Remove GraphCurve list on ZedGraph - c#

I am new in C# and trying to create zedgraph of lessor sensor.
First I create a global variable and write code for graph. My graph is working but after reached to the point of 100 of x axis it will overlap to old line. z1.GraphPane.CurveList.Clear(); command is not working. I tried listPointsOne.clear(); command also but that clear the line and doesn't show anything on graph. Please help me out with this.
My code is below :
string DatafromCOM;
double[] x = new double[100];
double[] y = new double[100];
int i;
PointPairList listPointsOne = new PointPairList();
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
while (serialPort1.BytesToRead > 0)
DatafromCOM = serialPort1.ReadLine();
double iData;
var ok = double.TryParse(txtKQ.Text, out iData);
if (DatafromCOM.Trim() != "" && ok)
i= (i + 1) % 100;
x[i] = i;
y[i] = iData;
catch { }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
z1.GraphPane.AddCurve(null, listPointsOne, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);

You should clear the curvlist
string DatafromCOM;
double[] x = new double[100];
double[] y = new double[100];
int i;
PointPairList listPointsOne = new PointPairList();
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
while (serialPort1.BytesToRead > 0)
DatafromCOM = serialPort1.ReadLine();
double iData;
var ok = double.TryParse(txtKQ.Text, out iData);
if (DatafromCOM.Trim() != "" && ok)
i= (i + 1) % 100;
x[i] = i;
y[i] = iData;
z1.GraphPane.CurveList.Clear(); // Change here
catch { }
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
z1.GraphPane.AddCurve(null, listPointsOne, Color.Red, SymbolType.None);


Memory game, PictureBox im1 = sender as PictureBox; loses it's address

I'm trying to make a basic memory game for now in C#, I'm using sender as PictureBox to determine min which picture box is selected.After that I have to check if the tags are equal, and here im2 and im1 loses its address. How can I save the addresses so they don't get loss?
public partial class Form1 : Form
int k = 1;
PictureBox im1, im2;
int r1, r2;
public Form1()
private void Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (k == 1)
PictureBox im1 = sender as PictureBox;`enter code here`
r1 = Convert.ToInt16(im1.Tag);
string s = "slike\\sl";
s = s + r1.ToString() + ".jpg";
Image i = Image.FromFile(#s);
im1.Image = i;
k = 2;
PictureBox im2 = sender as PictureBox;
r2 = Convert.ToInt16(im2.Tag);
string s = "slike\\sl";
s = s + r2.ToString() + ".jpg";
Image i = Image.FromFile(#s);
im2.Image = i;
k = 0;
if(k==0) {
if (r1 == r2)
Image i = Image.FromFile(#"slike\\pogodjeno.jpg");
im1.Image = i;
im2.Image = i;
im1.Enabled = false;
im2.Enabled = false;
k = 1;
Image i = Image.FromFile(#"slike\\pozadina.jpg");
im1.Image = i;
im2.Image = i;
r1 = 0;
r2 = 0;
k = 1;
private void pictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
This doesn't seem right:
PictureBox im1, im2;
private void Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
PictureBox im1 = sender as PictureBox;`enter code here`
You probably want this:
private void Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
im1 = sender as PictureBox;`enter code here`

Drawing lines with array

I'm working on an app where I need to draw lines on Canvas, these lines need to be in an array so I can still add changes to it (Resizeable and color). I'm trying to build a paint-like function.
This is my code
private void w_Canvas_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (isDrawing)
if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
//lineStartPoint = e.GetPosition(w_Canvas);
Line[] l = new Line[999999];
for (int d = 0; d < 999999; d++)
Point lineStartPoint = e.GetPosition(w_Canvas);
l[d].X1 = lineStartPoint.X;
l[d].Y1 = lineStartPoint.Y;
Point lineEnd = e.GetPosition(w_Canvas);
l[d].X2 = lineEnd.X;
l[d].Y2 = lineEnd.Y;
l[d].Stroke = brush;
l[d].StrokeThickness = 3;
//lineStartPoint = lineEnd;
//probeert ee nproperty the accessen warvan de property 0 is
private void DrawLines(Line[] l)
foreach (Line line in l)
private void w_Canvas_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
isDrawing = false;
Currently I'm getting a 'System.NullReferenceException' where an object reference isn't installed on a copy of an object.
You try to access to l[d] but it's not initialized, add
l[d] = new Line();
In your for loop.
You have to create an instance of each line in the array.
Line[] l = new Line[999999];
for (int d = 0; d < 999999; d++)
l[d] = new Line();
Thanks to some help i got it
private void w_Canvas_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (isDrawing)
if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed)
Point lineEnd = e.GetPosition(w_Canvas);
Line l = new Line();
LINE.Add(new Tuple<double, double, double, double>(lineStartPoint.X, lineStartPoint.Y, lineEnd.X, lineEnd.Y));
l.X1 = LINE[LINE.Count - 1].Item1;
l.Y1 = LINE[LINE.Count - 1].Item2;
l.X2 = LINE[LINE.Count - 1].Item3;
l.Y2 = LINE[LINE.Count - 1].Item4;
l.Stroke = brush;
l.StrokeThickness = 3;
lineStartPoint = lineEnd;
private void w_Canvas_MouseUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
isDrawing = false;
Thank you all for your help also!

C# How to make PictureBoxs move automatically?

I created 5 PictureBox "Shapes" and I want them to move to the left automatically when the program is launched. So in the timer1_Tick method, I use "Shapes[i].Left -= 2", it's said that "Shapes" isn't in the actual context, so How can I make the Shapes[i] global from the "CreatePipes" method?
public partial class Form1 : Form
int i = 0;
int N = 5;
int yspeed;
int gravity = 2;
public Form1()
this.KeyDown += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventHandler(this.Form1_KeyDown);
private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Space)
yspeed = -15;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void CreatePipes(object Number)
PictureBox[] Shapes = new PictureBox[N];
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
Shapes[i] = new PictureBox();
Shapes[i].Name = "ItemNum_" + i.ToString();
Shapes[i].Location = new Point(300 + 120 * i, 250);
Shapes[i].Size = new Size(30, 1000 );
Shapes[i].BackColor = Color.Green;
Shapes[i].Visible = true;
private void bird_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
Shapes[i].Left -= 2; //So the problem is here. Shapes[i] isn't in the actual context. But I don't know to to make it global from CreatePipes
yspeed += gravity;
bird.Top += yspeed;
You have to declare PictureBox[] Shapes above CreatePipes function, in Form1 class. Then in CreatePipes func, change PictureBox[] Shapes = new PictureBox[N]; to Shapes = new PictureBox[N];

C# Keep picturebox in form1

I have a picturebox in windows form application that has the ability to move with arrowkeys. I want it to have certain limits to where it can go, specifically in the form. How do I do this? My class to move the target is below:
namespace AmazingPaintball
class Target
private Point p;
public Target(Point myPoi)
p = myPoi;
public Point Move(Keys key)
if (key == Keys.Left)
p.Offset(-50, 0);
else if (key == Keys.Right)
p.Offset(50, 0);
else if (key == Keys.Up)
p.Offset(0, -50);
else if (key == Keys.Down)
p.Offset(0, 50);
return p;
Below is the form1:
namespace AmazingPaintball
public partial class Form1 : Form
Random positionX = new Random();
Random positionY = new Random();
Target einstein;
int count = 0;
Paintballs pBalls = new Paintballs();
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
SoundPlayer wavPlayer = new SoundPlayer(#"G:\ChefBrohansPaintballFunNew\ChefBrohansPaintballFun\Resources\singlegunshot.wav");
SoundPlayer wavPlayer2 = new SoundPlayer(#"G:\ChefBrohansPaintballFunNew\ChefBrohansPaintballFun\bin\Debug\Resources\Applause.wav");
public Form1()
Point point = new Point(positionX.Next(0, 638), positionY.Next(0, 404));
einstein = new Target(point);
ptrEinstein.Location = point;
private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
ptrEinstein.Location = einstein.Move(e.KeyData);
private void pictureBox1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void ptrEinstein_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
ptrEinstein.Image = Properties.Resources.AlbertEinsteinTongue;
MessageBox.Show("It took " + count + " shots and " + stopwatch.Elapsed + " seconds to hit the target");
ptrEinstein.Image = Properties.Resources.AlbertEinsteinFace;
count = 0;
The picturebox is ptrEinstein and it is able to move in the form1_keydown event.
When you're moving the picture box, first check to make sure where you're moving it to is inside the form. E.g. check if the new X + the width of the picture box is less than the width of the form, etc.
This will be incomplete because we do not have your code, but you should compare the clientSize properties to the picturebox location (taking into account the size of the picturebox):
PictureBox pb = new PictureBox();
int newX = oldX + xOffset; // xOffset is whatever you're incrementing x by
int newY = oldY + yOffset; // yOffset is whatever you're incrementing y by
if (newX < 0) {
newX = 0;
} else if (newX > this.ClientSize.Width - pb.Width) {
newX = this.ClientSize.Width - pb.Width;
if (newY < 0) {
newY = 0;
} else if (newY > this.ClientSize.Height - pb.Height) {
newY = this.ClientSize.Height - pb.Height;
// New point to move it to
Point newP = new Point(newX, newY);

displaying line number in rich text box c#

I have a Multiline richtextbox control into which i want to integrate the feature of adding a line number. i have considered many approaches
Add a label and updating the line numbers as the line count changes
Add a picturebox along with to draw string on it.
Add another textbox along with and show line numbers on it
Add listbox along and display line numbers in it.
I got two doubts.
The richtextbox which i'm using is a custom made control and derieves from RichTextBox class. How can i add multiple controls to it.
What is the best approach to show line numbers for the multiline text in c#
My own example. All is fine, but wordwrap must be disabled :(
int maxLC = 1; //maxLineCount - should be public
private void rTB_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
int linecount = rTB.GetLineFromCharIndex( rTB.TextLength ) + 1;
if (linecount != maxLC)
for (int i = 1; i < linecount+1; i++)
tB_line.AppendText(Convert.ToString(i) + "\n");
maxLC = linecount;
where rTB is my richtextbox and tB is textBox next to rTB
J.T. jr
this code helped me thank you, needed to convert visual basic but could:
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyUp
Dim maxlc As Integer = 1
Dim linecount As Integer = TextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(TextBox1.Height) + 1
If linecount <> maxlc Then
For i = 0 To linecount - 1 Step 1
TextBox2.AppendText(Convert.ToString(i) + vbNewLine)
Next i
maxlc = linecount
End If
End Sub
public int getWidth()
int w = 25;
// get total lines of richTextBox1
int line = richTextBox1.Lines.Length;
if (line <= 99)
w = 20 + (int)richTextBox1.Font.Size;
else if (line <= 999)
w = 30 + (int)richTextBox1.Font.Size;
w = 50 + (int)richTextBox1.Font.Size;
return w;
public void AddLineNumbers()
// create & set Point pt to (0,0)
Point pt = new Point(0, 0);
// get First Index & First Line from richTextBox1
int First_Index = richTextBox1.GetCharIndexFromPosition(pt);
int First_Line = richTextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(First_Index);
// set X & Y coordinates of Point pt to ClientRectangle Width & Height respectively
pt.X = ClientRectangle.Width;
pt.Y = ClientRectangle.Height;
// get Last Index & Last Line from richTextBox1
int Last_Index = richTextBox1.GetCharIndexFromPosition(pt);
int Last_Line = richTextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(Last_Index);
// set Center alignment to LineNumberTextBox
LineNumberTextBox.SelectionAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
// set LineNumberTextBox text to null & width to getWidth() function value
LineNumberTextBox.Text = "";
LineNumberTextBox.Width = getWidth();
// now add each line number to LineNumberTextBox upto last line
for (int i = First_Line; i <= Last_Line + 2; i++)
LineNumberTextBox.Text += i + 1 + "\n";
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
LineNumberTextBox.Font = richTextBox1.Font;
private void richTextBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Point pt = richTextBox1.GetPositionFromCharIndex(richTextBox1.SelectionStart);
if (pt.X == 1)
private void richTextBox1_VScroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
LineNumberTextBox.Text = "";
private void richTextBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (richTextBox1.Text == "")
private void richTextBox1_FontChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
LineNumberTextBox.Font = richTextBox1.Font;
private void LineNumberTextBox_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
private void Form1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
WORKS 100%!!! But you need to add richTextBox2 for line numbers, if you want change it to other
form like listbox, anyway it served me well.
private void richTextBox1_keyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i <= richTextBox1.Lines.Count(); i++)
if (!(e.KeyCode == Keys.Back))
if (!richTextBox2.Text.Contains(i.ToString()))
richTextBox2.Text += i.ToString() + "\n";

