Sending 5000 messages in async way in C# - c#

I have to send 10000 messages. At the moment, it happens synchronously and takes up to 20 minutes to send them all.
// sending messages in a sync way
foreach (var message in messages)
var result = Send(message);
_logger.Info($"Successfully sent {message.Title}.")
To shorten the message sending time, I'd like to use async and await, but my concern is if C# runtime can handle 15000 number of tasks in the worker process.
var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var message in messages)
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => Send(message))
var t = Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Also, in terms of memory, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to create a list of 15000 tasks

Since I came home from work, I have played with this a bit and here is my answer.
First of all Parallel.ForEach is bretty cool to use, and with my 8 core runs very fast.
I suggest to limit the CPU usage so you do not use 100% capacity, but that depends on your system, I have made two suggestion for it.
The other things is you need to monitor and be sure that your sender server can eat all these jobs with out getting trouble.
Here is a the implementation:
public void MessMessageSender(List<Message> messages)
var parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions();
_cancelToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
parallelOptions.CancellationToken = _cancelToken.Token;
var maxProc = System.Environment.ProcessorCount;
// this option use around 75% core capacity
parallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(maxProc * 0.75));
// the following option use all cores expect 1
//parallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = maxProc - 1;
Parallel.ForEach(messages, parallelOptions, message =>
//_logger.Info($"Successfully sent {text.Title}.");
catch (Exception ex)
//_logger.Error($"Something went wrong {ex}.");
catch (OperationCanceledException e)
//User has cancelled this request.
//What ever dispose of clients;
My answer is inspired for this page.


Limit the number of cores: new Task will block until core free from other tasks [duplicate]

I have a collection of 1000 input message to process. I'm looping the input collection and starting the new task for each message to get processed.
//Assume this messages collection contains 1000 items
var messages = new List<string>();
foreach (var msg in messages)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Can we guess how many maximum messages simultaneously get processed at the time (assuming normal Quad core processor), or can we limit the maximum number of messages to be processed at the time?
How to ensure this message get processed in the same sequence/order of the Collection?
You could use Parallel.Foreach and rely on MaxDegreeOfParallelism instead.
Parallel.ForEach(messages, new ParallelOptions {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10},
msg =>
// logic
SemaphoreSlim is a very good solution in this case and I higly recommend OP to try this, but #Manoj's answer has flaw as mentioned in comments.semaphore should be waited before spawning the task like this.
Updated Answer: As #Vasyl pointed out Semaphore may be disposed before completion of tasks and will raise exception when Release() method is called so before exiting the using block must wait for the completion of all created Tasks.
int maxConcurrency=10;
var messages = new List<string>();
using(SemaphoreSlim concurrencySemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(maxConcurrency))
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach(var msg in messages)
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Answer to Comments
for those who want to see how semaphore can be disposed without Task.WaitAll
Run below code in console app and this exception will be raised.
System.ObjectDisposedException: 'The semaphore has been disposed.'
static void Main(string[] args)
int maxConcurrency = 5;
List<string> messages = Enumerable.Range(1, 15).Select(e => e.ToString()).ToList();
using (SemaphoreSlim concurrencySemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(maxConcurrency))
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var msg in messages)
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray());
Console.WriteLine("Exited using block");
private static void Process(string msg)
I think it would be better to use Parallel LINQ
Parallel.ForEach(messages ,
new ParallelOptions{MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4},
x => Process(x);
where x is the MaxDegreeOfParallelism
With .NET 5.0 and Core 3.0 channels were introduced.
The main benefit of this producer/consumer concurrency pattern is that you can also limit the input data processing to reduce resource impact.
This is especially helpful when processing millions of data records.
Instead of reading the whole dataset at once into memory, you can now consecutively query only chunks of the data and wait for the workers to process it before querying more.
Code sample with a queue capacity of 50 messages and 5 consumer threads:
/// <exception cref="System.AggregateException">Thrown on Consumer Task exceptions.</exception>
public static async Task ProcessMessages(List<string> messages)
const int producerCapacity = 10, consumerTaskLimit = 3;
var channel = Channel.CreateBounded<string>(producerCapacity);
_ = Task.Run(async () =>
foreach (var msg in messages)
await channel.Writer.WriteAsync(msg);
// blocking when channel is full
// waiting for the consumer tasks to pop messages from the queue
// signaling the end of queue so that
// WaitToReadAsync will return false to stop the consumer tasks
var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken ct = tokenSource.Token;
var consumerTasks = Enumerable
.Range(1, consumerTaskLimit)
.Select(_ => Task.Run(async () =>
while (await channel.Reader.WaitToReadAsync(ct))
while (channel.Reader.TryRead(out var message))
await Task.Delay(500);
catch (OperationCanceledException) { }
Task waitForConsumers = Task.WhenAll(consumerTasks);
try { await waitForConsumers; }
foreach (var e in waitForConsumers.Exception.Flatten().InnerExceptions)
throw waitForConsumers.Exception.Flatten();
As pointed out by Theodor Zoulias:
On multiple consumer exceptions, the remaining tasks will continue to run and have to take the load of the killed tasks. To avoid this, I implemented a CancellationToken to stop all the remaining tasks and handle the exceptions combined in the AggregateException of waitForConsumers.Exception.
Side note:
The Task Parallel Library (TPL) might be good at automatically limiting the tasks based on your local resources. But when you are processing data remotely via RPC, it's necessary to manually limit your RPC calls to avoid filling the network/processing stack!
If your Process method is async you can't use Task.Factory.StartNew as it doesn't play well with an async delegate. Also there are some other nuances when using it (see this for example).
The proper way to do it in this case is to use Task.Run. Here's #ClearLogic answer modified for an async Process method.
static void Main(string[] args)
int maxConcurrency = 5;
List<string> messages = Enumerable.Range(1, 15).Select(e => e.ToString()).ToList();
using (SemaphoreSlim concurrencySemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(maxConcurrency))
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var msg in messages)
var t = Task.Run(async () =>
await Process(msg);
Console.WriteLine("Exited using block");
private static async Task Process(string msg)
await Task.Delay(2000);
You can create your own TaskScheduler and override QueueTask there.
protected virtual void QueueTask(Task task)
Then you can do anything you like.
One example here:
Limited concurrency level task scheduler (with task priority) handling wrapped tasks
You can simply set the max concurrency degree like this way:
int maxConcurrency=10;
var messages = new List<1000>();
using(SemaphoreSlim concurrencySemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(maxConcurrency))
foreach(var msg in messages)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
If you need in-order queuing (processing might finish in any order), there is no need for a semaphore. Old fashioned if statements work fine:
const int maxConcurrency = 5;
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var arg in args)
var t = Task.Run(() => { Process(arg); } );
if(tasks.Count >= maxConcurrency)
I ran into a similar problem where I wanted to produce 5000 results while calling apis, etc. So, I ran some speed tests.
Parallel.ForEach(products.Select(x => x.KeyValue).Distinct().Take(100), id =>
new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 100 };
GetProductMetaData(productsMetaData, client, id).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
produced 100 results in 30 seconds.
Parallel.ForEach(products.Select(x => x.KeyValue).Distinct().Take(100), id =>
new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 100 };
GetProductMetaData(productsMetaData, client, id);
Moving the GetAwaiter().GetResult() to the individual async api calls inside GetProductMetaData resulted in 14.09 seconds to produce 100 results.
foreach (var id in ids.Take(100))
GetProductMetaData(productsMetaData, client, id);
Complete non-async programming with the GetAwaiter().GetResult() in api calls resulted in 13.417 seconds.
var tasks = new List<Task>();
while (y < ids.Count())
foreach (var id in ids.Skip(y).Take(100))
tasks.Add(GetProductMetaData(productsMetaData, client, id));
y += 100;
Console.WriteLine($"Finished {y}, {sw.Elapsed}");
Forming a task list and working through 100 at a time resulted in a speed of 7.36 seconds.
using (SemaphoreSlim cons = new SemaphoreSlim(10))
var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var id in ids.Take(100))
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
GetProductMetaData(productsMetaData, client, id);
Using SemaphoreSlim resulted in 13.369 seconds, but also took a moment to boot to start using it.
var throttler = new SemaphoreSlim(initialCount: take);
foreach (var id in ids)
tasks.Add(Task.Run(async () =>
skip += 1;
await GetProductMetaData(productsMetaData, client, id);
if (skip % 100 == 0)
Console.WriteLine($"started {skip}/{count}, {sw.Elapsed}");
Using Semaphore Slim with a throttler for my async task took 6.12 seconds.
The answer for me in this specific project was use a throttler with Semaphore Slim. Although the while foreach tasklist did sometimes beat the throttler, 4/6 times the throttler won for 1000 records.
I realize I'm not using the OPs code, but I think this is important and adds to this discussion because how is sometimes not the only question that should be asked, and the answer is sometimes "It depends on what you are trying to do."
Now to answer the specific questions:
How to limit the maximum number of parallel tasks in c#: I showed how to limit the number of tasks that are completed at a time.
Can we guess how many maximum messages simultaneously get processed at the time (assuming normal Quad core processor), or can we limit the maximum number of messages to be processed at the time? I cannot guess how many will be processed at a time unless I set an upper limit but I can set an upper limit. Obviously different computers function at different speeds due to CPU, RAM etc. and how many threads and cores the program itself has access to as well as other programs running in tandem on the same computer.
How to ensure this message get processed in the same sequence/order of the Collection? If you want to process everything in a specific order, it is synchronous programming. The point of being able to run things asynchronously is ensuring that they can do everything without an order. As you can see from my code, the time difference is minimal in 100 records unless you use async code. In the event that you need an order to what you are doing, use asynchronous programming up until that point, then await and do things synchronously from there. For example, task1a.start, task2a.start, then later task1a.await, task2a.await... then later task1b.start task1b.await and task2b.start task 2b.await.
public static void RunTasks(List<NamedTask> importTaskList)
List<NamedTask> runningTasks = new List<NamedTask>();
foreach (NamedTask currentTask in importTaskList)
if (runningTasks.Where(x => x.Status == TaskStatus.Running).Count() >= MaxCountImportThread)
catch (Exception ex)
Log.Fatal("ERROR!", ex);
you can use the BlockingCollection, If the consume collection limit has reached, the produce will stop producing until a consume process will finish. I find this pattern more easy to understand and implement than the SemaphoreSlim.
int TasksLimit = 10;
BlockingCollection<Task> tasks = new BlockingCollection<Task>(new ConcurrentBag<Task>(), TasksLimit);
void ProduceAndConsume()
var producer = Task.Factory.StartNew(RunProducer);
var consumer = Task.Factory.StartNew(RunConsumer);
Task.WaitAll(new[] { producer, consumer });
catch (AggregateException ae) { }
void RunConsumer()
foreach (var task in tasks.GetConsumingEnumerable())
void RunProducer()
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
tasks.Add(new Task(() => Thread.Sleep(1000), TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent));
Note that the RunProducer and RunConsumer has spawn two independent tasks.

Number of Request before DDOSing. Limiting # of async Tasks [duplicate]

I am using the HTTPClient in System.Net.Http to make requests against an API. The API is limited to 10 requests per second.
My code is roughly like so:
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
items..Select(i => tasks.Add(ProcessItem(i));
await Task.WhenAll(taskList.ToArray());
catch (Exception ex)
The ProcessItem method does a few things but always calls the API using the following:
await SendRequestAsync(..blah). Which looks like:
private async Task<Response> SendRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken token)
var response = await HttpClient
.SendAsync(request: request, cancellationToken: token).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);
return await Response.BuildResponse(response);
Originally the code worked fine but when I started using Task.WhenAll I started getting 'Rate Limit Exceeded' messages from the API. How can I limit the rate at which requests are made?
Its worth noting that ProcessItem can make between 1-4 API calls depending on the item.
The API is limited to 10 requests per second.
Then just have your code do a batch of 10 requests, ensuring they take at least one second:
Items[] items = ...;
int index = 0;
while (index < items.Length)
var timer = Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.2)); // ".2" to make sure
var tasks = items.Skip(index).Take(10).Select(i => ProcessItemsAsync(i));
var tasksAndTimer = tasks.Concat(new[] { timer });
await Task.WhenAll(tasksAndTimer);
index += 10;
My ProcessItems method makes 1-4 API calls depending on the item.
In this case, batching is not an appropriate solution. You need to limit an asynchronous method to a certain number, which implies a SemaphoreSlim. The tricky part is that you want to allow more calls over time.
I haven't tried this code, but the general idea I would go with is to have a periodic function that releases the semaphore up to 10 times. So, something like this:
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(10);
private async Task<Response> ThrottledSendRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken token)
await _semaphore.WaitAsync(token);
return await SendRequestAsync(request, token);
private async Task PeriodicallyReleaseAsync(Task stop)
while (true)
var timer = Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.2));
if (await Task.WhenAny(timer, stop) == stop)
// Release the semaphore at most 10 times.
for (int i = 0; i != 10; ++i)
catch (SemaphoreFullException)
// Start the periodic task, with a signal that we can use to stop it.
var stop = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
var periodicTask = PeriodicallyReleaseAsync(stop.Task);
// Wait for all item processing.
await Task.WhenAll(taskList);
// Stop the periodic task.
await periodicTask;
The answer is similar to this one.
Instead of using a list of tasks and WhenAll, use Parallel.ForEach and use ParallelOptions to limit the number of concurrent tasks to 10, and make sure each one takes at least 1 second:
new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 },
async item => {
await Task.Delay(1000);
Or if you want to make sure each item takes as close to 1 second as possible:
new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 },
async item => {
var watch = new Stopwatch();
if (watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1000) await Task.Delay((int)(1000 - watch.ElapsedMilliseconds));
new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 },
async item => {
await Task.WhenAll(
Task.Run(() => { ProcessItems(item); })
My ProcessItems method makes 1-4 API calls depending on the item. So with a batch size of 10 I still exceed the rate limit.
You need to implement a rolling window in SendRequestAsync. A queue containing timestamps of each request is a suitable data structure. You dequeue entries with a timestamp older than 10 seconds. As it so happens, there is an implementation as an answer to a similar question on SO.
May still be useful to others
One straightforward way to handle this is to batch your requests in groups of 10, run those concurrently, and then wait until a total of 10 seconds has elapsed (if it hasn't already). This will bring you in right at the rate limit if the batch of requests can complete in 10 seconds, but is less than optimal if the batch of requests takes longer. Have a look at the .Batch() extension method in MoreLinq. Code would look approximately like
foreach (var taskList in tasks.Batch(10))
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // From System.Diagnostics
await Task.WhenAll(taskList.ToArray());
if (sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < 10.0)
// Calculate how long you still have to wait and sleep that long
// You might want to wait 10.5 or 11 seconds just in case the rate
// limiting on the other side isn't perfectly implemented
I've written a library to help with this sort of logic.
Usage would be:
var responses = await AsyncProcessorBuilder.WithItems(items) // Or Extension Method: items.ToAsyncProcessorBuilder()
.SelectAsync(item => ProcessItem(item), CancellationToken.None)
.ProcessInParallel(levelOfParallelism: 10, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

Running parallel async tasks and return result in .NET Core Web API

Hi Recently i was working in .net core web api project which is downloading files from external api.
In this .net core api recently found some issues while the no of files is more say more than 100. API is downloading max of 50 files and skipping others. WebAPI is deployed on AWS Lambda and timeout is 15mnts.
Actually the operation is timing out due to the long download process
public async Task<bool> DownloadAttachmentsAsync(List<DownloadAttachment> downloadAttachment)
bool DownloadFlag = false;
foreach (DownloadAttachment downloadAttachment in downloadAttachments)
DownloadFlag = await DownloadAttachment(;
//update the download status in database
bool UpdateFlag = await _DocumentService.UpdateDownloadStatus(;
if (UpdateFlag)
await DeleteAttachment(;
return true;
catch (Exception ext)
log.Error(ext, "Error in Saving attachment {attachemntId}",;
return false;
Document service code
public async Task<bool> UpdateAttachmentDownloadStatus(string AttachmentID)
return await _documentRepository.UpdateAttachmentDownloadStatus(AttachmentID);
And DB update code
public async Task<bool> UpdateAttachmentDownloadStatus(string AttachmentID)
using (var db = new SqlConnection(_connectionString.Value))
var Result = 0; bool SuccessFlag = false;
var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
parameters.Add("#pm_AttachmentID", AttachmentID);
parameters.Add("#pm_Result", Result, System.Data.DbType.Int32, System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output);
var result = await db.ExecuteAsync("[Loan].[UpdateDownloadStatus]", parameters, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);
Result = parameters.Get<int>("#pm_Result");
if (Result > 0) { SuccessFlag = true; }
return SuccessFlag;
How can i move this async task to run parallel ? and get the result? i tried following code
var task = Task.Run(() => DownloadAttachment(;
bool result = task.Result;
Is this approach is fine? how can improve the performance? how to get the result from each parallel task and update to DB and delete based on success flag? Or this error is due to AWS timeout?
Please help
If you extracted the code that handles individual files to a separate method :
private async Task DownloadSingleAttachment(DownloadAttachment attachment)
var download = await DownloadAttachment(;
var update = await _DocumentService.UpdateDownloadStatus(;
if (update)
await DeleteAttachment(;
public async Task<bool> DownloadAttachmentsAsync(List<DownloadAttachment> downloadAttachment)
foreach (var attachment in downloadAttachments)
await DownloadSingleAttachment(attachment);
It would be easy to start all downloads at once, although not very efficient :
public async Task<bool> DownloadAttachmentsAsync(List<DownloadAttachment> downloadAttachment)
//Start all of them
var tasks=downloadAttachments.Select(att=>DownloadSingleAttachment(att));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
This isn't very efficient because external services hate lots of concurrent calls from a single source as you do, and almost certainly impose throttling. The database doesn't like lots of concurrent calls either, because in all database products concurrent calls lead to blocking one way or another. Even in databases that use multiversioning, this comes with an overhead.
Using Dataflow classes - Single block
One easy way to fix this is to use .NET's Dataflow classes to break the operation into a pipeline of steps, and execute each one with a different number of concurrent tasks.
We could put the entire operation into a single block, but that could cause problems if the update and delete operations aren't thread-safe :
var dlOptions= new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10,
var downloader=new ActionBlock<DownloadAttachment>(async att=>{
await DownloadSingleAttachment(att);
foreach (var attachment in downloadAttachments)
await downloader.SendAsync(;
await downloader.Completion;
Dataflow - Multiple steps
To avoid possible thread issues, the rest of the methods can go to their own blocks. They could both go into one ActionBlock that calls both Update and Delete, or they could go into separate blocks if the methods talk to different services with different concurrency requirements.
The downloader block will execute at most 10 concurrent downloads. By default, each block uses only a single task at a time.
The updater and deleter blocks have their default DOP=1, which means there's no risk of race conditions as long as they don't try to use eg the same connection at the same time.
var downloader=new TransformBlock<string,(string id,bool download)>(
async id=> {
var download=await DownloadAttachment(id);
return (id,download);
var updater=new TransformBlock<(string id,bool download),(string id,bool update)>(
async (id,download)=> {
var update = await _DocumentService.UpdateDownloadStatus(id);
return (id,update);
return (id,false);
var deleter=new ActionBlock<(string id,bool update)>(
async (id,update)=> {
await DeleteAttachment(id);
The blocks can be linked into a pipeline now and used. The setting PropagateCompletion = true means that as soon as a block is finished processing, it will tell all its connected blocks to finish as well :
var linkOptions=new DataflowLinkOptions { PropagateCompletion = true};
downloader.LinkTo(updater, linkOptions);
We can pump data into the head block as long as we need. When we're done, we call the head block's Complete() method. As each block finishes processing its data, it will propagate its completion to the next block in the pipeline. We need to await for the last (tail) block to complete to ensure all the attachments have been processed:
foreach (var attachment in downloadAttachments)
await downloader.SendAsync(;
await deleter.Completion;
Each block has an input and (when necessary) an output buffer, which means the "producer" and "consumers" of the messages don't have to be in sync, or even know of each other. All the "producer" needs to know is where to find the head block in a pipeline.
Throttling and backpressure
One way to throttle is to use a fixed number of tasks through MaxDegreeOfParallelism.
It's also possible to put a limit to the input buffer, thus blocking previous steps or producers if a block can't process messages fast enough. This can be done simply by setting the BoundedCapacity option for a block:
var dlOptions= new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10,
var updaterOptions= new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
var downloader=new TransformBlock<...>(...,dlOptions);
var updater=new TransformBlock<...>(...,updaterOptions);
No other changes are necessary
To run multiple asynchronous operations you could do something like this:
public async Task RunMultipleAsync<T>(IEnumerable<T> myList)
const int myNumberOfConcurrentOperations = 10;
var mySemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(myNumberOfConcurrentOperations);
var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach(var myItem in myList)
await mySemaphore.WaitAsync();
var task = RunOperation(myItem);
task.ContinueWith(t => mySemaphore.Release());
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
private async Task RunOperation<T>(T myItem)
// Do stuff
Put your code from DownloadAttachmentsAsync at the 'Do stuff' comment
This will use a semaphore to limit the number of concurrent operations, since running to many concurrent operations is often a bad idea due to contention. You would need to experiment to find the optimal number of concurrent operations for your use case. Also note that error handling have been omitted to keep the example short.

Concurrently running incorrectly, provide more channels than expected

I have a application, which to make concurrently task running. Here we set
MaxDegreeOfParallelism=4, which means at any time at most 4 tasks running concurrently. In this case, I only have 4 channels available. Otherwise an exception
Could not get Channel
will be thrown.
Each task will have an instance of OutboundDial, so at most it will be 4 instances.
public class OutboundDial
private ChannelResource m_ChannelResource;
private VoiceResource m_VoiceResource;
private TelephonyServer m_TelephonyServer;
private AppointmentReminderResult m_Result = new AppointmentReminderResult();
public OutboundDial(TelephonyServer telephonyServer)
m_TelephonyServer = telephonyServer;
internal void RunScript(AppointmentReminder callData)
m_ChannelResource = m_TelephonyServer.GetChannel();
m_VoiceResource = m_ChannelResource.VoiceResource;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Could not get channel: {0}",ex.StackTrace);
// a long running process of I/O bound operation
The producer-consumer queue is
public static BufferBlock<AppointmentReminder> m_Queue =
new BufferBlock<AppointmentReminder>(new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4});
BufferBlock is a TPL class. The TelephontServer was initialized at the very beginning.
public static TelephonyServer ts;
ts = new TelephonyServer(sIpaddress, "username", "password");
In the consumer part, we have:
static async Task Consumer()
while (await m_Queue.OutputAvailableAsync())
m_Queue.TryReceive(4, ts); // MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4
TryReceive is an extension method.
public static void TryReceive<T>(this BufferBlock<T> bufferBlock, int count, TelephonyServer ts) where T : AppointmentReminder
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
T item;
if (bufferBlock.TryReceive(out item))
Task t = Task.Run(() =>
OutboundDial d = new OutboundDial(ts);
catch (Exception ex)
My question: I added 10 items to the queue in the producer part and I set a breaking point at the constructor.
I found the code run 10 times in the constructor then 10 times RunScript, which indicated 10 tasks run together rather than 4. But I only want 4(MaxDegreeOfParallelism). Therefore I did't have enough channels available, an exception was thrown.
Why in my extension method the concurrent running was not working?
BufferBlock doesn't really execute anything, so it doesn't make sense to specify its MaxDegreeOfParallelism. It works only because ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions inherits from DataflowBlockOptions, which is what the BufferBlock constructor expects.
Your Consumer() does this: take up to 4 items and execute them, take up to 4 items and execute them, take up to 4 items and execute them, etc. Since your never wait for those executions to complete, you're not actually limiting the degree of parallelism this way.
If you want to limit the degree of parallelism to 4, you could use ActionBlock, instead of your combination of BufferBlock and Consumer():
new ActionBlock<AppointmentReminder>(
reminder => new OutboundDial(ts).RunScript(reminder),
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 4});
What this does is to execute the lambda for each reminder, but at most 4 at the same time, which seems to be what you're asking for. Though I'm not sure it's what you need, since you don't seem to release (dispose) the channel after usage, to be used for the next reminder.
It is not clear where the problem is, but it seems that it is not that the cinstructor is called after the method.
Iwould advise you to change the constructor code to:
public OutboundDial(TelephonyServer telephonyServer)
m_TelephonyServer = telephonyServer;
And then you will see for sure that the constructor is complete.
Also, add some Console.WriteLine with useful informatino after each line in RunScript - then you will see where the error is coming from.

How to aggregate the data from an async producer and write it to a file?

I'm learning about async/await patterns in C#. Currently I'm trying to solve a problem like this:
There is a producer (a hardware device) that generates 1000 packets per second. I need to log this data to a file.
The device only has a ReadAsync() method to report a single packet at a time.
I need to buffer the packets and write them in the order they are generated to the file, only once a second.
Write operation should fail if the write process is not finished in time when the next batch of packets is ready to be written.
So far I have written something like below. It works but I am not sure if this is the best way to solve the problem. Any comments or suggestion? What is the best practice to approach this kind of Producer/Consumer problem where the consumer needs to aggregate the data received from the producer?
static async Task TestLogger(Device device, int seconds)
const int bufLength = 1000;
bool firstIteration = true;
Task writerTask = null;
using (var writer = new StreamWriter("test.log")))
var buffer = new byte[bufLength][];
for (int i = 0; i < bufLength; i++)
buffer[i] = await device.ReadAsync();
if (!firstIteration)
if (!writerTask.IsCompleted)
throw new Exception("Write Time Out!");
writerTask = Task.Run(() =>
foreach (var b in buffer)
firstIteration = false;
} while (--seconds > 0);
You could use the following idea, provided the criteria for flush is the number of packets (up to 1000). I did not test it. It makes use of Stephen Cleary's AsyncProducerConsumerQueue<T> featured in this question.
AsyncProducerConsumerQueue<byte[]> _queue;
Stream _stream;
// producer
async Task ReceiveAsync(CancellationToken token)
while (true)
var list = new List<byte>();
while (true)
var packet = await _device.ReadAsync(token);
if (list.Count == 1000)
// push next batch
await _queue.EnqueueAsync(list.ToArray(), token);
// consumer
async Task LogAsync(CancellationToken token)
Task previousFlush = Task.FromResult(0);
CancellationTokenSource cts = null;
while (true)
// get next batch
var nextBatch = await _queue.DequeueAsync(token);
if (!previousFlush.IsCompleted)
cts.Cancel(); // cancel the previous flush if not ready
throw new Exception("failed to flush on time.");
await previousFlush; // it's completed, observe for any errors
// start flushing
cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token);
previousFlush = _stream.WriteAsync(nextBatch, 0, nextBatch.Count, cts.Token);
If you don't want to fail the logger but rather prefer to cancel the flush and proceed to the next batch, you can do so with a minimal change to this code.
In response to #l3arnon comment:
A packet is not a byte, it's byte[]. 2. You haven't used the OP's ToHexString. 3. AsyncProducerConsumerQueue is much less robust and
tested than .Net's TPL Dataflow. 4. You await previousFlush for errors
just after you throw an exception which makes that line redundant.
etc. In short: I think the possible added value doesn't justify this
very complicated solution.
"A packet is not a byte, it's byte[]" - A packet is a byte, this is obvious from the OP's code: buffer[i] = await device.ReadAsync(). Then, a batch of packets is byte[].
"You haven't used the OP's ToHexString." - The goal was to show how to use Stream.WriteAsync which natively accepts a cancellation token, instead of WriteLineAsync which doesn't allow cancellation. It's trivial to use ToHexString with Stream.WriteAsync and still take advantage of cancellation support:
var hexBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ToHexString(nextBatch) +
_stream.WriteAsync(hexBytes, 0, hexBytes.Length, token);
"AsyncProducerConsumerQueue is much less robust and tested than .Net's TPL Dataflow" - I don't think this is a determined fact. However, if the OP is concerned about it, he can use regular BlockingCollection, which doesn't block the producer thread. It's OK to block the consumer thread while waiting for the next batch, because writing is done in parallel. As opposed to this, your TPL Dataflow version carries one redundant CPU and lock intensive operation: moving data from producer pipeline to writer pipleline with logAction.Post(packet), byte by byte. My code doesn't do that.
"You await previousFlush for errors just after you throw an exception which makes that line redundant." - This line is not redundant. Perhaps, you're missing this point: previousFlush.IsCompleted can be true when previousFlush.IsFaulted or previousFlush.IsCancelled is also true. So, await previousFlush is relevant there to observe any errors on the completed tasks (e.g., a write failure), which otherwise will be lost.
A better approach IMHO would be to have 2 "workers", a producer and a consumer. The producer reads from the device and simply fills a list. The consumer "wakes up" every second and writes the batch to a file.
List<byte[]> _data = new List<byte[]>();
async Task Producer(Device device)
while (true)
_data.Add(await device.ReadAsync());
async Task Consumer(Device device)
using (var writer = new StreamWriter("test.log")))
while (true)
Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var batch = _data;
_data = new List<byte[]>();
foreach (var packet in batch)
if (watch.Elapsed >= TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))
throw new Exception("Write Time Out!");
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) - watch.Elapsed);
The while (true) should probably be replaced by a system wide cancellation token.
Assuming you can batch by amount (1000) instead of time (1 second), the simplest solution is probably using TPL Dataflow's BatchBlock which automatically batches a flow of items by size:
async Task TestLogger(Device device, int seconds)
var writer = new StreamWriter("test.log");
var batch = new BatchBlock<byte[]>(1000);
var logAction = new ActionBlock<byte[]>(
packet =>
return writer.WriteLineAsync(ToHexString(packet));
ActionBlock<byte[]> transferAction;
transferAction = new ActionBlock<byte[][]>(
bytes =>
foreach (var packet in bytes)
if (transferAction.InputCount > 0)
return; // or throw new Exception("Write Time Out!");
logAction.Completion.ContinueWith(_ => writer.Dispose());
while (true)
batch.Post(await device.ReadAsync());

