I'm trying to use Microsoft Bond to serialize nested objects. But Bond throws internal errors (such KeyNotFoundException).
My classes:
interface IFoo
class Foo1 : IFoo
public string Foo1Field { get; set; }
class Bar
public IFoo SomeFooInstance { get; set; }
Then I create an instance and serialize:
var src = new Bar() { SomeFooInstance = new Foo1() { Foo1Field = "Str" }};
var output = new OutputBuffer();
var writer = new CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(output);
Serialize.To(writer, src);
var input = new InputBuffer(output.Data);
var reader = new CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>(input);
var dst = Deserialize<Bar>.From(reader);
But I'm getting exceptions (such KeyNotFoundException) at Serialize.To(writer, src);.
I also tried to add [Bond.Schema] to IFoo, but then the Deserialize<Bar>.From(reader); fails...
How can I serialize Bar class that contains some Foo class with Bond without getting exceptions like that?
If you want to use interfaces with behavioral differences (and not structural differences), the trick is to provide the deserializer with a factory so that it knows how to create a concrete instance of IFoo when it needs to. Notice that the implementations do not have the the [Bond.Schema] attribute, as they both implement the IFoo schema.
namespace NS
using System;
using Bond.IO.Unsafe;
using Bond.Protocols;
internal static class Program
interface IFoo
string FooField { get; set; }
class Bar
public IFoo SomeFooInstance { get; set; }
class AlwaysUppercaseFoo : IFoo
private string fooField;
public string FooField
return fooField;
fooField = value.ToUpperInvariant();
class IdentityFoo : IFoo
public string FooField { get; set; }
public static Expression NewAlwaysUppercaseFoo(Type type, Type schemaType, params Expression[] arguments)
if (schemaType == typeof(IFoo))
return Expression.New(typeof(AlwaysUppercaseFoo));
// tell Bond we don't handle the requested type, so it should use it's default behavior
return null;
public static Expression NewIdentityFoo(Type type, Type schemaType, params Expression[] arguments)
if (schemaType == typeof(IFoo))
return Expression.New(typeof(IdentityFoo));
// tell Bond we don't handle the requested type, so it should use it's default behavior
return null;
public static void Main(string[] args)
var src = new Bar() { SomeFooInstance = new IdentityFoo() { FooField = "Str" } };
var output = new OutputBuffer();
var writer = new CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(output);
Bond.Serialize.To(writer, src);
var input = new InputBuffer(output.Data);
var deserializer = new Bond.Deserializer<CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>>(typeof(Bar), NewAlwaysUppercaseFoo);
var reader = new CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>(input);
var dst = deserializer.Deserialize<Bar>(reader);
Debug.Assert(dst.SomeFooInstance.FooField == "STR");
var input = new InputBuffer(output.Data);
var deserializer = new Bond.Deserializer<CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>>(typeof(Bar), NewIdentityFoo);
var reader = new CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>(input);
var dst = deserializer.Deserialize<Bar>(reader);
Debug.Assert(dst.SomeFooInstance.FooField == "Str");
If you need both behavioral and structural differences, then you'll need to pair this with polymorphism and a bonded<IFoo> field so that you can delay deserialization until you have enough type information to select the proper implementation. (Polymorphism is explicit and opt-in in Bond.)
I'd show an example of this, but while writing up this answer on 2018-02-21, I found a bug in the handling of classes with [Bond.Schema] that implement interfaces with [Bond.Schema]: the fields from the interface are omitted.
For now, the workaround would be to use inheritance with classes and use virtual properties. For example:
namespace NS
using System;
using Bond.IO.Unsafe;
using Bond.Protocols;
internal static class Program
enum FooKind
Unknown = 0,
AlwaysUppercase = 1,
Identity = 2,
// intentionally a class to work around https://github.com/Microsoft/bond/issues/801 but simulate an interface somewhat
class IFoo
public virtual string FooField { get; set; }
class Bar
public Bond.IBonded<IFoo> SomeFooInstance { get; set; }
public FooKind Kind { get; set; }
class AlwaysUppercaseFoo : IFoo
private string fooField;
public override string FooField
return fooField;
fooField = value.ToUpperInvariant();
public string JustAlwaysUppercaseFooField { get; set; }
class IdentityFoo : IFoo
public string JustIdentityFooField { get; set; }
static void RoundTripAndPrint(Bar src)
var output = new OutputBuffer();
var writer = new CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(output);
Bond.Serialize.To(writer, src);
var input = new InputBuffer(output.Data);
var reader = new CompactBinaryReader<InputBuffer>(input);
var dst = Bond.Deserialize<Bar>.From(reader);
switch (dst.Kind)
case FooKind.Identity:
var fooId = dst.SomeFooInstance.Deserialize<IdentityFoo>();
Console.WriteLine($"IdFoo: \"{fooId.FooField}\", \"{fooId.JustIdentityFooField}\"");
case FooKind.AlwaysUppercase:
var fooUc = dst.SomeFooInstance.Deserialize<AlwaysUppercaseFoo>();
Console.WriteLine($"UcFoo: \"{fooUc.FooField}\", \"{fooUc.JustAlwaysUppercaseFooField}\"");
Console.WriteLine($"Unknown Kind: {dst.Kind}");
public static void Main(string[] args)
var o = new OutputBuffer();
var w = new CompactBinaryWriter<OutputBuffer>(o);
Bond.Serialize.To(w, new IdentityFoo() { FooField = "Str", JustIdentityFooField = "id" });
var src_id = new Bar()
SomeFooInstance = new Bond.Bonded<IdentityFoo>(new IdentityFoo() { FooField = "Str", JustIdentityFooField = "id" }),
Kind = FooKind.Identity
var src_uc = new Bar()
SomeFooInstance = new Bond.Bonded<AlwaysUppercaseFoo>(new AlwaysUppercaseFoo() { FooField = "Str", JustAlwaysUppercaseFooField = "I LIKE TO YELL!" }),
Kind = FooKind.AlwaysUppercase
This prints:
IdFoo: "Str", "id"
here is my code:
class Program1
private static void Main(string[] args)
//MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
//GetIdRequest getIdRequest = new GetIdRequest();
//GetIdReponse getIdReponse= myClass.DoRequest(getIdRequest);
//Console.WriteLine($"getIdReponse.Msg:" + getIdReponse.Msg + ",getIdReponse.Data:" + getIdReponse.Data);
Type myClassType = typeof(MyClass);
Object myClassTypeInstance = System.Activator.CreateInstance(myClassType);
Type unboundGenericType = typeof(MyRequest<>);
Type boundGenericType = unboundGenericType.MakeGenericType(typeof(GetIdRequest));
Type getIdRequestType = typeof(GetIdRequest);
Object getIdRequest = System.Activator.CreateInstance(getIdRequestType);
MethodInfo methodInfo = myClassType.GetMethod("DoRequest", BindingFlags.Public| BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[] { boundGenericType }, null);
object res = methodInfo.Invoke(myClassTypeInstance, new object[] { getIdRequest });
public class MyClass
public T DoRequest<T>(MyRequest<T> obj) where T : MyReponse
T res = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
return res;
public class GetIdRequest: MyRequest<GetIdReponse>
public class GetIdReponse: MyReponse
public string Data { set; get; } = "data";
public interface MyRequest<T> where T: MyReponse
public class MyReponse
public string Msg { set; get; } = "res";
i want to Invoke a generic method with generic arguments defined in a generic class by runtime
but i get the Exception
"System.ArgumentException :““ TestPlatformApi.MyRequest `Genericarguments [0] on 1 [t] "“ TestPlatformApi.GetIdRequest ”Violation of constraint on type't'"
As Charlieface commented, you should remove contraint on MyRequest.
From your code, I could not get your design enough. So, I just show some code under suppose.
public class MyClass<T> where T : MsgConstraint
private IList<T> middlewares = new List<T>();
public void Register(T m)
public T DoRequest(Type type)
return middlewares.Where(st => st.GetType() == type).FirstOrDefault();
public interface MsgConstraint
public string Msg { set; get; }
public class HttpMsg : MsgConstraint
public string Msg { get; set; } = "HTTPMSG";
public class RpcMsg : MsgConstraint
public string Msg { get; set; } = "RPCMSG";
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass<MsgConstraint> myClass = new MyClass<MsgConstraint>();
myClass.Register(new HttpMsg());
myClass.Register(new RpcMsg());
MsgConstraint http = myClass.DoRequest(typeof(HttpMsg));
MsgConstraint rpc = myClass.DoRequest(typeof(RpcMsg));
Some strong typed classes:
public class A
public C Process(B b)
return new C()
Output = b.Property + " bar!"
public class B
public string Property {get;set;}
public class C
public string Output {get;set;}
Input as JSON string:
string input = "{\"Property\":\"foo\"}";
And what I want is if I have instance of A as object, I want to invoke this JSON and retrieve object output:
object instanceOfA = new A();
object result = instanceOfA.GetType().GetMethod("Process").Invoke(instanceOfA, new []{ /*json here?*/});
So, it is basically similar to some JavaScript call on some plain argument.
What about changing the method signature for the 'Process' method to take a string as input instead and attempting to de-serialize the input to the type you want? So something like this:
string input = "{\"Property\":\"foo\"}";
object instanceOfA = new A();
object result = instanceOfA.GetType().GetMethod("Process").Invoke(instanceOfA, new object[]{ input });
public class A
public C Process(string input)
var b = (B) JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(input, typeof(B));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(b.Property))
return new C()
Output = b.Property + " bar!"
return null;
public class B
public string Property { get; set; }
public class C
public string Output { get; set; }
Problem was simply solved with Newtonsoft.Json features:
public class JsonInvoker
private readonly MethodInfo _methodInfo;
private readonly Type _paramType;
private readonly JsonSerializerSettings _settings;
public JsonInvoker(Type instanceType, string methodName)
_methodInfo = instanceType.GetMethod(methodName);
_paramType = _methodInfo.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType;
_settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
ContractResolver = new RequireObjectPropertiesContractResolver(),
MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error
public object Invoke(object instance, string json)
var input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json, _paramType, _settings);
var output = _methodInfo.Invoke(instance, new[] { input });
return output;
private class RequireObjectPropertiesContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override JsonObjectContract CreateObjectContract(Type objectType)
var contract = base.CreateObjectContract(objectType);
contract.ItemRequired = Required.AllowNull;
return contract;
Now I can invoke my method:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
object plugin = new A();
string json = "{\"Property\":\"foo\"}";
var invoker = new JsonInvoker(plugin.GetType(), "Process");
//here I call invoker with simple string.
var output = invoker.Invoke(plugin, json);
public class A
public C Process(B input)
return new C
Property = input.Property + " bar"
public class C
public string Property { get; set; }
public class B
public string Property { get; set; }
Can someone suggest an alternative way to solve this problem, I don't want to use SWITCH statement in my code.
Class Definition:
public class Rootobject
public Must[] must { get; set; }
public Should[] should { get; set; }
public class Should
public Match match { get; set; }
public Bool _bool { get; set; }
public class Must
public Match match { get; set; }
public Bool _bool { get; set; }
public class Match
public string pname { get; set; }
public class Bool
public string rname { get; set; }
Function Definition
public root getobject(string op)
Rootobject root = new Rootobject();
op ="must";
switch (op)
case "should":
root.should = new Should[1];
Should objShould = new Should();
objShould.match = new Match();
objShould.match.pname = "hello";
root.should[0] = objShould;
case "must":
root.must = new Must[1];
Must objMust = new Must();
objMust.match = new Match();
objMust.match.pname = "hello";
root.must[0] = objMust;
Switch statement is an overhead an new type comes then i may need to add another condition. Can anyone suggest an alternative way of using switch statement.
Based on the comments under your question, I discovered it is possible to implement what #Jon Skeet stated.
You can add an Initialize Method in your RootObject class to create the dictionary (Use a ref Dictionary so to avoid setting the dictionary in your RootObject class that could change the structure of your serialization):
public void Initialize(ref Dictionary<string, Func<Rootobject>> rootDic)
Func<Rootobject> shouldFunc = () =>
Rootobject root = new Rootobject();
root.should = new Should[1];
Should objShould = new Should();
objShould.match = new Match();
objShould.match.pname = "hello";
root.should[0] = objShould;
return root;
Func<Rootobject> mustFunc = () =>
Rootobject root = new Rootobject();
root.must = new Must[1];
Must objMust = new Must();
objMust.match = new Match();
objMust.match.pname = "hello";
root.must[0] = objMust;
return root;
rootDic.Add("should", shouldFunc);
rootDic.Add("must", mustFunc);
And then call it in your getobject method like so:
public static Rootobject getobject(string op)
Dictionary<string, Func<Rootobject>> rootDic = new Dictionary<string,Func<Rootobject>>();
Rootobject root = new Rootobject();
root.Initialize(ref rootDic);
if(rootDic.Count > 0)
return rootDic[op].Invoke();
return new Rootobject();
You still going to get the same result as the solution in your question even after serializing it.
I have a set of classes as follows: a Command, which Executes and stores a Result;
a Response, which is created as in order to return the Result in a serialized form (plus extra metadata which I've left out). The Response.Result must be of type object, as it is used for a bunch of different commands, each of which can have a Result of any type at all.
The Command is generic, and I'd like it to accept an interface rather than concrete type, but when I do, the serialized response contains the following type hint: "__type":"ResultOfanyType:#serialization"
rather than the following, which is generated when the command accepts a concrete type:
I need the type hint to contain the concrete type rather than ResultOfanyType. Why are interfaces being treated differently in this context? Notice that when the Type is a direct property of the serialized Command, then the concrete type is contained in the type hint
I've tried changing the the Result's Response property typed to Result, but that has no effect.
Here is the code. Simply uncomment/comment the lines in Main where the command is created and known types listed for the alternative version.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
namespace serialization
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Response response = new Response();
response.ResponseStatus = "ok";
ConcreteCommand command = new ConcreteCommand(); //switch with line below to test inteface
//InterfaceCommand command = new InterfaceCommand();
response.Results = command.Results;
List<Type> knownTypes = new List<Type>
typeof(Result<MyObject>), //switch with Interface lines below to test inteface
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(response.GetType(), knownTypes, int.MaxValue, false, null, true);
Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
serializer.WriteObject(stream, response);
stream.Position = 0;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
string output = reader.ReadToEnd();
public interface IMyObject
string name { get; set; }
public class MyObject : IMyObject
public string name { get; set; }
public class Result<T>
public string Status { get; set; }
public T Item { get; set; }
public abstract class BaseCommand<T>
protected Result<T> results = new Result<T>();
protected T resultObject;
public object Results
get { return this.results; }
public T ResultObject
get { return this.resultObject; }
public abstract void Execute();
public class InterfaceCommand : BaseCommand<IMyObject>
public override void Execute()
IMyObject myobject = new MyObject();
myobject.name = "my object";
Result<IMyObject> result = new Result<IMyObject>();
result.Item = myobject;
result.Status = "ok";
this.results= result;
this.resultObject = myobject;
public class ConcreteCommand : BaseCommand<MyObject>
public override void Execute()
MyObject myobject = new MyObject();
myobject.name = "my object";
Result<MyObject> result = new Result<MyObject>();
result.Item = myobject;
result.Status = "ok";
this.results = result;
this.resultObject = myobject;
public class Response
public string ResponseStatus { get; set; }
public object Results { get; set; }
Let's start with this question and that might explain everything.
I need the type hint to contain the concrete type rather than ResultOfanyType. Why are interfaces being treated differently in this context?
An interface is basically just a contract for what a class implementing it should contain and multiple classes could implement its members. For example.
public interface IPerson
int Id { get; set; }
string FirstName { get; set; }
string LastName { get; set; }
public class Person : IPerson
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
public class Contact : IPerson
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Company { get; set; }
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
So when you call an IPerson what are you expecting back? A Person or a Contact? Each has an id and the basic components of a name, but each also has unique properties that IPerson doesn't even know exist. This is why when you try to get an interface to resolve to a concrete class, you're not going to get anywhere without some sort of factory class to figure out what you want. So in this case, if I wanted to resolve an IPerson, I'd add the following line of code...
var objectType = iPersonObject.GetType();
In your case, you'd want to try calling GetType() on result.Item. This tells .NET to look at the actual type of the object implementing the interface and return it.
How about this...
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Response response = new Response();
response.ResponseStatus = "ok";
//ConcreteCommand command = new ConcreteCommand(); //switch with line below to test inteface
InterfaceCommand command = new InterfaceCommand();
response.Results = command.Results;
List<Type> knownTypes = new List<Type>
typeof(Result<MyObject>) //switch with line below to test inteface
DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(response.GetType(), knownTypes, int.MaxValue, false, null, true);
Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
serializer.WriteObject(stream, response);
stream.Position = 0;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
string output = reader.ReadToEnd();
public interface IMyObject
string name { get; set; }
public class MyObject : IMyObject
public string name { get; set; }
public class Result<T>
public string Status { get; set; }
public T Item { get; set; }
public abstract class BaseCommand
protected Result<IMyObject> results = new Result<IMyObject>();
public Result<IMyObject> Results
get { return this.results; }
public abstract void Execute();
public class InterfaceCommand : BaseCommand
public override void Execute()
IMyObject myobject = new MyObject();
myobject.name = "my object";
Result<IMyObject> result = new Result<IMyObject>();
result.Item = myobject;
result.Status = "ok";
this.results= result;
public class ConcreteCommand : BaseCommand
public override void Execute()
MyObject myobject = new MyObject();
myobject.name = "my object";
Result<IMyObject> result = new Result<IMyObject>();
result.Item = myobject;
result.Status = "ok";
this.results = result;
public class Response
public string ResponseStatus { get; set; }
public Result<IMyObject> Results { get; set; }
plication2","name":"my object"},"Status":"ok"}}
If you're trying to make some sort of generic contract, you're going to have to have some sort of common base class/interface. It won't work with object but you can go ala COM and make your own IUnknown interface from which to create as many subclasses as you like, as long as they are included within your known types.
So I'm trying to XML serialize a List<IObject> derrived from an interface, but the IObjects are generic types... best resort to code:
public interface IOSCMethod
string Name { get; }
object Value { get; set; }
Type Type { get; }
public class OSCMethod<T> : IOSCMethod
public string Name { get; set; }
public T Value { get; set; }
public Type Type { get { return _type; } }
protected string _name;
protected Type _type;
public OSCMethod() { }
// Explicit implementation of IFormField.Value
object IOSCMethod.Value
get { return this.Value; }
set { this.Value = (T)value; }
And I have a List of IOSCMethods:
of which I add objects to in the following way:
List<IOSCMethod> methodList = new List<IOSCMethod>();
methodList.Add(new OSCMethod<float>() { Name = "/1/button1", Value = 0 });
methodList.Add(new OSCMethod<float[]>() { Name = "/1/array1", Value = new float[10] });
And it's this methodList which is what I'm trying to serialize. But everytime I try, either I get a "Can't serialize an interface" but when I make it (either the IOSCMethod or the OSCMethod<T> class) implement IXmlSerializable I get the problem of "can't serialize an object with a parameterless constructor. but obviously I can't because it's an interface! lame pants.
Any thoughts?
Is this what you want:
public class SerializeOscTest
public void SerializeEmpTest()
var oscMethods = new List<OscMethod>
new OscMethod<float> {Value = 0f},
new OscMethod<float[]> {Value = new float[] {10,0}}
string xmlString = oscMethods.GetXmlString();
public class OscMethod<T> : OscMethod
public T Value { get; set; }
public abstract class OscMethod
public static class Extenstion
public static string GetXmlString<T>(this T objectToSerialize)
XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(objectToSerialize.GetType());
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
string xml;
using (var xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(stringBuilder)))
xmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlTextWriter, objectToSerialize);
xml = stringBuilder.ToString();
return xml;