C#. Strange behavior of double - c#

Here is the code which made me post this question.
// int integer;
// int fraction;
// double arg = 110.1;
this.integer = (int)(arg);
this.fraction = (int)((arg - this.integer) * 100);
The variable integer is getting 110. That's OK.
The variable fraction is getting 9, however I am expecting 10.
What is wrong?
It seems I have discovered that the source of the problem is subtraction
arg - this.integer
Its result is 0.099999999999994316.
Now I am wondering how I should correctly subtract so that the result was 0.1.

You have this:
fraction = (int)((110.1 - 110) * 100);
The inner part ((110.1 - 110) * 100), will be 9.999999
When you cast it to int, it will be round off to 9
This is because of "floating point" (see here) limitations:
Computers always need some way of representing data, and ultimately
those representations will always boil down to binary (0s and 1s).
Integers are easy to represent, but non-integers are a bit more
tricky. Consider the following var:
double x = 0.1d;
The variable x will actually store the closest available double to
that value. When you understand this, it becomes obvious why some
calculations seem to be "wrong".
If you were asked to add a third to a third, but could only use 3
decimal places, you'd get the "wrong" answer: the closest you could
get to a third is 0.333, and adding two of those together gives 0.666,
rather than 0.667 (which is closer to the exact value of two thirds).
In financial applications or where the numbers are so important to be exact, you can use decimal data type:
(int)((110.1m - 110) * 100) //will be 10 (m is decimal symbol)
decimal arg = 110.1m;
int integer = (int)(arg); //110
decimal fraction = (int)((arg - integer) * 100); //will be 10

It is because you are using double, precision gets rounded, if you want it to be 10 use decimal type:
check the following:
int integer;
int fraction;
decimal arg = 110.1M;
integer = (int)(arg);
decimal diff = arg - integer;
decimal multiply = diff * 100;
fraction = (int)multiply;//output will be 10 as you expect


C# Mathemathics

I wanted to ask a question about a calculation I had today in C#.
double expenses = (pricePen + priceMark + priceLitres) - discount / 100*(pricePen + priceMark + priceLitres); //Incorrect
double expenses = (pricePen + priceMark + priceLitres) - (pricePen + priceMark + priceLitres)* discount/100; //Correct
So as you can see at the end of the equation I had to multiply the brackets by the integer named "discount", which is obviously a discount percentage.
When I change the places of that value whether it would be in front of the brackets or behind the brackets the answer will always be different, but in Maths I even checked myself that I should get the same answer even if the value is placed in front of the brackets to multiply or placed behind the brackets to multiply again, but C# doesn't think so.
I wanted to ask people, how does C# actually calculate this and why am I getting different results at the end? (Result should be 28.5, not 38)
[Data: pricePen = 11.6; priceMark = 21.6; priceLitres = 4.8; discount = 25;]
(I know that the question is irrelevant.)
In first line after dividing by 100 the result is in an integer. For that the rest of division get lost. So the multiplication has a lower result.
In second line the multiplication has the correct result and the rest of devision is lower than one.
So I know its already answered but if you want to learn more about divisions with int
here it is:
for example:
float value = 3/4 you would expect it to be 0.75 but that's not the case.
Because when the Compiler goes through the values 3 and 4 he makes des Literal of the highest data type - in this case (int)-.
That means the result of this division will be "0".75 because int has no floating numbers and just cuts it off. Then the program just takes that value and puts it in the float value ...
so the result will be
"3/4" 0 ->"float value" 0.0 = 0.0
Some guys before me already told you the solution to that problem like making one divisor to float with .0
float value = 3.0/4
or you can tell the Compiler to store the value in a float Literal with the (float) "command"
float value = (float) 3/4
I hope it helped you explain why you did that :)
To avoid these problems makes sure you are doing math with floating point types, and not int types. In your case discount is an int and thus
x * (discount / 100) = x * <integer>
Best to define a function to do the calculation which forces the type
double DiscountedPrice(double price, double discount)
return price - (discount/100) * price;
and then call it as
var x = DiscountedPrice( pricePen + priceMark + priceLitres, 15);
In the above scenario, the compiler will force the integer 15 to be converted into an double as a widening conversion (double has more digits than integer).

Divide by 0 error C# [duplicate]

This simple calculation is returning zero, I can't figure it out:
decimal share = (18 / 58) * 100;
You are working with integers here. Try using decimals for all the numbers in your calculation.
decimal share = (18m / 58m) * 100m;
18 / 58 is an integer division, which results in 0.
If you want decimal division, you need to use decimal literals:
decimal share = (18m / 58m) * 100m;
Since some people are linking to this from pretty much any thread where the calculation result is a 0, I am adding this as a solution as not all the other answers apply to case scenarios.
The concept of needing to do calculations on various types in order to obtain that type as a result applies, however above only shows 'decimal' and uses it's short form such as 18m as one of the variables to be calculated.
// declare and define initial variables.
int x = 0;
int y = 100;
// set the value of 'x'
x = 44;
// Results in 0 as the whole number 44 over the whole number 100 is a
// fraction less than 1, and thus is 0.
Console.WriteLine( (x / y).ToString() );
// Results in 0 as the whole number 44 over the whole number 100 is a
// fraction less than 1, and thus is 0. The conversion to double happens
// after the calculation has been completed, so technically this results
// in 0.0
Console.WriteLine( ((double)(x / y)).ToString() );
// Results in 0.44 as the variables are cast prior to calculating
// into double which allows for fractions less than 1.
Console.WriteLine( ((double)x / (double)y).ToString() );
Because the numbers are integers and you perform integer division.
18 / 58 is 0 in integer division.
Whenever I encounter such situations, I just upcast the numerator.
double x = 12.0 / 23409;
decimal y = 12m / 24309;
Console.WriteLine($"x = {x} y = {y}");
double res= (firstIntVar * 100f / secondIntVar) / 100f;
when dividing numbers I use double or decimal , else I am getting 0 , with this code even if firstIntVar && secondIntVar are int it will return the expected answer
decimal share = (18 * 100)/58;
Solved: working perfectly with me
int a = 375;
int b = 699;
decimal ab = (decimal)a / b * 100;

how to leave decimal places to 1 without rounding

I need to convert my value 2.8634 to 2.8. I tried the following ,
var no = Math.Round(2.8634,2,MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
I'm getting 2.87.
Suggest me some ideas how to convert.
This might do the trick for you
decimal dsd = 2.8634m;
var no = Math.Truncate(dsd * 10) / 10;
Math.Truncate calculates the integral part of a specified decimal number. The number is rounded to the nearest integer towards zero.
You can also have a look on the difference between Math.Floor, Math.Ceiling, Math.Truncate, Math.Round with an amazing explanation.
Use this one.Hope this will work for you.
var no = Math.Round(2.8634,1,MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)
It's a tad more cryptic (but more efficient) than calling a Math method, but you can simply multiply the value by 10, cast to an integer (which effectively truncates the decimal portion), and then divide by 10.0 (or 10d/10f, all just to ensure we don't get integer division) to get back the value you are after. I.e.:
float val = 2.8634;
val = ((int)(val * 10)) / 10.0;

High(ish) presision math on decimal

The Question:
I am using Visual C# Express 2010. I am trying to divide three integers, however, the result is always 0.
My Code:
//earlier in the code:
int totalKeywords = 3;
//the problem code:
decimal onePercent = 100 / totalKeywords / 100; //100% divided by the number of keywords divided by 100 to make one percent
//result: 0
//what I want: 0.33 or more acurate
What I've tried:
I've changed the value of totalKeywords
I've tried onePercent as a double, int, float, ect.
It could be that the built-in math doesn't work for some reason (WHY??)
It could be that decimal / int / float, etc. don't hold decimals (I don't think so)
My Efforts:
Stack Overflow
C# high precision calculations
C# High double precision
Let's break it down:
decimal onePercent = 100 / totalKeywords / 100;
First, divide the integer literal 100 by the integer variable totalKeywords (value is 3). Result: integer 33.
Next, divide the result 33 by the integer literal 100. Result: integer 0.
The right-hand expression has type int, value 0. Convert that implicitly to the decmal 0m, so you can then assign that to the decimal variable onePercent.
Result: 0m.
To fix, as others have noticed, make the leftmost constant (if not all of them, for clarity) into a decimal. This will do, as the ints will implicitly convert to decimal:
decimal onePercent = 100m / totalKeywords / 100;
This is totally unambiguous, if a little over the top:
decimal onePercent = 100m / (decimal)totalKeywords / 100m;
try 100m / totalKeywords / 100
you have to define one of your numbers (at least) as decimal.
100 is an int
100m is a decimal
If you want a numeric real literal to be treated as decimal, use the suffix m or M, for example:
decimal myMoney = 300.5m;
on right side after calculation you will get only integer, then it will be assigned to decimal, so it gives you 0.

Division returns zero

This simple calculation is returning zero, I can't figure it out:
decimal share = (18 / 58) * 100;
You are working with integers here. Try using decimals for all the numbers in your calculation.
decimal share = (18m / 58m) * 100m;
18 / 58 is an integer division, which results in 0.
If you want decimal division, you need to use decimal literals:
decimal share = (18m / 58m) * 100m;
Since some people are linking to this from pretty much any thread where the calculation result is a 0, I am adding this as a solution as not all the other answers apply to case scenarios.
The concept of needing to do calculations on various types in order to obtain that type as a result applies, however above only shows 'decimal' and uses it's short form such as 18m as one of the variables to be calculated.
// declare and define initial variables.
int x = 0;
int y = 100;
// set the value of 'x'
x = 44;
// Results in 0 as the whole number 44 over the whole number 100 is a
// fraction less than 1, and thus is 0.
Console.WriteLine( (x / y).ToString() );
// Results in 0 as the whole number 44 over the whole number 100 is a
// fraction less than 1, and thus is 0. The conversion to double happens
// after the calculation has been completed, so technically this results
// in 0.0
Console.WriteLine( ((double)(x / y)).ToString() );
// Results in 0.44 as the variables are cast prior to calculating
// into double which allows for fractions less than 1.
Console.WriteLine( ((double)x / (double)y).ToString() );
Because the numbers are integers and you perform integer division.
18 / 58 is 0 in integer division.
Whenever I encounter such situations, I just upcast the numerator.
double x = 12.0 / 23409;
decimal y = 12m / 24309;
Console.WriteLine($"x = {x} y = {y}");
double res= (firstIntVar * 100f / secondIntVar) / 100f;
when dividing numbers I use double or decimal , else I am getting 0 , with this code even if firstIntVar && secondIntVar are int it will return the expected answer
decimal share = (18 * 100)/58;
Solved: working perfectly with me
int a = 375;
int b = 699;
decimal ab = (decimal)a / b * 100;

