Can Execution Time be set in Entity Framework? - c#

I have an application leveraging Entity Framework 6. For queries that are relatively fast (e.g. taking less than a minute to execute) it is working fine.
But I have a stored procedure that queries a table which doesn't have appropriate indices and so the time taken to execute the query has been clocked to take anywhere between 55 and 63 seconds. Obviously, indexing the table would bring that time down but unfortunately I don't have the luxury of controlling the situation and have to deal the hand I was dealt.
What I am seeing is when EF6 is used to call the stored procedure it continues through the code in less than 3 seconds total time and returns a result of 0 records; when I know there are 6 records the SPROC will return when executed directly in the database.
There are no errors whatsoever, so the code is executing fine.
Performing a test; I constructed some code using the SqlClient library and made the same call and it returned 6 records. Also noted that unlike the EF6 execution, that it actually took a few more seconds as if it were actually waiting to receive a response.
Setting the CommandTimeout on the context doesn't appear to make any difference either and I suspect possibly because it isn't timing out but rather not waiting for the result before it continues through the code?
I don't recall seeing this behavior in prior versions but then again maybe the time required to execute my prior queries were within the expected range of EF???
Is there a way to set the actual time that EF will wait for a response before continuing through the code? Or is there a way that I can enforce an asynchronous operation since it seems to be a default synchronous task by default?? Or is there a potential flaw in the code?
Sample of Code exhibiting (synchronous) execution: No errors but no records returned
public static List<Orphan> GetOrphanItems()
using (var ctx = new DBEntities(_defaultConnection))
var orphanage = from orp in ctx.GetQueueOrphans(null)
select orp;
var orphans = orphanage.Select(o => new Orphan
ServiceQueueId = o.ServiceQueueID,
QueueStatus = o.QueueStatus,
OrphanCode = o.OrphanCode,
Status = o.Status,
EmailAddress = o.EmailAddress,
TemplateId = o.TemplateId
return orphans;
catch(Exception exc)
// Handle the error
Sample Code using SqlClient Library (asynchronous) takes slightly longer to execute but returns 6 records
public static List<Orphan> GetOrphanItems()
long ServiceQueueId = 0;
bool QueueStatus;
var OrphanCode = String.Empty;
DateTime Status;
var EmailAddress = String.Empty;
int TemplateId = 0;
var orphans = new List<Orphan> ();
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_defaultConnection);
var cmdText = "EXEC dbo.GetQueueOrphans";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdText, conn);
SqlDataReader reader;
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
long.TryParse(reader["ServiceQueueId"].ToString(), out ServiceQueueId);
bool.TryParse(reader["QueueStatus"].ToString(), out QueueStatus);
OrphanCode = reader["OrphanCode"].ToString();
DateTime.TryParse(reader["Status"].ToString(), out Status);
EmailAddress = reader["EmailAddress"].ToString();
int.TryParse(reader["TemplateId"].ToString(), out TemplateId);
orphans.Add(new Orphan { ServiceQueueId = ServiceQueueId, QueueStatus=QueueStatus, OrphanCode=OrphanCode,
EmailAddress=EmailAddress, TemplateId=TemplateId});
catch(Exception exc)
// Handle the error

Check the type of executing method.
private async void MyMethod()
Forgetting to await task in async void method can cause described behavior without any InteliSense warning.
private async Task MyMethod()
await db.executeProdecudeAsync();
Or just use db.executeProdecudeAsync().Wait() if you want to run in synchronous mode.


NUnit - SqlConnection timeout within Task

I'm having this weird issue (or I think my brain is burned..). While I run this code from outside a Task, it works fine, but when I run within a Task.Run(() => ...), I get a SqlException timeout:
public static Item GetItemById(int id)
Item result;
using (var conn = App.DbFactory.CreateConnection())
result = _repository.GetById(id, conn) ?? throw new ElementNotFoundException();
return result;
// _repository.GetById
public Item GetById(int id, IDatabaseConnection conn)
Item result;
var cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "QUERY COMMAND";
using (var dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) <-- EXCEPTION
result = dr.Read() ? Create(dr) : null;
return result;
// Method that works.
public static Item GetItemTest()
return GetItemById(12);
// Method that doesn't work.
public static async Item GetItemAsyncTest()
return await Task.Run(() => GetItemById(12));
App.DbFactory.CreateConnection() returns IDbConnection.
Update: The exception is thrown when executing the DbCommand (ExecuteReader).
The GeyById method only calls a repository method (raw TSQL query). The caller method is supposed to read each item from the database from a foreach (using Task/async/await, no more than 5 concurrent connections). At this point, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm missing some concept.
I'm using .NET Framework 4.5 and SQL Server 2012.
Temp solution:
Ok, I'd wasted almost 6hs trying to figure out what was wrong...and it was NUnit. When running GetItemAsyncTest() from a Test, it throws the timeout exception. Running the same async method from a Controller works like a charm.
I'm googling about this thing. If anyone had the same issue, I'll be glad to know what it is :)
Well, finally solved! It was a workaround between NUnit and TransactionScope. Testing an async method that hits the database using a TransactionScope (to keep the database clean) causes a timeout exception when executing the command.
The way to solve this issue was: upgrade to NET Framework 4.5.1 and add TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled to the TransactionScope constructor.

Why is (Dapper) async IO extremely slow?

I'm using load-tests to analyze the "ball park" performance of Dapper accessing SQL Server. My laptop is simultaneously the load-generator and the test target. My laptop has 2 cores, 16GB RAM, and is running Windows 10 Pro, v1709. The database is SQL Server 2017 running in a Docker container (the container's Hyper-V VM has 3GB RAM). My load-test and test code is using .net 4.6.1.
My load-test results after 15 seconds of a simulated 10 simultaneous clients are as follows:
Synchronous Dapper code: 750+ transactions per second.
Asynchronous Dapper code: 4 to 8 transactions per second. YIKES!
I realize that async can sometimes be slower than synchronous code. I also realize that my test setup is weak. However, I shouldn't be seeing such horrible performance from asynchronous code.
I've narrowed the problem to something associated with Dapper and the System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection. I need help to finally solve this. Profiler results are below.
I figured out a cheesy way to force my async code to achieve 650+ transactions per second, which I'll discuss in a bit, but now first it is time to show my code which is just a console app. I have a test class:
public class FitTest
private List<ItemRequest> items;
public FitTest()
//Parameters used for the Dapper call to the stored procedure.
items = new List<ItemRequest> {
new ItemRequest { SKU = "0010015488000060", ReqQty = 2 } ,
new ItemRequest { SKU = "0010015491000060", ReqQty = 1 }
... //the rest not listed.
Synchronous Test Target
Within the FitTest class, under load, the following test-target method achieves 750+ transactions per second:
public Task LoadDB()
var skus = items.Select(x => x.SKU);
string procedureName = "GetWebInvBySkuList";
string userDefinedTable = "[dbo].[StringList]";
string connectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Web_Inventory;Integrated Security=False;User ID=sa;Password=1Secure*Password1;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=True;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False";
var dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(string));
foreach (var sku in skus)
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
var inv = conn.Query<Inventory>(
new { skuList = dt.AsTableValuedParameter(userDefinedTable) },
commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
return Task.CompletedTask;
I am not explicitly opening or closing the SqlConnection. I understand that Dapper does that for me. Also, the only reason the above code returns a Task is because my load-generation code is designed to work with that signature.
Asynchronous Test Target
The other test-target method in my FitTest class is this:
public async Task<IEnumerable<Inventory>> LoadDBAsync()
var skus = items.Select(x => x.SKU);
string procedureName = "GetWebInvBySkuList";
string userDefinedTable = "[dbo].[StringList]";
string connectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Web_Inventory;Integrated Security=False;User ID=sa;Password=1Secure*Password1;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=True;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False";
var dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(string));
foreach (var sku in skus)
using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
return await conn.QueryAsync<Inventory>(
new { skuList = dt.AsTableValuedParameter(userDefinedTable) },
commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure).ConfigureAwait(false);
Again, I'm not explicitly opening or closing the connection - because Dapper does that for me. I have also tested this code with explicitly opening and closing; it does not change the performance. The profiler results for the load-generator acting against the above code (4 TPS) is as follows:
What DOES change the performance is if I change the above as follows:
//using (var conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
var inv = await conn.QueryAsync<Inventory>(
new { skuList = dt.AsTableValuedParameter(userDefinedTable) },
commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
var foo = inv.ToArray();
return inv;
In this case I've converted the SqlConnection into a private member of the FitTest class and initialized it in the constructor. That is, one SqlConnection per client per load-test session. It is never disposed during the load-test. I also changed the connection string to include "MultipleActiveResultSets=True", because now I started getting those errors.
With these changes, my results become: 640+ transactions per second, and with 8 exceptions thrown. The exceptions were all "InvalidOperationException: BeginExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is connecting." The profiler results in this case:
That looks to me like a synchronization bug in Dapper with the SqlConnection.
My load-generator, a class called Generator, is designed to be given a list of delegates when constructed. Each delegate has a unique instantiation of the FitTest class. If I supply an array of 10 delegates, it is interpreted as representing 10 clients to be used for generating load in parallel.
To kick off the load test, I have this:
//This `testFuncs` array (indirectly) points to either instances
//of the synchronous test-target, or the async test-target, depending
//on what I'm measuring.
private Func<Task>[] testFuncs;
private Dictionary<int, Task> map;
private TaskCompletionSource<bool> completionSource;
public void RunWithMultipleClients()
completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
//Create a dictionary that has indexes and Task completion status info.
//The indexes correspond to the testFuncs[] array (viz. the test clients).
map = testFuncs
.Select((f, j) => new KeyValuePair<int, Task>(j, Task.CompletedTask))
.ToDictionary(p => p.Key, v => v.Value);
//scenario.Duration is usually '15'. In other words, this test
//will terminate after generating load for 15 seconds.
Task.Delay(scenario.Duration * 1000).ContinueWith(x => {
running = false;
So much for the setup, the actual load is generated as follows:
public void RunWithMultipleClientsLoop()
//while (running)
var idleList = map.Where(x => x.Value.IsCompleted).Select(k => k.Key).ToArray();
foreach (var client in idleList)
//I've both of the following. The `Task.Run` version
//is about 20% faster for the synchronous test target.
map[client] = Task.Run(testFuncs[client]);
//map[client] = testFuncs[client]();
.ContinueWith(x => { if (running) RunWithMultipleClientsLoop(); });
// Task.WaitAny(map.Values.ToArray());
The while loop and Task.WaitAny, commented out, represent a different approach that has nearly the same performance; I keep it around for experiments.
One last detail. Each of the "client" delegates I pass in is first wrapped inside a metrics-capture function. The metrics capture function looks like this:
private async Task LoadLogic(Func<Task> testCode)
if (!running)
//This is where the actual test target method
//is called.
await testCode().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (running)
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.Message.Contains("Assert"))
When my code runs, I do not receive any errors or exceptions.
Ok, what am I doing wrong? In the worst case scenario, I would expect the async code to be only slightly slower than synchronous.

How to make two SQL queries really asynchronous

My problem is based on a real project problem, but I have never used the System.Threading.Tasks library or performing any serious programming involving threads so my question may be a mix of lacking knowledge about the specific library and more general misunderstanding of what asynchronous really means in terms of programming.
So my real world case is this - I need to fetch data about an user. In my current scenario it's financial data so let say I need all Accounts, all Deposits and all Consignations for a certain user. In my case this means to query million of records for each property and each query is relatively slow itself, however to fetch the Accounts is several times slower than fetching the Deposits. So I have defined three classes for the three bank products I'm going to use and when I want to fetch the data for all the bank products of certain user I do something like this :
List<Account> accounts = GetAccountsForClient(int clientId);
List<Deposit> deposits = GetDepositsForClient(int clientId);
List<Consignation> consignations = GetConsignationsForClient(int clientId);
So the problem starts here I need to get all those three list at the same time, cause I'm going to pass them to the view where I display all users data. But as it is right now the execution is synchronous (If I'm using the term correctly here) so the total time for collecting the data for all three products is:
Total_Time = Time_To_Get_Accounts + Time_To_Get_Deposits + Time_To_Get_Consignations
This is not good because the each query is relatively slow so the total time is pretty big, but also, the accounts query takes much more time than the other two queries so the idea that get into my head today was - "What if I could execute this queries simultaneously". Maybe here comes my biggest misunderstanding on the topic but for me the closest to this idea is to make them asynchronous so maybe then Total_Time won't be the time of the slowest query but yet will be much faster than the sum of all three queries.
Since my code is complicated I created a simple use case which I think, reflect what I'm trying to do pretty well. I have two methods :
public static async Task<int> GetAccounts()
int total1 = 0;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connString))
string query1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [MyDb].[dbo].[Accounts]";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query1, connection);
for (int i = 0; i < 19000000; i++)
string s = i.ToString();
total1 = (int) await command.ExecuteScalarAsync();
return total1;
and the second method :
public static async Task<int> GetDeposits()
int total2 = 0;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connString))
string query2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [MyDb].[dbo].[Deposits]";
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query2, connection);
total2 = (int) await command.ExecuteScalarAsync();
return total2;
which I call like this:
static void Main(string[] args)
As you can see I call GetAccounts() first and I slow the execution down on purpose so I give a chance the execution to continue to the next method. However I'm not getting any result for a certain period of time and then I get all printed on the console at the same time.
So the problem - how to make so that I don't wait for the first method to finish, in order to go to the next method. In general the code structure is not that important, what I really want to figure out is if there's any way to make both queries to execute at the same time. The sample here is the result of my research which maybe could be extended to the point where I'll get the desired result.
I'm using ExecuteScalarAsync(); just because I started with a method which was using it. In reality I'm gonna use Scalar and Reader.
When you use the Result property on a task that hasn't completed yet the calling thread will block until the operation completes. That means in your case that the GetAccounts operation need to complete before the call to GetDeposits starts.
If you want to make sure these method are parallel (including the synchronous CPU-intensive parts) you need to offload that work to another thread. The simplest way to do so would be to use Task.Run:
static async Task Main()
var accountTask = Task.Run(async () => Console.WriteLine(await GetAccounts()));
var depositsTask = Task.Run(async () => Console.WriteLine(await GetDeposits()));
await Task.WhenAll(accountTask, depositsTask);
Here's a way to to perform two tasks asynchronously and in parallel:
Task<int> accountTask = GetAccounts();
Task<int> depositsTask = GetDeposits();
int[] results = await Task.WhenAll(accountTask, depositsTask);
int accounts = results[0];
int deposits = results[1];
I generally prefer to use Task.WaitAll. To setup for this code segment, I changed the GetAccounts/GetDeposits signatures just to return int (public static int GetAccounts())
I placed the Console.WriteLine in the same thread as assigning the return to validate that one GetDeposits returns before GetAccounts has, but this is unnecessary and probably best to move it after the Task.WaitAll
private static void Main(string[] args) {
int getAccountsTask = 0;
int getDepositsTask = 0;
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>() {
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
getAccountsTask = GetAccounts();
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
getDepositsTask = GetDeposits();
If it's ASP.NET use AJAX to fetch after the page is rendered and put the data in a store. Each AJAX fetch is asynchronous. If you want to create simultaneous SQL queries on the server?
// Add some queries ie. ThreadedQuery.NamedQuery([Name], [SQL])
var namedQueries= new ThreadedQuery.NamedQuery[]{ ... };
System.Data.DataSet ds = ThreadedQuery.RunThreadedQuery(
string msg = string.Empty;
foreach (System.Data.DataTable tt in ds.Tables)
msg += string.Format("{0}: {1}\r\n", tt.TableName, tt.Rows.Count);
public class ThreadedQuery
public class NamedQuery
public NamedQuery(string TableName, string SQL)
this.TableName = TableName;
this.SQL = SQL;
public string TableName { get; set; }
public string SQL { get; set; }
public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Data.DataSet> RunThreadedQuery(string ConnectionString, params NamedQuery[] queries)
System.Data.DataSet dss = new System.Data.DataSet();
List<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Data.DataTable>> asyncQryList = new List<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Data.DataTable>>();
foreach (var qq in queries)
asyncQryList.Add(fetchDataTable(qq, ConnectionString));
foreach (var tsk in asyncQryList)
System.Data.DataTable tmp = await tsk.ConfigureAwait(false);
return dss;
private static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Data.DataTable> fetchDataTable(NamedQuery qry, string ConnectionString)
// Create a connection, open it and create a command on the connection
System.Data.DataTable dt = new System.Data.DataTable(qry.TableName);
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
await connection.OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Connection Opened ... " + qry.TableName);
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(qry.SQL, connection))
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Query Executed ... " + qry.TableName);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Record Count '{0}' ... {1}", dt.Rows.Count, qry.TableName));
return dt;
catch(Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Exception Raised ... " + qry.TableName);
return new System.Data.DataTable(qry.TableName);
Async is great if the process takes a long time. Another option would be to have one stored procedure that returns all three record sets.
adp = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
dst = New DataSet
In the code behind of the page, reference them as dst.Tables(0), dst.Tables(1), and dst.Tables(2). The tables will be in the same order as the select statements in the stored procedure.

How to execute asynchronously three separate queries in one method using ADO.NET ExecuteScalarAsync()

So I'm trying to turn my synchronous method to asnych. The set up is - I have a method that check if an user uses any of the company products. I need different query for each product so I decided to try and give a shot to the asnych programming since I've never tried using Task and await before even though, maybe this is not the perfect situation to do it. But however now I've changed my method to this:
private static async Task<bool> isUsingProducts(int clientId)
bool hasProduct = false;
using (SqlConnection connection1 = new SqlConnection(connString))
SqlCommand firstProduct = new SqlCommand(firstQuery, connection1);
firstProduct.CommandTimeout = 300;
Task numberOfUsedProducts1 = firstProduct.ExecuteScalarAsync();
//int numberOfUsedProducts = (int)firstProduct.ExecuteScalar();
//if (0 < numberOfUsedProducts)
// hasProduct = true;
using (SqlConnection connection2 = new SqlConnection(connString))
SqlCommand secondProduct= new SqlCommand(secondQuery, connection2);
secondProduct.CommandTimeout = 300;
Task numberOfUsedProducts2 = secondProduct.ExecuteScalarAsync();
//int numberOfUsedProducts = (int)secondProduct.ExecuteScalar();
//if (0 < numberOfUsedProducts)
// hasProduct = true;
return hasProduct;
Basically this is some mix from what I've tried and what has left from the previous method which was synchronous. In this case I only care if the user is using ANY of the products or not so I was checking after the end of each query. However sometimes I'm gonna need the actual count so at the end I want to be able to execute the queries in asnych mode and later decied how exactly i'm gonna deal with the results.
Right now this:
Task numberOfUsedProducts2 = secondProduct.ExecuteScalarAsync();
is not giving me an error, but I don't know how to proceed. What I don't know how to do is how to add the logic for checking the result of each query (the queries are synch so how shall I know that there's a result already) and how to convert those result to the actual type (int)?
ExecuteScalarAsync return a Task<object>. You can use a cast on the return type in combination with await:
int numberOfUsedProducts1 = (int) await firstProduct.ExecuteScalarAsync()
if (numberOfUsedProducts > 0)
hasProduct = true;
Same goes for the second method as well.
Right now this:
Task numberOfUsedProducts2 = secondProduct.ExecuteScalarAsync();
is not giving me an error
That's because a Task<T> inherits from Task, so you may use it as the more abstracted base class, but then you lose the Result property containing the returned T

Using SQL Server application locks to solve locking requirements

I have a large application based on Dynamics CRM 2011 that in various places has code that must query for a record based upon some criteria and create it if it doesn't exist else update it.
An example of the kind of thing I am talking about would be similar to this:
stk_balance record = context.stk_balanceSet.FirstOrDefault(x => x.stk_key == id);
if(record == null)
record = new stk_balance();
record.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
record.stk_value = 100;
record.stk_value += 100;
In terms of CRM 2011 implementation (although not strictly relevant to this question) the code could be triggered from synchronous or asynchronous plugins. The issue is that the code is not thread safe, between checking if the record exists and creating it if it doesn't, another thread could come in and do the same thing first resulting in duplicate records.
Normal locking methods are not reliable due to the architecture of the system, various services using multiple threads could all be using the same code, and these multiple services are also load balanced across multiple machines.
In trying to find a solution to this problem that doesn't add massive amounts of extra complexity and doesn't compromise the idea of not having a single point of failure or a single point where a bottleneck could occur I came across the idea of using SQL Server application locks.
I came up with the following class:
public class SQLLock : IDisposable
//Lock constants
private const string _lockMode = "Exclusive";
private const string _lockOwner = "Transaction";
private const string _lockDbPrincipal = "public";
//Variable for storing the connection passed to the constructor
private SqlConnection _connection;
//Variable for storing the name of the Application Lock created in SQL
private string _lockName;
//Variable for storing the timeout value of the lock
private int _lockTimeout;
//Variable for storing the SQL Transaction containing the lock
private SqlTransaction _transaction;
//Variable for storing if the lock was created ok
private bool _lockCreated = false;
public SQLLock (string lockName, int lockTimeout = 180000)
_connection = Connection.GetMasterDbConnection();
_lockName = lockName;
_lockTimeout = lockTimeout;
//Create the Application Lock
public void Dispose()
//Release the Application Lock if it was created
if (_lockCreated)
private void CreateLock()
_transaction = _connection.BeginTransaction();
using (SqlCommand createCmd = _connection.CreateCommand())
createCmd.Transaction = _transaction;
createCmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
StringBuilder sbCreateCommand = new StringBuilder();
sbCreateCommand.AppendLine("DECLARE #res INT");
sbCreateCommand.AppendLine("EXEC #res = sp_getapplock");
sbCreateCommand.Append("#Resource = '").Append(_lockName).AppendLine("',");
sbCreateCommand.Append("#LockMode = '").Append(_lockMode).AppendLine("',");
sbCreateCommand.Append("#LockOwner = '").Append(_lockOwner).AppendLine("',");
sbCreateCommand.Append("#LockTimeout = ").Append(_lockTimeout).AppendLine(",");
sbCreateCommand.Append("#DbPrincipal = '").Append(_lockDbPrincipal).AppendLine("'");
sbCreateCommand.AppendLine("IF #res NOT IN (0, 1)");
sbCreateCommand.AppendLine("RAISERROR ( 'Unable to acquire Lock', 16, 1 )");
createCmd.CommandText = sbCreateCommand.ToString();
_lockCreated = true;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to get SQL Application Lock on '{0}'", _lockName), ex);
private void ReleaseLock()
using (SqlCommand releaseCmd = _connection.CreateCommand())
releaseCmd.Transaction = _transaction;
releaseCmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
releaseCmd.CommandText = "sp_releaseapplock";
releaseCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Resource", _lockName);
releaseCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#LockOwner", _lockOwner);
releaseCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DbPrincipal", _lockDbPrincipal);
catch {}
I would use this in my code to create a SQL Server application lock using the unique key I am querying for as the lock name like this
using (var sqlLock = new SQLLock(id))
//Code to check for and create or update record here
Now this approach seems to work, however I am by no means any kind of SQL Server expert and am wary about putting this anywhere near production code.
My question really has 3 parts
1. Is this a really bad idea because of something I haven't considered?
Are SQL Server application locks completely unsuitable for this purpose?
Is there a maximum number of application locks (with different names) you can have at a time?
Are there performance considerations if a potentially large number of locks are created?
What else could be an issue with the general approach?
2. Is the solution actually implemented above any good?
If SQL Server application locks are usable like this, have I actually used them properly?
Is there a better way of using SQL Server to achieve the same result?
In the code above I am getting a connection to the Master database and creating the locks in there. Does that potentially cause other issues? Should I create the locks in a different database?
3. Is there a completely alternative approach that could be used that doesn't use SQL Server application locks?
I can't use stored procedures to create and update the record (unsupported in CRM 2011).
I don't want to add a single point of failure.
You can do this much easier.
//make sure your plugin runs within a transaction, this is the case for stage 20 and 40
//you can check this with IExecutionContext.IsInTransaction
//works not with offline plugins but works within CRM Online (Cloud) and its fully supported
//also works on transaction rollback
var lockUpdateEntity = new dummy_lock_entity(); //simple technical entity with as many rows as different lock barriers you need
lockUpdateEntity.Id = Guid.parse("well known guid"); //well known guid for this barrier
lockUpdateEntity.dummy_field=Guid.NewGuid(); //just update/change a field to create a lock, no matter of its content
//--------------- this is untested by me, i use the next one
//--------------- i use this one, but you need a reference to your OrganizationService
//threads wait here if they have no lock for dummy_lock_entity with "well known guid"
stk_balance record = context.stk_balanceSet.FirstOrDefault(x => x.stk_key == id);
if(record == null)
record = new stk_balance();
//record.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); //not needed
record.stk_value = 100;
record.stk_value += 100;
//let the pipeline flow and the transaction complete ...
For more background info refer to

