplate" DataType="{x:Type viewmodels:StammdatenViewModel}">
<views:StammdatenView DataContext="{Binding}" />
<DataTemplate x:Name="AdministrationViewTemplate" DataType="{x:Type viewmodels:AdministrationViewModel}">
<views:AdministrationView DataContext="{Binding}" />
In my Window class I am setting the DataContext like this:
DataContext = new StammdatenViewModel();
Here is the thing I would like to do. I want to disable all the TextBoxes inside the ContentControl. I thought about adding a function to my StammdatenView.xaml.cs class (which is the class of my subview), then firing the event from the Window somehow. Though I would need access to the function inside the subview. Is that somehow possible and if yes how? Or would anyone suggest a different approach?
Thanks in advance.

Or would anyone suggest a different approach?
Yes. You should bind the IsEnabled property of each TextBox in the StammdatenView to a boolean property of the StammdatenViewModel.
You can then disable the TextBoxes by setting the source property in the view model class. This is one of the key aspects of the MVVM design pattern, i.e. that you handle your application logic in the view model.
Make sure that the view model class implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface and provide change notifications as explained on MSDN.

You can create a INotifyPropertyChanged event on your view model, then bind it to the 'IsEnabled={Binding IsTextBoxEnabled}' attribute in your view template for the textbox.
public class ViewModel : BaseViewModel
private bool _isTextBoxEnabled;
public bool IsTextBoxEnabled
get { return _isTextBoxEnabled; }
if (value != _isTextBoxEnabled)
_isTextBoxEnabled = value;
<DataTemplate x:Key="template">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" DataContext="{Binding}">
<TextBox IsEnabled="{Binding IsTextBoxEnabled}" />


User controls for creating certain models

I'm new to WPF and I found that creating a custom component for my case would be the best, so please tell me if I'm wrong at first. The purpose of this idea is to reuse it in other scenarios as needed.
The Model:
public class FooModel
public string Whatever { get; set; }
The ViewModel:
public class FooViewModel
public FooModel Foo { get; set; }
public ICommand CreateCommand { get; set; } = new AnotherCommandImplementation<FooModel>(model =>
// model is null! :(
The UserControl:
<local:FooViewModel />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Foo.Whatever}" Height="23" Width="120"/>
<Button CommandParameter="{Binding Foo}" Command="{Binding CreateCommand}" Width="80" Content="Create"/>
Why is Foo null and how do I fix it?
As requested, here's the current DataTemplate technique attempt:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vms:KeyboardActionViewModel}">
<ctrs:KeyboardActionControl />
<vms:ActionExecutorViewModel />
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Enabled}" Content="Enabled" />
<UserControl Content="{Binding Action}" />
public class ActionExecutorViewModel : ViewModel<ActionExecutor>
private Boolean enabled;
private ActionViewModel action;
public ActionExecutorViewModel()
Action = new KeyboardActionViewModel(); // Test
public ActionViewModel Action
get => action;
set => AssignAndRaiseEventOnPropertyChange(ref action, value);
public Boolean Enabled
get => enabled;
set => AssignAndRaiseEventOnPropertyChange(ref enabled, value);
public override ActionExecutor BuildModel()
var executor = new ActionExecutor();
executor.Action = action.BuildModel();
return executor;
<Label Background="Aqua">Asadsadsad</Label>
ActionViewModel is an abstract class where KeyboardActionViewModel inherits from it.
As Sereja notes, your proximal issue is that Foo is null. You never created it, so it's not there. It should probably be instantiated by FooViewModel, but it's possible that the creator of FooViewModel should create Foo as well. Without knowing the semantics, I can't be sure. The view should absolutely not be responsible for creating either one.
But there are bad assumptions built into what you're doing. Let's correct those and get you on the right track.
ViewModelBase implements INotifyPropertyChanged. Examples abound. The view XAML snippets below are intended to be partial: There are bits of UI which are not illustrated, as they shouldn't present any difficulties.
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase
public ActionExecutorCollectionViewModel ActionExecutors { /* INPC stuff */ }
// ViewModels create their own children.
= new ActionExecutorCollectionViewModel();
public class ActionExecutorCollectionViewModel : ViewModelBase
public ObservableCollection<ActionExecutor> Items { /* INPC stuff */ }
public ActionExecutor NewActionExecutor { /* INPC stuff */ }
// Create new ActionExecutor and assign to NewActionExecutor
public ICommand CreateActionExecutor { /* ... */ }
// Add NewActionExecutor to Items and set NewActionExecutor to null
public ICommand SaveActionExecutor { /* ... */ }
Write an implicit DataTemplate for each of the above. In MainViewModel's DataTemplate, there's something like this:
<ContentControl Content="{Binding ActionExecutors}" />
That displays the ActionExecutorsViewModel with its implicit DataTemplate, which contains something like this, among other things:
Command="{Binding CreateActionExecutor}"
Command="{Binding SaveActionExecutor}"
Content="{Binding NewActionExecutor}"
ActionExecutor needs some kind of crude class factory to create its own Action. You have two action types now. I would advise against going crazy at the moment trying to write a perfect architecture for adding new ones in the future. I would instead suggest giving ActionExecutor a public readonly collection of action type options, probably values from an enum: public ActionType { Mouse, Keyboard }, and a public ActionType ActionType property. When ActionType changes, create a new action of the new type and assign it to the Action property. ActionType’s setter should call a protected method which does that. There are other, more clever options for this, but the above design is reasonably maintainable and has served well in thousands of production applications.
In ActionExecutor's implicit DataTemplate, you would have a combobox which lets the user select a type of action from the ActionTypes collection. Its SelectedItem property is bound to ActionType. This is how actions are created.
ActionExecutor's DataTemplate contains something like this:
<CheckBox Content="Enabled" IsChecked="{Binding Enabled}" />
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding ActionTypes}" SelectedItem="{Binding ActionType}" />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Action}" />
All viewmodels below MainViewModel are created by their immediate parent viewmodels, never never never ever by a view. Think of the viewmodel "tree" as the skeleton or framework of the application. Views just display bits of it as needed. Viewmodels need to communicate with each other; views don’t. They just reflect and instigate state changes in their viewmodels. The window can create its viewmodel in its constructor, or in XAML as <Window.DataContext><local:MainViewModel /></Window.DataContext>. Either is fine, but doing it in the constructor allows you to call a constructor that has parameters.
Thus, with that one exception, a UserControl always gets its DataContext from context, never by creating it. This is a practical matter, not ideological: It makes writing and maintaining the application very much easier than the alternative. Many vexing issues are swept out of existence when you follow this rule. It's rare for a UserControl in a well-designed WPF application to define dependency properties. The purpose of a UserControl is to display a viewmodel. Other types of controls will define vast, lavish, glittering assortments of dependency properties. Not UserControls.
You can write UserControls and put them in DataTemplates, or just write DataTemplates. I believe that writing UserControls is a good idea. A DataTemplate containing a UserControl looks EXACTLY LIKE THIS:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ActionExecutor}">
<local:ActionExecutorUserControl />
DataContext="{Binding SomeProperty}" is essentially always wrong. It’s a “code smell” which indicates that somebody doesn’t understand XAML very well yet.
If some part of the above doesn't make sense to you, I'll be happy to help you fill that gap in your knowledge. If you believe that some part of it conflicts with your requirements, you may very well be mistaken. However, it is your responsibility to fully understand and codify your own requirements, and to communicate those requirements clearly.
Implicit DataTemplates
An implicit datatemplate is 1) a datatemplate defined as a resource in an accessible ResourceDictionary, with 2) a DataType attribute specifying which one of your classes you want to display with it.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ActionExecutorCollectionViewModel}">
<local:ActionExecutorCollectionUserControl />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ActionExecutor}">
<local:ActionExecutorUserControl />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type MouseAction}">
<local:MouseActionUserControl />
<!-- And so on and so forth. -->
MainWindow's DataContext is your MainViewModel, which I've partially defined above.
MainViewModel.ActionExecutors is of type ActionExecutorCollectionViewModel.
If you defined an implicit datatemplate for that class in some ResourceDictionary
that's in scope here (e.g., App.xaml), this UserControl will automatically
use that datatemplate.
<UserControl Content="{Binding ActionExecutors}" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Text="{Binding Interval}" />
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Enabled}">Enabled</CheckBox>
If you have implicit datatemplates defined for all your action types,
the framework will automatically give this UserControl the correct template
for whatever actual type of action the Action property refers to.
This is where we begin to see the real value of implicit datatemplates.
<UserControl Content="{Binding Action}" />
There is not constructor that initializes Foo with non-default values (which null is for reference types). That's the reason. At least, provide such a constructor, or - more WPFic way - create a DataContext="{Binding Foo}"; that's probably what you wanted, however your XAML is wrong then: you are creating new instance all the time rather than consuming the view model's Foo instance.
P.S. More than that, for UserControls it is command to expose a DependencyProperty to take the underlying model; so it would look like <UserControl Model="{Binding Foo}" ... />.

Navigation with Frame and Combobox MVVM

I'm trying to get my head around MVVM, i'm currently stuck on how to handle navigation.
Currently I have a page and within that page is a frame, that frame is responsible for framing in various other pages. Navigation was previously handled with a drop down box and on selection changed it would navigate that way.
I'm not sure how I could do this without touching the frame from the model view which would end up breaking mvvm.
In the end what I am trying to accomplish is, clicking on the combobox, selecting an item and then having then frame below navigate to the correct view.
I'm not using Prism or any other framework with MVVM, just trying to do it all manually.
The ComboBox would display an ObservableCollection of frame items exposed by your main viewmodel, and the viewmodel will have another property for the selected item.
Your main viewmodel and the frame item viewmodels all inherit from a ViewModelBase class which implements INotifyPropertyChanged, and maybe some other stuff.
So, C#:
public ObservableCollection<ViewModelBase> FrameItems { get; protected set; }
private ViewModelBase _selectedFrameItem;
public ViewModelBase SelectedFrameItem {
get { return _selectedFrameItem; }
set {
value = _selectedFrameItem;
// Defined in ViewModelBase
Your main viewmodel will populate FrameItems in its constructor:
public MainViewModel()
FrameItems = new ObservableCollection<ViewModelbase> {
new IceCreamMenu(),
new SmurfOptions(),
new MagicSparklePonyFourierTransformConfiguration()
Every frame item is a subclass of ViewModelBase. It exposes properties with notifications, including ObservableCollections of any set of child things it may have. And we'll display it by writing a datatemplate for it in just a bit.
Let's assume that you've given your ViewModelBase class a String Title { get; set; } property. Or maybe you'll want to write a subclass of ViewModelBase that introduces Title; your call. For now let's put it in ViewModelBase for simplicity.
XAML -- this leaves out all the layout, but you don't need that here.
ItemsSource="{Binding FrameItems}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedFrameItem}"
<Frame Content={Binding SelectedFrameItem}" />
OK, but how on earth does it know what to do with SelectedFrameItem?!
Easy! Write a resource dictionary called, say, ViewModelDataTemplates.xaml, and merge it into App.xaml so its contents are "visible" in any XAML in your application.
<!-- Source is a relative path from project root directory -->
<ResourceDictionary Source="ViewModelDataTemplates.xaml" />
...plus whatever theme stuff or whatever.
In ViewModelDataTemplates.xaml, define data templates for your frame item classes.
Say you've got an IceCreamMenu viewmodel, with a collection of Flavors
public ObservableCollection<IceCreamFlavor> Flavors { get; protected set; }
...and a SelectedFlavor. You'd define the namespace vm appropriately with an xmlns:vm attribute on the resource dictionary.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:IceCreamMenu}">
ItemsSource="{Binding Flavors}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedFlavor}"
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:IceCreamFlavor}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
Background={Binding Color, Converter={StaticResource ColorToBrushConverter}}"
<Label Content="Name" />
If you've got existing UserControls that you want to use via datatemplates, that's easy: Say you've got a NotesTabView UserControl that's a view for your NotesTabViewModel, you could define a DataTemplate like this:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:NotesTabViewModel}">
<vw:NotesTabView />
#EdPlunkett: As an alternative to DataTemplate for each view, you can bind your frame to selected page viewmodel using ViewModelToViewConverter like I did here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31721236/475727
Implicit DataTemplates and DataTemplateSelectors are unique to WPF and XAML, so people think it's recommended solution, but I think it's not suitable for navigation. It feels hackish and it smells with violation of DRY principle.

c# mvvm bind views to tabcontrol with header

I have a wpf programme with a main View (Window)which contains a TabControl to show several different UserControl Views (the sub-views, one in each tab). Every View has an associated ViewModel.
I wish to bind the TabControl so that I just need to load a new sub-view into the ApplicationViewModel and it will appear on the TabControl.
I have successfully bound the sub-views to the content, but cannot seem to get anything in the header. I wish to bind the header to a property in the sub-view's ViewModel, specifically TabTitle.
Application View (DataTemplate binding not working):
<Window ...>
<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding PageViews}" SelectedIndex="0"> <!--Working-->
<TextBlock Text="{Binding DataContext.TabTitle}, Path=DataContext.TabTitle}" /> <!--Not Working-->
Application ViewModel (ObservableObject basically implements INotifyPropertyChanged`):
class ApplicationViewModel : ObservableObject
private DataManager Data;
private ObservableCollection<UserControl> _pageViews;
internal ApplicationViewModel()
Data = new DataManager();
PageViews.Add(new Views.MembersView(new MembersViewModel(Data.DataSet)));
public ObservableCollection<UserControl> PageViews
if (_pageViews == null)
_pageViews = new ObservableCollection<UserControl>();
return _pageViews;
The MembersView Code behind:
public partial class MembersView : UserControl
public MembersView(MembersViewModel ViewModel)
DataContext = ViewModel;
MembersViewModel (truncated):
public class MembersViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public TabTitle { get; protected set; }
public MembersViewModel(DataSet BBDataSet)
TabTitle = "Members";
//All view properties
I'm sure that it is something simple...
You are binding the TabControl to a collection of type UserControl. That means the data context for each item will be of type UserControl. There is no property named "TabTitle" in UserControl, so the binding will not work.
I think what you are trying to do can be accomplished with the following changes:
Have ApplicationViewModel expose a collection of type MembersViewModel, instead of UserControl, and populate it appropriately.
Setup a ContentTemplate to create views for your items in the TabControl:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type namespace:MembersViewModel}">
<namespace:MembersView />
(Replace "namespace:" with your xaml imported namespace containing your controls.)
Update the ItemTemplate in your TabControl so it binds properly to the view model:
<TextBlock Text="{Binding TabTitle}}" />
Update MembersView to have a parameterless constructor. The DataContext on the view will be set for you by the TabControl. If you need to access the view model from your code-behind, it should be available through the DataContext property after the InitializeComponent() call.
Anytime you are working with ItemsControl (and its extensions such as ListBox, TreeView, TabControl, etc.), you should never be instantiating your own item views. You always want to setup a template that instantiates the view based on the data (or view model) and bind directly to the data (or view model) in the ItemsSource property. This allows all of the item's data contexts to be setup for you so you can bind to them.
Edit: Since you have multiple view / viewmodel pairings, you will want to define your templates slightly differently:
<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding PageViews}" SelectedIndex="0">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type namespace:MembersViewModel}">
<namespace:MembersView />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type namespace:ClassesViewModel}">
<namespace:ClassesView />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type namespace:SessionsViewModel}">
<namespace:SessionsView />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding TabTitle}}" />
The difference is that you want to define multiple data templates, one for each type, in your resources. That means it will use those templates each time it encounters those types. You still want to set ItemTemplate to force the tab headers to use a specific template. However, do not set ContentTemplate, allowing the content to use the data templates defined in resources.
I hope that makes sense.
P.S. You can also define these data templates in a higher level resource dictionary, such as in your main window or your application, if you want them to apply to content presenters every place you use those view models, rather than only in this one TabControl.

Best way to bind a set of same-type ViewModels to a TabControl in MVVM / WPF

I have an existing ViewModel and View in an MVVM project. Effectively this View presents a collection of items in a particular, styled way. I'll call this existing ViewModel "CollectionPresenter".
Up to now, this has been presented as as follows in XAML:
<ns:CollectionPresenter />
Now, I want to have a dynamic collection of these "CollectionPresenter" view models made available ideally in a tab view.
My approach has been to define an observable collection of these "CollectionPresenters", creating them first on construction of the parent view model. The XAML above then changed to look something like this:
<TabControl ItemsSource="{TemplateBinding CollectionPresenters}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding CollectionPresenterTitle}">
... this is where things get confusing
You can see above my problem is the ContentTemplate.
When I load this up, I get a tab control and it has as many tabs as my observable collection of "CollectionPresenter" objects.
However, the content of the tab control is always empty.
Is this approach correct - and is there a better way regardless?
I've tried the below, but it doesn't work. The XAML with the Tab Control (the binding to "Things" works fine):
<TabControl ItemsSource="{TemplateBinding Things}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModels:Thing}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ThingName}" Width="200" Background="Blue" Foreground="White"/>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModels:Thing}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ThingName}" Width="500" Height="500" Background="Blue" Foreground="White"/>
The definition for the "Things" observable collection (which is inside the templated parent (ParentObject) of the XAML with the tab control):
public static readonly DependencyProperty ThingsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Things", typeof(ObservableCollection<Thing>), typeof(ParentObject), new PropertyMetadata(null));
public ObservableCollection<Thing> Things
get { return (ObservableCollection<Thing>)GetValue(ThingsProperty); }
set { SetValue(ThingsProperty, value); }
Stripped down version of the "Thing" view model:
public class Thing : ViewModelBase
public Thing()
public void Initialise(ObservableCollection<Thing> things, string thingName)
Things = things;
ThingName = thingName;
public static readonly DependencyProperty ThingNameProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ThingName", typeof(string), typeof(Thing), new PropertyMetadata(null));
public string ThingName
get { return (string)GetValue(ThingNameProperty); }
set { SetValue(ThingNameProperty, value); }
Looking at my answer to the WPF MVVM navigate views question, you can see this:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:MainViewModel}">
<Views:MainView />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:PersonViewModel}">
<Views:PersonView />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:CompanyViewModel}">
<Views:CompanyView />
Now, wherever we use an instance from one of these types in our application, these DataTemplates will tell the framework to display the related view instead.
Therefore, your solution is to simply not hard-code one single DataTemplate to the TabControl.ItemTemplate property, but to leave that blank instead. If you use multiple DataTemplates without providing x:Key values, then they will implicitly be applied when each data object is to be rendered in the TabControl.
Using these DataTemplates should leave your TabControl looking like this:
<TabControl ItemsSource="{TemplateBinding Things}" />
I'm not sure why you're using a TemplateBinding there though as you don't need to define any new templates to get this working... therefore, you should be using a plain old Binding instead.
One other thing that you need to do is to use different data types for each item in the collection that you want to display differently. You could derive custom classes from your Thing class and so the collection could still be of type ObservableCollection<Thing>.

Don't create new view each time with DataTemplate/DataType

I have something like this:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:VM1}">
<!-- View 1 Here -->
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:VM2}">
<!-- View 2 here -->
<ContentPresenter Content="{Binding}"/>
This will automatically swap out the view as I bind different viewmodels, which is very handy.
However, I have one view with a tabcontrol and many subviews. Each subview has several visual parts that are configured by a custom xml file (complex business case). Each time this view is created, the xml file is parsed which causes a small (1-2 second) delay. It's enough of a delay to be annoying and make the UI feel sluggish.
Is there a way to use the DataTemplate pattern without destroying and recreating the view each time a viewmodel is bound? I'd rather not change the viewmodel if possible.
For this case the easiest solution is to have the two views always there and change which one is visible. You can use a converter to change the visibility based on the type of the data context
<View1 Visibility="{Binding Converter={StaticResource TypeToVisibilityConverter, ConverterParameter=VM1}" />
<View2 Visibility="{Binding Converter={StaticResource TypeToVisibilityConverter, ConverterParameter=VM2}" />
And the converter will check if the type matches with the parameter to return Visible, or Collapsed otherwise.
You could wrap your VM into an additional class. Your DataTemplates will decide on the type of the Wrapper class but the real implementation will be exposer through a property of this Wrapper. When this property will change the DataTemplate wont be reloaded but all the bindings will be refreshed.
Wrapper class:
public class WrapperVM1:INotifyPropertyChanged
public Content VM1 { get{...} set{...} }
public class WrapperVM2:INotifyPropertyChanged
public Content VM2 { get{...} set{...} }
Now your data templates will describe wrapper class representations:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:WrapperVM1}">
<TextBlock Text={Binding Content.SomPropertyInVM1}"/>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:WrapperVM2}">
<TextBlock Text={Binding Content.SomPropertyInVM2}"/>
As you can see if you substitute the Content property of the wrapper with a new instance of VM this won't recreate the view but all bindings will update. However if you need to switch to other type of VM you will have to substitute the Wrapper class by the appropriate Wrapper.

