I have my custom Visitor which looks to right and left and changes parameters to constant.
I know that just change node is not possible.
I should return new lambda expression which contains constants instead parameters.
But I can not create an expression myself :(
I have this code:
public class ParametersTransformToConstantVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
private Dictionary<string, ConstantExpression> parameters = new Dictionary<string, ConstantExpression>();
public ParametersTransformToConstantVisitor(Dictionary<string, ConstantExpression> parameters)
this.parameters = parameters;
protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression node)
var constExprLeftName = new Lazy<string>(() => ((ParameterExpression) node.Left)?.Name);
var constExprRightName = new Lazy<string>(() => ((ParameterExpression) node.Right)?.Name);
var constExprName = new Lazy<string>(() => ((ParameterExpression) node.Reduce())?.Name);
ParameterExpression leftParam = null;
ParameterExpression rightParam = null;
if (node.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter && parameters.ContainsKey(constExprName.Value))
return parameters[constExprName.Value];
if (node.Left.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter && parameters.ContainsKey(constExprLeftName.Value))
leftParam = (ParameterExpression) node.Left;
if (node.Right.NodeType == ExpressionType.Parameter && parameters.ContainsKey(constExprLeftName.Value))
rightParam = (ParameterExpression) node.Right;
if (leftParam != null || rightParam != null)
//return Expression.Lambda();
return base.VisitBinary(node);
Help me to build lambda expression, please
It feels like all you actually need here is:
protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
=> parameters.TryGetValue(node.Name, out var ce) ? (Expression)ce : node;
protected override Expression VisitLambda<T>(Expression<T> node)
=> Expression.Lambda(Visit(node.Body), node.Parameters); // don't visit the parameters
i.e. whenever the visitor sees a ParameterExpression, if there is a corresponding item in the parameters map, use that value.
The override on VisitLambda is because VisitLambda still needs to return a lambda of the same shape, and the default implementation would also visit (and thus swap) out the parameters from the declaration.
It is the visitor's job to worry about reassembling the tree around your changes.
Note, however, that if you are trying to create a parameterless lambda, you might also need to rewrite the root. Or you could just use the .Body and forget about the parameters.
Expression<Func<int, int, string>> add = (x, y) => ((2 * x) + y).ToString();
var args = new Dictionary<string, ConstantExpression>
["x"] = Expression.Constant(4),
["y"] = Expression.Constant(1),
var visitor = new ParametersTransformToConstantVisitor(args);
var result = (LambdaExpression)visitor.Visit(add);
which gives:
(x, y) => ((2 * x) + y).ToString()
(x, y) => ((2 * 4) + 1).ToString()
You can make this into a parameterless lambda via:
var withoutArgs = Expression.Lambda<Func<string>>(result.Body);
which gives:
() => ((2 * 4) + 1).ToString()
minor addition: you might also want to simplify in the visitor:
protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression node)
var visited = base.VisitBinary(node);
if(visited is BinaryExpression be
&& be.Method == null && be.Conversion == null
&& !be.IsLifted
&& be.Left is ConstantExpression left
&& be.Right is ConstantExpression right)
object val;
case ExpressionType.Add:
val = (dynamic)left.Value + (dynamic)right.Value;
case ExpressionType.Multiply:
val = (dynamic)left.Value * (dynamic)right.Value;
case ExpressionType.Subtract:
val = (dynamic)left.Value - (dynamic)right.Value;
case ExpressionType.Divide:
val = (dynamic)left.Value / (dynamic)right.Value;
return visited; // unknown
return Expression.Constant(
Convert.ChangeType(val, visited.Type), visited.Type);
return visited;
This changes the outputs to:
(x, y) => ((2 * x) + y).ToString()
(x, y) => 9.ToString()
() => 9.ToString()
and we could possibly also even hoist the ToString()!
protected override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression node)
var visited = base.VisitMethodCall(node);
if (visited is MethodCallExpression mce)
if ((mce.Object == null || mce.Object is ConstantExpression)
&& mce.Arguments.All(x => x is ConstantExpression))
var obj = (mce.Object as ConstantExpression)?.Value;
var args = mce.Arguments.Select(x => ((ConstantExpression)x).Value).ToArray();
var result = mce.Method.Invoke(obj, args);
return Expression.Constant(result, mce.Type);
return visited;
which now gives us:
(x, y) => ((2 * x) + y).ToString()
(x, y) => "9"
() => "9"
I hope somebody can guide and help me with this. We have an inherited project that uses ExpressionHelper class. Basically, this Expression Helper will return an IQueryable that build a dynamic query base on the search term that the user provided.
For example, I have the below code where I pass 2 search terms.
IQueryable<UserEntity> modifiedQuery = _uow.UserRepository.GetAll();;
var searchTerms = new List<SearchTerm>
new SearchTerm { Name = "FirstName", Operator = "eq", Value = "Bob" },
new SearchTerm { Name = "FirstName", Operator = "eq", Value = "John" }
foreach (var searchTerm in searchTerms)
var propertyInfo = ExpressionHelper
.GetPropertyInfo<TEntity>(searchTerm.EntityName ?? searchTerm.Name);
var obj = ExpressionHelper.Parameter<TEntity>();
var left = ExpressionHelper.GetPropertyExpression(obj, propertyInfo);
var right = searchTerm.ExpressionProvider.GetValue(searchTerm.Value);
var comparisonExpression = searchTerm.ExpressionProvider
.GetComparison(left, searchTerm.Operator, right);
// x => x.Property == "Value"
var lambdaExpression = ExpressionHelper
.GetLambda<TEntity, bool>(obj, comparisonExpression);
// query = query.Where...
modifiedQuery = ExpressionHelper.CallWhere(modifiedQuery, lambdaExpression);
With the code above and using the below ExpressionHelper class, this generate the below SQL query when I check using SQLProfiler. Please notice the AND in the query. What I actually what is OR.
Constructed QUERY in SQL Profiler
[Extent1].[FirstName] AS [FirstName],
FROM [dbo].[tblUser] AS [Extent1]
WHERE ([Extent1].[Conatact1] = N'Bob') AND ([Extent1].[Contact2] = N'John')
public static class ExpressionHelper
private static readonly MethodInfo LambdaMethod = typeof(Expression)
.First(x => x.Name == "Lambda" && x.ContainsGenericParameters && x.GetParameters().Length == 2);
private static MethodInfo[] QueryableMethods = typeof(Queryable)
private static MethodInfo GetLambdaFuncBuilder(Type source, Type dest)
var predicateType = typeof(Func<,>).MakeGenericType(source, dest);
return LambdaMethod.MakeGenericMethod(predicateType);
public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo<T>(string name)
=> typeof(T).GetProperties()
.Single(p => p.Name == name);
public static ParameterExpression Parameter<T>()
=> Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
public static MemberExpression GetPropertyExpression(ParameterExpression obj, PropertyInfo property)
=> Expression.Property(obj, property);
public static LambdaExpression GetLambda<TSource, TDest>(ParameterExpression obj, Expression arg)
=> GetLambda(typeof(TSource), typeof(TDest), obj, arg);
public static LambdaExpression GetLambda(Type source, Type dest, ParameterExpression obj, Expression arg)
var lambdaBuilder = GetLambdaFuncBuilder(source, dest);
return (LambdaExpression)lambdaBuilder.Invoke(null, new object[] { arg, new[] { obj } });
public static IQueryable<T> CallWhere<T>(IQueryable<T> query, LambdaExpression predicate)
var whereMethodBuilder = QueryableMethods
.First(x => x.Name == "Where" && x.GetParameters().Length == 2)
.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { typeof(T) });
return (IQueryable<T>)whereMethodBuilder
.Invoke(null, new object[] { query, predicate });
public static IQueryable<TEntity> CallOrderByOrThenBy<TEntity>(
IQueryable<TEntity> modifiedQuery,
bool useThenBy,
bool descending,
Type propertyType,
LambdaExpression keySelector)
var methodName = "OrderBy";
if (useThenBy) methodName = "ThenBy";
if (descending) methodName += "Descending";
var method = QueryableMethods
.First(x => x.Name == methodName && x.GetParameters().Length == 2)
.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { typeof(TEntity), propertyType });
return (IQueryable<TEntity>)method.Invoke(null, new object[] { modifiedQuery, keySelector });
I have hard time understanding on how the query was created and how do I change it to become OR in the created query.
Hope someone can guide me and point to the right direction. Thank you!
Add to SearchTerm a new property (C# 6.0 syntax here):
// This is quite wrong. We should have an enum here, but Operator is
// done as a string, so I'm maintaining the "style"
// Supported LogicalConnector: and, or
public string LogicalConnector { get; set; } = "and";
private static IQueryable<TEntity> BuildQuery<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity> modifiedQuery, List<SearchTerm> searchTerms)
Expression comparisonExpressions = null;
var obj = ExpressionHelper.Parameter<TEntity>();
foreach (var searchTerm in searchTerms)
var propertyInfo = ExpressionHelper
.GetPropertyInfo<TEntity>(searchTerm.EntityName ?? searchTerm.Name);
var left = ExpressionHelper.GetPropertyExpression(obj, propertyInfo);
var right = searchTerm.ExpressionProvider.GetValue(searchTerm.Value);
var comparisonExpression = searchTerm.ExpressionProvider.GetComparison(left, searchTerm.Operator, right);
if (comparisonExpressions == null)
comparisonExpressions = comparisonExpression;
else if (searchTerm.LogicalConnector == "and")
comparisonExpressions = Expression.AndAlso(comparisonExpressions, comparisonExpression);
else if (searchTerm.LogicalConnector == "or")
comparisonExpressions = Expression.OrElse(comparisonExpressions, comparisonExpression);
throw new NotSupportedException(searchTerm.LogicalConnector);
if (comparisonExpressions != null)
// x => x.Property == "Value"
var lambdaExpression = ExpressionHelper.GetLambda<TEntity, bool>(obj, comparisonExpressions);
// query = query.Where...
modifiedQuery = ExpressionHelper.CallWhere(modifiedQuery, lambdaExpression);
return modifiedQuery;
Use it like:
var searchTerms = new List<SearchTerm>
new SearchTerm { Name = "PrimaryContact", Operator = "eq", Value = "Bob" },
new SearchTerm { Name = "SecondaryContact", Operator = "eq", Value = "Bob" },
new SearchTerm { Name = "PrimaryContact", Operator = "eq", Value = "John", LogicalConnector = "or", }
IQueryable<UserEntity> query = BuildQuery<UserEntity>(modifiedQuery, searchTerms);
Note that there is no way in this code to explicitly set brackets, that will be implicitly set as:
(((A opB b) opC C) opD D)
Where A, B, C, D are the SearchTerm[0], SearchTerm[1], SearchTerm[2], SearchTerm[3] and opB, opC, opD are the operators defined in SearchTerm[1].LogicalConnector, SearchTerm[2].LogicalConnector, SearchTerm[3].LogicalConnector.
While putting brackets is easy, choosing how to "describe" them is complex, unless you change significantly your SearchTerm collection (it couldn't be a "linear" array but it would need to be a tree).
P.S. I was wrong, you don't need an ExpressionVisitor. You need an ExpressionVisitor when you are trying to "merge" multiple LambdaExpressions that have distinct ParameterExpression. In this code we are able to have a single var obj = ExpressionHelper.Parameter<TEntity>() for all the query, so no problems merging the conditions. To make it clear: if you want to "merge" x1 => x1.Foo == "Foo1" with x2 => x2.Foo == "Foo2" then you need an ExpressionVisitor that replaces x2 with x1, otherwise you would get a wrong query like x1 => x1.Foo == "Foo1" || x2.Foo == "Foo2". In the code given we have only x1 (that is var obj = ExpressionHelper.Parameter<TEntity>()), so no problem.
I'm trying to build the following lambda expression using the expression tree ->
info => info.event_objects.Select(x => x.object_info.contact_info)
I researched a lot and find some answers on the StackOverflow.
This one helped me to build the
info =>
info.event_objects.Any(x => x.object_info.contact_info.someBool == true)
As you can see, the method 'Any' is easy to get.
var anyMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods().Single(m => m.Name == "Any"
&& m.GetParameters().Length == 2);
anyMethod = anyMethod.MakeGenericMethod(childType);
The main problem is with the method 'Select'. If you will try to change the Name "Any" to "Select", you will get the following exception:
var selectMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods().Single(m => m.Name ==
"Select" && m.GetParameters().Length == 2);
selectMethod = selectMethod.MakeGenericMethod(childType);
Additional information: Sequence contains more than one matching element
Another way I've tried:
MethodInfo selectMethod = null;
foreach (MethodInfo m in typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods().Where(m => m.Name
== "Select"))
foreach (ParameterInfo p in m.GetParameters().Where(p =>
if (p.ParameterType.GetGenericArguments().Count() == 2)
selectMethod = (MethodInfo)p.Member;
It seems work, but then I get the exception here:
navigationPropertyPredicate = Expression.Call(selectMethod, parameter,
Additional information: Method
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[TResult] Select[TSource,TResult]
System.Func`2[TSource,TResult]) is a generic method definition>
After that, I've tried to use:
selectMethod = selectMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeof(event_objects),
In fact, it doesn't help.
Here is my full code
public static Expression GetNavigationPropertyExpression(Expression parameter, params string[] properties)
Expression resultExpression = null;
Expression childParameter, navigationPropertyPredicate;
Type childType = null;
if (properties.Count() > 1)
//build path
parameter = Expression.Property(parameter, properties[0]);
var isCollection = typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(parameter.Type);
//if it´s a collection we later need to use the predicate in the methodexpressioncall
if (isCollection)
childType = parameter.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
childParameter = Expression.Parameter(childType, "x");
childParameter = parameter;
//skip current property and get navigation property expression recursivly
var innerProperties = properties.Skip(1).ToArray();
navigationPropertyPredicate = GetNavigationPropertyExpression(childParameter, innerProperties);
if (isCollection)
//var selectMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods().Single(m => m.Name == "Select" && m.GetParameters().Length == 2);
//selectMethod = selectMethod.MakeGenericMethod(childType);
MethodInfo selectMethod = null;
foreach (MethodInfo m in typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods().Where(m => m.Name == "Select"))
foreach (ParameterInfo p in m.GetParameters().Where(p => p.Name.Equals("selector")))
if (p.ParameterType.GetGenericArguments().Count() == 2)
selectMethod = (MethodInfo)p.Member;
navigationPropertyPredicate = Expression.Call(selectMethod, parameter, navigationPropertyPredicate);
resultExpression = MakeLambda(parameter, navigationPropertyPredicate);
resultExpression = navigationPropertyPredicate;
var childProperty = parameter.Type.GetProperty(properties[0]);
var left = Expression.Property(parameter, childProperty);
var right = Expression.Constant(true, typeof(bool));
navigationPropertyPredicate = Expression.Lambda(left);
resultExpression = MakeLambda(parameter, navigationPropertyPredicate);
return resultExpression;
private static Expression MakeLambda(Expression parameter, Expression predicate)
var resultParameterVisitor = new ParameterVisitor();
var resultParameter = resultParameterVisitor.Parameter;
return Expression.Lambda(predicate, (ParameterExpression)resultParameter);
private class ParameterVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
public Expression Parameter
private set;
protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
Parameter = node;
return node;
public void TestDynamicExpression()
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(event_info), "x");
var expression = GetNavigationPropertyExpression(parameter, "event_objects", "object_info", "contact_info");
Edit: unfortunately, I've tried answers from this question, but it doesn't seem work
You can avoid finding the correct generic method overload via reflection (which is complicated and error prone as you already noticed) by using one of the two Expression.Call method overloads (one for static and one for instance methods) accepting string methodName and Type[] typeArguments.
Also the current implementation is overcomplicated and contains other problems, due to the lack of clear separation of expression and lambda expression building.
Here is a correct working implementation:
public static LambdaExpression GetNavigationPropertySelector(Type type, params string[] properties)
return GetNavigationPropertySelector(type, properties, 0);
private static LambdaExpression GetNavigationPropertySelector(Type type, string[] properties, int depth)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(type, depth == 0 ? "x" : "x" + depth);
var body = GetNavigationPropertyExpression(parameter, properties, depth);
return Expression.Lambda(body, parameter);
private static Expression GetNavigationPropertyExpression(Expression source, string[] properties, int depth)
if (depth >= properties.Length)
return source;
var property = Expression.Property(source, properties[depth]);
if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(property.Type))
var elementType = property.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
var elementSelector = GetNavigationPropertySelector(elementType, properties, depth + 1);
return Expression.Call(
typeof(Enumerable), "Select", new Type[] { elementType, elementSelector.Body.Type },
property, elementSelector);
return GetNavigationPropertyExpression(property, properties, depth + 1);
The first is the public method. It internally uses the next two private methods to recursively build the desired lambda. As you can see, I distinguish between building lambda expression and just expression to be used as lambda body.
var selector = GetNavigationPropertySelector(typeof(event_info),
"event_objects", "object_info", "contact_info");
x => x.event_objects.Select(x1 => x1.object_info.contact_info)
"Additional information: Sequence contains more than one matching element"
Unlike "Any()", for "Select()" there are two overloads with two parameters:
Select<TS, TR>(IE<TS> source, Func<TS, TR> selector)
Select<TS, TR>(IE<TS> source, Func<TS, int, TR> selector)
(takes the "(item, index) => " selector lambda)
Since your code already relies on "esoteric knowledge" anyway, just take the first one of them:
var selectMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethods()
.First(m => m.Name == nameof(Enumerable.Select)
&& m.GetParameters().Length == 2);
I have a question, how do I add another filter and this I have to validate that was selected?
private Expression < Func < Entity.Modelos.Flux, bool >> Filter() {
var dateStart = dtpDateStart.Value.Date;
var dateEnd = dtpDateEnd.Value.Date;
Expression < Func < Entity.Modelos.Flux, bool >> expr = null;
expr = f = > f.DatFlux >= dateStart.Date && f.DatFlux <= dateEnd.Date;
if (txtDescription.Text != String.Empty) {
//add filter
return expr;
Update: I'll use the expression in this function:
public virtual IQueryable < T > Filter(Expression < Func < T, bool >> expressao) {
return DbSet.Where(expressao).AsQueryable < T > ();
What I was trying to do is this but with an Expression
public List < Users > GetUsers(int ? id, string name) {
using(DBContext ctx = new DBContext()) {
IQueryable query = ctx.Usuarios;
if (id.HasValue)
query = query.Where(x = > x.ID == id);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
query = query.Where(x = > x.Name.StartsWith(name));
return query.ToList();
inherit from ExpressionVisitor
public class MyVisitor: ExpressionVisitor
private LambdaExpression visitor;
public Expression Modify(Expression expression, LambdaExpression visitor)
this.visitor = visitor;
return Visit(expression);
protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression b)
var binary = visitor.Body as BinaryExpression;
return Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.AndAlso, b, binary, b.IsLiftedToNull, b.Method);
your Filter() method might look like this
private Expression<Func<Entity.Modelos.Flux, bool>> Filter()
var dateStart = dtpDateStart.Value.Date;
var dateEnd = dtpDateEnd.Value.Date;
var description = txtDescription.Text;
Expression<Func<Entity.Modelos.Flux, bool>> expr = null;
expr = f => f.DatFlux >= dateStart.Date && f.DatFlux <= dateEnd.Date;
if (description != String.Empty)
//add filter
Expression<Func<Entity.Modelos.Flux, bool>> other = f => f.Description == description;
var modifier = new MyVisitor();
expr = (Expression<Func<Entity.Modelos.Flux, bool>>)modifier.Modify((Expression)expr, (LambdaExpression)other);
return expr;
have a look at the following for more information
How to: Modify Expression Trees (C# and Visual Basic)
If this is just a demo of your requirements, then you can create and modify Expression Trees using the System.Linq.Expressions namespace.
However, in the case of your question, it would probably be easier to use EF:
bool filterDescription = !String.IsNullOrEmpty( txtDescription.Text );
expr = f =>
( f.DatFlux >= dateStart.Date && f.DatFlux <= dateEnd.Date )
( !filterDescription || ... add filter ... )
or normal C#:
if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( txtDescription.Text ) )
expr = f => f.DatFlux >= dateStart.Date && f.DatFlux <= dateEnd.Date;
expr = f => f.DatFlux >= dateStart.Date && f.DatFlux <= dateEnd.Date
... add filter ...
Okay, well here is a sample on how to embed lambda statements. It's not your example, but here ya go:
Func<int, int, EventHandler> makeHandler =
(dx, dy) => (sender, e) => {
var btn = (Button) sender;
btn.Top += dy;
btn.Left += dx;
btnUp.Click += makeHandler(0, -1);
btnDown.Click += makeHandler(0, 1);
btnLeft.Click += makeHandler(-1, 0);
btnRight.Click += makeHandler(1, 0);
It is simple.Visit this link
the tricky thing is invoking the OrderByAlias - using MakeGenericMethod may be the way, as shown in the link above.
Try this way:
private Expression<Func<Entity.Modelos.Flux, bool>> Filter()
var dateStart = dtpDateStart.Value.Date;
var dateEnd = dtpDateEnd.Value.Date;
Func<Entity.Modelos.Flux, bool> expr = null;
expr = f => f.DatFlux >= dateStart.Date && f.DatFlux <= dateEnd.Date;
if(txtDescription.Text != String.Empty)
expr = f => expr(f) && f.Title.Equals(txtDescription.Text); // ← Your additional filter
return f => expr(f);
I wish to sort the collection List<UserClass>
on the basis of one of the property among various of that UserClass which is User Defined.
Is it valid
List<Function> objFunctionsList = new List<Function>();
// populating data in objFunctionsList
objFunctionsList = objFunctionsList.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
Just use the linq extension method orderby
var sorted=list.OrderBy(x=>x.MyProperty);
If you need a list as a result then add ToList() eg
var sortedList=list.OrderBy(x=>x.MyProperty).ToList();
Alternatively you could use this Extension class
public static class SortExtension {
public static Comparison<T> GetComparer<T, TP>(Expression<Func<T, IComparable<TP>>> propertyExpression) {
if (propertyExpression == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
var member = ((propertyExpression.Body is UnaryExpression) ? ((UnaryExpression)propertyExpression.Body).Operand : propertyExpression.Body) as MemberExpression;
if (member == null) throw new ArgumentException();
var parameterA = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "a");
var parameterB = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "b");
var nullExpr = Expression.Constant(null);
var valueA = Expression.Property(parameterA, member.Member.Name);
var valueB = Expression.Property(parameterB, member.Member.Name);
var compare = Expression.Call(valueA, typeof(TP).GetMethod("CompareTo", new[] { typeof(TP) }), valueB);
var checkBPropNull = Expression.Condition(Expression.Equal(valueB, nullExpr), Expression.Constant(0), Expression.Constant(-1));
var checkAPropertyNull = Expression.Condition(Expression.Equal(valueA, nullExpr), checkBPropNull, compare);
var checkBNullANot = Expression.Condition(Expression.Equal(parameterB, nullExpr), Expression.Constant(1), checkAPropertyNull);
var checkBNullANull = Expression.Condition(Expression.Equal(parameterB, nullExpr), Expression.Constant(0), Expression.Constant(-1));
var checkANull = Expression.Condition(Expression.Equal(parameterA, nullExpr), checkBNullANull, checkBNullANot);
return (a, b) => Expression.Lambda<Func<T, T, int>>(checkANull, parameterA, parameterB).Compile()(a, b);
public static void SortBy<T, TP>(this List<T> source, Expression<Func<T, IComparable<TP>>> propertyExpression) {
if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException();
Then you can just do
The Expression building produces a comparitor that is functionally equivalent to
list.Sort((a,b) => {
if (a == null) return (b==null) ? 0 :-1;
if (b==null) return 1;
if (a.MyProperty == null) return (b.MyProperty==null) ? 0 : -1;
return a.T1.CompareTo(b.T1);
users.Sort((u1, u2) => {
return u1.Age.CompareTo(u2.Age);
This will sort by Age for example.
If your list is list, then:
list.Sort((a, b) => {
if (a==null) return (b==null) ? 0 : -1;
if (b==null) return 1;
if (a.Property==null) return (b.Property==null) ? 0 : -1;
return a.Property.CompareTo(b.Property);
Is there anyway to join LINQ where clauses as OR ?
var ints = new [] { 1, 3, 5, 7 };
var query = from i in ints select i;
query = query.Where (q => q == 3);
query = query..Where (q => q == 7);
What I want is the ability to dynamically add where clauses but make them use OR instead of AND
If you want to stay with your strong-typing Linq queries you should look into LinqKit and predicate building. I have used this for something similar and found it to work well with And / Or stacking of filters.
Check out the C#4.0/3.0 in a Nutshell excerpt for more in depth info. Here is a snip from my code:
//Setup the initial predicate obj then stack on others:
basePredicate = basePredicate.And(p => false);
var predicate1 = PredicateBuilder.True<Person>();
foreach (SearchParms parm in parms)
switch (parm.field)
case "firstname":
predicate1 = predicate1.And(p => p.FirstName.Trim().ToLower().Contains(sValue));
//Run a switch based on your and/or parm value to determine stacking:
if (Parm.isAnd) {
basePredicate = basePredicate.And(predicate1);
} else {
basePredicate = basePredicate.Or(predicate1);
How about something like this?
var query = from i in ints where CheckConditions(i) select i;
public bool CheckConditions(int i)
var conditions = WhereConditions; //an IEnumerable<Func<int, bool>> of dynamically added conditions
foreach (var condition in conditions)
if (condition(i)) return true;
return false;
You can probably expand this to be a bit cleverer but that's sort of how I'd do it.
EDIT: Sorry the first example was an AND, have changed it now to be an OR. So the first time it encounters a passing condition it returns true.
Using ExpressionVisitor to help to build the expression base on two expressions with OR/AND relationship. This answer is from Jeffery Zhao's blog.
internal class ParameterReplacer : ExpressionVisitor
public ParameterReplacer(ParameterExpression paramExpr)
this.ParameterExpression = paramExpr;
public ParameterExpression ParameterExpression { get; private set; }
public Expression Replace(Expression expr)
return this.Visit(expr);
protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression p)
return this.ParameterExpression;
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> And<T>(this Expression<Func<T, bool>> one, Expression<Func<T, bool>> another)
var candidateExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "candidate");
var parameterReplacer = new ParameterReplacer(candidateExpr);
var left = parameterReplacer.Replace(one.Body);
var right = parameterReplacer.Replace(another.Body);
var body = Expression.And(left, right);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(body, candidateExpr);
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> Or<T>(this Expression<Func<T, bool>> one, Expression<Func<T, bool>> another)
var candidateExpr = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "candidate");
var parameterReplacer = new ParameterReplacer(candidateExpr);
var left = parameterReplacer.Replace(one.Body);
var right = parameterReplacer.Replace(another.Body);
var body = Expression.Or(left, right);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(body, candidateExpr);
You can using Union method:
var ints = new [] { 1, 3, 5, 7 };
var query = ints.Where(q => q == 3);
query = query.Union(ints.Where(q => q == 7));
Are you talking about specifying more than one condition in the lambda?
query = query.Where(q => q == 3 ||
q == 7);
try this
var ints = new [] { 1, 3, 5, 7 };
var query = ints.select(X=>X).where(X=>X==3||X==7);
I am trying to do something similar. Here's what I came up with:
//various test cases
bool useTestCase1 = true;
bool useTestCase2 = true;
bool useTestCase3 = false;
query = query.Where(q =>
(q == 3 && useTestCase1 ) ||
(q == 7 && useTestCase2 ) ||
(q == 10 && useTestCase3 )