I'm using this code to modify a pdf tmeplate to add specific details to it,
private static byte[] GeneratePdfFromPdfFile(byte[] file, string landingPage, string code)
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
using (var reader = new PdfReader(file))
using (var stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, ms))
string _embeddedURL = "http://" + landingPage + "/Default.aspx?code=" + code + "&m=" + eventCode18;
PdfAction act = new PdfAction(_embeddedURL);
return ms.ToArray();
catch(Exception ex)
File.WriteAllText(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + #"AttachmentException.txt", ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
return null;
this Method is being called from this Method:
public static byte[] GenerateAttachment(AttachmentExtenstion type, string Contents, string FileName, string code, string landingPage, bool zipped, byte[] File = null)
byte[] finalVal = null;
switch (type)
case AttachmentExtenstion.PDF:
finalVal = GeneratePdfFromPdfFile(File, landingPage, code);
case AttachmentExtenstion.WordX:
case AttachmentExtenstion.Word:
finalVal = GenerateWordFromDocFile(File, code, landingPage);
case AttachmentExtenstion.HTML:
finalVal = GenerateHtmlFile(Contents, code, landingPage);
return zipped ? _getZippedFile(finalVal, FileName) : finalVal;
catch(Exception ex)
return null;
and here is the main caller,
foreach (var item in Recipients)
item.EmailAttachment = AttachmentGeneratorEngine.GenerateAttachment(_type, "", item.AttachmentName, item.CMPRCode, _cmpTmp.LandingDomain, _cmpTmp.AttachmentZip.Value, _cmpTmp.getFirstAttachment(item.Language, item.DefaultLanguage));
The AttachmentGeneratorEngine.GenerateAttachment method is being called approx. 4k times, because I'm adding a specific PDF file from a PDF template for every element in my List.
recently I started having this exception:
Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. at System.IO.MemoryStream.ToArray()
I already implemented IDisposible in the classes and and I made sure that all of them are being released.
Note: it was running before very smoothely and also I double checked the system's resources - 9 GB is used out of 16 GB, so I had enough memory available.
Here is the code that loops through the list
public static bool ProcessGroupLaunch(string groupCode, int customerId, string UilangCode)
CampaignGroup cmpGList = GetCampaignGroup(groupCode, customerId, UilangCode)[0];
_campaigns = GetCampaigns(groupCode, customerId);
List<CampaignRecipientLib> Recipients = GetGroupRcipientsToLaunch(cmpGList.ID, customerId);
foreach (var item in _campaigns)
item.Details = GetCampaignDetails(item.CampaignId.Value, UilangCode);
Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
#region single-threaded ForEach
foreach (var item in Recipients)
CampaignLib _cmpTmp = _campaigns.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CampaignId.Value == item.CampaignId);
bool IncludeAttachment = _cmpTmp.IncludeAttachment ?? false;
bool IncludeAttachmentDoubleBarrel = _cmpTmp.IncludeAttachmentDoubleBarrel ?? false;
if (IncludeAttachment)
if (_cmpTmp.AttachmentExtension.ToLower().Equals("doc") || (_cmpTmp.AttachmentExtension.ToLower().Equals("docx")))
_type = AttachmentGeneratorEngine.AttachmentExtenstion.Word;
else if (_cmpTmp.AttachmentExtension.ToLower().Equals("ppt") || (_cmpTmp.AttachmentExtension.ToLower().Equals("pptx")))
_type = AttachmentGeneratorEngine.AttachmentExtenstion.PowePoint;
else if (_cmpTmp.AttachmentExtension.ToLower().Equals("xls") || (_cmpTmp.AttachmentExtension.ToLower().Equals("xlsx")))
_type = AttachmentGeneratorEngine.AttachmentExtenstion.Excel;
else if (_cmpTmp.AttachmentExtension.ToLower().Equals("pdf"))
_type = AttachmentGeneratorEngine.AttachmentExtenstion.PDF;
else if (_cmpTmp.AttachmentExtension.ToLower().Equals("html"))
_type = AttachmentGeneratorEngine.AttachmentExtenstion.HTML;
//set "recpient" details
item.EmailFrom = _cmpTmp.EmailFromPrefix + "#" + _cmpTmp.EmailFromDomain;
item.EmailBody = GetChangedPlaceHolders((_cmpTmp.getBodybyLangCode(string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Language) ? item.DefaultLanguage : item.Language, item.DefaultLanguage)), item.ID, _cmpTmp.CustomerId.Value, _cmpTmp.CampaignId.Value);
if (item.EmailBody.Contains("[T-LandingPageLink]"))
if (item.EmailBody.Contains("[T-FeedbackLink]"))
if (item.EmailBody.Contains("src=\".."))
//set flags to be used by the SMTP Queue and Scheduler
item.ReadyTobeSent = true;
item.PickupReady = false;
//add attachment to the recipient, if any.
if (IncludeAttachment)
item.AttachmentName = _cmpTmp.getAttachmentSubjectbyLangCode(string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Language) ? item.DefaultLanguage : item.Language, item.DefaultLanguage) + "." + _cmpTmp.AttachmentExtension.ToLower();
if (_type == AttachmentGeneratorEngine.AttachmentExtenstion.PDF || _type == AttachmentGeneratorEngine.AttachmentExtenstion.WordX || _type == AttachmentGeneratorEngine.AttachmentExtenstion.Word)
item.EmailAttachment = AttachmentGeneratorEngine.GenerateAttachment(_type, "", item.AttachmentName, item.CMPRCode, _cmpTmp.LandingDomain, _cmpTmp.AttachmentZip.Value, _cmpTmp.getFirstAttachment(item.Language, item.DefaultLanguage));
else item.EmailAttachment = AttachmentGeneratorEngine.GenerateAttachment(_type, value, item.AttachmentName, item.CMPRCode, _cmpTmp.LandingDomain, _cmpTmp.AttachmentZip.Value);
item.AttachmentName = _cmpTmp.AttachmentZip.Value ? (_cmpTmp.getAttachmentSubjectbyLangCode(string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Language) ? item.DefaultLanguage : item.Language, item.DefaultLanguage) + ".zip") :
_cmpTmp.getAttachmentSubjectbyLangCode(string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Language) ? item.DefaultLanguage : item.Language, item.DefaultLanguage) + "." + _cmpTmp.AttachmentExtension.ToLower();
catch (Exception ex)
item.EmailAttachment = null;
item.AttachmentName = null;
bool res = WriteCampaignRecipientsLaunch(ref Recipients);
return res;
catch (Exception ex)
Recipients.ForEach(i => i.Dispose());
Recipients = null;
cmpGList = null;
return false;
Recipients.ForEach(i => i.Dispose());
Recipients = null;
cmpGList = null;
Hi I am using Entity Framework Code First, I have a collection of Entities that need to be saved, but I have my EF Repository created as below
public T Create(T item)
if (ufb != null && ufb.CurrentUser != null)
SetValue("CreatedByUserId", item, ufb.CurrentUser.Id);
SetValue("UpdatedByUserId", item, ufb.CurrentUser.Id);
SetValue("DateCreated", item, DateTime.Now);
SetValue("DateUpdated", item, DateTime.Now);
var newEntry = this.DbSet.Add(item);
this.Context.Database.Log = message => LogHandler.LogInfo(1111, message);
catch (Exception ex)
LogHandler.LogInfo(2501, ex.Message);
BuildMetaData(item, true, true);
return newEntry;
catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx)
// http://forums.asp.net/t/2014382.aspx?Validation+failed+for+one+or+more+entities+See+EntityValidationErrors+property+for+more+details+
string msg = string.Empty;
foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors)
foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors)
msg += validationError.PropertyName;
msg += "---";
msg += validationError.ErrorMessage;
msg += "||";
throw new Exception("7777 CREATE EntityValidationErrors: " + msg);
My calling method is as below:
public List<VehicleInfo> Create(List<VehicleInfo> vehicleInfos, string Entity, int EntityId)
bool vehicleExists = false; List<VehicleInfo> newVehicleInfos = null;
if ((vehicleInfos != null) && (vehicleInfos.Count > 0))
newVehicleInfos = new List<VehicleInfo>();
foreach (VehicleInfo vehicleInfo in vehicleInfos)
vehicleExists = false;
if (vehicleInfo != null)
vehicleExists = this.VehicleExists(vehicleInfo.VehicleId, Entity, EntityId);
vehicleInfo.Entity = Entity;
vehicleInfo.EntityId = EntityId;
VehicleInfo v = this.UnitOfWork.VehicleInfoRepository.Create(vehicleInfo);
return newVehicleInfos;
Hence when I am calling repositories create method for multiple times, its throwing me the above error, any help or suggestion would be very helpful, please thank you.
void BuildMetaDataNoThread(object item, bool active, bool isNew = false)
if (item.GetType() != typeof(JsonObject))
var dm = new DataAccessUnitOfWork(Constants.DefaultConnection);
var qtype = item.GetType();
if (qtype.BaseType.BaseType != null)
if ((isNew && qtype.BaseType.Name == typeof(ModelBase).Name) | qtype.BaseType.BaseType.Name == typeof(ModelBase).Name)
//collect data
var element = (ModelBase)item;
var records = ModelBase.MetaData;
ModelBase.MetaData = new List<ModelRecord> { };
if (records == null) return;
foreach (ModelRecord r in records)
if (r!=null)
var jsr = new JavaScriptSerializer();
//object meta = r;
object rdata = r.Data;
var type = rdata.GetType();
var token = type.BaseType.Name;
List<string> include = r.Include;
// Cycle-through clieanup of models to be encoded into Json Data.
// this helper eliminates infinate relations by including records specified
// by a list of strings
if (include.Where(x => x.Contains("CreatedByUser")).Count() == 0)
if (include.Where(x => x.Contains("UpdatedByUser")).Count() == 0)
var data = ClassCloner.CollectData(rdata, include);
List<string> tags = ClassCloner.CollectTags(data);
string _tags = "";
tags.ForEach((xtm) =>
_tags += xtm + ',';
var json = jsr.Serialize(data);
int id = 0;
//get identity
foreach (var prop in type.GetProperties())
if (id == 0)
foreach (var cp in prop.CustomAttributes)
if (cp.AttributeType.Name == "KeyAttribute")
var _id = ((Dictionary<string, object>)data)[prop.Name];
id = (int)_id;
else { break; }
var query = dm.JsonObjectRepository.GetAll();
var key = "_" + token;
var _data = (Dictionary<string, object>)data;
var ExistingMetaData = (from x in query where x.SourceKey == key && x.SourceId == id select x).FirstOrDefault();
if (ExistingMetaData != null)
if (_data.ContainsKey("DateUpdated")) ExistingMetaData.Date = (DateTime)_data["DateUpdated"];
ExistingMetaData.SourceData = data;
ExistingMetaData.Active = active;
ExistingMetaData.SearchTags = _tags;
var newData = new JsonObject
Active = true,
Date = (DateTime)_data["DateUpdated"],
SourceData = data,
SourceId = id,
SourceKey = key,
SearchTags = _tags,
TargetKey = "GlobalSearchMetaData"
void BuildMetaData(object dataRecord, bool active, bool isNew)
new Thread((item) => { BuildMetaDataNoThread(item, active, isNew); }).Start(dataRecord);
I have an news aggregator and in debug i have the following:
Skipped 675 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
I am loading only from 12 sites. Is there a way to to do all this loading in background without the whole app freezing?
Method to get one news
public async static Task<NewsContent> oneNews(string category,string site)
GetNews gn = new GetNews(site,false);
Random rn = new Random();
var s = await gn.news(rn.Next(0,2));
return s;
The GetNews class:
class GetNews
string url;
bool isMultiple;
public GetNews(string url,bool isMultiple)
this.url = url;
this.isMultiple = isMultiple;
public async Task<NewsContent> news(int i)
List<NewsContent> feedItemsList = new List<NewsContent>();
WebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(url);
WebResponse webResponse = webRequest.GetResponse();
Stream stream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();
XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDocument.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("dc", xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("dc"));
nsmgr.AddNamespace("content", xmlDocument.DocumentElement.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("content"));
XmlNodeList itemNodes = xmlDocument.SelectNodes("rss/channel/item");
NewsContent feedItem = new NewsContent();
if (itemNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("title") != null)
feedItem.title = itemNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("title").InnerText;
if (itemNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("link") != null)
feedItem.url = itemNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("link").InnerText;
if (itemNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("pubDate") != null)
var time = itemNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("pubDate").InnerText;
feedItem.time = getHour(time);
if (itemNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("description") != null)
feedItem.desc = itemNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("description").InnerText;
if (itemNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("content:encoded", nsmgr) != null)
feedItem.content = itemNodes[i].SelectSingleNode("content:encoded", nsmgr).InnerText;
feedItem.content = feedItem.desc;
feedItem.imageURL = getImage(feedItem.content);
var sourcename = url.Split(new[] { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1];
feedItem.newsSource = sourcename.Split(new[] { "/" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
if (feedItem.content.Contains("<p>"))
var shortContent = feedItem.content.Split(new[] { "<p>" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1];
string finalShortContent = "";
for (int ii = 0; ii < shortContent.Length; ii++)
if (ii > 200 && shortContent[ii].Equals(' '))
while (shortContent[ii].Equals('<') || shortContent[ii].Equals('p') || shortContent[ii].Equals('/') || shortContent[ii].Equals('>'))
finalShortContent += shortContent[ii];
catch (Exception e)
finalShortContent += "...";
feedItem.shortcontent = finalShortContent;
return feedItem;
catch (Exception e)
return null;
string getImage(string full)
var code = full.Split(new[] { "src=\"" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1];
var fin = code.Split(new[] { "\"" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
return fin;
catch(Exception e)
return null;
List<int> getHour(string full)
List<int> smh = new List<int>();
var ph = full.Split(new[] { "2020 " }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1];
var hour = ph.Split(new[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
var second = hour[2].Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
return smh;
return null;
Try this. It should put the function in another thread
await Task.Run(async () =>
Hi have a Xamarin Android project using C#. Currently I am using await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync() method to upload image. However, it did not provide a tickbox beside the images for me to select multiple. How can I manage to select multiple images and upload together?
You could implement it by yourself.
1.Add these methods to your MainActivity.cs file
public static int OPENGALLERYCODE = 100;
protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data)
base.OnActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
//If we are calling multiple image selection, enter into here and return photos and their filepaths.
if (requestCode == OPENGALLERYCODE && resultCode == Result.Ok)
List<string> images = new List<string>();
if (data != null)
//Separate all photos and get the path from them all individually.
ClipData clipData = data.ClipData;
if (clipData != null)
for (int i = 0; i < clipData.ItemCount; i++)
ClipData.Item item = clipData.GetItemAt(i);
Android.Net.Uri uri = item.Uri;
var path = GetRealPathFromURI(uri);
if (path != null)
Android.Net.Uri uri = data.Data;
var path = GetRealPathFromURI(uri);
if (path != null)
/// <summary>
/// Get the real path for the current image passed.
/// </summary>
public String GetRealPathFromURI(Android.Net.Uri contentURI)
ICursor imageCursor = null;
string fullPathToImage = "";
imageCursor = ContentResolver.Query(contentURI, null, null, null, null);
int idx = imageCursor.GetColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.Data);
if (idx != -1)
fullPathToImage = imageCursor.GetString(idx);
ICursor cursor = null;
var docID = DocumentsContract.GetDocumentId(contentURI);
var id = docID.Split(':')[1];
var whereSelect = MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.Id + "=?";
var projections = new string[] { MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.Data };
cursor = ContentResolver.Query(MediaStore.Images.Media.InternalContentUri, projections, whereSelect, new string[] { id }, null);
if (cursor.Count == 0)
cursor = ContentResolver.Query(MediaStore.Images.Media.ExternalContentUri, projections, whereSelect, new string[] { id }, null);
var colData = cursor.GetColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.Data);
fullPathToImage = cursor.GetString(colData);
return fullPathToImage;
catch (Exception ex)
Toast.MakeText(Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Context, "Unable to get path", ToastLength.Long).Show();
return null;
2.invoked the following in the specific Activity which you want to open the picker
public void OpenGallery()
var imageIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionPick);
imageIntent.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraAllowMultiple, true);
this.StartActivityForResult(Intent.CreateChooser(imageIntent, "Select photo"), OPENGALLERYCODE);
Toast.MakeText(this, "Tap and hold to select multiple photos.", ToastLength.Short).Show();
catch (Exception ex)
Toast.MakeText(this, "Error. Can not continue, try again.", ToastLength.Long).Show();
void ClearFileDirectory()
var directory = new Java.IO.File(Android.OS.Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryPictures), ImageHelpers.collectionName).Path.ToString();
if (Directory.Exists(directory))
var list = Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*");
if (list.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < list.Length; i++)
//collectionName is the name of the folder in your Android Pictures directory.
public static readonly string collectionName = "TmpPictures";
public string SaveFile(byte[] imageByte, string fileName)
var fileDir = new Java.IO.File(Android.OS.Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryPictures), collectionName);
if (!fileDir.Exists())
var file = new Java.IO.File(fileDir, fileName);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(file.Path, imageByte);
return file.Path;
public string CompressImage(string path)
byte[] imageBytes;
//Get the bitmap.
var originalImage = BitmapFactory.DecodeFile(path);
//Set imageSize and imageCompression parameters.
var imageSize = .86;
var imageCompression = 67;
//Resize it and then compress it to Jpeg.
var width = (originalImage.Width * imageSize);
var height = (originalImage.Height * imageSize);
var scaledImage = Bitmap.CreateScaledBitmap(originalImage, (int)width, (int)height, true);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
scaledImage.Compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.Jpeg, imageCompression, ms);
imageBytes = ms.ToArray();
return SaveFile(imageBytes, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
This is my code which create PDF of a dwg file but it gives me error near MultiSheetPdf. Please give me the solution for same.
I thought that linking is the problem but I am not able to identify please suggest me the solution.
namespace Plottings
public class MultiSheetsPdf
private string dwgFile, pdfFile, dsdFile, outputDir;
private int sheetNum;
private IEnumerable<Layout> layouts;
private const string LOG = "publish.log";
public MultiSheetsPdfPlot(string pdfFile, IEnumerable<Layout> layouts)
Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
this.dwgFile = db.Filename;
this.pdfFile = pdfFile;
this.outputDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.pdfFile);
this.dsdFile = Path.ChangeExtension(this.pdfFile, "dsd");
this.layouts = layouts;
public void Publish()
if (TryCreateDSD())
Publisher publisher = AcAp.Publisher;
PlotProgressDialog plotDlg = new PlotProgressDialog(false, this.sheetNum, true);
publisher.PublishDsd(this.dsdFile, plotDlg);
private bool TryCreateDSD()
using (DsdData dsd = new DsdData())
using (DsdEntryCollection dsdEntries = CreateDsdEntryCollection(this.layouts))
if (dsdEntries == null || dsdEntries.Count <= 0) return false;
if (!Directory.Exists(this.outputDir))
this.sheetNum = dsdEntries.Count;
dsd.SetUnrecognizedData("PwdProtectPublishedDWF", "FALSE");
dsd.SetUnrecognizedData("PromptForPwd", "FALSE");
dsd.SheetType = SheetType.MultiDwf;
dsd.NoOfCopies = 1;
dsd.DestinationName = this.pdfFile;
dsd.IsHomogeneous = false;
dsd.LogFilePath = Path.Combine(this.outputDir, LOG);
return true;
private DsdEntryCollection CreateDsdEntryCollection(IEnumerable<Layout> layouts)
DsdEntryCollection entries = new DsdEntryCollection();
foreach (Layout layout in layouts)
DsdEntry dsdEntry = new DsdEntry();
dsdEntry.DwgName = this.dwgFile;
dsdEntry.Layout = layout.LayoutName;
dsdEntry.Title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.dwgFile) + "-" + layout.LayoutName;
dsdEntry.Nps = layout.TabOrder.ToString();
return entries;
private void PostProcessDSD(DsdData dsd)
string str, newStr;
string tmpFile = Path.Combine(this.outputDir, "temp.dsd");
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(tmpFile, Encoding.Default))
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(this.dsdFile, false, Encoding.Default))
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
str = reader.ReadLine();
if (str.Contains("Has3DDWF"))
newStr = "Has3DDWF=0";
else if (str.Contains("OriginalSheetPath"))
newStr = "OriginalSheetPath=" + this.dwgFile;
else if (str.Contains("Type"))
newStr = "Type=6";
else if (str.Contains("OUT"))
newStr = "OUT=" + this.outputDir;
else if (str.Contains("IncludeLayer"))
newStr = "IncludeLayer=TRUE";
else if (str.Contains("PromptForDwfName"))
newStr = "PromptForDwfName=FALSE";
else if (str.Contains("LogFilePath"))
newStr = "LogFilePath=" + Path.Combine(this.outputDir, LOG);
newStr = str;
public void PlotPdf()
Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
short bgp = (short)Application.GetSystemVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT");
Application.SetSystemVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT", 0);
using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
List<Layout> layouts = new List<Layout>();
DBDictionary layoutDict =
foreach (DBDictionaryEntry entry in layoutDict)
if (entry.Key != "Model")
layouts.Add((Layout)tr.GetObject(entry.Value, OpenMode.ForRead));
layouts.Sort((l1, l2) => l1.TabOrder.CompareTo(l2.TabOrder));
string filename = Path.ChangeExtension(db.Filename, "pdf");
MultiSheetsPdf plotter = new MultiSheetsPdf(filename, layouts);
catch (System.Exception e)
Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
ed.WriteMessage("\nError: {0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);
Application.SetSystemVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT", bgp);
Here you go: (Try to note and understand the difference between your version and this version)
namespace Plottings
public class MultiSheetsPdf
private string dwgFile, pdfFile, dsdFile, outputDir;
private int sheetNum;
private IEnumerable<Layout> layouts;
private const string LOG = "publish.log";
public MultiSheetsPdf(){}
public MultiSheetsPdf(string pdfFile, IEnumerable<Layout> layouts)
Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
this.dwgFile = db.Filename;
this.pdfFile = pdfFile;
this.outputDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(this.pdfFile);
this.dsdFile = Path.ChangeExtension(this.pdfFile, "dsd");
this.layouts = layouts;
public void Publish()
if (TryCreateDSD())
Publisher publisher = AcAp.Publisher;
PlotProgressDialog plotDlg = new PlotProgressDialog(false, this.sheetNum, true);
publisher.PublishDsd(this.dsdFile, plotDlg);
private bool TryCreateDSD()
using (DsdData dsd = new DsdData())
using (DsdEntryCollection dsdEntries = CreateDsdEntryCollection(this.layouts))
if (dsdEntries == null || dsdEntries.Count <= 0) return false;
if (!Directory.Exists(this.outputDir))
this.sheetNum = dsdEntries.Count;
dsd.SetUnrecognizedData("PwdProtectPublishedDWF", "FALSE");
dsd.SetUnrecognizedData("PromptForPwd", "FALSE");
dsd.SheetType = SheetType.MultiDwf;
dsd.NoOfCopies = 1;
dsd.DestinationName = this.pdfFile;
dsd.IsHomogeneous = false;
dsd.LogFilePath = Path.Combine(this.outputDir, LOG);
return true;
private DsdEntryCollection CreateDsdEntryCollection(IEnumerable<Layout> layouts)
DsdEntryCollection entries = new DsdEntryCollection();
foreach (Layout layout in layouts)
DsdEntry dsdEntry = new DsdEntry();
dsdEntry.DwgName = this.dwgFile;
dsdEntry.Layout = layout.LayoutName;
dsdEntry.Title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.dwgFile) + "-" + layout.LayoutName;
dsdEntry.Nps = layout.TabOrder.ToString();
return entries;
private void PostProcessDSD(DsdData dsd)
string str, newStr;
string tmpFile = Path.Combine(this.outputDir, "temp.dsd");
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(tmpFile, Encoding.Default))
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(this.dsdFile, false, Encoding.Default))
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
str = reader.ReadLine();
if (str.Contains("Has3DDWF"))
newStr = "Has3DDWF=0";
else if (str.Contains("OriginalSheetPath"))
newStr = "OriginalSheetPath=" + this.dwgFile;
else if (str.Contains("Type"))
newStr = "Type=6";
else if (str.Contains("OUT"))
newStr = "OUT=" + this.outputDir;
else if (str.Contains("IncludeLayer"))
newStr = "IncludeLayer=TRUE";
else if (str.Contains("PromptForDwfName"))
newStr = "PromptForDwfName=FALSE";
else if (str.Contains("LogFilePath"))
newStr = "LogFilePath=" + Path.Combine(this.outputDir, LOG);
newStr = str;
public void PlotPdf()
Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;
short bgp = (short)Application.GetSystemVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT");
Application.SetSystemVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT", 0);
using (Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
List<Layout> layouts = new List<Layout>();
DBDictionary layoutDict =
foreach (DBDictionaryEntry entry in layoutDict)
if (entry.Key != "Model")
layouts.Add((Layout)tr.GetObject(entry.Value, OpenMode.ForRead));
layouts.Sort((l1, l2) => l1.TabOrder.CompareTo(l2.TabOrder));
string filename = Path.ChangeExtension(db.Filename, "pdf");
MultiSheetsPdf plotter = new MultiSheetsPdf(filename, layouts);
catch (System.Exception e)
Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
ed.WriteMessage("\nError: {0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);
Application.SetSystemVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT", bgp);
Heads up. The method, PostProcessDSD, tests are too generic. Client contacted me complaining that one of his files was not plotting. It was named "SOUTH". The test for "OUT" in the string caused the issue. No errors were thrown. Just a good ol' fashion mystery.
Change all tests to include the "=". ie else if (str.Contains("OUT=")) { ...
I am running a loop in C# that reads a file and make updates to the MySQL database with MySQL ODBC 5.1 driver in a Windows 8 64-bit environment.
The operations is simple
Count +1
See if file exists
Load XML file(XDocument)
Fetch data from XDocument
Open ODBCConnection
Run a couple of Stored Procedures against the MySQL database to store data
Close ODBCConnection
The problem is that after a while it will hang on for example a OdbcCommand.ExecuteNonQuery. It is not always the same SP that it will hang on?
This is a real problem, I need to loop 60 000 files but it only last around 1000 at a time.
Edit 1:
The problem seemse to accure here hever time :
public bool addPublisherToGame(int inPublisherId, int inGameId)
string sqlStr;
OdbcCommand commandObj;
sqlStr = "INSERT INTO games_publisher_binder (gameId, publisherId) VALUE(?,?)";
commandObj = new OdbcCommand(sqlStr, mainConnection);
commandObj.Parameters.Add("#gameId", OdbcType.Int).Value = inGameId;
commandObj.Parameters.Add("#publisherId", OdbcType.Int).Value = inPublisherId;
if (Convert.ToInt32(executeNonQuery(commandObj)) > 0)
return true;
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
throw (loggErrorMessage(this.ToString(), "addPublisherToGame", ex, -1, "", ""));
protected object executeNonQuery(OdbcCommand inCommandObj)
//FileStream file = new FileStream("d:\\test.txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write);
//System.IO.StreamWriter stream = new System.IO.StreamWriter(file);
//stream.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - " + inCommandObj.CommandText);
return inCommandObj.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (Exception ex)
throw (ex);
I can see that the in parameters is correct
The open and close of the connection is done in a top method for ever loop (with finally).
Edit 2:
This is the method that will extract the information and save to database :
public Boolean addBoardgameToDatabase(XElement boardgame, GameFactory gameFactory)
int incomingGameId = -1;
XElement tmpElement;
string primaryName = string.Empty;
List<string> names = new List<string>();
GameStorage externalGameStorage;
int retry = 3;
if (boardgame.FirstAttribute != null &&
boardgame.FirstAttribute.Value != null)
while (retry > -1)
incomingGameId = int.Parse(boardgame.FirstAttribute.Value);
#region Find primary name
tmpElement = boardgame.Elements("name").Where(c => c.Attribute("primary") != null).FirstOrDefault(a => a.Attribute("primary").Value.Equals("true"));
if (tmpElement != null)
primaryName = tmpElement.Value;
return false;
externalGameStorage = new GameStorage(incomingGameId,
getDateTime("1/1/" + boardgame.Element("yearpublished").Value),
0, 0, false);
foreach (XElement designer in boardgame.Elements("boardgamedesigner"))
gameFactory.updateDesigner(int.Parse(designer.FirstAttribute.Value), designer.Value);
gameFactory.addDesignerToGame(int.Parse(designer.FirstAttribute.Value), externalGameStorage.id);
foreach (XElement publisher in boardgame.Elements("boardgamepublisher"))
gameFactory.updatePublisher(int.Parse(publisher.FirstAttribute.Value), publisher.Value, string.Empty);
gameFactory.addPublisherToGame(int.Parse(publisher.FirstAttribute.Value), externalGameStorage.id);
foreach (XElement element in boardgame.Elements("name").Where(c => c.Attribute("primary") == null))
foreach (string name in names)
if (name != null && name.Length > 0)
gameFactory.addGameName(incomingGameId, name);
return true;
catch (Exception)
if (retry < 0)
return false;
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
throw (new Exception(this.ToString() + ".addBoardgameToDatabase : " + ex.Message, ex));
And then we got one step higher, the method that will trigger addBoardgameToDatabase :
private void StartThreadToHandleXmlFile(int gameId)
FileInfo fileInfo;
XDocument xmlDoc;
Boolean gameAdded = false;
GameFactory gameFactory = new GameFactory();
fileInfo = new FileInfo(_directory + "\\" + gameId.ToString() + ".xml");
if (fileInfo.Exists)
xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(fileInfo.FullName);
if (addBoardgameToDatabase(xmlDoc.Element("boardgames").Element("boardgame"), gameFactory))
gameAdded = true;
if (!gameAdded)
catch (Exception)
{ throw; }
if(gameFactory != null)
And then finally the top level :
public void UpdateGames(string directory)
DirectoryInfo dirInfo;
FileInfo fileInfo;
Thread thread;
int gameIdToStartOn = 1;
dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(directory);
_directory = directory;
fileInfo = dirInfo.GetFiles("*.xml").OrderBy(c=> int.Parse(c.Name.Replace(".xml",""))).FirstOrDefault();
gameIdToStartOn = int.Parse(fileInfo.Name.Replace(".xml", ""));
for (int gameId = gameIdToStartOn; gameId < 500000; gameId++)
{ StartThreadToHandleXmlFile(gameId); }
Use SQL connection pooling by adding "Pooling=true" to your connectionstring.
Make sure you properly close the connection AND the file.
You can create one large query and execute it only once, I think it is a lot faster then 60.000 loose queries!
Can you show a bit of your code?