LuisActionDialog is obsolete - how to work with LuisActionBinding? - c#

I am reading and learning the code from:
And then I wanted to plug this in my own project but LuisActionBinding is not working with LuisDialog. And I read that LuisActionDialog API is now obsolete
Can you point me to the right direction on how to go forward?

And I read that LuisActionDialog API is now obsolete
The LuisActionDialog API which is obsoleted is in the Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs namespace, and in the official LUIS Action Binding Sample, the LuisActionDialog is under the namespace Microsoft.Cognitive.LUIS.ActionBinding.Bot.
This Microsoft.Cognitive.LUIS.ActionBinding.Bot package is not released, if you want to use that LuisActionDialog, you need to download the sample, and there's source code of this package.
This is a reported issue and you can refer to it here.


UWP's Windows.Devices.Perception sample app

I can't seem to find any samples demonstrating the use of the Windows.Devices.Perception APIs. There doesn't seem to be one in the UWP SDK samples. Also, information is scarce other than the Microsoft API doc.
Is this API deprecated or still active?
I am trying to work out how to use the API.
Is this the recommended way to get the depth/infra frames or is the recommended way using the Windows.Media.Capture APIs?
Ok after closer look at the Microsoft API docs for this namespace. I can see it is tagged as Deprecated. So I guess the Windows.Media.Capture is the correct way to grab the infra frames now.

Virtual Assistant Template Currently Uses TelemetryClient But Is Deprecated

In the Virtual Assistant template ( the current Startup.cs file is using TelemetryClient on line 72. However, according to this github issue (, it is being deprecated.
What is the suggested change that I should make in my code in order to fix this going forward? Will the template be updated to reflect this?
TelemetryClient is NOT being deprecated. Per the issue that you linked, TelemetryConfiguration.Active is being deprecated. A quick search of the VA bot github repo show that TelemetryConfiguration.Active is not used anywhere in the bot:

Adding voice support using Discord.Net v1.0.0

I'm currently working on a Discord bot using Discord.Net.
I want to add voice support, but the documentation I found is for version 0.9.4 and not the latest one. Also the respective NuGet-Package says it is deprecated.
Is there another (new?) way adding voice support (the old one maybe doesn't work in future versions) or can I just use the one described in the outdated version?
Thx for your help!

Facebook graph API version expires

I have developed an application in C# that uses the FacebookClient class. The version if this FacebookClient is 7.0.6. First of all it is the first time i use the facebook graph api, so sorry if i ask basic questions :)
When i go to the application in developers.facebook i see a warning containing the following text:
When i use the Get method on the FacebookCient class then i am not specifying any version. The Version property of the FacebookClient is null when i read it.
So my questions are:
Shouldnt the FacebookClient class automatically use the latest version of the graph API when no version are specified? It looks like it uses v2.0 even thoug v2.6 is the newest.
How can i make sure that it always uses the newest version possible?
Since i havent so much experience with the facebook api, what is the prefered way to deal with this?
Can i use a specific version by setting the Version property to e.g. "v2.6" or .Get("/v2.6/someCall")?
You can ignore the warning, there is an open bug for this:
If you omit the version, it will use the API version of the App, not the latest version. It´s always the latest one if you create a new App, but it will not upgrade automatically.
Btw, there is an upgrade tool:

Google YouTube API example not working

I wish to use Google YouTube API. I am following this example:
I have used package manager to download the api ( but I see that the code doesn't work as the apis must have changed.
For example the namespaces have changed and the functions in the code is not recognised.
Does anyone know how to get this working?
I cannot leave a comment because i don't have enough reputation.
Please make sure you're using NuGet to install the latest client library and the related assemblies into your project. See

