How to get the Call SID and recording SID of that call once the call recording is done from Twilio 'Dial' method.
var dial = new Dial(callerId: callerId, record: record_from_answer);
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can't get the call SID and recording SID directly from the Dial method. However, you can set up to receive a webhook when the recording is complete.
For this you need to set the recordingStatusCallback attribute to a absolute or relative URL in your application.
var dial = new Dial(
callerId: callerId,
record: record_from_answer,
recordingStatusCallback: new Uri("")
Then, when the recording is ready your application will receive a webhook to that URL with the parameters CallSid and RecordingSid in the request body.
Let me know if that helps at all.
We're trying to receive payment with cryptocurrencies using coinpayment IPN. We are able to create a request and able to do a payment. However, not able to get success or failure response while user come back to the seller side.
Here is how payment request created:
public ActionResult IPN()
var uri = new UriBuilder("");
uri.SetQueryParam("cmd", "_pay_auto");
uri.SetQueryParam("merchant", "merchant_key");
uri.SetQueryParam("allow_extra", "0");
uri.SetQueryParam("currency", "USD");
uri.SetQueryParam("reset", "1");
uri.SetQueryParam("success_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/SuccessResponse"); //todo: redirect to confirm success page
uri.SetQueryParam("key", "wc_order_5b7b84b91a882");
uri.SetQueryParam("cancel_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/FailiureResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("order_id", "36");
uri.SetQueryParam("invoice", "PREFIX-36");
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", "http://localhost:49725/?wc-api=WC_Gateway_Coinpayments");
uri.SetQueryParam("first_name", "John");
uri.SetQueryParam("last_name", "Smith");
uri.SetQueryParam("email", "");
uri.SetQueryParam("want_shipping", "1");
uri.SetQueryParam("address1", "228 Park Ave S&address2");
uri.SetQueryParam("city", "New York");
uri.SetQueryParam("state", "NY");
uri.SetQueryParam("zip", "10003-1502");
uri.SetQueryParam("country", "US");
uri.SetQueryParam("item_name", "Order 33");
uri.SetQueryParam("quantity", "1");
uri.SetQueryParam("amountf", "100.00000000");
uri.SetQueryParam("shippingf", "0.00000000");
return Redirect(uri.ToString());
This will be redirected to the coinpayment site, once payment done, it is showing the following screen.
And trying to get data when user click on back to seller's site, I have tried to get data using Request.Form, but not getting any value in form.
The same thing, working with this woocommerce code, but I have no idea of PHP and how they are dealing with it.
Any thought to get IPN response?
Note: there is no development documentation or sample code available for IPN in .NET
I'm trying to get value from IPN success
Public ActionResult SuccessResponse()
var ipn_version = Request.Form["ipn_version"];
var ipn_id = Request.Form["ipn_id"];
var ipn_mode = Request.Form["ipn_mode"];
var merchant = Request.Form["merchant"];
var txn_id = Request.Form["txn_id"];
var status = Request.Form["status"];
return Content(status);
You cannot use localhost for a IPN callback. You must use a public domain name.
As an example I would change the following parameters:
var uri = new UriBuilder("");
uri.SetQueryParam("success_url", "");
uri.SetQueryParam("cancel_url", "");
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", ""); // Public ActionResult CoinPaymentsIPN()
Since you are creating your own gateway you also need to implement it properly as described in the documentation at CoinPayments API and Instant Payment Notifications (IPN).
I have tested your success_url endpoint, and got status code: 100 (when entering status:100). I see you use form-data, but I don't know if that's on purpose / required.
Postman POST
In Body tab form-data is selected with Bulk Edit values:
As updated answer stated by #Gillsoft AB, you should need to use valid IPN URL from the code end. Also webhook would not work with localhost. thus, you should listen the request with live server.
Simplest way to check webhook response is to use online tool such as Webhook Tester, it will provide an URL which you have to set as your IPN URL, whenever server will sends the data, you can simply see it to the web. To check that, create one URL and set as your IPN URL as below:
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", "");
After that run the payment cycle from local machine, payment server will sends notification to that IPN URL.
Make sure you understood it right! success_url and cancel_url are for user redirection, you will not get any response code over there, inspection of seller's store URL give your exact same URL that you have been passing though, so it is recommended to use unique URLs for each order(i.e add order id at last to the URL) which will give you an idea which order payment has been done or canceled.
In order to test your local code, add following changes and deployed it to server.
1) Add one new method which will listen IPN response
public ActionResult IPNHandler()
byte[] param = Request.BinaryRead(Request.ContentLength);
string strRequest = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(param);
//TODO: print string request
//nothing should be rendered to visitor
return Content("");
2) Pass IPN URL while creating a request:
public ActionResult IPN()
var uri = new UriBuilder("");
uri.SetQueryParam("success_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/SuccessResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("cancel_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/FailiureResponse");
uri.SetQueryParam("ipn_url", "http://localhost:49725/home/IPNHandler");
return Redirect(uri.ToString());
You will get all status code responses in IPNHandler method.
Hope this helps!
I could make a call and record call conversation.
string callerId =string.Empty;//Twillio Account SID
var dial = new Dial(callerId: callerId, record: record_from_answer
How to retrieve Recording Sid of the current call, once the call recording is complete from Twilio using c#
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Twilio will make a request to your server with the recording information via the RecordingStatusCallback attribute. You can read more about it here
So all you need is create an endpoint that accepts a POST request from Twilio and change your code to something like:
var response = new VoiceResponse();
callerId: "your-twilio-number",
record: "record-from-answer",
recordingStatusCallback: new Uri("url_in_your_application_that_processes_recordings")
Hope this helps you
I need to automatically make calls for customers and start a interaction with them through voice. Basically, when the customer pickup the phone, my "robot" will ask: "Hey, it seems you didn't finish your order. Would you like to finish by phone?" Customer will say YES, NO, or another phrase, and I will follow the flow.
My questions:
1) What is the best approach to solve this problem using Twilio?
2) It seems Twilio has this functionality (ASR) to understand only for inbound calls when I use functions. How can I do that with outbound calls?
3) Is Twilio ready to understand another languages except English? I need to use Portuguese, Brazil.
Thank you for your help.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
To automatically make calls you will need to use the Twilio Programmable Voice API. I note you're using C# according to the tags, so you can start with the Twilio C# library. Using the library you can make calls with the API like this:
using System;
using Twilio;
using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account;
using Twilio.Types;
class Example
static void Main(string[] args)
// Find your Account Sid and Auth Token at
const string accountSid = "your_account_sid";
const string authToken = "your_auth_token";
TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken);
var to = new PhoneNumber("+14155551212");
var from = new PhoneNumber("+15017122661");
var call = CallResource.Create(to,
url: new Uri(""));
For a bit more detail on what all this means, check out the guide on making outbound phone calls with C#.
You will see in that example that we pass a URL to the method that makes the call. This URL can point anywhere, including at a Twilio Function (which is just a Node.js run in the Twilio infrastructure) or your own server. When the call connects to the user Twilio will make an HTTP request to that URL to find out what to do next. To tell Twilio what to do you will need to return TwiML.
To respond with the message that you want and then gather speech input from your user you will need to use the <Say> and <Gather> elements of TwiML. An example response might look like:
<Gather input="speech" hints="yes, no" action="/gatherResponse">
<Say voice="alice">Hey, it seems you didn't finish your order. Would you like to finish by phone?</Say>
In this case we start with <Gather> so that we can capture anything the user says while the call is speaking to them. We set the input attribute to "speech" so that we can use speech to text to recognise what they say. Also included is the hints attribute which can give hints to the service for the text you expect to hear. Finally, there is an action attribute which is a URL that will be called with the result of this.
You can change the language that the <Gather> expects to hear using the language attribute. There are a number of languages available including Brazilian Portuguese, which you would set with "pt-BR".
Nested inside the <Gather> is a <Say> which you use to read out your message. You can use the voice attribute to change available voices.
The next thing you need to do is respond to the result of the <Gather>. At this stage it depends on what web application framework you are using. The important thing is that when it has a result, Twilio will make an HTTP request to the URL set as the action attribute. In that request will be two important parameters, SpeechResult and Confidence. The SpeechResult has the text that Twilio believes was said and the Confidence is a score between 0.0 and 1.0 for how sure Twilio is about it. Hopefully your result will have "Yes" or "No" (or the Brazilian Portuguese equivalent). At this point you need to return more TwiML to tell Twilio what to do next with the call depending on whether the answer was positive, negative or missing/incorrect. For more ideas on how to handle calls from here, check out the Twilio voice tutorials in C#.
Let me know if that helps at all.
I am working on one small utility using Twilio API which intend to download the recording of the call as soon as call ends ( can be done using webhooks ? ). I am not sure if twilio supports this kind of webhooks or not.
The second approach that i have in mind is to create nightly job that can fetch all the call details for that day and download the recordings.
Can anyone suggest me which is the best approach to follow. I checked the webhooks but i am not sure if they provide the call ended event.
I would appreciate if anyone can provide me code sample on how to get the recordings for particular date and download them using C# from twilio.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can get recording webhooks, but how you do so depends on how you record the call.
Using <Record>
Set a URL for the recordingStatusCallback attribute on <Record> and when the recording is ready you will receive a webhook with the link.
Using <Dial>
If you record a call from the <Dial> verb using the record attribute set to any of record-from-answer, record-from-ringing, record-from-answer-dual, record-from-ringing-dual then you can also set a recordingStatusCallback.
Using <Conference>
If you record a conference then you can also set a recordingStatusCallback.
Recording an outbound dial
If you record the call by setting Record=true on an outbound call made with the REST API then you can also set a webhook URL by setting a RecordingStatusCallback parameter in the request.
Retrieving recordings from the REST API
You can also use your second option and call the REST API to retrieve recordings. To do so, you would use the Recordings List resource. You can restrict this to the recordings before or after a date using the list filters.
Here is a quick example of how you would use the Twilio C# library to fetch recent recordings:
using System;
using Twilio;
class Example
static void Main(string[] args)
// Find your Account Sid and Auth Token at
string AccountSid = "AC81ebfe1c0b5c6769aa5d746121284056";
string AuthToken = "your_auth_token";
var twilio = new TwilioRestClient(AccountSid, AuthToken);
var recordings = twilio.ListRecordings(null, null, null, null);
foreach (var recording in recordings.Recordings)
// Download recording.Uri here
Let me know if this helps at all.
I'm developing a feature for our product that will allow users to send SMS messages via Twilio and we handle all of the account issues. We have our Master Account and all of our customers will be sub accounts under us.
In an effort to not have to keep track of 1000+ auth tokens, we decided to use our Master Account credentials to send the SMS message however we still want it to roll up under the sub account. According to Twilio, this shouldn't be an issue.
My problem is that there is very little (that I've found) documentation for the c# library they provide. I'm not sure if what I've done is the correct way to accomplish what I described above and since I'm on a trial account until the project is finished and can be rolled out to production I have no way of testing.
var twilio = new TwilioRestClient("Master SID", "Master Auth Token");
var response = twilio.SendSmsMessage(sender, recipient.ConvertToE164Format(), message, null, "Subaccount SID");
The comment on this overload isn't really clear on if passing the subaccounts SID here will send the message as if I had logged into their account and sent it.
// applicationSid:
// Twilio will POST SmsSid as well as SmsStatus=sent or SmsStatus=failed to
// the URL in the SmsStatusCallback property of this Application. If the StatusCallback
// parameter above is also passed, the Application's SmsStatusCallback parameter
// will take precedence.
The callback url will be the same across all accounts so I don't need/care about that value.
Short Version:
If I log in with my Master Account details but pass the subaccount SID in the SendSmsMessage() method, which account does the message come from?
Twilio support finally got back to me and confirmed my fears that this wouldn't work. I do have to pull the subaccount information down and reinstantiate the twilioRestClient with the new credentials which I was hoping I could get away with not doing. Just a few extra lines.
var twilio = new TwilioRestClient("Master SID", "Master Auth Token");
var subAccount = twilio.GetAccount("SubAccount SID");
var subAccountClient = new TwilioRestClient(subAccount.Sid, subAccount.AuthToken);
var response = subAccountClient.SendSmsMessage(sender, recipient.ConvertToE164Format(), message);
return response.Sid;