I've an offline EDB file of exchange server which has around 2 mailboxes and mails inside them. I would like to read them along with mails. I tried searching a lot in the internet, but no where I could get exact information about reading EDB file.
As per my analysis, I've decided to read it using ManagedESENT API (C#). For this, I've got an Open Source http://www.emmet-gray.com/Articles/ViewESE.html.
Using this I'm able to successfully read the tables and data inside each table. But I cannot map the tables and form a user-viewable structure (Username -> Mailbox -> Categories(Contacts, Inbox, Sent Items etc) -> Items inside category) like many utilities do.
I also tried looking at https://github.com/libyal/libesedb. But it's not very clear & din't get anything out of their code or documentation.
Help me get started !!
Thanks in Advance :)
I am writing an android app to connect to PHP web service and through my searches in internet I faced file_get_contents('php://input'); and I understood some parts of it's functionality but I still don't get it. What are php://input or php://stdin or stuff like that?
I've read http://php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php and I confused much more.
Please explain it completely.
The information comes from here: http://www.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.php.php
When information is sent to the server via a POST request, it is saved in a temporary file.
The command file_get_contents('php://input') reads the raw information sent to PHP -- unprocessed before it ever gets put into $_POST or $_REQUEST super globals.
This technique is often used when someone is uploading a file, such as an image.
EDIT: removed $_GET
I'm trying to retrieve data from a real-time map of bus routes in Washington State for a school project in C# (specifically the vehicles themselves, and their status/location). I've linked the website I'm getting the data from below. I've inspected the HTML on the page, but can't find anything about a data source. I've tried setting it up as a simple WebClient and using the .DownloadString method to retrieve data in the hopes that that might provide hints too, but I can't seem to pull anything. Could anyone help me figure out how to retrieve data on the bus routes?
My client has created rooms on online exchange. I can see list of rooms at outlook.office365.com
I am following this url (http://msdn.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/office/dn643730(v=exchg.150).aspx) to get the room list from exchange online, but empty list is being returned.
What am i doing wrong? Can anybody help me out?
Unfortunately the GetRooms and GetRoomLists methods, which at a glance appear to be exactly what you are looking for, actually require that one or more "Room Lists" be created on the Exchange server, with one or more existing rooms added to the relevant "Room Lists". Only once this is done will the methods you refer to actually produce any results.
Unfortunately all my research into this topic has (so far) found that the ONLY way anyone can create a room list is via a PowerShell command on the exchange server. It can't be configured through Office 365 settings or through any hosted exchange provider's interface (such as hosted exchange made available via Parallels systems).
If you do have powershell access, try something like this:
They way I did was to name all conference rooms with the prefix Conf. For example, ConfAAA1, ConfBBB2, ConfCCC3, etc. Then to retrieve a list of all rooms:
List<NameResolution> result = ExchangeService.ResolveName("Conf",
ResolveNameSearchLocation.ContactsThenDirectory, true).ToList<NameResolution>();
I want to grab a set of data from a site into my C# application. I've referred to some sites and articles using the WebClient class.
But the problem is the data I want is in a news bar made using flash. Is it possible to grab the data from it? The data in it also keeps on updating as well.
Have you tried the Yahoo approach? The below project does just that.
It is easy to download stock data from Yahoo!. For example, copy and
paste this URL into your browser address:
Depending on your Internet browser setting, you may be asked to save
the results into a filename called "quotes.csv" or the following will
appear in your browser:
It is unable to grab a data from Flash.
One possible solution is that, if you dig into embed tag at the Flash object or find some url or rss that looks to be consumed by the flash, you can read that by WebClient or (hopefully) XmlReader.
Well, for my program(s) I'd like to let the user send me an e-mail with any errors. Instead of relying on a forsaken SMTP server, I decided to let the user use his very own e-mail client to send an e-mail to a specified address.
So what I need is:
A sender (should not be changeable) (example: mysupportemail#gmail.com)
An attached file (should not be changeable) (example: "C:\a file.log")
(Optional) A body (changeable)
I hope it is possible!
You can use the mailto command for this. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa767737(VS.85).aspx for more information. Some mail clients support attachments on this. See the comments of the MSDN page for some information on this.
The mailto protocol has limitations, such as not being able to specify an attachment (some mail clients support it, but it's not in the official protocol). Your best option is probably to use the MAPISendMail function to let MAPI do the hard work. See this article for details:
Sending files via the default e-mail client
I used this technique in the past, it seems to work perfectly.
Using mailto directly from you application cause potential problems. If you have specified mail account for receive e-mails you can be sure, that someone will use it somehow to sent you spam or thousands unwanted emails. In our company we struggled with this problem many times - at last, we decided to allow our customers to report problems in any other way - web page form.
Now, when customer click 'report problem' this option displays a form for reporting bugs in default web browser. Opened link include some additional information which causing partial fill of the form opened by customer. Now, we have an intermediate layer and absolute control on server side who report problem (ip) and we can limit reporting for specified users. Next advantage of these solution is that you can forward emails to different departments depending on what form fields are marked/filled with.
Well, I have found the perfect solution!
For those who want to see it...