Visual C#, An array of Dates between two Dates - c#

I have 2 DateTimePicker controls named dtp1 and dtp2. I wish to get an array of dates between those 2 days: dtp1.Date.Value <= x <= dtp2.Date.Value.
I currently use for loop to achieve such a task, but this is not a very efficient way to do things:
int c = (int)(dtp2.Value.Date-dtp1.Value.Date).TotalDays + 1;
DateTime[] d = new DateTime[c];
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
d[i] = dtp1.Value.Date.AddDays(i);
Is there any better and concise way to achieve the same result?

I advise you to use lists instead arrays and u can use Enumarable.Range
var startDate = new DateTime(2013, 1, 25);
var endDate = new DateTime(2013, 1, 31);
int days = (endDate - startDate).Days + 1; // incl. endDate
List<DateTime> range = Enumerable.Range(0, days)
.Select(i => startDate.AddDays(i))
You can learn much more about Lists here


Linq Overlapped date range checking in single collection

Class TimeRange{
private DateTime StartDate{get; set;}
private DateTime EndDate{get; set;}
List<TimeRange> TimeRangeList = new List<TimeRange>(){
new TimeRange(){StartDate = new DateTime(2050, 1, 1),
EndDate = new DateTime(2050, 1, 10)},
new TimeRange(){StartDate = new DateTime(2050, 2, 1),
EndDate = new DateTime(2050, 2, 10)},
//This item will triggered the overlap validation failed
new TimeRange(){StartDate = new DateTime(2050, 1, 5),
EndDate = new DateTime(2050, 1, 9)},
so after I checked out the similar topic, I still can't figured out the algorithm of checking the overlapped date range.
This is quite simple in SQL, according to Checking for date overlap across multiple date range objects
I just need to compare two date range like this
FROM Table1
WHERE Table1.StartDate < 'endCheckDate'
AND Table1.EndDate > 'startCheckDate'
I found it is difficult to do in Linq, how do we compare all items in one collection within? of cause we can use foreach in just loop the collection just like comparing two list, but how is it work in select?
actually I'm doing something like this
for (int i = 0; i < TimeRangeList .Count(); ++i)
var item = TimeRangeList[i];
for (int y = i + 1; y < TimeRangeList.Count(); ++y)
var item2 = TimeRangeList[y];
if (IsOverLapped(item, item2))
// this is overlapped
private bool IsOverLapped(dynamic firstObj, dynamic secondObj)
return secondObj.StartDate <= firstObj.EndDate && firstObj.StartDate <= secondObj.EndDate;
Is there a more elegant way to do without looping?
so my questions is how do we compare one single list for each items itself by linq?
A simple brute force idea:
bool overlap = TimeRangeList
.Any(r => TimeRangeList
.Where(q => q != r)
.Any(q => q.EndDate >= r.StartDate && q.StartDate <= r.EndDate) );
If I look at your SQLcode, it seems that you have a Table1 object which is a sequence of similar objects, let's say of class Table1Row. Every Table1Row has at least two DateTime properties, a StartDate and an EndDate. Furthermore you have two DateTime objects: startCheckDate and endCheckDate.
You want to count all elements in your Table1 that have a StartDate smaller than startCheckDate and an EndDate larger than endCheckDate
Written as an extension function of IQueryable:
public static int CountOverlapping(this IQueryable<Table1Row> table1,
DateTime startCheckDate,
DateTime endCheckDate)
return table1
.Where (row => row.StartDate < startCheckDate && row.EndDate > endCheckDate)
DateTime startCheckDate = ...
DateTime endCheckDate = ...
IQueryable<Table1Row> table1 = ...
int nrOfOverlapping = table1.CountOverlapping(startCheckDate, endCheckDate);
Simple comme bonjour?

Finding the longest overlapping period

I have a list of records containing Id, DateFrom, DateTo. For the sake of this question we can use this one:
List<(int, DateTime, DateTime)> data = new List<(int, DateTime, DateTime)>
(1, new DateTime(2012, 5, 16), new DateTime(2018, 1, 25)),
(2, new DateTime(2009, 1, 1), new DateTime(2011, 4, 27)),
(3, new DateTime(2014, 1, 1), new DateTime(2016, 4, 27)),
(4, new DateTime(2015, 1, 1), new DateTime(2015, 1, 3)),
(2, new DateTime(2013, 5, 10), new DateTime(2017, 4, 27)),
(5, new DateTime(2013, 5, 16), new DateTime(2018, 1, 24)),
(2, new DateTime(2017, 4, 28), new DateTime(2018, 1, 24)),
In my real case the List could be a lot bigger. Initially I was working with the assumption that there can be only one record for a certain Id and I was able to come up with a pretty good solution but now, as you can see, the assumption is that you can have several periods for an Id and all periods should be taken into consideration when comparing the whole time.
The task is to find the two records that has the longest time overlap and to return the ids and the number of days overlapped.
Which in this sample case means that these should be records 1 and 2.
My implementation of this is the following:
public (int, int, int) GetLongestElapsedPeriodWithDuplications(List<(int, DateTime, DateTime)> periods)
Dictionary<int, List<(DateTime, DateTime)>> periodsByPeriodId = new Dictionary<int, List<(DateTime, DateTime)>>();
foreach (var period in periods)
if (periodsByPeriodId.ContainsKey(period.Item1))
periodsByPeriodId[period.Item1].Add((period.Item2, period.Item3));
periodsByPeriodId[period.Item1] = new List<(DateTime, DateTime)>();
periodsByPeriodId[period.Item1].Add((period.Item2, period.Item3));
int firstId = -1;
int secondId = -1;
int periodInDays = 0;
foreach (var period in periodsByPeriodId)
var Id = period.Key;
foreach (var currPeriod in periodsByPeriodId)
int currentPeriodInDays = 0;
if (Id != currPeriod.Key)
for (var i = 0; i < period.Value.Count; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < currPeriod.Value.Count; j++)
var firstPeriodDateFrom = period.Value[i].Item1;
var firstPeriodDateTo = period.Value[i].Item2;
var secondPeriodDateFrom = currPeriod.Value[j].Item1;
var secondPeriodDateTo = currPeriod.Value[j].Item2;
if (secondPeriodDateFrom < firstPeriodDateTo && secondPeriodDateTo > firstPeriodDateFrom)
DateTime commonStartingDate = secondPeriodDateFrom > firstPeriodDateFrom ? secondPeriodDateFrom : firstPeriodDateFrom;
DateTime commonEndDate = secondPeriodDateTo > firstPeriodDateTo ? firstPeriodDateTo : secondPeriodDateTo;
currentPeriodInDays += (int)(commonEndDate - commonStartingDate).TotalDays;
if (currentPeriodInDays > periodInDays)
periodInDays = currentPeriodInDays;
firstId = Id;
secondId = currPeriod.Key;
return (firstId, secondId, periodInDays);
As you can see the method is pretty big and in my opinion far from optimized in terms of execution speed. I know that those nested loops rise the complexity a lot, but this additional requirement to deal with more than one period for an Id really left me without ideas. How can I optimize this logic so in case of bigger input it would execute faster than now?
As in your original solution - you need to compare each interval with any other, except intervals with the same id, so I'd code this like this:
Supporting classes, just to simplify actual algorithm:
class Period {
public DateTime Start { get; }
public DateTime End { get; }
public Period(DateTime start, DateTime end) {
this.Start = start;
this.End = end;
public int Overlap(Period other) {
DateTime a = this.Start > other.Start ? this.Start : other.Start;
DateTime b = this.End < other.End ? this.End : other.End;
return (a < b) ? b.Subtract(a).Days : 0;
class IdData {
public IdData() {
this.Periods = new List<Period>();
this.Overlaps = new Dictionary<int, int>();
public List<Period> Periods { get; }
public Dictionary<int, int> Overlaps { get; }
Method to find max overlap:
static int GetLongestElapsedPeriod(List<(int, DateTime, DateTime)> periods) {
int maxOverlap = 0;
Dictionary<int, IdData> ids = new Dictionary<int, IdData>();
foreach (var period in periods) {
int id = period.Item1;
Period idPeriod = new Period(period.Item2, period.Item3);
// preserve interval for ID
var idData = ids.GetValueOrDefault(id, new IdData());
ids[id] = idData;
foreach (var idObj in ids) {
if (idObj.Key != id) {
// here we calculate of new interval with all previously met
int o = idObj.Value.Overlaps.GetValueOrDefault(id, 0);
foreach (var otherPeriods in idObj.Value.Periods)
o += idPeriod.Overlap(otherPeriods);
idObj.Value.Overlaps[id] = o;
// check whether newly calculate overlapping is the maximal one, preserve Ids if needed too
if (o > maxOverlap)
maxOverlap = o;
return maxOverlap;
You can use TimePeriodLibrary.NET:
PM> Install-Package TimePeriodLibrary.NET
TimePeriodCollection timePeriods = new TimePeriodCollection(
data.Select(q => new TimeRange(q.Item2, q.Item3)));
var longestOverlap = timePeriods
.OverlapPeriods(new TimeRange(timePeriods.Start, timePeriods.End))
.OrderByDescending(q => q.Duration)
With an extension method:
public static T MaxBy<T, TKey>(this IEnumerable<T> src, Func<T, TKey> key, Comparer<TKey> keyComparer = null) {
keyComparer = keyComparer ?? Comparer<TKey>.Default;
return src.Aggregate((a, b) => keyComparer.Compare(key(a), key(b)) > 0 ? a : b);
And some helper functions
DateTime Max(DateTime a, DateTime b) => (a > b) ? a : b;
DateTime Min(DateTime a, DateTime b) => (a < b) ? a : b;
int OverlappingDays((DateTime DateFrom, DateTime DateTo) span1, (DateTime DateFrom, DateTime DateTo) span2) {
var maxFrom = Max(span1.DateFrom, span2.DateFrom);
var minTo = Min(span1.DateTo, span2.DateTo);
return Math.Max((minTo - maxFrom).Days, 0);
You can group together the spans with matching Ids
var dg = data.GroupBy(d => d.Id);
Generate all pairs of Ids
var pdgs = from d1 in dg
from d2 in dg.Where(d => d.Key > d1.Key)
select new[] { d1, d2 };
Then compute the overlap in days between each pair of Ids and find the maximum:
var MaxOverlappingPair = pdgs.Select(pdg => new {
Id1 = pdg[0].Key,
Id2 = pdg[1].Key,
OverlapInDays = pdg[0].SelectMany(d1 => pdg[1].Select(d2 => OverlappingDays((d1.DateFrom, d1.DateTo), (d2.DateFrom, d2.DateTo)))).Sum()
}).MaxBy(TwoOverlap => TwoOverlap.OverlapInDays);
Since efficiency is mentioned, I should say that implementing some of these operations directly instead of using LINQ is more efficient, but you are using Tuples and in-memory structures so I don't think it will make much difference.
I ran some performance tests using a list of 24000 spans with 1249 unique IDs. The LINQ code took about 16 seconds. By inlining some of the LINQ and replacing anonymous objects with tuples, it came down to about 3.1 seconds. By adding a shortcut skipping any IDs whose cumulative days were shorter than the current max overlapping days and a few more optimizations, I got it down to less than 1 second.
var baseDate = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
int OverlappingDays(int DaysFrom1, int DaysTo1, int DaysFrom2, int DaysTo2) {
var maxFrom = DaysFrom1 > DaysFrom2 ? DaysFrom1 : DaysFrom2;
var minTo = DaysTo1 < DaysTo2 ? DaysTo1 : DaysTo2;
return (minTo > maxFrom) ? minTo - maxFrom : 0;
var dgs = data.Select(d => {
var DaysFrom = (d.DateFrom - baseDate).Days;
var DaysTo = (d.DateTo - baseDate).Days;
return (d.Id, DaysFrom, DaysTo, Dist: DaysTo - DaysFrom);
.GroupBy(d => d.Id)
.Select(dg => (Id: dg.Key, Group: dg, Dist: dg.Sum(d => d.Dist)))
var MaxOverlappingPair = (Id1: 0, Id2: 0, OverlapInDays: 0);
for (int j1 = 0; j1 < dgs.Count; ++j1) {
var dg1 = dgs[j1];
if (dg1.Dist > MaxOverlappingPair.OverlapInDays)
for (int j2 = j1 + 1; j2 < dgs.Count; ++j2) {
var dg2 = dgs[j2];
if (dg2.Dist > MaxOverlappingPair.OverlapInDays) {
var testOverlapInDays = 0;
foreach (var d1 in dg1.Group)
foreach (var d2 in dg2.Group)
testOverlapInDays += OverlappingDays(d1.DaysFrom, d1.DaysTo, d2.DaysFrom, d2.DaysTo);
if (testOverlapInDays > MaxOverlappingPair.OverlapInDays)
MaxOverlappingPair = (dg1.Id, dg2.Id, testOverlapInDays);
Optimizations applied:
Convert each spans DateTimes to # of days from an arbitrary baseDate to optimize overlapping days calculation by doing date conversion once.
Compute the total days for each span and skip any span pairs that can't exceed the current overlap
Replace SelectMany/Select with nested foreach to compute overlapping days.
Use ValueTuples instead of anonymous objects which are (slightly) faster for this problem.
Replace pair generation LINQ with nested for loops generating each possible pair directly
Pass individual from/to parameters instead of objects to OverlappingDays function
Note: I tried a smarter overlapping days calculation but when the number of spans per ID is small, the overhead took longer than just doing the calculation directly.
There are already few solutions
if you want to improve the efficiency then you don't have to compare every objects/value with everyother value or object. You can use Interval Search Tree for this problem and it can be solved in RlogN where R are number of intersections between intervals.
I recommend you to watch this video of Robert Sedgwick and also that book is online available.
Your basic problem here is how to identify a unique set of time periods. Give each one its own unique ID yourself.
When you write your final answer, include the additional details in the output so the user can understand which (original) IDs and original time periods resulted in the final answer.
Remember - the problem is still the same as in the original post ( and you still have the same information to work with. Don't get too hung up on the "ID"s as provided in the original list - you are still iterating through a list of time periods.

Parallel.For with date time

OK this code is a bit meta but it roughly explains how i have it now and what i want to achieve.
DateTime date;
int number;
var startDate = Lowest date in the list;
var endDate = Hightest date int the list;
List<SpecialObject> objs = (list from database where date > startDate and date < endDate)
//A list with alot of dates and numbers, most of the dates are the same. List contains roughly 1000 items, but can be more and less.
for(var date = startDate; date < endDate; date = date.AddDay(1){
listItem = objs.Where(x => x.Day = date).Sum(x => x.alotOfNUmbers);
Now since i don't care what day i calculate first, i thought i could do this.
Parallel.For(startDate, endDate, day => {
listItem = objs.Where(x => x.Day = date).Sum(x => x.alotOfNUmbers);
But how do i make it step dates ?
You can make a Range and iterate over it with Parallel.ForEach :
// not tested
var days = Enumerable
.Range(0, (endDate-startDate).Days) // check the rounding
.Select(i => startDate.AddDays(i));
Parallel.ForEach(days, day => ....)
Alternatively, you could use PLinq over the original source, probably faster. Roughly:
// not tested
var sums = objs.AsParallel().GroupBy(x => => g.Sum(i => i.number));
All the overloads of Parallel.For take two integer variables for start and end. I also don't see any version which would support something like a step so you can't just use the tick count of a DateTime as the loop variable.
But it should be easy to use a Parallel.ForEach instead, when you create an IEnumerable<DateTime> as the source sequence.
var source = Enumerable.Range(0, (endDate - startDate).Days)
.Select(t => startDate.AddDays(t));
Add +1 to the count parameter if the endDate is inclusive.
Ok after a few days search i figured if i placed all days in an array and "whiled" through it. It gives a pretty good result. With code easy to read
var start = new DateTime(2014, 09, 09);
var end = new DateTime(2014, 10, 01);
var listOfDays = new List<DateTime>();
int i = 0;
for (var day = start; day < end; day = day.AddDays(1))
Parallel.ForEach(listOfDays.ToArray(), currentDay =>
for (var d = new DateTime(currentDay.Year, currentDay.Month, currentDay.Day, 0, 0, 0); d < new DateTime(currentDay.Year, currentDay.Month, currentDay.Day, 23, 59, 59); d = d.AddSeconds(5))
var str = "Loop: " + i + ", Date: " + d.ToString();

Recurrence of events (LINQ query)

I have DateStart, DateEnd Periodicity, TypePeriodicity fields.
We have a query:
var result = Events.Where(e => e.DateStart <=today && e.DateEnd >= today).ToList();
I want that this query to check Periodicity.
For example:
name - record1
DateStart = 2012-02-02
DateEnd = 2012-03-31
Periodicity = 2
TypePeriodicity = 1 ( it's mean a week, may be also day = 0, month=2):
I want the following, if current date equals:
2,3,4,5 February - return `record1`
6,7,8..12 - not return, because TypePeriodicity = 1 and Periodicity = 2, which means every 2 weeks
13..19 - return `record1`
20..26 - not return
and so on until `DateEnd`
PS. Maybe not LINQ, but simple method that recieve result as parameter.
Here is something to get you started:
You could define a DateEvaluator delegate like so:
delegate bool DateEvaluator(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, DateTime dateToCheck, int periodicity);
The purpose of the delegate would be to evaluate for a given periodicity type if a date should be considered as within range. We would have hence 3 date evaluators.
One for each period type: Lets call them dayPeriodicityChecker, weekPeriodicityChecker and monthPeriodicityChecker
Our dayPeriodicityChecker is straightforward:
DateEvaluator dayPeriodicityChecker = (startDate, endDate, dateToCheck, periodicity) =>
if ((dateToCheck < startDate) || (dateToCheck > endDate))
return false;
TimeSpan dateDiff = dateToCheck - startDate;
return dateDiff.Days % periodicity == 0;
Our weekPeriodicityChecker needs to account for the start day of week, so the start date would need to be adjusted to the date in which the startDate week actually starts:
DateEvaluator weekPeriodicityChecker = (startDate, endDate, dateToCheck, periodicity) =>
if ((dateToCheck < startDate) || (dateToCheck > endDate))
return false;
DateTime adjustedStartDate = startDate.AddDays(-(int)startDate.DayOfWeek + 1);
TimeSpan dateDiff = dateToCheck - adjustedStartDate;
return (dateDiff.Days / 7) % periodicity == 0;
Our monthPeriodicityChecker needs to cater for months with a variable number of days:
DateEvaluator monthPeriodicityChecker dateToCheck, periodicity) =>
if ((dateToCheck < startDate) || (dateToCheck > endDate))
return false;
int monthDiff = 0;
while (startDate.AddMonths(1) < dateToCheck)
// i'm sure there is a speedier way to calculate the month difference, but this should do for the purpose of this example
return (monthDiff - 1) % periodicity == 0;
Once you have all your date evaluators defined you could put them in an array like so:
DateEvaluator[] dateEvaluators = new DateEvaluator[]
This will allow you to do :
int periodicityType = 0; // or 1=week or 2=months
bool isDateIn = dateEvaluators[periodicityType ](startDate, endDate, dateTocheck, Periodicity)
So lets test this:
PeriodicityEvent pEvent = new PeriodicityEvent
Name = "record1",
DateStart = new DateTime(2012, 02, 02),
DateEnd = new DateTime(2012, 03, 31),
PeriodicityType = 1,
Periodicity = 2
DateTime baseDate = new DateTime(2012, 02, 01);
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
DateTime testDate = baseDate.AddDays(i);
if (dateEvaluators[pEvent.PeriodicityType](pEvent.DateStart, pEvent.DateEnd, testDate, pEvent.Periodicity))
Console.WriteLine("{0} is in", testDate.ToString("dd MMM"));
Console.WriteLine("{0} is out", testDate.ToString("dd MMM"));
This will produce the desired output as below:
To use you would simply do:
Events.Where(e => dateEvaluators[e.PeriodType](e.DateStart, e.DateEnd, today, e.Periodicity).ToList();
Good luck!

foreach day in month [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How do I loop through a date range?
Is there a way to make a foreach loop for each day in a specific month?
thinking of something like
foreach (DateTime date in DateTime.DaysInMonth(2012, 1))
You can write a helper method pretty easily:
public static IEnumerable<DateTime> AllDatesInMonth(int year, int month)
int days = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);
for (int day = 1; day <= days; day++)
yield return new DateTime(year, month, day);
Then call it with:
foreach (DateTime date in AllDatesInMonth(2012, 1))
This is probably overkill for something you're only doing once, but it's much nicer than using a for loop or something similar if you're doing this a lot. It makes your code say just what you want to achieve, rather than the mechanics for how you're doing it.
Try using a for loop instead.
for (int i = 1; i <= DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month); i++)
DateTime dt = new DateTime(year, month, i);
You can use Range:
.Range(1, DateTime.DayInMonth(2012, 1)
.Select(i => new DateTime(2012, 1, i)))
.ToList() // ForEach is not a Linq to Sql method (thanks #Markus Jarderot)
.ForEach(day => Console.Write(day));
You can do it with a simple loop:
DateTime first = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1);
for (DateTime current = first ; current.Month == first.Month ; current = current.AddDays(1)) {
It is fairly easy to generate an enumeration of days. Here is one way to do it
Enumerable.Range(1, DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month)).Select(day =>
new DateTime(year, month, day))

