Is there a need to have a config file when using User Settings? I tried creating both User and Application settings then using them both in my code (including saving a change to the User setting). Then I deleted the config file and ran the .exe
Low and behold User Settings work just fine without the config file. So do Application Settings. Their initial values are taken from what was set in the Settings.settings designer.
However, the Application Settings can't be changed without the config file (meaning a config is needed for connection strings and installation setup), but for a smaller application with no installation needed we shouldn't really have to make the user change the config file themselves for setting changes.
As for the User Settings, their changes are saved to a separate config file stored in Local AppData...
So for these circumstances is a config file needed when using these settings?
Properties.Settings.Default.UserTitleColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
The config file is there to change the defined (default) values during compilation.
You are right that if the file is not there, the values are taken out of the assembly and the values defined at compile-time are used.
But to be able to change them without re-compilation the config file can be used.
A default use-case for that is connections-strings to databases: They are often in the "Application" scope, but need to be changed for each installation.
In several C# projects I have been using an app.config file to pass various settings to my program, settings like connectionstrings, power levels etc.
However sometimes I have come in situations where the settings aren't updated as expected and I have concluded that I am not that well informed with the proper use of app.config file.
Replacing the .exe file with a new version (where settings are different) to the output directory without changing the exe.config, results in the program seeing the hard-coded settings and not the settings of the existing .exe.config
So my Questions are:
What is the exact role of exe.manifest file
Every time I create a new .exe do I have to paste in the output folder anything else except the .exe file?
Whats the difference in obtaining the setting value by: ConfigurationManager.'settingName'... rather than:
What is the role of app.config build action?
Sorry If I am asking too much in a single Question.
The app.config file is a file that gets a special treatment when running the associated application. If you executable is named MyApp.exe the app.config file should be named MyApp.exe.config. The role of the app.config build task is to copy the file named app.config in your project to MyApp.exe.config in the output directory.
.NET provides ways to read the contents of the file (it is in XML format) and various parts of .NET will look for different sections in this XML to provide configuration.
A widely used section is the settings section you refer to as Properties.Settings.Default. This section plays together with Visual Studio that provides an editor for application settings. The settings are accessed in the code by using a generated class. Adding a setting will add a property to this class and this property is initialized from a value in the app.config file.
In the Visual Studio editor you can set a value for the setting and you can think of this as a default value for the setting. However, if you overwrite the value in the app.config file the later will take precedence. This allows you to modify the app.config file after installation and rerun the application with a modified setting.
You can also access application settings the app.config file using other methods, but in my oppinion using the Visual Studio editor and the code generated class is the best way to do that.
I am not sure I fully understand the problem that you experience. If you update MyApp.exe and leave MyApp.exe.config intact you should not see a change in the settings used by the application (unless of course you have renamed or changed some settings).
The manifest file provides information about side-by-side assemblies and can be used to request elevated privileges among other things. This is not related to the app.config file.
There quite a few resources about that.
and the (better) overview:
app.config is a very powerful tool. It addresses many issue like versioning, migration, upgrading etc. but this requires some in-depth reading from the links above.
Maybe one thing you could do, if you want to copy only .exe file every time you build your app, is make a settings.ini or settings.txt file, put your parameters in this file (that are not secret of course) and read all your settings from there when you start your app.
You can put all your connection string logic in your login form if you have one...
Kind of a two part issue.
I developed an app which reads from and writes to an App.config.
The application is installed in Program Files by my MSI installer.
It works fine on my Win7 computer but I have users on Win7 that get Access Denied when writing to this App.config.
I am writing to the app.config using the below code:
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
config.AppSettings.Settings["Endpoint"].Value = endpointTxtBox.Text;
Why don't I get this issue on my development pc? I have tried both with a local admin and normal local user account.
How do I relocate the App.config to an unprotected directory?
You should not have to move the app.config in order to let your users save their application settings; .NET already has support for saving user-scoped app settings in user-writable storage baked in! You can even specify the default user settings in the app.config file.
Check this link for details:
Note that making use of a strongly-typed .NET Settings class rather than the raw, more weakly-typed AppSettings NameValueCollection. (The settings can still stored in the app.config, though.)
You can create a Settings file in VS (the template is called "Settings file" in VS).
A couple of things confused me about Settings files at first, so I thought I would point them out to you:
1) First: the .settings file. The VS designer lets you define your app settings, their types, and their scopes (i.e. user or application). This is the file the designer modifies when you user the designer, but runtime configuration changes will never be written to this file. It defines your app settings and their default values. That's it. I didn't get that at first when I was trying to wrap my head around Settings files.
Also, notice that the build action on the .settings file is set to SettingsSingleFileGenerator.
2) The .designer.cs file. VS/MSBuild generates this file at build-time for you because the build action on the .settings file is set to SettingsSingleFileGenerator. The class that it generates is a strongly typed wrapper for your configuration properties, and you can use it equally well for your application-scoped and user-scoped properties.
3) The runtime settings that your Settings class wraps are still stored in the app.config.
4) User settings are stored underneath that user's AppData\Local directory so that they have full read/write permissions.
I had a couple of other ideas, if what you need to do really is let the user modify the global application settings for all users.
Externalize some of your configuration by using the configSource attribute. You store the entire
appSettings section, for instance, in a separate file by doing this:
<appSettings configSource="....\file.config" />
Here are the docs for that feature:
I believe you can manually load a config file anywhere you want using the System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument class. Construct one using the no-arg constructor and then call its Load(String filename) method.
Store your configuration in the registry rather than the filesystem by implementing a custom SettingsProvider.
All, I have a large application. This application uses a .config file to deal with its various settings. This is fine in development, and the .config file is found and working happily in the respective \bin folders (Release and Debug). I have written a NSIS installer an I am now running the app; it is working perfectly, saving settings, restoring settings and generally being a good LAD.
However, the 'MyApp.exe.config' is not where the settings are being written (I have checked and even deleted this so it could be recreated). It is also not in ...Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\MyApp?
Where the Devil is my applications config file?
Thanks again for your time.
Edit. I have printed out System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) and this points to the Roaming AppData directory above.
The configuration system for .net gets its settings from several locations.
General config comes from:
The first location is the machine.config file that ships with the .net framework.
The next location is the application's configuration file.
Next the settings API gets values from (using the default provider):
Hard-coded defaults when the app was compiled.
The application configuration file.
The user's settings file.
If the application's configuration file does not exist it will not be automatically created (doing so would be pointless since it would only contain the defaults the application already knows).
Saving the settings will however create a new user settings file as normal.
I have just added a setting into my application settings for my C# app. I can access the setting just fine in my code using Settings.Default.MySetting, and it's in the app.config file in my project. But no matter what I do, it never shows up in the user.config file for my application. What could I possibly be missing?
In the settings designer you of course need to set the scope to User.
The <userSettings> section in app.config is the place where defaults are stored.
Assuming your application provides a way for the user to change their settings, the settings system will write the overridden values to the user.config the first time you call the configuration.Save() method.
also note that "user" in user.config is replaced by the user name of the identity under which the configuration was saved.
I'm trying to use application settings with a C#.NET project I am working on. But I can't seem to get it to return anything other then the default values. Through the project properties I've added a single setting, DBConnectionString, and set its value to a connection string I want to use. Its scope is set to "application".
Doing this created a number of files including Settings.settings, Settings.Designer.CS, and app.conifg. From what I understand the two Settings.* files define a custom Settings class that derives from ApplicationSettingsBase. The Settings class then has custom, type safe, properties that can be used to set and retrieve each setting. The app.config file is a XML file that stores the actual settings values.
When I build my project it looks like the app.config file is copied to the target directory as MyApplication.dll.config. My program runs fine and is able to use the default connection string.
Next I tried to edit the MyApplicaiton.dll.config file to change the connection string. I ran my program again, but it continued to use the default value. I noticed that in my Settings.Designer file there is a DefaultSettingValueAttribute with the original default string. I tried removing this attribute, but then when I tried to retrieve the connection string setting it just returned null.
This is the code I'm using to read the connection string.
string conn = Properties.Settings.Default.DbConnectionString
What am I doing wrong? How can I get it to return the value in the settings file and not the default value?
Sorry I should have mentioned this. I'm actually writing a plug-in for another application through a public API. So my project is a DLL not an EXE.
You cannot read settings from *.dll.config files. If you library needs any special settings you need to put them in your app.config or web.config files.
EDIT: You can include the external config files in the main application or web config file. Look here for details.
This question discusses how to manage configuration files for large projects.
Settings files and .config files are different things (I do not know why VS automatically added a .config when you created a Settings file). But, the settings file is compiled into a class and is referenced like you said. If you decompile the dll with .NET reflector the Settings class will be in there. It is used for holding constant values or external resources. For example: error message strings, icons, or images.
The config file is for settings which can change frequently or between environments (dev, test, prod). For a connection string you should use the <connectionStrings> section of the config file. And the property can be referenced using System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager[ "connectionStringName" ].
However, from your original post it looks like your .dll is going to be used in a larger project (either an .exe of web project). One thing to note is that all projects only use one .config file. And that is the config file for the main project. Websites the web.config file, and exe's use XXX.XXX.XXX.exe.config (as you saw, *.exe.config files are renamed copies of the app.config files). dll's do not have usable config files. All dll's will look at the main project's .config file to retrieve information.
If your connection string is never going to change then by all means use the Settings file. Otherwise, use a config file and let the developer of the main project determine what to populate the connection string with.