paypal Amount Total mismatch - c#

When I check in my website using Paypal it gives me this message: "Checkout Error - Amount total mismatch" I used Microsoft tutorial to implement PayPal:
I did exactly what it said I even did twice but somehow keep getting this error Appreciate your help Thanks
public partial class CheckoutReview : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
NVPAPICaller payPalCaller = new NVPAPICaller();
string retMsg = "";
string token = "";
string PayerID = "";
NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();
token = Session["token"].ToString();
bool ret = payPalCaller.GetCheckoutDetails(token, ref PayerID, ref decoder, ref retMsg);
if (ret)
Session["payerId"] = PayerID;
var myOrder = new Order();
myOrder.OrderDate = Convert.ToDateTime(decoder["TIMESTAMP"].ToString());
myOrder.Username = User.Identity.Name;
myOrder.FirstName = decoder["FIRSTNAME"].ToString();
myOrder.LastName = decoder["LASTNAME"].ToString();
myOrder.Address = decoder["SHIPTOSTREET"].ToString();
myOrder.City = decoder["SHIPTOCITY"].ToString();
myOrder.State = decoder["SHIPTOSTATE"].ToString();
myOrder.PostalCode = decoder["SHIPTOZIP"].ToString();
myOrder.Country = decoder["SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE"].ToString();
myOrder.Email = decoder["EMAIL"].ToString();
myOrder.Total = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"].ToString());
// Verify total payment amount as set on CheckoutStart.aspx.
decimal paymentAmountOnCheckout = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["payment_amt"].ToString());
decimal paymentAmoutFromPayPal = Convert.ToDecimal(decoder["AMT"].ToString());
if (paymentAmountOnCheckout != paymentAmoutFromPayPal)
Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Amount%20total%20mismatch.");
catch (Exception)
Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + "Desc=Amount%20total%20mismatch.");
// Get DB context.
ProductContext _db = new ProductContext();
// Add order to DB.
// Get the shopping cart items and process them.
using (WingtipToys.Logic.ShoppingCartActions usersShoppingCart = new WingtipToys.Logic.ShoppingCartActions())
List<CartItem> myOrderList = usersShoppingCart.GetCartItems();
// Add OrderDetail information to the DB for each product purchased.
for (int i = 0; i < myOrderList.Count; i++)
// Create a new OrderDetail object.
var myOrderDetail = new OrderDetail();
myOrderDetail.OrderId = myOrder.OrderId;
myOrderDetail.Username = User.Identity.Name;
myOrderDetail.ProductId = myOrderList[i].ProductId;
myOrderDetail.Quantity = myOrderList[i].Quantity;
myOrderDetail.UnitPrice = myOrderList[i].Product.UnitPrice;
// Add OrderDetail to DB.
// Set OrderId.
Session["currentOrderId"] = myOrder.OrderId;
// Display Order information.
List<Order> orderList = new List<Order>();
ShipInfo.DataSource = orderList;
// Display OrderDetails.
OrderItemList.DataSource = myOrderList;
Response.Redirect("CheckoutError.aspx?" + retMsg);
protected void CheckoutConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["userCheckoutCompleted"] = "true";

I encountered the same problem while doing the tutorial, so here is my solution in case someone encounters it as well.
The main problem here is that Asp.NET displays the string versions of the amounts as XX,XX instead of XX.XX. This is because the .ToString()-function displays decimals as they are written in the current region.
To solve this problem, every .ToString() and Convert.ToDecimal() should be called with an extra parameter called CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, which ensures that the string amounts are stored in memory in the XX.XX-format.
I hope this helps someone in the future.


Translate from C# to PROGRESS OPENEDGE ABL

I received an C# DLL to access an API and another C# to invoke the DLL.
I'm trying to make an ABL program to INVOKE the DLL.
Ive tried the USING, also run it as an EXTERNAL but no luck.
Never used C#, but it looks like a very simple program can't find how to instatiate the DLL from ABL.
Thanks in advance,
Here is the C# code, will appreciate any help
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace CayanConnectSample
public partial class MainFrm : Form
public MainFrm()
private string merchantName = "Test Dynamic Payments";
private string merchantSiteId = "2Q5JSJH3";
private string merchantKey = "GQPXT-GTJTP-66A1Y-RWT5G-CNULU";
private string terminalIPAddress = ""; //ip address in CDI Technologies
private int requestTimeout = 60;
private void btnCreateTransaction_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
decimal amount = Convert.ToDecimal(0.09);
string clerkId = "MIKE";
//only transactionType used are sale & refund
CayanConnect.CreateTransaction.Request request = new CayanConnect.CreateTransaction.Request()
MerchantName = merchantName,
MerchantSiteId = merchantSiteId,
MerchantKey = merchantKey,
TransactionType = CayanConnect.CreateTransaction.TransactionTypeEnum.SALE,
ClerkId = clerkId,
Dba = merchantName,
Amount = amount,
//[Amount] is always positive. TransactionType has the sign. Sale or Refund
OrderNumber = "1234"
CayanConnect.CreateTransaction createTrx = new CayanConnect.CreateTransaction();
CayanConnect.CreateTransaction.Response ctr = createTrx.Process(request, CayanConnect.ThemeEnum.None);
if (ctr.Success)
CayanConnect.InitiateTransaction it = new CayanConnect.InitiateTransaction(terminalIPAddress, ctr.TransportKey, null, CayanConnect.ThemeEnum.None, "Waiting for customer...");
CayanConnect.InitiateTransaction.Response response = it.Process(requestTimeout, true);
string emvDetail = response.EMVDetail;
bool approved = false;
if (response.Success)
if (response.Status.ToUpper() == "APPROVED")
if (Convert.ToDecimal(Math.Abs(amount)) == response.AmountApproved)
approved = true;
txtResponse.Text = "Good to go!!";
string v = this.VoidApprovedTransaction(response.Token);
string em = v.IsEmpty() ? "Transaction was voided succesfully." : v;
txtResponse.Text = $"Invalid approved amount.{Environment.NewLine}Amount: {amount.ToString("C")}{Environment.NewLine}Approved Amount: {response.AmountApproved.ToString("c")}{em}";
txtResponse.Text = response.DeclinedMessage(amount);
txtResponse.Text = response.ErrorMessage;
txtResponse.Text = ctr.ErrorMessage;
private string GetStatus()
string rt = string.Empty;
CayanConnect.GetStatus status = new CayanConnect.GetStatus(this.terminalIPAddress, null, CayanConnect.ThemeEnum.None, "Verifying terminal status...");
CayanConnect.GetStatus.Response statusResponse = status.Process(this.requestTimeout);
rt = statusResponse.ToXml();
return rt;
private string VoidApprovedTransaction(string token)
string rt = string.Empty;
CayanConnect.Void _void = new CayanConnect.Void();
CayanConnect.Void.Request request = new CayanConnect.Void.Request()
MerchantName = this.merchantName,
MerchantKey = this.merchantKey,
MerchantSiteId = this.merchantSiteId,
Token = token,
Timeout = this.requestTimeout
CayanConnect.Void.Response response = _void.Process(request, CayanConnect.ThemeEnum.None);
if (!response.Success)
rt = $"Error voiding transaction.{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}{response.ErrorMessage}";
return rt;
private void btnIsOnLine_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtResponse.Text = GetStatus();
You don't need to 'invoke' the DLL. I have found that the DLL's doc is very important to read - you'll need to know things like who's in charge (ABL or the DLL) of memory allocation and deallocation, structure sizes etc. Also, the AVM is not re-entrant (so cannot be registered as a callback for any DLL).
For an example of calling DLL/SO functions from within an ABL class, take a look in the repo at .
You'll need to create function prototypes (see an example at ) and you can then call those functions from within a method . Take a look at for examples.

How to leave existing data unchanged is a condition is false

I am currently working on a project where I need to be able to rent a truck to a customer but also need to add the customer details if not existing. My problem is even though through the WPF form I input the exact same details of a customer, there would be a new set of data added thus creating a new Customer ID for one person. How would I be able to get the database disregard the existing customer details?
My data service code:
public class DataService
public static void rentTruck(TruckRental toRent, bool isNewCustomer)
using (var ctx = new DAD_TruckRental_RGMContext())
if (!isNewCustomer)
ctx.Entry(toRent.Customer).State = EntityState.Unchanged;//doesnt leave existing customer unchanged
ctx.Entry(toRent.Truck).State = EntityState.Modified;
My cs code:
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
TruckCustomer cust = new TruckCustomer();
cust.Age = int.Parse(ageTextBox.Text);
cust.LicenseNumber = licenseNumberTextBox.Text;
cust.LicenseExpiryDate = licenseExpiryDateDatePicker.SelectedDate.Value.Date;
TruckPerson per = new TruckPerson();
per.Address = addressTextBox.Text;
per.Telephone = telephoneTextBox.Text;
per.Name = nameTextBox.Text;
cust.Customer = per;
int truckId = int.Parse(truckIdTextBox.Text);
IndividualTruck truck = DataService.searchTruckByID(truckId);
decimal priceTotal = decimal.Parse(totalPriceTextBox.Text);
TruckRental toRent = new TruckRental();
toRent.TotalPrice = priceTotal;
toRent.RentDate = rentDateDatePicker.SelectedDate.Value.Date;
toRent.ReturnDueDate = returnDueDateDatePicker.SelectedDate.Value.Date;
toRent.Customer = cust;
toRent.Truck = truck;
truck.Status = "Rented";
DataService.rentTruck(toRent, true);
MessageBox.Show("Truck rented succesfully");
Here is my suggestion
1- First check if customer details already exist in db using LicenseNumber
2- The first step will be either null or have details, so if null then add received customer details otherwise update
here is the code
public class DataService
public static void rentTruck(TruckRental toRent, bool isNewCustomer, TruckCustomer tcustomer)
using (var ctx = new DAD_TruckRental_RGMContext())
var ob = ctx.TruckCustomer.Where(c => c.LicenseNumber == customer.LicenseNumber);
if ( ob != null) //not exist
//create new here
//exist then just update State
ctx.ob.State = EntityState.Modified;
I hope this can help you

Stripe API - C#/.NET List All Customers problems with pagination

this might be a simple answer due to my inexperience with C# and .NET. I have two Stripe Test Accounts. TL:DR; is I am essentially looking for a Customers.all solution.
The source account has all the customer, card, and charge data.
The destination account has the copied card and customer data done by Stripe Support.
I have code that loops through the pulls all the data from the source account. It then finds the customer data from the destination account using the collection of customer/card data from the source. After that it then recreates the charges from the source account into the destination account.
I am able to successfully copy the first 100 charges into the destination account using information from the source account but I am having the hardest time getting the rest of the customers.
This is what I have so far:
public static void GenerateDestinationChargeData()
// code to get collection of customer data from destination account
var customerService = new StripeCustomerService();
IEnumerable<StripeCustomer> customerItems = customerService.List(
new StripeCustomerListOptions()
Limit = 100,
//this is what I cannot figure out, eventually to get all of the customers from the destination account
StartingAfter = customerItems.LastOrDefault().Id
// loop through collection of customers from destination acct to fetch customer charge data from source account
foreach (var i in customerItems)
bool isError = false;
var liveChargeService = new StripeChargeService();
StripeList<StripeCharge> chargeItems = new StripeList<StripeCharge>();
chargeItems = liveChargeService.List(
new StripeChargeListOptions()
Limit = 100,
CustomerId = i.Id
// loop through customer charge data from source and re-create charge data on destination Acct
foreach (var c in chargeItems.Data)
var emailReceipt = "";
Dictionary<string, string> chargeMetaData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var onBehalfOf = "";
var transferGroup = "";
var chargeDescription = "";
var chargeCaptured = "";
var chargeCurrency = "";
var chargeStatementDescriptor = "";
if (c.ReceiptEmail != null)
emailReceipt = c.ReceiptEmail;
if (c.Metadata != null)
chargeMetaData = c.Metadata;
if (c.OnBehalfOf != null)
onBehalfOf = c.OnBehalfOf.ToString();
if (c.TransferGroup != null)
transferGroup = c.TransferGroup;
if (c.Description != null)
chargeDescription = c.Description;
if (c.Captured != null)
chargeCaptured = c.Captured.ToString();
if (c.Currency != null)
chargeCurrency = c.Currency;
if (c.StatementDescriptor != null)
chargeStatementDescriptor = c.StatementDescriptor;
var chargeOptions = new StripeChargeCreateOptions();
chargeOptions.CustomerId = i.Id;
chargeOptions.ReceiptEmail = emailReceipt;
chargeOptions.Metadata = chargeMetaData;
chargeOptions.Description = chargeDescription;
chargeOptions.Capture = c.Captured;
chargeOptions.Currency = chargeCurrency;
chargeOptions.Amount = c.Amount;
chargeOptions.StatementDescriptor = chargeStatementDescriptor;
StripeChargeService chargeService = new StripeChargeService(destinationTestKey);
StripeCharge stripeCharge = chargeService.Create(chargeOptions);
catch (Exception ex)
Utility.NotifyDevAdminException("test", ex);
isError = true;
if (isError) continue;
Thank you so much :)
Since we cannot do a Customers.all with this current Stripe API, the solution is to set an empty variable and assign it the last Customer ID in the first set of 100 that we get and continue the query from that last assigned value
var lastId = String.Empty;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lastId))
customerItems = customerService.List(
new StripeCustomerListOptions(){ Limit = 100 });
customerItems = customerService.List(
new StripeCustomerListOptions() {
Limit = 100,
StartingAfter = lastId });
lastId = customerItems.LastOrDefault().Id;

ASP.NET Cannot charge a customer that has no active card

protected void ChargePayment(object sender, EventArgs e)
StripeCustomer CurrentCustomer = GetCustomer();
if (CurrentCustomer == null)
var myCharge = new StripeChargeCreateOptions();
myCharge.Currency = "dkk";
myCharge.CustomerId = CurrentCustomer.Id;
myCharge.Description = "KPHF Prorated Charge";
string key = "sk_test_P6GjMq1OVwmxZv5YNozAX6dY";
var chargeService = new StripeChargeService(key);
catch (StripeException ex)
exError.Text = ex.Message;
private StripeCustomer GetCustomer()
MembershipUser CurrentUser = Membership.GetUser();
var myCustomer = new StripeCustomerCreateOptions();
var myCustomer2 = new StripeCreditCardOptions();
myCustomer.Email = cMail.Text;
myCustomer2.TokenId = CreditCard.Text;
myCustomer2.ExpirationMonth = CardMonth.SelectedItem.Text;
myCustomer2.ExpirationYear = CardYear.SelectedItem.Text;
myCustomer2.Cvc = cvc.Text;
myCustomer.PlanId = "1";
var customerService = new StripeCustomerService("sk_test_P6GjMq1OVwmxZv5YNozAX6dY");
StripeCustomer result = customerService.Create(myCustomer);
return result;
catch (StripeException ex)
exError.Text = ex.Message;
return null;
After entering credit card info I do get customer created in the stripe system, but he's not being charged and I get following exception: "Cannot charge a customer that has no active card". Any help or tips?
you are not attaching the card with the customer. You have created the card object but not attached with the customer. Follow this syntax to add the card
var myCustomer = new StripeCustomerCreateOptions();
myCustomer.Email = "";
myCustomer.Description = "Johnny Tenderloin (";
// setting up the card
myCustomer.SourceCard = new SourceCard()
Number = "4242424242424242",
ExpirationYear = "2022",
ExpirationMonth = "10",
Cvc = "1223" // optional
myCustomer.PlanId = *planId*; // only if you have a plan
myCustomer.TaxPercent = 20; // only if you are passing a plan, this tax percent will be added to the price.
myCustomer.Coupon = *couponId*; // only if you have a coupon
myCustomer.TrialEnd = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(1); // when the customers trial ends (overrides the plan if applicable)
myCustomer.Quantity = 1; // optional, defaults to 1
var customerService = new StripeCustomerService();
StripeCustomer stripeCustomer = customerService.Create(myCustomer)
you can read more about it here stripe .net

Updating an EntityFramework Record with relating new records

I am trying to use one attach to the EF to update all the records I need.
public void UpdateSale(Sale s)
Context.Entry(s).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
Lets Say like so. The above code gives me an error because it says the primary keys I am trying to add already exist(They arent automatically generated yet)
Now Sale has a number of different other Entity Models inside it like:
SavedForm, ProductSale
Now the code calling the UpdateSale is here
public JsonResult AddNewForms(string Anamaka, string NispahB, string Hazaot, string ManufactorerID, string ClientStatus, string TypeFile)
BL.FormConnectorLogic fcl = new BL.FormConnectorLogic();
DAL.SavedForm AnamakaForm = MakeSavedForm(Boolean.Parse(Anamaka),"מסמך הנמקה",ClientStatus);
DAL.SavedForm NispahBForm = MakeSavedForm(Boolean.Parse(NispahB), "נספח ב", ClientStatus);
DAL.SavedForm HazaotForm = MakeSavedForm(Boolean.Parse(Hazaot), TypeFile, ClientStatus, ManufactorerID);
var results = new { A = AnamakaForm, N = NispahBForm, H = HazaotForm };
return Json(results, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
public DAL.SavedForm MakeSavedForm(bool Authorized, string FormName, string ClientStatus, string ManufactorerID = "")
DAL.Sale s = (DAL.Sale)Session["SaleSave"];
DAL.SavedForm sf = new DAL.SavedForm();
if (Authorized)
sf = new DAL.SavedForm();
sf.FormName = new BL.FormConnectorLogic().getFormByName(FormName, ClientStatus, ManufactorerID).FormName;
sf.DateFormed = DateTime.Now;
sf.AgentID = s.AgentID;
sf.Status = "פתוח";
sf.SaleID = s.ID;
new BL.SaleLogic().UpdateSale(s);
Session["SaleSave"] = s;
return sf;
else return null;
Now I've read up on the State and there is a difference between Added and Modified.
While I can't really seem to tell when I am going to add and when I am going to modify.
Is there anyway to disregard everything and to just shove my whole class and all its relationships to the database?

