MenuItem AutoClose = false on dynamically generated Toolstrip Menu - c#

So, following this question, I have been attempting to deal with a way to stop a drop down menu from closing when I click on an item.
In the linked question, one such answer suggested that I set the AutoClose property to false. I did so, and this did achieve what I asked. However, the way I implemented it means that the Drop Down menu is forced open.
Form Code:
public void ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ToolStripMenuItem item = sender as ToolStripMenuItem;
if (item != null)
item.Checked = !item.Checked;
item.DropDown.AutoClose = false;
I know why this is - the implementation means that there is no way to allow the AutoClose to be set to true. However, since the menuItems are dynamically generated in a different class, I don't have any events or objects to refer to.
This code copies the menu structure from the Main Form, and copies it across to recreate it in the "Profile View" (to set what users can/cannot see).
Controller Code:
private void PopulateProfileView(User_AccessProfilesView view, Menu_View mainMenu)
// Disabled Items are not able to be set, becasue they are either always visible for every user,
// or only visible to specific users (Administrator)
List<string> disabledMenuItems = new List<string>();
List<string> disabledSubMenuItems = new List<string>();
bool error = false;
bool subError = false;
_groupDictionary = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
// Populate the disallowed Menu Items from the Main Menu,
// and then add the items specific to the Profile View
// Populate the disallowed Sub Menu Items from the Main Menu,
// and then add the items specific to the Profile View
disabledSubMenuItems.Add("View All");
foreach (ToolStripMenuItem item in mainMenu.mainMenuStrip.Items)
ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(item.Text);
if (error == false)
// Add to the menu bar
menuItem.Click += new EventHandler(view.ToolStripMenuItem_Click);
foreach (ToolStripItem dropItem in item.DropDownItems)
if (dropItem is ToolStripMenuItem)
ToolStripMenuItem menuDropItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(dropItem.Text);
// Same concerns as above with regards to doing a substring check
// to decide if menu items should be excluded or not.
foreach (string s1 in disabledSubMenuItems)
if (!menuDropItem.Text.Contains(s1))
subError = false;
subError = true;
if (!subError)
menuDropItem.Click += new EventHandler(view.ToolStripMenuItem_Click);
else if (dropItem is ToolStripSeparator)
{ menuItem.DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); }
How do I implement the AutoClose property correctly so that if I click on a menu item, the menu won't close, but if I click on the menu header, or move the mouse away from the menu, or select another menu (either by click or mouse over), the menu does Close?
Apologies if this is a simple issue - I have been out of the game for roughly a year, and have to jump back into this and I am having a little bit of an issue following everything properly.

To solve the problem you can follow these steps:
You should determine which menu items should keep open even after clicking on them. I'll use "keepopen" as value of Tag property for those items that should be kept open after clicking.
For the menu item which contains those items, you need to get DropDown property and and handle its ItemClicked event and in the ItemClicked event, you should check if the item which is clicked is one of those "keepopen" items, then set DropDown.AutoClose of the container menu item to false. For other items, set it to true. It will prevent closing those "keepopen" item when clicking, while let other items close by click.
You should handle CheckedChanged event of those "keepopen" items and set DropDown.AutoClose to true. While using the Click event handler we prevented the items from closing, here we enable the closing again, so if the user click outside of the menu, it will close.
Then this would be the result, look at mouse clicks:
As an example, create an empty form and handle its Load event and use following code. When you click on SubMenu1, SubMenu2 or SubMenu3, they will just get checked or unchecked without closing the menu. But of you click outside the menu or on SubMenu4, it will close the menu.
const string keepopen = "keepopen";
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var menuStrip = new MenuStrip() { Dock = DockStyle.Top };
var menu1 = (ToolStripMenuItem)menuStrip.Items.Add("Menu1");
menu1.DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Submenu1")
{ Tag = keepopen, CheckOnClick = true });
menu1.DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Submenu2")
{ Tag = keepopen, CheckOnClick = true });
menu1.DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Submenu3")
{ Tag = keepopen, CheckOnClick = true });
menu1.DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem("Submenu4"));
menu1.DropDown.ItemClicked += (obj, args) =>
if (args.ClickedItem.Tag == keepopen)
menu1.DropDown.AutoClose = false;
menu1.DropDown.AutoClose = true;
.Where(x => x.Tag == keepopen)
.ToList().ForEach(x =>
x.CheckedChanged += (obj, args) =>
menu1.DropDown.AutoClose = true;


Custom Zedgraph ToolStripMenuItem won't check when clicked

I customize the right click menu thanks to this :
lineGraphControl1.ContextMenuBuilder += new ZedGraphControl.ContextMenuBuilderEventHandler(MyContextMenuBuilder);
private void MyContextMenuBuilder(ZedGraphControl control, ContextMenuStrip menuStrip, Point mousePt, ZedGraphControl.ContextMenuObjectState objState)
// create a new menu item
ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
// This is the user-defined Tag so you can find this menu item later if necessary
item.Name = "simple_cursor";
// This is the text that will show up in the menu
item.Text = "Simple Cursor";
item.CheckOnClick = true;
// Add a handler that will respond when that menu item is selected
item.Click += new System.EventHandler(DisplaySimpleCursor);
// Add the menu item to the menu
But the menu Simple Cursor won't check when clicked. I try to force the sender in the function DisplaySimpleCursor(), it doesn't work.
When I debug my app, I see that in DisplaySimpleCursor(), the sender's property Checked is set to true.
What am I missing ?
As the menu is build on the heat, the checkOnClick means nothing since the object is destroyed (I guess) everytime the menu is hidden.
The solution was to set the property :
// showOneCursor is a bool describing my need and toggled on click
item.Checked = showOneCursor;
Try this.
private bool check;
public bool Check
get { return check; }
set { check= value; }
private void MyContextMenuBuilder(ZedGraphControl control, ContextMenuStrip menuStrip, Point mousePt, ZedGraphControl.ContextMenuObjectState objState)
ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem();
item.Name = "simple_cursor";
item.Text = "Simple Cursor";
item.CheckOnClick = true;
item.Checked = Check; //add this
item.Click += new System.EventHandler(DisplaySimpleCursor);
private void DisplaySimpleCursor(object sender, EventArgs e)
Check = false==Check;

Adding/Removing events based on context

I am new to C# and WinForms. I have some objects with the right click (context menu) events. However, depending on the context (for example depending on whether the user is in the wizard screen or the main screen), I want to alter what the right click does. I googled a bit and found that I can use += and -= operators but I still could not achieve what I want to do. Given the code below, for example,
Any ideas ?
EDIT: I want the OnClickCard behave differently in different places.
Sammple Code:
public override ContextMenuStrip GetContextMenuStrip(GoView view)
if (Selectable)
ContextMenuStrip contextMenu = new ContextMenuStrip();
if (!Empty)
// this is just for example so not showing the implementation
contextMenu.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem(
new EventHandler(OnClickDelete)));
// Empty
ToolStripMenuItem addCard = new ToolStripMenuItem("Add");
foreach (..some data..)
ToolStripMenuItem card = new ToolStripMenuItem(
new EventHandler(OnClickCard));
return null;
private void OnClickCard(object sender, EventArgs e)
ToolStripMenuItem cardItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender;
if (cardItem.Text.Contains("ABC"))
Common.Forms.FormMMUSettings f = new FormMMUSettings(cardItem.Text,ParentMagazine.NextSite);
SetCard(new MagazineCard(2, cardItem.Text));
Are you saying you want to change the contents of the context menu depending on the circumstances when it's clicked? If so, the easiest way is to create multiple context menus, and just use an event to set whichever context menu you want.
ContextMenu menu1 = new ContextMenu();
MenuItem menu1Item1 = new MenuItem();
menu1Item1.Header = "Menu 1 Item 1";
menu1Item1.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(menu1Item1Clicked);
MenuItem menu1Item2 = new MenuItem();
menu1Item2.Header = "Menu 1 Item 2";
menu1Item2.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(menu1Item2Clicked);
ContextMenu menu2 = new ContextMenu();
MenuItem menu2Item1 = new MenuItem();
menu2Item1.Header = "Menu 2 Item 1";
menu2Item1.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(menu2Item1Clicked);
MenuItem menu2Item2 = new MenuItem();
menu2Item2.Header = "Menu 2 Item 2";
menu2Item2.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(menu2Item2Clicked);
public void menu1Item1Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
Now you can just set whichever menu you need using:
myForm.ContextMenu = menu1;
Hope this helps.
+= and -= should work just fine but I'd suggest you to use a kind of handlers repo where you'd switch which handler to use. This should work like a strategy pattern where different wizard steps would be different strategies.
It would be easier to help you if you'll show us some code and point us which code parts do not work properly.
You seem to suggest that you would like to attach different handlers depending on context:
obj.event += HandleThat;
obj.event += HandleSomethingElse;
That should work, but you can also do it in one handler:
obj.event += HandleAll;
void HandleAll(object sender, EventArgs arg) {
EDIT: ok, your edited question really meant something else.
First obvious problem is that you add OnClickDelete as a handler, and show the implementation of OnClickCard which will not be called in your example. If it is a typo, then you just need to implement the handler method as you need. What part exactly is not working?

How can i give a focus to a listBox in the constructor and when a new item was added?

In the constructor i did:
if (listBox1.Items != null)
But when im running the program i cant move with the keyboards up down in listBox since the focus is on a button somewhere else in the Form. I need to click with the mouse on the listBox to get the focus.
Another problem i want that when the user add a new item to the listBox the focus will be automatic on the last added item. For this problem this is the code where im adding a new item to the listBox:
private void KeysValuesUpdate()
using (var w = new StreamWriter(keywords_path_file))
crawlLocaly1 = new CrawlLocaly();
crawlLocaly1.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
DialogResult dr = crawlLocaly1.ShowDialog(this);
if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
if (LocalyKeyWords.ContainsKey(mainUrl))
LocalyKeyWords[mainUrl] = new List<string>();
if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel)
private void ClearListBox()
listBox1.DataSource = null;
string sb;
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> kvp in LocalyKeyWords)
for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value.Count(); i++)
sb = "Url: " + kvp.Key + " --- " + "Local KeyWord: " + kvp.Value[i] + Environment.NewLine;
listBox1.DataSource = data;
The question is why i cant set the focus in any of the cases on the listBox items ?
In the first case in the constructor the focus i want it to be on the last item in the list and also each time im adding a new item so the focus will be on the last added item.
Most likely, the item is being selected, you just can't tell because a different control has the focus. There are a couple of different ways that you can solve this, depending on the design of your application.
For the first part of the question, you should set the Focus in the Page/Form Load event, since at the constructor level controls are under initialization process.
Set the focus to the ListView first whenever your form is displayed. The user typically sets focus to controls by clicking on them. However, you can also specify which controls gets the focus programmatically. One way of doing this is by setting the tab index of the control to 0 (the lowest value indicates the control that will have the initial focus). A second possibility is to use the following line of code in your form's Load event, or immediately after you set the Selected property:
The problem with this solution is that the selected item will no longer appear highlighted when the user sets focus to a different control on your form (such as a textbox or a button).
For the second part of the question, selecting last added item in the ListBox, use the following code:
listBox1.SelectedIndex = listBox1.Items.Count - 1;
Looks like your ClearListBox method is actually a UpdateListBox method.
listBox1.DataSource = data;
listBox1.SelectedIndex = <index of newitem>;
// or
listBox1.SelectedItem = "text of new item";
If the new item is the last item, its index is listBox1.Items.Count - 1.

Prevent multiple instances of a page in TabControl

I am making an application where i am opening wpf pages in tab control. But i am able to open same page again and again in tabcontrol. I want that if once page is opened it can't be opened again and it should get focused on tabcontrol if i try to open it again. i did following code but not working. I am using a custom closableTabItem Usercontrol.
private void Set_Fee_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Adding page to frame and then adding that frame to tab item and then adding tab item to main tab.
FeeStructure feePage = new FeeStructure();
_closableTab = new ClosableTabItem();
_formFrame = new Frame();
_formFrame.Content = feePage;
_closableTab.Content = _formFrame;
_closableTab.Header = "Set Fee Structure";
if (!mainTab.Items.Contains(_closableTab))
private void Database_RecoveryBackup_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Adding page to frame and then adding that frame to tab item and then adding tab item to main tab.
DbRecoveryBackup dbRecBack = new DbRecoveryBackup();
_closableTab = new ClosableTabItem();
_formFrame = new Frame();
_formFrame.Content = dbRecBack;
_closableTab.Content = _formFrame;
_closableTab.Header = "Data Base";
if (!mainTab.Items.Contains(_closableTab))
It'll never happen, what you want because you're creating a new instance of ClosableTabItem everytime, hence it is unique everytime, so .Items.Contains will never work in this case because it matches items using object.Equals.
Now, Since you said in question that you only want one instance of ClosableTabItem, then
using Linq, you can check if in the items there exist any item of type ClosableTabItem,
// Here we're checking the array 'Items',
// if it contains any item whose type is 'ClosableTabItem'
if (!mainTab.Items.Any(item => item is ClosableTabItem)))

Setting ToolStripMenuItem.Visible to true doesn't work

I have a TreeView control for which each node in it I want to share a ContextMenuStrip which has two ToolStripMenuItems ie:
this.BuildTree = new MyApp.MainForm.TreeView();
this.ItemMenuStrip = new System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip(this.components);
this.DeleteMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem();
this.ShowLogMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem();
this.ItemMenuStrip.Items.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem[] {
So I show and hide these to items according to certain criteria on a right click in a MouseUp event. When both are hidden I hide the ContextMenuStrip itself. Problem is when I hide the ContextMenuStrip it seems the next time I want to show one of the menu items I have to click twice on the node. The strange thing is on the first click to reshow one or both of the the items I have the following code:
ItemMenuStrip.Visible = true;
ShowLogMenuItem.Visible = true;
The two lines above don't seem to do anything ie both remain false in the debugger view after stepping over each line.
I don't think I've got any events on these values being set at least I don't have any events attached.
What am I doing wrong?
I suggest you to set:
this.BuildTree.ContextMenuStrip = this.ItemMenuStrip;
to make the menu automatically open on tree right-click.
Then subscribe ItemMenuStrip.Opening event to change the visibility of items and the contextmenu itself:
void ItemMenuStrip_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
if (something)
e.Cancel = true; // don't show the menu
// show/hide the items...
If you need to know the current position of the clicked point (e.g. to check if a tree node is clicked), you can use Control.MousePosition property. Note that MousePosition is a point in screen coordinates, so you need to call treeView1.PointToClient(position) to get the tree coordinates e.g. :
private void ItemMenuStrip_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
var pointClicked = this.BuildTree.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition);
var nodeClicked = this.BuildTree.GetNodeAt(pointClicked);
if (nodeClicked == null)
// no tree-node is clicked --> don't show the context menu
e.Cancel = true;
// nodeClicked variable is the clicked node;
// show/hide the context menu items accordingly
So figured out what was going wrong I was setting Visible on this.ItemMenuStrip rather than the this.BuildTree.ContextMenuStrip.
This seems rather strange to me as I would have thought BuildTree.ContextMenuStrip was just a direct reference to the ItemMenuStrip but apparently not.

