We use C# version 4.6.4 of ANTLR to parse code snippets used in our tools. The grammar is similar to IEC61131, the Pascal-like PLC language. When someone enters a snippet and forgets the semicolon ending the last line, this line is just ignored by the parser. What can I do to get some feedback on this? I need to at least give an error message to the user.
I already have an error handler:
class ErrorListener : IAntlrErrorListener<IToken>
public void SyntaxError(IRecognizer recognizer, IToken offendingSymbol, int line, int charPositionInLine, string msg, RecognitionException e)
_errorLine = offendingSymbol.Line;
_errorColumn = offendingSymbol.Column + 1;
_errorText = "Error on line " + _errorLine + ", column " + _errorColumn;
My lexer and parser functions are:
public CommonTokenStream Lex(string stLike)
AntlrInputStream input = new AntlrInputStream(stLike);
IEC61131Lexer lexer = new IEC61131Lexer(input);
CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
return tokenStream;
public IParseTree Parse(CommonTokenStream tokenStream)
IEC61131Parser parser = new IEC61131Parser(tokenStream);
ErrorListener listener = new ErrorListener();
return parser.iec_source();
They are called like this:
CommonTokenStream tokenStream = Lex(stLike);
IParseTree tree = Parse(tokenStream);
// If parsing went OK, _errorText will be empty
if (_errorText == "")
// Walk the tree to create code
IEC61131PlcVisitor visitor = new IEC61131PlcVisitor(theClass, tokenStream, target);
visitor.Indent = indent;
result = visitor.Visit(tree);
result = "<" + _errorText + ">";
When I parse a code snippet with a missing semicolon at the end, the lexer generates tokens for it, but the parser stops at the last semicolon.
Add EOF token at the end of iec_source rule.
That way the parser will know it has to reach end of input and will emit an error if it does not find end of file after the last recognized statement.
Super new to C#. I'm having an input get split and then find an ID from the pointsTarget var.
When the file DOES exist, it seems that the line
else if (File.Exists(filePath+userId+txt))
returns true;
because it runs just fine and sets the argument "addPointsCompleted" to TRUE. It works just how I would expect. But when the file does NOT exist, I want it to return false and run the last else statement:
CPH.SetArgument("missing", "True");
and set "missing" to TRUE.
I feel like there is something wrong with the way I put in the if/else if/else statement because I get an error :
"System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'E:\Users\Troy\Documents\Stuff\PointNames\Test.txt'.
using System;
using System.IO;
public class CPHInline
public bool Execute()
string rawInput = args["rawInput"].ToString();
string[] split= rawInput.Split('+');
var pointsTarget = split[0].ToString();
var addPoints = split[1].ToString();
CPH.LogInfo($"pointsTarget is {pointsTarget}");
CPH.LogInfo($"addPoints is {addPoints}");
var user = args["user"].ToString();
CPH.SetArgument("pointsTarget", pointsTarget);
string userPath = #"E:/Users/Troy/Documents/Stuff/PointNames/";
string filePath = #"E:/Users/Troy/Documents/Stuff/PointIDs/";
string txt = ".txt";
var userId = File.ReadAllText(userPath+pointsTarget+txt);
CPH.LogInfo($"userId is {userId}");
if (user == pointsTarget)
CPH.SetArgument("corrupt", "True");
else if (File.Exists(filePath+userId+txt))
string fileName = filePath+userId+txt;
string points = File.ReadAllText(fileName);
int x = Convert.ToInt32(points);
int y = Convert.ToInt32(addPoints);
int sum = x + y;
String newPoints;
newPoints = sum.ToString();
File.WriteAllText(fileName, newPoints);
CPH.SetArgument("newPoints", newPoints);
CPH.SetArgument("addPointsCompleted", "True");
//do this
CPH.SetArgument("missing", "True");
return true;
I tried looking around, but all the issues are from people where the file DOES exist and they can't find it. My problem is kind of the opposite.
I feel like there is something wrong with the way I put in the if/else if/else statement because I get an error "System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'E:\Users\Troy\Documents\Stuff\PointNames\Test.txt'.
This is a good opportunity for you to start familiarizing yourself with using a debugger to step through the code and observe its behavior. Because the problem has nothing to do with your if structure. It's happening before your if block. Right here:
var userId = File.ReadAllText(userPath+pointsTarget+txt);
Look at the error message. It's trying to read a file in the "PointNames" folder. Which is in your userPath variable:
string userPath = #"E:/Users/Troy/Documents/Stuff/PointNames/";
Which is only ever used in that one line of code that tries to read a file. And File.ReadAllText will throw a FileNotFoundException if the file is not found.
It seems you're already aware of how to check if a file exists. So why not apply that here? For example:
var userId = string.Empty;
if (File.Exists(userPath+pointsTarget+txt))
userId = File.ReadAllText(userPath+pointsTarget+txt);
// handle the error in some way
I’m in a situation that, using ANTLR, I’m trying to parse input files that contains references to other files inside them, just like #include "[insert file name]" of C language.
One suggested approach is:
Parse the root file, saving said references as nodes (so, specific Grammar rules)
Visit the tree searching for "reference" nodes
for each reference node, parse the file referenced and substitute the node with the newly generated tree
repeat this process recursively, to handle multiple levels of inclusions
The problem with this solution is that the referenced files might be completely partial (see includes inside the body of a C function). In order to parse such files, I would have to implement a different parser to handle the fragmented grammar.
Is there any valid/suggested approach to (literally) inject the new file inside the ongoing parsing process?
One solution to this problem can be achieved by overriding Scanner's behavior and specifically, the NextToken() method.
This is necassary since the EOF token cannot be handled by the ANTLR lexer grammar ( to my best knowledge ) and any actions
attached to the lexer rule recognizing the EOF are simply ignored (as shown in the code bellow). Thus, it is necessary to
implement this behaviour directly into the scanner method.
So assume we have a parser grammar
parser grammar INCParserGrammar;
#parser::members {
public static Stack<ICharStream> m_nestedfiles = new Stack<ICharStream>();
options { tokenVocab = INCLexerGrammar; }
* Parser Rules
: (include_directives | ANY )+ ENDOFFILE
include_directives : INCLUDEPREFIX FILE DQUOTE
A static public Stack<ICharStream> (i.e. mySpecialFileStack) should be introduced inside grammar's members. This stack will be used to store the Character Steams associated with the files that take part in the parsing. The Character Streams are push to
this stack as new files are encountered with the include statements
and a lexer grammar
lexer grammar INCLexerGrammar;
#lexer::header {
using System;
using System.IO;
#lexer::members {
string file;
ICharStream current;
* Lexer Rules
INCLUDEPREFIX : '#include'[ \t]+'"' {
// The following ruls has always less length matched string that the the rule above
ANY : ~[#]+ ;
ENDOFFILE : EOF { // Any actions in the this rule are ignored by the ANTLR lexer };
FILE : [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'.'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ { file= Text;
StreamReader s = new StreamReader(file);
current =new AntlrInputStream(s);
DQUOTE: '"' {
this._input = current;
Mode(INCLexerGrammar.DefaultMode); };
The overriden body of NextToken() method will be placed in the .g4.cs file which purpose is to extend
the generated scanner class given that the generated scanner class is decorated with the "partial" keyword
After the partial Scanner Class associated to the given grammar is generated navigate to the source code of the
ANTLR4 Lexer Class as given in the ANTLR Runtime and Copy ALL the original code to this new method and,
in the middle do-while block (right after the try-catch block) add the following code:
if (this._input.La(1) == -1)
if ( mySpecialFileStack.Count == 0 )
this._hitEOF = true;
this._input = mySpecialFileStack.Pop();
The full body of the NextToken() method override is
public override IToken NextToken() {
int marker = this._input != null ? this._input.Mark() : throw new InvalidOperationException("nextToken requires a non-null input stream.");
try {
while (!this._hitEOF) {
this._token = (IToken)null;
this._channel = 0;
this._tokenStartCharIndex = this._input.Index;
this._tokenStartCharPositionInLine = this.Interpreter.Column;
this._tokenStartLine = this.Interpreter.Line;
this._text = (string)null;
do {
this._type = 0;
int num;
try {
num = this.Interpreter.Match(this._input, this._mode);
} catch (LexerNoViableAltException ex) {
num = -3;
if (this._input.La(1) == -1) {
if (INCParserGrammar.m_nestedfiles.Count == 0 ) {
this._hitEOF = true;
this._input = INCParserGrammar.m_nestedfiles.Pop();
if (this._type == 0)
this._type = num;
if (this._type == -3)
goto label_3;
while (this._type == -2);
if (this._token == null)
return this._token;
return this._token;
} finally {
Now, when you recognize a file inside your code that should be parsed, simply add the following action
: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'.'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ {
StreamReader s = new StreamReader(Text);
_input = new AntlrInputStream(s);
DQUOTE: '"' { this._input = current;
Mode(INCLexerGrammar.DefaultMode); };
// Be careful when your file inclusion is enclosed inside quotes or other symbols, or if
// the filename-to-be-included is not the last token that defines an inclusion: `_input`
// should only be switched AFTER the inclusion detection is completely found (i.e. after
// the closing quote has been recognized).
Finally the main program is given below where it is apparent that the root file is added first in the ICharStream stack
static void Main(string[] args) {
var a = new StreamReader("./root.txt");
var antlrInput = new AntlrInputStream(a);
var lexer = new INCLexerGrammar(antlrInput);
var tokens = new BufferedTokenStream(lexer);
var parser = new INCParserGrammar(tokens);
Reading Mr. Grigoris's answer helped me to discover another possible solution for my problem:
While trying to figure out how does the suggested solution work, I stumbled upon public virtual IToken EmitEOF() method. If the code that Mr. Grigoris provided gets placed inside this function (with minor changes), everything seems to work as intended.
That gave me the opportunity to override the functionality of EmitEOF() directly from #members block of lexer, without having to create a whole new file or to understand how my current parser's NextToken() method works.
Lexer Grammar:
lexer grammar INCLexerGrammar;
#lexer::header {
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
#lexer::members {
private Stack<ICharStream> _nestedFiles = new Stack<ICharStream>();
public override IToken EmitEOF(){
if (_nestedFiles.Count == 0 ) {
return base.EmitEOF();
this._hitEOF = false;
this._input = _nestedFiles.Pop();
return this.NextToken();
// Default Mode /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Skipped because we don't want to hide INCLUDEPREFIX's existance from parser
INCLUDEPREFIX : '#include'[ \t]+'"' { Mode(INCLexerGrammar.FILEMODE); } -> skip;
// This is the only valid token our Grammar accepts
ANY : ~[#]+ ;
mode FILEMODE; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Skipped because we don't want to hide FILE's existance from parser
FILE : [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'.'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ {
// Create new StreamReader from the file mentioned
StreamReader s = new StreamReader(Text);
// Push the old stream to stack
// This new stream will be popped and used right after, on DQUOTE.
_nestedFiles.Push(new AntlrInputStream(s));
} -> skip;
// Skipped because we don't want to hide DQUOTE's existance from parser
DQUOTE: '"' {
// Injecting the newly generated Stream.
this._input = _nestedFiles.Pop();
} -> skip;
Parser Grammar:
parser grammar INCParserGrammar;
options { tokenVocab = INCLexerGrammar; }
// Our Grammar contains only ANY tokens. Include directives
// and other Tokens exists only for helping lexer to
// inject the contents of other files inside the current
// scanning process.
Execution Calls:
// [...]
var myRootFile = new StreamReader("./root.txt");
var myAntlrInputStream = new AntlrInputStream(myRootFile);
var lexer = new INCLexerGrammar(myAntlrInputStream);
var tokens = new BufferedTokenStream(lexer);
var parser = new INCParserGrammar(tokens);
// [...]
I need to delete a text from a PDF document. I am using Aspose for the purpose
am currently using TextFragmentAbsorber.
FYI, I cannot use any other 3rd party library.
Below is the code I am using :
private string DeleteMachineReadableCode(string inputFilePath)
var outputFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Format(#"{0}.pdf", Guid.NewGuid()));
// Open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(inputFilePath);
// Create TextAbsorber object to find all the phrases matching the regular expression
TextFragmentAbsorber textFragmentAbsorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("#START#((.|\r\n)*?)#END#");
// Set text search option to specify regular expression usage
TextSearchOptions textSearchOptions = new TextSearchOptions(true);
textFragmentAbsorber.TextSearchOptions = textSearchOptions;
// Accept the absorber for all pages
// Get the extracted text fragments
TextFragmentCollection textFragmentCollection = textFragmentAbsorber.TextFragments;
// Loop through the fragments
foreach (TextFragment textFragment in textFragmentCollection)
// Update text and other properties
textFragment.Text = string.Empty;
// Set to an instance of an object.
textFragment.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("Verdana");
textFragment.TextState.FontSize = 1;
textFragment.TextState.ForegroundColor = Aspose.Pdf.Color.FromRgb(System.Drawing.Color.White);
textFragment.TextState.BackgroundColor = Aspose.Pdf.Color.FromRgb(System.Drawing.Color.White);
if (File.Exists(inputFilePath))
return outputFilePath;
I am able to replace the content if the content to be deleted is on a single page.
My problem is that if the text spans over multiple pages the TextFragmentAbsorber does not recognize the text with the mentioned regex pattern ("#START#((.|\r\n)*?)#END#").
Please suggest if anything can be done on the regex or the some setting in Aspose can fix my issue.
As shared earlier, we can not promise earlier resolution of the issue reported by you, because of architecture limitation. However, we have modified the code snippet to meet your requirements.
The idea is to find text starting from '#START#' on the one of the document pages. Then to find text ending with '#END#' on the one of subsequent pages. And also to process all text fragments that placed on the pages between those two pages (if it exists).
private string DeleteMachineReadableCodeUpdated(string inputFilePath)
string outputFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Format(#"{0}.pdf", Guid.NewGuid()));
// Open document
Document pdfDocument = new Document(inputFilePath);
// Create TextAbsorber object to find all the phrases matching the regular expression
TextFragmentAbsorber absorber = new TextFragmentAbsorber("#START#((.|\r\n)*?)#END#");
// Set text search option to specify regular expression usage
TextSearchOptions textSearchOptions = new TextSearchOptions(true);
absorber.TextSearchOptions = textSearchOptions;
// Accept the absorber for all pages
// Get the extracted text fragments
TextFragmentCollection textFragmentCollection = absorber.TextFragments;
// If pattern found on one of the pages
if (textFragmentCollection.Count > 0)
// In case nothing was found tries to find by parts
string startingPattern = "#START#((.|\r\n)*?)\\z";
string endingPattern = "\\A((.|\r\n)*?)#END#";
bool isStartingPatternFound = false;
bool isEndingPatternFound = false;
ArrayList fragmentsToRemove = new ArrayList();
foreach (Page page in pdfDocument.Pages)
// If ending pattern was already found - do nothing
if (isEndingPatternFound)
// If starting pattern was already found - activate textFragmentAbsorber with ending pattern
absorber.Phrase = !isStartingPatternFound ? startingPattern : endingPattern;
if (absorber.TextFragments.Count > 0)
// In case something is found - add it to list
if (isStartingPatternFound)
// Both starting and ending patterns found - the document processing
isEndingPatternFound = true;
// Only starting pattern found yet - continue
isStartingPatternFound = true;
// In case neither starting nor ending pattern are found on current page
// If starting pattern was found previously - get all fragments from the page
if (isStartingPatternFound)
absorber.Phrase = String.Empty;
// Otherwise do nothing (continue)
if (File.Exists(inputFilePath))
return outputFilePath;
private void RemoveTextFromFragmentCollection(ICollection fragmentCollection)
// Loop through the fragments
foreach (TextFragment textFragment in fragmentCollection)
textFragment.Text = string.Empty;
This code assumed that the only one text block starting from '#START#' and ending with '#END#' is in the document. However the above code can be easly modified to process several those blocks.
Instead of processing text on intermediate page(s) you may store page number(s) and than delete using pdfDocument.Pages.Delete(pageNumber) before the saving document. It lets to avoid 'blank' pages if them undesirable.
I often want to do this:
public void Foo(Bar arg)
throw new ArgumentException("Argument is incompatible with " + name(Foo));
Because if I change the name of Foo the IDE will refactor my error message too, what won't happen if I put the name of the method (or any other kind of member identifier) inside a string literal. The only way I know of implementing "name" is by using reflection, but I think the performance loss outweighs the mantainability gain and it won't cover all kinds of identifiers.
The value of the expression between parenthesis could be computed at compile time (like typeof) and optimized to become one string literal by changing the language specification. Do you think this is a worthy feature?
PS: The first example made it look like the question is related only to exceptions, but it is not. Think of every situation you may want to reference a type member identifier. You'll have to do it through a string literal, right?
Another example:
[RuntimeAcessibleDocumentation(Description="The class " + name(Baz) +
" does its job. See method " + name(DoItsJob) + " for more info.")]
public class Baz
[RuntimeAcessibleDocumentation(Description="This method will just pretend " +
"doing its job if the argument " + name(DoItsJob.Arguments.justPretend) +
" is true.")]
public void DoItsJob(bool justPretend)
if (justPretend)
Logger.log(name(justPretend) + "was true. Nothing done.");
UPDATE: this question was posted before C# 6, but may still be relevant for those who are using previous versions of the language. If you are using C# 6 check out the nameof operator, which does pretty much the same thing as the name operator in the examples above.
well, you could cheat and use something like:
public static string CallerName([CallerMemberName]string callerName = null)
return callerName;
public void Foo(Bar arg)
throw new ArgumentException("Argument is incompatible with " + CallerName());
Here, all the work is done by the compiler (at compile-time), so if you rename the method it will immediately return the correct thing.
If you simply want the current method name: MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name
If it's a type typeof(Foo).Name
If you want the name of a variable/parameter/field/property, with a little Expression tree
public static string GetFieldName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> exp)
var body = exp.Body as MemberExpression;
if (body == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
return body.Member.Name;
string str = "Hello World";
string variableName = GetFieldName(() => str);
For method names it's a little more tricky:
public static readonly MethodInfo CreateDelegate = typeof(Delegate).GetMethod("CreateDelegate", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, null, new[] { typeof(Type), typeof(object), typeof(MethodInfo) }, null);
public static string GetMethodName<T>(Expression<Func<T>> exp)
var body = exp.Body as UnaryExpression;
if (body == null || body.NodeType != ExpressionType.Convert)
throw new ArgumentException();
var call = body.Operand as MethodCallExpression;
if (call == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
if (call.Method != CreateDelegate)
throw new ArgumentException();
var method = call.Arguments[2] as ConstantExpression;
if (method == null)
throw new ArgumentException();
MethodInfo method2 = (MethodInfo)method.Value;
return method2.Name;
and when you call them you have to specify the type of a compatible delegate (Action, Action<...>, Func<...> ...)
string str5 = GetMethodName<Action>(() => Main);
string str6 = GetMethodName<Func<int>>(() => Method1);
string str7 = GetMethodName<Func<int, int>>(() => Method2);
or more simply, without using expressions :-)
public static string GetMethodName(Delegate del)
return del.Method.Name;
string str8 = GetMethodName((Action)Main);
string str9 = GetMethodName((Func<int>)Method1);
string str10 = GetMethodName((Func<int, int>)Method2);
As has been covered, using this approach for exceptions seems unnecessary due to the method name being in the call stack on the exception.
In relation to the other example in the question of logging the parameter value, it seems PostSharp would be a good candidate here, and probably would allow lots of new features of this kind that you're interested in.
Have a look at this page on PostSharp which came up when I searched for how to use PostSharp to log parameter values (which it covers). An excerpt taken from that page:
You can get a lot of useful information with an aspect, but there are three popular categories:
Code information: function name, class name, parameter values, etc. This can help you to reduce guessing in pinning down logic flaws or edge-case scenarios
Performance information: keep track of how much time a method is taking
Exceptions: catch select/all exceptions and log information about them
The original question is named "How to refer to an identifier without writing it into a string literal in C#?" This answer does not answer that question, instead, it answers the question "How to refer to an identifier by writing its name into a string literal using a preprocessor?"
Here is a very simple "proof of concept" C# preprocessor program:
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace StackOverflowPreprocessor
/// <summary>
/// This is a C# preprocessor program to demonstrate how you can use a preprocessor to modify the
/// C# source code in a program so it gets self-referential strings placed in it.
/// </summary>
public class PreprocessorProgram
/// <summary>
/// The Main() method is where it all starts, of course.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">must be one argument, the full name of the .csproj file</param>
/// <returns>0 = OK, 1 = error (error message has been written to console)</returns>
static int Main(string[] args)
// Check the argument
if (args.Length != 1)
DisplayError("There must be exactly one argument.");
return 1;
// Check the .csproj file exists
if (!File.Exists(args[0]))
DisplayError("File '" + args[0] + "' does not exist.");
return 1;
// Loop to process each C# source file in same folder as .csproj file. Alternative
// technique (used in my real preprocessor program) is to read the .csproj file as an
// XML document and process the <Compile> elements.
DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(args[0]));
foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in directoryInfo.GetFiles("*.cs"))
if (!ProcessOneFile(fileInfo.FullName))
return 1;
catch (Exception e)
DisplayError("Exception while processing .csproj file '" + args[0] + "'.", e);
return 1;
Console.WriteLine("Preprocessor normal completion.");
return 0; // All OK
/// <summary>
/// Method to do very simple preprocessing of a single C# source file. This is just "proof of
/// concept" - in my real preprocessor program I use regex and test for many different things
/// that I recognize and process in one way or another.
/// </summary>
private static bool ProcessOneFile(string fileName)
bool fileModified = false;
string lastMethodName = "*unknown*";
int i = -1, j = -1;
string[] sourceLines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
for (int lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < sourceLines.Length - 1; lineNumber++)
string sourceLine = sourceLines[lineNumber];
if (sourceLine.Trim() == "//?GrabMethodName")
string nextLine = sourceLines[++lineNumber];
j = nextLine.IndexOf('(');
if (j != -1)
i = nextLine.LastIndexOf(' ', j);
if (j != -1 && i != -1 && i < j)
lastMethodName = nextLine.Substring(i + 1, j - i - 1);
DisplayError("Unable to find method name in line " + (lineNumber + 1) +
" of file '" + fileName + "'.");
return false;
else if (sourceLine.Trim() == "//?DumpNameInStringAssignment")
string nextLine = sourceLines[++lineNumber];
i = nextLine.IndexOf('\"');
if (i != -1 && i != nextLine.Length - 1)
j = nextLine.LastIndexOf('\"');
if (i != j)
sourceLines[lineNumber] =
nextLine.Remove(i + 1) + lastMethodName + nextLine.Substring(j);
fileModified = true;
if (fileModified)
File.WriteAllLines(fileName, sourceLines);
catch (Exception e)
DisplayError("Exception while processing C# file '" + fileName + "'.", e);
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Method to display an error message on the console.
/// </summary>
private static void DisplayError(string errorText)
Console.WriteLine("Preprocessor: " + errorText);
/// <summary>
/// Method to display an error message on the console.
/// </summary>
internal static void DisplayError(string errorText, Exception exceptionObject)
Console.WriteLine("Preprocessor: " + errorText + " - " + exceptionObject.Message);
And here's a test file, based on the first half of the original question:
using System;
namespace StackOverflowDemo
public class DemoProgram
public class Bar
static void Main(string[] args)
public void Foo(Bar arg)
string methodName = "??"; // Will be changed as necessary by preprocessor
throw new ArgumentException("Argument is incompatible with " + methodName);
To make the running of the preprocessor program a part of the build process you modify the .csproj file in two places. Insert this line in the first section:
(This is optional - see here https://stackoverflow.com/a/12163384/253938 for more information.)
And at the end of the .csproj file replace some lines that are commented-out with these lines:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<Exec WorkingDirectory="D:\Merlinia\Trunk-Debug\Common\Build Tools\Merlinia Preprocessor\VS2012 projects\StackOverflowPreprocessor\bin" Command="StackOverflowPreprocessor.exe "$(MSBuildProjectFullPath)"" />
Now when you recompile the test program the line that says
string methodName = "??"; // Will be changed as necessary by preprocessor
will be magically converted to say
string methodName = "Foo"; // Will be changed as necessary by preprocessor
Version 6 of C# has introduced the nameof operator which works like the name operator described in the examples of the question, but with some restrictions. Here are some examples and excerpts from the C# FAQ blog:
(if x == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(x));
You can put more elaborate dotted names in a nameof expression, but that’s just to tell the compiler where to look: only the final identifier will be used:
WriteLine(nameof(person.Address.ZipCode)); // prints "ZipCode"
Note: there are small design changes to nameof since the Preview was built. In the preview, dotted expressions like in the last example, where person is a variable in scope, are not allowed. Instead you have to dot in through the type.
Here is an example of what I want to do:
MessageBox.Show("Error line number " + CurrentLineNumber);
In the code above the CurrentLineNumber, should be the line number in the source code of this piece of code.
How can I do that?
In .NET 4.5 / C# 5, you can get the compiler to do this work for you, by writing a utility method that uses the new caller attributes:
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
static void SomeMethodSomewhere()
static void ShowMessage(string message,
[CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0,
[CallerMemberName] string caller = null)
MessageBox.Show(message + " at line " + lineNumber + " (" + caller + ")");
This will display, for example:
Boo at line 39 (SomeMethodSomewhere)
There's also [CallerFilePath] which tells you the path of the original code file.
Use the StackFrame.GetFileLineNumber method, for example:
private static void ReportError(string message)
StackFrame callStack = new StackFrame(1, true);
MessageBox.Show("Error: " + message + ", File: " + callStack.GetFileName()
+ ", Line: " + callStack.GetFileLineNumber());
See Scott Hanselman's Blog entry for more information.
[Edit: Added the following]
For those using .Net 4.5 or later, consider the CallerFilePath, CallerMethodName and CallerLineNumber attributes in the System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace. For example:
public void TraceMessage(string message,
[CallerMemberName] string callingMethod = "",
[CallerFilePath] string callingFilePath = "",
[CallerLineNumber] int callingFileLineNumber = 0)
// Write out message
The arguments must be string for CallerMemberName and CallerFilePath and an int for CallerLineNumber and must have a default value. Specifying these attributes on method parameters instructs the compiler to insert the appropriate value in the calling code at compile time, meaning it works through obfuscation. See Caller Information for more information.
I prefer one liners so:
int lineNumber = (new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame(0, true)).GetFileLineNumber();
In .NET 4.5 you can get the line number by creating the function:
static int LineNumber([System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerLineNumber] int lineNumber = 0)
return lineNumber;
Then each time you call LineNumber() you will have the current line. This has the advantage over any solution using the StackTrace that it should work in both debug and release.
So taking the original request of what is required, it would become:
MessageBox.Show("Error enter code here line number " + LineNumber());
This is building on the excellent answer by Marc Gravell.
For those who need a .NET 4.0+ method solution:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
public static void Log(string message) {
StackFrame stackFrame = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(1).GetFrame(1);
string fileName = stackFrame.GetFileName();
string methodName = stackFrame.GetMethod().ToString();
int lineNumber = stackFrame.GetFileLineNumber();
Console.WriteLine("{0}({1}:{2})\n{3}", methodName, Path.GetFileName(fileName), lineNumber, message);
How to call:
void Test() {
Log("Look here!");
Void Test()(FILENAME.cs:104)
Look here!
Change the Console.WriteLine format how you like!
If its in a try catch block use this.
//Do something
catch (Exception ex)
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace trace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(ex, true);
Console.WriteLine("Line: " + trace.GetFrame(0).GetFileLineNumber());
You only asked about the line number and with nullable project type, you then need to use a something like this
internal class Utils
public static int Line([CallerLineNumber] int? lineNumber =null)=>lineNumber;
in your code, if you like to get a line number you then just call
var line=Utils.Line();
if you are logging and you would like to document the line number in say logging than call the method like this
public void MyMethod(int someValue)
case 1:
logger.LogInformation("case value {someValue} this line {line} was true", someValue ,Utils.Line()-2);
case 2:
logger.LogInformation("case value {someValue} this {line} was executed",someValue,Utils.Line());
caste 3:
logger.LogInformation("case value {someValue} this {line} was executed",someValue,Utils.Line());
You can extend this pattern with any of the other [CallerXXX] methods and not use them where ever, not just in the method parameters.
in the Nuget Package Walter I use a super cool class named ExceptionObject
if you import the NuGet package you have some nice extension methods on the Exception class as well as access to a CallStack showing the call chain including method parameters and parameter values of all methods called.
It's like a stack of an exception only with values showing how you got where you got with what values.
public void MyMethod()
//get me all methods, signatures, parameters line numbers file names etc used as well as assembly info of all assemblies used for documentation of how the code got here
var stack= new CallStack();
foreach( var frame in StackedFrames)
catch(SqlException e)
var ex = new ExceptionObject(e);
logger.LogException(e,"{this} exception due to {message} {server} {procedure} TSQL-line:{sqlline}\n{TSQL}"
catch(Exception e)
var ex = new ExceptionObject(e);
logger.LogException(e,"{this} exception due to {message} signature: signature}\nCallStack:", e.GetType().Name,e.Message,ex.Signature,ex.CallStack);