I am writing an application in C# that will run on a users PC and I want to list only the devices that are shown in the Windows "Devices and Printers" control panel, things like monitors, keyboard, mouse, speakers etc.
I can use WMI to extract a list of all devices, but is there a way to only extract only those that are shown in that part of control panel rather than the full list?
I have searched online and found nothing relating to this and I can't even find what is the criteria for a device to appear in that list.
Is it possible to access the list of those devices that are shown in that list or, if not, is there a filter that can be applied to the full list that will only show those devices?
thanks in advance
I do it with p/invoke and COM interop by enumerating the shell items in Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinters and filtering by making sure that PKEY_Devices_CategoryIds contains an item starting with PrintFax.
There's no way to boil the necessary interop definitions down to fit in an answer, but this is the logic I use to enumerate the display name, the DEVMODE name, and images of any size:
public sealed class PrinterInfo
public string IdName { get; }
public string DisplayName { get; }
public Bitmap Image { get; }
private PrinterInfo(string idName, string displayName, Bitmap image)
IdName = idName;
DisplayName = displayName;
Image = image;
public static IReadOnlyList<PrinterInfo> GetInstalledPrinterNamesAndImages(Size imageSize)
var r = new List<PrinterInfo>();
using (var folderIdList = CreateDevicesAndPrintersIDL())
var folder = GetShellFolder(folderIdList);
var enumerator = folder.EnumObjects(IntPtr.Zero, SHCONTF.NONFOLDERS);
for (;;)
// If you request more than are left, actualCount is 0, so we'll do one at a time.
var next = enumerator.Next(1, out var relativeIdList, out var actualCount);
if (next == HResult.False || actualCount != 1) break; // printerChild is junk
using (relativeIdList)
using (var absoluteIdList = ILCombine(folderIdList, relativeIdList))
var shellItem = GetShellItem(absoluteIdList);
var idName = GetPrinterFriendlyNameIfPrinter(shellItem);
if (idName != null)
r.Add(new PrinterInfo(idName, GetDisplayName(shellItem), GetImage(shellItem, imageSize)));
return r;
private static ItemIdListSafeHandle CreateDevicesAndPrintersIDL()
SHGetKnownFolderIDList(FOLDERID.ControlPanelFolder, KF_FLAG.DEFAULT, IntPtr.Zero, out var controlPanelIdList).ThrowIfError();
using (controlPanelIdList)
GetShellFolder(controlPanelIdList).ParseDisplayName(IntPtr.Zero, null, "::{A8A91A66-3A7D-4424-8D24-04E180695C7A}", IntPtr.Zero, out var childDevicesAndPriversIdList, IntPtr.Zero);
using (childDevicesAndPriversIdList)
return ILCombine(controlPanelIdList, childDevicesAndPriversIdList);
private static string GetPrinterFriendlyNameIfPrinter(IShellItem2 shellItem)
// Devices_PrimaryCategory returns "Printers" for printers and faxes on Windows 10 but "Printers and faxes" on Windows 7.
using (var categoryIds = new PropVariantSafeHandle())
shellItem.GetProperty(PKEY.Devices_CategoryIds, categoryIds).ThrowIfError();
if (!categoryIds.ToStringVector().Any(id => id.StartsWith("PrintFax", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
return null;
// The canonical or "friendly name" needed to match the devmode
// https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/asklar/2009/10/21/getting-the-printer-friendly-name-from-the-device-center-shell-folder/
// PKEY_Devices_InterfacePaths doesn't seem to ever be found, but PKEY_Devices_FriendlyName works so...
shellItem.GetString(PKEY.Devices_FriendlyName, out var friendlyName).ThrowIfError();
return friendlyName.ReadAndFree();
private static string GetDisplayName(IShellItem2 shellItem)
return shellItem.GetDisplayName(SIGDN.NORMALDISPLAY).ReadAndFree();
private static Bitmap GetImage(IShellItem2 shellItem, Size imageSize)
return ((IShellItemImageFactory)shellItem).GetImage(new POINT(imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height), SIIGBF.SIIGBF_BIGGERSIZEOK)
.CopyAndFree(); // Bitmap.FromHbitmap is useless with alpha, so make a copy
private static IShellFolder GetShellFolder(ItemIdListSafeHandle itemIdList)
SHBindToObject(IntPtr.Zero, itemIdList, null, typeof(IShellFolder).GUID, out var objShellFolder).ThrowIfError();
return (IShellFolder)objShellFolder;
private static IShellItem2 GetShellItem(ItemIdListSafeHandle itemIdList)
SHCreateItemFromIDList(itemIdList, typeof(IShellItem2).GUID, out var objShellItem).ThrowIfError();
return (IShellItem2)objShellItem;
(C# 7)
Here's a full demo you can compile: https://github.com/jnm2/example-devices-and-printers/tree/master/src
For a C# 6 version which doesn't require ValueTuple, see https://github.com/jnm2/example-devices-and-printers/tree/master/src-csharp6.
I'm happy to answer any questions.
I am tring to control a power supply (from Kikusui), using the Kikusui device, USB-TP PIA4850. I use the library, Ivi.Visa.Interop. Following is the code where I am succesfully able to control the power supply, by setting the desired voltage.
(Link to programming guide: https://www.kikusui.co.jp/kiku_manuals/P/PIA4800/english/index.html)
(Link to operation manual: https://www.kikusui.co.jp/kiku_manuals/P/PIA4850_E5.pdf)
Using Ivi.Visa.Interop;
namespace USBTPTest
class USBTPController
private IResourceManager3 rm = new ResourceManager();
private IMessage iMessage;
public USBTPController() //to get the address of the device connected and open the address if found
string[] adrsList = rm.FindRsrc("?*");
if (adrsList.Count() != 0)
public bool Open(string str)
string addr = str;
iMessage = (IMessage)rm.Open(addr, AccessMode.NO_LOCK, 0, "");
//iMessage.WriteString("TRM 2");
iMessage.WriteString("NODE 5");
iMessage.WriteString("CH 1");
iMessage.WriteString("REM 1");
bOpened = true;
return true;
public bool SetVoltage(float vol) {} //method to set the desired voltage to the power supply, when called with an appropriate argument
The set voltage is checked by a multimeter on the power supply terminals. Similarly current is also set and checked. Until here the code runs and gives the expected results.
public string ReadVOut()
iMessage.WriteString("VOUT?"); //Query OUT(ON/OFF) measurement value
string VOutStatus;
VOutStatus = iMessage.ReadString(1024); //Read from PIA
return VOutStatus;
public string ReadIOut()
iMessage.WriteString("IOUT?"); //Query OUT(ON/OFF) measurement value
string COutStatus;
COutStatus = iMessage.ReadString(1024); //Read from PIA
return COutStatus;
The problem occurs when I read the voltage/current values being outputted. Although I am able to read the values correctly, sometimes reading Voltage using ReadVOut() gives current and vice versa. I am not able to figure out if its a fault in the code or in the power supply I am connected to, or something else. And kind of help/ideas/leads would be much appreciated.
I have run into an issue.
I am creating a small application for working with our phone configuration files.
I have created a Class called Phone and given it 4 properties:
private int extension;
private String sExtension;
private String userName;
private String filePath;
I have included the respective get/set methods as well as:
public String Extension
return sExtension;
public String Path
return filePath;
I have created a utility class that does most of the static work. Including a method to create a List<Phone> of phone objects to populate the ListBox.
Everything works to the point of returning the List<Phone> back as the datasource for the ListBox. I have set both the:
fileList = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "ext-*");
lst_Files.DataSource = Utility.populatePhoneList(fileList);
lst_Files.DisplayMember = "Extension";
lst_Files.ValueMember = "Path";
The problem I am still experiencing is the ListBox is still being populated by the object name (in reference to MSDN Article)
I have read through a couple articles on this forum and most mention the same issue that I may not be calling ListBox.DisplayMember correctly but I believe I am.
Edit: I have tried returning a List<T>, ArrayList,Array[].
Edit: Code for utility
public static List<Phone> populatePhoneList(IEnumerable<String> newFileList)
List<Phone> phones = new List<Phone>();
Phone p = null;
for (int i = 0; i < newFileList.Count(); i++)
p = getPhoneInfo(newFileList.ElementAt(i));
return phones;
public static Phone getPhoneInfo(String newPath)
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(newPath);
Phone p1 = new Phone();
String testLine;
while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
testLine = sr.ReadLine();
if (testLine.Contains("reg.1.displayName"))
p1.setUserName(testLine.Substring(testLine.IndexOf("\"") + 1, ((testLine.LastIndexOf("\"") - 1) - testLine.IndexOf("\""))));
if (testLine.Contains("reg.1.address"))
p1.setExtension(testLine.Substring(testLine.IndexOf("\"") + 1, ((testLine.LastIndexOf("\"") - 1) - testLine.IndexOf("\""))));
return p1;
After digging into this problem over the weekend I started disabling some event handlers on the ListBox and found that it is working as it should be. I found that my ListBox.SelectedIndexChanged event was catching the list before the system completely populated. My solution was to turn ListBox.SelectionMode to none then reset it once the ListBox was filled.
I am using the Xi interface to retrieve data from an OPC .NET server. The issue that I am having though is that the server seems to be incorrectly identifying a parameter as not being historized.
Even though all the information from DeltaV indicates that the corresponding parameter for the ObjectAttributes object returned from the server should indicate that it is collecting history, the IsCollectingHistory property actually indicates that it is false.
History collection is enabled:
The parameter in question is in the history collection:
I won't include the screenshot but I can also open the historical trend for that parameter. But as you can see below, when I inspect the retrieved object while debugging, it says that it is not being historized.
Here is some of the code that I am using:
FindCriteria criteria = createCriteria(path, false);
List<Parameter> parameters = new List<Parameter>();
IEnumerable<ObjectAttributes> enumerableObject;
int i = 0;
enumerableObject = iContext.FindObjects(criteria, 50);
catch (System.ServiceModel.FaultException)
//This error is thrown when no data is returned.
return null;
A few lines down, I then do some object initialization for my Parameter object, assigning it the properteries from the object that was received from the server. It is not shown below but I then add my Parameter object to a collection if it is being historized. It never gets added to the collection because the IsCollectingHistory property is always false.
enumerableObject = enumerableObject.Skip(1);
foreach (ObjectAttributes oa in enumerableObject)
Parameter _parameter = new Parameter
IsHistorized = oa.IsCollectingHistory,
IsLeaf = oa.IsLeaf
Any ideas on where I am going wrong?
After trying MotteAndBailey's answer, an error is thrown at the call to AddNewDataObjectToDataJournalList. The message associated with it is "The OPC HDA Create Browse failed".
Below is a screenshot of the error in a message box when using HDAprobe:
Some info on properties in OPC.NET -
The Xi server wraps the OPCDA and OPCHDA servers. The item properties (attributes) available on each server and the means of accessing them using Classic (DCOM) OPC vary considerably.
The OPCDA server provides a method for determining item properties:
This call provides the client with a way to read all an item’s attribute values using the item ID (string path for the item in the Server’s address space) and propertyID. The Xi server uses this call when performing a FindObjects() call. FindObjects() returns all the properties exposed by the OPCDA server for an item.
The OPCHDA server has a method for determining item properties, but it requires the item handle not the ItemID/path:
As a result, the FindObjects() call for an OPCHDA server through Xi only returns the item ID property. The other attributes are set to defaults. To determine what the actual values of the other properties are a user must add the item to a list and call ReadAttribute() on the specific property they wish to see.
In summary, the OPCDA server works pretty much like you would expect and returns the object properties in a single method call; however, the OPCHDA server requires an additional step to get all the object properties.
The sample code will produce an Xi Journal list with only the on-scan history items.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Xi.Client.Base.API;
using Xi.Client.Base;
using Xi.Contracts;
using Xi.Contracts.Data;
using Xi.Contracts.Constants;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using Xi.Client.CommonDialogs;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
namespace ConsoleFindObjectsHDA
public class DotNetSupport
IXiEndpointDiscovery iEndpointDiscovery;
IXiContext iContext;
IXiEndpointBase readEndpoint;
ServiceEndpoint RMSvcEndpt;
//the list of items the user is trying to read
IXiDataJournalList iDataJournalList;
public void GetSomeData()
//get a connection to an OPC.NET server
if (Connect())
//we have to have a list to add a tag to and hold returned datasets
if (CreateJournalList())
//now use the list to add items and read their attributes - only "good" ones will be left on the list
if (iDataJournalList.Count() > 0)
//at this point we <should> have a DataJournalList containing only the HDA items on scan
//we can use the normal data read methods to get history for the items if we wish
// <do some history thing here>
Console.WriteLine("\nThere were no points on-scan in the historian");
Console.WriteLine("\nPress <return> to exit program");
////clean up if we have open connections/contexts
//we will use FindObjects to browse all the leaves in the HDA server, then add them one-by-one to a datalist
//when we query their on-scan property and it is true we leave them on the list
//...if not, we remove them (giving us a list of the good HDA points)
void ListAllHDAItemsOnScan()
FindCriteria criteria = GetLeafCriteria();
IEnumerable<ObjectAttributes> enumerableObject;
//ask the server for a list of leaves...up to 50 max returned in this call
enumerableObject = iContext.FindObjects(criteria, 50);
//for each string itemID: add it to the list, read the attribute, and remove it from the list if not on-scan
foreach (ObjectAttributes oa in enumerableObject)
//we do not have to commit this because we have indicated the operation is NOT prep-only
Console.WriteLine("Adding OPCHDA item {0}.", oa.InstanceId.LocalId);
IXiHistoricalDataObject ixObject = iDataJournalList.AddNewDataObjectToDataJournalList(oa.InstanceId, false);
//we are getting the CURRENT (from NOW -to- NOW) item status
FilterCriterion fc1 = GetFilterCriteriaDateTime(DateTime.Now);
//tell the server what property (attribute) we want to read
List<TypeId> lstp = new List<TypeId>();
TypeId typeit = new TypeId("", "", DVServerAttributes.DELTAV_DVCH_ON_SCAN.ToString());
//read the property from the server
iDataJournalList.ReadJournalDataProperties(fc1, fc1, ixObject, lstp);
//find the current item and check it for "on-scan"
if (ixObject != null)
if (ixObject.PropertyValues.First().PropertyValues.UintValues.First() == 1)
Console.WriteLine("OPCHDA item {0} is on-scan.\n", oa.InstanceId.LocalId);
if (ixObject.PrepForRemove())
Console.WriteLine("OPCHDA item {0} is not on-scan. Removing item.\n", oa.InstanceId.LocalId);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Exception in FindObjects(). The exception is:{0}\n", ex.Message);
//create a filtercriterion for a specific date time - this is an EQUAL (not > or <) comparison operator
public FilterCriterion GetFilterCriteriaDateTime(DateTime dtChosenTime)
//simple timestamp filter which is used by the read call
FilterCriterion filterCriterion = null;
// this is a timestamp
string filterOperand = FilterOperandNames.Timestamp;
//make the given time with UTC/Local set to local time just to be sure
DateTime dtTmp1 = DateTime.SpecifyKind(dtChosenTime, DateTimeKind.Local);
object comparisonValue = dtTmp1;
//timestamp equal to this one
uint oper = FilterOperator.Equal;
//create the filter
filterCriterion = new FilterCriterion()
OperandName = filterOperand,
Operator = oper,
ComparisonValue = comparisonValue,
return filterCriterion;
//create a filtercriterion for leaves (OPCHDA items)
public FilterCriterion GetLeafFilterCriterion()
//simple filter for leaves
FilterCriterion filterCriterion = null;
// what this criterion applies to
string filterOperand = FilterOperandNames.BranchOrLeaf;
//Must equal "LEAF" to match
uint oper = FilterOperator.Equal;
//create the filter
filterCriterion = new FilterCriterion()
OperandName = filterOperand,
Operator = oper,
ComparisonValue = "LEAF",
return filterCriterion;
//set up the FindCriteria search of the server
public FindCriteria GetLeafCriteria()
FindCriteria findCriteria = null;
findCriteria = new FindCriteria();
//our browse starts at the root - NULL means "continue browsing from where you are"
findCriteria.StartingPath = new ObjectPath("//", "HDA");
//a list of OR-ed filter criteria (we have only one)
ORedFilters orthefilters = new ORedFilters();
//the FilterCriteria list (there is only one criterion)
orthefilters.FilterCriteria = new List<FilterCriterion>();
orthefilters.FilterCriteria.Add(GetLeafFilterCriterion()); //we want leaves
//add our OR-ed filter to the filterset filters list (whew!)
findCriteria.FilterSet = new FilterSet();
findCriteria.FilterSet.Filters = new List<ORedFilters>();
return findCriteria;
//connect to the OPC.NET server and get a read endpoint
public bool Connect()
//set this to point to your OPC.Net server
string serverUrl = "http://localhost:58080/XiServices/ServerDiscovery";
bool bReturnVal = false;
Console.WriteLine("Getting Endpoint Discovery from server:\n{0}\n", serverUrl);
//This class is used to locate a server and obtain its list of ServiceEndpoints.
iEndpointDiscovery = new XiEndpointDiscovery(serverUrl) as IXiEndpointDiscovery;
//we have the server...now check for endpoints
//there should always be TCP endpoints for a DeltaV OPC.NET server so we do not search HTTP and Named Pipes to find one
//and we do not consider choosing the fastest option between the three (TCP/HTTP/NamedPipes). We just use the TCP/IP one.
// GetServiceEndpointsByBinding searches the list of endpoints on the XiEndpointDiscovery connection with the specified contractType and binding type.
// We use the ResourceManagement endpoint to find the the other open endpoints on the server (some might be disabled)
IEnumerable<ServiceEndpoint> resourceEndpoints = iEndpointDiscovery.GetServiceEndpointsByBinding(typeof(IResourceManagement).Name, typeof(System.ServiceModel.NetTcpBinding));
//use the first (probably only) resource endpoint for TCP/IP to open a context between client and server
if ((resourceEndpoints != null) && (resourceEndpoints.Count() > 0))
var serviceEndpoints = resourceEndpoints as IList<ServiceEndpoint> ?? resourceEndpoints.ToList();
//pick the first RM endpoint we found
RMSvcEndpt = ((IList<ServiceEndpoint>)serviceEndpoints).First();
//Open the Context using the RM endpoint and some other values including timeout, what we want to read (HDA), and the GUID for this context
Console.WriteLine("Opening Client Context with Initiate\n");
iContext = XiContext.Initiate(RMSvcEndpt,
(uint)ContextOptions.EnableJournalDataAccess, //HDA
if (iContext != null)
//find a read endpoint using the XiEndpointDiscovery connection
IEnumerable<ServiceEndpoint> readseps = iEndpointDiscovery.GetServiceEndpointsByBinding(typeof(IRead).Name, RMSvcEndpt.Binding.GetType());
//if we found at least one read endpoint, connect the context to it
readEndpoint = null;
if (readseps != null)
Console.WriteLine("Adding Read endpoint to Context\n");
ServiceEndpoint sep = readseps.ElementAt<ServiceEndpoint>(0);
readEndpoint = iContext.OpenEndpoint(sep, 30000, new TimeSpan(5000));
if (readEndpoint != null)
bReturnVal = true; //everything went OK
Console.WriteLine("Unable to add Read endpoint to Context\n");
bReturnVal = false; //failed
Console.WriteLine("Unable to open Client Context\n");
bReturnVal = false;
catch (Exception)
bReturnVal = false;
return (bReturnVal);
public bool CreateJournalList()
bool retval = false;
//create a new list of HDA objects for this read
// update buffer
// rate rate filterset(not used here)
iDataJournalList = iContext.NewDataJournalList(1000, 1000, null);
if (iDataJournalList != null)
//we need to add the list to a read endpoint to give it data access
//enable the list so we can connect the items we add to it and read data
retval = true;
catch (Exception)
retval = false;
return retval;
public void Cleanup()
if (iContext != null)
} //class DotNetSupport
namespace ConsoleFindObjectsHDA
public class DVServerAttributes
//some DeltaV-specific OPCHDA attributes
public static uint DELTAV_DESC = 2147483650;
public static uint DELTAV_ENG_UNITS = 2147483651;
public static uint DELTAV_EU100 = 2147483666;
public static uint DELTAV_EU0 = 2147483667;
public static uint DELTAV_DVCH_LAST_DOWNLOAD = 2147483682;
public static uint DELTAV_DVCH_ON_SCAN = 2147483683;
public static uint DELTAV_NAMED_SET = 2147483698;
Is it possible to read the publisher name of the currently running ClickOnce application (the one you set at Project Properties -> Publish -> Options -> Publisher name in Visual Studio)?
The reason why I need it is to run another instance of the currently running application as described in this article and pass parameters to it.
Of course I do know my application's publisher name, but if I hard code it and later on I decide to change my publisher's name I will most likely forget to update this piece of code.
Here is another option. Note that it will only get the publisher name for the currently running application, which is all I need.
I'm not sure if this is the safest way to parse the XML.
public static string GetPublisher()
XDocument xDocument;
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ActivationContext.DeploymentManifestBytes))
using (XmlTextReader xmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader(memoryStream))
xDocument = XDocument.Load(xmlTextReader);
var description = xDocument.Root.Elements().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == "description").First();
var publisher = description.Attributes().Where(a => a.Name.LocalName == "publisher").First();
return publisher.Value;
You would think this would be trivial, but I don't see anything in the framework that gives you this info.
If you want a hack, you can get the publisher from the registry.
Disclaimer - Code is ugly and untested...
var publisher = GetPublisher("My App Name");
public static string GetPublisher(string application)
using (var key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(#"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"))
var appKey = key.GetSubKeyNames().FirstOrDefault(x => GetValue(key, x, "DisplayName") == application);
if (appKey == null) { return null; }
return GetValue(key, appKey, "Publisher");
private static string GetValue(RegistryKey key, string app, string value)
using (var subKey = key.OpenSubKey(app))
if (!subKey.GetValueNames().Contains(value)) { return null; }
return subKey.GetValue(value).ToString();
If you find a better solution, please follow-up.
I dont know about ClickOnce, but normally, you can read the assembly-info using the System.Reflection framework:
public string AssemblyCompany
object[] attributes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute), false);
if (attributes.Length == 0)
return "";
return ((AssemblyCompanyAttribute)attributes[0]).Company;
Unfortunately, theres no "publisher" custom-attribute, just throwing this out as a possible work-around
Okay, so I found this class online that "creates" a second desktop which does not run anything (ie, explorer.exe is not called and so forth).
However, this newly created desktop refuses to shutdown and go back to the orignal desktop. I have no idea whats going on. So if someone can try it on their machine, it would be very helpful.
note: assume all win api headers have been declared and work.
The class that "locks" the current dekstop:
namespace Locker
class CLocker
public static int DesktopHandle; // Hold desktop handle.
public static int oldDesktopHandle;
public static int DesktopInputID; // Hold desktop input id.
public static int DesktopThreadID; // Hold desktop thread id.
static string DesktopName = "DL.Locker.Desktop"; // Hold the name of new created desktop.
static FileStream TaskMan; // Hold the file stream object to control task manager.
static string FastSwitching = string.Empty; // Hold the original value of fast switching i.e. welcome screen
static string ShutdownWithoutLogin = string.Empty; // Hold the original value of showinh the shutdown button on welcome screen.
/// <summary>
/// Enabled used to enable or disable the locker
/// </summary>
public static bool Enabled
SetProcessPriorityHigh(); // Set the process priority to high.
if (value) // Enable or disable the locker?
CreateNewDesktop(); // Creating new desktop.
StartProcess(Application.ExecutablePath); // Starting the locker form, to allow the user to enter login info.
DestroyDesktop(); // Destroy the desktop.
ExitProcess(0); // Exit the current process, if desktop attached with no process, default desktop will be activated.
public static bool NeedBootStrapping()
Console.WriteLine((GetDesktopName() != DesktopName).ToString());
return (GetDesktopName() != DesktopName);
static string GetDesktopName()
int DLength = 0, DHandle = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId());
StringBuilder DName = new StringBuilder();
GetUserObjectInformation(DHandle, UOI_NAME, DName, 0, ref DLength);
if (DLength != 0) GetUserObjectInformation(DHandle, UOI_NAME, DName, DLength, ref DLength);
return (DName.ToString());
static void CreateNewDesktop()
DesktopThreadID = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId());
DesktopInputID = OpenInputDesktop(0, false, DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP);
DesktopHandle = CreateDesktop(DesktopName, "", 0, 0, GENERIC_ALL, 0);
if (DesktopHandle != 0)
public static void DestroyDesktop()
DesktopInputID = 0;
DesktopThreadID = 0;
DesktopHandle = 0;
static void StartProcess(string Path)
MessageBox.Show("Hello from startProcess");
static void SetProcessPriorityHigh()
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_BASE_PRIORITY_MAX);
SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS);
And the main() function:
static void Main()
if (CLocker.NeedBootStrapping())
CLocker.Enabled = true; // Check if we need boot strapping or not, if true then a new desktop will created.
else // Run application as usual.
MessageBox.Show("Hello, this is your new desktop");
CLocker.Enabled = false;
Update: This code does not compile. It comes up with about 40 red squiggly lines underneath the words saying "Does not exists in current context".
Dont pop a message box, which requires user input to clear, on a hidden desktop instance. That's usually the down fall of hosting UI code in services as well.
Also, it's a good idea to research any and all unmanaged API calls before just running the code.